#simi stone
ethansakura · 1 year
Inspired by the Aventurine tree, I gave it a try and attempted to make my own stone trees.
Buuuuuut they look more like bouquets than trees. 😂
I don’t mind! I really like how they turned out so I’m going to make more while watching my shows.
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Finally have a use for my little bead stones other than for necklaces that I’ve been keeping for years.
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charonte-simi · 2 years
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jasmancer · 1 year
X-Ray Spex
Bad Brains
Pure Hell
The Muslims
Pleasure Venom
Fuck U Pay Us
Big Joanie
Nova Twins
Tina Bell: frontwoman of the band Bam Bam, often called the Godmother of grunge because of its influence. Racism within the scene has led to her influence being pretty extensively erased but her bandmate and lifelong friend Scotty Buttocks has been working hard to counteract that by doing press and preserving their music here. Kurt fucking Cobain was their roadie
Betty Davis: 70s funk rock legend who just recently passed away. Incredibly unique performer that was way ahead of her time. Not to be confused with Bette Davis.
Sistah Grrrl Riots: A black punk collective put together in response to alienation and racism in the 90s punk and riot grrrl scenes. Organized by legends Tamar-Kali Brown, Honeychild Coleman, Maya Glick, and Simi Stone. You can read more about sistah grrrl in this article.
Ronnie Spector: Frontwoman of the Ronettes and rock n roll pioneer. Black girl groups were a huge influence on the sound of Rock n Roll as we know it from The Beatles to Led Zepplin to the Rolling Stones. She recently passed but her autobiography came out last year and it's worth the read.
Black Diamond Queens: African American Women and Rock and Roll by Maureen Mahon
Rip It Up: The Black Experience in Rock N Roll by Kandia Crazy Horse (Anthology)
Shotgun Seamstress Zine Anthology by Osa Atoe
POC Zine Project @poczineproject
Maya Glick's Storm fan film RAIN
Black Women in Rock Archive
IMDb for the documentary Afro-Punk (2003) currently not available for streaming in the US
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blorbocedes · 5 months
im half asleep but simi lesbians stone cold butch light blonde buzzcut kimi and curly mousy brunette seb trying so hard to signal TOP ME TOP ME TOP ME whenever she sees her. (kimi knows but she's in idgaf mood)
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song-birds-stuff · 6 months
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Because I see a lot of people giving trolls their own stylized design and with a simi-au in mind I decided to take a crack at it, with some notes
Branch while gray was unable use hair camouflage or use his hair as easily so while still building the bunker (which took until he was 11) he needed other ways to defend himself ala manually sharpening his teeth and making gloves that give him claws due to pop trolls having rounded teeth and no claws or nails to speak of so Branch at a young age took matters into his own hands.
Being exposed to predators before the bunker was finished Branch stayed in a small and cold cave for shelter and made him need to fight and find ways to keep himself safe, as a result he got many scars from fighting and even killing predators, his oldest and now most sensitive scar is a large, deep claw mark on his back only hidden by his vest, he doesn't like looking at it, closes his eyes getting dressed in the mirror and he tends to freak out a little if someone touches his back where the scar is.
Branch being gray and colorless for so long had the side effects of him having patches of gray in his fur that will never fade, because he will never be the same troll he was before losing everything, including his colors, he can mentally recover and be in a better place, but he will always be deeply affected by it.
While Branch sharpened his teeth to be big and sharp, his brothers only have sharp canines, like fangs, John Dory's is only a little sharper and a pale comparison to Branch's teeth that would put a beartrap to shame.
Raising himself near the kinda comically dangerous Pop Forests, Branch's feral survivalist lifestyle still has an effect on him though since getting his colors back he tries acting 'normal' in front of other trolls, Poppy preferrs it when he doesn't pretend though; the animalistic behaviors and survivalist mannerisms is part of him and Poppy loves every part of him.
Troll tails are long and prehensile, though they can't stretch it or change color like their hair, it can be used to balance on the trees and used for swinging in forests, it can also be used to hit smaller predators with enough strength, as far as the pop troll tails go at least, it depends on the genre of troll though the tail texture will also matter on how its raised and around what sort of trolls, this is where my poprock Branch hc comes in, still having the dip the pop tail does, but with thinner fur.
Branch actually didn't take too much care of his fur while gray, making it shaggy, coarse, and not as fluffy as pop fur should be like Poppy's he is trying to take better care of it now as a form of learning self care, Branch has thicker fur due to not bothering to trim it not seeing the point.
Troll antlers are hard as stone, but they are less durable and strong when trolls are children, its for this reason Branch's antler broke when he fell from the troll tree when he lost his grandma, troll antlers don't grow back, they do not shed, Branch's antlers will always be like that, troll antlers are usually used for scaring predators that are smaller than them or rubbing antlers with a significant other as a form of intimate acts of affection.
Branch grew up not really eating a regular meal due to surviving on his own, it stunted his growth a bit, making him shorter than he probably would've been at his age now, Poppy being taller, Branch's head (minus hair height) is about to her chest as a result.
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irondadfics · 3 months
Hey! There’s a fic at ao3 that I read during the the pandemic, and I was thinking about it for weeks—tried looking for it, but no luck! Basically: Peter uses the gauntlet, snaps, badly hurt, but survives. I think he was in a coma? Anyways I think he was in wakanda and he’s simi-possessed by the stones that freaked everyone out, and the stones ARE Loki, Gamora, Vision and someone else too and are stuck with Peter while he tries to find a way bring them back too somehow? Thank you! 💕
hello, it’s been awhile for you, but we found two fics that might fit.
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time-is-restored · 1 year
more whinging bc i got negative hours of sleep last night and i need to stay awake somehow lol
cw: discussions of misogyny + abuse
god the more i think abt it the more exhausted i get by the gender politics of ted lasso.
like god i do genuinely think that rebecca's arc in s1 is one of the best depictions of a mean + cruel woman ive ever seen on TV specifically bc it manages to thread the needle so well? like they never tilt her balance too much and doom her to being either totally fucked up + evil OR totally soft and sweet and harmless. and ted's 'divorce makes u crazy' response to her apology STILL makes me crazy wrt the sheer. understanding and empathy there, and she's just. given so much more depth than ive come to expect, especially for an ensemble cast sitcom w a (then) p short run time.
but my fucking god. we literally don't learn a fucking thing about michelle. im pretty sure the one (1) concrete thing we know about her comes in the fucking finale, and it's that she's a teacher for... something. the two most important people in ted's life and we don't know anything abt them! they're literally just empty symbols representing the importance of Family™, and that vacancy does nothing but weigh ted's storyline down!
like, i liked michelle's episode/storyline in s1, bc the blinding novelty of a woman instigating a divorce not being the Actual Devil, as well as a just. generally very empathetic + nuanced take on how divorce shakes out between two ppl who really care for each other, was so 'WAIT TV CAN DO THIS??' that i felt satisfied with that being Her Arc™. divorce happens, life happens, people fall out of love, and it hurts but its ultimately okay. the show, at the time, was ultimately abt a football club and how caring abt that football club helped everyone around it.
but then the show sticks around, and her continued absence just... raises a lot of questions? how did the conversation abt ted going overseas happen? what conversations did they have abt henry? how long term was it intended to be? did money really not factor into it all? like it's one thing for a character's backstory to be vague when it's not really the focus of attention (s1 was ultimately rebecca's story before anyone else's), but when it's the load bearing stone of their '''''''arc''''''' in s3...????
like. god. and then it fucking infects every other woman on the show!
sassy + nora? well sure we'll give you a softball - you can have one (1) scene where a woman is able to resolutely and firmly reject a man asking her out without immediately being seen as cruel or gameplayey (not that the audience will see it that way! she's already a lecherous temptress for them!), but neither of them will ever be able to speak to rebecca onscreen again, even after the heart-wrenching scenes in s1 CLEARLY establishing them as a beating heart of rebecca's arc.
shandy? nope, don't even think abt her motivations/drives, just forget her. simi? LMAOOO imagine a black woman getting a personality beyond righteous anger. jack? three-four episodes, and we learn so little abt her that her conflict with keeley - which SHOULD'VE have been a huge emotional beat - just feels like a kick in the teeth (and while, yes, i absolutely agree that in a real world context, jack's rejection of keeley would be largely motivated by class, in Ted Lasso Land™ rebecca is just as rich - if not richer? - and we're never once encouraged to interrogate her priorities).
barbara's the one that really makes me miserable, bc i feel like on a show with less run time, she could've played REALLY well. she's a great contrast to keeley, has an amazing delivery, and the scene where keeley + her first discuss the snowglobes shows that she has the potential for some really moving vulnerability + pathos. but instead they give SO many of keeley's scenes to characters who ultimately get written out, so when barbara stays it's like... okay? sure? like, i was so stoked that barbara survived the Mass Exodus of side characters that i didn't wanna look the gift horse in the mouth but... wasn't the last thing we saw of her and keeley's relationship like. general resentment + distrust abt the shandy debacle? when did that improve? how???
i don't think i'll ever have enough mental real estate to explain how disappointed keeley + rebecca's 'arcs' in s3 made me, and at least there's the saving grace that. virtually no one other than jamie got a coherent arc this season, so at least it was on some levels an egalitarian screw up. but fuck dude. keeley was just forced to react to bad things that were happening to her, and we got to see her do her job (which, unbelievably, does actually involve things other than being an awkward manager!) precisely one (1) time.
i even like rebecca's arc on paper - i think it's really cool to see a character backslide so intensely in terms of obsessing over and struggling to come to terms w a past relationship, especially an abusive one, bc like. yeah! that shit sticks with you for longer than a season! and beyond that, seeing her regain her sense of self and what SHE actually gives a shit about was oftentimes just as sweet as s1. but her scenes were poorly connected, and she had to carry WAY too much of a burden as the Resident Speech Giver for any of her internal characterisation to make sense. like, sorry, but it's kind of hard to believe a character's Going Through It™ when they have to spent near 100% of their screen time giving Take It From Me, Kid, speeches. and then she's not even given a real opportunity TO fuck up + sabotage her relationships, even when she starts getting really weird w ted! it's all just so meaningless and like nothing that she does is ever going to matter. she never speaks to zava again, we don't get to see her interact w bex or kate, her pleas to ted get COMPLETELY shut down...
but the thing that REALLY makes me sick is this complete lack of interiority absolutely butchers the characters of jade + jane, who are otherwise RIFE with potential. like, jade is a completely unflinching, unapologetic asshole to nate + his family, and that's never interrogated. even in Sitcom Land™, it's more than reasonable to view jade's actions as racist, especially when she doesn't give the same treatment to others (at least not as i recall? honestly i usually watch the taste of athens scenes while peeking out behind my hands, so i could 100% be wrong here). and yet, suddenly, and completely inexplicably, she's charmed by nate. she wants to give him the time of day. she finds him attractive, and wants to date him, and generally take control of his life and force him into a decision that is literally the exact opposite of what he expressed wanting to do. except even that LAST thing isn't allowed to be interrogated, bc god FORBID a woman is enough of a fully realised creation to actually be culpable of the terrible shit they do!
and fucking jane??? beard's so head-over-heels for this woman that the emotional abuse + extremely controlling tendencies don't even make him bat an eye, and we don't get to know anything about her? she's literally just the suggestion of an alluring woman! good at sex! good at chess! fuck you if you wanna know more, even though the show ENDLESSLY hits you over the head with how painful their relationship is for beard - beard who is given virtually no other storyline. like, i literally can't read brendan's refusal to label jane as abusive as anything other than like. that bio-essentialism shit where ppl 'women are better than men <3' so hard that they end up genuinely and wholeheartedly arguing that someone's sex defines their morals - or worse, that their sex is a deciding factor in determining whether someone's actions are good or bad. not context, but a legitimate 'add points if woman, take away points if man' variable.
like that's so feminism 101 it's legitimately almost worse than nothing. that's like getting as far as 'hey so you know how we're all inundated with both implicit + explicit messaging abt what is Valued and Good for women vs men to-' before shoving ur earplugs in and going 'if you are oppressed by society we'll automatically stamp a 'good person' label on ur head and now we don't have to think abt any of our biases + internalised beliefs ever again <333'. the most useless and fucking pointless stand against the patriarchy ever, especially coming from the same show that ENDLESSLY slots characters into the 'loving gf/wife' archetype and then give them Literally Nothing Else. my comrades you have literally just done madonna/whore 2: oops all madonnas! this is not liberation!!!! this is a miserable cage!!!!!!!!!
im just. higgins' wife. mae. trent's daughter and anonymous 'her'. the women at the hotel and the restaurants and the firm and the fucking physios, fuck - dani's gfs! who are they? what do they want? where do they go when the camera stops rolling? can anyone hear me?? hello??? hello???? brendan hunt i am OUTSIDE YOUR HOUUUUUUSE
#ted lasso spoilers#ted lasso meta#ted lasso critical#dead girls by p.enelope s.cott has been stuck in my head for approximately a month bc of this fucking show#its so fucking nuts being treated to rebecca + keeley in s1 and then slowly realising w dawning horror that its literally only down from#here. and also listen nothing but respect to my comrades out there who can take michelle + henry as written#and immediately + painlessly extrapolate from their significance in ted's life to viewing them as like. important figures narratively#but to me they literally never got beyond the carboard cutout stage? like. yes thank you if u love ur family its sad when u leave them.#why'd he leave them then lol.#LIKE. if both michelle AND henry are just these. passive vessels who are neither invested in ted staying OR leaving london#and the only motivation we're EVER given for ted's move is 'michelle wanted space'. like sorry for wanting an actual deconstruction of ted'#motivations rather than the worst mystery box of all time! if i wanted a story abt 'man misses family :( please don't ask any questions abt#the family in question-' i could just close my eyes and imagine a stock image of a sad business man.#wagh. ted bud they gave you so much potential + so many demons and then just wiped them away w no exploration outside of like. two#scenes w sharon. u are also in this cage king but at least u got a good two seasons of mc character energy before they locked the door :(#something something sorry for having an ace attorney witness stand breakdown when the show i liked Was Bad. do u still want to be mutuals
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lavendervenom · 1 year
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Flyer for the first Sista Grrrl Riot. Photo by Honeychild Coleman, 1997.
*Exerpt taken from the article "Sista Grrrl: The Feminist Mother of Afro-punk" written by Taiwo Adebowale on the Catalyst*
"In the late 90s, Tamar Kali-Brown, Simi Stone, Honeychild Coleman, and Maya Sokora met up and created the Sista Grrrl Riots in response to the Riot Grrrl movement. Unlike the previous movement, the Sista Grrrl Riots were made by black women for black women. Many former Riot Grrrls attended sold-out shows at popular clubs such as Brownies and CBGB. The voices of the ignored were reverberated by the Sista Grrrls. Distorted guitars, bombastic drums, and the voices of female punks were amplified through the shows. This counterculture liberated black female punks from restricting their self-expression. The Sista Grrrl Riots created a community that challenged the notion that punk is reserved for those who are white. As Riot Grrrls, these women were rarely heard, but as Sista Grrrls, their sound and statement spilled out of venues and changed punk forever."
some sista grrrl riot songs or those inspired by the movement that you can check out🖤
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justanechoflower · 2 years
*Gets a few rocks and puts them around you in a simi circle and etches some runic symbols into them one for protection, determination and the other for healing.*
Alright flowey can you humor me and embed those stones with a little bit of monster magic,if the norse symbols on those stones are right then nothing can really harm you.
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The City of Los Angeles and the State of California have preserved a large amount of natural land in the San Fernando Valley, including Stoney Point, where the Gabrielino Indians lived for many centuries. The Indians used rock formations and cliffs to construct their settlements, and stone-art (petroglyphs or pictographs) is still visible today throughout the park’s trails.
When Spanish explorers first came to the region, they discovered that the area was home to the Tongva-Fernandeno, Chumash-Venturano and Tataviam-Fernandeno Indian tribes. These Native American peoples were trading partners with the European settlers and had their own villages and sacred sites.
After the Spaniards arrived, they created Mission San Fernando, and a road, the Old Mission Trail, to connect this area with Mission San Buenaventura and other missions up and down the California coast. This road, called Rinaldi Street in today’s Chatsworth, crossed the railroad tracks at Stoney Point.
This historic path remains the most prominent route for visitors to travel through the Simi Hills, with a number of parks and trails in the vicinity. The Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park and the Chatsworth Nature Preserve, both located here, provide scenic views of the rocky landscape and wildlife that inhabit it.
Besides being an excellent place to enjoy the outdoors, Chatsworth has several other amenities that make it a popular destination for people in the Los Angeles area. It is a quiet, suburban community that offers strong schools, a healthy economy and a wide variety of outdoor activities to residents of all ages.
The locals are friendly and have a great sense of community. There is plenty of shopping, dining, and entertainment options that are accessible to all.
There are several hiking trails in the area, including Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park and the Old Stagecoach Trail. These trails offer beautiful views of the surrounding cliffs and canyons, as well as historical sites from the 19th century.
In addition, there are a few rock climbing and bouldering areas where you can practice your skills and climb on top-ropes. It is important to respect local climbing ethics when going out there, and do not add bolts or use sport climbing equipment to the existing routes.
For those who enjoy climbing, it is a great way to get out and explore the wilderness in Los Angeles. This is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike to come and take advantage of the breathtaking views, as well as the fun opportunities to climb up and down the mountain.
It is also a good spot to hike with kids, as it’s not too difficult and the terrain is fairly flat. There are several picnic areas in the park where you can sit and watch the scenery go by, as well as a playground for the little ones.
The community is also known for its many events and festivals, including the annual Harvest Festival. Whether you want to enjoy the scenery, take in a movie or have dinner with friends, there is something for everyone to do in this beautiful town.
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charonte-simi · 1 year
I'm so fucking nervous waiting to hear back about this job i hate this uncertainty
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alexgandel · 3 days
1013 Scioto Cir Simi Valley, CA 93065 from Alex Gandel on Vimeo.
Welcome to Wood Ranch, where this delightful single-story home in the coveted Regalia community awaits. This charming residence features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and offers 1,842 sq. ft. of spacious living on a prime 6,949 sq. ft. cul-de-sac lot, complete with stunning hilltop views from the front. As you approach, you'll be greeted by a flower-lined walkway leading to the front entry door with glass side lights. Inside, the marble foyer opens into the living and dining areas, showcasing dramatic pillared arches, a chandelier and a picturesque bay in the dining area, while the living room is adorned with plush carpeting, custom window treatments, and a soaring ceiling that enhances the space's grandeur. The secondary bedrooms are both spacious and refined, featuring mirrored closet doors and windows overlooking the side yard. The marble-lined guest bathroom includes a tub for relaxation. The laundry room is well-equipped with storage shelves, a large closet, and includes newer washer and dryer units. The primary suite is a private retreat with vaulted ceilings, a ceiling fan, and opens to the back patio with privacy. The en suite marble-lined bathroom boasts a luxurious walk-in shower with a seat, marble and stone accents, a hand-held shower head, and a vanity with dual sinks, mirrors, a skylight, and a walk-in closet. From the dining area, a radius throughway leads to the family room featuring marble flooring, vaulted ceilings, a cozy fireplace, and a large window overlooking the backyard. The adjacent kitchen is complete with pendant lights over the breakfast bar, marble counters and backsplash, white cabinetry with some glass display doors, a garden window, stainless steel appliances including a KitchenAid dishwasher, GE double oven, Maytag cooktop, LG refrigerator, pantry, recessed lighting, and a charming breakfast nook with French doors to the backyard. The serene backyard is perfect for entertaining, with a concrete patio, lush grass area, vibrant shrubbery, and fruit trees including peach, apricot, and fig. This light and bright home features neutral wall colors, skylights, raised panel interior doors, and radius throughways and windows. Located in the desirable Wood Ranch community, you'll enjoy beautiful greenbelts, walking paths, proximity to the Wood Ranch Golf Course, parks with multiple playgrounds and pavilions, and the Wood Ranch shopping center. This home is a true gem, offering a perfect blend of elegance and comfort in a prime location.
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webberestates · 23 days
6573 Whitewood St, Simi Valley, CA 93063
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Beatifully Updated Simi Valley Home Welcome to your dream Simi Valley home at 6573 Whitewood St.! This beautifully updated 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom single-story corner lot home offers a serene oasis spanning 1,567 sqft. Step inside to admire the new large plank flooring, custom baseboards, and fresh interior paint throughout this inviting floor plan. The primary bedroom is a luxurious retreat, featuring a lavish travertine stone walk-in shower and an upgraded vanity sink. The kitchen boasts elegant Corian countertops, seamlessly connected to a formal dining room and a spacious family room with a cozy heating stove and a real wood-burning fireplace. French doors lead to a serene backyard with a covered patio and lush greenery, perfect for outdoor relaxation. This Simi Valley home continues to impress! It features two additional spacious bedrooms and a modern full bathroom. The extra-large garage provides ample storage and space for a work area, refrigerator, and washer & dryer. The home features upgraded exterior stucco, a durable cement shingle tile roof, and a cement driveway. Located in a prime area of Simi Valley, this home is nestled in a delightful neighborhood, ready to welcome you home. Discover the perfect blend of modern amenities and classic charm at this Simi Valley home – your ideal sanctuary awaits! For a showing of this beautiful home at 6573 Whitewood St., please contact Kevin and Carie Webber. They are experienced, top-producing real estate agents dedicated to helping you find your dream home. Reach out to them at 1-805-4-WEBBER to schedule your private tour today. Read the full article
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frogersonlydotcom · 30 days
I just had a dream about Dinners Drive-ins and Dives where Guy Fieri stops at a RV converted into a restaurant owned by two dwarf brothers. He finds out their only customers are obscure simi-precious stone miners.
One is introspective, has glasses and a baseball style jacket, and spends lots of time on the roof looking into the into the middle distance. The other is more busy and sounds like Stevo. I don’t know which one is younger or older.
After they all squeeze into the rather small kitchen and drivers compartment for Guy. He says “alright let’s get started I’m excited to see you guys work.”
The second brother then sets on the floor and replies “can’t… there’s no slaw!” Guy asks what he means but he just repeats “there’s no slaw!”
This is where the episode ends.
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Not "all girls" to the front.
Featured in the last collage is Sista Grrrl Riots, a punk band featuring Tamar Kali-Brown, Simi Stone, Honeychild Coleman, and Maya Sokora. Sista Grrrl was created in response to the dominance of whiteness within the Riot Grrrl scene. They amplified the voices of black women, contributed greatly to the Afro-punk scene, and made space for the inclusion of marginalized coloured women within this scene.
In terms of representation online (visually), there is little to be found on Sista Grrrl Riots, in comparison to the Riot Grrrl movement which appears to generate endless content online...
This is representative of how white-washed the early days of feminism were -- who received the most attention, and who is still revered as revolutionary for women's liberation to this day.
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orbitalpirate · 7 months
For the most recent ask you posted:
Richard Montlaur
Colin Hughes
Sam Obisanya
Bonus (because I don't know if you've seen the show): Mike Stevens (one of Phil Dunster's many glorious roles)
So I unfortunately don't know the last one but I will gladly do the rest :) ty!!
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual
Gender Headcanon: cis boy
A ship I have with said character: Janchard <3
A BROTP I have with said character: Jan and Thierry
A NOTP I have with said character: zava probably
A random headcanon: religious trauma galore (if anyone wants me to rant say the word and I will go off)
General Opinion over said character: my favorite whore
Sexuality Headcanon: canonly gay
Gender Headcanon: cis man
A ship I have with said character: I have so many but I'll say jamiecolin
A BROTP I have with said character: Colin and Will!!
A NOTP I have with said character: Nate and Colin
A random headcanon: he knows so little lgbt history and about the culture, after he came out some of the guys will make references to him about queer stuff and he blue-green he only knows sport car, Drake lyrics, and hot boys
General Opinion over said character: I wanted him to cry more and get even more hurt, whump king
Sexuality Headcanon: unlabeled mainly attracted to women but he is just having fun
Gender Headcanon: cis+
A ship I have with said character: Robisanya is cute and I would have loved him with Simi
A BROTP I have with said character: Sam and Jamie
A NOTP I have with said character: was not a fan of sambecca
A random headcanon: king of making references people don't get, he reads so much fiction and loves ratatouille and just assumes things are cultural touch stones
General Opinion over said character: the show did him dirty, should have had a bigger arc s3
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