#sims 3 roaring 3020s gameplay
murfeelee · 4 years
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Maximalism WIPs Pt2: Pianos
Me just testing some upcoming CC~~~! ^_^
As y’all might’ve noticed in the last gif, there’s a wee bit of a problem with the Grand Piano.
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It’s a UV Mapping issue that I simply can’t fix. It shows up particularly bad on some, but not all of the variations.
So my concern/question comes down to whether or not I should:
remove the worst variations, even though they’re so dang pretty
upload the piano as-is, anyone who doesn’t like it can sod off
don’t upload the piano, it’s a piece of junk, Murf, you should be ashamed
Decisions, decisions.... U_U
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murfeelee · 4 years
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“The man’s got his own MONEY!”
And here I was, about to upload this minset when SFS started acting up. XD
The spiritual successor to my post of Sakura in her money vault, so I had to give the guys a post, too.
- Coin Piles by me
- Cash Piles by Noiranddark
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murfeelee · 4 years
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Hotel Luck - Interior Pics Pt1
Just wanted to share my WIPs for Hotel Luck, cuz I’m actually really pleased with how it all came out.
These are the Inspo reference pics I used off of Pinterest & Google:
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murfeelee · 4 years
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The Roaring 20s - 3020 AD Pt1: Meet and Greet
Sakura Rain arrived in Oasis Landing, bright and early. Following the directions on her GPS, she found Hotel Luck easily.
Stepping inside the lobby, Sakura was greeting by one of the androids.
"Hello, I'm Sakura Rain. I have an appointment with Mr. Lucky?"
The android approached, beaming Sakura in the bright light of her frontal lobe scanner.
"Identification confirmed. Sakura Rain. Species: Homo fatum. Subspecies: Prunus serrulata. Scan completed: 0900 hours, by Android Jane 57821. Mr. Lucky will see you now. Follow me."
Sakura and Jane rode the elevator to the top floor of Hotel Luck, where the man himself was indeed waiting.
"Miss Rain, please, take a seat. We have much to discuss."
I’ve been dying to do this gameplay for ages. Y’all will start seeing the inspirations I’m pulling from as the posts continue. 
But yes, when 2020 started I was like “It’s the Roaring 1920s again!” But it’s really REALLY not. XD (And in 3020 Earth won’t even exist if we don’t blow ourselves off the face of the frikkin planet.)
On second thought, considering the plague and depression in the 1920s, and the coronavirus and recessions in 2020, omg it’s EXACTLY like the Roaring 20s. (-‸ლ)
But I like to imagine that maybe 3020 will look something like the Space Age Atomic Age we were promised anticipating watching the Jetsons, Star Trek OST, and the Twilight Zone.
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- Sakura’s hair, boots, shades, leggings from ITF.
- Sakura’s outfit and claws: I nearly had a heart attack this morning, cuz apparently ChiSims/MTCakestore is down!? WTF IS GOING WITH MY FAVE SITES LATELY? First Simszoo now MTCakestore; I’m gonna cry.
- Car by EA (From their Dr Pepper promo - direct DL)
- Hotel Luck is a complete redo of a lot I downloaded off the Exchange; Clover Club.
- Jane’s hair, ITF boots, pants IDER, top is a mesh edit I fudged up on from this dress.
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murfeelee · 4 years
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The Roaring 20s - 3020 AD Pt3b: Lucky to be Here
The Naga slithered around, as Mr. Lucky and Ryuu tried to think of what to do next. "Honestly, darlings, stop gawking at the girl and let's get her properly dressed, at least!" "Ah! This is Ella de'Mon, one of Mr. Lucky's top lieutenants in our syndicate. She'll show you around, get you situated." "What's your name, love," the vampiress asked. "I am Kushinaga." "Don't you worry, Kushinaga; I'll see to it that you are safe and happy here at Hotel Luck. Now, it's makeover time~!" Ella had her assistants call for the finest silks and furs, stylists and fashion experts to make Kushinaga presentable for Lucky's party that evening. "Hi, I'm Bella. You'll get used to everything eventually. Mr. Lucky treats us right." Kushinaga asked, "What...isssss thissss place?" "We're a rescue, for Occults. I was abducted by aliens. Mr. Lucky bought your egg from a fae who smuggled you out of Dragon Valley just in time; those crazy elves were going to make an omelette out of you!" Ella piped up, "He turned me into a vampire after I almost died in a car crash. We're all Lucky to be here!" Meanwhile, the man of the hour was taking a breather with Ryuu. "How did you find little miss Sakura, Lucky?" "She found me, don't know how. Word gets around, I guess. The Unseelie Court had a falling out with the Dragon Valley elves, and she took some of their eggs with her." Ryuu sighed, "A girl after my own heart. I am most eager to speak with her." "Well, you'll get your chance tonight at the party." "I certainly will."
- Ella hair, outfit from the Store
- Kushinaga hair, robe by Artsims (made recolorable by me)
- Girl’s hair, dress, doll skin
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murfeelee · 4 years
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The Roaring 20s - 3020 AD Pt2: A Lucky Deal
"Thanks for seeing me today, Mr. Lucky. I’ve heard so much about the work you do.”
“Indeed. I hope this meeting proves to be an advantageous alliance between our organizations. I believe you have something you wished to show me?”
“Here it is!“ Sakura summoned the egg, presenting it to the kingpin, who perused it in silence for several moments.
After he had had some time to salivate, Sakura banished the egg away again. “I’m sure you understand the significance of what securing one of these dragon eggs means. But I must admit, Mr. Lucky, I’m not at all certain what advantage I’ll have, not keeping it for myself."
Mr. Lucky could barely keep from laughing in Sakura’s face. “Oh, I understand exactly what you mean. Jane! Show our little faery what a Lucky Alliance looks like."
“Yes, Mr. Lucky. Presenting: $108 million, to be paid to Miss Sakura Rain upon completion of today’s transaction.”
Sakura couldn’t contain her glee. “Ah, I see! Mr. Lucky, you’ve got yourself a deal, and a dragon egg!“
“Splendid!” Mr. Lucky’s fangs gleamed in the light as he smiled widely. “A pleasure doing business with you, Miss Sakura. Please come back to Hotel Luck tonight; I’ll throw a party to celebrate."
Sakura accepted the briefcase full of money, and the invitation. “See you tonight then!“
Mr. Lucky waited until the women were back on the elevator. “So, Ryuu-San, what do you think?"
The dragon that had been silently observing the entire meeting finally stirred.
My sim Mr. Lucky was directly inspired by the IRL model Mekhi Alante Lucky, who was born with heterochromia. I love his vampiric photoshoots, so I decided that the next vampire I made would be based in some part on him.
My sim!Lucky unfortunately didn’t turn out resembling him at all, but oh well, I still like him.
I did much MUCH better on my next IRL sim inspiration~!
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- Lucky’s eyes by Noah, suit at the Store, skin, hair, finger armor
- Briefcase (decor, accessory), money
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murfeelee · 4 years
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The Roaring 20s - 3020 AD Pt4b: Dance with Me
Violet Stars Happy Hunting (Simlish, Sims 2) -- Janelle Monae ♪ ♫ ♬
At the party, Mr. Lucky’s syndicate lieutenants enjoyed good music, good drinks, and good company. Sakura and Bella Goth got acquainted with each other, and Ella de’Mon and Kushinaga sampled the liquor. Meanwhile, Ryuu kept cutting his eyes over to Sakura’s table, as Mr. Lucky sighed, exasperated.
“For goodness’ sake, Ryuu! Just ask her to dance already.”
“Won’t she think I’m coming on too hard? First the flowers, now a dance?"
“Anything’s better than sitting here like a sweaty creeper, staring at her. Here, I’ll go first; follow my lead.”
Mr. Lucky asked Kushinaga-Hime to dance, and Ella and Bella paired up for a jig as well.
Ryuu gathered his courage, “Miss Sakura, won’t you do me the honor of dancing with me?“
Already feeling like a wallflower, Sakura happily accepted, “Of course!"
And so they all danced the night away.
I wish the vintage decor microphone was functional; like a different karaoke machine version. Or something the SHT EP Singer career could use. Why TF would EA even make it decor? So useless. >_<
- Sakura, Ryuu, Lucky & Kushinaga CC listed here.
- Ella de’Mon: hair, dress at the Store, tiger pattern, fur wrap
- Bella Goth: hat, dress, fur stole, pearls
- Jane 57821: basegame tux I think? shoes at TSR
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murfeelee · 4 years
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The Roaring 20s - 3020 AD Pt4: Smitten
That evening, Sakura returned to Hotel Luck for Mr. Lucky’s celebratory party. He greeted her at the door, where Sakura gifted him with Faery Dust in thanks. 
“Please, come in; there are people eager to meet you."
“Miss Sakura, may I present Miss Kushinaga-Hime, most recently smuggled out of Dragon Valley by your bold efforts."
“Pleassssed to meet you, Misssss Ssssssakura. Thank you for resssscuing me from the elvesssss.”
“Oh my!“ Sakura sniffled, “They grow up so fast! Let me embrace you as your new Auntie Sakura, Kushinaga-Hime!"
When the ladies parted, Ryuu stepped forward, “I beg you to introduce us, Mr. Lucky."
“Miss Sakura, this is Mr. Ryuu Tsumajiro.”
“Ah! Your draconian aura feels familiar to me, Ryuu-san; were you present at my meeting with Mr. Lucky this morning?"
“Beautiful as well as sharp! I am mighty enchanted. Please, accept this token of my favor, Miss Sakura!“ Ryuu-san conjured up a bouquet of pink roses, which Sakura accepted eagerly.
Mr. Lucky rolled his eyes. “Come, Kushinaga; let us share the lift, and leave these two to catch the next one up to the party."
But Sakura and Ryuu barely heard him, as they were lost in each others’ eyes, rapidly falling for one another’s charms.
Daw, Sakura and Ryuu meet for the first time! :3 <3
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- Sakura: hat, hair, dress, LN shoes, arm puffs in beta by me
- Lucky: hat, clothes at the Store (Midnight Hollow I think? IDER); necklace by me
- Kushinaga: dress, fur stole, necklace, feather fascinator
- Ryuu: hat, suit at the Store
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murfeelee · 4 years
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The Roaring 20s - 3020 AD Pt3: Dragons
Mr. Lucky called out, “So, Ryuu-San, what do you think?“
The dragon that had been silently observing the entire meeting between Mr. Lucky and Sakura Rain finally stirred. His form shifted, from that of an innocuous sculpture, to living flesh.
“Resourceful little Unseelie, that Sakura."
“The EGG, Ryuu, not the girl.“
“Heavens above! 1000 years old and you’re still a grump, Lucky.”
“You gonna do your job some time this millennium and help me hatch this thing or what?”
“Fine, fine! Let’s incubate it, and see what happens."
Time was of the essence, as the egg was just about ready to hatch. When it did, a precious Jade Dragon was born!
Ryuu called out to it, “Appear in humanoid form, my dragon brethren!"
The Jade Dragon shifted, and revealed itself as a serpentine Nagini, a female Naga.
“Welcome to Oasis Landing, sister.”
“It’sssssss good to be here, brother."
This Roaring 20s Gameplay is basically supposed to be my weak AF attempt at a prequel, of both my Sakura Avatar Gameplay series, and my Crystal Edo Tokyo series.
So this takes place before Sakura and Ryuu become a couple...even though it’s in the future...mind your own business, I do what I please.
I’m also re-introducing Kushinaga Hime, from my Crystal Edo gameplay. I never did much with her, but she was always one of my fave sims designs, and wanted an excuse to bring her back. 🐍💚
- Ryuu hair, suit at the Store, shades
- Kushinaga CC listed here.
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murfeelee · 4 years
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End of Year Collage - Best of 2020
Rules: Find your fave pics of your story or your blog in general and post them up in a collage! :D it can be 1 picture or 100 whatever you want. But just reflect on your fave moments in your story or on your blog. It can be cute moments or pictures you’re just really proud of.
I did this last year and decided to make one for 2020, to celebrate simming, the one source of joy I got out of this crapfest of a year.
I used the TumblrTop10 generator for my top CC uploads, which naturally get more traffic than my gameplay pics & photosets.
But I like giving a top 10 for my gameplay pics too, looking back at all my fave fandoms I incorporated into The Sims 3 throughout the year.
MY THOUGHTS (for each month) under the cut:
January: Skryim Werewolves
February: Voodoo & Necromancy
My theme for February was Voodoo and Necromancy. The irony doesn’t escape me that I had my best creative boost (focused on morbid/macabre themes), right before the pandemic hit.
March-April: Roaring 3020s Gameplay!
These 2 months were all about my futuristic-Asian-scifi-artdeco/nouveau save in Oasis Landing, where I give the backstory of how Sakura and Ryuu first met. I always describe Sakura as a faery from the future, and this is what I mean by that; she’s a jet-setting time-traveler. Y’all seemed to really like my posts of Sakura this month, particularly her arrival in Oasis Landing in March, and her One Four All challenge in April. But by far the post that got the most attention were my WIPs of Hotel Luck at the end of April, the headquarters of Ryuu’s best friend Lucky’s club.
May: Green Isle, and Malec’s Wedding!
May was totally dominated by my run-through of @crowkeeperthesimmer ‘s Green Isle (Beta) world. But the most emotionally driven gameplay pics I posted this month were actually from my Shadowhunters saves, where I finally got around to recreating Malec’s wedding, which I posted on their 1st year anniversary. ^_^ *blasts Ruelle*
June: Rainbows! 🌈
I started the month still gushing about how pretty Green Isle is, which was great, cuz it was Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈 Because the events of Summer 2020 were downright disgusting, I had Bartros & Nagron, and Gwynburn & Malec do community work in honor of LGBT+ and Black Lives Matter solidarity.
July: Bleach Gameplay starts!
I have been dying to start sharing my Bleach inspired gameplay for months. Bleach is one of my Top 5 fave anime, quite possibly even Top 3 (it’s tied with Attack on Titan). So I tried my best to do the anime justice in TS3, giving me recreation of Episode 1, when Ichigo Kurosaki becomes a shinigami. I plan on doing A LOT more; it’s just gonna take awhile.  
August: Sakura & Ryuu in What? Magazine
Technically, my Sim Bin Collage Pt2 got the most notes this month, but that’s not really gameplay. Even though I posted a bunch of Dragon Age gameplay, people were far more interested in Sakura’s post, particularly my fake What Magazine post, where I trolled y’all with a tabloid spread of Sakura and Ryuu caught by the paps getting frisky in the park.
September: Dragon Retexture WIPs Pt2
According to the Chinese, 2020 is the Year of the Rat, but I was all the way in the Year of the Dragon, baby! #SquadGoals #BoyBandRealness (And I was back in Green Isle AGAIN, lol!)
October: Dragon Master
I love Simblreen, and the Halloween season; it always puts me in a creative mood. But the best inspiration I got this year was after my anime marathon binge of the Bleach spinoff, Burn the Witch, which gave me the idea to make dragons as functional magic broomsticks. I had the occult household from my Deathless gameplay test out all the CC I made for Simblreen. Everyone seemed to really like that, and I was so happy!
November: Shinto Shrine vs DA:I - Tevinter
Another classic example of the photosets I did the bare minimum on that get like twice the amount of notes as posts I’m insanely proud of. XD
I try to upload CC at least once a month, but I’ve had such low motivation this year that come November I was scrambling trying to think of something to make. Then TS4′s Snowy Escape EP came out and I was like BINGO. So I did all of that in a few days, really quickly, and cracked open my Moon Medicine save to test the CC & take pics. No big.
But I’ve been working hard on my Dragon Age INSP gameplay & pics for well over a YEAR, and I had been so excited to start posting my Tevinter gameplay with Dorian Pavus. That Blood Magic post got far less traction, but that’s like the best photoset I think I made all year. Crazy how Tumblr works. :\
December: A Bunch of Stuff Happened, Holy Cow!
First there was the Pinterest Challenge, which y’all really seemed to like. Then I did another installment of BrennaIvy’s Modern Male Project (which got the most notes for December). Then I did Magnus Bane’s birthday post for the Shadowhunters fandom, which is usually one of my more popular posts. But then I posted my WIPs of my Maximalism set, and y’all really REALLY liked that one, so basically I was so so happy this December! :D
Thank you everybody, followers, mutuals, lurkers, and all simmers who continue to support me and The Sims 3, and like my content!
Happy Simming, and Happy New Year!
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