iliketowrite1996 · 4 years
College Drop off Day
Steve takes his daughter to college. 
    TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- college drop off day, tears, sentimental. 
Steve always knew that it’d be a bittersweet day when he dropped Jasmine off at college. He imagined that she’d cry, because they’ve never been apart for more than a night at the most.
    Oh, how very wrong he is.
    Because he’s the one about to shed tears as they unload the last of Jasmine's belongings onto the cart provided by the university, ready to take all of her items up to her dorm room.
    ‘’Goodbye, sweetheart,’’ you pull her into a hug, ‘’I’m going to stay at the car with your younger siblings- they're getting restless.’’
    Your four year old is asleep in his booster seat, and your one year old is wiggling in your arms, ready to be set on the ground to explore her new surroundings.
    ‘’It’s alright. I’ll call you tonight,’’ she promises, hugging her step-mother one last time before turning to Steve, ‘’Okat, daddy, Livvy. I'm ready.’’
    Steve and Olivia help Jasmine take the last of her things to the  dorm room that she will be sharing with two roommates- Samantha and Kelly.
    ‘’Now that you’re gone, I guess I’ll have your room,’’ Olivia, now fourteen, shrugs, looking around the space.
    ‘’Livvy,’’ Jasmine smiles, pulling her younger sister in fro a hug, ‘’I love you, too.’’
    Olivia allows herself to be hugged and returns it, wrapping her arms around her sister and relaxing into her embrace, ‘’You promise you’ll call?’’
    ‘’Always. And you may be the oldest sister in the house now, but I’m your older sister. If you need anything, I’m just a phone call or a text away.’’
    Olivia nods, sighs, and pulls out of the hug to look at Steve, ‘’Dad, I’ll wait in the hall.’’
    She exits, leaving the original dynamic duo time to say their goodbyes.
    ‘’So,’’ Stvee places a hand on the cart’s handle, ‘’This is it.’’
    ‘’Yup. Your baby is all grown up,’’ Jasmine shrugs, ‘’How’s that feel?’’
    ‘’I’m so proud of you Jasmine. You know that. You may have struggled with your grades, but there you are. You graduated. I wish you didn’t want to go to school on the complet other side of the country, but.. Here we are.’’
    ‘’Here we are,’’ she nods, avoiding eye contact with Steve, ‘’Is it okay if I call you a few times a week?’’
    ‘’Every day if you need to, Jazzy. Just because you’re eighteen doesn’t mean I’m not going to be here for you.’’
    ‘’I know, I know. But… but this time, I won't be seeing y'all until Christmas,’’ she looks to Steve, eyes filling with tears, ‘’And I know Peter promised to look after me since he lives here now, and I know that DeShawn is only thirty minutes away. But-’’
    ‘’But you have Sam- he and Sharon moved out here right after they eloped. And you have Shuri, your mentor. You are going to be just fine, Jasmine Allen-Rogers. So smile.’’
    She laughs then and wipes a tear, loving her dad referencing her favorite Kirk Franklin song, ‘’I love you, dad.’’
    ‘’I love you, too,’’ he pulls his daughter into  a hug, pressing a kiss to the top of her hair, ‘’Remember, you have a whole support system behind you. If you ever need anything, you just call me, your stepmom, Tony, Bucky, Nat, Pepper… we’ve got you.’’
    ‘’I’ll remember,’’ she promises, pulling away from the hug and wiping at her brown eyes, ‘’I love you.’’
    ‘’I love you, too. Call us tonight, Jazzy,’’ Steve reminds her, taking the cart and pulling it out of the room…
    And leaving Jasmine to the first day of her new life.
        The family is at the hotel that night, and Steve is patiently waiting for the phone to ring as the two of you bathe the younger children and dress them for bed, while Olivia works on the last of the three books in her Summer reading list for this school year.
    ‘’You okay,’’ you question, pulling Natasha into your arms to dry her, and draining the hotel bathtub, ‘’You haven’t said much.’’
    ‘’James, hold still,’’ Steve tells his son, pulling the race car pajamas over his son’s head, ‘’There you go, buddy. Go in there with Olivia. No, honey, I’m fine.’’
    ‘’You haven't’ said much this evening is all,’’ you kiss Natasha’s forehead as she starts to whine, ‘’Shhh, little one, relax.’’
    ‘’It’s just dropping of Jasmine,’’ he admits, taking Natasha From you and dressing her in her pajamas, ‘’This is the farthest apart we’ve been for more than a week.’’
    ‘’And you have raised a smart, beautiful, faithful, young woman, Steve. She loves God and she is kind, she is compassionate. She is going to be just fine, Steve. You have raised her with strong convictions- she treats everyone kindly, she loves others,she is so sweet. Relax.’’
For the past four years, you have kept Steve Rogers afloat. He hasn’t always known  what would lie ahead, but he’s known that as long as you're by his side, he can count on you.
    ‘’Thank you, baby,’’ he kisses your forehead, cradling baby Natasha to his chest as he does, ‘’I love you.’’
    ‘’I love you, too. Now, let’s go get the littles ready for bed and maybe we can sit in the hallway and have some sort of quiet time.’’
    Steve agrees, following you into your room, where Olivia is still lying on the couch while Jackson slides onto the bed to watch his cartoons.
    Eventually, about twenty-eight minutes later, Steve’s phone lights up with a text from Jasmine. 
    ‘’Love you, dad. Thanks for all that you’ve done. Get some sleep.’’
    And while he doubts that it’ll be the last time that he worries about her, he rests assured in this: Jasmine turned out just the way he always wanted, and always knew Petra would want her to.
This is only the beginning for her. 
    And Jasmine’s future is definitely bright.
DISCLAIMER- I own no rights to any Marvel characters or their fictional worlds, countries, planets, galaxies, etc. 
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iliketowrite1996 · 4 years
Blind Dates part 2
Part 6/10 of singledad!Steve Rogers x Reader series
Part 1:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614617294578089984/his-best-girl
Part 2: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614969499334197248/meet-the-music-teacher
Part 3: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616114724817584128/lunch-buddies
Part 4:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616328582794493952/why-not
Part 5: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616965238563192832/blind-dates-part-1-sneak-peek
TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- Death of a parent, child feels guilty for the death, loss of a spouse, heartache, absent parent, blind dates, making decisions, grief, loss, acceptance.
It’s been a few weeks since his date with Sharon, and Steve has loved every minute that he’s spent with her. She’s sweet to Jasmine, includes her on Saturday dates, and cares about Steve for more than his looks.
And Steve’s not quite ready to call this love, but he would say that he likes where their relationship is going.
‘’What are you thinking about, Steve,’’ Sharon asks him on a Friday night in november, when Jasmine is spending the night at her aunt and cousin’s place.
‘’Hmmm, nothing. I love how sweet you are with Jasmine,’’ he explains, smiling at her before taking her hand, ‘’I think she  is starting to grow on you.’’
‘’I’m glad to hear that,’’ Sharon smiles a bit, accepting a kiss from Steve as they sit on her couch, ‘’So. How was work today?’’
‘’Oh, you know, the usual,’’ Steve shrugs casually, ‘’Paint everywhere, had to tell a kindergartner to stop licking the desks, Jasmine practically jumping with excitement to go to music class.’’
‘’Oh, she loves music?’’
‘’She does. In fact, her teacher has become a good friend of mine.’’
It’s the second to last week of November, so Steve has known you for a good few months. You’ve laughed, you’ve shared details of your move, you’ve had lunch with him a few times.
He tells her this. He doesn’t tell her how his heart breaks a bit at the fact that you have a date tomorrow, even if he does.
‘’You know, Steve,’’ Sharon smirks a bit, but Steve can detect a hint of pettiness behind it, ‘’The way to a girls’ heart is not through talking about another woman.’’
Steve can feel his cheeks heat, ‘’I-I didn’t-’’
‘’I’m kidding, Steve,’’ Sharon snorts, ‘’Listen, we’re not exclusive. I know that you have a crush on our co-worker. I don’t think that you know, though.’’
Steve looks to Sharon, not sure what to say, ‘’I… I don’t have a crush.’’
‘’Okay, Steve. Sure. Listen,’’ she sits up, taking his hand, ‘’We are not exclusive. Why not ask this woman out? You talk about her a lot.’’
‘’She’s busy. She doesn’t have time to date,’’ Steve repeats what you say after a failed date that Pepper tried to set you up with.
‘’And? So are you. You’ve got a kid, two jobs, and your art club. If it’s meant to be, it’ll be. Same as us. So I’m not particularly worried about this- ask her out, Steve It may surprise you,’’ Sharon insists.
And that’s what Steve is thinking Saturday morning when he’s driving around town getting things for Sunday Dinner with Nat and Bucky.
   ‘’Yeah, sure,’’ he tells the woman on the other end, ‘’She can bring her kid. I’ll bring Jazzy.’’
   ‘’Thank you so much, Steve. You’re a sweetheart.’’
   ‘’No problem. I’ll meet her at the arcade at, let’s say…5. ‘’
   ‘’Alright, I’ll relay the message. Thank you, Steve.’’
   ‘’Where are we going, dad,’’ Jasmine questions Steve, as he pulls out of their apartment complex’s parking garage.
   ‘’Well, I had a date. But she has to  bring her kid, so I’m bringing you. I feel like I told you this.’’
   ‘’I wasn’t listening,’’ Jasmine admits.
   Steve glances at her before returning his eyes to the road, ‘’Jasmine, where did you get that hat from?’’
   ‘’Auntie Patricia. She said...she said that it was mom’s.’’
   And it was- a black,velvet hat with a pink blossom on it that her mother had got at a thrift store.
   ‘’It was. Your mom… she loved that hat. I gave it to your Aunt Patricia when your mom passed away.’’
   ‘’Dad, do you ever still miss her?’’
   ‘’All the time, sweetpea. But, hey, I’ve got God and I’ve got you,’’ Steve grins at her when he stops at the red light, ‘’And you’re so much like your mom.’’
   ‘’I am?’’
   ‘’Mhm. She loved to sing, too. Off-key, though,’’ he chuckles as he moves with the flow of traffic at the green light, ‘’And sometimes, she’d do this thing where, if she was trying to remember something, she’d snap as soon as she did. Drove me nuts, and you do it too.’’
   Steve can tell that she’s reflecting on this new found information, so he is silent until they pull into the parking lot of the arcade.
   ‘’Like my outfit,’’ Jasmine poses as they get out of the car.
   She’s dressed in her black sneakers, blue denim overalls, a rainbow long sleeve shirt, and the blossom hat.
   She looks so much like her mother.
   ‘’You look gorgeous, honey. Come on. Let’s get going,’’ Steve tells her, and the dynamic duo make their way to the arcade.
   Steve looks to his phone, and, pulling out the app that he uses to call parents from home so that they didn't have his real number, calls his date.
   ‘’Hello,’’ she answers on the second ring.
   ‘’Hey. Um, we’re here. Are you?’’
   ‘’I am,’’ Steve hears, ‘’We’re at a table over by the ski-ball machine. You can talk to me while you walk this way.
   ‘’Got it,’’ Steve grabs Jasmine’s wrist guiding her through the sem-crowded arcade to find his date for the evening, ‘’Thanks for being patient. I’m sorry we’re late.’’
   ‘’No worries. Thanks for being so relaxed about me bringing my daughter. My aunt and uncle have a wedding that he’s ordaining today, and my babysitter fell through.’’
   ‘’It’s fine, I’m actually happy about this,’’ he admits, ‘’We get to spend time with our kids and see about this.’’
   ‘’Hmmm… you’re right. That does sound… Steve?’’
   Steve looks to see none other than you on your phone, gaping up at him.
   ‘’Hey, what are you doing here,’’ Steve questions.
   ‘’Waiting for my date, what are… Steve, are you my date?’’
   ‘’Looks like it,’’ Steve glances next to you to see Olivia, his little helper from Mrs. Storm’s class,’’Olivia! How are you doing?’’
   ‘’I’m good, Mr. Rogers,’’ she speaks before burying herself in your arm.
   ‘’She’s shy,’’ you reveal, and Steve  nods.
   ‘’I didn’t know she was your daughter,’’ Steve tells you before Jasmine clears her throat, ‘’Jasmine, she already knows you’re my daughter.’’
   ‘’You’re dating my teacher.’’
   ‘’We’re not dating,’’ Steve sighs, ‘’This is a blind date. It’s one date. Does it make you feel weird?’’
   ‘’No,’’ Jasmine shrugs, sliding into the street across  from you and Olivia, ‘’I’m chill.’’
   ‘’...Stop copying Sam. Anyway,’’ Steve looks to you as he sits next to Jasmine, ‘’I didn’t know you had a daughter.’’
   ‘’Are you okay, sweetie,’’ you ask Olivia, who nods, before you turn your attention back to Steve, ‘’I don’t tell everyone, I just like to keep work and home separate.’’’
   ‘’Respected,’’ Steve nods, ‘’Listen, I’ll get the girls some  tokens, and you order the pizza? I think we can talk while they play games while we talk.’’
   Because, boy, do you two have a lot to talk about.
   Under your instructions, Jasmine and Olivia are playing some frog game where you hit them with a mallet while you and Steve keep an eye on the two.
   ‘’I didn’t know you were my date. My aunt said his name is ‘Grant’.’’
   ‘’Steven Grant Rogers,’’ Steve chuckles, looking down, ‘’I asked her to tell you that. I go by my middle name if it’s someone at the church, just so that the date is truly a blind date until we meet up.’’
   ‘’Speaking of which… I thought you were with Jasmine’s mother,’’ you approach the subject, ‘’You talk about her a lot. I just thought…’’
   ‘’No, it’s quite alright. I can see how you got that,’’ Steve looks to Jasmine, wistfulness filling his eyes, ‘’Petra, Jasmine’s mom, passed away the night that she was born.’’
   ‘’Steve,’’ you gasp, ‘’Steve, I...I’m sorry,  I didn’t.’’
   ‘’No, no, it’s fine. I talk about her a lot but mostly for Jasmine’s sake. She’s always hesitant to bring her up. I want her to know that it’s okay,’’ Steve watches as Jasmine takes the token cup in one hand, and Olivia’s hand in the other, and guides her over to the skee ball machines, ‘’What about Olivia? Is her dad around?’’
   ‘’He couldn’t get out of town fast enough. I haven’t seen him in five years,’’ you grimace a bit before smiling at Olivia, ‘’She’s one of my greatest blessings though, and I thank God for her. Even if her dad is trash.’’
   ‘’Tell me how you really feel,’’ Steve jokes, causing you to laugh at your shared bluntness.
   ‘’I mean, I've forgiven Darryl. That’s his name-I forgave him. Steve, iit hurt to hear her ask about her dad and cry about things that she needs him for, like the daughter-daddy dances. My dad and brothers went with her to stuff like that when we were in Texas, but you know… my uncle is even busier. Between charity events, running the church, Bible study… I don’t know. I don’t want to ask more of them. I just moved out. I feel like I can’t ask them.’’
   ‘’Hey, they love you. They helped me with Jazzy, I know they’ll help you, too. And, if you ever need a hand, I’m here.’’
   ‘’Thanks, Steve. I appreciate that,’’ you grin just as your pizza arrives, ‘’Thank you. Steve, I’m gonna take the girls to the bathroom and let them wash their hands, alright?’’
   ‘’Alright,’’ he agrees, ‘’I’ll watch the food and wait for the drinks.’’
   Pretty soon, you’re finishing up the pizza, and laughing while you do so.
   ‘’Daddy tries to sing,’’ Jasmine frowns, ‘’He’s doing his best.’’
   ‘’Thank you, honey. You’re grounded,’’ he laughs when she looks at him with fake hurt, ‘’Alright, chickadee. Go play. You’ve got thirty minutes.’’
   ‘’Okay, daddy. Come on, Olivia,’’ she grabs the five-year-old’s hand, pulling her to the air hockey table.
   ‘’She fancies herself a bit of a big sister, huh,’’ you look to Steve before looking back at your daughters, ‘’She’s always wanted a little sister. And her Aunt Nataasha and Uncle Bucky are happy with their dog, and Sam still hasn't settled down yet. This is the closer she’ll get.’’
   ‘’It’s sweet. She’s a sweet kid, Steve. You’ve done a very good job at raising her.’’
   ‘’Thank you. You’ve done a great job with Olivia, too.’’
   ‘’You have no idea how much I needed to hear that today,’’ you breathe out, blinking back tears, ‘’It was a rough day.’’
   ‘’I understand. If you ever need to talk or vent,’’ Steve places a hand on top of yours, causing you to look at where your hands are together on top of the table, the fluorescent lights above doing very little to illuminate how beautiful it is, his hands on yours,
   Be still,your beating heart.
   ‘’I don’t want to make you think that I’m forcing you into liking me or something. I mean.. I am dating other people. Well, one other person. Not exclusively,’’ Steve sighs, ‘’I don’t know. I just don’t want you to think that I am trying to make this be more than it is. I like us being friends, and that’s most important to me.’’
   For the past five years, you’ve been  focusing on Olivia and making things as normal as possible for her in all aspects that you haven’t seriously thought about dating. It always came down to her. The only reason you moved was to start over in a new life for yourself, and, in doing so, give Olivia a new life.
   ‘’I don’t know how I feel right now.Because I don’t want to lose this friendship, either.’’
   ‘’So then let’s just see where this goes,’’ Steve pats your hand gently before pulling his hand away, just as Olivia and Jasmine rejoin you, coming back with none other than DeShawn.
   ‘’Hi!,’’ DeShawn greets you both, ‘’Mr. Rogers, I’m here with my mom. She asked if she could take Jazzy and I for ice cream in about a half hour , then she’ll drop her off at home.’’
   Steve looks to his watch, and notices that it’s only seven, ‘’Sure. As long as Jasmine is home by 9:30. ‘’
   ‘’Thanks, Mr. Rogers!’’
   ‘’THanks, daddy! Bye,’’ Jasmine hugs Steve, you and even Olivia, ‘’I’ll see you later.’’
   The two are rushing off then, leaving you, Olivia and Steve.
   ‘’It’s an hour to bed time, little one,’’ you remind Olivia, ‘’Let’s head home, Livvy.’’
   ‘’But I want ice cream, too.’’
   ‘’Tomorrow. Otherwise you’ll be up all night,’’ you remind her, grabbing her coat, ‘’Since you got the tokens, I’ll pay for the pizza, Steve.’’
   ‘’Don’t worry about it,’’ Steve begins to reach for his wallet.
   ‘’No, I insist,’’ you button your daughter’s coat.
   ‘’Well, at least let me drive you to your apartment, like trail you. I just want to make sure you get home safely.’’
   You stand, folding your coat over your arm, ‘’Why?’’
   Maybe you’re being irrational and over defensive, but it is what it is, and you’re committed to protecting Olivia from getting attached just to get hurt.
   Olivia… and your own heart.
   ‘’Just as friends. I did it for my friend Nat  before she and Bucky got married. Promise.’’
   So that’s how you find yourself carrying Olivia as Steve unlocks your door.
   ‘’So my great-niece is passed out, huh?’’
   You and Steve look to see your aunt and uncle. Dressed from the wedding earlier.
   ‘’What are you two doing here?’’
   ‘’You really should charge your phone, dear,’’ your aunt takes your sleeping kindergartner, ‘’We came to check up on you.’’
   ‘’I’m sorry,’’ you sigh, ‘’It died at dinner.’’
   ‘’Well thank goodness for Steve, then, dear,’’ she winks at him, ‘’I’m gonna get her dressed in her pajamas.’’
   ‘’Steve. Always a pleasure to see you,’’ your uncle greets your date for the evening with a handshake.
   ‘’Pastor,’’ Steve acknowledges before your uncle enters behind your aunt, closing your door to give the two of you privacy.
   ‘’Sorry about them,’’ you chuckle, nervously clasping your hands together in front of you, ‘’Well… I’m going to church tomorrow, so I guess I’ll see you then.’’
   ‘’See you then,’’ Steve nods, rocking on his feet, ‘’Um… not to be ...imposing. I don’t know if that’s the correct word. But can I kiss you?’’
   It’s funny, he thinks, because he hesitated with Sharon. But not with you.
   ‘’I… I think I’d like that,’’ you whisper, just before Steve leans in and you…
   Pull away.
   ‘’I can’t. I just… Steve, I like you. But I really don’t want to go fast, because that’s how I got hurt last time.’’
   Steve is no stranger to being hurt. He’s been on countless of failed dated, lost the love of his life, and now he’s trying to juggle growing feelings for Sharon with a crush that has long been on you.
   ‘’I understand. Listen,’’ Steve leans his forehead against yours, staring into your eyes, ‘’I want you to know that you can trust me. I’m not… I’m not here to hurt you or Olivia.’’
   ‘’It’s gonna take a minute for me to see you as a potential partner and not just a coworker or friend, Steve. And I need you to respect that. Besides… you’re already seeing someone else. And I think that you should spend some time seeing the both of us before you make a choice about any of this.’’
   It’s a cop out, you feel, but also the truth. You’ve got Olivia to think about. And though you know Steve is a good guy, are you sure that you’re really ready for this? Thinking about dating him and actually dating him are two vastly different things.
   ‘’Am I getting ahead of myself?’’
   ‘’No. I , I think, with both of us being parents, we have to consider our daughters. So, no pressure. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?’’
   ‘’Yeah. Bye, Steve. Good night.’’
   ‘’Good night,’’ Steve turns on his heels, away from you and back to his car.
   And, for the first time in a while, Steve Rogers is left without a plan…
   And no idea how he feels about it.
   ‘’So… what’s the problem?’’
   ‘’I like Sharon, I like my co-worker. I’m not here for advice, Nat.’’
   It’s been three weeks since your date, and it’s two weeks before Christmas. Since then, you’ve enjoyed Skype dates, Saturday lunches, Wednesday Night Bible Study, and a Sunday dinner with Steve and sometimes your daughters…
   While Sharon has enjoyed Friday nights, Saturday breakfasts, and Wednesday early dinners with Steve,
   He’s been dating the both of you, and he’s honestly not sure who he’s more interested in. He loves your dedication, your sensitivity, your caring nature. But he adores Sharon’s spitfire attitude, sarcasm, and willingness to arrange her schedule without even having a child of her own.
   So here he is,after Sunday morning church service, at Nat and Bucky’s for dinner.
   ‘’Yes, you are,’’ she leans her head against her hand, glancing to where Jasmine and Bucky are in the kitchen, fixing up dinner, ‘’Because of Jasmine.’’
   Steve has spent the last ten years of his life making sure that Jasmine has everything she needs, and that if he can’t get it for her, someone can. He’s turned down dates, poured out savings to pay for things that he needs her to have, borrowed from Sam..
   Anything that he can do to take care of her.
   ‘’She’s my daughter, Nat. I’ve got to consider her.’’
   ‘’Yeah, I know, Steve. I’m not telling you not to. But you… how do  I say this? Steve, you’re using her as an excuse.’’    
   Steve looks to Natasha with a blank look, ‘’How’s that?’’
   ‘’You know I'm right. You find something wrong with every woman that you date, Steve. Don’t even-,’’ she holds up a hand before he can cut her off, ‘’You do. And most of the time, it’s valid. But here are two great women, who care about Jazz in some way, who accept her and you, who like you for more than your looks… and you’re looking for advice because you’re afraid.’’
   ‘’No, my co-worker is afraid,’’ Steve stresses, ‘’She doesn’t want to get hurt.’’
   ‘’And you don’t want Jasmine to get hurt,but you don’t want yourself to get hurt.’’
   Steve is ready to sputter out anything to refute her, to say how she’s wrong.
   ‘’You're glad that Sharon wants you to date others and you’re glad that your coworker is afraid because you are. Because you are constantly comparing every woman that you meet to Petra, Steve. Because... ,’’ Nat takes his hand, ‘’Because that hurt you to a point where you’re afraid to try again. And if I am wrong, I’ll admit that I’m wrong. But look me, one of our best friends, in the eye and tell me that’s not true.’’
   Steve can feel his tears, and Nat acts quickly. She tells Bucky that she’s showing Steve what they did with their office space, and guides him into the spare room, knowing that he doesn’t want to cry in front of Jasmine.
   ‘’Steve,’’ she sighs, not one for hugs, but opening her arms for her friend.
   And Steve, for the first time in years, crumbles at the thought of Petra.
   ‘’I can’t do it again, Nat,’’ he’s sobbing into her arms again, ‘’Not again.’’
   ‘’Hey. Hey, shhh… it’s okay,’’ Nat shushes him, ‘’Steve, you can’t hold this in all of the time.’’
   ‘’I’ve got to do it for Jazzy.’’
   ‘’Steve, look at me,’’ Natasha urges him, ‘’Jazzy is trying to hold it for you. She asked me if I had any more pictures of her mom. I really think something’s going on with her. Peter talks to Tony… her grades are getting better, she didn’t mind giving up her solo to spend more time studying...but really talks to her, Steve. About her mom, I mean. You know Bycky, Sam, Tony, Pepper and I are here for you.  You’ve got us.’’
   ‘’That’s the worst pain I’ve ever been through. I never want to go through that again.’’
   ‘’Steve, I can’t promise you that you won’t. I can promise that you never have to go through it alone. You have the strongest faith I have ever seen in someone. You can get through this and you're not alone.’’
   Steve thinks of her words, of the friendships that have become like family relationships, of all of the things that his partner has told him about faith…
   And of the premise that he made Petra the day that they found out about Jasmine- to always be there for her no matter what.
   ‘’Nat,’’ Steve sighs, pulling Nat into a hug again, ‘’I don’t know what I’d do without you.’’
   ‘’Your life would suck,’’ she deadpans, laughing when Steve place a friendly kiss on her head.
   ‘’You comforted me, and you said you didn’t have any maternal instincts. You know I love you, and Jasmine adores you.’’
   ‘’I love you both, too. You know that. And, I guess it’s about time that I got some maternal instincts to come out. I’ll be needing them in about seven months.’’
   Steve’s grin starts slow, but he can totally see Nat being a great mom, and Bucky being a great day, ‘’Does Buck know?’’
   ‘’Not yet. I’ll tell him tonight, after dinner. So, please, don’t tell anyone else.’’
   ‘’Your secret's safe with me,  but we'd better get out there before they get worried.’’
   Nat Nods in agreement, and the two walk out to find Bucky and Jasmine setting the table for dinner.
   ‘’Everything okay,’’ Bucky asks the two of them, eyes on his best friend and wife as Jasmine sets forks on the table.
   ‘’Yeah, what have you two been up to,’’ Nat inquires, ‘’That salad looks amazing, Buck.’’
   ‘’My assistant made it,’’ Bucky Gestures to Jasmine, who bows gracefully.
   ‘’That’s my girl,’’ Steve high fives his daughter, ‘’Looks good, sweetpea.I can’t wait to dig in.’’
   When dinner is over, Jasmine and Steve go home, change into their pajamas, and lounge on the couch.
   ‘’Only a few more days until the Christmas concert?’’
   ‘’Igues,’’ Jasmine shrugs, ‘’I don’t really care about the solo, so I’m glad it went to Alexandria.  DeShawn’s mom said she’d take us shopping over the weekend. Dad… daddy, I don’t want to do anything for my birthday this year.’’
   Well, he certainly wasn’t expecting that.
   ‘’Why not, Jazzy?’’
   ‘’Because it makes you sad. It makes you think about mom. And you don’t…’’
   Steve looks over to see his daughter wiping tears furiously, ‘’Jazzy? Jazzy what’s wrong?’’
   ‘’I’m just tired! I just… dad, why don’t we talk about mom more? WHy don’t you show me more pictures?’’
   And there it is. It finally came out, and Steveis both happy that he knows what’s bothering his daughter, and upset that he didn’t see it sooner.
   ‘’Come here,’’Steve pulls his daughter in a hug, ‘’Sweetheart, why didn’t you say anything sooner?’’
   ‘’I don’t know,’’ she shrugs, wiping her face, ‘’Dad… I just. I miss her, and I didn’t know her.’’
   ‘’That’s fine, sweetheart. I should have talked about her before. I Didn't want to upset you, but I guess that I did.’’
   ‘’I love spending time with Aunt Patricia, I love Aunt Nat.But I just feel like I don’t… I look at DeShawn and his mom, and Olivia and her mom. I want that. ‘’
   ‘’I know you do,’’ he sighs,kissing her head, ‘’I’m so sorry, Jazzy.’’
   ‘’It’s okay,dad.’’
   ‘’It’s not okay, but we will remedy the situation. Tomorrow, I’ll pull out her old pictures. Next time you feel like this, Jazzy, talk to me. You know that I want what’s best for you.’’
   ‘’I know, daddy. I love you.’’
   ‘’I love you, too, Jazzy.’’
   And the two stay like that for a bit, just spending time with each other, talking between the two of them.
   ‘’Dad, do you like both Sharon and my teacher?’’
   ‘’I think I do,yeah,’’ Steve admits, because he’s always been honest with his daughter, ‘’But I’ve got you to think about, too, Jazz. So I won’t rush into anything.’’
   ‘’Dad, I love you, but… I like them both, too.  Sharon is nice and fun, but so is my music teacher. I mean… it would take some getting used to. But I like her, and she won’t be my teacher when I go to middle school next year.’’
   Jasmine sees the world for what it is, while also weighing the possibilities. Just like you. And it’s something Steve has already known, and he just now realizes that his daughter is very mhc mature for a ten year old, and he somehow got to witness her transformation into a young lady and missed it in the blink of an eye.
   ‘’When did you get so smart?’’
   ‘’I always am. It’s late, dad. I’m going to bed. Love you.’’
   ‘’Love you, too, Jazzy.’’
   So Jasmine heads off to bed, and Steve retires to his own room shortly after, with a plan for tomorrow.
   First he’ll get up early and pull out those pictures of Petra to show Jasmine after school. Then, he’ll text Sharon and see if they can talk. Finally, he’ll see you at school, and talk to you.
   Steve has learned that he has to accept certain things, but he can fight for what he wants at times, too.
   And if it’s meant to be, Steve is sure that it will find a way.
DISCLAIMER- I own no Marvel characters or their fictional worlds, planets, countries, galaxies, etc. 
@ashanti-notthesinger @destinio1 @afraiddreamingandloving @airis-paris14 @syreanne @chaneajoyyy @90sinspiredgirl @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx @adrioola21 @supremethunda @thisiskayesworld @mcusocialimagines @priya212  @kumkaniudaku  @airis-paris14 @alexundefined @fonville-designs  @dramaqueenamby  @mellowjellow6 @oceanscorazon @nerd-lovely @fonville-designs @akimi-youngblood @yoyolovesbucky @fd-writes @areubeingserved-too @areubeingserved
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iliketowrite1996 · 4 years
Lunch Buddies
Part 1:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614617294578089984/his-best-girl
Part 2: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614969499334197248/meet-the-music-teacher
TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- abandoning child, mentioned of dead spouse, moving and starting over, single parenthood
‘’Jasmine. What on earth are you doing?’’
   The ten year old freezes in her spot at the sound of Steve’s voice, before looking up at her dad with wide, brown eyes.
   ‘’Um… I am making you lunch,’’ she responds, slapping yet another slice of bread on top of the sandwich that she is constructing.    
   ‘’Alright, Jasmine. What did you do?’’
   ‘’I did nothing!,’’ she insists, stepping over to the cabinet and getting out some tupperware and a top.
   ‘’I guess this wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you got your math test back yesterday, hm?’’
   Jasmine looks at Steve with wide eyes before sighing, looking to the floor, and trudging over to her book bag. She returns with her math paper… a giant red ‘’F’’ in the top, right by her name.
   ‘’Jasmine, come on now,’’ Steve sighs, shaking his head slightly as Jasmine constitutes stare at the floor, ‘’What happened?’’
   ‘’I studied, daddy,’’ she looks up at Steve, big, brown eyes filling with tears, ‘’Honest, I did! But when it was time for the test, I got so confused.’’
   ‘’Have you asked Mr. Isaac to help you?’’
   ‘’Yes,’’ she wipes at her eyes with the back of her hand, ‘’But I don’t get it the way that he explains it, either. Deshaw tried to help me and Alexandria tried to help me, but it’s still so confusing.’’
   ‘’Okay, don’t cry, come here,’’ Steve says, allowing Jasmine to lay her head on his shoulder like she used to do when she was little, ‘’Don’t cry. Everyone makes mistakes.’’
   ‘’But I KEEP failing!,’’ she eventually wails, and Steve pulls her in for a hug, smoothing her curls down as he does so.
   ‘’Shh. Sweetheart, calm down. WhenI was your age, I didn’t understand science, and I had trouble with social studies. Your grandma had to get me a tutor. And, you know what? That’s exactly what we are going to do. I’m going to ask Tony if his intern will tutor you.’’
   ‘’Peter,’’ Jasmine lifts her head up and looks at Steve, continuing to wipe her tears, ‘’From church?’’
   ‘’Yes, your crush,’’ Steve teases to which Jasmine giggles.
   ‘’Okay. Do you think that he can help me pass math?’’
   ‘’I’m sure that if he can’t, he knows someone that will. So, what do you say, kiddo? Ready to get yourself a tutor?’’
   ‘’You bet,’’ she nods, looking at his lunch, then the time on the clock, ‘’Daddy, we have to get to school! I want to give my music teacher her bracelet that I made her!’’
   ‘’You’re right. Grab your boots and let’s hit it.’’
   September has given way to fall, and Steve and Jasmine crunch the leaves under their feet as they make their way to the school building. Steve has to drag Jasmine along a bit, seeing as they got in late from church last night. But she perks up when he brings up her music teacher again.
   ‘Daddy, she is so nice! Yesterday, we got to makeup songs about school supplies,’’Jasmine reveals, sticking her arm out so that her dad so that he can guide her across the street through the crowds of people coming and going.
   When the duo makes it to the school, they share their customary high-five before going their separate ways.
   ‘’Good morning, Mr. Rogers,’’ you smile as you walk past him to your classroom.
   ‘’Good morning. And call me Steve,’’ he beams at your retreating form, ‘’I assume I’ll be seeing you today?’’
   ‘’Actually, we should be all good,’’ you turn around to face him as he comes closer, on the way to his class, ‘’Unless you just like seeing me.’’
   ‘’I-I, um, you know-,’’ Steve begins to sputter, causing you to giggle a bit.
   ‘’Steve, relax. I’m kidding. But I do thank you for being so kind to me these first few weeks. I’ll see you later,’’ you turn around, taking your key to unlock your classroom.
   And Steve tries to ignore the slight pang of disappointment that accompanies that statement. 
   ‘’Thank you so much for your help, Olivia,’’ Steve smiles as he high-fives the five-year-old, who beams in response.
   ‘’Thank you, Mr. Rogers,’’ she nearly whispers, following her kindergarten class into the hallway and back to there room
   No sooner than the students leave is Steve interrupted while organizing for the next class to come in.
‘’Mr. Rogers.’’
Steve looks up from where he is placing materials on the tables in preparation for his next art class to see you at the door, dressed in a blouse and professional bottoms…
With a giant coffee stain on your shirt.
‘’Woah, what happened,’’ he questions as you enter, futility scrubbing at the stain with a damp paper towel.
‘’Fourth grader running down the hallway. Luckily, it’s ice coffee,’’ you huff, tossing the paper towel away, ‘’Um, I’m here because Jasmine said that you had a pen to get stains out. I was if I could borrow it?’’
‘’You know,’’ Steve chuckles, walking over to his desk to retrieve it for you, ‘’We’ve got to stop coming to each other when we need things only.’’
Since your arrival three weeks ago, you and Steve stop by each other's rooms frequently. After all, you’re right down the hall from each other.
He needed a stapler, you needed a case of pencils and couldn’t find the janitor. Mr. Smith. He needed to know what time the assembly started, and you needed help with the copy room printer that always jammed and he didn't mind, did he?
‘’Thanks,’’ you sigh in relief, scrubbing at the stain, ‘’I sense you’re prone to messes, too?’’
‘’Not me. Jazzy,’’ he shakes his head fondly, ‘’She’s always moving, always rushing. She gets that from me, but her mom always used to spill on herself, too.’’
‘’I see,’’ you smile gently, pressing the cap back onto the pen before giving it to Steve, ‘’Thank you, Mr. Rogers.’’
‘’Please, call me Steve. We’re cowowrkers,’’ he reminds you, and it takes everything you have in you to bite back the smile that is beginning to form on your lips.
Okay, okay.He’s cute. But you’re his co-worker, you just got here, and you’ve got a lot on your proverbial plate already.
‘’Oh, um, listen. I’d packed Jasmine some lasagna that I made last night, but DeShawn’s mother packed her lunch today. So, if you want, since we have the same planning period…’’
‘’I’d love to. We can eat in my class, okay?’’
‘’Okay,’’ Steve nods, shoving his hands in his pocket.
‘’I’ll see you at 12:30,’’ you agree, exiting his classroom and heading back to your own to prepare for your first graders from Ms. Wilson’s class.
Just in time to miss Steve’s fist pump.
And he doesn’t see you do the same thing in the hallway.
   When you first moved to New York from Texas, it was for a fresh start. You’d parked your car, and moved in with your aunt and your uncle. Your uncle is the pastor at a local church, and he was more than happy to let you move into their house in New Jersey with them until you could get your bearings.
and he’d heard about the opening for the music teacher as a way for you to more easily get on your feet. In fact, you have a meeting with a landlord tomorrow to look at a one-bedroom apartment a few blocks from the school.
   You’ve been taking time getting used to your new surroundings. Every day, you take a walk right before work, taking in your surroundings and casually absorbing people. On the weekends, you find one new restaurant to try with your ‘’restaurant buddy’’.  After church, you say hi to one new person.  At work, you make it a point to say hi to one new co-worker each day.
   For a while, though,you seem to be making it a point to find any reason to talk to one Steve Rogers.
   Steve is one hundred percent handsome, and very  kind. He always has a smile on his face, he is so good with the students, and you can see how much he loves his daughter.
   ‘’Hi, mommy!’’
   You’re broken out of your thoughts by a young kindergartner who is waving at you as she clutches a hall pass.
   ‘’Hey, honey, why aren’t you in class?’’
   ‘’Teddy got sick in our class bathroom and I’m going to the big kids’ bathroom,’’ she beams, feeling proud of herself.
   ‘’Oooh, that’s a big step! Now make sure you go and get right back to class, baby. Mommy’s gotta go get ready for ehr new class. And you go with Ms. Potts after school, I’ll pick you up from  her classroom at 4:40, alright?’’
   ‘’Alright, mommy,’’she nods dutifully before trekking off up the hallway to the bathroom.
   Your five-year-old daughter is your first, and only child. She started kindergarten here when you moved, and it’s taking a while, but she’s slowly coming out of her shell.
   When your daughter was born, you had just finished college with a degree in teaching. Though her arrival was about five years ahead of your timeline, you were ecstatic. You’ve always wanted to be a mom, and this journey just began earlier than you expected.  Her dad, your then-boyfriend, Darryl, was less than thrilled at the prospect of a new baby, but he agreed to be there.
   That is, until he wasn’t. One day, the texts stopped being returned, the calls went unanswered, and he didn't drop by. A quick visit to his apartment confirmed your fear- only three months after your daughter’s birth, and he had decided that this was not for him. No conversation, no warning, nothing.
   And had you not had your faith, your church family, and family and friends, you’re not exactly sure where you would be. The combined forces have helped you get through your first year of teaching, your move, apartment, hunting, and most importantly, raising your  beautiful baby girl.
   Your next class is milling in now, so you put on your best smile and greet the students, earning high-fives and hugs from the class of second graders.
       And so begins another class.
   ‘’Hey, lunch buddy,’’ Steve appears at your doorway, right on time.
   ‘’Hey,’’ you smile at him, nodding for him to enter.
   ‘’I warmed it up for you, hope that’s okay,’’ he speaks, placing your lunch on your desk and pulling up a chair for you as you pull two bottles of water from your bag.
   ‘’Thanks for sharing with me,’’ you speak up, ‘’Otherwise it would have been peanut butter and jelly again.’’
   ‘’Hey, nothing wrong with a classic,’’ he grins at you, ‘’I forgot to tell you, and I hope I’m not overstepping… you look really nice today.’’
   You’d woken up a little earlier today, so you took care with your hair, slicking it back into a bun and taking the time to gel down your edges. Your favorite, red jumpsuit is on, and you’ve got the red ballet flats to match.
   ‘’Thank you, Steve,’’ you return the gesture,completing his outfit.
   You enjoy your lunch with Steve. The teacher lounge is great and everything, but you like quiet conversation during your lunch. So  it’s nice to spend time with your teacher neighbor, and relax before your last two classes of the day, and glee club practice.
   ‘’So, how long have you been teaching here,’’ you ask after praying over your food, silently reveling in the taste of the pasta that he’s given you.
   ‘’About ten years. I was hired here the year before Jazzy was born. This is, uh, actually where I met her mom,’’ he reveals, a look that you don’t quite understand crossing his face before he shakes it off, ‘’How long have you been a teacher?’’
   ‘’Five years ago, I started out in Texas as a grade-school special education teacher. I’m dual-licensed,’’ you move back in your chair, looking out the window, ‘’It’s quite different going from having a classroom full of students that you’re with all day to only seeing students a few times a week for 45 minutes.’’
   ‘’I imagine it’s also really difficult to come here from Texas. Did you have any family?’’
   ‘’Yeah, I moved in with my aunt and uncle. They’ve been a great help, but I think I ‘m ready to head out on my own. With their help, of course,’’ you amend, tapping your fingers against the desk, ‘’I don’t know. I just like the feeling of being independent.’’
   ‘’Well, you still seem pretty independent to me. But, you know, if you'd find a place, you’ve got two people that’ll help you move in. You’re Jasmine’s favorite teacher. She talks about you non-stop at home.’’
   ‘’She’s wonderful,’’ you shake your head, laughing fondly, ‘’And very headstrong.’’    
   ‘’Always has been,’’ he chuckles, ‘’Just like her mother.’’
   Before you can respond to that, they’re calling you over the PA system, and lunch is cut short. Steve follows you out, allowing you to lock your class door and head to the office.
   And giving you a minute to feel just a tad bit sour on missing the rest of your not-a-date-lunch-date with Steve.
   After the glee club picks up, you’re exhausted. Thank goodness you’re aunt is making dinner tonight, because you plan on crawling straight into bed after dinner.
   ‘’Mommy!,’’ your daughter screams,rushing forward and leaping into your arms.
   ‘’Gey, you know we don’t get that loud in the school building. But I’m happy to see you,’’ you smooth down her flyaway curls, ‘’Girl, what did you do to your hair?’’
   ‘’We were discussing static electricity,’’ Pepper informs you, walking over holding a first grader and a kindergartener's hands. ‘’She was absolutely lovely and so well-behaved. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?’’
   ‘’Okay,’’ you and your daughter nod before you take her to the parking lot, ready to head home.
   ‘’Mommy, are we having pizza for dinner again?’’
   ‘’No, we’re having whatever Auntie is making. And you’re going to be polite, even if you don’t like it. Understood?’’
   ‘’Yes, momma,’’ she nods, to unlock the car and place her in her booster seat before heading around to the driver’s side.
   Your night time routine is, somehow, a bit more chaotic than your morning routine. Baby girls are always tired from school, your aunt is exasperated after dealing with high school students all day, your uncle is tired from whatever volunteer or service he has done that day, and you’re just tired. But you’ve got to feed  your daughter, bathe her, do her hair, help with her homework, and send her off to sleep before working on your own planning.
   ‘’So, honey,’’ your aunt tells you as you send the resident kindergartner to the bathroom to wash her hands, ‘’I’ve got this great guy at church I’d like to set you up with.’’
   ‘’That’s gonna be a no from me,’’ you sneak a cucumber from the salad your uncle is making, causing him to playfully glare at you.
   ‘’Leave that girl alone,’’ your uncle jests.
   ‘’She’s a smart, lovely, beautiful young woman and he’s a good man!,’’ your aunt defends.
   ‘’I don’t have time for dating! We just got here, I need to put down roots first. Besides… I’m not even sure that I want to be dating right now.’’
   In some ways you’re still reeling from your relationship with Darryl. And you’ve been on dates, but nothing serious.
   ‘’Oooh, have you got sights set on someone at work,’’ your aunt smirks, earning a groan from you, which she laughs heartily at, ‘’You do!’’
   ‘’My sights are not set on him, but he is attractive. He’s with someone, though, so… there that goes.’’
   ‘’And here goes your daughter, so pipe down,’’ your uncle whispers, knowing you hate discussing dating in front of her.
   Soon, dinner is served and you're grateful to put the issue to bed.
   When it’s time to tuck your daughter, she’s smiling at you as she strokes the curls of your hair.
   ‘’Your hair is pretty, mommy.’’
   ‘’Thank you, sweetheart. Your hair is pretty, too,’’ you respond, taking her hand and kissing it, ‘’Time for bed, ladybug.’’
   ‘’Okay. Good night, mommy.’’
   ‘’Good night, Olivia. Mommy loves you,’’ you speak.
   Then, it’s time for you to head in for the night, leaving all thoughts of blind dates, school, work and Steve Rogers behind before drifting off to sleep.
DISCLAIMER- I own no rights to any Marvel characters, places, etc. 
@ashanti-notthesinger @destinio1 @afraiddreamingandloving @starsshines-blog @airis-paris14 @syreanne @chaneajoyyy @90sinspiredgirl @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx @adrioola21 @supremethunda @thisiskayesworld @mcusocialimagines @priya212  @kumkaniudaku  @airis-paris14 @alexundefined @fonville-designs  @dramaqueenamby  @mellowjellow6 @oceanscorazon @nerd-lovely @fonville-designs @akimi-youngblood @yoyolovesbucky @fd-writes
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iliketowrite1996 · 4 years
My Life Now
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@chaneajoyyy quarantine Part 10/10 of Steve Rogers x Reader!Fic 
art by Rachel Szo on fearuted society6.com
Part 2: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614969499334197248/meet-the-music-teacher
Part 3: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616114724817584128/lunch-buddies
Part 4:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616328582794493952/why-not
Part 5: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616965238563192832/blind-dates-part-1-sneak-peek
Part 6: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/617069920649412608/blind-dates-part-2
Part 7:  https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/617392023489609728/as-a-friend
Part 8: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/617671766270263296/where-does-that-leave-us
Part 9:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/617671741879336960/next-step
 TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- looking back on memories, mentions of former crushes and deceased loved ones. 
4 years later
 Steve Rogers is sleepy.
    Steve Rogers is sleepy, and he hasn’t even had time for his morning cup of coffee for the day.
    Steve Rogers is sleepy, he hasn’t even had time for his morning cup of coffee for the day, and his kids are working his last nerve before 10 o’clock in the morning.
    In case you were wondering, that’s how the first Saturday of summer vacation is going. 
    ‘’James, eat your peaches. Otherwise I’ll have to tell mommy, and there will be no dessert for you this evening.
    James Samuel Anthony Rogers pouts up at his dad, but he obediently pinches his chopped pieces of peach, placing a bit into his mouth before humming appreciatively at the fruit’s sweet flavor.
    ‘’That’s my boy,’’ Steve kisses his head as he goes pass, sitting in the chair next to the three-year-old’s booster chair at their new kitchen table, ‘’You’ve got to set a good example for your big brother, bud.’’
    In Steve’s arms is your eight month old daughter- Natasha Rae Anne is beaming up at him as he holds her, ready to feed ehr next.
    Natasha is named after her godmother, who nearly burst into tears when she was asked to carry on this honor.
    ‘’What’s that mean,’’ James asks, taking his sippy cup to drink some of his milk.   
    ‘’It means that you have to do the right thing and show her some of the ropes so that she doesn't’ get into trouble and is safe,’’ Steve explains, ‘’Like how Jasmine and Olivia do for the two of you.’’
    ‘’Oh, okay,’’ James shrugs, continuing to swing his legs and eat his snack as Steve finishes setting up baby Natasha’s breakfast.
    ‘’Okay, sweet pea,’’ Steve begins, pressing a kiss to Natasha’s ebony black curls before beginning to spoon feed her, ‘’Time for some mashed sweet potatoes.’’
    Natasha, for her part, hates vegetables. She’ll spit them back up, leaving you, Steve or one of her older siblings to dutifully spoon them back into her mouth so that she can get her nutrients.
    ‘’The baby doesn’t like it, dad.’’
    ‘’I don’t blame her, son. Maybe she’ll eat some of her cereal puffs,’’ Steve shrugs before shouting, ‘’Jasmine!’’
    He hears a huff that he elects to ignore before the now seventeen year old comes around the corner, bobby pins in her mouth and hands working in her hair, ‘’Hmm?’’
    ‘’Take the bobby pins out of your mouth and come here,’’ he instructs, and Jasmine lets go of her hair to pocket the bobby pins and listen to her dad.
    Jasmine has grown into a beautiful young woman. She’s smart, funny, and continues to bring joy to both yours and Steve’s lives. This summer, she’s got some amazing plans. Her aunt is taking her to the lake with her nephew, Pepper managed to get her a tour of the college that she’s considering going to in order to study music, Natasha is taking her for a girls’ day at the spa next weekend, Sam and Bucky are helping her with ehr college applications, and Toni- much to Steve’s horror- bought her a car last year for her sixteenth birthday.Right now, she is currently attempting a new hairstyle by adding hair to her own ponytail, and Steve is interrupting the process.
    ‘’What is it, dad?’’
    ‘’Can you get your little sister her puffs? I’d ask james to do it, but…’’
    The duo look to where James is currently eating the peaches that he’s spread all over his plastic place mat, pretending like they are airplanes and flying them into his mouth.
    He’s a sticky, epach covered mess, but he’s not bothering anybody, so Steve leaves it alone.
    ‘’Enough said,’’ Jasmine nods, strolling over to the counter to scoop dome of the puffs into a small, rectangular bowl for Natasha, ‘’here you go, dad.’’
    ‘’Thank you, Jazzy. What are you doing your hair so early for,’’ Steve questions, allowing Natasha to feed herself the cereal puffs while he monitors closely.
    ‘’Just going out with DeShawn,’’ Jasmine shrugs casually, ‘’We’re going on a picnic.’’
    Despite her reservedness, Steve can see right through her. She’s just like Petra and himself in that way. She and DeShawn have been dating for a few months now- four, he thinks. He is pretty much in love with her, and he’s guessing that Jasmine has just come around to the realization that she feels the same way he does.
    ‘’Aww, no more Peter Parker?’’
    Jasmine groans then,remembering her crush on her former tutor, ‘’Dad! He’s like so much older than me, and he’s forgotten about it, let it go!’’
    Steve laughs at this, watching her try to cover her own smirk, ‘’Okay, okay. Go ahead and finished getting ready for your date.’’
    ‘’I think I’ll watch James up first,’’ she notes his sticky hands and face, ‘’Come on, James. Let’s go wash up and you can watch some TV.’’
    Jasmine picks her brother up, placing him on her hip and exiting the kitchen just in time for Olivia to join them.
    ‘’What did he even eat,’’ Olivia questions to which Jasmine snorts.
    ‘’Dad gave him peaches,’’ Jasmine explains carrying her little brother around the corner as she does so.
    ‘’Dad, you know he’s not  good with peaches, right,’’ Olivia quivers an eyebrow at the parent in front of her, who shrugs noncommittally.
    ‘’Slipped my mind.’’
    In the past year or so, Olivia has taken to calling Steve her dad. He’s been there or her so much thus far, and she considers no one else when asked about her dad. He loves her, she loves him and that’s all it is to them.
    ‘’Where’s your mother,’’ Steve questions, wiping some crumbs from Natasha’s face as she joyfully munches on her cereal.
    ‘’She’s taking a shower,’’ Olivia responds, reaching into the cabinet for some cereal of her own, ‘’She said she’ll be out soon.’’
    Olivia has grown into a kind young woman, too, and is now eleven years old. She managed to skip another grade, and is now in the seventh grade at a magnet school for arts and science. She’s rocking her grades, but it’s a boarding school in Brooklyn. This is her first weekend home in a  month, now that the school year is over, since she stayed to work on final projects and term papers.
    ‘’You don’t want any pancakes or anything? A nice home cooked meal?’’
    She raises an eyebrow at him yet again, looking so much like him when she does that.
    ‘’You burnt eggs last Sunday before church.’’
    ‘’How do you  even know that? You weren’t even here?’’
    ‘’Word travels. Jasmine talks. I’m good with cereal,’’ Olivia responds, pouring hr cereal and milk into a bowl before sitting down at her usual spot at the table, ‘’Are you taking mom anywhere?’’
    Today, the two of you are celebrating the first Saturday of summer. You’ve been tired and working, too, trying to get the kids to where they need to be.  Steve takes James to preschool, you take Nat to her babysitter’s place, and the two of you make your way to your work places. After work, Steve picks up Nat, and you pick up Joshua. Jasmine usually gets money in the morning to pick up dinner on nights where you don’t have to wait for her to get done with practice, or she makes dinner if it’s not a church night.
    ‘’We’re going to go to the movies without you kids,’’ Steve Adams waiting to see his daughter’s reaction.
    ‘’Joke’s on you, I’d rather watch them at home,’’ she shrugs, causing Steve to laugh as she eats her cereal.
    ‘’You’re not funny,’’ he says despite his own reaction, picning Natasha up, ‘’Okay, I think she just pooped herself. I’m gonna change her.’’
    ‘’I’ll clean the table when I get through eating,’’ Olivia commits, and Steve thanks her before heading into your bedroom to change his baby girl.
    The two of you converted your small home office into a small room for Joshuam, and Natasha sleeps in your room. When Jasmine heads to college, you’ll more than likely move Olivia to her room, Joshua to Olivia’s, and Natasha will have her own room.
    ‘’Stinky,’’ Steve makes a show of covering his nose to shield it from the scent of Natashas diaper, causing the baby to laugh at the silliness of her dad.
    ‘’You’re so overly dramatic,’’ you peak, causing Steve to look up at you.
    You’ve just emerged from your shared bathroom, cloaked in your robe and donning a towel on your head. 
    ‘’Well hello to you, too, honey.’’
    ‘’Baby, why didn’t you wake me up,’’ you sit on the bed handing him a diaper form Natasha’s changing table, ‘’What’s that all about?’’
    ‘’You looked so peaceful,’’ he shrugged, ‘’I let you sleep.’’
    ‘’You’re just as tired as I am,’’ you protest, to which he snorts.
    ‘’I don’t stay up till twelve watching television. I’m an early bird. You're A night owl.’’
    ‘’Yeah, because your baby doesn’t sleep, Steve.’’
    ‘’How is she only my baby when she doesn’t sleep,’’ Steve finishes changing her diaper as you pull her into your arms, pressing kisses to her tiny face while Stev discards the dirty diaper and wipes.
    ‘’You’re annoying,’’ you roll your eyes playfully, causing your husband to chuckle freely at your wit.
    ‘’Same to you, boo.’’
    He kisses your forehead then your lips before you recline in bed, Natahsa pressed to your chest as you gently hum.
    Steve is beaming ear-to-ear, having worried for so many years that he would never have this after he lost Petra. But here you are, and he’s so happy. You’ve got two beautiful kids together, and you treat your biological kids just the same. 
    And you, with no makeup on, just having gotten up from the morning, humming as your baby girl begins to close her eyes to go to sleep…  he has never been more in love  with any image. 
    ‘’Want me to make you some coffee, babe?’’
    ‘’Please,’’ you nod, ‘Her eyes are fluttering back open. There’s no way she’s going to sleep.’’
    Steve exits to do  as you request, and returns to see the baby girl sitting next to you, propped up on some pillows as you lean back against your bed, scrolling through the channels to find something that will keep your baby’s limited interest.
    ‘’She gets this from you,’’ you jest, ‘’Being picky.’’
    ‘’I’m not picky. My standards are high. Wouldn’t have married you if they weren’t,’’ Steve confesses, pressing a kiss to your lips and placing the coffee in your hands.
    ‘’Nice save, Rogers,’’ you compliment, ‘’Thank you, babe.’’
    ‘’No problem,’’ Steve grins yet again, pulling your daughter into his laps as he leans back against the pillows with you, ‘’So. What are we watching?’’
    Your day goes pretty lazily.  You feed your middle kids, make sure that James and at take their naps. Make sure Olivia takes some time to rest instead of just moving around trying to help, and wait for Jasmine to get back from her date.
    That night, at  about six, you try to watch a movie with your babies.
    The operative  word there being ‘’try’’.
    Natasha is whining, and is currently being switched back and forth between you and Steve each time that you do, Olivia is in the middle of the bed,  with James lying on his stomach right next to her. Jasmine is currently sitting in the arm chair, multi-tasking between braiding her hair and eating.
    It’s chaotic but it’s family centered,which is nice.
    ‘’I don’t get this movie.’’
    ‘’He’s the bad guy,’’ James  boos, and you do your best to stifle a laugh.
    You fail.
    ‘’Yeah, Jay. He’s the bad guy,’’ Jasmine agrees, watching the cartoon villian run away from the hero, ‘’Who's your favorite hero?’’
    James points to the sole female hero, who is running across the screen now.
    ‘’Good choice,’’ Steve approves, shifting so that Natasha is lying against his chest, ‘’Jazzy, come put your sister in her crib, please.’’
    The oldest child rises from her chair, pulling the baby into her arms before gently placing her in her crib, ‘’She sleeps through everything.’’
    ‘’Finally,’’ you mumble, stretching out a bit before James moves so that he cuddled up between you and Steve, ‘’Hi there.’’
    ‘’Hi, mommy.Hi, daddy,’’ he snuggles beneath the colors establishing the fact that he’ll be there until Steve transports him to his bedroom later.
    ‘’Hey, son,’’ Steve tucks the blanket around him, before settling in to finish the movie with your oldest three children.
    This is what he’s always dreamed of. He always thought he’d have it with Petra, but he’s glad to have you as his life partner, someone who's right by his side.
    And he’s not sure what tomorrow will bring, but for today, he’s food.
    Because as far as he is concerned, God has blessed him with unexpected gifts, and it’s only going to get better from here.
The End
DISCLAIMER- I own no rights to any of the Marvel characters or their fictional world, planets, galaxies, etc.
 @ashanti-notthesinger @destinio1 @afraiddreamingandloving @airis-paris14 @syreanne @chaneajoyyy @90sinspiredgirl @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx @adrioola21 @supremethunda @thisiskayesworld @mcusocialimagines @priya212  @kumkaniudaku  @airis-paris14 @alexundefined @fonville-designs  @dramaqueenamby  @mellowjellow6 @oceanscorazon @nerd-lovely @fonville-designs @akimi-youngblood @yoyolovesbucky @fd-writes @areubeingserved-too​ @areubeingserved​ @thisbrokencapulet @squeackygee @melidris1  @honeydew-melanin​
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iliketowrite1996 · 4 years
Why Not?
part 4/10 of the new singledad!Steve Rogers x reader story.
Part 1:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614617294578089984/his-best-girl
Part 2: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614969499334197248/meet-the-music-teacher
Part 3: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616114724817584128/lunch-buddies
   This is terrible.
   Horrible, really.
   This is the worst date that Steve has ever been on,and he’s so ready for it to be over.
   Bucky had the bright idea of setting Steve up with Stella, his co-worker. So, here Steve is at a dinner with a woman who
   ‘’So, what do you do for a living,’’ she questions, checking her phone again.
   ‘’Are you busy with work or something,’’ Steve questions, trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.
   He’s been with women that have to check their phones on a date, and, being a dad, he checks his whenever he can. However, most women will give him an explanation- they have to check in with their eldelry parents, they have set up a meeting for work, they have to schedule their ride for tomorrow.
   Stella, however, has given no information.
   ‘’Sorry, yeah. Big meeting and everything,’’ she shrugs. Setting the phone down.
   ‘’Well, um, I’m a teacher and I work at a church,’’ Steve responds before taking a sip of his water.
   ‘’And Bucky said that you have a little girl, oh, uh, what’s her name.... Janet?’’
   ‘’Jasmine,’’ Steve supplies, mentally noting that this is strike two for his date.
   ‘’So, how old is she,’’ Stella questions, already picking up her phone again.
   ‘’Would you like me to leave so that you and your phone can be alone,’’ Steve questions, deadpan, causing Stella to look up in surprise.
   ‘’Listen, I’m sorry,’’ she sighs, ‘’I’m usually not like this.’’
   ‘’I don’t think Bucky would set me up with you you, otherwise,’’ Steve admits, ‘’And you seemed fine until you started talking about Jasmine.’’
   ‘’It’s just… look, you’re a really devoted dad, and that’s great. I’m just not so sure that I want to be involved with someone that has a kid right now.’’
   To tell the truth, Steve isn’t all that surprised. No, not really. Because this is a scenario he’s familiar with.
   ‘’It’s fine. Really,’’ Steve smiles a bit, ‘’Hey, I’ll take you home, if you’re ready.’’
   So the date is over, and he takes Stella home, then heads by DeShaw’s mother’s apartment to pick Jasmine up.
   ‘’Ya’ll just had to have an e-learning day tomorrow, huh,’’, DeShawn’s mother smirks when he enters.
   ‘’Took you a long time to get them to sleep?’’
   ‘’The longest. They’re on the floor asleep. We watched a movie and had a little indoor picnic.’’    
   Sure enough, Jasmine and DeShawn are knocked out, turned away from each other.
   ‘’Thanks again for watching her,’’ Steves smiles at the sight of his daughter, so happy to be back with his daughter.
   ‘’Now you know that the both of you are welcome here any time. But, if you’d really like to thank me, could you watch DeShawn on Saturday? I’ve got a date,’’ she grins, ‘’WIth that guy from my firm, Harry Chang.’’
   ‘’Oooh,’’ Steve teases, ‘’Yeah, I can watch him. Jazzy and I are having dinner at Tony’s, so he can just come along.’’
   ‘’Awww, spending some time with Jasmine’s crush?’’
   ‘’Don’t remind me,’’ Steve groans, ‘’She looks at Peter like she looks at glitter and I’m concerned.’’
   ‘’It’s a simple crush, Steve.  It doesn’t mean anything,’’ she laughs heartily, before lowering her voice, ‘’DeShawn has a crush on Jazzy. He’s so crushed that she’s being tutored by Peter.’’
   ‘’My condolences. If it makes him feel better, it’s crushing my wallet to pay for it.’’
   ‘’You know what, bye,’’ DeShawn’s mother laughs, cuashing Steve to chuckle as well as he goes over to pick Jasmine up.
   She’s dressed in her sweat pants and t-shirt, so he doesn't have to worry about waking her up to change. Instead, he gently picks up the ten-year-old.
   ‘’Do you want me to take DeShawn to his room?’’
   ‘’No, we’re going to stay here for the night. Now get her down to your apartment before you drop her.’’
   ‘’Thanks so much again. I’ll see you Saturday.’’
   ‘’Hey, um, excuse me, can you help me?’’
The blonde woman can’t be any older than Steve, a year or two younger at the most.
‘’What is it,’’ she questions warily, clutching her own keys in her hand.
‘’Can you please reach in my pockets and get my keys out? I forgot to get them before I picked up my daughter, and I really, really don’t want to drop her.’’
‘’Oh, of course,’’ the woman strides over,taking Sreve;s keys out and even going so far as to unlock and open the door for him, ‘’Here you go. Oh, and welcome to the building.’’
‘’Thank you,’’ she grins, ‘’Good night.’’
Once he’s entered his doorway, he quietly lugs Jasmine to her bedroom before gently placing her in her bed.
   Either he’s getting too old for this, or she’s getting too big for this.
   ‘’Jasmine Allen-Rogers, where you awake this hold time,’’ Steve huffs, placing a hand on his back.
   ‘’Only since the front door,’’ Jasmine sits up in bed, rubbing her eyes as her dad turns on her lamp, ‘’How was your date?’’
   ‘’It was fine,’’ he shrugs, ‘’I don’t think we’re going to see eachother again.’’
   ‘’Is it because she found out you have a kid?’’
   ‘’Jasmine,’’ Steve stares into brown eyes that are so much like Petra’s ,’’ Where did that come from?’’
   ‘’DeShawn said he heard his moms’ last boyfriend get upset because she had to come pick him up  from his grandma’s house when he got sick, and that he didn’t want to be with someone that was gonna be spending all her time with her kid, so she dumped him. And I know you’d do the same thing.’’
   Sometimes Steve forgets just how perceptive  Jasmine really is. Things rarely go unnoticed by her.
   ‘’Listen,’’ he kneels before her, ‘’Jasmine, you are my daughter. You know my priorities. You know that you are so far at the top. And anyone that doesn’t want to get to know you isn’t worth my time.’’
   What he loved about Petra was her love for life,God, him, her family,and their unborn child.And though he knows He’ll never find someone like Petra again, he needs someone who loves.
   And who will be willing to get to know his daughter, and eventually love her.
‘’So you’re not upset,’’ Jasmine questions, looking for reassurance.
   ‘’Of course not, chickadee. Now, you need to get some sleep. Peter is coming over to help you with your math tomorrow.’’
   ‘’Oh, that’s right. Maybe I should retwist my hair,’’ Jasmine ponders, touching her hair.
   And, boy, is Stve not ready to get involved with her liking makeup, hair and boys yet.
   ‘’Go to sleep, Jasmine. I'll see you in the morning.’’
   ‘’Alright,’’ Jasmine kicks off her shoes, lying under her covers, ‘’Good night,daddy.’’
   ‘’Night, honey. Sweet dreams.’’
   And so Steve turns into, trying to put Jasmine’s worry behind him as he hopes to have sweet dreams of his own.
   ‘’So you’re adding fractions, huh? Yeah, that can be a bit tricky,’’ Peter relents the next day as he looks at Jasmine’s math book.
   Jasmine, however, is looking at him.
   ‘’Here, I’m going to show you how Mr. Stark showed me,’’ Peter smiles at the then year old before working the problem out for her, ‘’See?’’
   ‘’Peter, you’re so smart,’’ she beams at him.
   ‘’And so are you, Jasmine. So let’s try it.’’
   Steve is keeping a close eye on Jasmine just to make sure she stays focused as he monitors his email, making sure that no questions from parents have come in yet.
   But he does see an email from you, with your phone number attached.
   And it wouldn’t be so bad to call as friends, right?
   ‘’Oh, hey, Peter, help yourself to anything for lunch. I’m going to gocall one of my coworkers,’’ Steve explains, heading out to the room to call you.
   You on the other hand, are quite busy. Olivia’s on her tablet, reading a story, and you’re cleaning.
   So when Steve calls your phone, you’re so glad to hear from him,
   ‘’How do you deal with being an elective teacher and working from home?’’
   ‘’Well hello to you, too,’’ he laughs, ‘’I’m fine, thanks for asking.’’
   ‘’Sorry, sorry. That’s my bad habit.’’
   ‘’It’s fine. So, what did you need?’’
   ‘’Hey, you know it’s not a normal day if I don’t bother you at least once,’’ you remind him, a join edge to your voice.
   ‘’Hearing from you is never a bother though. I’ve got a few minutes, though? What’s up?’’
   A few minutes turns into thirty minutes of chatter- from school, to television, to weekend plans.
   ‘’I am just hanging with my family this weekend,’’ you admit, beginning to make Olivia’s lunch for her.
   ‘’Tomorrow I’m heading to my friend's house with Jasmine and DeShawn, while his mom goes on a date. Oh, hey, I hear Peter calling me. I’d better go.’’
   ‘’Okay.Thanks again, Steve. Bye!’’
   ‘’Bye, I’ll see you Monday.’’
   ‘’Who was that, mommy?’’
   ‘’That was Steve… I mean Mr. Rogers from school, baby,’’ you respond, ‘’Livvy, come eat.’’
   She nods obediently before putting her tablet on the couch and heading to the kitchen and sitting at the table, ‘’Mommy, you should date Me. Rogers.’’
   ‘’Should mommy date Mr. Rogers,’’ you question,  ‘’Where did that come from?’’
   ‘’He’s nice and he can draw,’’ Olivia shrugs, as if it’s that simple.
   And, for her, it probably is.
   ‘’Well, I don’t think I can date Mr. Rogers. But maybe one day we could have him over for lunch, okay?’’
   You’ve got absolutely no intention of that, and you hate lying to her. But you’d really rather not talk about dating with your five year old, so this buys you some time.
   ‘’Okay, mommy,’’ she nods before beginning to eat her sandwich.
   As she does, you study her. She’s got the same dark skin as you, but dark brown hair like her dad. And, she’s got his dimples, but your almond shaped, brown eyes.  She’s such a combination of the two of you, personality wise and looks-wise.
   And though you feel bad that her dad isn't really around, you’re glad that she hasn’t really asked about him that much.
   Last year, you explained to her that families come in different forms, but that you wanted a baby and were blessed with one, and you loved her no matter what.
   ‘’Livvy, mommy loves you,’’ you kiss her forehead before standing and fixing your own lunch.
   ‘’I love you, too, mommy.’’
   You’re content with your life. Happy, even. But, still… maybe it wouldn't hurt to go on a date.
   Or even just let your aunt set you up.        
   And, so, you plan to agree to her plan to set you up with someone from church.
   Because it’s not like you actually have a chance with Steve if he’s married in all.
   So why not?
   Your aunt, of course, is thrilled when you tell her the news.
   ‘’Oh, I am so excited. He really is a good man, and he likes kids. So I’m going to go call him,’’ she hugs you before rushing into the room to call him.
   ‘’Don’t say I told you this, but you just made her day,’’your uncle says, givingthe spoon to Olivia to stir the sauce as he holds onto her so she won’t fall off the counter, ‘’Stir slower, honey. We don’t want a mess.’’
   ‘’Okay,’’ Olivia nods, continuing to help.
   ‘’Grant is a good guy,’’ your uncle looks at you, pointing, ‘’And you deserve a  good guy. He’s super vinvolved with the church.’’
   ‘’Then I’m sure I’ll like,’’ you shrug.
   ‘’Even if you’re kind of unsure about what you’re getting yourself into.
@ashanti-notthesinger @destinio1 @afraiddreamingandloving @airis-paris14 @syreanne @chaneajoyyy @90sinspiredgirl @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx @adrioola21 @supremethunda @thisiskayesworld @mcusocialimagines @priya212  @kumkaniudaku  @airis-paris14 @alexundefined @fonville-designs  @dramaqueenamby  @mellowjellow6 @oceanscorazon @nerd-lovely @fonville-designs @akimi-youngblood @yoyolovesbucky @fd-writes @areubeingserved-too @areubeingserved
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iliketowrite1996 · 4 years
Where Does That Leave us?
Part 8/10 of the  singledad!Steve Rogers x singlemom!reader series 
1:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614617294578089984/his-best-girlPart 2: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614969499334197248/meet-the-music-teacher
3: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616114724817584128/lunch-buddies
Part 5: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616965238563192832/blind-dates-part-1-sneak-peek
Part 6: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/617069920649412608/blind-dates-part-2
TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- Return of ex,commitment issues, fear of falling in love, Steve Rogers in confused.
‘’So… so where does that leave us?’’
    The noise of the city moving, of people going through  their daily lives, completely unaware of the conversation that is occurring in Sreve Rogers’ apartment right now, is a contrast to the nearly tangible silence enveloping the two of you at this moment.
    It’s been about two weeks since your talk with Sharon, and so much as happened in those weeks. Things that you’ve been thinking about for years, for example…
    Things that helped you finally decide where you want to stand with Steve. 
    ‘’I don’t know. I never reached out to him, Steve. One day, he just sort of… popped up.’’
    You’re referring to Darryl- your ex, and Olivia’s dad. Steve is well aware of the fact that Darryl ditched you, leaving town before Olivia was even born. He’s aware that you have spent the last five years protecting your heart, pushing others away so that you never have to experience that again.
    Here he is again, though.  Not even face to face- through a message on social media. He’s done running and he wants you back, and he’s sorry and he’s more mature. And, all of a sudden he wants you back, he wants his daughter, he wants to be a family.
    ‘’So, do you want to try again with him,’’ Steve asks.
    Truth is,he’s tired.He doesn’t know how much longer he can take this. He gets to protect your heart, but not at the expense of his own. And he sees how you’re on the fence about this, he truly does.Had your stories been reversed, had he lost Petra in the same way…
    He can’t say that he wouldn’t be hesitant. 
    ‘’It’s just different with him, Steve. You know? I know hi,. We had a bit of time together before Olivia was born. I can not act like I have not wondered what would come of this if I ever did speak to him again.’’
    You can’t even look him in the eyes as you speak, and Steve knows exactly  what that means. Much like Sharon,you are ready to quit pursuing this, or letting him pursue you, in favor of a more sure thing, something more stable, something you already know.
    He won’t act like his heart is not breaking at that fact.
    ‘’I understand. I hope that… I hope that we can still be friends,’’ Steve clears his throat, willing himself to smile at you, ‘’Jazzy has grown attached to both you and Olivia. I don’t want to drag her into this pain,t oo.’’
    ‘’Steve,’’ you sigh, finally making eye contact with him, ‘’What on earth are you talking about?’’
    ‘’I understand that you want to try with Darryl again. I get it, you loved him. He’s ready to take responsibility. I just hope that we can be friends, because I’d hate to lose that, too. If you don’t want to, I mean you don’t have to. Just know that I’ll be here for you, ‘’ Steve rambles, ‘’I don’t want him to hurt you again, and I-’’
    ‘’Steve. I talked to Sharon a few weeks ago.’’
    That shuts him up fairly quickly, and his eyes widen.
    ‘’What? Why?’’
    ‘’I came to see you, but you and Jazzy weren’t here. We ended up talking, and she told me everything. How she felt like you were using her as a safety net, how she knew you loved me before you did, and how she understood how I reacted.’’
    Steve is staring at you, unsure of where this is going. And he doesn’t know if he should entertain possibilities- good or bad- just yet. Not until he can bridge them to whatever it is you’re trying to communicate.
    ‘’She let me know that… that you are a good guy. Like I didn’t know that,’’ you laugh lightly, ‘’You’re the best. And, trust me, she read right through me. She said I’d be stupid not to love you, not to take a chance on you.’’
    Gathering courage, you take Steve’s hands into yours, ‘’And then Darryl came back, and all of those old feelings and memories. He’s my safety net, in a way. A safety net with a giant hole in it, but a safety net, nonetheless.’’
    Steve’s eyes are trained on you,a s if looking away would cause him to miss what you have to say next.
    ‘’I decided, though- with a whole lot praying and a light layer of nudging- that maybe that’s not the path that I want to go down. Maybe falling in love again won’t be so bad this time- if I have someone like you waiting there to catch me, or at least willing to fall with me.’’
    Your words have his head spinning, and Steve is tring to still himself in pace as he chokes out the very question that began this whole revelation for you: ‘’So where does that leave us?’’
    ‘’Steve Rogers,’’ you genuinely grin for the first time in this conversation, ‘’I am in love with you, too. And, I’m gonna act out on faith… because I’d like to see where this goes. Too.’’
    It’s a blur from there, really. His lips are on yours, and you can’t bring yourself to regret your mistake.
    Because even if you don't know where this is going, you’re sure of three things- Darryl is a thing of the past, Steve Rogers is a good man…
    And wherever you end up with him, it’ll be worth the journey just to get there.
    DISCLAIMER- I own no rights to any Marvel characters, their fictional countries, planets, galaxies, cities,states, etc. 
 @ashanti-notthesinger @destinio1 @afraiddreamingandloving @airis-paris14 @syreanne @chaneajoyyy @90sinspiredgirl @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx @adrioola21 @supremethunda @thisiskayesworld @mcusocialimagines @priya212  @kumkaniudaku  @airis-paris14 @alexundefined @fonville-designs  @dramaqueenamby  @mellowjellow6 @oceanscorazon @nerd-lovely @fonville-designs @akimi-youngblood @yoyolovesbucky @fd-writes @areubeingserved-too @areubeingserved @thisbrokencapulet@squeackygee @melidris1  @honeydew-melanin
7 notes · View notes
iliketowrite1996 · 4 years
Next Step
Part 9/10 of singledad!SteveRogersx singlemom!reader series
1:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614617294578089984/his-best-girlPart 2: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614969499334197248/meet-the-music-teacher
3: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616114724817584128/lunch-buddies
Part 5: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616965238563192832/blind-dates-part-1-sneak-peek
Part 6: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/617069920649412608/blind-dates-part-2
Part 7:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/617392023489609728/as-a-friend
Part 8:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/617578406591299585/where-does-that-leave-us
TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- heartache, pregnancy, mentions of pregnancy, death during labor, reliving the pass, loss of loved one, death, labor complications,
Three  years later
   ‘’Olivia! Open the bathroom door! Other people have to get in there!’’
   ‘’Just a second!’’
   ‘’This is your fault. ‘They can share a bathroom’, you said. ‘It will help them get along’, you said. Now, look at them. Fighting and it’s not even seven in the morning yet.’’
   ‘’Please, honey,’’ Steve sighs, getting out of bed to go break up the fight, it’s too late for this.
   If anybody had told you five years ago that this would be your life now, you never would have believed them. Nope, not one little bit. But here you are now, married to Steve Rogers, the love of your life.
   After two and a half years of dating, Steve Rogers proposed to you. You were married a year later. After getting married, you both decided that it was time to find a new place. He left his apartment, you left yours, and now the two of you are paying off a house in New Jersey. You now teach music at the high school down the street, and Steve teaches art at the elementary school about three blocks away.
   To an outsider,it may seem that your families blended together easily. However, that was not always the case. There was a bit of resistance from Jasmine when you first told the duo that the two of you planned to be married, if they were both okay with that.
   Jasmine had always appreciated the idea of having a stepmother in theory. When presented with it becoming a reality, though, she fretted- what if her dad didn’t have time for her anymore? What if you came in and changed everything? What if Steve forgot all about her mother and did not talk about her anymore.
   ‘’Oh, Jazzy,’’ you’d pulled her in for a hug, pressing a kiss to her head, ‘Sweetheart, I’m not here to replace your mom. I love your dad, and I love you like I love Livvy. That’s all. I’m here to love you.’’
   Since then, she’s gotten closer to you. You take her with you when you treat Livvy to a girls’ day, she asks your opinion on fashion,and she comes to you when she’s hurt.  Last year, it was because someone else beat her out for the glee club solo at her middle school. Two years ago, you can remember her bawling when she found out Peter had a new girlfriend, her crush on him one of the most important things in her life at the time. You'd done what you always do- listen, comfort, protect.
   And though she knows you’ll never replace her mom, Jasmine has come to see you as the mother figure Steve always wanted for her. You were there for her first cycle, her first heartache, and now her first day of high school.
   Now, it seems, you have to top her from hurting her step sister, who is more than likely getting on her nerves for her to even be talking to someone this early in the morning.
   ‘’I’m right behind you,’’ you report, grabbing your robe and pulling it on over your nightgown, ready to see what all of the fuss is about.
   ‘’Alright, what’s going on here,’’ Steve questions as the two of you round the corner to your daughters shared bathroom, where Jasmine is practically scowling at the door.
   ‘’She’s gonna use up all the hot water! What’s she in there so long, for, anyway?’’
   ‘’I need privacy! Nobody complains when you spend hours in here!’’
   ‘’Livvy, Jazzy, stop yelling. It’s too early on a Saturday morning for all that,’’ you reprimand, to which Jasmine huffs.
   ‘’Lose the attitude, young lady,’’ Steve speaks sternly, causing Jasmine to sigh.
   ‘’Sorry,’’ she apologized begrudgingly, ‘’But I have to be at the high school at eight. Freshman orientation is today!’’
   Steve shakes his head a bit, before looking to you, ‘’Should we just let her use our bathroom?’’
   ‘’If it will make this end, yes,’’you agree before looking at your bonus daughter, ‘’Go use our bathroom, hun. But hurry up. I have to get ready for my doctor’s appointment.’’
   ‘’Thank you, you guys are the best,’’ Jasmine grins before zipping pass the two of you, heading for the bathroom connected to you and Steve’s room.
   ‘’Oh the joys of raising a teenager and an eight-year-old who are already at each other's throat.’’
   ‘’Steve, your sarcasm is no longer appreciated. I’m going to go get breakfast. See if you can get Livvy out of there.’’
   As soona s you have turned the corner, Steve knocks again.
   ‘’Livvy, if you don’t come out, I’m going to stay here and talk. And I can talk, all day, too. I can stand here and talk, and-’’
   Olivia opens the door then, looking up at Steve with a raised eyebrow, peering at him through her glasses, ‘’What’s up?’’
   ‘’Not much. I mean… I don’t know. I’m nervous.’’
   ‘’Nervous about what,’’ Steve questions, watching his step daughter sit on the floor outside of the bathroom before joining her, leaning against the wall the same way that she does.
   ‘’I really don’t want to go to fourth grade. All of my friends are going to third grade. I won’t know anyone!’’
   Olivia has, in the past few years, excelled in math,science, and Language Arts. All of this has led to her being able to skip third grad, going straight to the fourth grade.
   ‘’Ohh, I see. And now your stomach is upset, right?’’
   One of Olivia’s nervous habits is that her stomach does flips whenever she is nervous, angry, or upset. Right now, Steve can only imagine that her stomach is doing somersaults.
   ‘’I’ll be the youngest. I don’t know how I feel about that,’’ the eight-year-old amits, ‘’I don’t want to be known as the ‘weird smart girl’ again. I just want to be Olivia.’’
   Steve ponders how to respond before he does. Getting to know Olivia these past few years has allowed him to see that she needs that Whereas Jasmine is impatient, Olivia is practical. Sometimes Steve forgets that she is only eight, not eighteen, not eighty. SHe carries herself much like you- head lifted up, carefully analyzing all options before picking as solution to any situation.
   ‘’Well, who is Olivia,’’ he questions, to which the young girl looks up at him as if he’s not making any sense, ‘’I mean how would you describe yourself?’
   ‘’My name is Olivia,’’ she yet again raises an eyebrow, looking so much like you, ‘’You’ve known me for three years.’’
   ‘’Your Olivia, and what else?’’
`    ‘’I am Olivia Reed, and I’m eight years old. I like cats, computers, and reading. I like to collect rocks, I like to learn. I’m… I’m strong…’’
   ‘’You are strong, beautiful, and smart, Olivia. You don’t have to just label yourself as ‘That smart kid’, because that is only one part of who you are. Do you think of Jasmine as just your sister?’’
   ‘’No,’’ Olivia shrugs, ‘’She’s smart, she’s fashionable, she’s pretty. She likes to sing and she likes to make new outfits.’’
   ‘’What about your mom?’’
   ‘’Mommy is sunshine,’’ Olivia pipes up without hesitation, ‘’She is smart, too. She is strong. She is always there for me. She is gorgeous.’’    
   ‘’And you are all of that, too. Now, let’s go. Last one to the kitchen gets the burnt waffles.’’
   Olivia giggles then, sliding into the kitchen with Steve, their socks nearly stopping them from making a smooth stop.
   ‘’Nobody better knock a tooth out,’’ you mumble, placing the finished waffles on a plate, ‘’Sit down and eat.’’
   ‘’Why don’t you go get our clothes out for your doctor’s appointment? If you drop Jazzy off at the high school, I can take Livvy school supply shopping. I’ll even get what’s on Jasmine's list, too.’’
   ‘’That’d be great,’’you sigh, looking at the clock, ‘’Okay, Iam going to get ready.’’
   As soon as you leave the room, Steve turns to Olivia, ‘’What do you say we make dinner tonight? Momma seems a it worn out so we can help her out.’’
   ‘’Sounds like a plan,’’ Olivia speaks from where she is pouring syrup over her waffles, ‘’I like it.’’
   ‘’Good,’’ Steve takes two glasses from the cabinet and places the orange juice on the table, ‘’Go ahead and eat. We can get an early start as soon as Jasmine and your mom leave.’’
   ‘’I will see you in a few hours,’’ you press a kiss to Steve’s lips before bending to give Olivia a kiss on the forehead, ‘’Be sweet. I love you both.’’
   ‘’I love you, too,’’ Jasmine informs as she rushes out the door, you following closely behind.
   ‘’You’ve never been on time for anything, Jasmine. Not unless your dad was involved,’’ you smirk when she snorts out a laugh, ‘’You know I’m right.’’
   ‘’I know,’’ she shrugs, ‘’But I really want to get there and observe what’s going on before things start,’’ Jasmine tells you, ‘’To see what it’s like. And, because, well, I am impatient.’’
   You shake your head fondly at your step daughter, heading into the parking garage and to your car. The ride is obviously quick, and you inform her that you’ll be back together when it ends at 11.
   ‘’If my doctor appointment is running over, I will let your dad know. See you later, Jasmine.’’
   ‘’Bye,’’ she waves as she exits the car, ‘’Love you.’’
   ‘’I love you, too.’’
   And your heart is so warm at how true it is.
   With that, you’re off to your doctor’s appointment.
   ‘’You do not need three packs of pencils. It says open.’’
   ‘’Yes, that is what it says, but I don’t want to be that person without a pencil because they weren’t prepared when they could have been, ‘’ Olivia insists, and Steve just sighs before motioning for her to drop her items into their basket, ‘’While you’re at it, please get your sister two packs of blue and black ink pens.’’
   ‘’Alright,’’ Olivia agrees before moving slightly down the aisle, grabbing the packs of pins as Steve grabs five notebooks for Jasmine and five for Olivia.
   ‘’Excuse me, would you mind just handing me about three notebooks,’’ a stranger speaks behind him, and Steve grabs three without thinking so that he can hand them to her.
   ‘’Here you are… Sharon? Sharon Carter?’’
   Standing before him is Sharon Carter, the woman who so willingly gave up her relationship with him so that he could be happy with you- the woman he really wanted to be with.
   ‘’Steve! I haven’t seen you in forever,’’ she grins at him tucking blonde tresses behind her ears, ‘’How have you been?’’
   ‘’I’ve been great. Wow, I haven’t seen you since you moved from our apartment complex. How have you been?’’
   ‘’Busy,’’ she rolls her eyes good naturedly, ‘’I went back to school. I’m actually here to get supplies for the new semester. How have you been?’’
   ‘’I got the pens and I got highlighters!,’’ Olivia bounces over, dropping the new found objects into the basket, ‘’Can I go look at the bookbags?’’
   ‘’Hang tight, Livvy. I’ll go with you in a second. Oh, um, Sharon, this is my step daughter, Olivia. Olivia, this is Sharon. She, uh…
   ‘’Steve and I used to be neighbors,’’ Sharon reaches a hand out for the eight-year-old ,’’Hi, it’s so nice to meet you.’’
   ‘’It is nice to meet you, too,’’ Olivia nods.
   ‘’So well mannered,’’ Sharon compliments before looking at Steve, ‘’This is her daughter… so I guess things worked out, huh?’’
   ‘’They did. Tremendously well,’’ Steve confesses, ‘’Thanks to you.’’
   ‘’Don’t thank me, Steve. I heard you’d gotten married from Tony, but I didn’t know if I should reach out to you. I am glad that it worked out for you.’’
   ‘’Thank you, Sharon. You have no idea what that means to me. Um, I have to find the school supply shopping so we can complete our errands. I’ll see you around?’’
   ‘’Sure. Bye, Steve. It was nice to meet you, Olivia.’’
   ‘’Nice to meet you, too.’’
   With one last glance and a girl, Steve leaves the aisle, taking Olivia to look at the bags.
   And leaving Sharon with comfort that she really did do the right thing three years ago.
   What Steve will never know so that, when Sharon gets home that afternoon, she'll head straight for a box hidden in the closet. She’ll pull out a box of pictures from college, and leaf through them before landing on one of her first college roommates- Petra Allen.
   Petra and Sharon had a friendship that she can’t actually describe in words. They talked, they texted, but they weren’t close. She knew Petra had gotten married via social media, and had sent her a message to congratulate her. This had led to them talking for a few hours, vowing to keep in touch.
   Then when Petra passed away…
   She’d forgotten about Steve,actually. Not even him mentioning Petra’s name brought anything up.It wasn’t until about a month that they broke up that she even remembered this conversation with Petra, and felt a bit uneasy at the fact that she’d wanted to be with Steve.
   But there’s a bit of comfort to her, now. Where she’s glad it didn’t work out with her and Steve, as she looks through the picture of her first homecoming in college, her and Petra grinning at the camera.
   ‘’Don’t worry, Petra,’’ she grins, slowly tucking the picture back into the box, ‘’They’re in good hands.’’
   And she can finally say that she’s glad things turned out this way.
   ‘’There are some cute boys at my school,’’ Jasmine speaks up later, ‘’I think DeShawn tried to get this girl’s number, but she rejected him. Then, we went on tours with our individual schedules. It was fun. I feel less nervous about Monday.’’
   ‘’That’s good. Also,you're not allowed to date until you’re sixteen, so forget about those boys,’’ Steve doesn't miss a beat, scoppingsome more salt on his plate.
   ‘’I know, I know,’’ Jasmine smirks, ‘’ But they are cute.’’
   ‘’Moving on. Livvy, do you feel better about fourth grade,’’ Steve cutts into the conversation again, changing the subject as he pours her a glass of water.
   ‘’I do. I don’t think that it will be so bad,’’ she pierced her lasagna with her fork.
   ‘’Hey,’’ Steve nudges you when Jasmine engages Olivia in a side conversation, ‘’You okay?’’
   ‘’Yeah, just sleepy,;’’ you shrug, ‘’We can talk about it later.’’
   ‘’Alright,’’ Steve presses a kiss to the back of your hand before looking at your daughters, ‘’What are you two discussing over there?’’
   Jasmine and Olviia share one look before Olivia nudges her head towards their parents, and Jasmine sings, ‘’Are y'all planning on having another baby?’’
   Steve chokes on his water, and you thump his back gently.
   It’s something that has definitely come up before. Steve is afraid to try again for a child, and for good reason- losing Petra was a horrible experience for him. You, for your part, hadn’t really thought about having another child after Olivia. You have Jasmine and you have Olivia, and you and Steve both agree that that’s enough.
   ‘’Um, we hadn’t planned on it,’’ you rub Steve’s back as he calms down.
   ‘’Where’d that come from?’’
   ‘’Wle,’’ Jasmine replies to her dad ‘’We’ve been thinking about it for a while. DeShawn’s mom is having a kid and he wondered if you two are since you got married.’’
   ‘’Well, another kid would be nice, but we think we’re set with you two,’’ Steve reveals honestly, and that seems to satisfy the two of them.
   When the dinner dishes are jared and jasmine is washing while Olivia dries,, Steve meets you in your bedroom.
   ‘’Okay, what’s wrong? I know you’ve been having headaches, and that’s why you went to the doctor. Is everything okay?’’
   ‘’I guess that’d depend on your definition of okay,’’ you sigh, closing the door, ‘’I went to the doctor, and he ran some tests on me. Steve… we’re gonna have another baby. I’m pregnant.’’
   To say that this throes Steve for a loop would be an understatement. He can barely look you in the eyes, instead focusing on your stomach, ‘’Pregnant?’’
   ‘’Yeah. The doctor confirmed it today,’’ you shift a bit under his gaze, ‘’I’m two months along. He said that is why I’ve been throwing up- yes, I know I didn't’ exactly tell you about that one- and why I’ve had headaches. We’re gonna have another kid.’’
   Steve sits on the bed, still avoiding eye contact with you, ‘’You’re pregnant.’’
   ‘’Yes. Steve, I know how you feel. I know that losing Petra was traumatizing for you. I know that you’re scared,’’ you sit next to him, taking his hand,  ‘’But here we are.’’
   And what can he say to that? He wants to scream. He wants to jump with joy. He is both happy and terrified, thrilled and upset at the same time.
   ‘’I don’t want to go through that with you, too. I don't want Jasmine and Olivia to have to live through that,’’ he speaks truthfully, as you always promised you’d do with each other, ‘’So, yeah… I am a little upset. Not even at anybody in particular. I guess you could say that I am scared. I don’t want to lose you, I don’t want what happened to Petra happening to you. I worried about it with Nat a few years ago, and now you…’’
   He runs a hand over his face, and you stay silent. The last few years have taught you that he speaks his mind to make sense of what he is feeling, not necessarily for a response.
   ‘’Listen,’’ he takes your hand, standing in front of you now, ‘’I love you. I’m terrified, but I’m gonna have faith that this will turn out well. So maybe we hadn’t planned this. We can get through whatever happens together, though.’’
   ‘’Steve,’’ you sigh, ‘’I love you.’’
   ‘’I love you, too. And, I love our son or daughter. Speaking of which, when should we tell the girls?’’
   ‘’The girls already know,’’ a muffled voice from the other side of the door assures you, causing Jasmine to sheepishly open the door.
   ‘’We got worried. So we came to check on you, but we heard you talking.’’
   ‘’That’s eavesdropping, and don’t ever do it again,’’ you look at your daughters pointedly, ‘’But since the cat is out of the bag, aren’t you going to five us our hugs?’’
   Jasmine and Olivia rush forward, enveloping you and Steve in hugs, respectively, before it morphs into a family hug.
   ‘’This is a great day,’’ Steve laughs heartily, kissing your head, ‘’I’ve got my best girls here, and a new child on the way. What more could I want?’’
   And, for the first time in a while, Steve believes that the idea of a new baby could really turn out okay.
DISCLAIMER- I don’t own any rights to any Marvel characters or their fictional worlds, countries, galzies, planets, etc.
@ashanti-notthesinger @destinio1 @afraiddreamingandloving @airis-paris14 @syreanne @chaneajoyyy @90sinspiredgirl @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx @adrioola21 @supremethunda @thisiskayesworld @mcusocialimagines @priya212  @kumkaniudaku  @airis-paris14 @alexundefined @fonville-designs  @dramaqueenamby  @mellowjellow6 @oceanscorazon @nerd-lovely @fonville-designs @akimi-youngblood @yoyolovesbucky @fd-writes @areubeingserved-too @areubeingserved @thisbrokencapulet@squeackygee @melidris1  @honeydew-melanin
6 notes · View notes
iliketowrite1996 · 4 years
As a Friend
Part 7/10 of Steve Rogers x Reader series Part 1:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614617294578089984/his-best-girlPart 2: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614969499334197248/meet-the-music-teacherPart 3: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616114724817584128/lunch-buddies
Part 5: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616965238563192832/blind-dates-part-1-sneak-peek
Part 6: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/617069920649412608/blind-dates-part-2
TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- Break ups, angst, heartache, scared to fall in love again, Steve is crying, Sharon has had enough,
As the year closed and a new year began,  Steve continued to date both you and Sharon. This was at the advice of Natasha, Sam, Bucky and even Tony. It’s February now, and deciding to do this hasn’t made it any easier for him. It’s hard, because there’s no comparing the two of you.
   With you, you understand having a kid, so you’re pretty flexible with the schedule. Sometimes, you’ll bring your kids along. Most of the time, you can spend at least a few hours together before he takes you back home. And though he can tell that you are still a bit hesitant to open up to him entirely.
   ‘’It’s not that I don’t trust you,’’ you’d stated just last night as you sat in the car, staring out of the windshield as he held your hands, ‘’Because you are a great guy. Really, Steve. You treat me well, you include my daughter. There are just so many factors stacked up against us.’’    
   ‘’Such as,’’ Steve questioned, truly trying to see things from your point of view.
   ‘’The fact that, since the original teacher isn't coming back this year, we are going to be coworkers for who knows how long. The fact that I just moved here, just got settled... ‘’
   Deep down inside, you knew that none of these things are the reasons. They’re  merely filters, things to get you through the fact that you just don’t want to have another situation like the one with Darryl.
   ‘’But what about in the summer, when we’re not co-workers and you’re looking for a new job?,’’ Steve inquired earnestly, ‘’Or are you really that afraid that I would do something to hurt you?’’
   This is one thing that you somehow simultaneously love and abhor about your… whatever this is with Steve. He sees through you, and could break down your walls so easily if you’d let him.
   And that is the part that you’re having trouble with.
   ‘’What are you afraid of,’’ Steve had sighed, ‘’I’m not judging you. You know I;m afraid, too. But I’m here with you. And I’m trying to see if we could have something here.’’
   ‘’You’re also trying with Sharon, aren’t you,’’ you finally look at him, ‘’Is this easier with her?’’
   ‘’It’s different,’’ Steve spoke quickly, ‘’Not better, not worse.’’
   ‘’But probably easier than trying to be with someone who keeps flip flopping,’’ you shook your head yet again, looking out the window, ‘’And I’m sorry about that.’’
   ‘’I’m not asking you to be sorry. I just want to know what I can do to make you know that you’re safe with me.’’
   ‘’I think that you want to be the good guy, but you’re concerned about getting hurt again, too. That’s why you’re holding on to both me and Sharon at the same,’’ you’d shrugged, not dating to look at him.
   ‘’So you want me to commit to you when you’re afraid of committing to me,’’ Steve raised an eyebrow.
   ‘’Stop putting words in my mouth. That’s not what I’m saying.’’
   ‘’It sure sounded like it. Listen, we’re two adults here. We’ve been dating for about two months, I haven’t tried to make you date me or anything. But if you want… we don’t have to continue this. We can stop.’’
   ‘’That’s not what I want either,’’ you could hear him let out a breath, ‘’I don’t know what I want.’
   ‘’I think you’re trying to protect yourself from getting hurt again. But you’re hurting yourself in the process. Can you please look at me,’’ he’d pleaded.
   You’d turn to him, rears already filling your eyes.
   ‘’I care about you. But I have to think of myself, and Jazzy, too. So… I need you to tell me, if you’re interested in pursuing this, in me pursuing you or not.’’
   ‘’I don’t know what I'm Trying to tell you. I Feel horrible about that, but I don’t… I know you’re not Darryl, Steve. I just…’’
   ‘’Hey,’’ Steve awkwardly grabs your face with his hands in the cramped confinement of his car, ‘’I’m not going to hurt you.’’
   ‘’How can you promise that?’’
   ‘’I can promise you that it’ll never be intentional,’’ Steve responds, ‘’I care about you. So much. IN a few months, you won’t be Jasmine’s teacher anymore. We can try then if you want. Just give me, this, us a chance.’’
   You’re staring into bright blue eyes, suddenly aware that, yes, this might be what you want.
   There’s a question in his eyes, and your slow nod lets him know that he can close the gap, missing you for the first time since you’ve met.
   And, for once, you’re not overthinking the situation, deciding to delay the decision for yet another day.
   That was three weeks ago. In that time, the two of you danced around each other. You talk at work, but never about this. And Steve's come to accept the fact that you’re just not ready to be in a relationship, so he begins to focus on his relationship with Sharon.
   ‘’What are you thinking about,’’ Sharon asks, pulling Steve from his deep thoughts.
   They’re sitting on her couch, her back against his side as he wraps an arm around her.
   Tonight, Jasmine is spending the night at Bucky and Nat’s place, so it's date night for Steve and Sharon. You’re taking  Livvy to a kid’s concert, and he’ll be seeing you tomorrow.
   ‘’Steve,’’ Sharon pipes up again, ‘’What’s going on?’’
   ‘’Oh,nothing.I was just thinking?’’
   ‘’About what,’’ Sharon presses, ‘’You looked tense.’’
   Sharon is wonderful. She’s spontaneous but she respects that Steve can’t be, not with Jasmine in tow. She’s so sweet to his daughter, so caring. She respects his faith,she doesn’t push him into commitment, she doesn’t make him feel bad for not having made a decision.
   ‘’You’re thinking about her again.’’
   It’s not a question, it’s a statement.
   Sharon Carter knows that Steve is seeing his co-worker at the same time that that's been seeing her. In fact, she’s been encouraging it. In a way, she guesses she thought that if Steve pursued you and decided that you two were better off friends, it’d open the door for her.    
   ‘’I… I am. I’m sorry, Sharon,’’ Steve grumbles, as Sharon sighs and turns off the television.
   ‘’We need to talk about this. Steve, you’ve been thinking about her since you got her. In fact… I would even go as far as to say that you’ve been thinking about her since we started dating.’’
   ‘’That’s not true.’’
   ‘’It is. Because, the truth is, you asked me out because you knew that she was guarded or busy or whatever it is,’’ Sharon looks at the television, avoiding eye contact with Steve, ‘’So you asked me out. I’my our safety net.’’
   ‘’Sharon,’’ Steve begins, ‘’It’s not like that.’’
   ‘’Yes, it is. You enjoy spending time with me, you’re attracted to me. But you’re not interested in me. Because… you’re in love with ehr, aren’t you?’’
   Again, she’s telling him. Sharon is able to see right through Steve the way that he can see through you, and it’s a bit disconcerting that he didn’t realize this before now.
   ‘’I think I'm falling in love with you, Steve. But it’s clear that you can’t feel the same, because you’re hung up on her,’’ Sharon stand, still not looking directly at Steve, ‘’I think you should go.’’
   ‘’Sharon,’’ Steve stands as well, ‘’Please. It’s not like that.’’
   ‘’I’m telling you this as someone who is your friend,’’ Sharon shakes her head, tears beginning to spill over, ‘’I’m serious. We can be friends. I need you to, though, Steve. Because I’ not gonna play second best.’’
   Steve, being who he is, respects her wishes and leaves.
   And as soon as he does, Sharon releases a flow of tears that she hadn’t even known where building up so quickly.
   Okay, so she’s a bit hurt. You evidently mean more to him, and she’s trying to push through the hurt to admit that to herself and move on.
   Even if it’s going to be a little harder to do.
   Sharon Carter is a woman of her word. So, three weeks later, she checks in on Steve. Valentine’s Day has come and went, and she saw him leaving with a bouquet of flowers that evening.
   She’s seen you a few times, aware that you don’t know who she is, when you’d visit Steve, your daughter with you. It’s been sporadic and she doesn’t dislike you or anything, but she’s not ready for the awareness of Steve seeing you and her and knowing that she wanted something to come of those dates with him, so she hurries into her apartment or the elevator.
   Last night, though, she heard the slam. She’d looked over from where she was taking her key to unlock her door, and saw you storm awat, furiously wiping at your tears.
   There must have been an argument or something, because Steve has not said two words to her since they’ve been in this elevator.
   ‘’So are you going to act like you don’t know me, or just tell me if you're okay or not,’’ she’s finally decided to address the tension.
   ‘’I’m fine. I’m assuming you heard the argument last night.’’
   ‘’Bits and pieces before she left. What happened?’’
   ‘’Nothing, Sharon,’’ Steve shrugs, willing the floors to go faster or the elevator to speed up or anything.
   ‘’Steve, you suck at lying. You don’t make eye contact when you do. What happened?’’
   ‘’After you ended things,’’ Steve groans, aware that Sharon won’t drop this, ‘’I talked to her. She said she’s giving me a chance, that we must have to go slow, I just… I don’t know. She’s got excuse after excuse, and then something happened on Friday, and now we’re fighting. And maybe she's right. Maybe we shouldn’t be together.’’
   Shron can tell by Steve’s tone that he doesn't believe that-not even a little bit, not at all.
   ‘’You told her you love her. Didn’t you.’’
   And there she goes again,staring right through him.
   ‘’Did you hear that, too?’’
   ‘’You wear your heart on your sleeve. You said you love her and she’s afraid,’’ Sharon realizes.
   ‘’You hit the nail on the head.But maybe it’s for the best,’’ Steve glances at his watch, ‘’I’m going to pick Jasmine up from this sleepover and take her to the game day at church.  I’ll see you later, alright?’’
   ‘’Alright,’’ Sharon nods, grateful that they’re finally in the lobby.
   And that she doesn’t have to see the way Steve begins to wipe tears away as they separate.
   About  half an hour later, Sharon is back, having run her errands and ready to enjoy a lazy Saturday off at home…
   Until she sees you, ready to knock on Steve’s door.
   ‘’Steve’s not here. He said he was picking Jasmine up and going to the game day at church.’’
   You turn to look at her, shocked at her information, ‘’Oh, thank you. I forgot he was taking Jasmine.’’
   ‘’She’s been talking about it all week,’’ Sharon shrugs, hesitating before walking over to you, ‘’You don’t know me, but I’m Sharon.’’
   Your eyes widen, blinking a few times before you stick out your hand, ‘’Hi, I’m-’’
   ‘’The woman he’d rather be with. Sorry, that came out harsher than I meant for it to,’’ Sharon shakes your hand, ‘’Listen… I know you don’t know me, but can I talk to you? We can sit out here in the hallway if you’d like.’’
   ‘’,,,Sure,’’you agree, not exactly knowing why.
   That’s how Sharon finds herself leaning with her back against the wall outside of her apartment as you do the same, legs stretched out in front of you as Sharon sits criss cross to look at you.
   ‘’I know Steve is a great guy. He’s sweet, he loves his daughter, he treats Olivia well, he’s faithful, he loves God, he makes me feel great. But when he said he loved me,I…’’
   ‘’Are you afraid of being hurt again?’’    
   ‘’I thought that was it,’’ you confess, not sure why you’re telling all of this to your boyfriend’s(?) ex. ,’’I don’t know anymore.’’
   ‘’Can I speak frankly? Well, I’m going to do it anyway. It may not be my place to say, and you might be mad at me. I don’t care. Steve is a great guy, and you seem pretty nice yourself. I think you’re in love with him, and you know it,and you know this is different, and that’s what scares you. Because you know that Steve is ready to commit, and you want to, as well.’’
   ‘’You don’t know me,’’ you shake your head, narrowing your eyes at her, ‘’At all.’’
   ‘’I might as well. Because all he ever talked about as you. He’s been in love with you for a while. ‘’
   ‘’I know, I know,’’ you shake your head, running a hand over your fresh twists, ‘’I know. I lo-... I’m …’’
   ‘’Whoever hurt you before,’’ Sharon takes a chance, putting a hand on your arm ,’’Is not Steve. And Steve isn’t him. I gave him up, but you are going to lose him if you keep going on like this. Is that really what you want?’’
   Here this woman is, begging you not to close yourself off to Steve any longer.
   ‘’I have no ill intentions. I mean, at first I thought if he dated you and it didn’t work out, he wouldn't be left wondering. And if it did work out, then i wouldn’t be left wondering. But now I just see two people who are fighting for and against each other at the same time. Steve is stubborn but he’s loyal, and I don’t know you well enough to say. Just don’t lose him. Because if you care about him, if it’s meant to be… you’ll work out, I guess. But, if you push him away, i can guarantee you that it won’t be long until someone else comes along who’s willing to give a relationship with him a try.’’
   Her words hurt, as she expects them to, but it’s the truth. Steve is kind, sensitive, and attractive. He’s smart, he’s faithful. Why wouldn’t someone want to be with him?
   ‘’He should be back in a half hour, an hour at the most, I guess. He doesn’t stay at things long. Besides, I think that Jasmine has a tutoring session tonight. You’re welcome to, like, chill here if you want. Because I think it’d be weird if I like… invited you in.’’
   ‘’It would be,’’ you laugh for the first time all day, ‘’Thank you, Sharon.’’
   ‘’You can thank me by teaching Steve the proper way to eat Oreos. He doesn’t do it right. I’ll see you around,’’ Sharon stands then, taking her keys and unlocking her apartment.
   As she enters, she lets out a deep breath, finally feeling like she’s actually let go of Steve.
   And she knows why… deep, deep down inside. But that’s something that she’s not quite ready to tell Steve. All that matters is that you take this leap.
   Because that’s what it is- a leap of faith.
   And Sharon just hopes that she’s provided you with enough of a springboard to finally have the courage to take it.
Disclaimer- I own no Marvel characters, countries, planets, galaxies, cities, etc.
 @ashanti-notthesinger @destinio1 @afraiddreamingandloving @airis-paris14 @syreanne @chaneajoyyy @90sinspiredgirl @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx @adrioola21 @supremethunda @thisiskayesworld @mcusocialimagines @priya212  @kumkaniudaku  @airis-paris14 @alexundefined @fonville-designs  @dramaqueenamby  @mellowjellow6 @oceanscorazon @nerd-lovely @fonville-designs @akimi-youngblood @yoyolovesbucky @fd-writes @areubeingserved-too @areubeingserved @thisbrokencapulet
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iliketowrite1996 · 4 years
Blind Dates part 1 sneak peek
Sneak Peek Part 5/10 of Steve Rogers x Reader saga.
Part 1:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614617294578089984/his-best-girl
Part 2: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614969499334197248/meet-the-music-teacher
Part 3: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616114724817584128/lunch-buddies
Part 4:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616328582794493952/why-not
TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- Blind dates, mentions of loved ones dying, angst, mention of death of parent
   ‘’No, DeShawn. You are not going to see any robot butlers.’’
   ‘’But he is Tony Stark. He should have robot butlers!’’
   Steve sighs and shakes his head good naturedly as he and the children wait for Pepper or Tony to come open the door.
   It’s Saturday evening, around 5 o’clock, and Steve, Jasmine and DeShawn have arrived at Tony Stark’s place or dinner while Deshawn’s mother goes on her date.
   ‘’Well, now that you mention it, I do have the blueprints for one of those in my lab.’’
   The trio turn to see none other than Tony himself behind them, carrying a bag of groceries, with Peter Parker trailing behind him.
   ‘’Y-you’re Tony Stark,’’ DeShawn gapes.
   Steve and Jasmine exchange a look and a smirk, knowing that DeShawn is meeting one of his personal heroes.
   ‘’Tony, good to see you. This is DeShawn. He’s spending the day with us while his mom goes on her date,’’ Steve explains as Tony shifts the bag to shake DeShawn’s hand.
   ‘’It’s nice to meet you, DeShawn. This is my intern, Peter Parker,’’ Tony introduces the teenage boy, who waves.
   ‘’Nice to meet you, DeShawn. Mr. Rogers, Jazzy, always good to see you. Jasmine, you’re wearing the new sweater you told me about.’’
   ‘’Mhm!,’’ Jasmine beams, examining the red and blue knit sweater beneath ehr open jacket.
   ‘’Awesome, we almost match,’’ Peter points to his red and blue sweatshirt.
   ‘’Oh,’’ DeShawn narrows his eyes a bit, ‘’So you’re Peter.’’
   ‘’Yes, Peter is my tutor,’’ Jasmine looks at DeShawn pointedly, silently reminding him about his agreement not to spoil the fact that she has a crush on Peter.
   As if Peter doesn’t already know.
   ‘’I hope you don’t mind the extra house guest,’’ Steve speaks up as Tony moves past them to get to his door, unlocking it.
   ‘’Not at all. Pepper’s on her way. And we’ll get dinner started then. I just had to run to the store, and Peter tagged along. Besides, my goddaughter will be joining us,’’ Tony insists as they enter the house.
   ‘’Ah, so this was your plan to set me up.’’
   ‘’Can’t set you up if it’s just a friendly dinner gathering,’’ Tony shrugs, the others following him to the kitchen, ‘’Jazzy and DeShawn, would you mind setting the table? Peter, can you go get the sodas out of the garage?’’
   ‘’Sure thing, Mr. Stark,’’ Peter shrugs, taking the key to unlock the garage.
   ‘’Okay, Uncle Tony. Come on, DeShawn, I’ll show you where the silverware and plates are.’’
   When Tony and Steve are left alone, Steve turns to Tony.
   ‘’You could have confirmed that she’ll be here tonight.’’
   ‘’I told you she was. You're just getting nervous. Suck it up, buttercup.’’
   ‘’Now you know who you sound like,’’ Steve chuckles,fondly removing Petra’s catch phrase.
   ‘’I know,’’ Tony grins gently, ‘’Listen. Are you really okay with me setting you up? Because if not, we can always-’’
   ‘’No, no. I’m fine. I...  I’m ready to try again. My date Thursday was awful, but that doesn’t mean that this should be, too. Jazzy understands. I actually think she’s more for me dating than I even am. But she’s a prime factor in this, you know?’’
   ‘’I understand. Listen, Sharon is great with kids. I really think you’ll like her.’’
   ‘’I don’t make promises, but I’ll try. For Jazzy’s sake at least.’’
   And Steve Rogers is a man of his word.
   ‘’Good. Now, let’s say we get dinner started so we actually don’t have to wait an hour after they get here to eat.’’
   ‘’That should be Pepper and Sharon now. She picked her up from work today,’’ Tony speaks as he places the last of the dinner on the table.
   It’s quite a spread- spaghetti and meatballs (with vegetarian sauce for DeShawn), garlic bread, salad. Wine for the adults, soda for the kids, water for everybody.
   ‘’Can I get the door, Uncle Tony,’’ Jasmine questions, springing to the front door when he nods.
   From where they are, Steve can hear her scream, ‘’Hi, Auntie Pepper!.’’
   ‘’Hey, honey! Where’s everybody at?’’
   ‘’In the dining room. DeShawn is here. It’s gonna freak him out seeing you outside of school, ‘’ Jasmine says, causing Steve, Tony and Peter to laugh as DeShawn face palms.
   ‘’Every day,’’ he sighs, shaking his head, reminding Steve of Bucky’s reactions to him when they were kids.
   Speaking of which, Jasmine’s been begging to see her uncle and aunt. He really should set up a day.
   ‘’Hello, everyone,’’ Pepper enters, ‘’Sharon’s taking off her shoes.’’
   ‘’Tell her she doesn’t have to do that,’’ Tony rolls his eyes, ‘’Nobody else does.’’
   ‘’Now, Tony. You know Aunt Peggy literally taught both of us better than that.’’
   Steve looks away from where DeShawn and Jasmine are thumb wrestling over who gets to have the biggest slice of cake to see a very familiar face.
   ‘’Hey you live across the hall from us,’’ he grins, glad to the woman who helped get into his apartment while he carried his sleeping daughter. 
   ‘’You two know each other’’ Tony states.
   ‘’We do. Well, we met very briefly. He lives across the hall from me,’’ Sharon looks to Steve, ‘’It’s nice to meet you.’’
   ‘’Well, ten, introduce yourselves,’’ Tony gently nudges Steve towards the woman, who sticks out her hand as the other guests take their seats.
   ‘’I’m Sharon Carter.’’
   ‘’Steve Rogers,’’ Steve nods towards his daughter, ‘’That’s Jasmine Allen-Rogers, my daughter. And her best friend DeShawn.’’
   ‘’Hello. Peter, always a pleasure to see you,’’ Sharon sits across from Steve and Jasmine.
   After hands are washed , prayers are said and drinks are poured, dinner conversation flows freely. Jasmine talks to Peter and DeShawn, Tony and Pepper converse amongst themselves, so Sharon and Steve are left speaking to each other.
   ‘’So, what do you do exactly,’’ Steve questions, handing her the bread basket.
   ‘’I’m a nurse,’’ Sharon informs him before thanking him, ‘’For the last seven years, eight in December. Tony tells me you’re a teacher.’’
   ‘’Yes, for over ten years now,’’ Steve speaks up, beginning to twirl some pasta on his fork, ‘’I started there about a year before Jazzy was born.’’
   ‘’And it is so nice to meet the infamous Jazzy,’’ Sharon grins brightly at the ten-year-old, ‘’Tony talks about you a lot.’’
   ‘’Uncle Tony says I’m his favorite ten-year-old,’’ Jasmine smiles.
   ‘’Tony says that you are very, very smart,’’ Sharon supplies, causing Steve to beam with pride as Jasmine thanks both Tony and Sharon.
   ‘’So you had to work today,’’ Steve questions, ‘’I mean, you obviously did. I guess I’m asking how work went.’’
   ‘’Well, I work as a nurse, so… there’s never a boring day. I imagine that I can say the same for you as a teacher?’’
   ‘’You could,’’ Steve agrees wholeheartedly, ‘’There never is a dull moment. What made you decide to become a nurse?’’
   Dinner continues with pleasant conversation and laughter. As dessert is being cut by Pepper, Sharon and Steve clear the table.
   ‘’Your daughter is beautiful. So smart and funny, too,’’ Sharon tells Steve as they place the dinner dishes in Tony’s sink.
   ‘’Thank you so much, I appreciate it.’’
   ‘’Is DeShawn your son?’’
   ‘’’Oh, no, but his mother is a good friend of mine. I’m watching DeShawn while his mother is out for the evening,’’ Steve runs hot water to make dish water, ‘’Normally Jazzy would still be with her aunt- she spends the night over there on Friday’s and comes back on Saturday. But I have her today because, well, she wasn’t going to miss a chance to see Peter. And she just really wanted to spend time with me.’’
   ‘’You seem like a good dad,’’ Sharon nods understandingly, ‘’It’s clear that you two adore each other.’’
   ‘’She’s the apple of my eye,’’ Steve runs a hand over his head, ‘’And... you now , being her only parent…’’
   ‘’Tony told me about your wife. If you ever need to talk, we can,’’  Sharon gently touches Steve’s hand, ‘’Listen, I know what Tony is trying to do. I don't want you to feel pressured. I know that you think about Jasmine first.’’
   Sharon is the first woman that has encouraged putting Jasmine first, and encourages him to do so. She’s smart, she’s kind, she’s beautiful.
   And maybe that’s why Steve finds himself driving DeShawn and Jasmine back to his apartment with a smile on his face, excited for his date with Ms. Sharon Carter next Friday.
   The next week comes, and everything goes normally. Steve makes sure that Jasmine practices for the fall concert next week, and Peter comes to tutor her on Monday and Wednesday. She gets a D on her next math test, and it's a small improvement, but Steve knows she’ll do better.
   He continues to spend time with you, balancing a friendly work relationship while also trying to choke back his ever-growing attraction to you.
   Friday, Steve finds himself closing the door to his car that he oh so rarely uses, going around to the other side so that he can drive to the restatuent.
   ‘’You look beautiful,’’ Steve tells her, glancing sideways at the long sleeved, black dress that Sharon’s waiting for in the evening.
   ‘’Thank you. You look very handsome,’’ Sharon chuckles, ‘’Stop being so generous, Steve.’’
   ‘’I just haven’t been on a date in a while that hasn’t had me regretting agreeing within the first fifteen minutes..’’
   ‘’Well, it’s only been about 9 and a half ,itunes, so let’s just see where this night takes us.’’
   Steve laughs- genuinely laughs- at this, and, for the first time, he’s not so worried about what will happen next.
   The two arrive at the restaurant, and it’s nice. Steve got the recommendation for Tony, who is friends with the chef. Now that they’re sitting at the table, Steve is lookingat the prices…
   And he’s ever so grateful for the $20 that he knows Tony tried to surreptitiously slip into his wallet last weekend.
   ‘’So, how was your week,’’ Sharon ask later after they’ve ordered and their water is being delivered, ‘’Thank you.’’
   ‘’Thank you. Uh, it went well. I mean, Jasmine’s not allowed to go to glee practice until she brings her grades up. And that’s harsh, I guess, but grades are more important and it will motivate her, I hope.’’
   ‘’She might not appreciate it now, but she will one day. My parents were hard  on me,and look how well I turn out,’’ Sharon exaggeratedly flips her hair.
   ‘’You are pretty great,’’ Steve takes her hand, squeezing gently, ‘’I am so glad that you agreed to go out with me this evening.’’
   ‘’How could I say ‘no’ to those eyes,’’ Sharon smirks, watching Steve’s face turn pink.
   ‘’Don’t do that.’’
   ‘’Why? It’s cute,’’ Sharon shrugs, and teve laughs nervously.
   ‘’Sorry. I’m trying here,’’Steve fixes huis collar, ‘’I haven’t really liked someone this much in a while.’’
   Well, okay, that’s a lie. But, as you made it clear in your conversation this week, you're busy.
   And why chase after something with you that doesn’t exist?
   ‘’And you’re doing well.  Just relax, Steve. It’s fine,’’ Sharon gently takes his hand once more, rubbing her thumb along the back of it.
   Steve does this, too…
   Even if only for a minute, Steve relaxes and allows himself to enjoy his date.
   But it’s the first time that he’s done that in over ten years.
   And maybe it’s just what he needs.
   ‘’I had a great time tonight, Steve,’’ Sharon remarks as she leans against her doorway.
   ‘’I did, too. Would you… Do you want to maybe go out next Friday?’’
   ‘’I would, but my friend asked me to go with him to the Fireman’s Ball. Saturday?’’
   ‘’Jazzy’s recital is then and I promised I’d take her out to eat afterwards. Sunday?’’
   ‘’I work a double shift. Listen… I usually go to my aunt Peggy’s for Sunday dinner but she’s visiting her grandkids. How about you and Jasmine come over for dinner?’’
   ‘’I think he’d like that. Sounds like a plan. Well, good night,’’ Steve offers a hand for her to shake.
   ‘’Good night, Steve,’’ sharon smiles a bit disappointedly, half expecting a goodnight kiss.
   ‘’Sharon, is it alright if I kiss you?’’
   So Steve leans in, Sharon’s eyes close, and…
   He kisses her on the cheek.
   And he doesn't know why, because He had every intention of kissing her on the lips. But he didn’t.
   ‘’I’m sorry, I-’’
   ‘’Don’t apologize, Steve. We can… if you decide that you’re interested, let’s take it slow. But for now, we can be just friends.’’
   ‘’Just friends. Thank you. Oh, uh, a better get into my apartment. Jazzy’s plans for the weekend fell through so I had to find a babysitter. I’ll see you on Sunday for dinner.’’
   ‘’See you Sunday, Steve. Good night.’’
   ‘’Good night.’’
   And, after calling to check on Jasmine, changing into pajamas, grading some art, brushing his teeth and heading to bed…
   Steve decides that it is.
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