#simshousewindsor magic
simshousewindsor · 4 months
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Shon Gableton [SNN]: The Department of International Magical Cooperation (DIMC) introduced a Government Bill [Bill 174 2024-26] last week. The Bill is scheduled to have its second reading in the House of Commons next week. 
According to the Bill’s Explanatory Notes, the Bill would:
repeal section 40 of the Crime and Courts Act 1892 which banned the practice of spellcasting in the UK, with penalty of death.
to make provision for the regulation of spellcasting; and for connected purposes.
introduce provisions to address spellcasting bans in private locations.
update the regulatory framework for the practice of spellcasting in the UK.
protect UK Sims’s availability on pirated devices, spells, and potions.
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Cameron Dorly [SNN]: In an unusual move, the palace press secretary, Elisha Morris, spoke when asked about the bill during today's press briefing.
"The palace was pleased to hear of the Bill introduced in the House of Commons today, paving the way for a more open and diverse Commonwealth."
Shon Gableton [SNN]: Does this mean the Queen approves of Spellcasting in Windenburg?
Cameron Dorly [SNN]: Spellcasting is quite common in other democratic countries, but I'm not sure the UK should open that book. We love our Parliamentary Democratic Constitutional Monarchy!
Shon Gableton [SNN]: It's also been banned in Windenburg for over 100 years. They're not going to break that long of a precedent?
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Cameron Dorly [SNN]: Well, the Bill is a long way from becoming Law, and with a Conservative-controlled House that is strongly against spellcasting, it has a long road ahead.
Shon Gableton [SNN]: What do you think, Windenburg? Should this Bill become a law?
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simshousewindsor · 10 months
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[Buckingsim Palace, Buckingsimshire 10:18 AM WST]
Queen Katherine: Hi!
Princess Lara: Hi, yourself! You're never home!
Queen Katherine: (sarcastic) Someone has to take on the engagements you fail to fulfill.
Princess Lara: Very funny!
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Queen Katherine: How are you feeling, darling?
Princess Lara: Fairly well. If constant nausea is considered well!
Both: (laughing)
Queen Katherine: My first trimester was horrible with Phillip but great with Grace and the twins!
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Queen Katherine: Well, come sit. We have much to catch up on.
Princess Lara: How are the twins? I can't believe they're seven months already!
Queen Katherine: Right? They're good! You'll have to pop up and see them before you leave. Grace is around somewhere also!
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Queen Katherine: Did you see mom on the cover of Windenburg Enquirer last week? Who comes up with these lies?
Princess Lara: That's partly why I'm here. Anthony and I'd like to announce the pregnancy. Second trimester is approaching and we'd like to get ahead of any speculations before the coronation.
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Princess Lara: Don't want to steal your thunder and all.
Queen Katherine: Oh! I can assure you, you'd never steal my thunder, little sister.
Princess Lara: (scoffs)
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Princess Lara: So I have your blessing to make the announcement and start making plans?
Queen Katherine: (hesitant) There is a tiresome protocol issue.
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Queen Katherine: Until the sovereign’s child is born, no other family announcements can be made. The same goes for any other major royal event, such as the sovereign's coronation. Although I wouldn't object, parliament will.
Princess Lara: This puts Anthony and I in a tough position, Kate. We can't wait two more weeks! The paparazzi is bound to find out. I'm starting to show!
Queen Katherine: We can control the media! If the palace hears the press will leak a story, we can pressure them to hold off!
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Princess Lara: Are you going to tell me why you went to Mayfield Castle?
Queen Katherine: What? Mayfield Castle? Who told you that?
Princess Lara: (angry) Don't lie to me! You've always been a horrible liar, with the worst poker face. Granny said something happened.
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Queen Katherine: (sighs) Let's go to the room we used to hide in as kids.
Princess Lara: The old portrait studio?
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Queen Katherine: Yes. It's still the most private room in the palace!
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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Princess Lara: I haven't been up here in years!
Queen Katherine: Rainier has been using it recently for his new passion in music. He's quite loud, from what the palace staff says.
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Queen Katherine: ...but I have no idea how to work any of this new technology!
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Princess Lara: So, why did you make me walk all the way up here? These boots are cute but not made for walking!
Queen Katherine: You know how much the palace staff spies. I'm convinced there are holes in the wall!
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Queen Katherine: This room was used for royal portrait sittings in the 1910s. So many royal memories were captured in this room.
Princess Lara: Kate? What happened at Mayfield? What aren't you telling me?
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(Manipulation Orb forms)
Queen Katherine: It's easier to show you.
Princess Lara: (gasps)
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Princess Lara: How? I don't understand. What happened in Franklen?
Queen Katherine: "The ritual went wrong or right. I don't know."
Princess Lara: What does this mean, Kate? Spellcasting isn't necessarily accepted in Windenburg, and you're about to be crowned Queen in two weeks!
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