#sim: rakeem freeman
occultpuppy · 1 year
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Just some cute pictures of baby Miles Ramiro Freeman! This little man is the light of his parent's eye and couldn't be more proud of his progress every day!
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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Well, the timing couldn't be any more apt- Shortly after the family celebrates the growth of their son to a new lifestage, Megan's water breaks. Save the cake for later, time to grab the hospital bag.
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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It's time for Megan's ultrasound for baby number two- She's just hoping the baby is healthy. She's been having a rough time with Ramiro lately and she couldn't tell if it was just her dealing with post-partum depression or if he was just being super defiant.
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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Yeah so fully expect to see Ramiro pop up more often than Miles- Miles is a great name but Ramiro is just perfect for my baby boy! ;;
Also lookout, I got my tablet out again
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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While enjoying dinner, Miles adds his own opinion to the conversation. The family has a good laugh and Rakeem is immediately on the job of getting Miles to say Dad first.
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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This baby is so friggin cute, I can't. I hate that I won't get much time with him at this stage bc holy shit he's so cute. 😱💜💜💜
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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Megan and Rakeem catch an early breakfast together while Miles is asleep. He reminds her with a kiss blown from across the table that even though she's mom now, she's still the same beautiful woman he chose to marry and she had his full support.
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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It's time for Ramiro's birthday! He's grown up so fast and Megan made sure to order a cute cake from the local grocery to celebrate.
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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Rakeem and Ramiro get together to scheme an 'I Love You' gift for mommy. The two come up with a beautiful macaroni card and some things Ramiro was not familiar with; Rakeem knew though. Being a dutiful husband, Rakeem surprises Megan later that afternoon with Ramiro and her reaction was priceless! Megan was very thankful that they took the time to show her appreciation and that Rakeem's present would come later.
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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The stress and build up of his home and business life finally take hold and Rakeem decides to take a day off from work. He just can't remember what other music producers were in that jam session that day and needs to blow some stuff up on Fortnite.
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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Daddy brought some new toys home for little Ramiro and he couldn't be happier!
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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Little Ramiro aka Cubby has been pretty self-sufficient between his defiance. He doesn't cause damage so much as grief but sometimes, he just watches his mom nap and has an incredibly hard time NOT crawling into bed with her.
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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Rakeem comes home to find Megan SOBBING and Ramiro just watching TV without a care in the world. Rakeem encourages his wife to take a break and treat herself to a soak and some pampering while he takes care of their son and dinner. Post-partum has been rough on both of them and Rakeem has been taking on more work to make up for the lack of revenue and to escape his incredibly emotional and pregnant wife. It's been a push and pull to their balance of their marriage and even though good news keeps pouring in for the blooming family, things beneath the surface aren't always so easy.
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occultpuppy · 1 year
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