damseljamsel · 1 year
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Kiwi's Intro
Dear Diary,
Hi, I'm Kiwi Quirky! My life has just completely turned upside down so I thought it might be a good idea to start a diary to make sense of it all! I guess I could describe myself as incredibly naive, sweet to a fault, and as my mother would say over and over again, so very ugly.
I think that's why I just LOVE wearing bows!! My mother would always say I was just putting "lipstick on a pig", but I still love them with all my heart. They make me feel pretty, even if I am.....well, not!
So anyways, my life has changed completely in the last year! My mother passed away, and left me the house that we lived in. Growing up I didn't really leave the house much. Mother said I was too ugly to go outside....she was forever protecting me like that! She made sure I always wore dark and baggy clothes too, so that no one would notice my ugliness and feel compelled to throw things at me.
After mother passed away, things have started to really change. I was so scared to go out at first, but I realized that I love going outside! No one ever throws anything at me, and people actually smile! Not only that but I love pretty clothes!! With bows, of course.
Life has been a whirlwind of change, but the biggest question I have is, what happened to Strangerville? Is it normal for some people to act so crazy? To walk around in a daze and not speak coherently? I know I am new to being around people but this isn't normal....is it?
Stay tuned!
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maximuswolf · 4 years
Porcelain teapot "Abnormal Parts". First it was drawing series for me but decided to take it a bit further :) via /r/Ceramics
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Porcelain teapot "Abnormal Parts". First it was drawing series for me but decided to take it a bit further :) https://ift.tt/2MsGr5k Submitted January 27, 2021 at 02:56AM by simkiwi via reddit https://ift.tt/3t1W1pu
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magicartanddesign · 4 years
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The Witch ,by simkiwi
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sarahopkinsart · 4 years
Video of my other, nearly-finished art journal. Lots of stickers and messy sketches. I can't remember where I got every single sticker, but I know this book has stickers from @oliviafaust.art , @simkiwi , @catmallardart , @miss.feliks , @legendarylynn , @marikapaz , and @k.makowsky ... I apologize if your sticker is in here and I forgot. Please send me a message and I'll tag you! 🖤 #sketchbookflipthrough #flipthrough #artbook #artbook #thesketchbooksociety #sketchbookart #sketchbookclub #sketchbookartist #artjournalpage #artjournaling #artjournal #stickercollection https://www.instagram.com/p/CAWXAgtDN2H/?igshid=djuo0048cmzc
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damseljamsel · 10 months
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Kiwi's First Kiss
Dear Diary,
I KISSED A BOY!!! Can you believe it? Growing up, I knew I wasn't pretty. Mother always made sure I knew that I would never have friends, or a boyfriend, or even a family. I accepted that and lived my life through all the books I loved to read. But...can it be? It is possible....?? Was mother wrong???
Jaxx and I have been going on walks together daily for weeks. Today when he got to my house, he was quieter than usual. I've gotten to know Jaxx, and he's always endlessly teasing me, smiling and joking.
But today he seemed almost somber as we walked, and as we headed to our favorite spot in town, he grabbed my hand to hold! I was shocked, both by the fact that he wanted to touch me, and by the bolts of lightning that seemed to shoot from his touch all the way down to my toes, making my knees weak.
We continued walking and holding hands, with me barely able to breathe. We were both quiet for a moment and when we got to our favorite spot, he stopped and turned to me. He took my face in his hands, and he seemed to search my face for something. He finally said, "Kiwi, please believe you are beautiful, because you are". Then he slowly bent down and kissed me!! HE KISSED ME!! I HAVE BEEN KISSED!!!!
Before I knew what was happening, my arms were wrapped around Jaxx as the world slipped away. I could almost feel his surprise as I sunk into him, but once I did, the kiss deepened and I was lost in the moment, thinking of nothing but Jaxx and how wonderful it felt to have him so close.
As our kiss ended, I found myself slowly returning to earth. I couldn't help but laugh as he broke out into the world's biggest grin, and before I knew it, he grabbed my hand and continued our walk. He was back to the Jaxx I knew, all smiles and laughter, now seeming to be the happiest I had ever seen him.
The rest of the walk was a blur, and I as I write now in my diary, I can't help but wish it would write back and answer some questions! Can Jaxx possibly like me? Am I beautiful like he keeps saying? Was mother wrong about me? I need to think about this...
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damseljamsel · 11 months
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Jaxx Majors
Jaxx is a strong, loyal, and caring man. He has a heart of gold, which he hides with his witty banter, making everyone around him laugh. He grew up in a rough neighborhood with an older brother who basically raised him. His parents had abandoned them both, and when Jaxx was 17, his brother was shot and killed.
Jaxx's life has been really tough, but after his brother's death, he decided he wanted a better life. He joined the army, and truly found a place he loves. He loves having a purpose, and he loves helping and protecting people because no one really ever did that for him.
Jaxx has found meaning in his life, but he still searches for true happiness. He was just recruited to Special Operations, and he thought that once that happened, he would find the joy he was missing. But he soon realized that it wasn't enough.
THEN....he saw HER. She was lovely...but it was so much more. She radiated warmth and kindness and as he found himself staring at her, feeling things he had never felt before. He immediately longed to sweep her up in his arms, and kiss her adorable freckled face.
Just as he was ready to approach her, he saw her suddenly grabbed by the local crazy in town, Erwin Pries. Erwin was known for his crazy conspiracy theories, but seemed mostly harmless to Jaxx. As soon as her saw Erwin grab her, he started running towards them. Harmless or not, he wouldn't let anyone hurt this lovely girl.
As he approached them, he saw her smile at Erwin, gently holding his hand and talking. She seemed to calm him immediately with her words, and her smile. Erwin walked away minutes later, and Jaxx couldn't tear his eyes from this breathtaking woman, whose smile he felt could possibly heal the world.
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damseljamsel · 1 year
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Kiwi's House
Dear Diary,
Well, hello again! I talked about me last time, so I thought this time I would talk about my house! I inherited the house after my mother passed away. She really enjoyed things that were black and grey, and the house was no different.
Gosh, I sure did hate it! Mother told me repeatedly that it was better for me to be around dark and drab things though. After all, my ugliness would stand out far too drastically around bright and pretty things. She was wise like that.
BUT....Guess what??! I redecorated anyways! I mean, I'm pretty much terrified of most people, who would ever come to my house? I don't think most people would want to be around someone like me to be honest. That's why I made the house so colorful and appealing, full of plants and flowers. Because I feel like that's the opposite of me.
Well, that's it for now! As I finish up the house, I am starting to want things I never thought I would want before. I want to walk outside! See things and explore. Maybe I could figure out why people are acting so weird in Strangerville....??
Bye for now!
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damseljamsel · 11 months
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Kiwi's Questions
Dear Diary,
Well! Let me tell you, life has sure gotten strange! I know that I am not very world travelled, (actually I rarely was allowed to leave the house until recently), but I don't think the things that are happening in Strangerville are normal!
People aren't acting like people at all! I ran into the mayor on the street, and he was spouting gibberish! I tried to talk to him but it was like I wasn't even there. Jessica from down the block was acting the exact same! I couldn't get her to talk at all! I've also started to notice these weird plants popping up all over town too. Is it all related?
To be honest, I haven't been out in the world very long, and I think I would have chalked it up to that...but then I met this man at the park. He was speaking clearly....sort of? He grabbed my shoulders out of nowhere and pointed deep into the desert, rambling about ALIENS!!! He said soon we would all be possessed!!
I'm honestly so confused. I've read so many books and my favorite has always been mysteries...and it's starting to feel like there's a mystery in town! As I write in my journal in the park today, I have nothing but questions.
Wait a minute...is that man staring at me?? Is he wearing a uniform? Better go for now....I'll write soon!!
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damseljamsel · 11 months
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Kiwi's Life
Dear Diary,
My life has been CRAZY! I mean, crazy for someone who never really went outside before....! When mother was alive, all I did was stay inside and read and paint. I know she didn't let me outside to protect me, but I can't seem to help it...I do so love it outside!
I've been spending my days exploring the town I don't really know. Strangerville is so beautiful, and I am really enjoying doing everything outside! I've been spending my days walking, painting, reading, and even collecting!
I have been absolutely loving it, but it's so scary to be outside for me. I keep hearing mother in my head, telling me people are so cruel, that they will hate me for my ugliness. She would say over and over that people would throw things at me, that they would recoil in horror at the very sight of me!
But guess what? No one has thrown anything at me!!! In fact, some people even SMILE at me, can you imagine? To be honest, it's making me confused. Why don't people hate me like mother warned? Somedays, I have so many questions!!
Well, that's it for now! Write soon!
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damseljamsel · 10 months
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Kiwi's Day
Dear Diary,
Guess what??? Jaxx came over today!! He called me the very NEXT day after we met, and said he was in the neighborhood and wanted to drop by. I wanted so badly to ask why but I was too excited and didn't want him to change his mind.
It was such a wonderful time! He came over and said he had a surprise. As he reached behind his back, I briefly thought he might be reaching for something to throw at me, finally realizing just how ugly I was. When he gave me a flower instead, I was both stunned and completely thrilled!
We spent hours talking in the garden. I have always loved my garden dearly, it was the only thing mother ever let me do outside, and something about the beautiful flowers around me always made me feel pretty, even knowing I wasn't.
We had such a wonderful time. Jaxx seemed to always look at me with amusement in his eyes, and so much of what I say just seemed to make him laugh out loud. Although whenever I mentioned mother and her protective ways, his eyes seemed to harden with anger. It would leave so quickly though, I could never be sure.
As Jaxx was leaving, he looked into my eyes with a seriousness I hadn't seen before. He said that I was beautiful. When I immediately tried to disagree, looking down at the ground, he lifted my chin gently until I was staring into his eyes again. He simply said, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life, Kiwi".
As I stood there in shock, amusement crossed his face once again. "See you soon, beautiful", he said as he turned and left. As he walked away I couldn't help but wish with every fiber of my being that he was telling the truth...
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damseljamsel · 10 months
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Kiwi's Encounter
Dear Diary,
You'll NEVER guess what! After my strange encounter in the park with a man rambling about aliens, I was approached yet AGAIN by a stranger!! Mother said all the time when I was growing up how people would hate me if they saw me. She said I would disgust them so much that they would have no choice at all but to throw their shoe at my face due to my ugliness....but I am so confused....because that is not happening at all!
This man was wearing a uniform, and he was just standing there, seemingly watching me. As I caught his gaze, my first instinct was to run all the way back home. I was waiting for him to yell at me, chase me away, or possibly throw a shoe. But he did no such thing!
As he saw me staring at him with worry on my face, he broke out into the biggest, most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my life. His eyes seemed to twinkle as he looked at me, and before I knew it he was sitting right next to me, introducing himself!!
He introduced himself as Jaxx Majors, and said he worked at the military base in town. Before I knew it, I was having the best conversation of my entire life! We talked and talked, and it was wonderful. Jaxx was intelligent, charismatic, and loved the same mystery books that I also adored.
I even began to forget my ugliness. In fact, even though I knew this man probably just pitied me, it didn't matter at all. Because for the first time in my entire life, I was connecting with another person, and it felt so magical it didn't matter why.
We were chatting for hours, when I noticed the moon high in the sky. Jaxx offered to walk me home as it got dark, and of course i said yes. I didn't want this wonderful night to end, with this man who made me feel like an actual person, worthy of friends and love.
We reached my door, and then some really crazy things started to happen! He asked if he could have my number and call me...and as my brain was racing to figure out why, he leaned forward and kissed my hands, and said he had a great night!! On autopilot, I told him my number, wondering what on earth was happening.
He started to walk down my driveway, then turned when he had almost reached the end. He waved and smiled, and for some reason, it felt like all the air was sucked out of my body. I had no idea what had just happened, but I knew that I would be thinking about it for a long time...!
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