#since i got in here at likee 1245. but if i say i tell myself i took a 30 minute lunch then that gets rid of the 10 minute fuck up zone
nomaishuttle · 2 years
i have 4 damn rooms done . Lmao lmao lmao
#for reference its nesrly 1. i should have AT LEAST 6 done but probably more like 7#ik its psrtially bc of th long wait for rooms it wd like an hour and 30 minutes yk. like exactly an hour and 30 minutes#but also for my firsr two rooms i did them in 15 minutes ... so#and then also i add the time for stripping the rooms. which is 20 minutes today bc there were 10#+ 10 minutes for prepping my cart#so thats likee#2 hours 30 minutes kind of right. my first two rooms + evrryfing else n then ive done two rooms... which would make it 1230#which ok now im looking. i finished my last room at like 1240 so rly im only 10 minutes off#im taking lunch (#aka eating cupcakes i found in one of the rooms from the bachelorette party)#which fuci it. ya im gonna take the actual amt of lunch i dhould be having for oncce. Lmao... mainly bc itll fix my time up#well technically it wont be the full time. rly its half of it#since i got in here at likee 1245. but if i say i tell myself i took a 30 minute lunch then that gets rid of the 10 minute fuck up zone#whys the new girl leaving early..girlll im going to kills myself#likee ik i legit '#faked' a concussion#not rly fake bc i Did have a concussion but it ws bc i slammed my head on the bathroom counter repeatedly. on purpose to get out of work#DJFNJFNFJFNG#but yk. i had 14 rooms that day Ahd was by nyself... she has 10 rooms WORKING WITH SOMEBODY ELSE#whatever. ig she got sent home whatever. its fine ig.#she does seem likee. she seems fine enough n she is rly new#but also . its still taking kristle More time than usual.. bc shes been training the new girl. but its been like 4 days????#it should definitely be taking like.. half the time bc th new girl should be doing half of the rooms at this point#but whatever. i dont wanna be like hateful bc idk whats going on with them
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wosoimagines · 5 years
You Okay? - Christen Press/Reader
This has not been proofread, so sorry for any mistakes.
prompt: Can you do a 10 years age difference imagine with CP as well? The one with Tobin was 😫👌🏻
warnings: None.
words: 1245
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I kneeled down by where Christen was sitting on the ground. She looked away from the ref and toward me. I knew that Sonnett was going to get a yellow for pulling Christen down to the ground like she had.
“You okay?” I asked.
Christen gave me a small smile and nodded. I bit my lip as I stood up and held my hand out to Christen. Christen took my hand and let me help pull her up. I would always check up on her if she gave me a smile because there was nothing better than seeing it. 
I may or may not have a crush on Christen Press. I didn’t think it was bad until she came back from the World Cup and I had only fallen for her more. I had thought that I would have moved on from my crush on her while she was playing in France and I was kept in Utah. I had been a late draft pick and no one had expected Utah to actually sign me, but they did.
While part of our team was in France playing for the World Cup, I had proved that although my college career had been filled with injuries, it hadn’t changed the fact that I was still good at what I could do. Now, even with the World Cup over, I still had a starting spot. I was a little surprised when Becky and Kelley had taken me under their wing, but not entirely since we were all defenders. Christen had surprised me when she would work with me during practice and outside of practice.
I had grown closer to Christen once they got back from the World Cup. Although I knew it was very unlikely, a part of me hoped she had liked me back. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep my feelings a secret, especially if she kept giving me that smile. I had to shake myself out of my thoughts as we continued to play.
Nothing really happened after Becky’s header in the 34th minute. At least, not until the 70th minute. I had made the tackle to get the ball from Tobin before I sent the ball up the field hoping that Amy would get to it. I was surprised when Brynjasdottir ran right into me. I was sent to the ground and I felt a snap.
It wasn’t in my leg, however. I rolled onto my back as I cradled my arm to my chest. I could faintly hear the whistle, but I was trying to keep my tears from falling. Someone was kneeling by me in seconds.
“Hey, (Y/N). Come on. Focus on me,” Christen said as tried to keep me still. “Where’s it hurt?”
“My arm.”
It seemed like the medics were taking forever today. Christen kept a hand on my shoulder. I wasn’t too surprised when Becky was the second person to join our little group.
“Why are they being so slow today?” Christen asked. I was a little surprised by the frustration in her voice. Becky bent down by me.
“You ok?” Becky asked.
“I think my arm’s broke,” I admitted. Becky nodded before she knelt by me as well.
“Anything else? Or do you just think that it’s your arm?” Becky asked.
“I think it’s just my arm.”
“You wanna try to walk off the field? Laura has a sub ready for you,” Becky pointed out. I glanced over to the side of the field and sure enough, Gaby was on the sideline waiting to be let on. My number was on the board. I nodded and let Becky and Christen help me up. Becky followed behind me as Christen kept a hand on my arm as the three of us walked over to the sideline.
The ref allowed Gaby onto the field as I walked off. I wasn’t surprised when I was taken away from the crowd and to the training room. X-rays were taken in the training room because if there was no reason for me to go to the hospital, then I wouldn't be taken.
“It’s a clean break,” the doc said. I rubbed the back of my neck. “We’ll put a splint on it and you can see your orthopedic doctor as far as your hospital visits. I would call and get an appointment as soon as you can to see what they will want to do since you’re an athlete.”
“Thanks,” I nodded.
The doc quickly put the splint onto my arm before I was left to myself for whatever time was left for the game. I could have gone back to the locker room to get my phone, but I didn’t feel like leaving. I was sure that others would come through the training room to try and find me first. I did jump a little when the door to the training room slammed open.
“Are you okay?” Christen asked me as I turned to look at her.
“Yeah, it’s just broken,” I told her as I held up my arm.
“That’s good,” Christen shrugged. I furrowed my brow in confusion because I wasn’t entirely sure about that. “You can still play with a broken arm. The rest of the season would suck if you weren’t on the field. You’re literally a game changer for our defense.”
“Holy shit. Christen Press thinks I’m a game changing player,” I whispered to myself. I realized that I said it louder than I had thought when Christen laughed.
“You are a game changer, (Y/N),” Christen started as she put a hand on my arm. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you made a national team appearance soon.”
I really couldn’t believe that Christen noticed how I played. I wasn’t even sure that I was as good as she thought, but that was part of Christen. She always thought the best of people. Right now was probably the best opportunity I would have to admit to Christen how I really felt.
I was cut off by a knock on the door. Christen and I both looked at the doorway to see Tobin standing in it. I was a little confused why Tobin Heath was here because I didn’t know her. Tobin grinned as she walked in and gave Christen a kiss. I looked away from them as I tried to hide my disappointment before they pulled away from each other.
“Sorry, I just haven’t seen you in a while,” Tobin said. She looked at me. “You okay there, (Y/L/N)?”
“Just a broken arm,” I assured.
“What were you gonna say?” Christen asked.
I couldn’t exactly tell Christen how I felt now. She just kissed Tobin Heath in front of me. Besides, I had already felt the pain from going against one Thorn’s player tonight, I didn’t want to anger another.
“You got a pen?” I asked. Christen shook her head but she found one pretty easily. I was quick to since my cleats and my jersey before holding them out to her. “Sorry if my shoes smell, but can you take them out to some of the fans? I don’t really feel like going out.”
Christen nodded before moving to leave with Tobin. I watched the two of them as they talked with each other. I was a little surprised when Christen forced Tobin ahead and she turned back to me.
“You sure you’re okay?” Christen asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
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bygosscarmine · 4 years
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W: Worlds Apart - Volume 3: Worlds Aligned
Kang Chul X Oh Yeon Joo - Fix-It Fic (T)
Read from beginning or find previous chapters here: Stories
MK is rightfully annoyed that Yeon Joo is making a dramatic exit from her job again without talking to her. But that’s not really what Yeon Joo needs to talk out at this point...
Chapter 101 - Cross-Examination As Therapy  (1245 words)
Yeon Joo had gotten a text from MK while at lunch saying, I hear you're trying to reassign all your patients. We will be having drinks later. Find some place that has juice or tea whenever you're done for the day. This is a mandatory appointment.
She'd just replied a simple yes, and a place, with a tentative time for her day to end. With the extra bookwork she was doing, she anticipating it being pretty late.
When she got back to the office, Seok Bum was malingering in their office. "You know I prefer to not work, but since you put it so nicely, I've made room to see the two COPD cases."
"Thanks," said Yeon Joo, with true gratitude. "Grandma's kimchi will be in your fridge as soon as I make it back out there. Or my mother goes to check on her."
"Am I the most easily bribed of all your co-workers or what," said Seok Bum, self-satisfied.
"You are the only one I had to bribe," she said severely. "The rest are helping me out from a sense of loyalty and pride in their work."
Seok Bum just shrugged. After a moment he asked, "You're doing this because your dad's taken another turn. How's your friend, the assistant, doing?"
"Uh, he's alright. He worries, but he hasn't been that upset. One of my friends is staying at his apartment while in Seoul, so he's also got some company."
"Oh, good," said Seok Bum, sounding almost-imperceptibly disappointed.
"I have a feeling that after today's publisher meetings he could stand to have a few drinks, though. Should I ask him to swing by tonight? He's dropping my friend off with me."
"Oh, I don't know..." Seok Bum looked a little startled. Uneasy?
"I mean, I think Soo Bong needs some more friends. Since he's working solo without my dad right now he's missing a lot of social interaction he probably doesn't realize he needs."
"OK. I'll ask when he comes by. Yeah."
Yeon Joo wasn't particularly sure how wise it was to encourage a friendship between her most nervous friend and her most Machiavellian friend. Sometimes life was only worth living if you took some risks, though.
She sent a few more texts around and got back to trying to escalate appointments or place all her clients elsewhere before the end of the week. She was almost making it work.
Chul had gone with Soo Bong on a scouting trip to get references for a few places they might need access to in W, and she set it up for them to come by the hospital when Seok Beom got off. She'd thought she'd work late on the medication adjustment needed by one of her long-term patients, to document it for someone else doing their care, but some of the successful placements meant she was going to have time in the morning to do it. She messaged MK, "I'll be done here at 8pm."
A part of her was reluctant to admit things were proceeding so quickly and well. But at the end of the week she'd either be ready to go or know she was never going to be ready. Either way, she would have to deal with it. And that included hearing whatever it was MK had to say.
MK was looking particularly grizzled today, though Yeon Joo thought it was mostly that she'd mysterious put makeup on, when she didn't usually, and hadn't freshened it so now only the bright lip color remained. It didn't look bad, necessarily, but it highlighted the wear on the rest of her face.
"You've been making major plans without letting me know anything about them. I feel a bit betrayed."
"I wasn't keeping it from you, I was just forgetting that if I got busy making everything happen, the gossip would travel faster than I could finish my to-do list. And you were high on the list, I just was trying to make the best of business hours today."
"Fine." MK made a slashing motion with her hand to cut that topic down. "What's happening? Why are you doing this?"
"I can't balance the care my dad needs right now with practicing, not the way I've been trying to. I hope it's very temporary, but trying to do both has meant problems on each side."
It felt so natural to discuss her father's health, now, when she really meant the whole of Chul and W and everything. Even more when it was to someone who understood her father's mental health was involved.
It didn't feel like a lie, though it was omitting so much.
"Is it working out?"
"Yes. I mean, the part where I'm shifting my clients to others is working out. I don't know how it's going to work in the long run, taking a second leave of absence right after getting back, but there's not really much else I can do."
"I'd like to say, you're talented and so of course you'll have a place to come back to! But I'm not that naive. Sorry."
After a moment, MK said, "And does your pretty boy factor into all this some way?"
"Just in things I have to worry about, not my workload."
MK gave her a hard look.
"I'm not entitled to any of this information, you know."
"Yes, I know."
"But sometimes I want to ask questions, because I'm a nosy old woman."
"Sure. That's fair."
MK looked at her a moment longer, then shrugged and asked, "How's Mad Park taking it?"
"I had to get his permission on all the paperwork, of course. He looked very grave and did not yell at me, which made me very concerned."
"Well, you have the care and keeping of his golden goose right now," MK said wryly. "I don't follow the comic myself, but he's been incessant about it. Did you dad write you into it as an apology for something? Because that was my theory, and he looked hurt. I wasn't sure if it was because he couldn't fathom your father having anything to apologize to you about, or because I'd had a really good idea that he didn't think of first."
"No, it wasn't an apology. It was more complicated than that."
MK tilted her head. "Hey, doesn't that guy you're with kinda resemble..."
"Another reason I think Supervisor Park doesn't know what to say to me." Yeon Joo smiled in spite of herself.
MK took a sip that somehow telegraphed smugness.
"I'm starting to be attracted to him again," Yeon Joo blurted out.
"He's forgotten a large amount of what happened between us, but he didn't go through as much of a personality change as I thought, at first. And the things that drew me to him before are still there."
"And he has feelings for you?"
That's right. It wasn't a given that he would, from most perspectives. Though she'd resisted it, there had been no sense of surprise for her--it had been exactly what she'd expected. Maybe Chul was right: how did she know she chose how she felt? It could be she was as programmed to fall for him as anyone could be.
"So," said MK, reading her face easily enough, "what is this mythical personality he has? Because I'll tell you, he looked like the kind of kid who should be pretending to be real people in dramas based on careful instructions."
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