#smallcap stocks
hmatrading · 2 months
Are you on the lookout for exciting investment opportunities that offer high returns? Look no further! Small-cap stocks hold immense potential for growth and can be a game-changer in your investment portfolio. In this blog post, we will explore the best 5 innovative small-cap stocks with high returns in 2024. Discover how investing in small cap stocks in India can pave the way to financial success and long-term wealth accumulation. Let's dive into the world of small-cap stocks and unlock their hidden potential together!
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rykno-gs · 2 years
Soup /gs
With Sumeru came Al/ha/itham and with him came K/ave/h
I havent written in awhile so here goes (3.7k words)
(the parts from Kaveh’s pov was very choppy since i wanted to try to make it seem like he was disorientated)
also kaveh’s snezes were mostly in smallcaps because hes tired
Alhaitham was already pissed the moment he came home. Dishes stacked up taller than him, clothes strewn all around the living room, blueprints scattered across the floor, the culprit nowhere in sight.
Speaking of which, where was his annoying roommate? It wasn’t like Kaveh to leave the house this early into the day since all he did was go out and drink, with Alhaitham’s money, no less, and the bar did not open until night.
Perhaps Kaveh had actually found himself some work to do. Alhaitham felt himself scoff at that thought. The day that Kaveh really went out and got a job would be the day that Alhaitham finally plucked up the courage to confessed to him — never; impossible.
It was how it was, how it will always be. Kaveh would always do something to mess with Alhaitham, they’d argue, Kaveh would go and drink for hours, but he would always come home. Even if Alhaitham had threatened to kick him out moments before.
He blames it on his horrible taste in men that makes his heart beat so fast whenever Kaveh is around him, blames it on the fact Kaveh shines so bright; “Light of the Kshahrewar”. 
He blames it on the fact he had let Kaveh stay at his house at all. But he wanted it, wanted that proximity for reasons he could not understand. It frustrated him, these feelings which he couldn’t quite put a name to.
Why he felt so strongly for Kaveh escapes him.
But back to the matter he had on hand, his roommate would never learn to pick up after himself if Alhaitham just did his chores for him. It was still early, he could wait all day for Kaveh’s return.
And that’s just what he did, propping a leg up onto the coffee table as he read a good book.
Kaveh just wanted to lie down.  
His head had been hurting for a few days, and his throat had started to feel off since last night after his arguing session with the most infuriating Scribe in the whole of Sumeru, who also happened to be his roommate.
He had left the house in the morning after adding a plate to the tall pile of dishes at the sink, partly to piss Alhaitham off, but also partly because he wanted to head to the pharmacy as soon as possible to get something for his head.
Trust Alhaitham to be the only person he knows who does not have a stockpile of medicine at home on standby.
But they could argue more about that later, for there was a bigger problem right in front of him. 
“Out of Stock? You’ve got to be kidding me..”
The shop assistant looked at him apologetically, having sold the last bottle to the customer before Kaveh. And so there he was, back onto the streets with nothing left to do. Kaveh remembers feeling the same way until Alhaitham took him in.
Alhaitham.. Kaveh didn’t even know where to begin when it came to him. Everything the man said made sense, but yet it also did not. Sure, patterned curtains made no difference when it came to fulfilling their purpose, but plain ones were just so.. unartistic. It had taken a week of arguing for Alhaitham to finally allow Kaveh to install some new ones in his own room. 
Just thinking about the whole ordeal made Kaveh’s head pound a little harder. While he would have opted to head to the doctor, the bill would have exceeded his budget. And he would rather die than let Alhaitham know he wasn’t feeling well when he settled the payment.
Then, a thought struck him: a friend did say that the nearby Liyue Harbor had a pharmacy that sold many different types of medicine. Not like he had much of a choice at that moment, though. Right, it was just a quick walk over and back, simple enough.
And simple it was, until it started to drizzle, the weather as unpredictable as Alhaitham during this part of the year.
Ah.. there he goes again, thinking of that stupid Scribe every second of the day. Truly, even Kaveh sometimes did not understand what went on in that brilliant mind of his and his. But still, he longed to hurry home, to be near the damned person that tormented him with every step he took.
Dark clouds blanketed the sky, making it appear darker than it should, even this late into the night. Unconsciously, Kaveh reached up to rub his nose a little, feeling a light breeze drift pass him.
“Heh- Nn..hHaH’ Hih-hAtchuu’! snf.. hAH’tchH!!” 
He was shivering now, stepping carefully towards his front door. The half-a-day walk had left him more exhausted than Kaveh would ever admit. Alhaitham’s shoes were already there, not surprising since it was already way past dinner time. What was surprising though, was the light that still streamed out off the window. 
Subconsciously, Kaveh frowns. It was late, judging by how far the moon had risen into the sky. He hoped Alhaitham wasn’t once again pulling an all-nighter. Those tended to leave him tired and irritable for the next few days despite how much he denied it. While Kaveh would definitely not want to deal with a tired-tham, he also wanted his junior to look after himself. 
How stupid of him, he supposes, since Alhaitham could care less about the people around him, much less himself. And yet Kaveh still kept running back to him everyday, sleeping in the same house with but a wall between them.
With a sigh he turns his key with a slight sniffle, the small lion keychain wet from the rain.
Alhaitham hears the lock, and he almost springs up to answer it. It was way too late for Kaveh to just come waltzing through the door as if nothing had happened. But instead he chose to remain as unbothered as possible, staring blankly at his book.
The dishes would not clean themselves, Kaveh would have to do them. Yes, that was the true reason why he had stayed up this late, to watch Kaveh wash plates, that was all, nothing more.
The door opened with a creak, but the head of golden hair did not pop out to start a shouting match.
Behind the short hallway between the door and the living room, Kaveh hung up his coat and kicked off his shoes, not caring where they landed. Now that he as home, the warmth and dryness of it all made all his pent up exhaustion catch up to him. 
Kaveh sniffled, softly, bracing a hand onto the wall as his head started to spin. When was the last time he ate? Lunch? He ate a small bread for lunch. Dinner? He spent most of the day traveling to Liyue and back didn’t he.. Maybe there was something in the fridge he could-
“Hitc’Hh!! hH.. eH’ Hih- tchiw!! hAtcH’ngXt!! ssnf-!” 
Quickly, Kaveh pinched those away, afraid that Alhaitham would be alerted by his arrival home. He would hate to be seen in this state. However, as if on cue, Kaveh heard the sound of a book being slammed shut.
The voice sounded impatient. Had he done something wrong? He couldn’t remember. Alhaitham sounded more angry than usual. What was it? Think brain, think!!
“Kaveh. I thought I told you to wash the d-”
Alhaitham rounded the corner, arms crossed, but stopped when he saw the small frame clinging onto the coat rack. Kaveh looked worse than when Alhaitham had picked him off the streets. The Kaveh he was looking at now was pale, hair and clothes soaked through and stuck to his skin. Had Kaveh always looked this frail? 
And for once, Alhaitham froze, not sure what to do. To reach out or to observe? Which would Kaveh want him to do, which would he be okay with him doing? His fists clenched in uncertainty. 
Maybe he should-
“What? D- Did you.. snff! say something..?” Kaveh struggled to raise his head, the ceiling lights looking brighter than ever that they shone straight into his skull. He just wanted to lie down, badly.
Alhaitham felt his insides tighten as Kaveh picked himself up. Suddenly, all thoughts about the dishes vanished from his mind. “It’s.. nothing..”
“O-oh.. alright, I’ll go s-shH! shower then..” Kaveh mumbled weakly. Talking hurt more than it should, and it took all his strength to stumble towards his room without falling all over the carpet.
Alhaitham watched as Kaveh’s shadow disppeared into the room. The door was swung shut but not closed, and he caught a glimpse of Kaveh gripping the side of his desk to balance himself. Drunk? Was he drunk? It wasn’t uncommon for Kaveh to come home like this, an absolute mess, clumsy on his feet.
“Hih’hAtchh!! hAH’ngXXt!! hH.. h’ snff!! hiT’Dchw!!
“hiH’tcHhuu!! snf! nh..”
But something was different, wasn’t it?
Alhaitham stared at the small crack in the door, at Kaveh, who removed a small cylinder from his pocket. He watches as Kaveh shakes it, removing two pills. Medicine? So Kaveh hasn’t been feeling well. But how long has it been? Days? Weeks? Why didn’t he say anything about it?
He remembers back when Kaveh just got off the streets, remembers when Kaveh came down with a fever on that same day, remembers how Kaveh had struggled for his life to swallow even the tiniest bit of the solid medicine that Alhaitham had to crush it down for him.
So Kaveh was feeling that bad that it pushed him to take not one but two? How had he not noticed? In his defense, Kaveh had been acting as usual for the past week. Their arguments flowed as usual, as did Kaveh’s irresponsibility with cleaning up after himself.
Lost in his thoughts, Alhaitham heard Kaveh panting softly. He imagined how Kaveh would be behind the door, a palm pressed against his throat, forcing himself to pretend that there was nothing but water in his mouth, just water, just swallow.
He heard Kaveh choke a little, and was overcome by the want to be by his side, rubbing between Kaveh’s shoulders to tell him that everything was going to be alright and that he was there. But Alhaitham couldn’t move, so he watched silently.
Kaveh’s eyes were watering. It was one thing to take the medicine, but it was another to take it quietly. After muffling a few coughs into his elbow, he shoved the bottle to the far end of his table, behind the stack of canvas, just in case.
He reached for a piece of tissue, holding it against his nose as he walked to the bathroom. He needed to bathe and sleep off this cold, for he was sure that Alhaitham would question him about last night in the morning. Kaveh liked moments like those, where his roommate would ask about him, making it seem like he cared.
Kaveh liked to pretend that he did.
“hiH’hAtchh!! hH-Hh.. ah’H.. ah..” he sighed, rubbing the tissue a little harder. “Hah’nnh.. snff- hH’! ugnn..” He needed to sneeze, the bathroom tiles felt cold to his feet, his clothes were suddenly too tight. He had to get them off, but they were wet and clung to him. 
His train of thought was messy; the water was warm on his back. Kaveh hunched over in the shower, arms pressed against the wall in front of him, helping him stand up straight.
He gasped, desperate.
“hiH’IHh- hHH!! Snnff.. hH’ hAH-zZchww!! hH’Tchh!! hhH-aH’dtcHhh!!” The mist from his nose mixed with the vapour from the water flowing down his back. He shivered; not hot enough. He switched it off.
Back in his room, Kaveh toweled himself down shakily. How long would it take for the medicine to kick in? How long has it been? Was it morning already? Has Alhaitham left for work? Was he once again all alone in this house? His nose was running again, Kaveh noticed but didn’t care. He pressed a sleeve of his pajamas against his face, tunneling under the blankets.
Still not warm enough..
The walls of his house were thin, Alhaitham knew, and he heard everything that came from Kaveh’s room despite moving to the kitchen. He had tried to busy himself with the dishes (the responsibility being entrusted now to him), but that didn’t stop the thoughts from creeping up on him.
Kaveh is sick. 
His hands stopped moving, fingers squeezing the soapy sponge. That idiot. Switching off the tap, Alhaitham moved to the other counter, prying open the drawers for ingredients to make soup. He doesn’t know if Kaveh had eaten already or not, he also doesn’t know if Kaveh would even accept it, but it put his mind at ease.
Two clicks from the stove later, the soup was starting to simmer. Alhaitham carefully placed the lid on top, allowing a small gap for the steam to rise. It would be done in a couple of hours. In the meantime, he would pack up the mess that Kaveh left the living room in.
He started with the clothes, the same white shirt that he wore everywhere. The collar line was far too low and exposing in Alhaitham’s opinion, but he wouldn’t say that he hates it, being able to see Kaveh’s chest. The only problem was that everyone else could as well. He picked it up, moving on to the red cape that lay draped over the couch. The first time he touched it, Alhaitham remembered being in shock at how soft it was despite its sturdy appearance. 
It’s iconic red color together with it’s pattern and broad tassels made the cape look so much more than just a item of clothing. Maybe that was why Kaveh was so proud to wear it; he loved to steal the spotlight, whether intentionally or not.
He folded them, and moved on to the floor.
“Haitham!! What do you think of these?” 
Alhaitham could almost hear Kaveh’s voice as he crouched down to pick up the blueprints. “It’s a rough sketch of what I think a school building should look like!” Alhaitham remembers what had sparked that project. The two of them were walking around the city when a couple of children ran into Kaveh. Kaveh laughed and brushed it off, before watching them disappear into the school.
Alhaitham remembers watching Kaveh’s eyebrows furrow when he took in the state of the budling, all the beautiful features on his face scrunching up in disapproval. “Really, they ought to take better care of a place like that.”
The moment Kaveh reached home that day, he whipped out his pencils and started working. And when he was done, he was proud. “Haitham! Doesn’t this look way better?”
And when Alhaitham had scoffed at his masterpiece,
“What do you mean ‘design doesn’t matter’? Maybe to you it doesn’t, but to those students, I think it will matter. When children are still young, they are so filled with curiosity, and that dull school building doesn’t boost that at all! Think about it Haitham, making sure that that creativity within each child doesn’t burn out, that’s what education should really be about.” 
Alhaitham remembers being at a loss for words, remembers looking into Kaveh’s eyes to see the sparks within them. Pride towards the future generation of students, the same pride Kaveh had when he finally graduated, only to become bankrupt in the following years after chasing his dream.
Don’t you ever learn when to back down? Alhaitham feels a smile creep onto his face. He supposes he isn’t much different.
The soup is finally done.
“Mmf..ah.. nnhH’! snnf- snff!! hhH..ihh!!”
Kaveh feels himself being pulled out of sleep. Everything felt heavy, too cold yet he was sweating. His head weighed a ton, and his nose.. his nose-
“Hih’tchh! heh’zchw!! eh-heH’tchzw!!”
“hh-! eh’tchw! huH’ hh..snf!..nghn”
..wouldn’t stop itching.
He lifted a palm to his forehead. It felt warm. Warm because of the fever, or warm because his fingers felt like icicles? He didn’t know. His stomach made a sound, and Kaveh feels the feeling of hunger for the first time that night. 
Using his other hand, Kaveh pushed against the mattress under him, but his body didn’t rise. He felt weak and shivery. Maybe the blanket was just too heavy.. But he had no trouble getting out of bed this morning, so what was happening now?
He was tired, and sleep was dragging him down once again. Maybe if he tried hard enough, he’d dream of Alhaitham. Alhaitham.. he’d be strong enough to lift Kaveh up from the bed, from under these heavy covers..
As if right on cue, Kaveh heard a sharp knock on his door. He wanted to respond, to call out, but everything hurt. A second passed, and the door swung open, the light from outside just barely any brighter than his own room. 
How considerate that the visitor gave a second thought to his eyes’ sensitivity to bright stuff..
The visitor was calling for him. Respond.. Respond..
“It’s me.. uh.. I made some... soup- ..food for you.”
Kaveh started at the doorway. He recognised the voice but not the words spoken. Alhaitham made food for him? Right when he was just feeling hungry? Right when he was just thinking of dreaming about the man? Maybe he was..
“Yeah, it’s me.”
..Or maybe he wasn’t.
Alhaitham pushed himself further into the room. He felt weirdly hesitant. The Grand Scribe, doubting his steps, a new experience for him. ‘Everything with Kaveh is always a new experience’ was the excuse he gave himself.
“I’ll just.. put this-” 
“heH’tchh!! snff!” Kaveh swallowed quickly, blushing. The sneeze snuck up on him, and now Alhaitham was staring.
“The.. t-table.. snff- would be g- good..”
Alhaitham recovered from his startle in an instant, gently placing the tray onto the desk. Kaveh’s voice was soft, very much unlike him. Under the moonlight, he could see the reddish outline of Kaveh’s nose, and Alhaitham felt his heart tighten.
“Are.. are you okay?”
“I’m- hH..hit’chhw! haH’ngxxT!! F-Fine..snf- why..?” Kaveh scrubbed at his eyes, avoiding Alhaitham’s sight. 
“No reason.” Alhaitham felt the words leave his mouth before hie brain could process them. Running away. “I’ll come back later to.. get the bowl..”
When Kaveh watched Alhaitham turn to leave, he felt panic immobilising him. Wait. No, don’t go, please.. s-stay.. “I need.. need-”
“shit.. Need you to help me lift the spoon.. I can’t..” Kaveh felt his blush returning, or maybe it was the fever. He had said that out loud?! ahh- what was Alhaitham going to think?
Alhaitham quietly moved over to the bedside, pulling a chair over. He wordlessly but carefully pulled down the covers to Kaveh’s waist, flinching when Kaveh shivered immediately to the cold air, turning sharply to his side.
“hH!! H’haH’tCHhuu! s-sorryyhH’ tchHiww! snff-” Kaveh had his nose pressed firmly against his sleeve when he turned back, grateful that Alhaitham chose not to comment on it, instead helping to prop him up using some pillows.
Kaveh watched as Alhaitham reached for the steaming bowl, cupping it with his bare hands while the other stirred its contents.
“It’s not hot..?”
Alhaitham didn’t answer the question. Of course it was. But how else would he feed Kaveh? Feed Kaveh. It was Alhaitham’s turn to blush. Thankfully Kaveh had his attention elsewhere, sleeve pressed to his nose, rubbing softly. 
“hiH’tchhu!! ouwch.. snff.. hhH-”
“Here.” Alhaitham cleared his throat, holding out the spoon to Kaveh’s lips. From this distance, he can tell how puffy Kaveh’s eyes were, and how they were avoiding him. 
Kaveh is just as scared as he is.
“T-Thank you..” Kaveh mumbled, the stuffiness making it hard to talk. The soup was warm, not too hot, not too cold; “delicious.”
“Glad you like it.”
“I’m amazed you can cook. snff! It’s not poisonous, is it?”
“Unfortunately not.”
Kaveh smiled, a little, and Alhaitham did too. Despite the moment they were in right now, they always found a way to bite at each other’s throats. That’s how they were, everyone in Sumeru knew.
But what were they really, to each other?
The bowl was empty before another word was spoken, say for the regular sniffles (and sneezes) that Kaveh would take between each bite. It was all too soon, and Alhaitham was standing up, probably to leave.
Kaveh didn’t want to be alone, but he didn’t want just anybody’s company either. He wanted Alhaitham’s company. The house was too big and his room was too cold. And so he reached out. 
Alhaitham turned around, tray and bowl clutched in his hands. Kaveh was calling him, Kaveh needed something from him. What was it..? What was it? If he could, he would give Kaveh the world.
“P-Please stay?”
And there it was, the unspoken words that were finally said. Such a simple request. ‘Of course’ Alhaitham thought. ‘Of course I’ll stay.’
“I will. I will be back after I wash these, alright?”
“Always worried about the dishes aren’t you, Haitham?”
Yes, I am worried, worried, but not just about the dishes anymore.
Kaveh watched as Alhaitham padded slowly out of his room. The defined muscles of his back poking through the thin shirt, as beautiful as they were the first time Kaveh laid eyes on them. Strong arms that he hoped one day would hold him. One day, soon.
“I’m sorry for always being such a mess-”
(And that you always have to clean up after me.)
“It’s alright. It’s the way you are.”
(And it’s perfect, I love it.)
He hears the kitchen tap going off as sleep welcomes him once again. But this time, Kaveh doesn’t need to dream of Alhaitham. Because he might have just became a reality.
When Kaveh wakes up the next day, his fingers were cradled within Alhaitham’s sturdy palm, the man in question seated upon the bedside chair, head resting upon the blanket, against Kaveh’s thigh, their hearts beating as one.
tbh that felt more like a character rs fic then a snzfic but thats not rly for me to decide. 
i love these two so much and wna write for them abit more (when i stop being lazy)
ANYWAY ty for reading, and i hope you enjoyed that.
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indiaepost · 2 months
Stock market opens at all-time high, Nifty crosses 25,000 for first time
 Indian equity indices opened at a lifetime high on Thursday following positive global cues. In the early trading hours, Sensex and Nifty made a new all-time high of 82,129 and 25,078 respectively. At 9.41 a.m., Sensex was up 299 points or 0.37 per cent at 82,040 and Nifty was up 101 points or 0.41 per cent at 25,051. Buying is also seen in the midcap and smallcap stocks. The Nifty midcap 100…
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theshillongtimes · 3 months
Markets at new all-time high, Nifty trades above 24,500 for first time
Mumbai, July 12:  India equity benchmarks are trading at record highs on Friday following buying in the IT stocks. Sensex and Nifty both made new all-time highs of 80,893 and 24,592 respectively.
At 12.50 a.m., Sensex was at 80,482, up 585 points or 0.73 per cent, and Nifty was up 172 points or 0.71 per cent, at 24,488. Midcap stocks are underperforming compared to large caps. Nifty midcap 100 index is down 70 points or 0.12 per cent, at 57,077. While Nifty smallcap 100 index is up 54 points or 0.29 per cent, at 18,974.
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aaastarztimes · 20 days
"बाजार में हड़कंप! Nifty 25,000 के नीचे गिरा, Sensex 800 अंक खोया और Banking Sector संघर्ष कर रहा है"
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Nifty and Sensex performance
6 सितंबर को भारतीय शेयर बाजार में महत्वपूर्ण गिरावट देखी गई, क्योंकि Nifty और Sensex दोनों में गिरावट आई, जो एक प्रमुख US jobs report के आगे हुई। निवेशक इस डेटा पर बारीकी से नजर रख रहे हैं, क्योंकि यह Federal Reserve के ब्याज दर कटौती के फैसलों को प्रभावित कर सकता है, जो वैश्विक बाजारों पर असर डाल सकता है। व्यापक बाजार की धारणा कमजोर रही, जिसमें बैंकिंग और ऊर्जा शेयरों ने गिरावट का नेतृत्व किया। Market Performance OverviewSensex और Nifty, जो थोड़ी गिरावट के साथ खुले थे, सत्र के आगे बढ़ने के साथ तेज गिरावट में आ गए। सुबह 10:00 बजे, Sensex 561 अंक गिरकर 81,639 अंकों पर बंद हुआ, जो 0.7% की गिरावट थी। इसी तरह, Nifty ने 25,000 के महत्वपूर्ण स्तर को तोड़ दिया और 24,983 पर कारोबार किया, जो 161 अंक या 0.6% की गिरावट थी। जबकि 1,286 शेयरों में वृद्धि हुई, 1,778 शेयरों में गिरावट आई और 119 अपरिवर्तित रहे, जिससे व्यापक बाजार में कमजोरी का संकेत मिला। Sectoral Weakness Led by Banks and Energyसभी 13 सेक्टोरल इंडेक्स में गिरावट आई, जो बाजार में व्यापक बिकवाली का संकेत दे रहे थे। सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावित सेक्टरों में बैंकिंग और ऊर्जा थे, जिसमें Nifty PSU Bank इंडेक्स 2% से अधिक गिर गया। अन्य सेक्टर जैसे Nifty Energy और Nifty Infra में भी महत्वपूर्ण गिरावट देखी गई। Nifty Bank और Nifty Private Bank इंडेक्स भी 0.7% से 1.7% के बीच गिरे, जिससे वित्तीय क्षेत्र में कमजोरी का पता चला। व्यक्तिगत शेयरों में, SBI 2.5% गिरकर Nifty 50 पर सबसे खराब प्रदर्शन करने वाला स्टॉक बना। अन्य प्रमुख हारे हुए शेयरों में Coal India, ONGC, और UltraTech Cement शामिल थे। IT Sector: A Glimmer of HopeNifty IT इंडेक्स, जिसने प्रारंभिक रूप से 0.8% की वृद्धि की थी, ने उलटफेर देखा और 0.2% की गिरावट के साथ समाप्त हुआ। हालांकि, LTIMindtree जैसे शेयर स्थिर रहे, जिसमें Morgan Stanley ने स्टॉक को 'overweight' अपग्रेड किया और इसका लक्ष्य मूल्य ₹7,050 प्रति शेयर तक बढ़ा दिया। Bajaj Finance, Britannia, Bajaj Finserv, और TCS Nifty 50 पर अन्य प्रमुख लाभार्थी थे। Broader Market Faces Pressure विस्तृत बाजार भी बिकवाली से नहीं बचा। BSE Midcap और BSE Smallcap इंडेक्स में क्रमशः 0.8% और 0.3% की गिरावट आई, क्योंकि निवेशकों ने उच्च प्रदर्शन करने वाले शेयरों में मुनाफा बुक किया। फिर भी, मिड-कैप और स्मॉल-कैप इंडेक्स ने हाल के सत्रों में लगातार नए रिकॉर्ड उच्च स्तर पर पहुंचा है, जिससे संकेत मिलता है कि मजबूत स्टॉक-विशिष्ट खरीदारी में अभी भी दिलचस्पी बनी हुई है। Rising Volatility India VIX, बाजार अस्थिरता का मानक, 7% से अधिक बढ़कर 15.3 हो गया, जो बढ़ती अनिश्चितता को दर्शाता है। निवेशक US jobs report से पहले आगे की अस्थिरता के लिए तैयार हैं, जो वैश्विक मौद्रिक नीति के लिए महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव डाल सकती है।  Global Cues and US Influence रात भर, US markets निचले स्तर पर समाप्त हुए क्योंकि हाल के आर्थिक आंकड़ों से आई आशावादिता फीकी पड़ गई, और निवेशकों का ध्यान आगामी US jobs report पर केंद्रित हो गया। S&P 500 और Dow Jones दोनों ने नकारात्मक क्षेत्र में कारोबार समाप्त किया। CME’s FedWatch tool वर्तमान में 0.25% की दर में कटौती की 59% संभावना दिखा रहा है, जो बाजार की धारणा को प्रभावित करने वाला एक प्रमुख कारक है। Asia-Pacific क्षेत्र में, अधिकांश बाजार शुरुआती कारोबार में नीचे थे, जापान के जुलाई के कमजोर household spending data ने धारणा पर वजन डाला। डेटा ने साल-दर-साल केवल 0.1% की वृद्धि दिखाई, जो उम्मीदों से कम थी, जिससे जापान की आर्थिक सुधार पर चिंताएं बढ़ गईं और Bank of Japan की ब्याज दरें बढ़ाने की क्षमता सीमित हो गई।Outlook भारतीय शेयर बाजार निकट अवधि में समेकन का अनुभव कर सकता है, विशेष रूप से वैश्विक कारकों जैसे US economic data और ब्याज दर नीतियों के कारण निवेशकों की धारणा पर भारी प्रभाव पड़ सकता है। ध्यान Federal Reserve के अगले कदम पर रहेगा, जो आने वाले हफ्तों में बाजार की दिशा निर्धारित कर सकता है। हालांकि व्यापक बाजार में सुधार देखा जा रहा है, स्मॉल-कैप और मिड-कैप शेयरों में स्थिरता बताती है कि निवेशक अब भी स्टॉक-विशिष्ट खरीदारी के अवसर खोज रहे हैं। हालांकि, बढ़ती अस्थिरता और अनिश्चित वैश्विक मैक्रोइकॉनॉमिक माहौल के मद्देनजर सावधानी बरतने की सलाह दी जाती है।Aslo Read:Raymond Lifestyle Stock Market Debut 2024: Key Insights for Potential Investors Read the full article
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indiaepost · 2 months
Sensex trades lower amid profit booking in smallcap and midcap stocks
 Indian equity indices opened in the red on Thursday following profit-booking midcap and smallcap stocks. At 9:46 a.m., Sensex was down 102 points or 0.13 per cent, at 80,608 and Nifty was at 24,588, down 17 points or 0.07 per cent. Selling is being seen in the midcap and smallcap. Nifty midcap 100 index is down 482 points or 0.77 per cent, at 57,181.20 and Nifty smallcap 100 index is 168…
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optionperks · 3 months
Stock market today: Nifty 50, Sensex fall about half a per cent each on profit booking; M&M, TCS, HDFC Bank top drags
Stock market today: Indian stock market benchmarks ended in the negative territory on Wednesday, July 10, as investors booked profits in select heavyweights, including Mahindra and Mahindra (M&M), TCS and HDFC Bank.
The Sensex opened at its fresh record high of 80,481.36 but failed to hold altitude and declined over a per cent to touch an intraday low level of 79,435.76. The index finally closed 427 points, or 0.53 per cent, down at 79,924.77.
The Nifty 50 also hit its all-time high of 24,461.05 in early deals and fell over a per cent to the level of 24,141.80. The benchmark index ended 109 points, or 0.45 per cent, lower at 24,324.45.
Shares of Mahindra and Mahindra, TCS, HDFC Bank, Reliance Industries and ICICI Bank ended as the top drags on the Nifty 50 index. Mirroring the trends in the benchmark indices, the midcap and smallcap indices also ended in the red. The BSE Midcap index slipped 0.19 per cent, while the BSE Smallcap index dropped 0.69 per cent.
The overall market capitalisation of the firms listed on the BSE fell to nearly ₹450 lakh crore from nearly ₹451 lakh crore in the previous session, making investors lose nearly ₹1 lakh crore in a single session.
Top Nifty 50 gainers today Out of the 23 stocks that ended in the green in the Nifty 50 index, Asian Paints (up 3.27 per cent), SBI Life Insurance Company (up 2.05 per cent) and Divi's Laboratories (up 1.63 per cent) stood at the top.
Top Nifty 50 losers today Shares of Mahindra and Mahindra (down 6.69 per cent), Hindalco (down 2.11 per cent) and Tata Steel (down 2.10 per cent) closed as the top losers in the Nifty 50 index.
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weepingloveking · 3 months
Top 5 AI Smallcap Stocks In India 2024
The rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology have revolutionized various industries, including the stock market. With India being at the forefront of AI development, the impact of this technology on the country’s stock market cannot be ignored. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in AI technology and its potential for small-cap stocks in India. This article aims to provide readers with a comprehensive list and details of the top 5 AI smallcap stocks in India, highlighting their potential for growth and development in the coming years.
The Importance of Smallcap Stocks in India:-
Smallcap stocks play a significant role in India’s stock market and offer unique opportunities for investors. These stocks are typical of small and emerging companies, with a market capitalization between Rs. 500 crores to Rs. 10,000 crores. Despite their smaller size, these stocks offer high growth potential and diversification opportunities for investors.
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Top 5 AI Smallcap Stocks in India:-
✔ Affle (India)
✔ Zensar Technologies
✔ Kellton Tech Solutions
✔ RateGain Travel Technologies
✔ Happiest Minds Technologies
Read more information in detail about the Top 5 AI Smallcap Stocks in India
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pathfinderstrainings · 4 months
Tech Innovations: Smallcap AI Stocks Poised for Success
Investing trends come and go, but the latest buzz around stocks involved with artificial intelligence (AI) is one that shows promise of long-term impact. From crafting professional headshots to generating captivating content, AI’s potential seems limitless. While some trends fizzle out, AI possesses the power to transcend fleeting fancies. Companies reporting consistent revenue and profit growth…
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emilyj90 · 4 months
Best Index Funds to invest!
If you're looking to invest in index fund and do not need pay high cost, India is a good opportunity to invest in. Let's find out its meaning, how it work, and what funds is suitable for you, whether you're a novice or pro!
What Are Index Funds?
Index funds in India, like those tracking the Nifty 50 index fund, aim to copy the performance of specific market indexes. They invest in the same stocks and in the same amounts as the index they follow. Because of this, they’re called “passively managed,” meaning there’s no need for fund managers to pick stocks actively.
The main goal of these index funds is to match how the underlying index performs. For example, if the Nifty 50 goes up, the value of a Nifty 50 index fund will also go up. On the other hand, if the Nifty 50 index fund drops, its value will drop too. These funds give investors a broad view of the market or a specific sector, offering both variety and a good market snapshot.
However, index funds in India are cheap to own because they don’t need experts to manage them, and they are easy to understand. This means you could make more money easily. If you follow the Nifty 50 index fund, you won’t have to watch them all the time.
10 Best Index Funds in India
1. Nippon India Index Fund S&P BSE Sensex Plan Direct-Growth
It is a good fit for people who plan to invest for a long time and are accepted with some risk. It gives you a chance to invest in top companies and can be a key part of a varied investment mix.
2. HDFC Index S&P BSE Sensex Direct Plan-Growth
If you want a simple way to invest in big Indian companies, think about the HDFC Index S&P BSE Sensex Direct Plan-Growth. It’s a good fit for both newcomers and people who’ve been investing for a while.
3. Bandhan Nifty 50 Index Fund Direct Plan-Growth
This fund is good for people who want to invest in a mix of big Indian companies from different areas. Since it’s cheap to own, you could make more money in the long run, making it a smart pick for a long-term investment plan.
4. Nippon India Nifty SmallCap 250 Index Fund Direct-Growth
If you’re able to take some risks and plan to invest for a long time, the Nippon India Nifty SmallCap 250 Index Fund could be for you. It allows you to invest in smaller companies that have the potential to make you a lot of money over the years.
5. Nippon India Index Fund – Nifty 50 Direct – Growth
If you’re a careful investor wanting to put money into steady, big-name companies in the Nifty 50 index fund, this fund is a good fit. The direct plan is cheaper to own, which could mean you make more money in the end.
Find another best index funds: here
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myra-joshi · 5 months
Big Drop in Stock Market: Sensex and Nifty Fall
Today, the stock market didn't do well. Here's a simple explanation of what happened:
1. Sensex and Nifty dropped
 The Sensex fell by 601 points to 73,294, and the Nifty dropped by 200 points to 22,242. This means the overall value of the stock market went down.
2. Investors lost a lot of money
 Investors lost about 5.5 lakh crore rupees today. This is a lot of money!
3. Stocks hit new lows
 25 stocks reached their lowest prices in a year, while 163 stocks reached their highest prices.
4. Market breadth was negative
 Out of 3,756 stocks, only 948 were doing well, while the rest were not doing so great.
5. Certain sectors were hit hard
 Industries like auto, capital goods, metal, and consumer durables saw big losses.
6. Stocks hit circuit limits
 261 stocks reached their lowest trading limits, showing how much the market dropped.
7. Midcap and small cap stocks fell
 The broader market also saw declines, with midcap and smallcap stocks going down.
8. Foreign investors sold stocks
 Foreign investors sold a lot of stocks, while domestic investors bought some shares.
9. What an expert said
 An expert mentioned that the fear index, which shows how scared investors are, has gone up a lot. This is because people are worried about big events like elections. They are trying to protect their investments by buying certain types of stocks.
In conclusion, the stock market had a tough day, and many people lost money. It's important to be careful when investing in stocks, as the market can be unpredictable.
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jeneesa-michael890 · 5 months
Anand Rathi Impress PMS - Multicap Investment Strategy
Anand Rathi Impress PMS is a multicap PMS strategy which is bucket of 15-20 quality Mid and Smallcap stocks with a minimum market cap of Rs.1000 cr. Invest now!
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swarajfinpro236 · 5 months
Which are the top-performing mutual funds in the last 10 years
Did you know? Recently, the Modi government completed 10 years since it came to power, and on April 09 the BSE Sensex touched its record high of 75,000 points. It was a 3-fold jump from 25,000 points in 2014.
The SIP contribution has also touched its all-time high of Rs. 19,271 crore in March. This shows the investor's confidence in Mutual funds and commitment to disciplined wealth accumulation through regular investment.
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Furthermore, the mutual fund industry added 6.8 million investors in FY24 which is 70% more than FY23. With such a large number of unique investors arises the problem of fund selection.
Which is a good fund to do investment or a SIP? It can be a real headache to pick the right scheme with so many options available under each category.
To solve this problem we have come up with the list of best equity funds under multiple categories. So stay tuned and read on.
The top-performing funds are those that have beaten their respective benchmark indices based on their 10-year SIP returns.
Additionally, these funds are also subjected to rolling returns and consistency of performance to select the best of the lot.
So let’s start with Large caps.
The first round of test (10-year SIP returns)
Large Cap Funds
These funds invest in the top 100 companies in terms of market capitalization. Which makes them relatively lower risk.
The benchmark for this category is Nifty 100 TRI which delivered 15.34% over the 10 years. Out of 24 funds, 10 funds managed to beat Nifty 100 TRI.
The top five schemes that delivered 16.69-18.44 returns included: Nippon India Large Cap, ICICI Prudential Bluechip, Baroda BNP Paribas Large Cap, Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity, and Edelweiss Large Cap.
Mid-Cap Funds
These funds invest in mid-sized companies that are ranked between 101 to 250 in terms of market capitalization.
The benchmark for this category is the Nifty Midcap TRI 150. Out of the 21 funds only 5 funds were able to beat the benchmark, so the Midcap category wasn’t much profitable for the investors.
The top five performers included: Quant Midcap, Motilal Oswal Midcap, Edelweiss Midcap, HDFC Midcap Opportunities, and Nippon India Growth.
Small-Cap Funds
One of the most interesting categories that have gotten investors’ attention is the Small caps. These funds invest at least 65% in the companies ranked below 250 in terms of market cap.
The benchmark for this category is Nifty Smallcap TRI 250. Out of the 12 schemes 10 have outperformed the benchmark. The top 5 performers included: Quant, Nippon India, SBI, HDFC, Axis, and Kotak.
Large- & Mid-Cap funds
These funds allocate about 35% to large-cap and mid-cap stocks. 7 funds outperformed their benchmark out of 18 funds. Quant Large & Midcap, Kotak Opportunities, Mirae Asset Large & Midcap, and Bandhan Core Equity were the top performers who beat the Nifty Large Midcap 250 TRI benchmark.
Flexi-cap Funds
As the name suggests, these funds invest across sectors and market capitalizations. Out of the 16 schemes, 8 were able to beat the benchmark.
The top performers who beat the Nifty 500 TRI benchmark included: Quant Flexicap, Parag Parikh Flexi Cap, HDFC Flexi Cap, Franklin India Flexi Cap, and JM Flexicap.
Multi-cap Funds
These funds have to invest 25% across each market capitalization, including large-cap,
mid-cap, and small-cap stocks according to the SEBI mandate. Out of the 10 funds 6 managed to beat the benchmark Nifty 500 TRI.
These included: Quant Active, Nippon India, ICICI Prudential, Baroda BNP Paribas, Invesco India, and Sundaram Multi cap fund.
The second test (The mean 5-year daily rolling returns for 10 years and the funds must have beaten the benchmark 60% of the time)
The Fund choices include
Large-cap - Mirae Asset Large Cap, ICICI Prudential Bluechip, Baroda BNP Paribas Large Cap, Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity, and Edelweiss Large Cap have beaten the benchmark 75% of the time.
Mid-cap - Edelweiss Mid Cap fund, beaten the benchmark 90% of the time.
Small-cap - Axis Small Cap, Nippon Small Cap, and SBI Small Cap have outperformed the benchmark 100% of the time.
Large- & mid-cap - Mirae Asset Large & Midcap, Kotak Equity Opportunities, Canara Robeco Emerging Equities, and Quant Large & Midcap. These funds have beaten the benchmark 75% of the time.
Flexi-cap - Parag Parikh Flexi Cap and Quant Flexi Cap are the best funds apart from JM Flexicap, Canara Robeco Flexi Cap, and Kotak Flexi Cap
Multi-cap - Quant Active, with 100% outperformance, and Invesco India Multicap and ICICI Multicap with 64-65 percent outperformance.
These funds can be considered for long-term SIP. But you should consult a financial expert before doing investments. This research was done by ACE MF as of April 10th. For more such insightful blogs, do visit our website Swaraj Finpro
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firstwatercapital · 6 months
This is India’s decade; we focus on the mid-caps, says Arun Chulani of First Water Capital Fund
Indian market is poised for gains in the long term and industries and businesses that will benefit from the ‘China + 1’ initiative, as well as the ‘Minus China’ movement, are the focus of Arun Chulani, Investment Advisor, First Water Capital Fund. In an interview with MintGenie, he talked about his view on the market.
Edited excerpts:
What is your view on the current market trajectory? For how long this rangebound move of the market may continue?
As a value investor, I think it is futile to try and predict the market’s short-term movements. It is far better to look at long-term themes and build conviction around a company’s intrinsic value.
Can the inflow of foreign flow sustain considering the strong gains in the dollar index and the rate hikes?
Again, to second guess what foreign investors might do and whether they will pull out their funds is of course important but while we may give credence to it, we prefer to focus on value. Of course, Uncle Sam wants some of his money back and conventional thinking might suggest that higher rates will allow some investors to better price risk and re-allocate to “perceived” more risk-free assets, which in turn might lead to outflows.
Are you positive about the domestic theme? What pockets are you bullish on?
Yes, most definitely. We are very hopeful that this is India’s decade. Much has been written about it in the press and there are multiple pockets that we would like to focus on. We are keen on industries and businesses that will benefit from the ‘China + 1’ initiative as well as the ‘Minus China’ movement. The latter are industries in which China itself is reducing its capacity – areas such as steel, chemicals, etc., as it looks to both reduce its pollution and upscale the products it focuses on. We are also keen on flexible packaging which is a relatively cheap proxy for the much fan-fared FMCG sector.
Can the mid and smallcaps outperform benchmarks? Please explain your views.
We very much focus on the mid-caps, and we believe that it is here that one can find value and companies that can create alpha. Of course on the flip side, you have to sometimes deal with opaque information and illiquidity. But with some luck and effort, one occasionally finds a diamond in the rough.
Is there more steam left in the auto stocks? What are the major challenges that the sector is still facing?
Autos are certainly an exciting space to be in, but I find them generally pricey. There is good scope for the sector but of course, there will always be risks due to high fuel prices, high input prices, and improvements in public sector transportation amongst other things.
The number of Demat accounts crossing 10 crores is a proud landmark. What factors have facilitated the rise of retail investors? Because of this, do you think the clout of FII will decrease in the Indian market?
We hope that this increase is due to a combination of factors. Ease of access, digitization, lower broker fees, and general education of making your money work. The market is one of the places where anyone with excess capital can invest and not only become an owner of some of India’s best companies but also benefit from India’s hopeful wealth creation. Of course, as the domestic investor becomes more disciplined and the GDP per capita grows, it will be more attractive for the FII.
The views expressed are the authors own. Please consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
To know more information visit us on:
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indiaepost · 3 months
Sensex trades higher on positive global cues
Indian equity benchmarks opened in the green on Friday following positive global cues. At 9:50 a.m., Sensex was up 282 points or 0.35 per cent at 80,180 and Nifty 50 was up 104 points or 0.43 per cent at 24,420. Buying is also seen in smallcap and midcap stocks. The Nifty Midcap 100 index is at 57,321, up 173 points or 0.30 per cent, and the Nifty Smallcap 100 index is at 19,028, up 108 points…
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optionperks · 3 months
Stock Market Today: Nifty, Sensex End At Record High As Maruti Suzuki, ICICI Bank Lead
Indian benchmarks rebounded sharply to end at record high on Tuesday as shares of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., ICICI Bank Ltd. led gains. The NSE Nifty 50 settled 112.65 points or 0.46% higher at 24,433.20, and the S&P BSE Sensex ended 391.26 points or 0.49% higher at 80,351.64. Intraday, the NSE Nifty 50 index rose 0.51% to a fresh high of 24,443.60, and the S&P BSE Sensex rose 0.55% to 80,397.17.
"Divergence was seen in today's trade where Mid and Smallcaps remained rangebound throughout the day and major buying traction was seen in the Index stocks, particularly in the Auto counters which helped the Nifty 50 to settle the trade at yet another record level of 24,433.20 with gains of 112.65 points," said Aditya Gaggar, director, Progressive Shares. "Apart from Auto, Pharma and PSU Banking sectors outperformed while IT was the major laggard. The Index has breached its previous high convincingly by forming a big green candle and opening the door for further rally towards the 24,520-24,600 zone while 24,340 will be considered as strong immediate support,": Gaggar said.
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