#sis interrupting his evil monologue
9474s0ul · 1 month
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
That one post where the hero/sidekick is kidnapped by the villain and is like “joke’s on you, no one’s coming to get me” to the villain who thinks it’s hero/sidekick bravado at being in the villain’s clutches?
But then hero/sidekick is proven right and the villain is like “...what the hell, man” and basically adopts the hero/sidekick?
But like, with MCU!Tony sometime after AoU?
Tony’s had the Accords brought to his attention and is like shit, because fucking Ross is going to do so much damage if someone doesn’t do something to stop him, so you know. He’s working with the bastard while going behind his back to dig up enough dirt to get rid of him and it’s exhausting and disheartening because he’s basically on his own there.
(Doesn’t help that the others find out and he gets calls and chance run-ins and disappointed looks because they thought Tony was better than that, better than getting in bed with Ross with the Accords and it’s just. Yeah.)
And then there’s SI to deal with and at least a dozen other little things and this close to burning out -
So of course that’s when he gets kidnapped off the street.
(Of course.)
One moment he’s grabbing coffee between meetings (they blur together, if he didn’t have FRIDAY to keep things straight he’d be more of a mess), the next he’s waking up in what is clearly a Lair.
Which, ugh, really? Tony doesn’t have time for this, okay. He’s a busy, busy man and hasn’t slept in who knows how long by now and forced to attend so many meetings  - seriously, so many - and all he wanted was some damn coffee okay. Was that asking for too much?
Tony’s muttering all this to himself as he picks the handcuffs the villain of the week put him in (what is this, amatuer hour? he’s Tony’s fuckig Stark, this is just embarrassing) and searches the room he’s been thrown into for anything useful.
Which, of course, is when whoever kidnapped him sweeps in.
Stars in on some Supervillain Monologue(TM) that Tony interrupts because he’s tired, okay. So damn tired, and he wanted some coffee to keep him going until he could pass out later and could the villain of the week speed things up?
And the villain - let’s say it’s Loki - breaks of in the middle of his Supervillain Monologue(TM) to look at Tony.
Tony goes on a rant about not getting his coffee and missing an important meeting - one I didn’t actually want to go to, so you know. Thanks for that, I guess, but I still needed to be there and this latest kidnapping is going to cause Tony so much trouble.
(So much.)
Loki squints at Tony because he look rough, okay. Missed a spot shaving, dark bags under his eyes like bruises and with all the stress and everything else he’s lost an alarming amount of weight.
“You look...unwell.”
Tony kind of loses it for a bit, goes off on an entirely new rant about manners, because talk about rude?
Also good luck getting the Avengers to fall into whatever trap he’s using Tony as bait for because they’re definitely not coming to his rescue. (Tony’s laugh is a little darker than Loki expected, a little more bitter.)
Loki thinks he’s bluffing, stalling for time, but Tony just gives him this tired little smile and “Yeah, sure, of course I am,” and lets Loki figure it out for himself.
Which he does, because no one’s come looking for Tony and it’s been two days, and Loki is just what.
(Stark has always been entertaining and far more interesting than the rest of his boorish team, and none of the have come to retrieve him???)
And it’s not like Loki’s been mistreating Tony the past couple of days, but now he’s offended on Tony’s behalf.
So Tony gets a better room and Loki insists they share a meal and Tony is frustrated because he’s tried to escape but Loki’s magic has thwarted his attempts, and anyway.
Why the hell not humor the guy? He’s a bastard, sure, but lately his Nefarious Schemes have been more on the side of shenanigans than outright evil, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There’s talking and Tony being so, so confused because Loki’s being nice to Tony than his own team was the last time they saw one another, and it’s just.
Really, really weird.
Also, also, Tony gets actual sleep, which is nice.
Loki lets him escape a few days later and while Rhodey, Pepper, and Happy fussing over him is kind of nice, he has work to do.
Only problem is, people keep kidnapping him.
First it was Loki, then it’s Doom, and a handful of others and every time he’s like well, look like this is it? but no, no.
The baddies kidnap him and take him to some hidden lair or whatnot and basically feed him and make sure he gets sleep.
There are the usual Supervillain Monologues happening, but they’re half-hearted at best and they spend more time engaged in friendly conversation rather than a fight to the death or whatever.
And then!
There’s a lull in kidnappings for a while (Tony can’t believe he can say that about his life, but there it is) where Tony has the bizarre realization that the supervillains in his life have been treating him better than his (former) teammates.
Because of course they pop in, ostensibly to check in on him after all the kidnappings - really Tony, you have no idea how bad they feel they couldn’t come for him, what with being busy Avenging and all elsewhere, they feel terrible about it, but thank goodness you’re okay! :) - but really they need new gar and some updates and Tony’s always good for those, so...
Tony’s actually relieved when he gets grabbed off the street a week or so later, and it turns out to be a supervillain team-up kind of deal.
Loki and Doom and the usual suspects and so on, and while the supervillains are trying to come up with a valid reason for kidnapping him Tony is like “Poker night?”
Why not, really.
They have their poker game, Tony gets a few shiny gadgets he’s never seen out of it because supervillains, right? Always tinkering and such and while said gadgets aren’t WMDs they’re pretty interesting and he wants to know how they work.
He gets kidnapped a few more times after that, which is kind of sweet of them? But why don’t they just pencil in a night for poker games without henchpersons being involved?
Shortly after Poker Night is established Tony gets grabbed by a new player, but it’s a bit more complicated than Loki or Doom or whoever snatching him off the street.
Because it’s Barnes.
Tony is like “...” because what the hell, Barnes?
Barnes is >:(((((((((((((((( because he’s more himself than he’s been in decades but the Winter Soldier is still close under his skin, but he went to get Tony because he’s heard all about these recent kidnappings of his.
“Kidnappings, right,” Tony says, because this whatever is is might have started out that way, but it’s certainly not how things are now.
(Tony’s put weight back on and kept it on, and he’s gotten more sleep than he can remember getting since he was younger, and anyway. Complicated.)
There’s a while where he helps Barnes sort the mess in his head a little, and before he knows it Poker Night rolls around again.
Bucky’s doing well enough and weird as it is to think, Tony trusts Loki and Doom and the others not to fuck with Bucky, so he brings Bucky to Poker Night.
It’s...something, Tony will admit that much because a fight did break out, but they managed to de-escalate and the game went on afterward, and anyway.
Bucky’s concerned about Tony looking out for himself, something that gets him an honorary place in the Supervillain Defense Squad for Tony Stark (”you guys have really got to come up with a snappier name, that one’s worse than SHIELD’s”) which is something he takes very seriously.
Tony’s been better at looking after himself thanks to his supervillain buddies insisting on it? But it’s still not that consistent, and seeing as Bucky’s technically not a supervillain he can keep a closer eye on Tony and anyway, anyway.
It leads to Tony helping Bucky with the HYDRA brainwashing and trigger words deal, and Bucky making sure Tony remembers to eat and sleep more often than he normally would.
And of course that means there’s snarking and banter and dumb little in-jokes and flirting.
(So much flirting.)
Eventually Steve catches Bucky at the Tower, and there’s a fight because he thinks Tony’s doing...something.
(Something Nefarious, because he’s Tony Stark, and what else would he be doing?)
Before it can get too bad, Loki pops in and spouts some supervillain nonsense before snatching Tony and Bucky up and disappearing.
“Oh my god, thanks for the rescue,” Tony says, because really. “But Rogers is going to tear the world apart looking for Bucky.”
He would too, the stubborn bastard.
Loki is just lol, he can try.
Because magic and whatnot, and also they’re in Latveria and good luck with that one, idiots.
Tony and Bucky are just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ because this will probably end badly, but whatever.
And, like. Loki and Doom and whoever else don’t stop being supervillains, but they do stop being complete bastards about it, and then there’s the thing where Thanos comes along and Tony shows up at the battle with Loki, Doom, and the rest of his poker group while Steve and the Avengers are like ???
“They kind of need the universe to keep existing too, Rogers. Don’t be a dick about this.”
Thanos is defeated via the power of friendship or whatever and Tony and Bucky go back to their lives with regular poker nights and an occasioal friendly kidnapping on birthdays or other significant dates because reasons.
The hero-types who aren’t complete assholes get invites to poker night too, and Tony is like *SIGH* when he gets there one time and someone’s one and kidnapped Spider-Man - “You are his mentor, are you not?” - because they thought it would be nice to have him there.
(Peter’s just !!! and ??? but after Tony and Bucky explain everything he’s delighted to be included. Also, turns out to be a vicious card sharp to everyone but Tony’s surprise, because of course he is.)
Loki is just :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD because Peter is a delight and Tony is there will be no stealing of protoges in this poker group, don’t even think it, buddy.
And then shenanigans and whatnot, idk, it’s late and I’m tired and that post never fails to make me laugh?
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cordycep-creations · 4 years
Lumity Month day Who’s Counting: First Date
@lumity-month @thekitsune
"For the third time, it's not a date!" Amity Blight glared ar the twins stood on the other side of her room, identical smug smiles on their faces. "We're just watching a movie at her house!"
"Sure it isn't, Mittens" Edric chuckled. "You're just dressed up fancy because you wear stuff like that every day."
"Aw cut her some slack" Emria chided. "She's dressed up fancy before! Remember a few weeks ago, when..." She gasped, putting her hand over her mouth in mock surprise. "...When she was meeting Luz to give her back the Azura book! Maybe you are onto something."
Amity sighed, trying to quell the heat rising in her face. "Can you two cut it out? Its not... You know what, I give up. And if mom asks..."
"You're at Boscha's studying for exams. Dont worry lil sis, we've got you covered." Emira winked as she opened the door. As the two left the room, Edric poked his head back in for a final comment.
"And have fun on your date!" Amity tried to protest, but the door had already closed before she got the chance.
The trip to the Owl House was one Amity had walked many times, but the mix of fear and excitement that bounced in her chest kept her from paying much attention to the scenery. As much as she had tried to tell the twins (and herself) otherwise, they were right. It wasn’t officially stated as one of course, but...
Amity found herself interrupted by the voice that never became bearable, no matter how many times she came here: The Owl House itself. “Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally you’re here. Luz has been asking me if I saw you allll evening hooty hoot”
“What? She was not!” Amity exclaimed, face beet red as the evil tube spiraled upwards. Hurrying inside, Amity found Luz sitting on the arm of the couch with a grin, dressed in... The otter costume. Naturally.
She grinned as Amity walked in, jumping up from the couch and grabbing her in a hug that made Amity forget how to form a sentence as she prayed to the titan that her face didn’t look as red as it felt. 
“Amity! Ohmygosh you’re actually here. Okay, okay. I know you like to know what’s going on, so I got it all sorted out. There’s two movies on the table- there were three, but King decided to try to make one of them into a buzz saw- and you can pick one of those. There’s snacks, there’s nonalcoholic apple blood- Eda found some- Gus and some of the other people from the illusionist track set something up to distract hooty. He didn’t say who was helping him? Which is kinda weird? But it’s all figured out!”
In the time it had taken her to finish her explanation she’d let go of the hug and Amity had regained the ability to speak. “Uh.. Right! That’s a lot. So is there, uh, something I’m supposed to do now, orrrr” Damnit, Blight! Retract the previous statement. Apparently she hadn’t quite figured out how words worked again yet. 
Before long they had managed to start one of the movies with only the mild interruption of the sound of breaking ceramic and Lilith yelling at her sister, and the pair sat on the couch. Amity dressed in a black dress with a purple brooch, and Luz in the ridiculous otter suit. 
Amity had been worried about an awkward silence, but it quickly became obvious that she didn’t need to be. Luz seemed to have some comment to make at every scene. She’d insisted on turning the lights off, and was currently trying to explain why after a completely different movie she’d seen, she’d been unable to sleep with the lights off for weeks. 
Only half listening to the monologue, Amity found herself staring at Luz’s hand. They were sat at opposite sides of the couch, amity trying to take up as little space as possible and Luz sitting comfortably. Her hand, the one that wasn’t moving as she talked, sat near the gap between the two cushions. It was small, with several tiny scars across its surface. And it looked soft.
Amity reached out to it hesitantly, but as her fingers brushed the other girl’s wrist she froze. Luz turned her expression shifting from confusion to surprise to a dorky grin. She took Amity’s hand, scooting over to her side of the couch as she did so. She’d stopped talking now, and Amity had become very aware of how her heart was racing. Luz wasn’t close enough to feel it, was she? If she was, would she notice?
The two sat like that for some time, fingers locked, Amity’s head resting on Luz’s shoulder when she eventually became more comfortable. Near the end of the movie, Amity almost jumped as Luz’s head moved to rest ontop of her own. Was Amity supposed to respond? Did Luz realize she was doing it? Was amity overthinking things? The questions were answered when amity heard a faint snore from above her. 
She had to laugh. All the energy at the start, all the planning and talk, only to fall asleep right at the end. She sighed, wrapping her arms around Luz’s plushed sleeve, pulling it into her chest. She held the human, feeling her warmth as her own eyes eventually drifted shut to the music of the credits. 
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bestfrownsforever · 4 years
Frown of Doom: Chapter 4
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(Cover art by Michelle & text by me)
Hawkodile, Puppycorn, and Dr. Fox drove on his motorcycle, his trike, and Unikitty’s cloud car respectively, one after the other in a speeding line, from the garage to the opposite side of the world.
As they drove through the Frowntown, streets they found it funny that it didn’t look much different from the last time they went long ago.   They expected worse, but it was still indifferently bleak and drab as ever.
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(Art by @astraldoodlez​)
“Guess a crazy supervillain wandering around doesn’t matter a whole lot to these people,” Hawkodile wondered.
“It’s still Frowntown,” Puppycorn said, feeling certain, “They’re never gonna stop being cranky.”
“Alright,” Dr. Fox announced suddenly, looking at the cloud car’s GPS, “The Doom Lord lair should be just up ahead.  Remember, be as careful as you can when we get there!”
“Yeah, we got this, Dr. Fox!” Puppycorn assured her before staring blankly ahead, “But wait, careful about what again?”
Hawkodile and Dr. Fox groaned, the latter slamming herself onto the cloud car’s horn as she drove.
“Ok one more time,” Hawkodile said firmly, turning around to face Puppycorn, “Dr. Fox and I are gonna distract Master Frown and lure him outside while you sneak in and look for Unikitty.  Chances are Frown will have Brock fight alongside him to even out the fight, but if not, fingers crossed that he can secretly help you.  But if he’s possessed, you run and come find us.  Got it?”
“Yep!” Puppycorn nodded.
“Ok good,” Hawkodile said, “cause we’re here!”
The line of vehicles stopped and Puppycorn hopped out of his trike first.
“Yeah, let’s get Unikitty back!”
“You should’ve said ‘fingers double crossed’,” Dr. Fox mumbled to Hawkodile as they followed him.
To the friends’ advantage, Master Frown and Possessed Brock were unaware of anything going on outside.
“So while you were dramatically monologuing on the roof again, I had to keep Unikitty from waking up over and over again.  Let me tell you, we messed her up pretty bad-“
A loud bang on the door interrupted Possessed Brock.
“OPEN UP AND GIVE US OUR PRINCESS, FROWN!” they heard Hawkodile yell.
“Oh no they’re here!”  Master Frown shrieked and ran to the door, “Keep the place from getting messier while I finish them.”  “By yourself?” Possessed Brock asked.  “Well yeah,” Master Frown shrugged, trying to be optimistic, “I almost got them last time, so this’ll be it!”
But Master Frown didn’t feel as confident after he shut the door and turned around, face to face with a furious Hawkodile.
“Wow uh,” Master Frown forced a laugh, “fancy seeing you come all the way out here, huh?  Guess you want to die more than I thought.”
“Don’t act surprised,” Hawkodile grunted, softly yet fiercely, “You’re scared.  We can see it!”
Master Frown tried faking laughter again.  “Scared!?  No!  I just…didn’t expect to see you back for more already, that’s all.  But it won’t matter.”  He pointed at Dr. Fox.  “Doesn’t seem like ‘Doctor Accidents’ over there will do a lot after last time.”
“HEY!” Dr. Fox yelled, marching his way, “What happened yesterday was completely unfair and you know it!”
“Well DUH!” the Doom Lord yelled back, “It’s my job to MAKE things unfair!”
“Touché, Frowny, but there’s still nothing you can do to stop us.  Doesn’t matter what you do to Unikitty, we’ll still find a way to get her back!  No one messes with her and gets away with it, especially you!”
“Oh I already did, what’s your point!?”
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(Art by @samthecookielord​)
As the two went back and forth, Hawkodile helped Puppycorn sneak past them and into the entrance.  Though Puppycorn’s first few steps were steady, Possessed Brock heard him and turned around armed with his scythe.
“Hey, who goes there!?”
Puppycorn screamed and put his paws up.
And despite being in the middle of an argument, Master Frown could hear it all from behind him.
“Why am I even fighting you with words?  You should be dead already, SO STOP STALLING!”
As he used all of his power to try tackling his opponents, he lost control over Possessed Brock and the mindless shell regained consciousness before he could lay a hand or blade on the puppy.
“What the…!?” Brock threw his scythe on the ground, hoping the first time he saw the prince in months didn’t start off bad, “Hi Puppycorn.”
“Huh?  Oh right, normal eyes doesn’t mean evil.”
“Yeah, heheh…don’t worry, I’m not gonna hurt you…and really hope I already didn’t.”
“Nah I’m good.”
“Ok great.  But how’d you get in here!?”
“Dr. Fox and Hawkodile are right outside fighting Master Frown.  We came to save Unikitty as a team!”
“Awesome!” Brock said, pointing to one of the hallways, “Go down that way and you’ll find her in the first room on the left.  Master Frown’s gonna kill me if he catches me helping you, though, so sorry but you’ll have to get her by yourself.”
“Alright,” Puppycorn said, making his way to the conference room as Master Frown tried lifting inanimate objects to throw at his enemies to little avail.
“I know Puppycorn’s in there,” he shouted, “you’re lucky I hate you two as much as him, because he’s getting it worse as soon as you’re gone!!!”
“Oh really?” Dr. Fox tried laughing off the pain as she shot the rocks and metal bars with a ray gun, “That sounds like we’re a step ahead of you to me!  I told you no one messes with Unikitty and gets away with it, didn’t I?”
Master Frown grunted with rage, set on crushing the doctor with a street sign when Hawkodile pushed her away in time.
“He’s not gonna stop,” Hawkodile warned, “we gotta crank it up a notch!”
A shadow loomed over them with plans to crush them, and Master Frown’s mech slammed the ground so hard that it formed a crater in the street when they dodged it.
“Sounds like a good way to start round two to me,” he snarked, “or in your case, THE FINAL ROUND!!!”
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(Art by @arekusatheamazingx​)
Dr. Fox hopped into Unikitty’s cloud car and pressed the emergency button to turn it into its own mech form as Master Frown laughed.  Hawkodile stood at her side and charged at their foe as he did back, but afterwards his punches and kicks weren’t enough to leave a dent.  Still, Hawkodile tried as Master Frown dodged the moves he could until he picked the bodyguard up with one robotic hand and flicked him away with the other.
Not even a second before the red-eyed lowlife could continue with Hawkodile, Dr. Fox knocked his mech down with the cloud car’s.  But he got up and fought back, starting to have the upper hand in the fight.  And after he had the scientist right where he wanted her, he smashed the cloud car to pieces and sent her flying.  She landed next to Hawkodile with a hard thud.
“He’s unstoppable,” she groaned, “Hawkodile, what do we do now!?”
“I DON’T KNOW!” Hawkodile yelled as if he blew a fuse, “What kind of idiot writes stuff like this anyway!?”
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(Art by me...sorry for the gross quality)
As the fight took a turn for the worse, Puppycorn peeked into the conference room.
But looking ahead he found his sister lying in the cage, cried “SIS!  THERE YOU ARE, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!”, and almost crashed into the cage.  But he stopped wagging his tail and laughing when he realized she was hardly moving.
“Sis?  Are you ok?”
Still no answer.  He walked around to the other side of the cage to see Unikitty’s peacefully resting face.  He knelt down to try getting closer.
“Come on sis!  Unikitty, can you hear me!?  It’s me, Puppycorn!”  Tears formed in his eyes as he was met with more silence.  “Please sis, you have to wake up!  We need you!!….I need you.”
He hung his head low and started crying, slowly waking Unikitty up.  She moved around rigidly and opened her eyes, making Puppycorn jump up for joy.
“SIS, YOU’RE ALIVE!!!” he cried again, this time joyfully.
The siblings hugged each other through the cage, filling the room with laughter, tears, and tons of happy sparkle matter.
Unikitty broke the hug.  “Puppycorn, what are you doing here?  And HOW did you get in???”
“We came to save you!  Lemme just get you out of this cage and then outside so we can help Dr. Fox and Hawkodile beat Master Frown up and then maybe-“
Puppycorn saw the unusually different attitude in Unikitty’s face and shaking body.
“I’m super happy that Dr. Fox and Hawkodile are still alive, and yeah they’re really really tough, but Master Frown is REALLY REALLY evil now, and even they might not be strong enough to beat him!  How did the last fight even go!?”
“Oh it was crazy, Hawkodile’s arm almost came clean off!”
“Yeah, but it’s ok,”
“NO IT’S NOT!  You’re lucky you didn’t see what I did!  Trust me when I say that Frown’s nothing like he used to be, and I’ll do whatever I can to punish him for everything he’s done!!!”
“Oh wow, ok.”
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(Art by Hawky Boi)
“Don’t worry, little bro,” Unikitty said, trying to soother her brother by petting his head, “You and our friends won’t get hurt anymore on my watch.  If you’re not safe and he comes after you again, then that means I failed you, which ISN’T HAPPENING!!!”
“Great, great,” Puppycorn took a step back after Unikitty’s brief second of anger, “does that mean we can get out of here already?  This place is creeping me out.”
“Me too, but the key-“
“Puppycorn headbutted into the cage, his horn jamming into the lock and swinging the door open.
“What key?” he asked as he hopped down.
“Nevermind,” Unikitty said, stepping out of the cage, “Now…”
She roared as she turned angry again, destroying the conference room and beyond, carrying Puppycorn, and leaving a blazing trail behind as she left the building to find Hawkodile and Dr. Fox huddled up against a wall and Master Frown about to crush them with his mech’s fists.
Everyone turned the siblings’ way.
“UNIKITTY!!!” Dr. Fox and Hawkodile rejoiced.  “Puppycorn, you actually did it!” Dr. Fox then said, “We’re so proud of you!”
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?” Master Frown fumed with anger of his own.
His mech stomped their way and prepared to crush them, but Unikitty flew away with Puppycorn in time to miss the blow and towards their friends, where she handed him to Hawkodile.
“Unikitty,” Dr. Fox asked as she hugged the princess, “are you ok!?”
“NO,” Unikitty bursted into her angry form and back to her normal self in a second, “Thank you for saving me, but this isn’t your fight.  IT’S MINE!!!”  She turned angry again, crushing the cement in front of her into pebbles and scaring her friends.
“Princess,” Hawkodile worriedly asked, “what happened to you?”
“I learned about what Master Frown’s been doing this whole time,” Unikitty solemnly said, “and now I’m gonna avenge all the lives that he ruined!”
“I HEARD THAT, YOU KNOW!” Master Frown yelled, hopping out of his mech and walking towards Unikitty, “but you sound promising.  So how’s this sound…you sound like you really want a fight, don’t you?”
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(Art by @drfoxs-lab​)
“You took the words right out of my mouth,” Unikitty snarled, “Leave them alone, and I’ll give you the fight of your life on behalf of everyone you’ve harassed, stolen from, and killed!”
Master Frown laughed.  “Oh-ho Unikitty, you still have no idea what you’re getting into.  But I’m loving this idea with every second!”
“Good, and I want a REAL, FAIR FIGHT!  No mechs, no tricks, no one else, just you and me.  And you’ve got your powers while I’ve got my rage, so we should be even.”
Master Frown held Plague’s beak with his crimson-colored aura and caressed it with his hands.
“Fine, but ‘fair’ might be a little subjective, don’tcha think?”
Unikitty growled, her fur almost turning red again until she said “Save it for the battlefield.  And meet me back in the Unikingdom.”
“With pleasure,” Master Frown tried holding back chuckles as he walked away, “But who’s gonna get there first?”
Everyone watch him zoom away in his car, leaving a dusty storm behind.
“Princess what did you just do?” Hawkodile asked.  “The only thing I can do,” Unikitty sighed grimly, “Now let’s go!”
She flew away as fast as Master Frown drove when Brock opened the doors.
“Whew, finally put that fire out.  Is everything ok?”
“Didn’t you hear, Brock?” Puppycorn asked, “Unikitty’s gonna fight Master Frown!”
“WHAT!?  Really!?”
“Well we can’t just stand around, aren’t we gonna follow them!?”
“Well what else can we do?” Dr. Fox rhetorically asked.  “Yeah,” Brock said, “guess you’re right.  But I can’t let anything happen to either of them!”
“Neither can we,” Hawkodile said, “yet.  Now quick, before anything gets out of hand!”
“Yeah,” Puppycorn yelled, following him back to their motorcycles, “let’s go!”
Brock climbed behind Hawkodile do go off with him, and Puppycorn was about to start his trike when Dr. Fox started up her teleporter.
“And you’re coming with me to the castle,” she said to Puppycorn’s dismay.
                                                          : ~~~ :
Unikitty gazed at Master Frown menacingly across the basketball court she used to play with her friends on, now feeling dozens of square miles bigger.  Every time a bittersweet feeling came over her, her fury pushed it away as Master Frown’s arrogance wouldn’t change one bit.
After many persuasive attempts, Richard gave into watching the fight with his friends and Brock, who waited anxiously for the fight to start.
“Man, even the way they look at each other is intense,” Brock said, wondering what he’d do.  Worse would definitely come to worse, but on which end?
“You sure you’re ok watching?” Dr. Fox asked, “I know he’s your best friend and all, but-“
“Yes,” Brock interrupted in a more serious tone.
“Cool,” Puppycorn said, cross-eyed, “‘cause I’m too young to be watching.”
“But not old enough to be on your own,” Hawkodile commented, “Plus they’re gonna start, so it’s too late to leave anyway!”
Everyone’s hearts raced as Unikitty stood taller.
“I still wish it didn’t have to be this way.”
Master Frown rolled his eyes.  “Of course you do, but we’ve done enough talking.”  He lifted some stones behind him and his “sword" telepathically.
“IT’S FINALLY OVER, DEADIKITTY!” he yelled, beginning to strike first.  But the bad insult alone was enough to make Unikitty roar and turn angry again, this time her vengeance turning her angrier and even bigger.  And it made Master Frown scream and start running away.
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(Art by @usf2020​)
All the hatred Unikitty lashed out kept Master Frown from standing much of a chance.  She clawed, threw, bit, dove down on, and burned him with no mercy.  The Doom Lord had hardly any time to get up and back on track, and relied desperately on what the power in him could control.  But Unikitty would block, dodge, and knock almost every stone, street sign, trashcan, plant, or bench he was strong enough to hurl at her away.  And every blow back at him was worse than the last.
As she took more of her trauma out and Master Frown struggled to stay alive, Puppycorn noticed that he was the only one paying attention anymore.  Everyone else was trying to keep Brock from running into the battle.
“Come on,” Brock pleaded, “let me go!  I have to get out there!”
“Are you crazy!?” Dr. Fox yelled, “This is the angriest Unikitty’s been in forever!  If even the smallest accident happens, she can kill you!”
“That’s why I have to stop them.”
“Huh?”  Everyone unknowingly let him go.
“She’ll kill him and it’ll be my fault!”
“How?” Puppycorn asked.
“Because,” Brock explained, “he told me to stay out of stuff like this, but if I can’t protect him then what can I do!?”
He dashed away to help Master Frown, who Unikitty sent flying and landed back-first against a giant boulder’s flat surface.  He weakly tried getting up when Unikitty landed in front of him and swung her flaming paws up.
“THIS.  ENDS.  NOW!!!”
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(Art by @friffinx​)
But Brock took the blow instead.  He held himself up and giggled quietly before collapsing.
“BROCK!!!” Unikitty and Master Frown both cried, the former turning blue and crying waterfalls and the latter holding him in his arms and lap.
“NO!” Master Frown yelled tearfully, “YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!!!  YOU’RE THE ONE WHO-“
“Dude stop,” Brock said with all the might he had left, “she didn’t deserve what we put her through…”
“THEN WHY DID YOU SAVE ME, YOU IDIOT!?” the shaky villain nearly sobbed.
“Because…” Brock lost more breath, consciousness, and his grip on Master Frown with every phrase, “no matter how good or bad…I couldn’t live with myself…if something happened to you.”
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(Art by @x-master-brock-x​)
Brock’s eyes closed and he fell into his friend’s arms.
“No, no, no no nonononONONONONONONONO BROCK!!!”
Master Frown shook Brock’s body and tears clouded his vision as Unikitty cried after him.
“M-MASTER FROWN,” she cried, “I-“
Unikitty turned pink temporarily as a lightbulb flashed above her head.
“Wait, yeah there is!  DR. FOX!!!”
She flew halfway through the court when her friends met her.
“I don’t know,” Dr. Fox said as she walked closer to the bleeding tombstone, “he may be too far gone already.  But we’ll bring him to the lab just to be sure.”
Hawkodile knelt down beside her and moved his fingers down the side of Brock’s face.
“I can barely feel a pulse.”
“Well,” Dr. Fox said, “it’s still better than nothing.”
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(Art by sofa_cryztal)
As she and Hawkodile moved Brock away from Master Frown, Puppycorn and Richard led Unikitty back to the bush they watched the fight from.
“Oh no, what have I done?” Unikitty cried and turned blue again, “WHAT HAVE I DONE!?”
“You left him open,” Puppycorn said, pointing at Master Frown, “this is your chance, sis!  You can get back out there and beat him!”
“Seriously?” Richard disapprovingly asked.
“No,” Unikitty sniffled, “it wouldn’t be right.  He’s losing his best friend over there and really needs our help!  Look at him!”
“Well what if he tries to hurt us again?”  Puppycorn asked, skeptical of the grief, despair, and hopelessness on Frown’s face.
“He will if Brock doesn’t make it,” Unikitty sadly said, “this is blood spilled on MY paws, little bro!  I don’t know what I’ll do either!  But we’re the only ones who can help him and Brock, so he might not want hurt us yet.  And if things get better, then maybe he’ll stop everything he’s been trying to do after all.”
“Uhh..are you sure, sis?”
“Well,” Unikitty said, trying to feel some bit of hope amid her immense dread, “I’m trying to be.”
Master Frown closely followed Hawkodile and Dr. Fox as they carried Brock away, but they turned around and gave him menacing glares.  He tried to be slower as well as not break down again with them so close, no matter how hard seeing his best and only friend almost dead in front of him made it.
Ono is he gonna be ok 😱
Well, you’ll have to stick around a bit longer to find out!
Until then, thank you again to all my co-artists!  And this time almost all of them got to do pictures!
But wow, it’s hard to believe that the story’s already almost over!  Doesn’t seem like too long ago when I was doing crappy art for some asks.
Just a little bit longer and you’ll finally get in on the spoilers I’ve had to hide for so long!  Here’s to hoping it’ll be worth it.
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jcmorgenstern · 5 years
3x12 “review” (aka whining)
Okay so 3x12! First the things I liked, so this doesn’t come off as a gigantic whining list of things I hated. (I feel kind of bad I didn’t do a 3x11 review because I actually really liked that one, but I guess I have more motivation to whine than anything else).
readmore for length and sanity.
So things I liked:
Luke and Jace interaction! Though the pacing was absolutely insane and I absolutely refuse to believe that the Clave has the infrastructure in place to take detailed barometric readings in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE SIBERIA, so detailed that Jace can easily pinpoint exactly where the apartment was. Like I wouldn’t believe they have that kind of detail in rural Iowa, let alone a place that’s colder than balls.
That last point was all whining.The Morgenstern sword!! Y’all have NO idea how long I spent being mad that Valentine didn’t have it in the first two seasons. It now seems a bit odd to introduce it now considering Valentine didn’t in fact ever have it, but whatever. Also Clary being like “fuck Morgenstern weapons” was kind of funny considering her kindjals are waiting at home.
Magnus’ storyline. Though it’s kind of weird and rushed and confused, I’m just glad my man is getting some real focus on him as a person rather than a love interest or idk some overblown “son of Edom” thing.
Cain was, I admit, a really cool and interesting concept, and I already really like Pasha!! I hope he’s continuing to get better after his surgery. Don’t love as much how they’re mainlining Lilith as the Biggest Bad Ever and a Whole Evil B*tch (more on that lovely term of endearment later).
Mirek was really cool, kind of had to laugh at the “demon middle class.” Can’t help but wonder if the “status quo” thing was a deliberate political joke or not. Either way, Jonathan has never met a structure he doesn’t want to overthrow. Does the Clave spark joy? Apparently not.
MELIORN IS BACK!!!!! And wants a threesome, apparently.
Jonathan peevishly being like “I forgive you for trying to kill me, btw” and Clary just rolling her eyes and ignoring him.
Jonathan’s fucking GAAAY. (Or bi. pan. whatever. You do you. All I’m saying is THIS BITCH RAINBOW). I do not care what the intention was, that’s what I’m choosing to get out of it.
Things I didn’t like:
the plot of this episode is pretty much enough material for an entire season. They compressed it so much people are calling it a filler episode. Jace and Luke figure out the secret of the apartment (which is untraceable), go to Siberia, figure out Jonathan is alive, find Clary and rescue her and that’s only about 15 minutes of footage overall. That could be spread out over 15 episodes.
On the Simon side: they find the first fucking vampire, become his new bestie, get the only thing in the world that could rid him of the mark without any sort of price or even really having to ask, they get back into Faerie without any problems, Meliorn takes them right to the Queen despite knowing Simon has a weapon of death on his face, she agrees without argument to unmark him not even knowing if he’ll explode or what, the mark is off in about 14 seconds, the FUCKING DRUG PLOTLINE IS BACK AG A. I N. And then rose petals. That could have been the entire SEASON.
No Maia. (I know she’s in the next ep I just want to complain).
It’s also weird because it seems like Malec is progressing on normal time and the other two story strands are progressing on some extreme kind of fast-forward. It gives you all kinds of whiplash. If there was any kind of thematic overlap or even an attempt to connect the strands thematically it might work to ground the other storylines but it. Does not.
I hate that the apartment is Lilith’s and not Valentine’s, and that apparently it can only go to a few select spots now. NOT. THE. POINT. Point = missed.
And onto the things that bothered me the most: the whole treatment of Jonathan and Clary, and the Sizzy. For which I need an entire section to bitch.
Jonathan and Clary: why god have you abandoned me
* Ok so honestly, I had to go and check to see who wrote 3x11 and 3x12, because  it had to be different people. 3x11 was by Todd and Darren, and 3x12 was by Alex Schemmer. Schemmer has only written one other episode in 3a (3x03), which explains to me why he seems to have missed a fair bit of lore. To me, the huge difference between 3x11 and 12, which basically deal with the same plot line (Clary kidnapped by Jonathan, wary of him, trying to escape) but in hugely different ways and different focus.
In 3x11, the focus is all on Clary. Her initial confusion, her fear, anger, the attempt to escape, the attempt to kill Jonathan. All shot from her point of view. She takes more action than he does—she runs away, she grabs the knife, she stabs him. He is mostly reacting to her, running after her, offering her soup and tea and trying to win her over. Even when he does talk, the scenes where he talks about himself are brief and she shares equal part in the conversation.
This makes sense, as she is the main character.
In 3x12, everything is about Jonathan. From the first shot everything is about him, the camera focusing on him even when Clary is the focus of the scene (i.e., when she’s finding new clothes—and was a shirtless scene necessary? Like we get it, you nearly killed poor Luke in a gym somewhere, thanks for the update). Every time he and Clary talk, it’s just him talking at her. “I forgive you for killing me.” Telling her she’s good at art. Telling her there’s an Institute nearby. Telling her he likes art. She can barely get a word in edgewise from the get-go, and it only gets worse on the hot chocolate “date.”
He says the whole point is to get to know each other better, but he LITERALLY talks about himself the whole time. Clary barely even reacts, just makes eyes at a phone. He doesn’t even seem to notice she’s not listening. Like guys, this is every bad tinder date ever. Then they go to to the antiques store, and even then she’s shuffled off—shoo! Get out of the scene!! Even the French guy interrupts her at every turn and she gets shuffled off like a sack of potatoes *again*.
Like don’t tell me Clary couldn’t kick his ass and then explain things to him when he’s pinned to the ground. It would be faster, safer, and if Jonathan shows up again she can be like “ohh he was threatening us!! Look, I beat him up to keep us safe!” and Jonathan would buy it hook, line, and sinker. Since killing people in broad daylight is ok, clearly the show isn’t worried about the realism of fighting in the streets.
And then she’s shuffled off AGAIN, and although the show clearly understands that being kidnapped and controlled by your dangerously unhappy brother who seriously has the creepy hots for you is a pretty freakin SCARY situation, it still shows all this from Jonathan’s point of view, teasing the “romance” of it all and giving us hehe teehee little slips of it (like the shirtless scene). And then when she finally is able to break free and actually do something, he yells “BITCH” at her and runs off, and she falls into Jace’s arms, completely forgetting to act like a real human being.
The reason why 3x11 works so much more for me is that Clary is at least an equal partner, and is given space to react and actually do things; in 3x12 they seem to take any excuse to bundle her off, keep her out of frame, mute her reactions. Jonathan and his feelings take center stage and suddenly Clary is a side character in her own story. 3x11 is more compelling because Jonathan is legitimately trying to win her over, trying to connect with her, personally. It’s obvious he cares about her opinions as a person and her as a person—you couldn’t replace her with a cardboard cutout and the scene would read the same. They actually interact. In 3x12 he’s just ranting at her about himself while she sits there. On no narrative level is there any sort of connection or interaction.
Like imagine the situation differently. They’re in art store, because lbr the real museums prolly wouldn’t let them shoot there, and Clary is talking to Jonathan about her favorite prints and artists. He’s listening, maybe a little too intently, maybe talks about a piece he likes and what it means to him. She looks unnerved. As they talk, the camera follows her gaze, and we realize she is trying to find someone’s phone to take it. She’s pretending, of course, but there is something charming about Paris. Jonathan keeps offering to buy her souvenirs, very awkwardly, trying to find something to please her. She picks something to make him happy. He returns from the register just before she can make a grab for someone’s phone and bolt for the door. He suggests they go to the cafe across the square. We cut to where they’re sitting down, she’s tearing into a croissant. Jonathan is wearing a “I <3 PARIS” cap, which is a bit jarring and distracting. Clary tells him it looks silly and he takes it off. He mentions in a forcedly offhand way that this is where he met Sebastian Verlac, and seeing her expression, quickly adds that he knows what he did is wrong. She says something along the lines of “do you, tho” and he launches into his monologue. She tells him that she liked Sebastian Verlac, even though she never met the real him. He looks happy at first, then seems to understand what she means, and his expression darkens. He tells her that that’s exactly what Valentine said she would say—that she likes Sebastian, not him. She looks disturbed at the mention of Valentine, and he takes the opportunity to tell her the whole thing about not wanting to hurt anyone and the whole thing being about killing Valentine.
And yada yada yada you get the idea.
Honestly the whole rescue felt very contrived—how convenient Clary has been posthumously pardoned one day before her rescue! And then Jonathan calling her a bitch—haha no thanks. The entitlement is uhh Not Great.
Anyway tldr @ Alex schemmer Clary is not a sofa pls give her some human emotion pls and thanks
Sizzy: why god have you abandoned me, the sequel
Honestly writing that entire wall of text wiped me out but ill try
The drug arc is the bane of my existence
Im so tired
I thought we’d be done in season 2 yet here we are at the end. Drug arc: 1. Actual character development: 0.
Why is this the ONLY plot line the show can remember or keep running for more than 2 episodes. WHY
Why does she even like Simon. They never interact. They don’t even know each other. Everything is just an excuse to get them together. it’s forced and leaden.
Playing her and Raph off as badwrong and her and Simon as rose petal romantic is weird af dude. Izzy has just been the tail end of male characters’ storylines for so long and I’m tired.
If they’d played it off as a sacrifice on her part I might be less mad, like paint her as a hero but it just felt like this was expected of her. It was romantic because there was nothing else to do and OF COURSE she couldn’t refuse!!! Please be realistic, she’s a woman. Think of herself even a little? Impossible!
Never mind she could have easily used her medical training to open a larger artery, pour the blood into his mouth, and iratze herself as soon as Simon was cogent enough to be out of danger. He was already woken up enough to drink the blood she poured from her hand. No biting/venom necessary. Lmao.
Stop treating Izzy like shit just to force a romantic storyline seriously lmao
Aaaaanyway lol that was like 20000000 words but those are my thoughts if you made it to the end you deserve a trophy or smth
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DSoE: MotHY; Chapter 7-The End of the Capriccio
Master of the Heavenly Yard chapter content summary under the cut.
-Scene 1
Quotes a part of one of Irina's monologues in Pierrot where she expressed the desire to have a family and kids.
-Scene 2
The girl was a doll from the moment she was born. She had no mother, but she had Gallerian. He made sure she never felt lonely. He was her "father" and she was his "daughter". She couldn't walk, so he filled her room with various things. A red wineglass, a blue spoon--they all had hearts. She called the wineglass her "big sis" and called the spoon her "big brother" (affectionate terms).
Eventually the theater was built in the forest, and she was brought there, along with all the various articles. Then they added more. Wineglass, spoon, blade, mirrors, and scissors. Gallerian would come visit her, but one day he died in a fire from a war.
She had been with Gallerian when his house burned down, having been brought there quite suddenly. She used her hidden power of blue flames to burn his enemies, but in the end they set fire to the house and killed him. Then when she came to she was back in the theater. She thought it was a dream but she was covered in burns. The Sorceress of Time came to the theater.
The girl lived there for a while. Then some things changed. The woman in the wineglass got a new body that one of her underlings made. She arrived with Lich, Eater, and the twin servants Arte and Pollo. They spent a lot of time in the graveyard, so she called the woman the "Master of the Graveyard". Then the sorceress brought a girl named "Postman" to the theater. She never spoke, so the doll girl didn't like her much. Postman got along well with Arte, and spent a lot of time with her (the doll, for the record, still can't walk). One day, Postman was able to talk. Arte said that she'd lent her her body, as Postman's old one seemed broken. Lich made Arte a new body. Postman seemed to be waiting for someone, so the doll girl named her Waiter.
One day, the man in the spoon suddenly grew cold towards her, telling her she wasn't Eve. Which she is not. She decided to give him a present to make up for it. In the corner of her heart (mind?) she had a blueprint for a black box. She gave him the black box built using it (I think she built it but not sure). He seemed to realize something upon seeing it, and he left. She remembered him every time the clocktower's hands moved (chimed? idk). She thought that he must have become one of the "gears" in the clocktower.
The forest becomes a bit of a mess, because the sorceress wasn't doing her job as "gardener". They needed someone to control the forest, to protect the theater. One more strange thing happened. The doll got pregnant.
The cursed man was captured by Eater. The girl put him on trial, acting like her father as Master of the Court. But Waiter stopped her from sentencing him to death, and convinced her to make him into the new "gardener". They all lived together, and the girl came to be called the "doll director".
One day she gave birth to twins. Twins who would make a new era. She named them "Adam" and "Eve". And then immediately after, the world was destroyed.
-Scene 3
Riliane's not sure how to get into a theater that's floating. Venomania offers to carry them up and fly with his wings. That solves that, but there's also a regiment of Tasan soldiers under the theater. They're sure to shoot at them while they head up there. And there's too many of them for a direct attack. Venomania lists their number as 2 (him and Kayo) when talking about their odds, which leads to Riliane and him discussing her combat capabilities, which results in her getting so offended she inadvertently reveals their position to the soldiers.
Venomania grabs them and takes flight. He dodges the soldier's gunfire. He can't use his charms on them--they only work on the opposite sex and the soldiers are mostly men (and I just gotta add that Riliane seems to bicker with him a lot and it's funny). They manage to get out of range of the soldiers, but then Kayo points out in the distance men with (artillery cannons?). Kayo gets shot in the right shoulder.
Venomania notices that the soldiers on the ground are screaming about something, which becomes apparent as they all stop moving and completely freeze over (as in, ice). It's not Kayo's work, nor Venomania's, nor Riliane's. Venomania once again focuses on getting to the theater.
[There is a picture here of Venomania flying with Riliane and Kayo in each arm.]
Riliane realizes that it was her father, Hanma, who had always been looking out for her (her father as Lilith, that is).
-Scene 4
Riliane reflects on her nostalgia at having come back here, where she once lived. She explains to Kayo that she lived her before the world was destroyed, coming here as Postman, who had lost her own will. She had gotten that, and a new body, thanks to Arte. But she'd hidden that from Ma. She wonders if it was a mistake to kill Ma to save Nemesis. It ended up leading to the world ending. But then, Nemesis would have died otherwise. She's never known what was right in her lives, even after the fact.
She shakes it off. They run into the Sleep Princess as they're heading inside. Riliane declares her intention to seal her in the doll, but she is unfazed. Riliane has forgotten how she's supposed to do that. Riliane tries to bluff but the Sleep Princess explains she isn't looking for a fight. She just wants to get rid of the contractor souls from the world. It's not that she hates them--she actually doesn't want to do it. But she must to save the world. She says she'll show them the truth, and beckons for them to follow her into the hall.
Kayo and Venomania discuss whether it's a trap or not before Riliane decides that they all follow along. They're heading for the director's room, which is likely to have Gammon, Gallerian, and the "doll director" (also idk if this was established in Enbizaka, but Kayo can't read English).
-Scene 5
Gammon is in the chair the "doll director" once sat in. Gallerian is standing next to him. There's another door that leads further in from that room, and they can hear children's voices from inside. The Sleep Princess is nowhere to be seen--she might be in that interior room. Riliane greets Gammon, and he recognizes her as Waiter. She chides him for forgetting his debt to her, but he says he has his reasons. They say that the sleep princess has yet to tell them.
Gammon says that the sleep princess (Michelle) is indisposed at the moment, and offers the information he knows. Venomania interrupts to note how similar he looks--Gammon explains he's Venomania's descendent.
The theater is not an illusion, but the real thing. Gammon explains that Adam, who is a "Gear" in the clocktower, did something to recreate the theater after its destruction (it's vague on what he did). It's thought he did this to protect the Doll Director. He also made the theater float, though that's because he's a child.
When pressed on this, he clarifies that Adam has recently become a child. He was reborn as son of the doll director. Kayo asks where the doll director is, and Gammon points at the ceiling. He explains that the entire theater is her new body. Then they hear the sound of something from the entrance, and Gammon goes to see who it is, telling Gallerian to continue the conversation. He sits in Gammon's chair and takes over.
He points out that Riliane is holding the doll that the director dwelled in. Ma put her there. She tricked Gallerian into thinking it was his daughter, but in truth it's the "Red Cat Sorceress", Irina. Venomania realizes he's talking about IR. She spent the latter end of the millennium as part of Ma. But Ma wanted to get rid of her, as she sought to be a pure being and Irina got in the way of that. So she put her soul in the doll.
Riliane asks what their goals are. Gallerian says they want to remake the world. They already have everything they need; the theater, and the twins. At this point the inner door opens a little, and they can see the sleep princess (it seems she's really Michelle after all?) playing with the twins. The boy is Adam, and the girl is Eve (the "Demon of Sloth"). Michelle made a "contract" with her, and thus obtained power as the Sleep Princess.
They were incarnated the same way Levia became Nemesis. The doll director gave birth immediately before the world ended. As such, they became souls without an ego (will, personality). Apparently they obtained wills by fusing with new souls.
Kayo expresses incredulity at a doll giving birth. Gallerian points out that sometimes things outside the norm happen in this world. Children being born between a mud human and human woman, a virgin witch getting pregnant--people who are born this way are always called "Irregular", and have blonde hair. They are the "golden key" to remaking the world.
For future reference, it's clear that when these people (they're trying to get the Court Ending) say remaking the world, they mean reviving it as it was. They're not talking about making a new world with new people in it. Just to be clear.
Venomania suddenly goes to punch Gallerian, but Gallerian catches his fist. Venomania demands to know where he got this information--he was in hell the whole time. Gallerian says it was the Moon Goddess. In hell, Gallerian found a path to the "graveyard". With his blackbox he was able to read the mind of the Moon Goddess.
He punches Venomania in the stomach. He continues saying that when he left hell after the world was destroyed, he ran into Michelle. Gallerian raises his fist again, but Riliane stops him. She asks if it was after that that he ran into Gammon and the three of them started their evil conspiring. Gallerian says they're not being evil. They're doing everything to save the world. They're not erasing just their target contractors. Gallerian and Michelle will be disappearing too. He then says "they" (gender neutral pronoun aitsu) want all 7 chosen contractors. Just the demons alone won't be enough to become a "pure being".
At that moment, the door slams open, and Banica enters along with Lich and the servants. Venomania introduces himself to Banica when she asks about him, and she says he's her ancestor (Venomania's met quite a few descendants of his today. Kayo's one too). Banica explains that Gammon is currently fighting with two of her "subordinates" in the hall, and then signals to her servants.
-Scene 6
Gammon is fighting with Nemesis and Allen. Allen and Gammon are swordfighting. Gammon pulls a gun on him, and Allen dodges. Allen rebukes him using a gun, but Gammon is a soldier, not a swordsman. He also points out that it's two against one. Nemesis shoots at him and knocks his sword out of his hand. Allen lunges at him, but Gammon turns his gun on him. After a bit more fighting he grabs Allen by the bangs and shoves the gun against his head.
Nemesis fires on him again. She misses. They fight a little more before Nemesis points out that while Gammon is holding his own, he doesn't know what Banica is doing to his fellows further inside. He knows about Banica's power, but he's confident because they have Michelle on their side.
Then the twins run out of the room towards Gammon, crying. He tells them to go back, and they say that Michelle has disappeared. They say that her, Gallerian, and everyone else has disappeared. They say that the blonde haired girl did it. They point to the doorway, and Riliane is standing there.
Gammon fires at Riliane, but she grows scales on her left arm and deflects the blow. Gammon tries to attack her with his sword, but she fires lightning at him with her right hand. Gammon falls. Allen calls out to her, but Riliane tells him to bow to her.
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