#ec activity feed
Alright, I have completed my translation of OSS:Punishment.
I’m going to take a little bit of a break from translating, but I do intend to get to Aku no Uma and upload that on this blog sometime soon.
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even-in-arcadia · 2 months
I was rereading "Lovers of the Human Flesh" by Caleb Crain as one does and I was very struck by two particular lines in relation to one Cornelius Hickey:
Incorporating what you love is a sure way to see that it never escapes from you.
Eating something is a way of keeping it with you forever, but it is also a way of destroying it.
I don't need to delve into the implications for Hickey's actual cannibalism - that's been done by those better (and more attached to Hickey) than I. What I want to talk about more is this concept in relationship to Hickey's ambitions to godhood.
Hickey has a plan always, at all times. It's a plan that shifts based on what seems best for him, what seems most convenient, and whatever he thinks his relationship to Crozier is at any given moment. They all essentially make sense in a scrappy, aggrieved, mutiny kind of way. Until: Solomon Tozer tells him, horrified, that he witnessed the Tuunbaq eat Mr. Collins' soul. Hickey says, specifically, that this merits a change in plan. He spends a long time by himself on a hill doing --we'll never know what.
EC/Cornelius Hickey, a man who clearly has never known a love that didn't turn on him or leave, has determined to be become melded to the Tuunbaq, an eater of souls. Gibson turned on him by falsely representing their relationship to Irving; Crozier turned on him by denying the "clear" bond they had and denying Hickey's gift of Lady Silence; he's been betrayed by this entire voyage that was supposed to take him to Oahu. Who knows what other loves have betrayed him.
If the Tuunbaq can eat souls, if Hickey can become connected with that power, then perhaps he too will be able to incorporate souls! Perhaps he will be able to finally ensure that something, someone will never turn on him. And if those souls must be destroyed in the process, what is it to him? Has the world not spent his entire time on earth trying to destroy him? (Conjecture: but given what we learn of him, the Nagaitis lore, and the cultural & economic context in which he exists, I think this is reasonable.) He yells into the Arctic air:
Bugger Victoria! Bugger Nelson! Bugger Jesus! Bugger Joseph, bugger Mary! Bugger the Archbishop of Canterbury! NONE EVER WANTED NOTHING FROM ME
He feels abandoned by every institution of society, and so he is going to create one in his own image. He offers a captain, an officer, a marine, and a ship's boy: the ship's hierarchy in miniature. If he feeds the Tuunbaq their souls and then melds with Tuunbaq himself, he can eat society and reconstitute it not just in his own image but in his own person, with only his chosen loyal followers, those who do want something from him. As Crain says, "In Freud's Totem and Taboo, the cannibal feast is the founding act of crime and sharing that binds society." That's the founding myth Hickey is not just counting on but trying to actively create.
And maybe, maybe! When he has access to Tuunbaq's power - will he have a line on those souls as well? Tuunbaq devours both body and soul in tandem, suggesting they are connected. As Hickey has already eaten of Gibson's flesh, maybe he can reconstitute and reingest that as Gibson's soul. Thus the destruction becomes the resurrection becomes the incorporation. Crain writes: "The body is a convenient boundary for the definition of the self. [...] in practice the peculiar act [cannibalism and homosexuality] violates that boundary. The act offers an ecstatic union." A cannibal rat wedding, if you will.
Crozier says to Hickey, "You must be a surpassingly lonely man." Hickey doesn't deny this. He merely says "Not for long." This is about power, but it is also about an end to loneliness, to his sense of betrayal at all levels and at every turn. Of course, it doesn't work out. In not caring about who suffered the consequences of his actions, he failed to take into account that incorporation & ingestion involve destruction. He thought himself the instrument of this, but by failing to see the Tuunbaq unto itself, as something other than a tool, as the independent Arctic that could never stomach Western society and live: he turned that back on himself and so was himself destroyed.
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manonamora-if · 7 months
New Pinned post. Old Navigation Post.
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Hi, I'm Manon. And I create Interactive Fiction for fun. Sometimes in French, sometimes in English, and in both when I can. Currently a dozen playable games in various state and free templates and guides.
I post weekly dev logs about my project progress. I also write reviews of IF games (@manonamora-if-reviews).
I also made a whole resource list for Twine (guide, macro, templates).
Ask me stuff about stuff :P
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If I'm not there, I'm also in a bunch of other places (cause nothing is forever with social media), where I'll post updates about stuff. I also have a carrd about this. But really, I'm usually most on the IntFiction forum or the @neointeractives Discord.
Website: on neocities (i'm trying to set up a RSS feed)
Blog: manonamora (WordPress)
itch.io: manonamora
Cohost: manonamora
Mastodon: manonamora (on gamedev)
Pillowfort: manonamora (IF group)
Discord: I'm on a bunch of different IF-related servers, if you see a manonamora with this icon, it's probably me. 🤫
Note: not all links above are as active as here currently, but they will start to be more from now on, because I don't want to rely on one place only to share news. This was always going to happen, but now it's concrete.
My IF games are playable on itch.io, listed on the IFDB (for reviews), with some backed up in the IFArchive. I sometimes post code on GitHub.
Other Tumblrs: @crimsonroseandwhitelily (sideblog IF), @neointeractives, @neo-twiny-jam, @seedcomp-if
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Since 2021, I've released a dozen of projects or WIPs, most of those being Interactive Fiction pieces. While the majority have been made with Twine (SugarCube), I've been testing other formats and programs.
I've also created templates and coding guides for SugarCube, as well as prompts. Both templates and prompts are free to use under the CC-BY license.
All projects and relevant links are listed under the cut.
In alphabetical order...
-> Crimson Rose & White Lily [In Progress] A multi-chapter interactive court intrigue story, set in a fantasy world inspired by the Victorian era and 18th century French Court, in which you navigate a world you have no recollection of. Tumblr | Game Post | Play CRWL | Rate CRWL | Tag
-> DOL-OS [Remastered] A sci-fi puzzle interactive game, in which you investigate inside an old computer machine. Game Post | Play DOL-OS | Rreview DOL-OS | Tag
-> Exquisite Cadaver [Released/Re-writes] A surrealist interactive word game based on the 'cadavre exquis' game. Game Post | Play EC | Rreview EC | Tag
-> Goncharov Escapes! [Remastered] A short quick-timed-event interactive game based on the Goncharov meme. Game Post | Play GE! | Review GE! | Tag
-> La Petite Mort [Remastered] A short puzzle interactive game, where you help Suzette, a 8-year-old get ready to meet her grandmother Game Post | Play LPM | Review LPM | Tag
-> Meeting the Parents [Remastered] An interactive story about going through the hoops of meeting your partner's parents for the first time. Game Post | Play MtP | Rate MtP | Tag
-> P-Rix - Space Trucker [In Progress] A Sci-Fi slice-of-life interactive game, where you play as P-Rix, a space trucker, delivering a strange parcel to a Mr. E. Game Post | Play P-ST | Review P-ST | Tag
-> SPS Iron Hammer [Released] A short sci-fi/mystery interactive story, set aboard the SPS Iron Hammer, where nothing is as it seems. Will you continue your content life or delve into the conspiracy? Tumblr | Game Post | Play SPS IH | RATE SPS IH | Tag
-> The Rye in the Dark City [In Progress] A noir-detective interactive story with the twist. A strange case lands on Detective Rye's desk. Will you take it and save the dame? Game Post | Play TRDC | Review TRCD | Tag
-> The Roads Not Taken [Released] A short parser-like game about choices. Play a being about to go through The Ritual, where you will have to make a choice, shaping the rest of your life. Will you take the correct one? Game Post | Play TNRT | Review TNRT | Tag
-> The Thick Table Tavern [Released] A chill bartender simulator set in a fantasy setting. Mix drinks, talk to trope-y patrons, get coins and fulfil your dreams! Game Post (temporary) | Play TTTT | RATE TTTT | Tag
-> The Trials and Tribulations of Edward Harcourt [In Progress] It all started with a letter... A Lovecraftian Interactive novel with a strange mystery and a plea for help from a former acquaintance. Game Post | Play TTATEH | RATE TTATEH | Tag
Other Smaller Projects:
À la Campagne [English, Hypertext]
Clarence Street, 14 [English + French, Hypertext]
Collision [English + French, Hypertext]
Entre-d’œufs coquilles [French, temp English, Parser-Choice Hybrid]
In the Blink of an Eye [English + French, Hypertext]
Intersigne [English + French, Hypertext]
Le Diner [English, Hypertext]
Le Jeu de la Dévotion [French, Hypertext]
I also published free assets and guide...
-> 100% Good Twine Sugarcube Templates I design UI for fun and release them as template when I feel like it. Currently Available: Simple Book (Landscape), One Page (Portrait), Space/Tech (Portrait), VN-lite RPG (Portrait) Also available: Ready-to-Use Tweego Folder, Setting Template. GET YOUR TEMPLATE | RATE TEMPLATE | Tag (x)
-> The ChoiceScript to SugarCube Guide Created for ChoiceScript creators wanting to make the transition to SugarCube (Twine), the Guide contains all code equivalence between the documentation, and potential useful add-ons. GET YOUR GUIDE | RATE GUIDE
-> 100% Good Twine SugarCube Guide Created as an alternative to the the SugarCube (Twine) documentation. The guide is organised by code proficiency. GET YOUR GUIDE | RATE GUIDE
-> Promps
Chonky Chicken (French + English)
Mission: Anti-Romance (English)
SeedComp! Meta Prompts (English)
The last book you'll ever write (English)
The last seed at the end of time (English)
The templates are prompts are under the CC-BY license (free use with crediting).
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the-oc-lass · 1 month
Because Dave Filoni really looked at us and said “FUCK YOUR TECH DREAMS!”
Tech did not return and I am screaming.
Anyway, please enjoy Tech and a Baby
Crosshair and a Baby
Wrecker and a Baby
Gregor and a Baby
Echo and a Baby
Full fic below the cut in case you don't want to go to Ao3:
Tech isn’t what you would call a “baby guy.” Babies are illogical and can’t be reasoned with. At least once they reach a certain age, you can start communicating and getting some understanding out of them. Unfortunately for Tech, baby Echo “Ec” Yothia is still just that: a baby. None of this is to say that Tech doesn’t love Ec because, no, no, he does. He just tends to find himself a little…Uncertain when it comes to the child. He prefers to simply observe others interacting with him rather than truly engaging with the child himself. 
So, of course, he would find himself in this situation. Ec’s mother, Rayona, has been working herself incredibly hard for the clone rebellion. As the acting pseudo-General and one of two resident Jedi, she takes what she does very seriously. She’s worked herself so hard, in fact, that Echo, as their resident Rayona-specialist, has taken it upon himself to start enforcing nap times for her. This is fine. Usually, it’s Echo or one of the other Bad Batch squad members that sit or lay with her to make sure she actually rests, some even resorting to lying on top of her. The problem is, Rex has Hunter and Wrecker helping him with a job and Crosshair is preoccupied with Omega. Apparently, Rayona is extra unwilling today, so Echo said it would be best for him to enforce nap time. Which leaves Tech with the baby. 
“Are you absolutely certain that you cannot come and watch over him? I am not equipt for the caretaking of an infant,” he says into his comm. He can hear Crosshair laughing on the other side of the transmission, but it’s Omega who answers. 
“Sorry, Tech. Crosshair and I are busy with Plaa and Ky right now.” Ah, of course. Rayona’s Jedi friend and her padawan/adopted daughter. Crosshair has taken a rather keen interest in them. “Have you asked any of the others?” 
“I have accounted for everyone else in the base. They are all either busy or not currently able to properly watch over Ec. While I am not equipped to care for him, I will not pass Ec off to someone who has more pressing matters to attend to. His safety is prioritized over my own comfort,” Tech says. He adjusts his goggles slightly. “I will attend to him. Thank you for your help, Omega.” 
“Good luck, Tech!” With that cheerful send-off, Omega is gone and Tech is once again alone with his thoughts and the infant. Ec stares up at him with big brown eyes, taking a moment before he smiles and reaches up toward Tech’s face, gurgling. His hand waves toward Tech’s eyes in particular, and Tech quickly deduces that he must be able to see his reflection in Tech’s goggles. He shifts the child away slightly, hoping to avoid getting any small fingerprints on his goggles. After taking a few moments to consider what he could possibly do with the child, he comes up with an idea. 
For the time being, Tech sets up Ec’s feeding chair near his workstation and places Ec in it. This will allow him to monitor the child but will prevent Ec from possibly grabbing something he shouldn’t. With Ec out of his lap for the moment, Tech is able to work on his latest project. It is, however, a project for Ec. A common problem is that Ec constantly needs to be held since there aren’t many good places to put him down. Tech has been working on a solution for that. Simply put, a hovering pram for Ec to rest in. It would make it easier to transport him around while still having one’s arms free. Tech decided to fit it with an energy shield, should the day ever come when they need to move the baby through an active battlefield. He also asked about mounting small automatic turrets to shoot anyone not in a specific scan-related database, but Rayona had very quickly nixed that idea. Despite his well-cited argument about the turrets keeping Ec safe, she’d argued that it was “too dangerous” for the rest of them. A rather preposterous concern, if you ask Tech, but he went along with Rayona’s wishes. She is Ec’s mother and Tech respects her too much to go against her will. It’s easy for him to focus all his attention on the project in front of him…At first. After approximately three minutes and thirty-six seconds, Ec begins to babble. Tech ignores him at first. He can’t expect the infant to be quiet, after all. They’re only quiet when they sleep. However, it quickly becomes clear that Ec is seeking attention and Tech looks over at him. 
“Yes?” he prompts, though he knows Ec won’t respond. Ec giggles and smiles at him, and Tech adjusts his goggles as he considers what to do. Ec seemed pleased that Tech spoke to him, which makes sense considering that infants recognize the sounds of speech. After Rayona had Ec, Tech also read that speaking to infants helps their cognitive development, meaning they’re able to acquire speech and language skills sooner. Perhaps he could help move that process along. Yes, that solution will do nicely. Tech pulls the feeding chair a little closer to his side, turning it slightly so that Ec can watch him work. “Now, Ec, while I understand that you do not currently have the capacity to understand me, I assure you that listening to me will help with your mental development. Now, as you can see, I’m currently wiring together the necessary controls to activate and deactivate the energy shield over the body of the pram. Once that is complete I will finish calibrating the repulsorlift and set it to the inner shell, which will allow your pram to hover, therefore making you easier to transport. I should also incorporate a sensor so that the pram can be summoned from a distance, and the sensor can be synced to your mother and-” 
“Why are you sayin’ all that to him?” Tech lifts his head from his work, turning to look over his shoulder. Ah, it seems that Wrecker and Hunter have returned. Tech adjusts his goggles again. 
“I had read that speaking to an infant helps with their mental development, especially when it pertains to speech skills,” he says. Wrecker blinks, clearly confused, and Tech sighs. “If I continue to talk to Ec, it is likely that he will learn to talk more quickly.” Now Wrecker’s eyes widen with understanding. 
“Oh. I get it. But why all that…Smart stuff? Doesn’t he want to hear about baby stuff?” he asks. Tech glances at Ec, who he finds looking back at him. When Tech’s eyes land on him, Ec smiles and babbles slightly. Tech smiles slightly in satisfaction before looking back at Wrecker.
“I believe my ‘smart stuff’ is plenty entertaining for Ec. Perhaps he will retain some of it and someday have an intellect matching my own,” he says, perhaps just a little proudly. Hunter appears at Wrecker’s side, helmet held against his hip. 
“Does that mean you don’t want us to take him? Omega mentioned that you weren’t sure what to do with him,” he says. Tech once again looks down at Ec, who is still smiling at him. 
“No. He may remain with me,” he says after a moment. Hunter shrugs, then gestures to Wrecker with his head. The two leave and Tech turns back to his project, though not without briefly brushing some of Ec’s hair back. “Now, where was I? Ah, yes. I should consider making some sort of gauntlet or chip to ensure that your pram can be summoned to…”
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bunposting · 4 months
Turns out an 80% hay diet - which House Rabbit Society purports as part of what they consider to be the only humane diet for rabbits - may actually be in and of itself actively harmful to rabbits.
Post directly copied from MMC Farmstead on Facebook:
"This is what the back teeth and cheek of a rabbit who was feed a 80% hay diet looks like.
the dental spurs caused by the hay are razor sharp and sliced groves into the inner cheek and tounge.
Every bite this rabbit took was agony due to how a hay heavy diet unevenly wears the teeth and causes malocusion.
Pellets are formulated to help prevent this by being the correct hardness. A healthy well bred rabbit does not require any thing special to keep teeth in check they file them down naturally in a motion referred to as " Bruxing".
This is one of many reasons why Hay should be restricted in Rabbit diets , and is not nessicarry when fed a properly balanced complete pellet .
We do not recomend Feeding hay to rabbits as a staple.
Hay is for enrichment and medicinal/transitional use only.
Hay dilutes the nutrients already in a balanced feed regimen, causes dental impaction, tooth spurs, abscesses. Its difficulty to chew causes mechanical maloculsion.
Hay from a nutrition perspective is not easily defined as a base nutrient , with the levels of protien and quality of other nutrients dependent on the individual harvest .
Hay is also a vector for disease, coccidia, mites, RHDV2, EC ,And many other vectors are carried into the Rabbitry on hay.
We also Run bunclub which is an educational group here: Bun Club
references :
2017 Shape Variation in the Craniomandibular System and Prevalence of Dental Problems in Domestic Rabbits: A Case Study in Evolutionary Veterinary Science
Vet Sci. 2017 Mar; 4(1): 5. Published online 2017 Jan 24. doi: 10.3390/vetsci4010005 PMCID: PMC5606619 PMID: 29056664 Christine Böhmer1,* and Estella Böhmer2 Patrick Butaye, Academic Editor https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5606619/
" Hay seems to be the most mechanically challenging food as it is tougher and stiffer than pellets ......... [70]. It requires more chews per gram to be processed which results in longer chewing bouts compared to pellets and carrots. This means that over a longer period of time the teeth are predominantly axially loaded due to the elevated bite force. If we take into consideration that hay with a lot of hard stems has reduced nutritive properties and potential limits on digestibility, then rabbits eating predominantly hay need to consume large quantities to meet basic metabolic and nutritional demands [70]. All of this promotes retrograde tooth elongation and incursion of the apices into the adjacent bone (most common finding in malocclusions) [1]. Furthermore, hay also promotes periodontal diseases (impacted food) and, therefore is not the best nutrition for rabbits [31]. Grasses and other fresh plants, however, are abrasive, but relatively soft and, thus, can be ground down with relatively low axial load of the cheek teeth as the primary strain on the (pre-) molars occurs in a more physiological laterorostral direction with the aid of the shearing power stroke"""
"Considering additionally that hay is more resistant than fresh grasses, it seems logical to develop further the hypothesis that pet and breeding rabbits had to develope stronger jaw muscles and secondarily larger axial bite forces than their wild counterparts to be able to crush their unnatural food more effectively. This might be supported by a shorter skull and more vertically oriented muscle fibers whereas a longer skull with a more anteriorly positioned masseter muscle (as seen in wild rabbits) reduces the vertical bite force due to a greater distribution of bite forces on all cheek teeth. As teeth at the rear of the dentition generally exert higher bite forces than the more rostrally positioned teeth, this might be an explanation for the found tendency of the cheek teeth to shift caudally in the group of the domestic rabbits. Furthermore, the presence of stronger muscles may explain the more salient appearance of the caudoventral part of the masseteric fossa (mandibular angle) in pet rabbits, as in different mammals (re-)modeling of the mandibular cortical bone has proven to be associated with oral processing of tough food (reviewed in [70]). This research has shown that especially a postnatal variation in diet-related jaw-loading patterns had a marked influence on the masticatory bone formation, leading to morphological variations between sister taxa in the long term [70]. With age, however, plasticity decreases. Based on this, rabbit breeders feeding predominantly pellets and hay seem to promote malocclusions in adult rabbits unknowingly as the masticatory apparatus of the weanlings is exposed to unphysiological strains that may result in changes of the skull morphology."
Genetic and environmental factors influencing tooth and jaw malformations in rabbits
Korn, A. K., Brandt, H. R., & Erhardt, G. (2016). Genetic and environmental factors influencing tooth and jaw malformations in rabbits. Veterinary Record, 178(14), 341–341. doi:10.1136/vr.103293
<- this describes tooth morphology but also makes a strong case to increasing rabbit calcium levels as I have stated in earlier posts. all these rabbit were fed with free choice hay . latter studies showed a correlation between hay and instance of tooth issues when rabbits were fed a limited diet."
Pictures mentioned in the post added below 👇
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capcavan · 8 months
Dear Cap-senpai, how does one come up with a cool, original and cohesive AU idea for AFTG? I want to write for these characters, but I have no idea where to even start. - Sincerely, a struggling writer
I am really honoured that you ask, because I see myself as mess I am just very devoted mess Making any sort of story is always the same no matter if you do fully original work or something based on pre existing IP You need to pick topic you enjoy this way you will have fun developing it it will make it feel like fun activity not work or effort. Ok lets take the Rikoi au as example bc my brain is right here right now general idea is ,, Riko as mermaid" now the question is how do i make the concept of mermaid tie into his family history i tie it into his design, i try to consider his background and possibly how his culture could tie into it - rikos family backstory - Japanese koi - i could read up some Japanese stories about koi to get even deeper - swamping number from arabic 1 to japanese to fit the theme bit more - moving moriyamas all the way back to Japan to have more traditional looking garden/pond environment for him so this is Riko but every universe and story need supporting cast [your cast can be 1-2 character it can be 5-20 or more how much you can handle but having more character makes your world and story feel more alive ] so now we have renee who because of her canon background witch charity becomes part of meer rescues team foxes who are half way house become meer sanctuary aaron and andrew who are the most different twins ever become 2 different species neils father who is piece of shit is still a piece of shit! <3 ilu nathan it's all about finding loose parallels! you don't have to tie things that way but finding things that tie your new AU yo canon even slightly will help other people understand the new dynamics and find something to relate to taking into account their love for original work when designing a story even for 1 character try to spend at least a bit to think of the world around them - aftg is actually great example of this - our main narration is made by neil who spoon feeds us very limited amount of information but in EC nora explained in much more detail how the whole world around him functions and motivations of other characters- we wouldn't knew those informations but nora wrote those books taking them into account this is why the relationships character formed have so much depth I also watch a lot of youtube videos about story analysis for video games and enjoy listening to essays about characters motivations !
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jay8934 · 1 year
I have plans.
(hehe storyboard version of something I'm working on to feed y'all in the meantime)
Don't question some of my notes and my shitty handwriting
Tagging some of you EC fans because why not
( I can't be bothered to do everyone so I'm just going to do the people who are most active here)
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mbrainspaz · 2 years
hnnng I tried to complain to an uncle about how a recent interview I did for a horse magazine cut out my rant about white supremacy in the horse industry and he was like 'lol good, save your opinions for CNN.' Ec...f*cking...scuse me. I am livid. I'm trying so hard to be chill but I'm 2000% done with taking this shit from ignorant rich white relatives who probably actively contribute to casual white supremacy in their own spaces because they're so goddamn willfully ignorant. But no, they wanna laugh and write me off as a crazed SJW liberal after YEARS of me trying to bring attention to bigotry and racism I've directly encountered in my actual life. 'Opinions' my ass. I've got receipts. Then even when I confronted him he wants to be like— 'I'm sure there are problems all over the world. I'm glad you're concerned about this one. x'
I didn't pick this civil rights cause from the menu at your favorite brunch bistro my goodman. I wanted to feed horses in peace and a bunch of pasty wackos decided to say vile things around me, just expecting me to complicit. I don't wanna be here! I don't wanna be dealing with this shit! But I'm damned if I'm gonna let it go unchallenged.
Damn right I'm gonna be unpleasant. Be uncomfortable. I hope you're as uncomfortable as I was when I was stuck listening to widely respected horse trainers talk about wishing they could get their guns and do vigilante murders during the BLM marches.
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1ore · 2 years
today in: living in an imperial hellstate, i think of RWK’s writing in Braiding Sweetgrass about a different type of nationality
There’s a beautiful map of bioregions drawn by an organization dedicated to restoring ancient food traditions. State boundaries disappear and are replaced by ecological regions, defined by the leading denizens of the region, the iconic beings who shape the landscape, influence our daily lives, and feed us—both materially and spiritually. The map shows the Salmon Nation of the Pacific Northwest and the Pinyon Nation of the Southwest, among others. We in the Northeast are in the embrace of the Maple Nation.
I’m thinking about what it would mean to declare citizenship in Maple Nation. Kerm would probably answer with two terse words of resentment: pay taxes. And he’s right, being a citizen does mean sharing in the support of your community.
Here it is, almost tax day, when my fellow humans are getting ready to make their contribution to the well-being of the community, but the maples have been giving all year long. Their contribution of limb wood kept my old neighbor Mr. Keller’s house warm all winter when he couldn’t pay the oil bill. The volunteer fire department and the ambulance squad as well rely on maple contributions to their monthly pancake breakfast, to raise funds for a new engine. The trees make a real dent in the energy bill for the school with their shade, and, thanks to big canopies of maples, nobody I know ever pays a bill for air-conditioning. They donate shade to the Memorial Day parade every year without even being asked. If it weren’t for the maples’ ability to break the wind, the highway department would have to plow snowdrifts off the road twice as often.
Both of my parents have been active in their town government for years, so I’ve seen firsthand how stewardship of a community happens. “Good communities don’t make themselves,” my dad said. “We’ve got a lot to be grateful for, and we all have to do our part to keep it going.” He just retired as town supervisor. My mom is on the zoning board. From them I learned that town government is invisible to most citizens, which is perhaps as it should be— necessary services are delivered so smoothly that folks just take them for granted. The roads get plowed, the water is kept clean, the parks are kept up, and the new senior citizens center finally got built, all without much fanfare. Most people are indifferent, unless their self-interest is at stake. Then there are the chronic complainers, always on the phone to contest the tax levy, and also on the phone to object to cutbacks when the same tax levies fail.
Fortunately, there are those in every organization, few but invaluable, who know their responsibilities and seem to thrive on meeting them. They get things done. These are the ones we all rely upon, the people who take care of the rest of us, quiet leaders.
My Onondaga Nation neighbors call the maple the leader of the trees. Trees constitute the environmental quality committee- running air and water purification service 24-7. They’re on every task force, from the historical society picnic to the highway department, school board, and library. When it comes to civic beautification, they alone create the crimson fall with little recognition.
We haven’t even mentioned how they create habitat for songbirds, and wildlife cover, golden leaves to shuffle through, tree forts and branches for swings. Centuries of their falling leaves have built this soil, now farmed for strawberries, apples, sweet corn, and hay. How much of the oxygen in our valley comes from our maples? How much carbon is taken from the atmosphere and stored away? These processes are what ecological scientists term ecosystem services, the structures and functions of the natural world that make life possible. We can assign an economic value to maple timber, or gallons of syrup, but ecosystem services are far more precious. And yet these services go unaccounted for in the human economy. As with the services of local government, we don’t think about them unless they are missing. There is no official tax system to pay for these services, as we pay for snowplowing and schoolbooks. We get them for free, donated continually by maples. They do their share for us. The question is: How well do we do by them?
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Eco-Friendly Travel: Sustainable Tips for Visiting Matheran in June
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Matheran, the quaint hill station in Maharashtra’s Western Ghats, is a treasure trove of natural beauty. Known for its vehicle-free policy, Matheran is an ideal destination for eco-conscious travelers. Visiting Matheran in June, when the monsoon paints the landscape in lush greens, offers a unique opportunity to experience its pristine environment while practicing sustainable tourism. This guide will provide you with eco-friendly travel tips for a memorable and responsible trip to Matheran, with a special focus on the renowned Adamo the Resort.
Why Choose Matheran for Eco-Friendly Travel?
Matheran’s commitment to preserving its natural environment makes it an excellent choice for eco-friendly travel. The ban on motor vehicles, the lush greenery, and the numerous walking trails create a serene and pollution-free environment that is perfect for sustainable tourism.
Eco-Friendly Tips for Visiting Matheran in June
1. Choose Sustainable Accommodation
Selecting an eco-friendly place to stay is crucial for minimizing your environmental impact. Adamo the Resort, a top-rated hotel in Matheran, is known for its commitment to sustainability.
Why Adamo the Resort?
Eco-Friendly Practices: The resort implements water conservation, waste management, and energy-saving measures.
Natural Setting: Nestled amidst nature, the resort blends seamlessly with the environment, providing a tranquil and green retreat.
Sustainable Dining: The resort offers locally sourced food, reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation.
2. Travel Light and Smart
When visiting Matheran, pack light and smart. Carry reusable items and avoid single-use plastics to reduce waste.
What to Pack:
Reusable Water Bottle: Matheran has clean drinking water sources; refill your bottle to avoid plastic waste.
Eco-Friendly Toiletries: Use biodegradable soaps and shampoos.
Sustainable Clothing: Pack clothes made from natural fibres and consider weather-appropriate gear like raincoats and waterproof shoes.
3. Respect Nature
Matheran’s natural beauty is its biggest draw, and it’s important to respect and preserve it.
How to Be a Responsible Visitor:
Stick to Trails: Walking off designated paths can damage the fragile ecosystem.
Don’t Litter: Carry your trash with you until you find a proper disposal bin.
Wildlife Etiquette: Observe wildlife from a distance and do not feed animals.
4. Support Local Communities
Supporting local businesses helps sustain the community and reduces the environmental impact associated with large-scale tourism.
Ways to Support Locals:
Buy Local Products: Purchase souvenirs and goods from local artisans.
Eat Local: Dine at local eateries to enjoy authentic cuisine and support small businesses.
5. Minimize Energy Use
Reducing your energy consumption helps lessen your environmental footprint.
Energy-Saving Tips:
Turn Off Lights and Electronics: When not in use, switch off lights, fans, and other electrical appliances.
Conserve Water: Use water sparingly, especially during showers and while brushing your teeth.
Experience Matheran Sustainably with Adamo the Resort
Staying at Adamo the Resort enhances your eco-friendly travel experience. As the best hotel in Matheran, it combines luxury with sustainability, ensuring a comfortable stay while minimizing environmental impact.
Highlights of Staying with Adamo the Resort:
Sustainable Practices: The resort’s practices align with eco-friendly principles, from energy-efficient lighting to waste segregation.
Eco-Friendly Activities: Enjoy nature walks, bird watching, and other activities that promote environmental awareness.
Green Spaces: The resort’s well-maintained gardens and green areas provide a refreshing escape and promote biodiversity.
Matheran in June is a haven for eco-friendly travelers. The monsoon season brings out the best of its natural beauty, offering a perfect backdrop for sustainable tourism. By following these eco-friendly tips and choosing to stay with Adamo the Resort, you can enjoy a memorable and responsible trip to this beautiful hill station. Embrace the opportunity to travel sustainably, preserving Matheran’s pristine environment for future generations.
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crosshelmetshop · 1 month
Best Bluetooth Motorcycle Helmet | CrossHelmet X1 Shop
The CrossHelmet X1: The Ultimate Bluetooth Motorcycle Helmet
The Best Bluetooth Motorcycle Helmet Online
When it comes to riding a motorcycle, safety should always be a top priority. One essential piece of gear that every rider should invest in is a high-quality motorcycle helmet. And if you're looking for the best Bluetooth motorcycle helmet online, look no further than the CrossHelmet X1.
Introducing the CrossHelmet X1
The CrossHelmet X1 is not just your average motorcycle helmet. It is a cutting-edge, smart helmet that combines advanced technology with superior safety features. Designed with the modern rider in mind, the CrossHelmet X1 offers a range of innovative features that enhance both safety and convenience.
Key Features
1. Integrated Bluetooth Connectivity: The CrossHelmet X1 comes equipped with built-in Bluetooth technology, allowing riders to stay connected while on the road. With the helmet's integrated speakers and microphone, you can make hands-free phone calls, listen to music, and even receive turn-by-turn navigation instructions without taking your eyes off the road.
2. 360-Degree Visibility: The CrossHelmet X1 features a wide-angle rearview camera that provides riders with a complete view of their surroundings. The camera's feed is displayed on a heads-up display (HUD) inside the helmet, ensuring that you never have to take your eyes off the road. This enhanced visibility greatly improves safety, especially when changing lanes or maneuvering through traffic.
3. Noise Control: Riding a motorcycle can be noisy, but the CrossHelmet X1 is designed to minimize unwanted sounds. The helmet's active noise control technology reduces wind and engine noise, allowing you to enjoy a quieter and more comfortable ride.
4. Safety Features: The CrossHelmet X1 is built with safety in mind. It meets or exceeds all DOT and ECE safety standards, ensuring that you are well protected in case of an accident. The helmet's lightweight yet durable construction, along with its impact-absorbing materials, provides optimal protection without compromising comfort.
5. Smart Lighting System: The CrossHelmet X1 features a smart lighting system that enhances visibility and makes you more noticeable on the road. The helmet's integrated LED lights can be customized to suit your preferences, whether you prefer a solid color or a dynamic pattern. This added visibility increases your safety, especially when riding at night or in low-light conditions.
Why Buy the CrossHelmet X1 Online?
There are several reasons why purchasing the CrossHelmet X1 online is the best option:
Convenience: Buying online allows you to browse and compare different options from the comfort of your own home. You can easily access detailed product information, customer reviews, and make a well-informed decision without the hassle of visiting multiple stores.
Wide Selection: When shopping online, you have access to a wide range of options. You can choose from different sizes, colors, and styles to find the perfect helmet that suits your preferences and needs.
Competitive Pricing: Online retailers often offer competitive pricing, allowing you to find the best deals and discounts. You can also take advantage of special promotions and exclusive online-only offers.
Customer Reviews: Online platforms provide customer reviews and ratings, giving you valuable insights into the product's performance and durability. You can learn from the experiences of other riders and make an informed decision based on their feedback.
Secure Transactions: Reputable online retailers prioritize customer security and provide secure payment options. You can rest assured that your personal and financial information is protected when making a purchase.
When it comes to finding the best Bluetooth motorcycle helmet online, the CrossHelmet X1 stands out from the crowd. With its innovative features, superior safety standards, and convenient online availability, it is the perfect choice for riders who prioritize both safety and technology. Invest in the CrossHelmet X1 and experience the future of motorcycle helmets.
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OSS Punishment Announced
With the announcement of the new novel’s cover and release date on mothy’s twitter, I’d like to say a few things up front.
First, anyone who is thinking of buying the novel for themselves, but isn’t sure how to go about purchasing from Toranoana (the site mothy uses to sell his work), I’ve got a rudimentary purchasing guide [here] that you can consult.
Also, mothy will sometimes have an issue where he underestimates how much he's going to sell, and thus will run out of copies of his novel either at the convention or shortly before making it available online. Usually in such cases he will order more, but the advice I’m giving everyone (myself included) is to make sure you order early so you don’t have to deal with any added delays on getting the novel.
I myself cannot guarantee I will be able to get my hands on it in a timely fashion, but I will try.
Additionally, now that I have caught up with all of the mainline Evillious story content, I will not be infomining the novel this time around. Rather, I will simply be translating as I read. This will take longer to do, but I would much rather give people the actual story in chunks than give an abridged version all at once. Given how controversial the first OSS novel turned out to be, for those who relied on those infomines for things like content warnings, I will give a much more basic summary of each chapter of the novel here on my blog once its translation is complete.
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marryslittlelambs · 2 months
Choosing a KinderCare Day Care
Find a day care that is state licensed to guarantee your child's health and safety. Ask friends and neighbors for referrals to nearby centers, and tour the ones recommended.
In the 1980s, Mendel and Grassgreen started diversifying the company by purchasing chains of photo studios, shoe stores and other retail operations. This caused a major headache for stockholders and lenders.
Safety First
Whether you choose babysitters kinder care, nannies, day care centers or preschools, child safety is a priority. A simple checklist can help you determine if the location is safe for your little one.
Young children rely on their caregivers to make sense of the world around them. They closely watch facial expressions and listen to the tone of voice to learn how they should feel, behave and understand a situation. That is why child care programs must meet strict health and safety standards. Sanitation requirements keep germs from spreading, healthy practice requirements support the physical activity of children and ensure they eat enough, and building safety requirements maintain fire safety codes and emergency plans.
Zippia provides in-depth information about KinderCare Education including salaries, political affiliations and employee data. This is based on self-reported information from employees or anonymous public records. This information is sourced and verified by Zippia to be true and accurate. But it may be incomplete or out of date.
When kids join a KinderCare classroom, they are entering a mini-community. They are welcomed by teachers who become a big part of their lives. These relationships will last a lifetime.
In addition, directors described how community involvement and the quality of local schools were critical to their programs’ success. They also emphasized the importance of the health of children and their families.
Many factors affect the financial strain of child care programs, including demand for their services (low demand can lead to underenrollment), size (larger centers may be able to take advantage of economies of scale), the availability of government funding beyond tuition and subsidies, and competition from other providers.
Programs can be part of the solution by leveraging their resources to support child and family needs. This includes community-based strategies to support family workforces, addressing the cost of quality for working parents, and innovative initiatives that enhance child learning and development. These efforts could improve the outcomes of ECE and strengthen community resilience.
Learning Through Play
Play is important for a child's brain development. Even simple games like peek-aboo and shaking a rattle can help toddlers learn about communication, motor skills and problem-solving.
In many early learning programs, children spend time in "play centers," such as a block corner, art center or dramatic play area. These areas are filled with materials that align with the lessons the teachers have already taught and a teacher's planned objectives for the children's explorations.
The most critical aspect of learning through play is that it is voluntary and childdirected. This is often referred to as free play. When children engage in free play, they may communicate with one another about the rules of the game or collaborate to create a rule system. This process-oriented play teaches collaboration, problemsolving, and creativity. It also demonstrates empathy, grit and social-emotional skills. Children deprived of opportunities to participate in this kind of play experience can have negative outcomes that stretch into adulthood.
Personalized Learning
In personalized learning kinder, each student gets a learning plan that’s tailored to their strengths, needs, skills, and interests. It is based on the old adage “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Educators have long used personalized learning, or at least variations on it, such as differentiated instruction that recognizes that students come to classrooms with different backgrounds, abilities, and preferred learning modalities. Students work with teachers to set short-term and long-term goals, which empower them to take ownership of their education.
It also encourages them to speak up about what interests them, so they can advocate for themselves and be more engaged in the process. And when kids are engaged in their learning, they’re more likely to succeed. As a result, they’re more likely to grow up loving school. And that’s good for everyone. So what does personalized learning look like in kinder care?
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budandtender · 7 months
The Role of Endocannabinoids in Regulating Pancreatic Cancer: A New Frontier
World Pancreatic Cancer Day 16th November 2023
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As we commemorate World Pancreatic Cancer Day, it is imperative to shine a light on the latest scientific advancements in understanding this devastating disease. One area that has garnered significant interest is the role of endocannabinoids in regulating pancreatic cancer. While these naturally occurring compounds share some similarities with the active compounds in cannabis, this discussion will focus solely on endocannabinoids produced by our bodies and their potential impact on pancreatic cancer. We will not delve into the medical uses of cannabidiol (CBD).
Endocannabinoids are lipid-based neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors, primarily CB1 and CB2, in the body. These receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a crucial role in various physiological processes including mood, memory, pain sensation, and appetite. Interestingly, recent research has shown that the ECS also plays a significant role in cancer biology.
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In the context of pancreatic cancer, studies have revealed that endocannabinoids can influence the growth and proliferation of cancer cells. Here's how:
1. Modulation of Cell Proliferation and Survival
Endocannabinoids have been found to regulate cell survival and death pathways, which can directly influence the growth of cancer cells. In pancreatic cancer, endocannabinoids may induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) and inhibit cell proliferation. This could potentially slow down the progression of the disease.
2. Influence on Tumor Microenvironment
The tumor microenvironment, the non-cancerous cells surrounding a tumour, plays a critical role in cancer progression. Research has indicated that endocannabinoids can influence the tumour microenvironment, affecting angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels that feed the tumour) and immune responses. This could potentially limit the tumour's ability to grow and spread.
3. Impact on Cancer Cell Migration and Invasion
One of the main challenges with pancreatic cancer is its ability to spread rapidly to other parts of the body, a process known as metastasis. Studies have suggested that endocannabinoids can inhibit the migration and invasion of pancreatic cancer cells, potentially reducing the risk of metastasis.
While these findings are promising, it's important to note that research in this area is still in its early stages. The complex nature of the ECS and its interactions with cancer biology means that there's still much we don't know. For instance, while some studies suggest endocannabinoids can inhibit cancer growth, others indicate they might also promote cancer cell proliferation under certain conditions.
In conclusion, the role of endocannabinoids in regulating pancreatic cancer presents a fascinating new frontier in cancer research. Understanding how these compounds interact with cancer cells could potentially lead to novel therapeutic approaches for this devastating disease. However, further research is necessary to fully understand the mechanisms at play and translate these findings into clinical practice. As we mark World Pancreatic Cancer Day, let us celebrate the progress made so far and look forward to the promising possibilities that lie ahead.
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Trileaf CBD Gummies Reviews (Customer Review 2023) Trileaf CBD Gummies | Does It Really Work?
Trileaf CBD Gummies work in novel ways without destroying your wellbeing. These chewy bears are compelling in improving resistance capabilities, controlling the focal sensory system and overhauling the endocannabinoid framework. Trileaf CBD Gummies have helpful properties and mending consequences for your body and the psyche. These are so great for your overall wellbeing and an incredible potential to support safe wellbeing and keep it in good shape. Concordance Leaf Trileaf CBD Gummies are a beneficial equation laid out to urge quicker recuperating to the unhealthy body and aid long-lasting recuperation.
Trileaf CBD Gummies are the exceptionally compelling and feeding cures that can advance a superior prosperity without bringing on any unfriendly impacts. These chewy candies are named as the intense therapy for persistent problems and the strong hemp coordinated in the chewy candies guarantee to focus on the main driver of choric circumstances and advance recuperating. The chewy candies are known for offering various medical advantages including bringing down nervousness and stress, advancing quieting impacts, upsetting fiery circumstances and torment, upgrading rest cycles and advancing generally prosperity. Since it is formed normally, it won't create any unfavourable impacts. Trileaf CBD Gummies are explicitly figured out to give regular and proficient alleviation from persistent agony and uneasiness. These chewy candies contain a characteristic concentrate of CBD that really addresses torment and relentless inconvenience all through the body, empowering you to partake in a way of life liberated from torment. Created from a strong blend of spices and clinically perceived fixings, these chewy candies normally upgrade your prosperity, helping with further developed execution and advancing peaceful rest by calming both your psyche and body. Furthermore, this supplement reduces joint torment and really treats migraines.
Trileaf CBD Gummies Reviews focus on the upgrade of your general prosperity, both inside and remotely, while working with a condition of unwinding for further developed wellbeing. Furthermore, these chewy candies really address issues of misery and tension by advancing a quiet psyche and body, cultivating sound examples of temperament. They additionally support profound and tranquil rest during evening time and help in normally directing your body's capabilities. Significantly, the recipe guarantees solid results without undermining your prosperity.
Figured out with a deeply grounded blend of clinically approved spices and substances, Trileaf CBD Gummies really work with sped up and worked on recuperating. By actuating the CB1 and CB2 receptors in your body, this supplement decidedly controls the ECS framework. Thus, it helps with the administration of significant physical processes, for example, rest designs, hunger, torment insight, and mental prosperity. The outcome is a solid way of life with an amicable psyche and body. Besides, the enhancement upgrades your body's capacity to answer actually to irritation.
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Animal Feed Probiotics Market Growth Factors, Applications, Regional Analysis, Key Players And Forecasts By 2033
The animal feed probiotics market is estimated to be worth US$ 3,594 million in 2023, with revenue from sales reaching US$ 6,784.3 million by 2033. The demand for animal feed probiotics is increasing at a CAGR of 7% over the forecast period.
The growing demand for animal protein and the ensuing rise in meat consumption are two major forces propelling the animal feed probiotics industry. The industry is expanding as a result of rising consumer awareness of the use of probiotics in animal feed. Improving animal health and decreasing antibiotic usage in animal feed are two factors behind the rising need for probiotics in animal feed.
The high cost of research and development and the lack of knowledge among livestock producers are two of the biggest challenges facing the development of this industry. Furthermore, corporations have challenges when introducing new items to the market due to regulatory impediments and the necessity for permission from many agencies.
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There are several expansion prospects for the probiotics industry in animal feed. This industry should expand thanks to the rising demand for organic and all-natural feed for animals. The use of probiotics in aquaculture is also on the rise because of the positive effects it may have on the health of aquatic animals and the reduction of antibiotic usage. In addition, there is a sizable expansion possibility for businesses in this industry due to the rising demand for animal feed probiotics in emerging nations.
Several changes are occurring in the animal feed probiotics industry. One such movement is the creation of probiotic supplements designed for individual animals. Microencapsulation and other cutting-edge technologies are increasingly being used to enhance the stability and performance of probiotics in animal feed. The need for probiotics in animal feed is projected to be bolstered by the industry's transition toward sustainable and ecologically friendly animal feed manufacturing.
Key Takeaways from the Animal Feed Probiotics Market:
·         During the forecast period, the United States animal feed probiotics industry is expected to account for 25.6% of the market.
·         According to the research, the Philippines' animal feed probiotics industry is expected to be worth US$ 160.6 million in 2023.
·         According to FMI, India's animal feed probiotics industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.5% throughout the predicted period.
·         According to FMI, China's animal feed probiotics industry is expected to develop at an 8.9% CAGR from 2023 to 2033.
·         Bacteria are the most dominant segment in the animal feed probiotics industry, accounting for 69.70% of the market in 2023.
·         In the animal feed probiotics industry, modern trade is the dominant sales channel, accounting for 23% of the market in 2023.
How are Key Players Revolutionizing the Industry?
The animal feed probiotics industry is highly competitive, with several players operating globally. The market is characterized by the presence of both established as well as emerging players. The key players in the market are engaged in strategic partnerships, collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions to expand their market presence.
The top players in the animal feed probiotics industry include Chr. Hansen A/S, Koninklijke DSM N.V., Lallemand Inc., DuPont de Nemours, Inc., Novozymes A/S, Calpis Co., Ltd., Lesaffre et Compagnie, Neospark Drugs and Chemicals Private Limited, Novus International, Inc., and Provita Eurotech Ltd.
These companies are investing heavily in research and development activities to introduce new products and improve the existing ones. They are also expanding their geographical presence by entering into untapped markets through various strategic initiatives. Additionally, they are also focusing on developing sustainable and eco-friendly products to meet the growing demand for natural and organic animal feed probiotics.
The competition in the animal feed probiotics industry is intense, with companies competing based on product quality, innovation, pricing, and brand value. The market is expected to witness consolidation in the coming years, with several small and medium-sized companies being acquired by larger players to strengthen their market position.
Information Source: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/animal-feed-probiotics-market
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