erikdragon · 1 year
Erik: Still
Erik: Not at all
Erik: I literally woke up and couldn't breathe without marrying him
Erik: It was ridiculously corny, but it was honest
Erik: I love him.
Erik: But yes, would you like to be my best man?
Erik: Because I wanted to make this whole thing out of asking you, but the doves came in the wrong color so I had to send them back, then I waited months for the tequila you like to arrive in stock just to have them cancel my order and then the flowers weren’t fresh enough and it was too cold to have the picnic so I waited for the perfect moment and yeah
Erik: I think Seth thought I had already told you
Erik: But yeah
Erik: Now you’ve ruined the surprise
Jason: You’re ridiculous. You just needed to text me, idiot
Jason: Maybe but still, I had to pretend I already knew and I’m sure he didn’t buy it
Jason: I’m happy for you, man, I’m glad you finally took that step. How was it? did you make a whole show like the one you described?
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erikdragon · 1 year
Erik: Because I wanted to make this whole thing out of asking you, but the doves came in the wrong color so I had to send them back, then I waited months for the tequila you like to arrive in stock just to have them cancel my order and then the flowers weren't fresh enough and it was too cold to have the picnic so I waited for the perfect moment and yeah
Erik: I think Seth thought I had already told you
Erik: But yeah
Erik: Now you've ruined the surprise
Texts: Erik & Jason
Jason: So why is it that I haven't been asked yet to be your best man?
Jason: and why did I have to hear about this from your brand new fiancé?
Jason: you have one text to explain. Go ahead, I'm waiting.
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erikdragon · 1 year
Sent to Erik's place with a Note attached to it :
Merry Christmas, Erik! (I'm sorry i don't know your last name) I wanted to thank you for telling me about the town's lore and the awesome dragon story!!! So, I thought you might like those books to find more cool stories! Let me know what you think!
Best regards, Avery Wright.
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"Well that's fitting"
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erikdragon · 1 year
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Delivered to @ofarlows with a card that reads:
"Hey there, neighbor! I'm Erik, from the mansion on the hill. I just wanted to wish you a great winter time and leave the door open in case you'd like to come by for some drinks some time. -Erik"
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erikdragon · 1 year
Erik: Not on my watch you're not
Erik: You'd be surprised at the caliber of the people you have around you who are hellbent on keeping you alive rn
Erik: Not a reference, just a suggestion. You should at least use your predicament to try out things for the first time again.
Erik: Coconut fried shrimp, Maya. Do it.
Erik: You're a kickass lab experiment, come on
Erik: Yucks, you’ve glowed up a lot since then, that place was a dump
Erik: The Chinese place beside it though had some pretty delicious coconut fried shrimp
Erik: What? I know people who knows people, I’m sure we can come up with a couple of tests to figure out what happened
Erik: I’m kinda hoping for a “hit my head in the shower” story though, it’d be a nice change
Erik: Are you at your place?
[TXT] Well, I’m pretty sure I’m going to die soon anyway so
[TXT] Or I was pretty sure, I guess
[TXT] You know I don’t understand that reference
[TXT] Great, love to be a science experiment
[TXT] Yeah. 
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erikdragon · 1 year
Erik: Yucks, you've glowed up a lot since then, that place was a dump
Erik: The Chinese place beside it though had some pretty delicious coconut fried shrimp
Erik: What? I know people who knows people, I'm sure we can come up with a couple of tests to figure out what happened
Erik: I'm kinda hoping for a "hit my head in the shower" story though, it'd be a nice change
Erik: Are you at your place?
[TXT] Actually I don’t know, that’s the point.
[TXT] Spells can take days to prepare 
[TXT] Two mornings ago
Erik: Fair enough
Erik: What’s the last thing you remember?
Erik: I’m gonna make a few calls
Erik: I’m assuming Warren already knows?
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erikdragon · 1 year
[TXT] Actually I don’t know, that’s the point.
[TXT] Spells can take days to prepare 
[TXT] Two mornings ago
Erik: Fair enough
Erik: What’s the last thing you remember?
Erik: I’m gonna make a few calls
Erik: I’m assuming Warren already knows?
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erikdragon · 2 years
Erik: Oh you know, being kidnapped TWICE in a couple of months and then almost getting yourself toasted, the usual
Erik: Come on, what do you take me for? If it was a spell from either of us, don't you think we would've already gotten you back on it?
Erik: When did you realize the memories were gone? This morning?
Erik: Oh
Erik: I gotta say I’ve never met a human more prone to incidents like this, so that sounds about right
Erik: But yeah, being left alone? That’s not happening
Erik: We’re getting your memories back
Erik: Did you feel any other symptoms? Maybe we can figure out if it was a concussion or an aneurysm or just a spell
[TXT] What other incidents? 
[TXT] I’m handling it. 
[TXT] After all, for all I know you and Warren are just doing damage control on some spell that wore off.
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erikdragon · 2 years
Erik: Oh
Erik: I gotta say I've never met a human more prone to incidents like this, so that sounds about right
Erik: But yeah, being left alone? That's not happening
Erik: We're getting your memories back
Erik: Did you feel any other symptoms? Maybe we can figure out if it was a concussion or an aneurysm or just a spell
Erik: Since day one I’ve told you I’d break his face if he hurt you, what makes you think I’m worked about him?
Erik: Was it your grandparents?
Erik: I can do this all day, Maya
Frustrated and head pounding like a drum, Maya took a minute to look through her old text messages with this Erik person. She probably should’ve done that first, but she hadn’t expected the conversation to go like this. They were friends, evidently. Like everyone she kept running into. Whatever Stepford Wife version of herself this was seemed to be friendly somehow. Which meant she was fucked on pretending like everything was fine and normal. 
[TXT] I don’t know what to think. I can’t remember anything since landing in the motel a year ago. 
[TXT] I don’t know who you are. I don’t know Warren. I’m not whatever Barbie Doll version of Maya Parker I was a few days ago and I’d like to be left alone. 
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erikdragon · 2 years
Erik: Since day one I've told you I'd break his face if he hurt you, what makes you think I'm worked about him?
Erik: Was it your grandparents?
Erik: I can do this all day, Maya
Erik: Come on, we are past this
Erik: Was it Warren?
[TXT] There’s nothing to talk about
[TXT] If you’re so worried about Warren talk to him and leave me alone
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erikdragon · 2 years
Erik: Come on, we are past this
Erik: Was it Warren?
Erik: Are you going to tell me what happened?
[TXT] Nothing “happened”, I’m fine
[TXT] And I’m very tempted to say no to your earlier request
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erikdragon · 2 years
Erik: Are you going to tell me what happened?
Erik: I’m coming over.
[TXT] You really don’t have to. 
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erikdragon · 2 years
Erik: I'm coming over.
Erik: You sound off, is everything ok in paradise?
Erik: I’ve lived in the same place for the last 600 years, Maya
Erik: Which makes me think she’s not the one typing, is she?
Erik: If you like your limbs attached to your body, I hope there’s not a strand of her hair out of place when I get there.
[TXT] Everything’s fine
“Shit,” Maya cursed to herself. Clearly, she was supposed to know his address. She wasn’t sure how she was going to get out of this one. 
[TXT] It’s definitely me typing. 
[TXT] See?
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erikdragon · 2 years
Erik: You sound off, is everything ok in paradise?
Erik: I've lived in the same place for the last 600 years, Maya
Erik: Which makes me think she's not the one typing, is she?
Erik: If you like your limbs attached to your body, I hope there's not a strand of her hair out of place when I get there.
Erik: Okay, you were right, I'm gonna need those cookies
Erik: I may have a very cranky angel in my bed who I woke up at "an ungodly hour" to make up to
Erik: Do you think I could get a batch for the afternoon? I can drop by and pick them up before he comes back from the bakery
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erikdragon · 2 years
Erik: What were the ones you said would calm down a bear? I have no idea how mad he's gonna be when he's dead tired at the end of the day
Erik: You sure? It's quite a walk, who knows the dangers you may find on your way
Erik: Have you ever read Red Riding Hood?
Erik: Okay, you were right, I'm gonna need those cookies
Erik: I may have a very cranky angel in my bed who I woke up at "an ungodly hour" to make up to
Erik: Do you think I could get a batch for the afternoon? I can drop by and pick them up before he comes back from the bakery
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erikdragon · 2 years
Erik: Okay, you were right, I'm gonna need those cookies
Erik: I may have a very cranky angel in my bed who I woke up at "an ungodly hour" to make up to
Erik: Do you think I could get a batch for the afternoon? I can drop by and pick them up before he comes back from the bakery
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erikdragon · 2 years
Continued from here (x)
Deep in the library, Maya was attempting to reshelve a couple of books high on a few shelves. She climbed the rickety wooden stairs with ease. She only carried two books, not wanting to overload herself. After all, the stairs weren’t entirely stable. Scanning the books’ spines, she realized that she had not lined up the mobile stairs correctly. She didn’t want to go down, move it and come back up. Instead, Maya leaned over to slip the book back into place. She could feel the stairs tipping, but she had it under control. 
Well, at least, she had it under control until the stairs suddenly righted itself underneath her. She let go of the book she was putting back, leaving it half hanging off the shelf, to grab the railing. “What the…” she cursed under her breath. As Maya looked down to figure out what had happened, she heard Erik’s voice float up to her. “I wouldn’t have died,” she replied, “I would’ve broken a leg at most. Maybe a concussion.” 
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