#since let’s be honest it’s kinda a s***post 😂😂
acacia-may · 6 months
tfw you’re just a regular medieval guy who only wants to become a blacksmith, earn your father’s approval, and marry the farm girl of your dreams, but then her family brings in this “farmhand” who’s way too educated and good at archery to be a peasant
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suguru-getos · 7 months
Oh. INTRESTING. I just realised I should think about self ships more 😭 but okay here we go 😎
my self ship would be with Suguru. Definitely. Not the cult leader tho 😭 just a little rewind right there. You see the high school Suguru? Yeah cool. I only claim him.
>>> How would be better like when I'm off?
It'd definitely hurt him too with me. (because that's what I've seen with people around me, you know when that loud and bubbly one goes silent ?! Even though you know they'd be fine it's just so ouch. As if something's missing. Yeah, my personality is more or less like Satoru, he's ENTP I'm ENFP. which by the way, did you know? Fits INTJ in compatibility better hehe yeah I see him as a threat so what? 😤) and since his rationality is something I"d value, he'd have to do the tougher job of being my backbone rather than getting away with just sympathizing and giving me rational and "harsh truth" perspectives when I come to him with the problem that's bothering me. He knows if tries to be soft with me or bullshit me with sympathy I'd see it right away. So that.
>>> I HC our relationship to be such that it makes everyone jealous because he's definitely smiling and laughing around me more (not because he's smitten or sth, because I'm his personal clown ✨). That's what I am about most of the times. Hyped up over the smallest things. Hehe.
>>> Jealous. Huh. Interesting. I'm a women in stem, and you must know how the ratio is always so heavy on men"s side. So naturally I have a lot of them hitting on me at all the points of time. 😂
>>>And another thing is, I'm an extrovert socialising with people all the time so he might be annoyed on how to get my attention on him out of all the other people i hangout with (Again, not my words 😂😭) little does he know he has all of it since day 1. But that'd be only an issue before we get together, because he'd never know if I view him differently/romantically or not 😭 because "you're this energetic with everyone. How am I to know?"
>>> I and Satoru would definitely always be bickering over how he lets me get away with spam texting but not him. Hehe. Suguru's reasoning? "You're annoying, she's not *shrug*"
I say I don't think any self ships but then I go on full on spam mode (I hope you don't mind it, if you do please be honest about it and lmk like "I just asked for headcanons not a ONESHOT you idiot🔪) somehow wow😭 but yeah. That's how I see it, sunshine x grumpy (kind of?) Trope.
(Which made me think, neither of us actually like yapping about ourselves too much so we'd just be having hours and hours of discussions about different topics. The quality time discussion is a love language kinda couple. )
Now YOUR TURN. *hands over the pen*
lmfaoooo why not the cult leader sugu? he has such a dominant rizzly energy my self ship revolves around him and i’d bark like an animal for cult leader sugs 🙇🏻‍♀️🥹
-> also that’s so cute omg?? i am an intj/entj hybrid so i love myself enfps 🫵🏻 they bring such a lovely vibe around. (my irl best friend is an enfp) & i’d die for her. <33 suguru would love you so much, you’d be his breath of fresh air & when you go down, so does his existence. i hc him as super empathetic to people he cares about, so if you’re down, he’s rock bottom. :33 hello 👋 another stem major here’s your crown 👑 gorgeous ‼️ i’ve graduated in 2022 from stem so i know how the life’s like. 😉 suguru would be disgustingly jealous fr fr you attract everyone with your positivity.
-> suguru would definitely appreciate your bickering with satoru & blabbering. it would make him feel good that two of the people he loves the most are talking/being together 💋
grumpy x sunshine is my favorite troupe so this post made me intensely happy. 🪷🥰 also, that’s alright for the long post, only made fun of how people can see a character so similarly yet so differently!!
-> as of my own self ship headcanons, i’ll post them cus i’d yap more than you istg 😭 he’d love when i wear a saree tho ‼️🙇🏻‍♀️
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hyphypmic · 2 years
Ichiro: Nemu and You Confessed
Anon asked: May i request a nemu and fem s/o both in love with ichiro?
Sorry if it makes uncomfortable i just like the drama😂
HELLO IVE BEEN AWAY THE WAR HAS CALLED ME HAKSJHAJSAK university really is a bitch like junior and senior year man,,, I have a thesis now and like just for a bit of a share, I've been here since senior high school (grade 11 and grade 12) and just,,, being here 4 years later is wow! Anyway, thank you guys for staying esp since I rarely post huhu I'll do my best to write more but again, no promises! Love you all
You couldn't believe what just left Nemu's mouth. What was supposed to be a very relaxing lunch out now had turned to your worst nightmare. Ichiro looked dumbfounded, the spoon of rice never making it to his mouth.
You broke the silence first. You whirled to the younger Aohitsugi sibling. "Why would you say that?! I trusted you!"
"It's not like you were going to tell him. You would have been quiet after I would have confessed to him." Nemu said softly, looking down. "You heard what I said, Y/N." She sighed before repeating the sentence that made your heart drop. "I like him too."
"You-" You put your face in your hands and sighed then leaned back in your chair, defeated. You took your hands away from your face and stared at the ceiling. The big secret was out and you had no idea how to deal with it. "This was not how I wanted to tell him, Nemu."
Nemu looked down some more. "I know, but I was planning to tell him today…, but I knew you have feelings for him so I just needed to be honest."
You couldn't stay mad at her, she was your friend after all. You also understood where she was coming from. Nemu wasn't someone who was going to just give up on what she wants and… you also knew you would have stood away if she did say her feelings. Your friend was right, but this really wasn't what you wanted.
"Um…," Ichiro put down his spoon and pushed his plate forward. He leaned forward on the table with both arms. "I…" He sighed, bowing his head. "Look, I don't know what to say to the both of you. I kinda wanna sort out my feelings first, if that's alright with the both of you?" He looked down at his meal, and you wondered if he was thinking of just taking it home instead. Ichiro looked back at the both of you, his red and green eyes meeting your gazes.
"Nemu." Ichiro said and reached over the table to take her hand. Nemu looked up with a start, her eyes widening. "You are a wonderful friend and one of the people I most trust in the world," He said gently. "But I would like some time to think about my feelings. I care about you deeply…, I'm just not sure if it is in that way. Okay? Give me some time."
Nemu noded quietly. "Okay." She said with a small smile. "I understand."
He looked to you now and also took your hand. "Y/N." He sighed. "We've also been through a lot together and you've helped me out at home with Jiro and Saburo…, but I need to also think about my feelings. I love you both, a lot and I just don't want anything to ruin our friendship. Please give me time."
You nodded. "Yes, Ichiro-kun."
Ichiro smiled at the both of you. He sighed, letting go of your hands. "I guess that ends this lunch?"
You both nodded, and just watched as Ichiro called over the waiter so you can have your meals to go.
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risingphoenix761 · 5 years
This is a totally random question, but I’m putting together a playlist and want to include some Pearl Jam, and the only song title I ever remember is Even Flow 😖 so since I know you’re into them, too, do you have any song recs?
*pterodactyl screech* DO I EVER!!!!
Depending on the mood you're going for, let's start with these:
"Alive" - probably THE Pearl Jam song. Pretty angsty, but the chorus is uplifting in spite of that (and I LOVE those guitars!)
"Given To Fly" - I keep saying I can't pick a favorite PJ, but this one is way up there. Upbeat and with a kinda spiritual feel to it, great lyrics, amazing vocals well duh, Eddie Vedder is an amazing vocalist
"Better Man" - this one is sad, but it's got some beautiful lyrics and one of my favorite choruses.
"Black" - another sad one, but I can't include the above and leave this one off. If Better Man is a pre breakup from her perspective, this is post breakup from his, and it is INTENSE.
"Dance Of The Clairvoyants" - this one is a little more laid back with a strong 80's vibe. Not typical PJ, but still awesome, if you ask me.
"Yellow Ledbetter" - you've probably heard this one before, but the title stays elusive. Another classic.
"Jeremy" - I could recommend the entire Ten album, if I'm being honest. Upbeat, ANGSTY, and I'm getting chills just thinking about the outro.
"I Am Mine" - a little slower, powerful lyrics. Good stuff.
I could go on and on and on!
"Release" - another one from Ten, and there is literally nothing about this song that doesn't get me all up in my feels
"Animal" - not just upbeat, but also rowdy and kinda angry, on par with "Once" and "Why Go", all three with THE BEST drums
"Last Kiss" - a cover, and a very sad one, and it seems morbid to call it a driving song but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ definitely not in the same way that "Rockin' In The Free World" is a driving song (and another good cover), but that second one has never made it onto an album and I have no idea why
Last one! I promise!
"Can't Deny Me" - this one ruffled a lot of feathers when it came out, but I like it. The group has always done their own thing, evolved from album to album, and aren't shy about sharing their views, and this is a good example of all three.
I dunno, is this enough to work with? 😂
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lucian-evander · 2 years
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Hey so i said i would do this 30 days of autism acceptance challenge and it's april 6th and i haven't done anything until now 😅 and i'm pretty sure i'll keep messing up the days to be honest 😅😂
Anyway here we go
April 1st: Introduce yourself. Talk about who you are as a person. Your age, hobbies, special interests, family, etc. Anything you feel comfortable sharing.
Well i think if you see this post you probably follow me and know me a little but for the others : i'm Lorcan, i use he/him pronoms, i'm french and i'm 18 . My hobbies ? Well honestly i spend way too much time on tumblr, i read and watch tv and i make stuff in leather when i have the energy. My special interests are the mysterious cities of gold (i've been obsessed since i was 9 ) , my ocs , queer pride stuff , playmobils, i also started being really into badges these last months . Badminton, Narnia, the 100 and the 16th century used to be some too.
April 2nd: Post your redinstead photos today. Alternatively, you could talk about what autistic pride/autism acceptance month means to you.
Ok that's the one that kept me from starting this challenge in time because the only red thing i own is a cape and i refuse to wear a cape with a hoodie so i need to remember where i put my other historical clothes, i'll maybe post a pic at some point in the month if i can
April 3rd: Talk about jobs. Do you currently work or have you worked before? Was it hard for you to find a job? Does your job work well regarding your autism? Alternatively, if you don't work, what was school like for you as an autistic person? What was good about school? What was bad?
I don't currently work and never worked before , i spent half of my school years working at home , i was in advance of 3 years and since the schools didn't want me my mother was the one that dropped her job to teach me at home until i reached 4th grade, the actual school years weren't good but they could have been worse, my mom always fought for me to get more suitable works and helped me a lot with lessons and stuff , also this school was very little (like 70 people maximum in the whole school which went from kindergarten to 9th grade ) and only 5 teachers so high school was easier that it would have been in a classic school (the bad side of it was that it was a very traditional catholic school 😅), then in the middle of 9th grade i left and studied at home for 4 years waiting to be old enough to start a professional training , i started clock making studies at 16 and let's say it was a mix of things : too much hours for me (5 hours in a row is way too much for me), the whole covid crisis, my lack of motivation, teachers misgendering me...but yeah i was able to go only for two months, great..✌🏻/s . Also i never was able to pass my baccalauréat (main french diploma at the ends of the grades) because i can't pass the oral tests .
April 4th: Talk about humor. Do you feel that your autism affects your sense of humor in any way? Are there any inside jokes in the autism community that you really like?
I kinda struggled with humor when i was younger like knowing what was a joke and what wasn't ect...and sometimes i still do when i don't know the person talking because some persons make jokes with a whole serious face so it can be confusing . But overall my parents both have a big and kinda dark sense of humor and they gave it to me to the point where my first reflex in a convo is to joke so yeah humor takes a big place in my life.
April 5th: Talk about instances of miscommunication. Are there any examples you can give for a time where you misinterpreted an interaction with someone else or them you? What do you think went wrong with that interaction?
That definitely happened but i can't think of any exemples right now 🤔. It happens mainly when people say stuff that isn't clear enough / can be understood in several differents ways and very rarely with people i know well.
April 6th: Do you tend to infodump about things that you're interested in?
Yeah absolutely i think my mom must be happy that there won't be any more seasons of the mysterious cities of gold because it took 4 years for the season 4 to come out and she had to hear all my théories for hours during these 4 years 😂. Also when i learn about a new thing i tend to share everything i just learnt which is theorically ok i just have to learn to stop when i see that people aren't in the mood
If you reached that part 👏🏻 i would have never read all that 😂
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