#sir rover the great
narraboths · 11 months
“You got anything to tell me about yesterday’s interview, Ponytail?”
Being cornered by one’s editor is rarely a good sign. Being cornered by a harried Snapper Carr one month into her tenure as a rookie reporter would be enough to give others nightmares for a month. Maybe ulcers. Kara, though, she’s been having a great week, and she’s not about to let anyone ruin it.
“Nope.” She pops the p a little. Something about Snapper’s moroseness always pushes her to be spitefully chipper.
“Nothing out of the ordinary?”
“Not at all.”
“Hm.” Snapper nurses the thought with that dour, toothachey look that Kara’s come to learn is directed at her just as much as it is a sign of his general displeasure with the world. He pulls out his phone, jabbing at the screen. “So do you mind explaining to me why my cub reporter is on the front page of every gossip rag from here to Metropolis as the Mystery Blonde Caught in Luthor’s Web?”
That can’t be right is immediately the tip of Kara’s tongue but it freezes there, along with the incredulous laugh threatening to burst out of her, because Snapper is shoving his phone in her face and–
“It’s not what it looks like,” she blurts out, instinctively, then winces at her own choice of words. Great save. “I was just being considerate.”
It’s true, really. She was only holding the door open for Lena as they left L-Corp (Lena was on the move the whole day, they did half of the interview in the back of her Range Rover, flitting between offices), and it only happened that Lena’s hand fell to her forearm, a completely innocent gesture, as innocent as Lena’s smile, as the way she swayed a little closer, saying thank you as she strode by. And sure, Kara may have felt mesmerized for a single, fleeting moment, suddenly so deeply flustered by the gentle weight of Lena’s hand that she almost cracked the door handle in two, but who wouldn’t? Lena Luthor just has a remarkable presence. Why are they letting paparazzi camp out at the L-Corp doorstep, anyways?
“I’ve never seen Luthor that affectionate with anyone.” Snapper eyes Kara suspiciously, his face screaming why you of all people, bumbling rookie who can barely even spell?. “I’ve never seen any of the Luthors affectionate with anyone at all.”
“Guess it’s just my natural charm, sir.” Kara flashes the most annoyingly innocent smile she can, then squares her shoulders. “Did you actually read my article?”
There’s a beat of silence, Snapper staring daggers at her. Then finally, finally, he lets out an annoyed huff.
“Of course I read it. It’s going out first thing tomorrow.” He pockets his phone, then rubs his face with a tired motion. “Make sure this doesn’t happen again.”
“You got it, boss.”
It happens again.
It happens again a bunch, really. (Kara at the L-Corp gala, at Lena’s table, the two of them in lively conversation, shoulders pressed together – she was telling me about L-Corp’s new green energy initiative, sir –, the fond smile and almost-teasing tone when Lena calls “yes, Miss Danvers?” at her press conference – she’s just nice! It’s not a crime! –, the candid of them on the CatCo balcony when Lena’s in house for her cover shoot, Kara gesturing excitedly and Lena leaning against the railing, hanging onto every word, a jacket two sizes too big wrapped around her shoulders – you know it gets cold out there. At least there’s no photos of her wrapping the jacket around Lena, their hands brushing together, the faint blush along the lines of Lena’s throat. That’d probably look pretty suspicious.) Snapper’s face takes on increasingly vivid shades of purplish red.
“Do we need to go over the meaning of journalistic integrity again, Danvers?”
Kara decides to take graduating from “Ponytail” as a win.
“We’re not– it’s not anything untoward,” she shoots back, arms crossed, only slightly blushing. In anger, certainly. “I’m doing my job. I grilled her on L-Corp still holding a contract with the government for anti-alien defense systems that Lex negotiated, just last week. There’s footage.”
“Yeah,” Snapper grinds his teeth so vehemently that Kara’s afraid he might crack a crown. “Footage of her hugging you in the hallway afterwards, too. What the hell were you doing?”
“She just thanked me, sir.” The vein on Snapper’s neck looks ready to burst. Kara makes a mental note to recommend meditation at a less belligerent time. “She said my question made it possible for her to make a public stance and really send a message.”
Snapper looks like he’s nearing an aneurysm.
“Hell, Danvers, that sounds even worse!”
It sounded pretty great, actually, Kara thinks, after the borderline unprofessional row they had in Lena’s office when Kara first broached the subject. It felt pretty great, too, not just Lena’s declaration, her renewed commitment to reject everything Lex and Lillian stand for, but the warmth of Lena’s pressed against her, her lips brushing against Kara’s cheek, the low murmur of “you’re such a wonderful friend” in her ear that gave her such a strange shiver. At least that much thankfully escaped the prying eyes and cameras.
“Either I don’t go near her, or CatCo continues to have the leading stories on one of National City’s most high-profile citizens.” She gives Snapper the steeliest look she can muster without letting her heat vision flare up. “And my covers are currently bringing in our biggest numbers. Sir.”
Snapper grinds his teeth again, but his shoulders sag just a touch, and Kara knows she’s won this round.
“You’re on thin ice, Danvers. Back to your desk.”
Kara complies with a grin and a thumbs up, and decides to take a break half an hour later, when Alex forwards her an article titled Bosom Buddies: Lena Luthor Out And About With CatCo Gal Pal with a subtle mix of skull, knife, and eyeroll emojis. She does save one of the photos, though, the one where Lena’s head’s thrown back in adorable, delightful laughter.
“Can you explain this one, Danvers?”
Snapper doesn’t look angry this time. No, he’s strangely calm, somewhat elated, even, slamming a whole bundle of newspapers down on her desk, jolting Kara out of her reverie. Half of them are National City publications, Kara vaguely notes, but there’s Metropolis and Gotham and Central City in the mix, too, as if it was the story of the century. Must be a slow news day.
“Of course, sir. I think the proper term is ‘first date’?”
To her greatest surprise, Snapper barks out a laugh, loud and gruff.
“You’re now barred from any future reporting on the Luthors or L-Corp,” he tells her, not without a touch of satisfaction. If Kara hadn’t been walking on sunshine for the past thirteen hours, twenty-eight minutes and forty-one seconds, since the first tentative press of Lena’s lips against her own, she might’ve felt a bit miffed. “Cat Grant’s setting aside a little time later in the afternoon to chew you out personally.”
Kara nods happily along. Withering tones and grim disapproval, the usual spiel, as if anything could dull that buzzing, electrifying feeling coursing through her body since last night, the weightless, feverish joy that grips her every time she thinks of Lena’s last text and everything can’t wait to see you again tonight could possibly entail.
“Congratulations, Danvers.” Snapper raps his knuckles against her desk. “Let’s spare each other the heartburn from now on.”
(Kara shows up with a hickey on her neck and the headlines of Lena Luthor Packs PDA With New Girlfriend the next day. Snapper refuses to look her in the eyes for the rest of the week.) 
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CONSUMED by dadsbestfriend!Price rn
He and your dad served together when they were both younger men, boys really, and they fought side by side for years before your dad packed all that in and decided not to renew his contract - leaving for a white picket fence life with your mum and you
You’ve never gotten to meet him before, but you feel like you kind of know him anyways because of the stories you’ve grown up hearing. He’s always been like a kind of figment of your imagination, someone your dads always spoken highly of in all of his tales from drunken weekends and adrenaline spiked firefights, he’s like some kind of mythic hero haloed in beer fumes and musing looks that get shut down when your mum asks if they both got themselves into any trouble on their latest gambit
Sure, you’ve seen pictures, you know what his face looks like, vaguely anyways. Apparently he has mutton chops now, something your dad is ‘always shocked by’ when they meet up now. However the pictures don’t do him justice. You realise that quickly after you do lay eyes on him.
You go over to your parents house, summoned for an early birthday dinner for your dad, and that’s when you see him. The man, the myth, the legend is cosied up on your usual spot on the corner couch, at the end of the short side with the chunky red tartan pillow barricading the hard brown couch arm. He turns when he sees you staring directly at him, meeting your gaze with a raised eyebrow.
The pictures didn’t really encapsulate how big he was, how broad his shoulders were as they took up an expanse of the chair back, how expressive his eyes were as they rover over you, how nauseatingly good he looked when ripped out of the confines of ink and paper and pressed into the lumpy old sofa you’d never been so needy to jump onto before.
Every little overworked neuron in your mind was busy exploding while you pictured tugging on his hair and beard and moaning out filthy things for him.
“You must be the kid,” Price observes, not knowing how much it would sting you, “how’s the head?”
If you weren’t aware of how childish it would be you’d huff that you were far from being a kid anymore.
“How’s my what?” Part of you wants to quip back that it’s ‘great- it comes recommended’ but then the sane part of you kicks in and thinks ‘perhaps don’t get yourself kicked out just as you’ve gotten in the door’
“Your dad showed me that charming little photo you stuck in the family group chat from the party last night. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree by the looks of it.”
Your face would flame up like a radiator in the dead of winter, you were just about spluttering and hissing like one too. You’d forgotten all about the drunken selfie you’d sent while in a full haze of peace love and a couple draws of your friend’s j after countless rum and cokes. ‘Love u guys, see ya tomoz’ you’d typed over it - remembering how you fumbled and squinted at the screen just so that it would be halfway coherent. Now sober, you knew it probably wasn’t.
“Fuck me, it actually sent,” you grumbled, jumping when you hear his earthy laugh tumble out.
His voice is like tree bark and honey, stolen straight from the mountains and imbued into his throat. You hang on his every sound, keen eyes glued to his plush pink lips that Peak out from under his beard.
You hardly notice your dad coming in until he’s all but shouting your name, wrapping you in for a bear hug you weren’t in the slightest prepared for.
Every response form there on out was hazy, as if it had been preprogrammed. For the entire night all you’d be able to focus on was John - He’d tell you to call him that after awkwardly addressing him as Sir, though not before something dark slithered over his eyes and passed in the instant it had come.
You’d spent the whole night fixated on John, hanging on his every word, sighing heavily when he reached back and combed through his hair, tousling it to a point that made you wonder if that’s how it looked after a night well spent in passion.
You were lucky you got through the dinner without making an arse of yourself, though to be fair your mum had gotten a jab in about how quiet you’d been. Better that than being embarrassing.
Though you weren’t to get away unscathed. It’d get late and after spending the whole night before fanatically talking and dancing, you had no energy left for being at your parents - present company included or not. However before you could call a taxi, Price would jump in and offer you a lift, claiming taxis were far too unsafe for someone so precious.
It’d make your parents laugh, but you weren’t even smiling. You’d stutter your excuses, telling him he didn’t need to make a fuss, but he’d be persistent. Being an army Captain and all, he was very difficult to argue with, so of course you found yourself in the passenger seat of his monstrous car, watching nervously as the old beast sputtered to life.
“Is this thing even legal to ride?” You’d mutter, frowning at the persistent choking noise that rattled underneath the engine roar.
“Could ask the same about you.”
It was barely a whisper, almost lost to the growl in his throat and the sound of the engine, but you were so sure you’d heard it said nonetheless. The possibility of it sent your back stick straight and your mouth plummeting to the floor, though in the back of your mind you wondered if you’d only heard him say it from out of the depths of your subconscious.
“Excuse me?” You’d chirp.
“I said: couldn’t get you to pull up some directions, could you?”
He’d side eye you as he said it, smiling to himself as he indicates and pulls out onto the road and out of the cul-de-sac.
Right. Directions, of course. You were just being filthy minded, you’d had a long couple days and you were strung out and tired. Why would he insinuate that he wanted to know if you were the right age to fuck or not. Especially when - even if you were by many measures - he was off limits to you. Forbidden. No go. Like the battle zones he probably waded into through his day job.
“Here you go. It’s not far!”
You’d pull up your phone, placing it on the dashboard so that he could see. He’d tell you to put on music too, shocking you when he’d produce an aux cord (by rights this car shouldn’t have even had the words aux cord uttered in it, but somehow it supported one).
“What kind of stuff do you listen to?” You’d ask, waiting to hear whatever dreary nonsense he was likely to come out with.
“What do you think I listen to?” He’d ask, barely paying attention to you as he made his way down the main road. “I’ll be happy with whatever you put on.”
“I mean i doubt our tastes are super similar.”
“You trying to drive at somethin’ here, sweetheart?”
You’d light up at the name, lighting up from the inside out in quiet awe. It’d be a challenge having to suppress your little firework show off happiness, so you’d hide it by shrugging and saying “figured you’d listen to old man music.”
He’d shake his head and grumble about ‘no such thing’ up until you put on an old Killers song and watched him smile - then you’d sagely nod your head and repeat ‘old man music’ delighting in his playful growl.
“Killers ain’t even that old sweetheart, at least stick some Dylan or Cash on if you’re gonna patronise me.”
“This came out in 2004, dude - I don’t know what to tell ya. It’s old.”
“Dude,” he’d grunt back. “Earlier it was Sir, was it not?”
You’d flush again and face the window, suddenly absorbing yourself in the outside world. The way he said that was far too…inviting. The no go zone was looking like the ‘get right the fuck in here and stomp all over your parents relationship with this man’ zone.
You couldn’t help yourself.
“Sorry, sir,” you’d tease. “Won’t happen again.”
Stupid insatiable brat, you’d inwardly curse, watching as Price’s smile widened again, pulling his whole face into a knowing grin.
It’d be clear to see you weren’t the only one fighting the urge to cross the barrier and take what you wanted. And with two people smashing at the confines…well.
One thing was for certain, you knew it in the pit of your belly, there was no way you were going to stay away now.
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brellafaun · 22 days
today's episode is what build a bears i think the brellies would have/get. they take five as sibling bonding and he pretends to hate it but secretly loves it. allison records all of the heart ceremonies and cherishes the videos forever. i'm truly losing it i miss them so much
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luther would 1000% appreciate a golden retriever build a bear. he probably really wanted a dog as a kid but reggie wouldn't let him, so this would be kinda like healing that inner part of him (also rebelling against what reggie said!! win!!!). he would probably name it something like rover or scout and get the pumpkin spice scent and some jammies for it.
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shaggy highland cow. lila would tease him while they're looking at bears by saying their hair matches. it would only motivate him to get it out of spite. cannot think of a name while at the store, comes up with one once he's home. either gets one of the button ups with a funky print or an all black outfit with combat boots, with no in between. definitely a birthday cake scent guy.
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pawlette girlie all the way. classic, but not outdated. likely matches with a bear claire has. she would commit too hard to the bit and spend way too long trying to find the perfect outfit, maybe something that matches whatever she's wearing when they go. gets either sunglasses or one of the fake lattes as an accessory. either pumpkin spice scented or strawberry.
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rainbow bearlien no i am not taking criticism. maybe a frog, but this is the funnier option tbh. he would assemble the cuntiest little outfit possible for his bear, definitely using the faux leather crop top and some boots. additionally, he might get the emotional support bear shirt. takes the heart ceremony and birth certificates extremely seriously and gets his laminated. lavender scent ftw (maybe even gets his bear weighted?? weighted stuffed animals are great for anxiety tbh)
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timeless teddy bear because. he's timeless. okay listen that was funnier in my head. but i feel like he'd dig this guy because it's more like something he would've actually had as a kid. maybe it'd be like a bear he did have, sewn together by Grace. he would pretend that he doesn't want it, but he absolutely does. gets a little suit and shoes to match his (that, or he gets the emotional support bear shirt). the scents are probably a little too on the sweet side for his liking. (if she had planned it out in advance, allison would've gotten him one of the ones that has embroidery on the foot. it'd probably be something simple and grounding for when he's stressed.) immediately emotionally attached. the employees ask if it's his birthday at least twice.
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jennifur the cat. we all know why. but in all seriousness, i think he'd dig this one because he's got a secret soft spot for cats. it's also pretty separated from the aquatic animals, and doesn't remind him of the horror at all. gets a zip-up hoodie and jeans to match his. potentially gets a voice message in the paw, something from klaus or the whole family. fresh cut flowers scent.
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buffalo check pawlette just kinda fits the vibe? idk man, it clicks in my brain just right. the ears and paw pads are a good texture and he jives with it. joins mr. snuggles in the lofty position of on the bed. emotional support bear shirt, little denim jacket, jeans, and boots. maybe the plaid pajamas if he's feeling a more cozy vibe. lavender scent for sure. doesn't get a box and carries it with him as they leave.
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mothman. she's the family's own little cryptid. it works. finds the goofiest sleeper she can and bunny slippers. gives him a ridiculously intricate name like Sir Cornelius Weston XXVII. gets diego to record a voice message for her and refuses to tell anyone what it says (it's just him saying "I love you"). laughs at five doing the heart ceremony and refuses to do it when it's her turn. cotton candy scent
...........hargreeves family going to build a bear fic when
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omgsuperstarg · 1 year
#K-popaddock- Toto Wolff x reader
You know I love nothing more than K-pop! So what better than dance challenges with some of the drivers and even the boss man himself for some good fun in between races.
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As a driver, you knew it had been stressful having to push the pedal to the metal every weekend but you loved it and wouldn't have it any other way. Everyone knew how much of a K-pop fan you were by the edits and dance covers you uploaded and they loved when you got the chance to show off your skills.
The Mercedes admin gave you the honour of creating some content for the Team Socials and the fans knew that in your spare time, you loved to dance especially to K-pop songs. So you started the #kpopaddock in which each race weekend you tried to do at least some challenges personal and fan-voted. So for the newest edition, it was time to see the other drivers on Grid show their moves and the poison was EXO Kai's Rover since it was the easiest and you knew most of the guys could pick it up well.
And so it began, it was enjoyable seeing the guys try their hand at the choreography. Charles and Carlos put their own flavour and comedy into the dance as you knew the C² would. Max and Daniel did the dance well and Lewis put his own style and improvised a dance to the song.
Now this was the moment that the fans would go ballistic over. It's a proven fact that Toto is a staple to the F1 internet and what better way to get the fangirls screaming than their fave principal dancing. The admin had him agree to do some content but he doesn't know what kind so it was time to break the news and document it.
"Hey boss man, I hope you're ready for your special challenge", you say smiling hiding your evil intentions on what your boss has to do.
'"I hope nothing too difficult and embarrassing.", the Austrian principal speaks with a hint of amusement.
"As we all know, you can party hard and dance so I want to challenge you to bust a move utilizing some k-pop choreo and the whole garage is going to be your personal cheerleader", the garage erupts into cheers and whistles with some taking out their phones ready to capture the moment.
Toto's face resembles a cherry with blood rushing to his cheeks but knowing Toto he's not one to refuse but I did have a stipulation if he did forfeit.
"Just so you know sir, if you fail to accept you must wear wolf ears for the remainder of today's proceedings. So choose wisely!", you say in giddy excitement.
You could hear him mutter in German at the mess he's about to enter.
"Don't worry boss, your dance will be cool and simple to complete and that song is 2PMs My house. Get your popcorn yall cuz this is finna be a show you'll never forget", you profess like an announcer at a circus saving the best act for last.
You begin to teach Toto the moves and he's a surprisingly quick study, its always nice to see the man you look up to have a little breather since race days always have him stressed and the cherry on the cake is that it gives the team a morale boost.
"You think you're ready Mr. Wolff?", you inquire to your commander.
"Yes, I hope I don't embarrass myself too much. I'm marvelled at you. Not only you're a great driver yet here you displaying another facet of your talent. Im quite proud of you.", he confesses after which he gives you a huge wolff hug.
NOW ITS SHOWTIME!!! With all cameras at the ready and baited breath, this was his debut and you placed the cat headband on him for good measure and then the music started.
It was such a huge moment that even some of the other garages came to sneak a peak at the powerful Wolff getting his dance on and in the end, he did pretty great and the crowd loved it. Some cameramen even documented it live. It was truly an ICONIC Toto moment! You didn't think Toto was able to move his hips like that but he proved you wrong.
You even sent the video to Mrs Susie so she could see her beloved husband in action and she LIVED FOR IT AS WELL as well as little Jack laughing at seeing his dad dance😊😂👌
"AHHHHHHHHH, yep!!!!! This is millions-worthy right here. THE FANS ARE GOING TO EAT THIS UP!!!!!", you say as you observe the footage.
"You did really good Toto, im proud of you. The ears stay on", you said running to prep for the day's races before he can rebuttal.
Bonus Clip
At the end of the day, you placed P4 and to celebrate you had one more challenge to do and it was a compilation of Lee Chaeyeon's Knock. You've been practising for all four levels of the dance and now it's time to bare the fruits of the labour. Dressed in your outfit, you proceeded to leave it all on the track for everyone to see!
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scotianostra · 7 months
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William Angus was born 28th February 1888 at Polkemmet Rows, Cappers, Armadale.
Note some sources say this brave man was born in Carlulke, others give Armadale, he certainly spent a large chunk of his life in South Lanarkshire town. where a commemorative stone was unveiled in his honour in 2015.
On leaving school Angus worked in the nearby coal mines before earning a modest living as a footballer at several clubs, 1914 he was with Wishaw Thistle when war broke out and as a member of local Carluke Territorial battalion of the Highland Light Infantry, he was mobilised immediately.
William Angus was transferred to the 8th Royal Scots, the first Territorial battalion to join the Expeditionary Force. 8th Royal Scots had suffered a great many casualties and were in urgent need of replacements. He was serving as a lance-corporal in this battalion when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross.
On 12th June 1915 at Givenchy-lès-la-Bassée, France Lance-Corporal Angus voluntarily left his trench to rescue a wounded officer, fellow Carluke man Lieutenant James Martin, who was lying within a few yards of the enemy’s position and had been injured by a mine. To do this he had to travel through 64 metres in no-man’s land under heavy bomb and rifle fire, and received about 40 wounds, some of them being very serious, including the loss of his left eye, losing part of his foot and calf. His commanding officer said there had been no braver deed in the history of the army.
When asked why he had risked death to carry out such a mercy mission, he replied:
“I have to go back to Carluke. I cannot return if I left someone from Carluke to die here.”
40 wounds, can you imagine that?!
Angus was awarded the VC for his bravery in August that year at Buckingham Palace, when the King commented on his 40 injuries, Angus was said to have answered “Aye, sir, but only 13 were serious.”.
Due to his injuries he was no longer fit for active duty and was transferred to Cameronians on recruitment duties and promoted to Sergeant. He was invalided out of the Army in 1917 and started a haulage business, he later became president of Carluke Rovers, where he was known simply as “The VC”., a position he held until his death. Each year of his life, he received a telegram of thanks from the family of the man he rescued.
William Angus VC died just two days after the 44th anniversary of his brave deed. His last annual telegram of thanks from the Martin family was delivered to him in hospital.
William Angus' medals on display at the National War Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh Castle.
You can read a wee bit more detail about William here http://www.vconline.org.uk/william-angus-vc/4585925970.html
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phr3ia · 2 months
I Got Isekai'd Into A World Where I'm Just The Side Character (Wuthering Waves x Fem!Reader) [Chapter 4 : The General]
Jiyan rode his horse through the gates of Jinzhou, the city walls looming over him like giants. The place was buzzing with life, and the smell of food drifting through the streets made his stomach grumble. He knew he should head straight to meet Rover, but the tantalizing aromas of the dishes were just too good to resist. 
"Just a quick bite." he muttered to himself, heading straight for Panhua's Restaurant.  His stomach was calling, and he wasn't going to ignore it.
He made his way to the restaurant. It was a place he knew well. The food there was enough to fill one's belly and even their soul.
He stepped inside, greeted by the familiar scent of cooking oil and spices. A woman looked up from her work, a smile lighting her face. "General Jiyan, welcome back. It's been a while."
"Panhua... it has been too long. I am sorry I didn't come by sooner. I hope you are well? How are things here?" He asked as he took a seat at a table near the window. The sun was beginning to dip lower, casting a warm glow over everything. He watched people walking by, enjoying the peace of the moment. He ordered a dish, relishing the anticipation of a good meal.
"Things are going well for us. We're blessed. Even with the chaos around us, we still manage to bring joy to our customers. And thank you for asking. My family and I are doing well. Your men often come to visit, and they speak highly of you. Ah, here's your order." She placed a steaming dish in front of him, and Jiyan waited until she left to take his first bite.
He savored the flavors, finding comfort in the familiar taste. It felt like home. He ate slowly, taking his time to enjoy the meal. He glanced outside, watching people enjoy their evening. It was a sight he wished everyone could experience.
You just chilled in the inn all day, doing absolutely nothing.  You didn't want to bother Rover, knowing he needed some rest.
You stared outside the window, wondering how people even managed without their phones and computers.  You knew about the Pangu Terminal, but that was it.  "Seriously, what do people even do for fun around here? There are no malls, arcade or anything." you sighed, shaking your head.
You were lost in thought, but then your stomach growled, reminding you that you hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. 
"Wait a minute... Rover gave me some money yesterday, didn't he?  He said I can spend it however I wanted....Man, that guy is so thoughtful." you mumbled to yourself, a smile spreading across your face.
You quickly changed on the clothes Yangyang had given you and headed out to grab something to eat. 
You went to the restaurant where Rover, you and the others ate last night, you gaze scanning the room. It was full of customers, but you immediately sighed in relief when you spotted an empty seat, although your hopes were short-lived as you saw a man seated across from it. You approached him, your confidence making it clear you weren't afraid to ask for permission. "Excuse me, sir. Mind if I sit here?"
The man, glanced up from his meal, a hint of curiosity flickering in his eyes. "Not at all. Please do."
You settled into a seat, placing your blazer beside you. You started talking to yourself, "Finally, I can have a break. I've been running errands all day and I'm so exhausted. If only Jinzhou had some sort of public transportation. It would save me a lot of trouble."
Jiyan chuckled softly, drawing your attention. "Sorry, I couldn't help but hear what you were saying."
"Oh, Uhm..." you slightly feel embarrassed. "I guess being alone makes me forget that I'm not the only one here."
"Oh, great. Now he's going to think I'm completely nuts." you thought to yourself,  cringing internally.
"No worries, I don't judge. I'm glad someone is honest these days." Jiyan took another bite, a hint of a smile lingering on his lips.
You picked up the menu, flipping through the pages with confusion written all over your face. "Umm... I have no idea what to order."
"Um, excuse me. I'm kind of new here, so could you recommend something from this menu?" you asked, extending the menu towards the man in front of you.
Jiyan chuckled "No problem. The stir-fried beef with vegetables and rice is there best seller. The beef slices are tender, and the vegetables add a nice crunch to each bite."
"Stir-fried beef, got it." You ordered the dish, relieved you wouldn't have to struggle with it. "Thank you, by the way. You're really helping me adjust to this place." You sipped your water, feeling more relaxed.
Jiyan's brows furrowed, giving you a curious look. "So, you're not from around here?"
You hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to tell him the truth. "Well, no. I'm from a far away place. I just arrived in this city recently." You hoped explaining it briefly would satisfy his curiosity.
"Ah, I see. Where exactly is this 'far away place' of yours? And what brought you here?" Jiyan asked, genuinely interested.
You swallowed, deciding to keep the details of your Isekai situation to yourself. "It's a long story. Let's just say that I got here in a very unexpected way." you responded, hoping he'd understand.
"Ah, I see. Well, Jinzhou might seem a bit different compared to your hometown, but it's a place worth getting used to." Jiyan smiled, watching as you waited for your food.
"Whew, good thing he didn't pressed it any further." you thought, letting out a silent sigh of relief as you glanced at him.
You looked at the man's face, studying him for a moment before speaking. "My apologies, I don't believe we've been properly introduced. May I know your name?" you asked, extending your hand to shake.
"My name is Jiyan." he replied, offering a small smile as he accepted your handshake. He too, had no intention of disclosing his true identity, preferring to keep his personal life separate from his duties.
"Nice to meet you, Jiyan! I'm Y/N." you said with a beaming smile.
"Here's your order!" the waitress exclaimed.
Your eyes widened as the dish was set in front of you, the steam rising from the plate further enticing your senses. "Oh, wow, this looks amazing!" you gasped in fascination, your mouth watering at the sight.
Jiyan couldn't help but smile, watching as you eagerly picked up your spoon and fork.
You immediately dug in, taking a generous bite. "Mmm, this is heaven in my mouth," you praised between chews.
Jiyan laughed lightly, amused by your enthusiasm. "I'm glad you like it. It's my favorite dish."
"Good taste in food usually means a person has a good taste in many other areas of life as well." You stated casually, smiling at him.
Jiyan returned the smile. Your straightforwardness was somehow refreshing to the General. "Well, I'm glad I passed your judgment on that front." He continued eating, enjoying the company and the delicious meal.
Jiyan finished his food with satisfaction, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "It's been a pleasure meeting you, Y/N. Enjoy the rest of your stay in Jinzhou and, hopefully, we'll cross paths again." Jiyan offered his hand for another shake.
You nodded in agreement, feeling grateful for the brief encounter "Likewise, Jiyan. Thank you for your help. Enjoy the rest of your evening." you said, shaking his hand firmly.
With that, Jiyan bid his farewell, leaving the restaurant to meet with Rover. You, on the other hand, returned to the inn, thinking about him. Not in a romantic way, but in a sense that he made you feel totally comfortable, like he was born to be a protector or something.  It was weird, but you kinda liked it.
Little did you know, that the man you shared a meal with was an important part of keeping Jinzhou safe from harm.
End of Chapter 4 🥀...
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sreegs · 1 year
i rented this cabin for vacation and the owner had a note about the driveway, warning me that "cars without AWD are going to have trouble with it" and when i got there in my rental chevy malibu i saw it was like, your standard gravel driveway thats a bit steep and i was like, sir i grew up in the great lakes rust belt. i drove my shitbox late 90s chevy cavalier through road conditions that would make your range rover cry. i took that thing camping on worn out logging roads and never got stuck once
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11queensupreme11 · 3 months
first off is my beloved calcharo (i just finished upgrading that stupid flautist):
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and here's my beloved jiyan:
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some of the substats aren't that great, i know but i hate how i have to upgrade the echoes a lot and tune them in order to know the other substats, especially since sealed tubes are so scarce 🙂‍↕️💔
im also trying to build my rover, verina, and encore!
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ilikemutsumi · 2 years
What kind of DoGs I think ⭐️4 Town⭐️ would have
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^ made by: ilikeaaronz (me)
• Breed: Golden Retriever
- i feel like he would have a boy named rover, having the beginning sound of their name match with his.
- a ✨gorgeous✨ creature just like robaire.
- since goldies are pretty dogs, ro feels the need to plan a spa day every weekend for them to maintain their beauty.
- they're very friendly and easy going which is perfect for him.
- they are athletic dogs so robaire would walk them every day, play whenever they could, and feed them healthy food sources.
- robaire would go as far as reading rover a bedtime story before they went to sleep together.
- robaire wakes up early. so rover would wake up even earlier just to wake him up. how would they do it? by gently licking their face with their slobbering tongue which resulted in robaire waking up in disgust and laughter.
- "eww, rover. hahaha" robaire said as he wiped off the slobber.
- after a long day of practicing for his next music video, robaire comes home to a loving face sitting by the door for him which absolutely brightens his day <3
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^ made by: ilikeaaronz (me)
• Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
- i genuinely believe that Jesse would have a girl and name her Bubbles.
- just like Robaire, Jesse would plan a spa day every once in a little while for them and Jesse's kids.
- yorkies travel well, so Jesse takes Bubbles wherever he goes. and if he doesn't take her, she follows him wherever. whether it's a coffee shop or a mega mall, she's there right alongside him.
- "oh good evening sir how can i help yo-" the barista looks up to see Jesse and Bubbles wearing the same glasses and hoodie to hide their identities. "yes i'll have one large and one extra small caramel latte please." Bubbles barked in agreement. "arf!" they looked in complete confusion. "o-ok sir...coming right up."
- a downside of this is yorkies aren't very great with children. whenever Bubbles is laying on the couch watching her dog telanovela (cuz why not 🙄) Jesse's twins are running around the living room playing spaceships, and she's just like 😒
- but there have been times where jesse's caught the three of them laying on the couch sleeping together. and OFC he had to take a picture of that.
- their ability to be trained and their intelligence level are 3/5 stars, so Jesse trains her because he wants her to be seen as the yorkie of all yorkies. in his eyes, she is an independent queen who can achieve anything.
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^ made by: ilikeaaronz (me)
• Breed: Pomeranian
- Tae would have a white pom-pom and name him Marshall. it would've been Marshmallow, but the rest of the members thought that name was too long so he cut it down.
- pom-poms tolerate the cold weather more than the hot weather due to their fluffy fur, so every summer, Tae trims Marshall so he can keep cool.
- speaking of trimming, pomeranians are not very easy to groom. when Marshall looks like a big ball of snow, Tae manifests as much energy as he can to take on his fluffy rascal.
- Marshall has an abnormal amount of energy for a pom-pom, like he could probably run light speed if he wanted to. and when he's not running, he's hiding...specifically around white objects.
- Tae's looking all around the house for him. "you can't hide forever, Marshall. just come on out and we can do this the easy way." little does he know, he was right in the living room, sitting completely still next to the convenient pile of white teddy bears.
- pomeranians are very affectionate with family. whenever Tae brings Marshall to his family's house, Marshall is the spotlight. everyone makes goo-goo eyes at him while he just takes it in. he loves playing with them and showing them tricks that Tae taught him. he's just an adorable dog to be around.💕😊
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^ made by: ilikeaaronz (me)
• Breed: French Bulldog
- T would have a boy and name him Shiloh. 100%
- Shiloh has just as much energy and humor as T does. Every stunt T pulls, Shiloh's right alongside with him. they either make the rest of the group laugh or annoyed.
- even though T's a goofball, he's very caring for the things and needs of people around him. so he makes SURE to attend to Shiloh whenever possible. if he's dirty, T bathes him. if he's hungry, T feeds him. if he's bored, T plays with him. if he's sleepy, T puts him in his pjs, tucks him in his doggy bed, and reads him his bedtime story.
- on days where T doesn't have to practice or anything, he's having the best hang-out day with Shiloh. they're watching movies, playing outside, dressing up, and eating till they drop. it's like a sleepover, tbh.
- the other 4 town members were watching tv in the living room. contrary to the bursting music and stomping upstairs, they were calm cause this happens every time T's with Shiloh. but then they heard a loud bump. shocking everyone, they run upstairs to T's room to find T and Shiloh wearing mexican wrestling masks, fighting stuffed animals. they were both frozen in position with a surprised expression like 😗. ro, jesse, tae, and z were like 😑. ".....we'll keep it down."
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^ made by: ilikeaaronz (me)
• Breed: Rottweiler
- if you knew this was the dog Z would get, kudos 😌. Z would have a girl and name her Daisy
- rotties are just like Z: they look tough and mean on the outside, but in reality they're really sweet creatures, like Daisy. she is just the sweetest rottie you could ever meet. she likes to run outside and play with butterflies in the backyard when Z's practicing basketball.
- rottweilers are very energetic dogs, so Z this was perfect for Z. they work out together, take walks in parks, swim at the beach. Z even bought Daisy her own surfboard so they can surf together. 💕
- back to rotties being sweet, they are great with children. there was one day where Z walked Daisy around a park. they happen to walk past a playground full of children. one of them looked over to them. "GUYS LOOK A PUPPY!!" she said. the rest looked over and started screaming as they ran over to Daisy and Z. Z was shocked and surprised at the same time. "hello sir can we pet your dog please?" Z would have said no, but he took one look at the childrens' eyes and one look at Daisy's eyes and couldn't resist. "yeah, you can pet Daisy." Daisy looked so happy, she loves affection.
- rotties are very smart and easy to train. Z taught Daisy to do the coolest tricks (after the basic ones of course). he taught her to flip, dance, and even play basketball. there was even one day where she actually beat Z at a 1v1.
- as powerful and athletic as Daisy is, she can't handle the cold weather at all. during the winter she gets sick multiple times. so Z has her in a sweater the whole winter, and puts her in a coat when they go out to run. and when she's sick, he makes her her own soup, and cuddles with her as they watch a movie together.
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Note: Well, that's it! Like if you enjoyed reading this <3 What kind of dog do you have, if you have one? If you reblog, answer the question. 😁
HUGS AND KISSES from: ducky ♡
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equestrianempire · 7 months
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Shane Rose Takes 4*-S Title, Kiwi Young Riders Triumph at NZL Land Rover Horse of the Year Show
Shane Rose rides Virgil in the CCI4* Show Jumping. Sunday March 10, 2024. Credit: KAMPIC / Sarah Lord
Australia ruled in the Land Rover CCI4*-S this weekend at New Zealand’s Land Rover Horse of the Year show, with the visitors claiming a hattrick in the Oceania Eventing Challenge and Olympian Shane Rose riding off with the individual title.
Finishing behind Shane and Virgil’s 30.8 penalty score, was Oliva Barton (AUS) in second on 33.9, with Andrew Cooper (AUS) and Sharvalley Thunder in third on 38.2. Diane Gilder was the best of the Kiwis in fifth on 47.4.
Australian chef d’equipe Stuart Tinney said there was plenty to love about their Land Rover Horse of the Year Show. “It is a wonderful show,” he said. “The cross country was a great track and it is just what we need to get into this sort of environment. It is so valuable.”
He was excited for the future of their riding coming through. “They all did a great job out there.”
The challenge of the cross country course not being able to be walked in full until just before the class added another layer of learning for all.
“It is a great learning curve and something you only see at big events and all good experience.”
He was confident there was plenty to take away for all from the event, including experiencing travelling with horses and being part of the whole team environment. Having Shane Rose there too was also a real bonus especially as all of those who had made the trip have a desire to represent Australia at World Champs or Olympic Games in the future. “It is a fantastic effort for Shane to win for his journey in preparation for the Olympic Games. I am very proud of our training programme and coaches moving for the future.”
New Zealand chef Jock Paget reiterated his words, saying it has also been a great opportunity for the senior riders to experience the pressure of a team environment at LRHOY which had a real international feeling.
“This is part of the bigger picture for our programme and it is at these types of events that you get the hardest lessons. Now it is up to us as a programme and the riders to look at what we do, find the gaps and close them.”
In the end, Australia finished on 161.3 penalty points for their best three combinations, with New Zealand on 203.
Shane Rose and Virgil en route to a clear cross country. Photo by Libby Law Photography.
Just two combinations – Shane Rose and Olivia Barton (AUS) aboard Hollyander HG – finished on their dressage scores, with five combinations coming home clear in the showjumping including New Zealand’s Madison Seivwright aboard Waitangi Pinterest and individual Donna Edwards-Smith with DSE Mendoza.
On hand to see Shane Rose win was Virgil’s owner and breeder Michelle Hasibar. It was his first-ever win at LRHOY. “This was a massive part of my Paris programme and it was key to get my qualification here.”
He figured LRHOY would be perfect for the 18-year-old horse to get it ticked off and allow them to continue with their programme. “If he goes well, he is normally pretty competitive,” said Shane, who loved that the cross country was so late in coming together due to it sweeping through the whole showgrounds.
He was chuffed to receive the Sir Mark Todd Trophy. “It’s pretty special that Mark has so generously given his 1994 Badminton trophy for this.”
Shane would love to see more competition between Australia and New Zealand including a Trans-Tasman series that could run over a season.
It was New Zealand for the double in the Fiber Fresh CCI3* eventing with the young rider team winning the Oceania Challenge and Kiwi Abbey Thompson aboard Cadbury KSNZ winning the individual.
Riders came back in reverse order with barely a change in the top seven combinations, albeit a shuffle of placings.
Australian Molly Lines and Tadpole posted the first clear of the class for her final tally of 38.2 penalty points, which was quickly bettered by Abbey added nothing to her 36.9 score. Last to go was overnight leader and New Zealand Oceania team member Bridie Quigley aboard Oranoa Greyson who were dreadfully unlucky to take the last and finish on a score of 37.4 for second placed behind Abbey with Molly in third.
The New Zealand Junior Team takes the Oceania Championship for the Fiber Fresh CCI3*-S. 2024 NZL-Land Rover Horse of the Year. Tomoana Showgrounds, Hawkes Bay. Sunday 10 March. Copyright Photo: Libby Law Photography
Bridie’s calm riding saw the New Zealanders hold on to the Oceania 124.7 penalty points to the Australian’s 130.2.
New Zealand chef d’equipe Lizzie Green was very proud of her crew. “They are such a great bunch and a very tight knit group,” she said. “It is very important to have that unity in a team. They are all very good riders and exciting for the future.”
She again underlined the importance of team competitions for the future of both New Zealand and Australia.
Individual winner Abbey, who heads to the UK after competing at the Adelaide next month, was rapt. “He tried his heart out,” she said. “He was a bit tired after yesterday as I don’t usually go that fast on the cross country but I decided I needed to get into that rhythm.”
It’s eight-year-old Cadbury’s first LRHOY and Abbey says he coped well with the atmosphere and pressure. “He is so sweet and easy to have around and is a very genuine horse.”
She was doubly happy for the win, given she’s been second more times than she cares to count at New Zealand’s bigger competitions.
“I certainly didn’t think I would be winning at the beginning of the week.”
She and Cadbury head to the UK on a one-way ticket and will base with Harry Mead in Wiltshire.
For full results, head to www.evoevents.co.nz.
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Can't-Miss Sports Action This Week: From UCL Qualifying to Wimbledon Finals!
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The sporting world is in full swing this week, with a number of must-watch events taking place across football, cricket, and tennis. From UEFA Champions League qualifying to the Wimbledon finals, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Football - UEFA Champions League qualifying The first legs of the UEFA Champions League qualifying rounds will be played this week. Some of the biggest matchups include: - New Saints vs Linfield - Date: July 13, 2023 - Time: 20:00 BST - Venue: Park Hall Stadium, Oswestry, England - Ludogorets vs Shamrock Rovers - Date: July 13, 2023 - Time: 19:45 BST - Venue: Ludogorets Arena, Razgrad, Bulgaria - Malmo vs Zalgiris - Date: July 13, 2023 - Time: 19:00 BST - Venue: Eleda Stadion, Malmö, Sweden - CFR Cluj vs Pyunik - Date: July 13, 2023 - Time: 19:00 BST - Venue: Dr. Constantin Radulescu Stadium, Cluj-Napoca, Romania - International friendly matches There will also be a number of international friendly matches played this week, including: - England vs Austria - Date: July 12, 2023 - Time: 19:45 BST - Venue: Old Trafford, Manchester, England - Netherlands vs Germany - Date: July 12, 2023 - Time: 20:45 BST - Venue: Johan Cruyff Arena, Amsterdam, Netherlands - Brazil vs Argentina - Date: July 11, 2023 - Time: 20:00 BST - Venue: Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne, Australia - Portugal vs Spain - Date: July 12, 2023 - Time: 19:45 BST - Venue: Estádio José Alvalade, Lisbon, Portugal Cricket - West Indies vs India The first Test match between West Indies and India will be played this week. The match is being held in Antigua, and it is sure to be a close contest. - 1st Test - Date: July 11-15, 2023 - Time: 10:00 local (14:00 GMT) - Venue: Sir Vivian Richards Stadium, Antigua - T20 Blast finals The finals of the T20 Blast will be played this week. The finals will be played between the winners of the North Group and the South Group. - North Group vs South Group - Date: July 16, 2023 - Time: 14:00 BST - Venue: Edgbaston, Birmingham, England Tennis - Wimbledon Championships The Wimbledon Championships will continue this week. The women's singles final will be played on Saturday, July 16th, and the men's singles final will be played on Sunday, July 17th. - Women's singles final - Date: July 16, 2023 - Time: 14:00 BST - Venue: All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England - Men's singles final - Date: July 17, 2023 - Time: 14:00 BST - Venue: All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England - ATP 250 Newport The ATP 250 Newport tournament will be held this week. The tournament is a grass-court event, and it is sure to be a great test for the world's best tennis players. - Singles final - Date: July 17, 2023 - Time: 15:00 BST - Venue: International Tennis Hall of Fame, Newport, Rhode Island, USA Read the full article
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roversremovals1 · 2 years
Top 5 Tourist Attractions in Blackburn, UK
Blackburn, a town in Lancashire, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United Kingdom. It has been shaped by its history and culture, which are reflected in its architecture and museums. Here are five attractions that make Blackburn a must-visit destination for travelers from all over the world:
Blackburn Cathedral is a Church of England cathedral in Blackburn, Lancashire. Its formal title is the Cathedral Church of St. Mary and All Saints, and it is the seat of the Bishop of Blackburn. It was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott and consecrated on 1 September 1847 by Rt Revd Edward Benson (later Archbishop of Canterbury).
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The first bishop appointed to Blackburn was Rt Revd Henry Montgomery-Massingberd (1905–48), who chose as his motto "Constans Fidelis" ("constant and faithful"), which can be seen carved over the south door together with his personal arms: argent three crosses botony gules on a chief azure two bars wavy argent between three escallops or; Motto: Constans Fidelis." The arms were granted by royal warrant on 19 July 1929.
Darwen Tower
Darwen Tower is a Victorian folly built in 1857. It was built by John Bowes, a wealthy cotton merchant who wanted to build something showy and grand for his family to enjoy. The tower stands about 50 feet tall and has four floors inside; each one has unique features like stained glass windows and ornate fireplaces.
The building was originally intended as a summerhouse but later became known as an observatory because of its high vantage point over the surrounding countryside (it's located on top of a hill). Today it's open to the public with tours available during certain times throughout the year--you can even stay overnight in one of the rooms if you'd like!
Little Harwood
Little Harwood is a town in the borough of Blackburn with Darwen, England. It is famous for its brickworks and mills, as well as its railway station.
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The population of Little Harwood is approximately 2,000 people and it has been around since at least 1200 AD when it was first mentioned in documents from nearby townships.
The Lord Street Centre
The Lord Street Centre is an excellent place to learn about the history of Blackburn. Located in the heart of the town, it's open to the public and has a collection of over 20,000 objects. The centre focuses on social and industrial history, as well as local culture. It also houses an art gallery that features temporary exhibitions from artists from all over Europe.
Of course, there are many other good reasons to visit Blackburn.
Of course, there are many other good reasons to visit Blackburn.
It's a great place for a weekend away or day trip if you live in the surrounding area.
You can visit several tourist attractions within the city and surrounding towns.
There are many free things to do in Blackburn that don't cost any money at all!
There are many good reasons to visit Blackburn. It has a rich history, beautiful architecture and an abundance of natural beauty. The city also offers plenty of activities for visitors with everything from museums and galleries to parks and gardens. We hope this list has given you some ideas about some places that might interest you on your next trip!
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roverthegreat · 6 years
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Got a new screenshot edit of ya boy Rover! Really loving the new Elegy armor, especially that we have nice trousers now! Mixed with some other armor pieces and got my golden wings. And the Stellar Spire is beautiful! Definitely worth the work in crafting
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kpop---scenarios · 3 years
Day Two || Park Chanyeol
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Pairing: Park Chanyeol x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Language
Word Count: 2.5k
That night you crawl into your bed, exhausted and anxiously awaiting the next morning when you would meet the first eligible bachelor in-person. Park Chanyeol, the name rang through your head as you closed your eyes and snuggled yourself under your blanket and into your pillow. The moment you got comfy, your phone started ringing, loudly and obnoxiously. You groan as you roll over and switch on your light before grabbing it, seeing an unknown number flash across the screen. 
"Hello?" You answer, your voice is clearly not amused. 
"Hey..Y/N?" A deep voice asks. 
"That's me." You respond. 
"It's Chanyeol.. Park Chanyeol." He says, clearing his throat. 
"Oh." You say, surprised. "Hi." 
"Hi." He chuckles. "I'll be there tomorrow morning, 6am sharp. Make sure you dress warmly. Okay?" He says. 
You nod your head before remembering that you were on the phone with him and he couldn't actually see you. "Yes, sure that works." You say. 
"Great. See you then." He finishes before hanging up the phone. You set it back down on your night stand before drifting off to sleep.  
6:00am came too fucking early. Actually, 5:45am is when your alarm starts blaring, scaring you out of your sleep, so today already wasn't off to a great start. Begrudgingly, you dragged your exhausted self out of your bed, your eyes still closed as you made your way to your bathroom. Using the bathroom, washing your hand, brushing your teeth and washing your face, all with your eyes closed, trying to get a little more time to rest before your day with Chanyeol begins. You pull on your leggings before throwing on a camisole with a sweater over top of it and grabbing your favorite pair of boots before heading downstairs. You looked at your phone, and it read 5:57am. You didn't hear the knock at the door but you definitely did hear your father yelling at you that Chanyeol was there to pick you up. He was early. Suck up. 
"Good to see you sir." Chanyeol laughs, shaking your dad's hand before he sees you, eyeing you up and down with a smile on his face. "Wow." He breathes. "You're beautiful." He says, holding his hand out to you. "Ready?" He asks. 
"As I'll ever be." You breathe. You say goodbye to your parents before taking his hand and he leads you out to his car, which is still running and extremely warm. 
"So where are we going?" You ask, looking at the clock on the radio. The sun was up now and shining brightly, it had already been almost 1.5 hours of driving, which you were sleeping for, accidentally of course. Before Chanyeol could answer, you both hear a pop and his Range Rover begins thumping along the road. The two of you were basically in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees and bushes. Chanyeol pulls off to the side of the road and hopes out, going outside to look at his car. Seconds later he's back leaning in the car, staring at you. 
"Flat tire." He sighs. 
"Call a tow truck?" You suggest. 
"No service out here." He says back. 
"Spare tires?" You ask. 
"Nope." He laughs. "We're not far. We can hike it." He finishes, taking the keys out of the ignition and closing the door. 
You don't move, thinking he cannot be serious. You were most definitely not dressed for hiking. He said warm, which you did but he said nothing about durable clothing. He goes around the car, opening the passenger door so you can hop out, the cold hitting you directly in the face. "This will be the quickest way." He says to you, pointing up a hill, through a bunch of trees and bushes. You were not built for this. But as your father always told you, adapt to your surroundings and you'll survive. You follow Chanyeol as he starts heading up this hill, pulling and pushing branches, bushes and whatever else was in your way. You were huffing behind him, beginning to lag. This was not a regular occurrence for you, you didn't often hike up hills and you were most definitely on the struggle bus with this. 
"How are you doing back there?" Chanyeol asks, turning around to see you. You force a smile and give him a thumbs up, you could not speak any words at the moment. "Just over this hump and we should be there." He yells back, trekking forward as you almost stumble and tumble all the way back down the hill. 
Park Chanyeol was seriously close to already being a hard no on your list because of this stunt. As you both make it over the hill, you see a small cabin, with some unchopped wood laid out front but nothing else. No other cars, not even an ATV or anything. 
"Welcome." He smiles as he opens the door, allowing you to walk into the tiniest place you had ever seen. It was cozy, but awfully small. 
"What is this place?" You ask, shivering. It wasn't heated and you were freezing not to mention exhausted. 
"My cabin. I like to come here to unwind and relax and just be away from all the craziness of the city." He smiles. "So, can you go outside and chop some wood for the fire stove and I'll get things set up in here." 
"You.. want.. me? To chop.. wood?" You slowly ask. "Me?" 
He smiles again. "Yes, you. Unless you want to find everything in here and get the generator going?" He asks. 
"Wood chopping it is." You mumble, heading back outside to do your best. You pick up the axe and place the piece of wood on the stand and get ready to swing. 
"Damn." You groan. "This motherfucker is heavy." You huff before swinging it up and missing the piece of wood completely. "Alright, that's fine, try, try, try again." You mumble. So you pick up the axe again and swing. And again, you miss. You can see a figure out of the corner of your eye and you look to see Chanyeol leaning against the door with his arms crossed, clearly amused at your struggle. 
"Need some help?" He calls out. 
"Nah. I got this bitch." You yell back. You pick up the axe again, this time splitting the wood in half. You drop the axe, almost on your toe as you jump up and down with your arms in the air, celebrating your win. Chanyeol claps before heading inside to finish his stuff, while you become a master wood chopper. 
A while later, you were finally finished chopping up the wood, and began lugging it inside. You brought one load in before you dropped it on the floor and shuffled to the couch, collapsing in exhaustion. "This is not what I was expecting for today." You sigh. 
"I figured." Chanyeol says picking up the wood and putting it into the stove to begin warming up the place. 
"Soup?" He asks. 
"I love soup." You smile. 
"Great, all the ingredients are right there, have at it." He says, gesturing to the small counter where a few vegetables, seasonings and chicken lay.  
"Do you have canned soup or something?" 
"From scratch." Chanyeol laughs. 
"I don't know how to make soup from scratch! You want me to pick a lock or steal a car, sure I got you but you lost me at soup." You groan. "I know what you’re trying to do, Park Chanyeol." You say, raising your voice. "If you didn’t want me all you had to do was opt out. No harm no foul. You didn’t have to put me through these ridiculous tests. What the hell does any of this even prove!?" You yell. 
"Woah, slow down." Chanyeol says, holding his hands up. " I'm trying to see how well you do under pressure. To see how you would be as a partner. You know, with tasks you've never done before." He finishes. 
"What the hell does making soup from scratch, or chopping wood, or freezing in this fucking tiny cabin have to do with the pressures of that job!? These two things are completely and absolutely different." You tell him. 
"You know, to prove that we can work together under any circumstance. Let’s face it - none of us are in any kind of conventional lifestyle." He says.
"I guess you've got a valid point." You say, avoiding eye contact and rolling your eyes. 
"Oh do I? I know I have a point." He says. You look at him and he smiles widely back at you, white teeth, dimples and all. 
And you melt. Slightly. 
"So.." you say, rocking back and forth, awkwardly tapping your thighs. 
"Make the soup, Y/N." He says. 
"Damn. I like a man who tells me what to do." You mumble, walking into the small kitchen and just doing what you think is right. You chop the veggies and throw them in the pot with some chicken stock and water. Chanyeol's watching you as you chop the chicken, unsure what to do with it. You're both having a staring contest as you pick up the chicken and slowly dump it in the pot, squinting your eyes to see if you'd get any reaction from Chanyeol. 
But nothing. You dumped in a bunch of seasonings and stirred before putting the lid on and walking away. "Your soup will be done soon." You grin, proud of yourself. 
"You didn't brown the chicken." He says. 
"And?" You ask, unsure of what he was even talking about. 
"It's going to take forever for it to be done. Chicken doesn't cook that fast when it's boiled." He chuckles. 
"Well what the hell! I'm starving." You whine. Chanye stands up, going into the cabinet to pull out a bunch of snacks and liquor for the two of you. "My kind of man." You yell, excited for snacks. 
The next few hours you and Chanyeol sat and talked about everything as you ate and drank. The sound of both of your laughter filled the cabin, along with the sound of the fire crackling near. Chanyeol looks at his watch, noticing how late it was, and suggests you both sleep, since you had an early morning with the next man. 
He showed you the bed, offering it to you fully, saying he'll sleep on the couch. You crawl in, snuggling under the covers but sleep doesn't come easily to you. By now the fire has slightly dimmed down, only the embers burning, giving off a soft light. You're laying on your side, looking out the small window at the dark sky littered with stars. You hear a creak from the foot of the bed. You turn to look and you see Chanyeol standing there. 
"The couch is killing my back.. do you mind? I won't do anything." He says. You remained on your side but you nodded and told him it was fine. Chanyeol crawls into the bed, causing it to dip down slightly as he laid beside you. 
"It's beautiful out here." You breathe, still looking out the window. 
"I have the most beautiful view right now." Chanyeol whispers. You roll over to look at him and he lightly chuckles. 
"The stars?" You ask. 
"Of course the stars, what other view would I be talking about?" He laughs. You reach out and push him slightly. He grabs your arm, pulling you closer to him. "You're beautiful." He whispers, pulling you in more. You close your eyes as your lips touch, the kiss is soft, and a little hesitant, until you both lean into you. Chanyeol quickly turns it passionate, pulling you into him, his hands running through your hair, wandering your body. You place a leg on top of him, his growing dick presses against you. "I don't want to pressure you.." he says, breaking the kiss. 
"Fuck me." You pant. You shimmy your pants and underwear down, rolling back onto your other side, facing away from him. Chanyeol pulls his hard cock out, stroking it a few times before he moves closer to you. You lift your leg, moving it back to rest on his hip as he lubes his cock with his spit. Slowly, Chanyeol pushes his cock into you, stretching your hole as he continues to go deeper and deeper. You gasp loudly, trying to reach in front of you for anything to hang on to. Chanyeol starts out slow, relishing in the moment as he slowly slides his cock in and out of you, grunting and thrusting hard every time he enters you. 
"Oh fuck." You cry out. Chanyeol's hand roams your body, trying to move up your sweater. You pull your sweater up, along with your bra, letting your tits out, your perky nipples ready to be pinched and pulled. He cups your breast as his thrusts quicken, the sound of your skin slapping together is slightly muffled by the blanket, but there was no one around for miles, you could scream as loud as you wanted. 
"Fuck me just like that, oh god." You scream out. Chanyeol gets frustrated, he can't fuck you as hard as he wants. He pulls out of you, flipping you onto your stomach and pulling your ass up to the sky. He kneels behind you, shoving his cock into you. Your face is buried in the mattress as he rams into you behind. You're panting heavily as he fucks the shit out of you, your moans and cries are like music to his ears. 
Chanyeol reaches between your lips, rubbing your clit as he pounds himself into you. It's not going to take you long to cum, you've been horny for him since 1 o'clock this afternoon. "Rub it right there." You cry out. It felt so fucking good and as much as you didn't want it to end, you weren't about to hold in an orgasm. 
"You're so fucking tight. Jesus Christ." Chanyeol grunts. "You gonna cum? Cum like the good girl you are?" He spits. 
And you did. You cried out loudly as you came, the tingles and the incredible sensation flowed through your body. You collapse more into the mattress as Chanyeol now holds you up by your hips, slamming into you, desperate for his own orgasm. 
"Where.." he grunts. "Where do I cum?" He asks, his head hanging back, trying to hold it off. 
"Cum in me." You cry. "Fill me up with your cum." You moan. Chanyeol explodes, shooting his load into your pussy, his fingertips digging into your hips as he rides through his orgasm. 
"Holy fuck." He breathes, pulling out of you, collapsing on the bed. 
"Wow." You whisper, unable to move or speak much. You are exhausted now. Chanyeol smiles at you before looking at the clock. 
"You need to sleep. He will be here in 5 hours." Chanyeol whispers. 
"Who do I meet next?" You ask him. Chanyeol laughs. 
"Oh Sehun." 
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scotianostra · 2 years
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William Angus  was born 28th February 1888 at Polkemmet Rows, Cappers, Armadale.
Note some sources say this brave man was born in Carlulke, others give Armadale, he certainly spent a large chunk of his life in South Lanarkshire town. where  a commemorative stone was unveiled in his honour in 2015.
On leaving school Angus worked in the nearby coal mines before earning a modest living as a footballer at several clubs, 1914 he was with Wishaw Thistle when war broke out and as a member of local Carluke Territorial battalion of the Highland Light Infantry, he was mobilised immediately.
William Angus was transferred to the 8th Royal Scots, the first Territorial battalion to join the Expeditionary Force. 8th Royal Scots had suffered a great many casualties and were in urgent need of replacements. He was serving as a lance-corporal in this battalion when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross.
On 12th June 1915 at Givenchy-lès-la-Bassée, France Lance-Corporal Angus voluntarily left his trench to rescue a wounded officer, fellow Carluke man Lieutenant James Martin, who was lying within a few yards of the enemy’s position and had been injured by a mine. To do this he had to travel through 64 metres in no-man’s land under heavy bomb and rifle fire, and received about 40 wounds, some of them being very serious, including the loss of his left eye, losing part of his foot and calf. His commanding officer said there had been no braver deed in the history of the army.
When asked why he had risked death to carry out such a mercy mission, he replied:
“I have to go back to Carluke. I cannot return if I left someone from Carluke to die here.”
40 wounds, can you imagine that?! Angus was awarded the VC for his bravery in August that year at Buckingham Palace, when the King commented on his 40 injuries, Angus was said to have answered “Aye, sir, but only 13 were serious.”.
Due to his injuries he was no longer fit for active duty and was transferred to Cameronians on recruitment duties and promoted to Sergeant.  He was invalided out of the Army in 1917 and started a haulage business, he later became president of Carluke Rovers, where he was known simply as “The VC”., a position he held until his death. Each year of his life, he received a telegram of thanks from the family of the man he rescued.
William Angus VC died just two days after the 44th anniversary of his brave deed. His last annual telegram of thanks from the Martin family was delivered to him in hospital.
William Angus' medals on display at the National War Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh Castle.
You can read a wee bit more detail about William here http://www.vconline.org.uk/william-angus-vc/4585925970.html
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duckit7 · 2 years
Online Dating Can Be Hard 12
A bomb boom! Chapter for the week. Hope you guys like it!
Kate said that this was a suit and tie kind of event. Luckily for me I still had my suit from freshman year of college that still fit like a glove. My bowtie only took about 32 attempts and 3 youtube videos to finally get done. Straightening it the mirror though, I had to admit, I looked pretty dang good.
Kate said she would pick me up (literally) around 5 p.m. so I had about 10 minutes to get my life together. Giving myself one last look, I sprayed on a little bit of cologne that Heidi said I had to buy. There was a soft tap on glass down the hall. Kate was early per usual.
“Here we go Cammy boy…” I said with a nod before walking down the hall to greet my date.
No one stood in front of my balcony, so I opened the door hesitantly. Maybe I was just hearing things I thought stepping out into the cool night.
“Well, hello there handsome.” Kate’s voice drawled high above me.
I looked to my right to see her push off the building. My breath caught in my throat. Kate was dazzling. Her black dress was cut high on the leg and hung off her in all the right places.  Her brown hair had a slight wave to it as the blonde highlights in her brown hair shone in the streetlight  She had some make up on but only the bare minimum to make her features pop. I didn’t know I wasn’t breathing till the sent of Jovan Musk wafted gently on the wind. I inhaled long through my nose as I got drunk off her beauty. Kate knew I was staring as she bent over further to get a better look at me. My heart fluttered seeing those big blue eyes trained on me.
“You clean up really nice.” She purred.
“You do too.” I said instinctively. A smile stretched from ear to ear.
“Ready to go?” she said rising to again tower over me in the streetlight.
“Yes ma’am!” I tossed back.
Her hand came to rest next to the guard rail near mean. The same familiar fear crept into my bones. I shook my head to try to clear it. “Not tonight… I can’t let my fear ruin the moment.” I quietly chided myself.
Stealing all of my courage I climbed upon the outstretched hand. Kate was warm against the cold fall night. I leaned back into her fingers as they cupped around me. She laid her thumb across my lap absent mindedly. I chuckled to myself as I set my hands on the large digit.
I could feel her heart was beating as fast as mine. I didn’t know if it was from nerves or excursion from walking, but part of me wished she was as caught in the moment as I was.
“You are 10/10 going to be the talk of the town tonight.” Kate said with a smile as she walked to her old Tacoma.
“That’s only because everyone’s going to be jealous of me for being your date!” I shot back. I had a great view of her and planned to soak it up for as long as possible.
Kate snorted a laugh and shook her head. “You are delusional but thank you.” If I looked closely I was pretty sure her cheeks had a light dusting of red. Was she blushing?
I thanked the Lord when we finally got to the truck. Not going to lie, Cam was making me a little flustered. It took everything for me to stay cool. The drive was a little less than an hour away. We chatted and sang to the radio like usual.
I was always infatuated with how well Cam could sing. From Garth Brooks to CCR the man seemed to be able to sing it all. I on the other hand was just good enough to be tolerated. Cam kept telling me that I was better than I thought I was, but I was pretty sure he was just saying that to make me feel better.
I knew we definitely did not fit in with the attending crowd when everyone else pulled up to the valet with new Range Rovers and Lexus. Part of me wanted to valet park my beat-up truck as a big middle finger to the rich folks, but that probably wasn’t good etiquette. Instead, I pulled into a small parking lot not too far from the venue. As a force of habit, I parked towards the back of the lot in hopes someone wouldn’t put another ding in my door.
“My good Sir.” I said opening the passenger side door and bowing as I offered Cam my hand.
He let out his usual cool guy chuckle. “My lady.” He said as he climbed on. I don’t think I would ever get use to having him in the palm of my hand.
“These are definitely not our people.” Cam laughed as he watched high class people dress to the nines pass us by.
“Definitely not” I tossed back.
Cam’s focus was on the passersby which gave me the opportunity to study him once more. His dark brown hair was slicked back, and his beard was well oiled and tamed. His suit was tailored perfectly to his body. It took everything in my power not to lean down and put my nose directly on him to fully take his cologne.
“Good evening” I said to the guard as I reached into my purse and pulling out the invitation.
He looked from the invitation to Cam and then back to me. He did little to hide the surprise in his eyes that I had a parvus as my date. “Good evening Ms. Kaiser and Mr. Chaudhry.” He said before opening the door.
The hall was filled with people and decorations. Classical music played in the background which only added to the ambiance. Fine works of art hung from all the walls as fancy people admired them. Cam was eating up the sight with awe. I chuckled a little seeing his jaw physically drop.
“Would you like to sit on my shoulder or stay in my hand?” I asked gaining the attention of my tiny date.
“Can I sit on your shoulder? I feel like your arm would get tired after carrying my sorry ass for a while.” He said looking up at me with bright eyes.
I didn’t have the heart to tell him that he weighed practically nothing so holding him didn’t bother me. Raising my hand Cam hopped off onto my shoulder.
He let out an excited squeak which brought a smile to my face. “Did you really get holds secretly sown into your dress for me?” I could hear the happiness in his voice.
I shrugged tousling Cam a little bit. “I figured it would make the night a little easier on you.” I said casually.
“Thank you.” Cam said softly as he leaned into my neck. I practically melted at his words.
We walked around looking at the art and eating the horderves. We had a smooth system down. Cam and I would choose what we wanted to try. I would then bring the tooth pick up to Cam so he could get a couple of bites and I would finish off whatever was left. Other couples gave us weird looks but to us it felt so natural.
“Ah! Kate! You came!” My boss said as he steered his wife our direction. “And you brought a date!” He said just noticing Cam for the first time.
“Yes Sir!” I said with a smile. Motioning my hand to my shoulder beau I continued, “This is Cam. Cam, this is my boss Mr. Klein and his wife.”
My boss shot up his finger to shake Cam’s hand. “Nice to meet you Cam! You can call me Larry. Kate said she made a new little friend. She always did enjoy having parvus friends.”
“Yeah… A little too much if you ask me…” His wife mumbled under her breath, but her words were still loud enough everyone heard. I could tell the woman had been drinking as the smell of liquor hung in the air.
“Darling…” My boss scolded through a grit smile.
“Larry, I just don’t think it is right and I don’t think we should pretend it is.” The woman said turning to her husband.
“Honey, like I told you before, it is none of our business. Kate also said they are just friends, so maybe we should leave it at that.” Larry said trying to salvage the situation.
His wife let out a huff and crossed her arms. “Everyone always starts out as just friends Larry… Don’t be so blind to the way of the world. That’s why being so close with parvus to begin with is wrong. We need to know our place and they need to know theirs.”
Cam and I both tensed at the woman’s words. If she wasn’t my boss’s wife I would have already sank my teeth into her. I hated people like her. As much as I wish they were a dime a dozen, I knew better.
Larry let out an awkward laugh. “Well, it was nice talking to you Kate, I hope you two enjoy your evening.” Larry said steering his wife away before she could continue her rant.
I watched her go, too stunned to react.
“Fuck that woman.” Cam huffed crossing his arms over his chest. His words brought me back to reality.
“Forget about her…” I said walking over to a painting. “People like her only want to spread hate into this world. They fear what they don’t understand so they constantly look to put others in boxes so they feel good. Fuck ‘em and fuck her”
“You can say that again.” Cam laughed.
We share a brief moment of silence before Cam spoke up. “Thanks Kate.”
I turned my head towards him. I couldn’t really see him that well since he was leaning against my neck but I wanted him to know he had my full attention. “For what?”
Cam shrugged. “I guess… for being cool.”
I knew that Cam was struggling with the words. I would too if I was in his situation. If someone told me that I should “know my place” I would be upset too. I wouldn’t want the words to ever come out of my mouth either. So I understood what Cam’s “being cool” meant.
With a chuckled and I reached up a finger to softly poke him in the side. “Thanks… for being cool too.”
Kate and I successfully avoid conversation with others for over an hour. During that time we laughed quietly to ourselves while critiquing the paintings. People were staring at us left and right but we didn’t care.
“I swear if some of these are worth thousands then my finger painting from kindergarten is worth at least 20 dollars.” I said staring at a splatter painting.
Kate tried to stifle my laugh. “Low key you probably aren’t wrong though.”
“Sold! I’ll bring it next time I go home. But I do require getting paid in advance.” I jested, patting her neck expectantly.
“Lol what? I don’t want it!” Kate tossed back poking me gently in the chest for good measure. As much as her hands could make me nervous, I liked when she did this. The action itself was just like when my sister would playfully punch me.
“But you agreed that it was worth 20 dollars!” I joked.
“Yeah, to someone! Not me though!” Kate laughed. It was a weird but pleasant feeling of rumbling as my back rested comfortably against her neck.
“Excuse me.” I heard someone clear their throat off to my left. Kate and I turned to find an older couple. The older woman was on the shorter side had almost snow-white skin which contrasted with her deep pink outfit. Her husband on the other hand stood as tall as Kate. He had a midnight complexion and a strong build most likely from years of hard labor.
“Oh, good evening.” Kate said with a warm smile.
“Good evening.” Both said in unison. They then shifted their focus up to me.
“My, aren’t you a handsome little parvus.” The old woman cooed.
My face immediately turned a deep red. I could feel Kate trying to stifle a laugh. I gave her neck a soft punch before opening my mouth. “Ah…. Thank you ma’am.”
The old lady then turned to look at Kate. “And you, my darling, look dazzling tonight.”
The old woman wasn’t wrong I thought. Kate did look amazing and I’m pretty sure the only reason she didn’t get more compliments was because the other guests had a chip on their shoulder, or rather, Kate had a parvus on hers.
“Thank you ma’am.” Kate replied easily. Her cool demeanor never breaking.
“We just wanted to come over and say that we think you two are adorable. Ahh… what young love felt like.” The woman patted her husband’s arm thoughtfully as she looked into his eyes with immense love. They share a moment before turning back to me and Kate. “Don’t worry what other people think. Sam and I used to get stared at all the time. People didn’t like rich baronesses hanging on the arm of a poor farm boy. But here we are! Almost 70 years later!”
I couldn’t help but smile at the woman’s words. “Oh thank you ma’am, but Cam and I are just really good friends.” Kate said.
“Sam and I were just friends too.” The woman said with a wink as the two turned to leave.
Kate and I were speechless for a moment before breaking into a quiet laugh. “Well, looks like you won’t be able to get rid of me for 70 plus years.” Kate jested.
I couldn’t hold back my laugh. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Cam and I walked around for a while making small talk with the other guests. Everyone for the most part was respectful and didn’t bring up their qualms about my friendship with Cam. The event itself was starting to become dry though.
“Hey.” Cam whispered in my ear. His breath cascading over my skin sent a chill down my spine. “There is a garden out back. What would you say about sneaking away and taking a break from these snobby people?”
I big smile crept across my face. “Yes, yes and yes. Please.” I said heading straight for the door. The garden was quiet for the most part. The guests outside were staying near the well lit areas as they nursed their champaign.
I found a stone bench blocked off from the crowd and took a seat. Cam jumped on to my awaiting hand. I set him on the bench next to me. Once he was safely on his feet he turned around and smiled up at me. I couldn’t help but grin back.
“Dang you look good tonight.” Cam said before covering his mouth. His cheeks turned a crimson red as shock filled his eyes.
I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well thank you. You do too. If I took you downtown right now I would have to be fighting off parvuses and humans left and right!”
“I would say the same about you, but we both know I would lose in a fight, parvus or human.” Cam laughed.
“You always were a lover not a fighter.” I joked.
Cam continued to beam up at me. It was becoming more and more difficult to keep myself together. Why was my heart beating so fast? My palms were usually sweaty, but they seemed to be extreme.
“Thanks Cam.” I said giving him a warm smile.
“For what?” He replied casually. How could he be so cool.
“For coming with. I know this might have been a little daunting, but you made this night worth it.” I said tracing circles with my finger on the bench at his feet.
“Anytime!” Cam tossed back. “I just wish they would have had some dancing. Then maybe everyone wouldn’t have had a stick so far up their rear the whole time!”
The two of us couldn’t contain our laugh. I bit my lower lip and looked down to my miniature prince. “Would you dance with me?”
Cam looked up at me dumbfounded. “Here? Now?”
I nodded.
Cam cracked a smile. “I don’t really know the logistics of this, but I am down for anything.”
I couldn’t hide my joy. I offered my hand to Cam. He only had a little hesitation as he climbed on. I lifted him to the stone wall behind me that was about chest high. Cam stepped off and looked at me quizzically. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Spotify till the perfect song popped up.
 “Blue-jean baby.
L.A. lady.
Seamstress for the band.
Pirate smile.
You'll marry a music man”
 Cam just smiled and shook his head. “You have been waiting for this for a while, haven’t you?”
I gave him a sheepish smile. “Maybe.”
Cam bowed low and offered me his outstretched hand. “May I have this dance?”
I couldn’t hold back my blush as I reached my pointer fingers forward. Cam seemed to understand and took them in his small hands. We swayed back and forth as though there wasn’t an incredible difference in our size.
Cam caught on to how the dance was working and started to get creative. He would pick up a finger as I would duck under and twirl around. We would then move our hands out while we brought our bodies closer. All of it was invigorating.
The world melted away, leaving only Cam and I. We sang like fools as the chorus rolled on. I never wanted this moment to end.
 “Hold me closer, tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
You had a busy day today”
 We howled up at the moon. There was a slim chance other patrons could hear us, but we didn’t care if they did.
Our eyes met as the song came to a close. How could this tiny man have me in the palm of his hand.
“Shall we get out of here?” Cam said with smile as he gave my fingers one last squeeze before letting them go.
“Let’s do it.” I said offering him my hand. He walked on with such elegance and grace that my breath caught in my throat. This little guy was going to be the death of me.
I didn’t want the night to end. I was so enamored with Kate, but I knew if we went any further, I would say things that I couldn’t take back. Holding Kate while we danced ignited feelings in me that I never knew possible. Feelings about her that had been so cloudy up to this point finally took shape.
I could no longer lie to myself. I loved Kate, there were no questions about that.
Kate and I talked so casually on the way home. We would only pause to sing to the music that played softly in the background.
Kate seemed to walk slower than usual as she took me home. I wanted to believe it was because she didn’t want tonight to end either, but I couldn’t let myself think that. Was it possible such a being could share the same feelings for me as I did for her.
Hope blossomed in my chest thinking back to her teasing and warm smiles. She was the person to ask me to dance as well! My heart wanted to leap out of my body and proclaim to the highest of heavens that I loved such a wonderful woman, but as I slid off of her hand onto my balcony all I could muster was a sheepish smile and a simple “I had fun tonight. Thank you for inviting me.”
Kate’s face was warm and welcoming. “Thank you for coming! You made the event more than bearable.”
“Good night Kate.” I said, not being able to take my eyes off of her.
“Good night Cam.” She said with a nod before turning to leave.
I watched her disappear around the corner before retiring to the warmth of my small apartment. Taking in a deep breath I let a big smile slide across my face.
“Next time I see her, I’m going to have the courage to tell her how I feel.” I whispered quietly so only my heart would hear.
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