#since i'm giving some cw already i'll just throw that one in bc that is a Graphic Story if u know the whole thing
innranrae · 3 years
🐚 A Birthday Amidst the Archipelago
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A/N: oneshot for my fav russian boys bday, i included the golden apple archipelago bc it was the most fun event/area I've experienced in genshin so far and I'll miss it a lot but at least it's inazuma and electro aether time, anyways hope you enjoy this and if you have suggestions/tips on writing or anything please lmk! I'm new to it all and I'm trying my best ;w; my friend proofread this tho and shes big brain so id say this one is pretty swaggy
→ pairing(s): Zhongli/Childe, Aether/Venti (kinda platonic tbh), Venti and Dvalin vibing
→ word count: ~ 3k
→ cw: alcohol
→ ao3
Zhongli sensed a large being coming from the skies of Duyun Ruins. He did not want to believe it, but his doubts were soon confirmed.
Dvalin descended from the clouds with a heavy thud, sending the living creatures around either running or flying. Mounted on the Dragon of the East were Venti and Aether; The bard wore a pair of sunglasses and a light attire that shocked Zhongli to the core, he had thought the anemo archon could not get any more ludicrous, but it appears he was mistaken.
A slight frown grew on his face watching the scene and the geo archon couldn’t help but raise his palm to his face, sighing. On the flip side, Childe was astonished; his eyes sparkled observing Dvalin, considering what the outcome would be if they were to fight.
2 days earlier
It has been some time since we last saw each other. I do hope your ventures are going smoothly.
I am writing to you to request assistance with an event that will take place two days from now. As you may know, Childe’s birthday is on the 20th of this month and I have been finding it hard to come up with a suitable gift. I wish to surprise him but nothing that fits my criteria comes to mind, in addition to the fact I am still adjusting to mortal life and their festivals.
If you do not mind and, of course, if you are free that day, I hope you can help me with this matter.
After sending his letter to Aether, Zhongli straightened his shoulders on the stool at one of Heyu Tea House’s tables, raising a cup of steaming tea to his mouth, and waited for his guest to arrive.
“Receiving an invitation from Mr. Zhongli first sure feels nice,” a voice shouted coming from the stairs.
Zhongli glanced at the harbinger who took a seat by his side, “Childe, do you have any plans for your birthday?”
Childe widened his eyes slightly, “Birthday?” He raised his hand thoughtfully to his face. “Oh, my birthday! Hm… Is Mr. Zhongli planning on giving me some type of gift?” The harbinger smiled playfully.
“Please answer my question.”
“Nope! None at all.”
In actuality, Childe should be busy taking care of the Fatui’s business around Liyue; unfortunately for his underlings, he was going to do whatever he wanted either way. Additionally, he had a feeling Mr. Zhongli’s question was not trivial, and speculated the archon probably wanted to make plans.
“I see."
Unexpectedly, instead of proceeding on that topic, Zhongli said nothing more as he took another sip of his tea.
Despite the surprising lack of further development, he forgot about it as soon as Zhongli started to talk about a Ruin Hunter he encountered the prior day in the fields.
He knew by now what topics intrigued Childe's simple warrior mind, and that alone had Childe rambling about fighting tactics and his own experiences to Zhongli, occasionally trying to convince the archon to fight him, which he politely refused.
Meanwhile, at the Golden Apple Archipelago...
"I could really use a hand over here, Venti!" Aether's cry for help could barely be heard over the shrieking group of hilichurls advancing one after the other.
"But I-"
After unleashing a wind vortex from his palm, Aether glared at the bard, who was leisurely plucking the strings of his lyre on top of a rock. "Playing a battle song isn't helping!" He cut Venti off, resulting in the end of Venti's untimely concert with lots of whining.
After jumping off the rock, the bard shot an arrow that sent the group of monsters flying altogether.
The pair had a short-lived moment of relief, but soon the eerie sound of a horn was heard, indicating that more enemies were on their way. Aether groaned while Venti giggled nervously, and so, they had to return to their combat stances.
Not long after engaging, the traveler heard a short sound that made him stop his blade.
“Oh, I’ve got mail,” Aether walked a few steps from the fighting, reading the message while leaving the bard to get the monsters’ attention.
Venti's eyes widened at the sudden rush of monsters coming directly at him, though luckily, he sent them flying once again.
“Woah~ Don’t do that so suddenly, traveler, so mean!”
After reading Zhongli’s message, Aether was deep in thought, looking around as if searching for something, until his eyes met the green-colored ones of the anemo archon that reciprocated the eye contact, with a touch of wonder.
Zhongli opened the new mail he received, analyzing the few words Aether had sent.
“Meet us by Duyun Ruins at 9 in the morning, bring Childe with you.”
“Meet us? If I am not mistaken, Paimon has been staying with Xiangling, and didn’t show any signs of wanting to leave any time soon. Perhaps she can easily travel back and forth,” Zhongli thought to himself.
Present Day, Duyun Ruins
Jumping from the dragon’s back, Venti beamed, “Morax! Long time no see~!” Arms wide open as he threw himself towards his old friend. But before he got too close, Zhongli shielded himself, and instead of a hug, Venti’s face was compressed against the solid surface of the geo shield.
Venti staggered a step back from the impact, raising his hand to his cheek, now starting to swell, “Ow!” He pouted.
Zhongli tried to keep his cool, throwing a look at the two boys who recently arrived,waiting for an explanation.
Aether catches on the meaningful gaze and reassures, “Don’t worry, I think we avoided being noticed by anyone.”
“Yeah, Dvalin here is… Well, he tries to be discreet when flying around. After all, I was the one who taught him that~" Venti put a hand on the dragon's body while the other gave Zhongli a thumbs up.
"Saying you were the one who taught him does not reassure me one bit…" Zhongli’s veins were protruding from distress by now. "Aside from that, aren't you supposed to be more careful not to expose your identity in front of the common folk?"
The three other men stared at Zhongli in confusion, exchanging looks between themselves, "Common folk?" Venti asked. Childe was the first to realize he was probably talking about him and began laughing at the Zhongli's seemingly forgetfulness.
"Morax, you sure only remember what you want, huh. Even I know from the traveler's stories that this boy here is the eleventh harbinger of the Fatui. If that harbinger lady took my gnosis, I'm sure this kid knows my identity by now," Venti reassured while Aether slowly nodded, feeling second-hand embarrassment.
Zhongli was at a loss for words, raising his fist to his mouth, awkwardly coughing. On the other hand, the harbinger found the situation quite funny and patted Morax's back a few times while giggling.
Zhongli met Aether's eyes, "Nevertheless, what I desire to know is why that bard and his dragon are here?"
"Well, you’ll see when we get there," Aether reassured, getting back on the dragon's back along with Venti.
Childe cheerfully jumped on, extending his hand down to the geo archon who bashfully accepted, pointedly ignoring the meaningful grins the two other boys directed at him. And with little effort, Dvalin took off to the Golden Apple Archipelago.
The Snezhnayan boy's eyes gleamed with excitement from his first-ever experience that high up, sitting between behind Aether and in front of Zhongli.
Though, his laxity almost made the reddish mask on his hair fly away, luckily being rescued by the man behind him.
"Thank you!" The powerful gushes of wind made his words difficult to understand, yet enough for Zhongli to understand them.
If any normal person would travel through the clouds in the back of a dragon for the first time in their life, surely they would practice caution or be a little wary of their surroundings.
However, because Childe was Childe, an expert in adapting fast to just about anything, the journey on the skies was far from frightening.
A few minutes had passed and the boys were already close to their destination, and with his usual carefree expression, Venti looked back at the men behind him, yelling as Dvalin descended, "Hold on tight!"
With another loud thud, Dvalin settled at the northwestern part of Twinning Isle. Aether grew anxious in anticipation, waiting for Childe to see the preparations that he and Venti had come up with in such a short timeframe.
They had the inspiration from Alice's surprise for Klee, though not as crafty as she was. With the help of Tubby back in the Serenitea Pot, he managed to decorate the place nicely with newly crafted objects.
Umbrellas and chairs painted a light shade of sky blue sat next to fishing rods, Sea Ganodermas and conches decorated the sand in a path leading to a gazebo, which had seashells and starfishes hang from the wooden ceiling, surrounded by curtains.
And inside of it, one chest stored miscellaneous things, while the one next to it contained something that Venti declared extremely necessary: summer clothing he managed to acquire. In addition to the clothes he prepared, the anemo archon was also tasked with providing the food and drinks.
Visibly so as there were at least three bottles of either dandelion or osmanthus wine for every single dish on the table. Which, of course, was all paid for with the traveler's Mora.
All in all, the table was charmingly organized. A cake with a whale drawn on top of it sat in the middle of it all, while balloons were tied to the wooden table.
Upon reaching the sand, Childe was fascinated. The ocean breeze brushing against his face, the warm sunlight of the Archipelago and the salty waves gently crashing onto the tide united all the scenery together.
He’d never seen such a tropical place in his life, so unfamiliar in comparison to his frozen homeland's weather and features.
Lost in admiration for the scenery, he had already forgotten that it was his birthday, only remembering when Zhongli called out his name, directing him to look ahead where the decorated area was put, in preparation for the celebration to commence.
Venti leaned back against Dvalin's tail, already playing a melody, as the other three walked along the decorated path.
Aether fastened his steps, going ahead and getting a small box. Then, turning back to the birthday boy, he extended the gift.
"Happy birthday, Childe."
The harbinger let out a small "thank you" before opening it.
His blue eyes twinkled as he grabbed the content inside the box for closer examination. It was a bright piece of wood with a smaller version of him, Teucer and Aether drawn on it, as well as a ruin guard, or “Mr. Cyclops” as his little brother would say, stood behind them.
Without thinking, Childe embraced Aether tightly with a wide smile across his face, and at the display of the ginger’s excitement, the traveler couldn't help but feel accomplished.
After the gift was exchanged, Venti pointed out the clothes he had prepared, which made Zhongli flinch at the thought of wearing sunglasses as eccentric as his. Luckily, they were just lighter clothes, not accessories.
Childe, already excited from the exotic scenery, went on ahead to change his clothes behind a tall rock.
Zhongli and Aether walked towards the same location, at a much slower pace than the Snezhnayan boy, who was already out of sight.
“Thank you for your efforts, traveler. You managed to surprise me as well,” Zhongli finally got the chance to say.
“It was no problem at all. I’m having fun and the ‘tone-deaf bard’ was a great help, too.”
Childe emerged from behind the rock suddenly, wearing shorts and a shirt that was presumably supposed to be buttoned up. As a matter of fact, all the attires were of a similar design, the few differences being their color schemes, a few patterns, and the boy’s usual accessories.
Before any reaction, they heard monstrous noises getting closer to the shelter. A group of hilichurls nearby seemed to have been alarmed by the dragon’s arrival.
Something inside Childe’s mind clicked and he immediately turned the way of the shrieks, getting ready to fight, “Leave them to me!”
“Oh I was counting on that,” Aether affirmed as Venti nodded. Knowing very well of the harbinger’s passion for fighting, they speculated about the attack and gladly attached it to the list of events for that day.
Aether’s words were thrown at no one though, since Childe had left as soon as those four words left his lips earlier, leaving no time to receive any reaction from the others.
Bad luck for those poor hilichurls, honestly.
Childe's hydro blades moved swiftly, leaving droplets in the sand as they slashed one after the other, ending each almost instantly, leaving little space for a counterattack. He only stopped moving when there were no more of the monsters around, either because they were actually all dead or ran away from fear.
Coming back to the shelter’s path, Childe saw that they were now fishing, which made him joyfully run to join them, and noticing that he was back, Zhongli offered Childe a fishing rod and a seat next to himself.
“Oh man, this takes me back to the old days with my dad,” The ginger said while settling down on the beach chair, “Though the temperatures are the complete opposite, haha. I wonder if my family would survive the extreme change in the weather, though.”
Zhongli and Aether listened attentively while holding their rods, all the while, the anemo archon, visibly tipsy, communicated with Dvalin nearby.
“How come you managed to adapt this easily to the sudden climate change, Childe?” Zhongli asked.
“A warrior must always adapt to any situation. If I let the heat get the best of me, I'm weakened, consequently leaving myself open to enemy attacks."
"Damn, he never changes. If it isn't about his family, the answer is always related to being a fighter… Well, it is almost comforting in a way." Aether thought, mentallyrolling his eyes while taking a sip of the drink Venti had given him.
"I see," Zhongli seriously responded, "It is indeed true. Keeping one's body and mind stable is a must when facing laborious challenges."
Childe was filled with joy upon hearing the acknowledgement. It was always pleasant to hear someone who understood his point of view.
The traveler shifted his attention upon feeling a small force pulling down the
A fish had finally taken the bait, and the eyes of the two men also moved towards him when they heard the small "oh" Aether let out.
They all rejoiced at the successful catch and its size, and the traveler went straight ahead to prepare a meal for them.
As the day went by, they had almost checked everything on the task list; They fished for a while, Aether showed the mechanisms and puzzles that Klee's mom prepared, even landing his Harpastum so Childe could try them, he also taught them how to ride and summon the Waverider, they exchanged various anecdotes, as well as how the traveler came across the Archipelago in the first place, describing the whole Dodo King saga, and finally, filled themselves with food and drinks.
The sun rapidly fell under the horizon, merging the last colored rays of marigold into the indigo night sky. Venti had managed to convince the traveler to drink with him throughout the day and, needless to say, they were quite drunk by now, though both of them had a high tolerance and were somehow still acting civilized.
While Dvalin slept, the four men sat on the sand, listening to Venti sing around the crackling campfire.
When the bard began to sing a piece about Snezhnaya, Childe seemed to have recalled something.
He shuffled through his belongings, grabbing a bottle with a clear liquid, “This was a gift I received earlier, it’s a Snezhnayan specialty alcohol, Fire-Water!”
Aether gulped nervously at the familiar name. He had heard the stories around Mondstadt, how Master Diluc spent three days in bed after drinking a single glass of it, leading to the unsuccessful partnership with the Snezhnayan merchants.
Childe poured the liquid into separate cups and went around distributing them to the boys. Sitting back in his original spot, he continued, “As per tradition, we have to down the cup in one go!”
Venti was all in for the proposal, and despite their concern at first, Zhongli and Aether respected the birthday boy’s wish.
After raising their cups in a toast, they all drank the beverage at once.
Childe cheered, rambling about how he missed the taste of the drink. Zhongli seemed to be unaffected, calm as always, smiling and listening to the Snezhnayan boy.
However, Aether didn’t seem so well, he had expected the feeling, but because of the previous drinks he shared with the bard, it seemed to have had a stronger effect on him.
Aether wasn't the most affected by the drink, though.
That one shot was the ultimatum for Venti. His vision was blurry and he couldn’t stop laughing, which alarmed the others, but before they could take action and ask what was wrong, the archon fell into the sand, a grin on his face as he passed out.
After the realization of what just happened, Aether was the first to talk, “Um, I’ll take him to the shelter. I’m feeling a bit… dizzy too. I’ll get some sleep, haha,” He was making a great effort to sound coherent.
“Hope you enjoyed your day, Childe.”
A sincere smile was directed towards the boy sitting next to Zhongli. That expression warmed Childe’s heart. Aether had put great effort into this whole day and he could tell.
Childe was about to open his mouth to say something after the traveler turned his back to them while carrying Venti, but was stopped by the blonde, “Oh, there’s something I forgot to say. If you go west from here you will find another island with a shipwreck on top of the, um… Rock structure thing. It’s a good place to watch the stars. Anyways, hehe, good night.”
That piqued the two tall men’s interest, and after watching Aether and Venti enter the shelter, Childe looked at Zhongli, who was already standing up, as if he shared the same idea as the other.
A short cruise to the Nameless Isle later, Zhongli and Childe were already walking side by side through the tide, leaving steady footprints on the sand’s surface.
When the two stopped to both admire the place and look for a way to get to the top of the rocky mountain, Zhongli noticed a mural on the rock, which showed a shipwreck and what seemed to be a few people trying to save each other.
The archon was pondering about the meaning of it when he heard Childe’s voice from behind him.
“Mr. Zhongli, there’s a wind current over here!”
Zhongli went to the other’s location, noticing the current that led to the top of the mountain.
Without much effort, both of them got to the original destination: The shipwreck Aether mentioned.
It was indeed a tragic but beautiful place; a place where one could watch the azure starry sky, pale moon glowing brightly.
The two found a spot to sit near the ship that once sailed the seas, and watched the galaxies above them.
Childe offered another shot of the Fire-Water, which the both of them shared. Zhongli closed his eyes, deep in thought.
He had been trying to find the chance to give Childe his birthday gift, but he couldn’t find the opportunity to do so. Finally, now seemed like the perfect time.
He reopened his eyes and stared at Childe, who was watching the sky attentively, blue eyes shining unitedly with the stars.
Upon hearing his name, he turned to look at the archon.
“Give me your hand,” Zhongli said, reaching his own towards the harbinger.
Childe automatically did so, and after searching for an object on the pocket of his shorts, Zhongli put the present on the other’s palm.
It was a single earring made of Noctilucous Jade and Cor Lapis, in a similar fashion as the one earring Childe normally wore.
“This reminded me of you when I saw it. If you do not wish to wear it, I understand, but I do hope you could keep it with you.”
Zhongli said that but the harbinger was already taking off his original earring, making the archon a bit embarrassed at the impulsiveness of the boy, yet very pleased.
Childe had been rambling about the, now, old earring and how he had gotten it in the first place, but after a while of no response from Zhongli, he gazed at him, being met by the image of the geo archon fast asleep.
Zhongli had a high alcohol tolerance, but with the nightfall, his drowsiness had grown to an almost unbearable level, and now, he was finally subdued by it.
Ajax couldn’t help but feel a warmth in his chest, his expression softened and he decided it was time for him to rest too.
He had never had a better birthday in his life.
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abandonthefort · 7 years
deanna omg stop being such a goddamn jerk
for christ’s sakes you’re a fucking counselor for one, second you’ve been on the other end of this type of thing SEVERAL OTHER TIMES BEFORE (including literally ongoing in this EP with a crewman who has lost her husband, gee deanna how can you tell her she’ll get by, you’ve never lost A HUSBAND before)
but oh no “you don’t know what it’s like! how can you know what it’s like to lose something you never had??!!” 
actually more like trek writers stop being asslamps about disability bc of how u abled people think that someone/u would react to suddenly becoming disabled. day 1 is not storming into your doctors and/or good friend’s house (or in deanna’s case doctor’s/good friend’s) office and yelling about how nobody could understand you and that things will never be all right, okay? that ain’t realistic.
like. yeah, disability can really suck. dealing with ur body suddenly changing up the rules of the game for no apparent reason other than its whims REALLY does suck (esp when u don’t know why something is happening and what could change next--if that’s what deanna’s freak out was about bc “oh hey a bunch of my brain cells just DIED for NO APPARENT REASON and you don’t know WHY BEVERLY??!! WHAT IF THIS CELL DEATH CONTINUES.  WHAT IF IT GOES TO LIKE SAY MY MEDULLA AND THE NEXT THING I LOSE IS MY ABILITY TO BREATHE WITHOUT CONSCIOUS THOUGHT.  DO I NEED CONSTANT SUPERVISION SO IF THAT HAPPENS WHEN SAY I’M SLEEPING I DON’T JUST DIE?????” like oh yeah totes magoats that’s a reaction i believe and feel esp bc my bod loves its inconclusive results too and i’ve wanted to have (or have had...v sorry to that cardiology PA that was at the receiving end of that sort of fear-induced rant) that reaction to doctors before bc yo losing that sense of control over ur body & the rules of ur existence is goddamn terrifying).  
but like....yeah, when something changes suddenly in the health to the point of being disabled and the cause is nebulous, it’s mostly a heavy dose of denial that hits and the belief that this is JUST temporary so it’s fine. and hey even when it’s clear it’s...not temporary, it’s more like “i can do Everything Just Like Before Nothing Has Changed” denial that happens. bc yeah, things have changed and u can still do a lot of stuff (maybe even all of the same stuff, depending on the dealio with disability), but it’s not exactly the same as before--maybe now you need a mobility aid, maybe now you need to take more rests, maybe you need a larger font size or screen reader, maybe you need to go to restaurants outside of peak business hours so you can talk/listen without interference from background noise, maybe you can only Do The Thing when it’s below 70 degrees out.  (and yes, maybe you can’t do that thing anymore; that is less relevant to the analogy the writers were trying to make here by having an empathic counselor losing her empathic powers bc...like, in-universe there are psychologists and ship’s counselors who don’t have empathic or telepathic powers and they still do their job perfectly fine; just losing something someone relies heavily on to aid in their job of counseling would make someone need to re-learn how to do that job without that bc they couldn’t do their job in the same exact way as always).  
“i can’t live like this” freakouts do happen. but. not a ton*. bc. look. ur there. living “like this”. ur doing it right as ur having that thought. and you grow and adapt. sometimes there is frustration and rage and grief (esp on bad days), i’m not saying there’s not. it’s just....so much less DRAMATIC than abled people think it is (coming from a former abled person) *excluding severe chronic pain in my experience bc yeah...been there, done that, could not have continued living like that for very long bc i would’ve taken steps to Make It Stop bc it was like “death. unfortunate. still better than living all my waking moments (which is ALL MY MOMENTS bc i’m in TOO MUCH PAIN TO SLEEP) in what i’d imagine the cruciatus curse wishes it felt as terrible as tho.”; fortunately the body’s pain tantrum calmed itself down not too long after that but...yeah. real bad chronic pain is a soul-sucking monster that tortures you and after enough of it, literally anything looks better than that and in some of those really bad days i finally felt like i understood (also envied) what was going on in my poor cat’s head when he self-amputated his own tail due to nerve pain bc biting off that body part would Make It Stop and Making It Stop was the only way to go on bc frankly if it wasn’t my abdomen that was the problem like that sounded like a perfectly reasonable solution to the problem, but alas you can’t exactly amputate an abdomen, and definitely not with just human teeth at ur disposal, so like even counting Trouble’s phantom limb syndrome that continued until his death seems like he got the better end of things there
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