#sip return vs rd return
digitalbhumi · 2 years
Amazing of smallcap funds: instead of RD, doing SIP of 5000 here, then in 10 years, there would have been 2.5 times profit
Amazing of smallcap funds: instead of RD, doing SIP of 5000 here, then in 10 years, there would have been 2.5 times profit
There are many such mutual fund schemes in the market, which have made investors rich through long-term SIP. Compared to small savings, they have got many times higher returns. SIP vs RD Return: Smallcap funds invest the money of investors in the shares of smallcap companies. Investing in these is definitely somewhat risky as compared to largecap or multicap, but investing in them through SIP…
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
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“Monkey” © ArtStation user Gailen, accessed at their gallery here
[Dragon Magazine #86 has an article by Stephen Innis called “Familiars with a Special Use”. In it, he laments that there aren’t enough options for the find familiar spell in AD&D. Because special familiars are generated randomly, there’s a fairly significant chance for a character to get saddled with an imp or quasit dedicated to damning them and serving more as a foil than an ally. So he  creates a whole bunch of new special familiars suitable for a wide range of character types. Some of them are extraplanar familiars along the lines of imps and quasits, aimed at alignments other than LE and CE. This is something Paizo has already done; every major outsider subtype has a CR 2 familiar option. The final three are “natural” familiars, intended to be similar to brownies and pseudodragons, but befitting non-good alignments. These I like quite a bit, and will be converting all three.]
Durocib CR 1 LE Magical Beast This tiny creature looks something like a tailless monkey, its fur marked with stripes and spots. Its face is lean and sinister, and its eyes have a faint red glow.
Malicious and greedy, durocibs are magical creatures found in tropical and subtropical forests. They have a packrat’s appreciation for shiny objects, and often waylay travelers to rob them and feed on their blood. The gaze of a durocib causes distraction, decreased cognition and mental weakness in humanoid creatures. Creatures so distracted are easy prey for the durocib to steal from, and durocibs sometimes charm these victims to gather information or transport them to greater stores of wealth.
Durocibs are meticulous in their movements, but capable of great agility when pressed. Their senses are incredibly acute, and they often camp near the snares and pits of hunters in order to steal their kills or mug the returning trapper. Although they will attack creatures larger than themselves if they have the advantage, most durocibs are cowards and will flee and hide from a show of overwhelming force.
Durocibs are social in their own way, often sleeping in colonies in a hollow tree or small cave. They speak Aklo in voices that alternate between guttural and squealing. Some durocibs make deals with monsters in their vicinity, helping them to distract and disorient prey in exchange for a few sips of blood or shiny objects. This dealing can extend to spellcasters. A lawful neutral, lawful evil or neutral evil spellcaster of 5th or higher level can take a durocib as a familiar with the Improved Familiar feat. The caster becomes immune to the gaze of the durocib through this bargain, but their allies do not.
Durocib         CR 1 XP 400 LE Tiny magical beast Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +15 Defense AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 size, +1 natural) hp 13 (3d10-3) Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2 Defensive Abilities evasion Offense Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft. Melee bite +5 (1d3 plus grab) Space 2 ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft. Special Attacks blood drain (1 Con), delirium gaze, grab (Medium) Spell-like Abilities CL 3rd, concentration +5 3/day—charm person (DC 12) Statistics Str 10, Dex 14, Con 8, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 13 Base Atk +3; CMB +3 (+7 grapple); CMD 13 (17 vs. trip) Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative Skills Climb +12, Perception +15, Sense Motive +3, Stealth +14; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception Languages Aklo SQ trapfinding Ecology Environment warm and temperate forests Organization solitary, pair or colony (3-12) Treasure standard Special Abilities Delirium Gaze (Su) 30 ft.; Will DC 12; -2 penalty on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma based skill checks, -2 penalty on Will saves for 1 hour. This gaze affects humanoid creatures only. Multiple failed saves do not cause the penalties to stack, but do increase the duration. The save DC is Charisma based. Trapfinding (Ex) A durocib can find magical traps as if it were a rogue.
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luminary-gremlin · 4 years
Silver vs Wilford (Poly vs Poly) [Finale]
Tagging: @wilford-lee-warfstache @yandere-ipli-ler @thehostofleetrature
@darkipli-ler @magnumtickles
           “Alright, and…begin!”
           Yan cheered out, thus starting the final fight. Both Silver and Wilford stood on their side of the matt, yet both hesitated to move, eyeing each other. You see, when you’re the main lee in your poly it can be really easy to become…lee.
           “Aye, why aren’t they movin’? Or tickling each other?”
           Magnum looked over to Dark, who stroked his chin with a smirk. Now he understood why this fight was so complicated. Not only was it just as equal for the hero or his boyfriend to win, but it was equivalent on whether they would be lee or ler. He let out a fond chuckle.
           “Who said that they were going to tickle each other?”
           Host inquired, sipping his hot cocoa beside Yandere. His statement made everyone turn their heads, including the two fighters who were blushing at being called out.
           “W-well it’s not MY fault that Darky had to be so teasy with Host and I got jealous cause I wanted to be teased like that!”
           Wilford huffed, turning his back with a huff and turning his nose up.
           “Y-yeah! And when Yan took down Magnum and made him s-so helpless, I-i-i-it made me want to be helpless too…”
           The hero mumbled, playing with his fingers shyly as he looked over to his group innocently.
           “So, why didn’t either of you speak up?”
           Yan tilted her head in confusion. Both Silver and Wilford looked at each other and bowed their heads in embarrassment.
           “W-we thought that if either of us said we were lee it would disqualify us a-and we really wanted to be a part of this competition with you guys cause it sounded so fun…”
           Silver rubbed his arm shyly as Wilford nodded in agreement. Dark and Yan shared a look and nodded, knowing exactly how to resolve this. The latter then walked over to their respected lee and held their hands.
           “I think I may have an idea to help resolve your moods and still be a part of this competition~”
           Wilford’s eyes lit up at Dark’s purr before he was pinned down with his arms over his head, and even giggled as Silver received the same treatment. They both lied side by side with enough space for Host to sit in between them to sense their vitals and to pin down their legs to hinder them from escaping while holding a stopwatch. Magnum joined by lying on top of both their arms above their heads, which in returned allowed Dark and Yan to have both hands free for tickling their lees.
           “The rules are simple. Each ler will be required to tickle both lees’ top 3 spots without holding back for fair play. Each lee will endure a round of 3 minutes on their 3rd place spot, and 5 minutes on their 2nd place spot if neither have caved in. If once again neither have called mercy or their safe word, then both of their #1 ticklish spots will be tickled indefinitely until mercy is called.”
           The Host announced to both groups, grinning as seeing the lees squirm happily.
           “But Hostie, how do we know what spots would be equal to their others. I mean I’m sure Silvy’s underarms are the same as Wilford’s.”
           “Hmm…perhaps that is true, I have an idea, ahem… ‘Both of Silver’s and Wilford’s top 3 spots were marked with a Sharpie to keep things equal.’”
           Just then both Silver and Wilford squealed and squirmed about, feeling their top three spots being drawn on before the markers disappeared in thin air.
           Yan grinned as she lifted up Silver’s shirt to already find his number 1 spot, resisting the urge to poke her shy as heck blushy hero, currently hiding his face in his bicep. She spun around and rolled his shorts up just a tad to find two number 3’s drawn on each inner thigh.
           “Remember, no holding back Silvy, there won’t be a miss nice girl~! Especially after you act so cute being so lee and being so tempting all day with your cuteness! Right Dark?”
           “Oh of course, did you really think I was gonna let go that because you rubbed your cologne on me that it gave me away to Host, Will~?”
           Dark purred, moving Wilf’s hair out of the way to find a 3 on the backs of his ears.
           “3, 2, 1. Begin!”
           Host announced and started the stopwatch. Yan wasted no time tracing silver’s thighs with her nails, tracing to his knee and back up to his upper thigh, grinning when the hero began to squeal and cackle, twisting and kicking his legs to try and free himself.
           “Aw, my little wiggle worm is dancing with joy isn’t he~?”
           Wilford, when hearing Silver squeal and watching him squirm made him squirm at the very thought until he felt Dark’s fingers caress the shell of his ears. He cackled and belly laughed, tilting his head to try and escape the tickly fingers but Dark kept up with him just fine.
           “Oh don’t think I’ve forgotten about how much you love my attention dearest~”
           Dark purred next to his ear with a teasy coo as he traced his fingers all over his delicate ears. No part of Wilford’s ears were untouched from Dark. The shells, the lobes, the tips of his ears fell under Dark’s mercy.
           “Oh, but isn’t that what you wanted? To be flustered and embarrassed from yours truly?”
           Welp, he got Wilford there. Meanwhile back to the other poly, Yan went to town on Silver’s inner thighs with no mercy whatsoever, despite his adorable exclamations, they only seemed to fuel her to tickle him more!
           Yan smirked as she added gentle pinches to his inner thighs, making him snort at each one.
           “That’s the point senpai! Aw listen to those snorts! I could listen to them forever! Lets see, 1, 2, 3, 4…”
           “And time! Halt your tickles!”
           Host announced. Both lers stopped immediately and were left with two very giggly sweet boys. Magnum ran his hands through both of their hair fondly to reveal their adorable red faces. Yan cupped Silvy’s face and kissed him sweetly while Dark stroked Wilf’s cheeks fondly to help cool them down.
           During their break they were given water and a small, healthy snack to bring their energy back. Yan would play with Silver’s snack like an airplane and fed it to him, while Dark struggled to not tickle Wilf to get him to open his mouth because ew healthy foods.
           Soon enough it was time for the second round, both parties began to set up before Yan noticed reluctance on Silver’s face.
           “Is something wrong dear?”
           Silver looked up at her with big puppy dog eyes before whispering.
           “A-actually could we skip the second round? I really wanna cuddle after all of this is over.”
           “Do you still wanna be tickled dearest? If not you can just say so, no one is going to be upset.”
           Silver buried his face in his arm with a small blush and a wiggle, signaling a yes to her question.
           “A-actually I’m in agreement with the dear boy. Darky I wanna be like how Hostie was! And get snuggles from my boys!”
           Dark smirked fondly and patted his head.
           “So be it, besides, I’ve been dying to get to your number 1 spot lately.”
           And so it was agreed. Dark turned around with his back facing Wilford and rested his hands on his thighs, already making him hitch his breath. Silver meanwhile couldn’t help but gasp and squirm when Yan placed a finger just under his button.
           “Ready, set, go!”
           Just after Host’s exclamation, the room echoed with shrill screams of laughter. Dark wasted no time digging into Wilford’s thighs, using his nails to scratch his bare skin highlighted from his shorts. Yan used her fingertip over Silver’s nub of a bellybutton fondly, rubbing it gently since it didn’t take much to drive him off the rails.
           Suffice to say, everyone knew this round wasn’t going to last long, especially for our lees. Just seeing their lers touch their spots already made them squirm. Despite Silver’s incredible stamina, he couldn’t take his button tickled like this for too long unless it was a gentle little feather that could break him in the best way and last quite a while. For him it wasn’t just his button being tickled, but it would radiate through his whole body, making it quiver as he arched and thrashed. Although arching his back only made it tickle be-worse!
Wilford; however, was going mad from the sheer amount of hysteria overflowing through him. Dark’s deep massages into his thighs lit up his nerves all the way down his legs. You know when you hit your elbow just right and then your whole arm feels that way? That was exactly what Wilford was experiencing but in both of his legs.
They shrieked at the exact same time before dissolving into silent laughter. At hearing the words everyone immediately stopped everything. Host snapped his fingers to get everyone off them as the hero and the interviewer curled up tightly, with tears of mirth rolling down their cheeks
Host immediately crawled over to Silver the same time Magnum did for Wilf, both pulling them into their chest lovingly as both lees were curled up. Yan fetched Silver some water as Dark crawled over and stroked his cheeks.
“Hey, hey. You were amazing Will. Don’t you forget that. You lasted so long. Did I push anything? Was I too rough?”
Wilford looked up to Dark with hazelnut eyes and hugged him tiredly. He was so happy to have people so loving and encouraging.
“Yohohohhu w-wehehehre perfect dear.”
Yan hurried over and fed Silver some water as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“Oh dearest, you were so tough. I hope I didn’t push you too far. I’m so proud of you for knowing your limits! Host and I are so proud of you!”
Silver looked up at his lovelies and melted under her touch, gulping water down. He gave her a thumbs up to reassure he was okay. He felt incredibly lucky to have people so aware of him and loving and proud no matter what.
Host and Magnum had pulled them into their big coats so they were surrounded by love.
“W-well…I guess it was a tie then?”
Wilf was the first to speak up. The rest then all looked up at each other.
“Oh does it really matter who won? The more important part is we all had good fun.”
Dark hummed while he kissed his cheeks. Then Magnum carried his boys over to the Sweets poly and sat so they were all one big cuddled fest. Everyone snuggled in. Wilf to Magnum, Dark to Wilf, Host to Magnum, Silver to Host, and Yan to Silver and Magnum.
“…You know…I wouldn’t mind having a rematch, just to test Host’s theory that is.”
Yan whispered softly, getting everyone to chuckle.
“Mmm, perhaps. But first, I think we all need a well-deserved nap, and some smoothies.”
Dark hummed and everyone nodded before they all closed their eyes, snuggled up to each other and surrounding their love.
Sweets: 2 | Sundaes: 2
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Our Week Scouted // Thursday, November 28
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As you settle into your tryptophan-haze, peruse what's going on around town. From the much-anticipated return of pizza weekends at Pippin Hill to participating in Small Business Saturday, we've got you covered. 
NOSH: Pippin Hill’s popular weekend pizza specials returns this week. Head out to the winery Friday-Sunday through March to enjoy one of their chef’s special pizzas and suggested wine pairings.    Pippin Hill Farm & Vineyards | 5022 Plank Rd., North Garden | 434-202-8063
CREATE: For the 33rd year, the Monticello garden staff is offering their ever-popular wreath making workshops on November 29-20 and December 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8. The gratifying and tangible end product makes the perfect festive addition to your home or a thoughtful gift for friends and family. All materials will be provided, including a cornucopia of over 75 natural materials gathered from Monticello’s grounds. Reservations required; make yours HERE.  MONTICELLO VISITOR CENTER | 931 Thomas Jefferson Parkway | 434.984.9800
SIP:  Manassas-based KO Distilling, will be bringing the holiday spirits to Olivia in the Barracks Road Shopping Center on Friday, November 29 from 10AM-9PM for a free tasting event sampling their selection of spirits from gin to whiskey. Take a break from Black Friday shopping and pop in for a sip or two. Plus, shoppers will also be able to take advantage of Black Friday pricing with 20% off bottles.  Oliva | Barracks Road Shopping Center, 1033 Emmet Street | (434) 975-5432
SHOP: This Saturday, get out and take part in Small Business Saturday. Small businesses all over town will be participating with special sales and offers. So kick-off your holiday shopping by doing what we love most — supporting local! 
CHEER: Join Oakhurst Inn for a UVa vs. VT Pre-Game Oyster Roast on Friday, November 29 outside on Oakhurst Circle. Enjoy $1 oysters, $5 craft beer and $5 chili. Roasting begins four hours prior to noon kick-off.  Friday, November 29 | 9AM | Oakhurst Inn, 122 Oakhurst Circle
JOIN: Join the University of Virginia in ringing in the holiday season at the 18th annual Lighting of the Lawn on Thursday, December 5th. The Lighting of the Lawn is one of the University’s most cherished traditions and promises an unforgettable night of light, reflection, and unity. You won’t want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind community experience that is sure to leave you feeling loved and ecstatic for the holiday season. Festivities begin at 7pm and the light show will follow at 9pm. Admission is free. Thursday, December 5 | 7PM | South Lawn, The University of Virginia
CELEBRATE: Join the rest of the Charlottesville community ring in the holiday season in the long-awaited Charlottesville Grand Illumination on December 6, this year at a new, more spacious location —  the Sprint Pavilion. The event ensures fun for all and features live music, kids’ activities, and over 20,000 LED lights illuminating the holiday tree at City Hall Plaza. The fun begins at 4:30. Friday, December 6 | 4:30PM | Downtown Mall @ The Sprint Pavilion
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thefamilyineverknew · 6 years
Turning 47: pt. X
“Take the Highway to the Great Divide”
22-23 May 2018
Being a mono-tasker does have its advantages; a sharp focus on the task at hand, attention to detail, seeing a project through to the end. However, it comes with some stark deficits. In my haste and certitude in driving here, I have not only completely forgotten to contact any of my friends in Colorado to let them know I would be in the area, I haven’t even bothered to look up who is even living here. I have not thought this through.
Colorado Springs sits at the rough middle point in the state, east of the range, and I decide I’ll stop there to gather myself and hatch a plan. I just plug “Colorado Springs” into the navigator and let it guide me its deemed destination in the city, where ever that happens to be. It turns out to be the courthouse. So, park and sit for awhile, feeling mildly panicked, checking FB for people I know in Colorado and start writing. Friends who haven’t heard from me in years are now receiving messages, like “Hey, I’m in Colorado. Are you around?”.
Not feeling like the brightest bulb in the pack, I feel like a walk in the sunshine and a good stretch the legs is in order. As I head up the downtown street and across to a park, my senses are heightened by the unfamiliarity of the place. This leads me to finding a café. Starbucks, of course. Like a McDonald’s sign in a foreign country, a known quantity in a strange place is always a welcomed sight, however bland or blasé it might be. I order an iced coffee and take a seat outside. Check my social for any messages (none), and sip my cold beige.
Yesterday, before they left the farm, my aunt Lydia gave me both her phone number and my uncle Harry Kent’s, saying I would be welcomed to stay with them in Denver, should the need arise. Need has arisen. So I make the call.
Harry Kent & Lydia had been career missionaries in Costa Rica until retiring back to the US a few years ago. Though I had just been with them in Kansas, I hadn’t seen them for decades prior. They are very gracious, but also quite staid, so I am feeling both grateful and a bit like I’m on my tip-toes when Lydia gives me the green light to come.
The drive from Colorado Springs to my aunt & uncle’s takes about an hour and a half, but WHAT an hour and a half. For those who live here, I imagine the mountains to my shoulder and the massive rising and dipping earth formations have long become so commonplace as not to be noticed. But for these fresh eyes, it is a tall drink. I would prefer to be a passenger at this point, giving my full attention to the gorgeousness of it all, like I did when I was a kid on family vacation. As it is, I have to drive, and driving and gawking do not mix easily, especially for this mono-tasker. So, I try keep my eyes on traffic, while stealing glimpses when I am able.
Colorado is where my parents met, at Bear Trap Ranch in the mountains to the west of Colorado Springs. Both were in college at the time and were working there over the summer of ‘66, my mother in the kitchen, while my dad was a horse wrangler. The details of their courtship are unclear to me, other than my dad was strapping and my mom looked like Sally Fields, but I do know they were married within a year and have been ever since. The stretch between their hometowns, from southern Minnesota to western Kansas, was an enormous yawning midwestern gap (one our family would lap dozens of times). My dad would finish his studies at Kansas State in Manhattan, Kansas (very confusing when I was a kid. Where were the skyscrapers?), while my mom would teach kindergarten. Then they would move to Denver, where my dad would attend seminary, which is where I come into the picture in 1971.
In those early years, I can remember returning with them to Bear Trap; seeing young college co-eds in school sweatshirts, the smell of ponderosa pine, and the incomprehensible natural wonder of the mountains and surroundings. My dad always talked about his desire to move back to the Rockies when he retired. Instead, it is his older brother, Harry Kent, who has made Colorado his post-career residence.
The sun is setting as I arrive at their place; a latin turquoise blue house in a neighborhood of strict beige on beige. I absolutely approve. My aunt & uncle greet me at the door, show me my room, and give me the grand tour. The walls are lined with artifacts and memories from Costa Rica; sculptures, prints, and paintings. It is such a relief to be able to be caught by the family net, even after so many years and such distance.
Over the next couple days, Arla and I volley emails back and forth; I am still confident, feeling the needle is beginning to point toward a “yes”. In the meantime, I am fielding replies to the odd messages I had sent out to the diaspora of friends in Colorado. I hear from my friend Dawn Wilkinson.
Dawn was the Assistant Residence Director (ARD) in Fischer dorm at Wheaton when I was a Residence Assistant (RA) on 5-South, a year that nearly did me in. See, for both my freshman and sophomore years, I had developed this reputation for being wild and/or crazy, warranted or not. I would merely say that I was uninhibited. I certainly was making the most of my time, going for broke. Anything creative; music, performance, comedy, art, intricate pranks...it was all the same cloth to cut. I was going full-bore and having a blast, trying and doing new things, surrounded by some of the most interesting and creative that I had ever met. I was certainly set on having a good time and making an impact. An impact which backfired on me when, in my junior year, I took on the position as RA.
Now, Wheaton is a small school, about 2400 students, and when word spread that I would be in charge of 5-South, this naturally drew the interest of a certain type of student. One with a certain flexibility to rules and regulations. This would have been all fine and good had the school kept their former RD (Res. Dir.). However, the person they brought in, two weeks before school was to start, was a strict, by the books, rule enforcer. It was law by black & white vs. rainbow tie-dye, that whole year. Had my floor been a full house of buttoned-up types, it still would have been a challenge (it was 46 guys, after all, 18-19 yrs old on their first foray away from home). The sum of these parts added up to a nearly impossible and completely unmanageable year for me. This was the year I learned how to sleep through alarms, the year I sunk Marianas trench deep into Sergio Mendes & Brasil ‘66 records, and the year my grades plummeted, nay, spelunked, a full grade point. One of the saving graces was my superior, Dawn Wilkinson. She was the buffer between me and the RD, and was one of the few reasons I was able to make it through that year, tattered, but intact.
So, now, present day Dawn mentions to me the Air Force Academy is putting on their annual graduation air show in Colorado Springs, where she is. Perhaps, we could meet afterward? So I cruise down to see the air show which has just ended (although there is air to look at). Turns out they had started an hour earlier than scheduled. Bummer. Dawn & I text and she gives me the address of the church where she’s working. I plug in the coordinates and head that way.
I meet her in the church office and we go out to sit in the lobby. We talk Wheaton, our old colleagues from Fischer dorm, Colorado, her husband Dave (who I knew from back then), their kids, my kids, Sweden, and this trip I’m on. I lay down the skinny on why I am out this way.
“Do you think it will happen?”, she asks. “We’ll see, but I feel pretty good about it,” I say. We talk and talk, and then her teenage son and nearly-to-be married daughter arrive. “This is the guy I’ve been telling you about all these years! You know, the crazy one”, or something like that...(not verbatim). More talking and sharing and then it’s time to go. 25 years can go by and feel like a blink of an eye. Time is one of the strangest things we experience in life, I am convinced.
Getting back in the car, I can see Arla has written again! From her tone, I am certain she is getting closer to granting my offer to meet. Time, place, and logistics are the obstacles, yet, what I am seeing looks like a solution is coming....soon.
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lucknowite · 6 years
Bank RD vs mutual fund SIP: which is better
Bank RD vs mutual fund SIP: which is better
New Delhi: The habit of regular savings is an age-old thing which most of us have been used to hearing from our respective parents. Savings can be more interesting if you are able to invest a proportionate amount of money, be it weekly, monthly, or quarterly, in a scheme which can safeguard it and provide better returns. Bank recurring deposits (RD) and mutual fund systematic investment plan…
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personalfn-blog · 6 years
Smart & Advance Way To Start SIPs For Your Child’s Financial Future
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Are you serious about your children's future?
Of course, I am.
Was this your response?
Please don't get annoyed by the question.
The intent of raising it now wasn't to hurt you.
Quite often it happens that, despite having a good purpose, we end up doing ordinarily in the end.
I want to send my child to a good college for higher studies—Great!
He/she should have an option to pursue a master's programme abroad—Excellent!
And soon after he/she settles abroad, I want to get him/her married in a grand destination wedding—Awesome!
But, are you doing enough to make all this happen?
Thus, saving money for the future needs isn't enough.
Inflation spoils the party.
You need to invest intelligently.
How should you plan for your child's better future?
Estimate the amount you would need in future.
Earmark the amount you will have to invest per month.
Select appropriate mutual fund schemes with a proven track record (or alternatively take expert help in choosing them) Opt for Systematic Investment Plan (or SIPs) to invest in mutual funds.
And Using various hypothetical rates try to estimate where your investments might take you (You might use PersonalFN's SIP calculator for this purpose)
If you have not been SIP-ping in equity-oriented mutual funds until now, you should start soon! What is SIP?
Simply put, SIP is a mode of investing in mutual fund schemes in a systematic and regular manner. The method of investing is similar to your investment in a recurring deposit (RD) with a bank, where you deposit a fixed sum of money (into your recurring deposit account), but the only difference here is, your money is deployed in a mutual fund scheme (equity schemes and / or debt schemes) and not in a bank deposit. Hence, your investments (in mutual funds) are subject to market risk.
A SIP enforces a disciplined approach towards investing, and you inculcate the habit of saving before spending, which we all probably learnt when we maintained a piggy bank.
Yes, those good old days where our parents gave us some pocket money, which after expenditure we deposited in our piggy banks and at the end of particular tenure, we saw that every rupee saved became a large amount.
SIPs work on the simple principle of investing regularly, which enables you to build wealth over the long-term. In case of SIPs, on a specified date which can be on a daily basis, monthly basis, or on a quarterly basis, a fixed amount you decide on is debited from your bank account (either through a ECS mandate or through post-dated cheques forwarded), and invested in the scheme as selected by you for a specified tenure (months, years).
Today some Asset Management Companies (AMCs) / mutual fund houses / robo-advisory platforms also provide the ease and convenience of transacting in mutual funds online. They have set up their own online transaction platforms, where one can do SIP investments by following the procedure as made available on the websites.
[Read: How To Invest In Mutual Funds Online]
So, you have fewer hassles while investing as well as tracking your investment dates.
To quote Albert Einstein, the eighth wonder of the world, the power of compounding plays a crucial role in generating a substantial corpus for your child's future.
But, it's important to invest in the right mutual fund scheme. Otherwise, you will wonder about the eighth wonder.
Here are 5 benefits of SIPs:
1. SIPs are light on the wallet
If you cannot invest Rs 5,000 in one shot, that's not a huge stumbling block, you can simply take the SIP route and trigger the mutual fund investment with as low as Rs 500 per month.
SIPs enable you to invest in smaller amounts at regular intervals (daily, monthly or quarterly).
2. SIPs make market timing irrelevant
Timing the market can be hazardous to your wealth and health. Instead, focus on 'time in the market' in the endeavour to create wealth by selecting the best mutual fund schemes to SIP. If you stay invested in a promising mutual fund scheme for the long-term, it can help you accomplish your financial goals.
3. SIPs enable rupee-cost averaging
Volatility is the very nature of the market; but with SIPs, you can mitigate this volatility. When markets undergo turbulence, rupee-cost averaging comes into play.
Meaning, typically buy more units of a mutual fund scheme when prices are low, and buy fewer mutual units when prices are high. SIPs work in your favour when markets go downhill, and when they are flat quite some time.
4. SIPs benefit from the power of compounding
As SIPs subscribe you to the habit of investing regularly, it enables you to compound your money invested.
So, say you start a SIP of Rs 1,000, in a mutual fund scheme following prudent investment system and processes, with a SIP tenure of 20 years and expect a modest return of 15% p.a., your money would grow to approximately Rs 15 lakh.
So, over the long-term, SIPs can compound wealth better and systematically as opposed to investing a lump sum, especially when the journey of wealth creation is volatile.
5. SIPs are effective medium for goal planning
All of us have financial goals – may be buying a house, buying a dream car, providing good education to children, getting them (children) married well, retiring etc.
But all this comes with systematic financial planning. Very often many invest in the equity markets, with a motive of making short-term gains, and often ignore to use the equity markets as a window for long-term wealth creation, to achieve one's financial goals. The earlier you start SIPs the better it is.
Do you know?
A difference of 4.4% compounded annualised returns on your SIP investments can fetch you additional Rs 45 lakh over 15 years?
The power of compounding and smart selection of mutual fund schemes, working in conjunction, can help you grow wealth.
Want a superlative research-backed guidance to select winning mutual fund schemes to plan your child's future needs?
Consider PersonalFN.
PersonalFN has a dependable track record, guiding investors to achieve their envisioned financial goals with its unbiased views.
PersonalFN does not take shortcuts with research before recommending mutual fund schemes to investors. A comprehensive rating methodology is followed.
PersonalFN analyses thousands of data points to shortlist schemes and also applies a whole host of quantitative and qualitative parameters to select winning mutual fund schemes for your portfolio.
PersonalFN's Mutual Fund Research service 'FundSelect' Vs. S&P BSE 200
Data as on March 28, 2018
(Source: ACE MF, PersonalFN Research)
Out of every four funds recommended in the
— a premium mutual fund research service of PersonalFN, three have always outperformed BSE 200 index. That's the success rate of PersonalFN.
Those who started following PersonalFN's recommendations in June 2003 might have grown their wealth at 21.0% compounded annualised rate vis-à-vis 16.6% returns generated by BSE 200.
Currently, the premium mutual fund research service, 'FundSelect', is celebrating 15 years of wealth creation. If you subscribe now you can avail this premium mutual fund research service for just Rs 2,950 and get 1-year additional access (worth Rs 5,000)... virtually free!
It will provide Buy, Hold, and Sell recommendations... intended at solidifying your mutual fund portfolio and make it free from any bias.
Click here to know more and subscribe to 'FundSelect' today!
You will get FREE access to our premium report, 'Top-5 Funds For 2020'
So, hurry and subscribe to PersonalFN's FundSelect now!
What's more?
PersonalFN is soon launching its robo-advisory platform offering Direct Plans only.
The lower expense ratio for Direct Plans of mutual fund schemes can add significant wealth in the long-run. The magic of power of compounding works better with Direct Plans.
You can potentially build a BIGGER corpus by opting for PersonalFN's robo-advisory platform that offers research-backed recommendations.
So, stay tuned!
Author: PersonalFN Content & Research Team
This post on " Smart & Advance Way To Start SIPs For Your Child’s Financial Future " appeared first on "PersonalFN"
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thecreaturecodex · 6 years
Great Old One, Kyuss
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“Dungeon 135 Cover” by Wayne Reynolds, © Paizo Publishing.
[Kyuss here is a milestone in a number of ways. He’s the last of my Age of Worms conversions. He’s my first CR 30 monster, which is as high as CRs get in Pathfinder RPG. And he’s my 650th unique entry in the Creature Codex!
These statistics are based primarily on the Dungeon Magazine version of Kyuss, but toned down. Kyuss didn’t need four different spell lists. The spell stowaway ability is a feat from the 3.0 Epic Level handbook, which I gave to Kyuss since in my game, one of the PCs loved to abuse time stop. The resultant battle, in which a PC soloed the Wormgod for 4 rounds and survived, is still talked about around my table more than a decade later.]
Great Old One, Kyuss CR 30 NE Aberration This immense giant is composed of thousands of writhing worms woven together in a mockery of the humanoid form. It cloaks its form in a ragged gray robe, and immense orange eyes glow hatefully under its hood. It carries a bladed mace in its hands.
Kyuss The Wormgod, the Worm that Walks, the Parasite Divine NE male Great Old One of decay, undeath and apocalypse Domains Death, Destruction, Evil, Magic Subdomains Catastrophe, Decay*, Divine, Undead Worshipers avolakias, nihilists, the duped Minions wormtouched undead, overworms, Kyuss wormswarms Unholy Symbol A human skull with green worms pouring from the eyes and mouth Favored Weapon executioner’s mace *Clerics of Kyuss can use the Decay subdomain to modify the Death domain
Kyuss, the Wormgod, is the architect of apocalypse and the creator of a panoply of undead. His ultimate goals are to usher in the Age of Worms, an era in which all mortals are converted into undead and the world is a writhing nightmare. He has very nearly succeeded in these goals, but was thwarted by great heroes and cast once more into imprisonment. But Kyuss stirs in his tomb, and the Age of Worms may begin in a far-away planet or plane.
Kyuss is perhaps unique among the Great Old Ones in that he was once a mortal. An executioner of a jungle city in a cruel theocracy, he clawed his way to the role of high priest and then priest-king. Obsessed with immortality and despising the frailties of flesh, he experimented with spell weaver magic and the green worms which now bear his name. In a mythic ritual, he stripped the life force of an entire empire and poured it into his own body, hoping to achieve godhood. Kyuss failed by inches, achieving eternal life but becoming a writhing thing instead of an ascendant deity, trapped in a shard of indestructible black stone. It is this shard that is both Kyuss’ sanctuary and prison, and from which he emerges to wreak ruin on the world.
In his millennia of study and plotting, the Parasite Divine has discovered a pernicious way of increasing his power. Rather than gain worship directly, he does so mostly through fear and deception. A number of cults founded by his monstrous minions or his few true humanoid believers shroud Kyuss’ true nature in layers of lies, allowing him to sip from the power of belief provided by the unknowing. Even knowing Kyuss’ true nature and that of his plots is not enough, for Kyuss draws energy from creatures fearing him as surely as he does from those worshiping him. If Kyuss were to achieve his goals and achieve true divinity, he would be a powerful and dangerous god indeed.
In combat, Kyuss is nothing short of ruinous. He combines a variety of necromantic spells with blows from an immense black mace. Even if disarmed, his physical attacks are horrific—he can engulf a foe and strip the flesh from them in seconds, returning them to a hideous parody of life as one of his scions. Kyuss rarely fights alone, calling on broodfiends, wormdrakes and powerful undead of many kinds to serve as distractions and cannon fodder.
Kyuss    CR 30 XP 9,830,400 NE Huge aberration (Great Old One) Init +22; Senses blindsight 300 ft., darkvision 120 ft., Perception +53, true seeing Aura unspeakable presence (300 ft, DC 42), zone of desecration (120 ft.) Defense AC 45, touch 45, flat-footed 23 (-2 size, +12 Dex, +25 insight) hp 752 (35d8+595); fast healing 30 Fort +28, Ref +25, Will +34 DR 20/-; Immune ability damage, ability drain, acid, aging, cold, critical hits, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, petrification, single-target spells, sneak attack, stunning; SR 41; 46 vs. divinations Defensive Abilities amorphous, immortality, insanity (DC 42), negative energy affinity, spell stowaway Offense Speed 50 ft., burrow 50 ft., climb 50 ft., swim 50 ft. Melee Mace of Kyuss +43/+38/+33/+28 (4d6+27/19-20x3) or 2 slams +40 (2d8+16 plus grab) Space 15 ft; Reach 15 ft. Special Abilities channel negative energy (25/day, 10d6, DC 42), create spawn, devastation beam, engulf, mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), thanatoic nightmares Spell-like Abilities CL 30th, concentration +45 (+49 casting defensively) Constant—freedom of movement, nondetection, tongues, true seeing At will— create undead, create greater undead, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, harm M (DC 31), nightmare M (DC 30) 3/day— control undead (DC 31), disintegrate M (DC 31), finger of death M (DC 32), quickened greater dispel magic, quickened harm M (DC 31), empowered horrid wilting (DC 33) 1/day—mage’s disjunction (DC 34), power word kill M, summon (level 9th, 2d4 broodfiends or wormdrakes, 100%), wail of the banshee (DC 34), wish M Spells CL 20th, concentration +35 (+39 casting defensively) 9th—astral projection, energy drain (DC 36), gate, miracle, overwhelming presence (DC 34), quickened slay living (DC 32) 8th—antimagic field M, quickened divine power, fire storm M (DC 33), greater spell immunity, quickened inflict critical wounds M (DC 31, x2) 7th—blasphemy M (DC 32), destruction (DC 34), ethereal jaunt, mass inflict serious wounds (DC 34), quickened prayer, quickened protection from energy, repulsion 6th—blade barrier M (DC 31), forbiddance (DC 31), harm M (DC 33), mass eagle’s splendor, plague storm (DC 33), quickened spiritual weapon M, word of recall 5th—dispel good (DC 30), flame strike (DC 30), greater command (DC 30), scrying (DC 30), quickened shield of faith, slay living (DC 32), unhallow 4th—air walk (x2), dimensional anchor, inflict critical wounds M (DC 31), sending, terrible remorse, unholy blight M (DC 29) 3rd—bestow curse (DC 30), blindness/deafness (DC 30), contagion (DC 30), inflict serious wounds (DC 32), invisibility purge, magic circle vs. good (DC 30), prayer M, speak with dead (DC 32) 2nd—bull’s strength, darkness, death knell (DC 31), hold person (DC 29), make whole, resist energy, silence (DC 29), spiritual weapon M 1st—bane (DC 30), deathwatch, detect undead, divine favor, entropic shield, protection from good (DC 28), sanctuary (DC 28), shield of faith M 0th—bleed (DC 29), detect magic, guidance, read magic Statistics Str 42, Dex 34, Con 45, Int 38, Wis 41, Cha 41 Base Atk +26; CMB +44 (+48 grappling); CMD 76 Feats Combat Casting, Command Undead, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Empower SLA (horrid wilting), Greater Spell Focus (necromancy), Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (executioner’s mace), Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Mythic Spell Power, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (greater dispel magic, heal) Quicken Spell, Spell Focus (necromancy), Spell Penetration, Vital Strike Skills Acrobatics +50, Bluff +50, Climb +62, Diplomacy +50, Escape Artist +50, Intimidate +53, Knowledge (arcana) +52, Knowledge (dungeoneering, nature, planes, religion) +49, Perception +53, Sense Motive +53, Spellcraft +52, Stealth +42, Survival +53, Swim +62, Use Magic Device +50 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Avolakia, Draconic, Infernal, telepathy 300 ft. SQ compression, otherworldly insight Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization unique Treasure double standard (Mace of Kyuss [+3 unholy vorpal executioner’s mace], other treasure) Special Abilities Channel Negative Energy (Su) Kyuss can channel negative energy as per a 20th level cleric. Create Spawn (Su) Any creature reduced to 0 Int by Kyuss rises as a scion of Kyuss under Kyuss’ control immediately. Devastation Beam (Su) As a standard action, Kyuss can fire destructive energy in a 600 foot line. All creatures and objects in the line take 17d12 points of damage that ignore all hardness, damage reduction or energy resistance (Reflex DC 42 half). A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this blast is destroyed utterly and can only be returned to life with a miracle, true resurrection or wish spell. The save DC is Charisma based. Engulf (Ex) If Kyuss grapples a foe, as a swift action, it can cause a swarm of worms to squirm over the grappled creature. These worms deal 5d6+24 points of damage and 3d6 points of Intelligence drain and the creature is nauseated for 1 round. A successful DC 44 Fortitude save negates the nausea and halves the Intelligence drain. Kyuss can only have one embraced target at a time, but it does not have to continue grappling in order to maintain the embrace. If Kyuss moves more than 5 feet from the swarm or dismisses the swarm (a free action), the swarm dies. Any area attack that damages the swarm or any severe or stronger wind effect that affects the swarm's target kills it. Immortality (Ex) If Kyuss is slain, he explodes in a fountain of worms—all creatures within 30 feet take damage as if exposed to his engulf ability (Fort DC 44 halves). Any scions of Kyuss created by this effect are free willed. Kyuss then reforms on another planet or plane over the course of 1000 years, trapped in a monolith of black stone until the time is right to reemerge. Spells Kyuss casts spells as a 20th level cleric. He does not gain access to domain spells or domain abilities. Spell Stowaway (Su) Whenever a creature within 60 feet of Kyuss uses time stop, he can act normally within the duration of the time stop, as if he had cast it himself. As neither he nor the caster are frozen in time with respect to each other, each can target and affect the other with attacks, spells, or other effects they create, though they cannot affect other creatures within the duration of the time stop. This ability functions even if Kyuss is flat-footed or unaware of his opponent. Thanatoic Nightmares (Su) Kyuss can use his nightmare spell-like ability on any creature that has ever taken ability damage or drain from an undead creature, or been infected with a disease by an undead. In addition to the effects of the nightmare, the target must succeed a DC 42 Will save or become infected with the seed of undeath. It takes a -4 penalty to all saves against necromancy spells, negative energy effects or the special attacks of the undead. If slain by an undead creature with the create spawn ability, it rises as a scion of Kyuss instead. This effect is permanent unless removed by remove curse or a similar effect. The save DC is Charisma based. Unspeakable Presence (Su) Failing a DC 42 Will save against Kyuss’ unspeakable presence causes the victim to be overwhelmed by a sense of doom—it takes a -4 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws, skill and ability checks and weapon damage rolls while it remains in the area. Zone of Desecration (Su) Kyuss emits a 120 foot aura that duplicates the effects of a desecrate spell. He counts as a shrine to an evil religion for the purposes of the spell.
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personalfn-blog · 6 years
Smart & Advance Way To Start SIPs For Your Child’s Financial Future
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Are you serious about your children's future?
Of course, I am.
Was this your response?
Please don't get annoyed by the question.
The intent of raising it now wasn't to hurt you.
Quite often it happens that, despite having a good purpose, we end up doing ordinarily in the end.
I want to send my child to a good college for higher studies—Great!
He/she should have an option to pursue a master's programme abroad—Excellent!
And soon after he/she settles abroad, I want to get him/her married in a grand destination wedding—Awesome!
But, are you doing enough to make all this happen?
Thus, saving money for the future needs isn't enough.
Inflation spoils the party.
You need to invest intelligently.
How should you plan for your child's better future?
Estimate the amount you would need in future.
Earmark the amount you will have to invest per month.
Select appropriate mutual fund schemes with a proven track record (or alternatively take expert help in choosing them) Opt for Systematic Investment Plan (or SIPs) to invest in mutual funds.
And Using various hypothetical rates try to estimate where your investments might take you (You might use PersonalFN's SIP calculator for this purpose)
If you have not been SIP-ping in equity-oriented mutual funds until now, you should start soon! What is SIP?
Simply put, SIP is a mode of investing in mutual fund schemes in a systematic and regular manner. The method of investing is similar to your investment in a recurring deposit (RD) with a bank, where you deposit a fixed sum of money (into your recurring deposit account), but the only difference here is, your money is deployed in a mutual fund scheme (equity schemes and / or debt schemes) and not in a bank deposit. Hence, your investments (in mutual funds) are subject to market risk.
A SIP enforces a disciplined approach towards investing, and you inculcate the habit of saving before spending, which we all probably learnt when we maintained a piggy bank.
Yes, those good old days where our parents gave us some pocket money, which after expenditure we deposited in our piggy banks and at the end of particular tenure, we saw that every rupee saved became a large amount.
SIPs work on the simple principle of investing regularly, which enables you to build wealth over the long-term. In case of SIPs, on a specified date which can be on a daily basis, monthly basis, or on a quarterly basis, a fixed amount you decide on is debited from your bank account (either through a ECS mandate or through post-dated cheques forwarded), and invested in the scheme as selected by you for a specified tenure (months, years).
Today some Asset Management Companies (AMCs) / mutual fund houses / robo-advisory platforms also provide the ease and convenience of transacting in mutual funds online. They have set up their own online transaction platforms, where one can do SIP investments by following the procedure as made available on the websites.
[Read: How To Invest In Mutual Funds Online]
So, you have fewer hassles while investing as well as tracking your investment dates.
To quote Albert Einstein, the eighth wonder of the world, the power of compounding plays a crucial role in generating a substantial corpus for your child's future.
But, it's important to invest in the right mutual fund scheme. Otherwise, you will wonder about the eighth wonder.
Here are 5 benefits of SIPs:
1. SIPs are light on the wallet
If you cannot invest Rs 5,000 in one shot, that's not a huge stumbling block, you can simply take the SIP route and trigger the mutual fund investment with as low as Rs 500 per month.
SIPs enable you to invest in smaller amounts at regular intervals (daily, monthly or quarterly).
2. SIPs make market timing irrelevant
Timing the market can be hazardous to your wealth and health. Instead, focus on 'time in the market' in the endeavour to create wealth by selecting the best mutual fund schemes to SIP. If you stay invested in a promising mutual fund scheme for the long-term, it can help you accomplish your financial goals.
3. SIPs enable rupee-cost averaging
Volatility is the very nature of the market; but with SIPs, you can mitigate this volatility. When markets undergo turbulence, rupee-cost averaging comes into play.
Meaning, typically buy more units of a mutual fund scheme when prices are low, and buy fewer mutual units when prices are high. SIPs work in your favour when markets go downhill, and when they are flat quite some time.
4. SIPs benefit from the power of compounding
As SIPs subscribe you to the habit of investing regularly, it enables you to compound your money invested.
So, say you start a SIP of Rs 1,000, in a mutual fund scheme following prudent investment system and processes, with a SIP tenure of 20 years and expect a modest return of 15% p.a., your money would grow to approximately Rs 15 lakh.
So, over the long-term, SIPs can compound wealth better and systematically as opposed to investing a lump sum, especially when the journey of wealth creation is volatile.
5. SIPs are effective medium for goal planning
All of us have financial goals – may be buying a house, buying a dream car, providing good education to children, getting them (children) married well, retiring etc.
But all this comes with systematic financial planning. Very often many invest in the equity markets, with a motive of making short-term gains, and often ignore to use the equity markets as a window for long-term wealth creation, to achieve one's financial goals. The earlier you start SIPs the better it is.
Do you know?
A difference of 4.4% compounded annualised returns on your SIP investments can fetch you additional Rs 45 lakh over 15 years?
The power of compounding and smart selection of mutual fund schemes, working in conjunction, can help you grow wealth.
Want a superlative research-backed guidance to select winning mutual fund schemes to plan your child's future needs?
Consider PersonalFN.
PersonalFN has a dependable track record, guiding investors to achieve their envisioned financial goals with its unbiased views.
PersonalFN does not take shortcuts with research before recommending mutual fund schemes to investors. A comprehensive rating methodology is followed.
PersonalFN analyses thousands of data points to shortlist schemes and also applies a whole host of quantitative and qualitative parameters to select winning mutual fund schemes for your portfolio.
PersonalFN's Mutual Fund Research service 'FundSelect' Vs. S&P BSE 200
Data as on March 28, 2018
(Source: ACE MF, PersonalFN Research)
Out of every four funds recommended in the
— a premium mutual fund research service of PersonalFN, three have always outperformed BSE 200 index. That's the success rate of PersonalFN.
Those who started following PersonalFN's recommendations in June 2003 might have grown their wealth at 21.0% compounded annualised rate vis-à-vis 16.6% returns generated by BSE 200.
Currently, the premium mutual fund research service, 'FundSelect', is celebrating 15 years of wealth creation. If you subscribe now you can avail this premium mutual fund research service for just Rs 2,950 and get 1-year additional access (worth Rs 5,000)... virtually free!
It will provide Buy, Hold, and Sell recommendations... intended at solidifying your mutual fund portfolio and make it free from any bias.
Click here to know more and subscribe to 'FundSelect' today!
You will get FREE access to our premium report, 'Top-5 Funds For 2020'
So, hurry and subscribe to PersonalFN's FundSelect now!
What's more?
PersonalFN is soon launching its robo-advisory platform offering Direct Plans only.
The lower expense ratio for Direct Plans of mutual fund schemes can add significant wealth in the long-run. The magic of power of compounding works better with Direct Plans.
You can potentially build a BIGGER corpus by opting for PersonalFN's robo-advisory platform that offers research-backed recommendations.
So, stay tuned!
Author: PersonalFN Content & Research Team This post on " Smart & Advance Way To Start SIPs For Your Child’s Financial Future " appeared first on "PersonalFN"
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