#sir pentious redesign
jollmaster · 2 months
redesign trivia: sir Pentious
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° lean and wild
° visual resemblance to the cobra
° snake's hood instead of hair
° excessively white long teeth
° very well-developed shoulder girdle: Pentious crawls and pulls himself up on arms
° faded blue jacket and simple cylinder
° goggles for work
° leather gloves up to the elbow (made from sinners' skin)
° yellow neckerchief is used as a breathing mask or bandage in case of injury
main gang: Vaggie, Charlie, Angel Dust, Niffty, Cherri Bomb, Husk, Alastor
Heaven: Adam, Eve, Lute, Emily, Sera
Hell: Lilith, Lucifer, Seviathan, Helsa, Razzle and Dazzle
Vees: Vox, Valentino, Velvette
overlords: Zestial, Rosie, Carmilla Carmine, Flaming Skull Guy
friends and relatives: Mimzy, Arackniss, Molly, Alastor's mom, Alastor's father
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mischeva · 2 months
Fuck this stupid baka show man I’m gonna do whatever I want
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ramblings under cut
Okay so here’s a little summary of the reimaginings of each character
Alastor - A hellborn demon that was tasked by Satan to watch over Dani and basically be like a nanny to her and help her with her endeavors. He doesn't particularly like Dani, but he'll put on a bright smile and be a good sport about things. He owes Satan big time and this is his debt being paid. Whatever that means....
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Husk - A greedy, grumpy old manticore that becomes the bartender/chef of the hotel. Has a soul contract with Alastor so works under him for Dani. Actually becomes really good at his job and even begins to enjoy it and spending time with the others. Out of everyone though he seems to spend the most time with Angel Dust. They talk to each other like they know each other. Who knows… maybe they do.
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Sir Pentious - Becomes the second tenant of the hotel. He originally tried destroying it because he wanted the land where it was, but he didn’t know that the Princess of Hell was behind the idea (he doesn’t watch tv lol). Once he finds out the hard way he gives up on his devious plans and wishes to join the hotel and try to be redeemed. Dani was more than thrilled to already have a second tenant! His design is loosely based off a yellow cape cobra mixed with a steampunk fashion sense and weaponry theme. He always tried to one up Angel Dust in weapon design and even considered him a rival, but they eventually get along.
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Selene - Dani’s beloved bodyguard and girlfriend. She is appointed head of security for the hotel and takes her job very seriously. She’s based off of a lunar moth and is the moon to Dani’s sun. She is extremely devoted to Dani and adores her optimistic ideas… even if sometimes they sound a little too out of reach. Also there’s no real twist that she’s a fallen angel. I mean only Dani knows because she understands how traumatizing it was for her and also it’s nobody’s business. They’re a true power couple and always have each other’s backs.
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Dani - Hell’s darling Princess and the apple of her father’s eye, her dream is to help sinner’s be redeemed to Heaven. She does this not only to fix the overpopulation of Hell, but also because she truly believes that people can change for the better if only given the right opportunity and help. She’s extremely optimistic, but she isn’t stupid. She would never force anyone to come to the hotel because she knows people have to want to change to be better. Luckily she has found those who believe in her and want to help her with her goal. The only issue is everyone else in Hell not taking her seriously and thinking her goal is useless and stupid. Boy are they in for a rude awakening.
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Ms. Kino - A small one eyed, one horned purple oni that becomes the hotel cleaner and other chef. Much like Husk she too has a soul contract with Alastor. She doesn’t seem to care as much about it as he does though. She’s more than happy to spiffy up a dusty old hotel and make things nice and presentable. It’s her true passion to make things beautiful after all.
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Angel Dust - Currently the overlord of the Lust ring and one of the main and best weapons dealer in all of Hell. Why he would ever want to help out and manage a dusty old hotel and help the Princess with her deranged goal is unknown. He does have a reason though. He becomes head of management and basically the host of the hotel. He has the natural charisma and people skills needed to run the place and actually volunteers to become the first tenant as well.
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beesinspace · 5 months
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Sir Pentious
I love an incompetent goofy villains ala doofenshmirtz so much!!
I wish mans had some more screen I would have loved to see the dynamics he had with the rest of the main cast more before the last episode, but I know that a "they only had 8 episodes" issue riiippp. But I 100% believe he would be either an unwilling participant and/or target to Angel's pranks amd think his friendship with Niffty would have been adorable if not unhinged lol.
Anyways, I kept Pen's colour scheme pretty close to the og's as I think the yellow really helped him stand out!
I pushed his snake attributes that one small step further, giving him a snoot etc. And turned the eyes on his tail into patterns on his back, primarily for simplicitys sake.
He wares his goggles all the time now so he looks more dorky (/so much affection) and I reached deep into my steampunk loving past to make his outfit, I think I healed some sort of inner cringe teen with this fit.
I overall like the vibe but this is another design I feel isn't hitting exactly the way I want it to, like I might try to push the inventor parts of his design more and look at changing up his colour scheme as after I did Niffty his and her colours are a biiit close, but we will see lol.
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corelle-vairel · 8 months
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Hazbin Hotel Sir Pentious redesign challenge for fun
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Meet Sir Pentious🐍⚙️
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Made my own take on Sir P for fun! Ending my end of the rainbow!🌈 The hardest thing I had with Sir P was his palette 🎨
Gave him a snake snoot!
Made his hood more curved like a cobras. Added Hypno lines!
Made his fashion more 1900's/steampunk. Warm colors, hear themes, etc. he def dresses to the times, like Mimzy
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Alot of people theorize Sir P dresses to emulate overlords like Alastor and Vox(heard Vox tried to dress like Alastor) I can see my Sir P do the same. Long coat, vest, stripes, tie, one main color, theme etc.
Gave him more of a cravat tie as that was popular in that Era late 1800s-1900s Atwell as to emulate Alastor and Vox who both wear ties with their theme. Al-Radio, Vox-TV. Sir P-Steampunk Seprent(gear with snake eyes)
Replaced a lot of his skin eyes with Gear eyes ⚙️ 👁️
Tried to make him look a bit like an orange Monocole Cobra while also mixing the hypnosis eyes he's got.
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Leaned more with lines, like how Cobras got lined stomachs plus with Hypno lines!
Gave him a slightly broader chest build. Did some reading and people pointed out with the machinery work he does, might got muscle!💪
ARM PROSTHETICS!!!!!!!!! Made them himself. The thing he wears on his chest is a strap to wear in order to keep them attached on him.
Gave him gloves.🧤
Added a cape for an old timey villain, Dick dastardly vibe.
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For his rainbow theme made him orange thanks to @the-burd-lord suggestion
Fits with his personality and the steampunk aesthetic best. Also kept the blacks and grays which also pair well with the steampunk vibe! also used a lot of browns which is also a shade of Orange and steampunk too. Plus some Light yellow/orange as that was a popular 1900’s color.
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For the arm thing I’m thinking he etheir lost both due to an incident or was cursed without them as a Hell Punishment. I’ve seen a lot of people go that route.
What do u think? How would u d redesign Sir P? I’d love to know💖
Also made designs for Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Husk, Niffty, Alastor and Baxter 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
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spotlightstudios · 6 months
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Neon was bored and so I proposed we look at the Hazbin Hotel cast and redesign one of em! (<-We've been planning this for a while-)
I twas assigned my favorite lil guy, Pentious, and I'm pretty happy w/ it!
His normal design is great, but it always gives me Bananna Slug vibes, so my main goal was to make him noticeably More Snake-like.
Obviously this design is mostly just me imposing my preferences, but I thought it was fun lol!
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alexcaninnit · 5 months
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Full cast lineup!
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fuzzygraphics · 3 months
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Now for the patrons! (Two of which aren’t technically patrons yet, but shh)
Angel Dust
I wanted to go hot pink for Angel, just because it’s his color. My main focus was making his spider design more clear, as a lot of people struggled reading him as spider. I thought it would be fun to give him a literal “cross-dress” since he’s into drag!
One side is a classic suit with spider-web design and the other is a cocktail dress
I gave him four eyes, 3 on one side 1 on the other
Sir Pentious
I like Pentious’ design a lot, but I don’t like the flat face 😭
So I gave him a more snake snout!
My main tweaks to his design are coloration, leaning more towards the yellows in his design so that the red has a sharp contrast. I also gave him robotic arms since well…snakes don’t have arms. Maybe he had arms in life and being a snake is a way of penitence, like “do no evil” sort of thing.
Cherri Bomb
Okay now I know her name is Cherri and I got rid of the red…BUT
The punk scene was a huge part of Australian culture in the 80s, and I feel like Cherri is the perfect candidate for an alt-punk aesthetic.
And I ended up making her a space alien. I found a lot of scene culture overlaps with alt and punk, and I feel like Cherri is the type to want to emulate that “men fear me, kids look up to me” look. Besides, she is named after a punk song!
Okay so my main gripe with mimzy’s design is that it doesn’t really fit with the others at all. She feels more like a BG character than someone who will be reoccurring. So I basically wanted to make her design more. I read somewhere she was meant to be based on birds? But I can’t really confirm whether or not that’s true. I ran with it anyway!
I sort of took features from a lot of different song birds, she doesn’t have any goetia connections, but I imagine she’s snuck into their parties at least once.
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sharkdoughnutz · 6 months
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now it's time for my favorite character's redesign 😋
i honestly didn't care for Sir P at first, even during the pilot, but he eventually and surprisingly grew on me; maybe it's just his goofy personality, though i will admit he didn't get much development so that's why the twist at the end felt rather undeserved imo. but overall, he's an entertaining character and i enjoyed him the most despite my gripes
anyways, i wanted my redesign to have more of that steampunk aesthetic, more than what little he originally had. and also wanted him to be green - no real reason, but maybe it could be like a sign of greed or envy for his character, probably moreso greed
i also like to think that my Pentious likes experimenting or building things you could say, or is just straight up insane, because the only reason he has those mechanical limbs is because he wanted to see if he was able to make working limbs, and of course he used himself as the experiment; he's just a bit fucked up in the head dw (i also don't have a real reason about his ripped flappy part on his head, maybe an experiment gone wrong or he lost it in a fight)
i do actually have ideas on how he'd end up in the hotel that do involve the V's, but i might share them if i ever get around to them
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tabs-on-me · 3 months
WARNING! This is all for fun, no hate to Viv or the Hazbin Hotel team, just for a goof and fun here. NOT ANIMATOR FRIENDLY
Og design Hazbin Hotel
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My redesign
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I love this goofy goober so much, he makes me laugh and he’s so babygirl coded
But fr, his design doesn’t do him justice, he’s from the “1800’s” according to his Wiki, and his outfit is based on “Steampunk Fashion.” Leading me to ask “Wtf does his have that’s steampunk?” I just can’t stand how he looks too much like all the other suit wearing guys in this show.
The argument could be made “He’s such a fanboy that he copies off the overlords!” But the problem with that is all the(important to the story)overlords look the same with their pinstripe suits(That are from the 1920-30’s) My point is, since Sir P. Is the second oldest sinner in the show(behind Zestial) He should have some more elements from his time period.
I also know steampunk isn’t a fashion found often in the 1800’s, but I wanna lean into the exaggeration of his personality and fashion. Plus I did like the stripes on him, but wanted it to be on a vest rather than a whole suit.
That was the MAIN thing that bothered me in his design, the rest being listed and adjusted in my redesign.
His hat, the top hat kinda works, just the eyeball and the goggles are too much.
The colors, I liked the gold, but I felt e green fits him more because of his envious nature with other overlords and other sinners.
Him having eyes all over his snake tail, I just looks too painful, he doesn’t need any more pain the boy
That basically it for the redesign- I MIGHT DO HIS ANGEL FORM IDK, but for now I’m content with this and love him so much.
Other notes
He has venom, but it only paralyzes someone’s body
His hypnotism can work for about a day, but then it wears off
He is effected by a Pungi(Instrument that charms snakes) but not forever
I still based him off a king Cobra
His outfit would have more detail due to steampunk being highly detailed, but I didn’t want to add too much work to his vest
The egg Boiz are an invention of Sir P. to “Do my EEVILL bidding”
Uhhh that’s all for now
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jollmaster · 4 months
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AU: people who have gone to Heaven retain their appearance from mortal world, and ascended Pentious feels insecure because he's been in snake form for too long
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scientistservant · 8 months
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Perccccival studies
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fandompuppet · 7 months
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Still working on my redesign of pentious but here’s the concept sketches
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sparklesphobia · 7 months
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~Sir Pentious Redesign~
I both had fun and a hard time getting this done, but I'm happy with the end result nonetheless.
The eye color change was one of my first ideas, as I like the idea/I hc that sinners get somewhat color coordinated with whatever sin was most prevalent or they committed the most in life. Pride is the most common one, so most of the sinners are given a red-red adjacent color pallet. The same goes with those whose sin was lust. They'd get blue, pink for sloth, and for Sir Pentious, purple for his envy.
Anyway, I hope you like this and have a wonderful day/night!!
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w34th3rk1d · 1 month
sir pentious!!
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yapping and design notes under the cut
so i went for a more green colour palled with orangish and yellowish accents, more snake-associated colours, i still gave him his hair, but changed it up, and now he is wearing an apron-ish thing over his snake tail, because dang i feel like he would constantly have cuts from sharp things on his desktop because he would be leaning over it. i also gave him some mobility aids because this species im transfering them too is based off of dolls, and it would be HARD to get a doll with a snake tail to stand.
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alexcaninnit · 5 months
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My favorite lil snake boy!!
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