#sissy tcm game
melodrama-ticcc · 1 year
Hey it’s the “who are you comfortable writing for tcsm” anon (if it’s easier call me -🌺) and I’ll start with a Sissy x Fem!Reader oneshot idea.
In game one of sissy’s voice lines goes something like “there’s no hiding from reality sunshine you gotta face it” and it got me thinking. What if she witnessed the reader accidentally killing another victim and takes this as an opportunity to manipulate them into joining the family. It has been really hard being the only girl in the family so it’d be nice to have some company. But Sissy decides to be a little selfish and keep the reader to herself for a little while. Just until she’s ready for the family.
hello again anon! thank you for the request <3 sorry for the wait, i hope it lives up to expectations! i love the idea of utilizing in game voice lines to inspire fics or dialogue for fics, it’s so clever. so i was definitely excited to use that to my advantage in the premise of this one. also i love sissy so much, she’s my main when playing family.
abstract: after watching you accidentally kill your dear friend ana, sissy takes advantage of your deteriorating mental state and invites you to join the family.
warnings: death, murder, gore & mentions of blood, manipulation, religion, religious themes and religious trauma, cults and cultism, mentions of suicide and self harm, stockholm syndrome, sexually suggestive, mentions of sex, homophobia on account of religious themes
sissy enjoys the act of spreading the lord’s word, those whom she can convert will be forgiven and saved from this forsaken land. she revels in the satisfaction of freeing another one’s soul, her only purpose in this life. she was a modern day prophet, spreading the lord’s word and enacting only what he had told her to. she’d save them all, they’d see the light.
and yet, she selfishly craves the way the blood paints her limbs when she tears into someone, the way it curdles in the creases of her skin, or the way it coagulates when it becomes too thick. but perhaps the most beautiful image is watching their tainted souls vacate their sinful bodies. she swears she can see the life leave their eyes, watch as they are freed. it’s then that she knows she’s done her job. for, when they cannot be helped, it is sissy’s duty to release them of their misery and send them to the great beyond. that way they may cease their lives of sin and find solace in the forgiveness of the lord above.
unlike the rest of her family she does not kill out of fear or hate or malice, nor does she kill for fun. she kills because it is what the lord has asked of her, and the lord’s word is her compass.
then, why could she not deny the pleasure she felt when others experience pain. call it sick, twisted, sadistic, she felt the all-too-familiar floaty feeling of butterflies in the pit of her stomach each time the scalpel made contact with her victim’s skin. even now, as she rips through the clothing and flesh of that red headed girl. her screams are loud, blood thick. it paints the front of sissy’s floral dress scarlet, her fair skin, her blonde hair, her fingertips. all coated in such a lovely coat of crimson. it’d make such a pretty lipstick, she thinks.
she cannot help but laugh. a giddy euphoria that echoes in the ears of many. including the young woman who watches from what she believes to be a safe distance. it is two separate worlds. two sides of the same coin. on one pleasure, the other horror.
the girl, you, cannot fathom the atrocities this family has enacted, nor the countless innocents that have fallen victim to their inhumane practices. (your name) watches, not because she wants to, but because she cannot bring herself to look away. (eye color) eyes wide in terror, she is fixated on the macabre sight of carnage. her limbs tremble and shake in such a violent fashion, restless. there’s a deniable sense of grief in that moment, and she’s sure she must be dreaming. that something this horrible could never happen to a young woman like her, nor her friends. how’d she even end up here?
three days ago, (your name) had set out with some friends to look for ana’s elder sister. they were all certain maria flores was someplace near, but none of them had ever expected to end up here. connie was now dead, murdered by the pair of careful, feminine hands right in front of her. she had yet to see the others; not ana, not leland, nor julie or sonny. she’d wondered if they were dead too, and a part of her wondered if she’d meet the same fate.
“awe, i love a game of hide ‘n seek!”
a sweet southern drawl calls out from beyond, in search of the young woman she knew was hidden nearby. it would seem now her hiding place in the bushes was not nearly far enough from the scene to be considered safe. here, nowhere was safe. this in combination with her deteriorating condition would make for an early end. she is faint and wobbly on her feet, struggling to withstand the shakes and thrashing her body succumbs itself to, and it’s then she hears the woman call out.
“oh! there you are sug’!”
be it adrenaline, a will to survive, or anything to keep that woman from garnering any further satisfaction in this demented game of her’s, (your name) found it in herself to run. her legs move fast, much faster than the woman that chases her. for a moment she believes she can get away, at least long enough to formulate some sort of escape plan. there’s a well up ahead, and it’s then she decides to throw caution to the wind. it’s a foolish, desperate attempt at salvation, but she hurdles the edge of the stone well and throws herself down.
the fall is peaceful. a safe place. a break from the intensity of being hunted like a wild animal. that is, until she hits the cold, hard ground. her body collides into a pile of dirt, debri and bones. snap! crack! crush! it’s a horrid sound, and god does it hurt. the point of impact surges through her body, aching in the back of her head and lingering for some time. the bones beneath her dig into her back, impaling the skin and stinging at her wounds. it burns, her entire body, and a part of her wishes she’d just die right there.
it takes her some time, but (your name) is able to pull herself back up. only now, it punishes her to move. her left leg shattered in the fall, she is forced to use her right leg to counteract. now, wobbling with a slow limp. the pain is never-ending, and she can hardly think clearly. somewhere in the pile of debri she begins searching for something, anything useful for the current circumstances. be it a key, antiseptic, pain reliever, a knife, anything. the pain is unbearable, hot tears seething from her eyes as she muffles her own sobs between a pursed pout. the echoing sound of footsteps from down the tunnel alert her that her captor is near, though, and the panic sets in.
“shit, there has to be something i can use. anything!” she cries between pants of heavy breaths. her heart beating something fierce. it’s pounding against her chest, furious with anxiety and unrelenting paranoia. she feels she could faint, or have a heart attack — either seem a viable option as opposed to dying at the hands of them. as she sorts through miscellaneous rocks and assorted bones and teeth, she holds back the urge to vomit. warm acidity building in the back of her throat, it’s disgusting. sorting through the remains of god knows what, or who. “fuck!”
with quick footsteps growing closer, the anxiety is too much to bare. her hearts thrashes and speeds up, swelling with blood as her stress rises. it feels as though it could burst, her body struggling to find a stable balance. she knows she must wrap things up quickly, so she grabs what she can; a piece of sharp bone, and clutches it to her chest. fighting through the pain, she seals her lips to withhold her sobs of agony and despair. backing into the shadows she waits, crouched. she does her best to control her breathing, even shutting her eyes for a brief period. a deep breath in, a deep breath out. she recalls what sonny had told her before he left to seek out the others, back in the makeshift underground cell they had been tied up in. it’s the only inkling of comfort she’s able to grasp onto.
the source of the footsteps approaches, turning the corner of the tunnel that led to her. (your name) sees a figure of a woman, and she’s certain it’s that killer who’d been after her. the fight or flight kicks in, and the adrenaline once again does its job at keeping her alive.
“take this, you bastard!”
in an act of self defense, she stabs the woman five, ten, fifteen times. piercing screams cut through the night air and spews of red liquid spray every which way. only for her to continue stabbing; in the back, the shoulder, the chest, the stomach, anyplace she could make contact with. she wouldn’t stop, not until the makeshift shank snaps within the body of her victim. even then, she’s kicking and punching, crying with eyes pried shut. fighting tooth and nail for the basic human right to keep living. nails dig into flesh, tearing away at the skin to inflict any sort of pain she can. the only thing that draws her from her mental cognitions is the sound of another set of footsteps, this time much, much slower, softer. that, and the gentle, slow clapping that follows suit.
it causes her to stop, hands still holding up the body she so relentlessly attacked. her eyes flicker open, revealing a scene of misfortune and betrayal. she sees the blood first, dripping in thick layers down the walls of the tunnel, herself, the body. a pool of it on the floor, filling the air with the scent of iron and metal. then the body, it’s mutilated torso in chunks and pieces about the place. frightened, she screams and lets go, backing herself against the wall. a lifeless body lies on the pile of debris, still gushing blood like a water fountain. only it isn’t the woman who she’d intended to maim, no, its ana.
her entire being turns into a state of shock and denial, a shrill cry echoing down the long hallways of those underground tunnels. her hands come up to clasp her mouth and her eyes well with warm tears, streaming down her cheeks and dripping to the floor. in an instant, she collapses to her knees, shaking her head profoundly as she sobs something ugly.
“no no, no ana! i- i didn’t know- i swear, i thought it was her!” she’s choking on her words, that all too familiar feeling of hot acid building in the back of her throat. her breathing is caught in there too, like she’s choking on her own words. her hands come up to pull at her (hair color) locks, and she’s certain she’s losing her mind. “ana- ana, please, ana i’m so sorry-” she hiccups, holding back the vomit that pulls at her throat. “i can’t.” her sobs are loud, and she moves to hold her face in her hands. if she’d of only known it was ana and not that bitch.
“there’s no hidin’ from reality sunshine, you’ve gotta face it!” sissy has a content smile on her face, comforting, kind. she places a gentle hand against the girl’s back, offering some inkling of reassurance. it’s a simple act of benevolence, but still met with disgust and disdain. only, (your name) hasn’t any more energy to fight, no will to kick that horrid woman away like she’d wished to only moments ago. she was broken and desolate, haunted by the agony and anguish of her mistake. she can’t withstand it, her mind is simply obsolete.
sissy is a woman of god, and those whom she cannot save are gifted the mercy of meeting an early demise. but this one she knows, knows that there is good within her, she feels it. she sees it. saw it in the way she freed that friend of her’s so faultlessly. there is still hope for this one, and sissy takes the opportunity to guide her in the right direction. if she killed now, imagine the things she could do later. she would be an asset to this family.
“sugar, don’t cry, you set that gal’ free!” sissy giggles, her delicate hand rubbing the trembling back of the young woman before her. but (your name)‘s mind is elsewhere, trying to sort through the endless string of thoughts her brain thought up. what would the others say? she just can’t fathom the concept, her killing- no, murdering. a cold blooded killer. she had become the very thing she loathed. her body is unstable, nearly toppling over itself as she wails.
sissy’s bittersweet smile grows as she kneels beside the girl, lowering her voice to a softer tone. “hun, it was ‘bound to happen ‘eventually, she’s with god now.” despite her best efforts, it would seem the girl was still caught up in the heat of the moment, her emotions captivating her attention. yet, sissy would not give up. it was too much of a perfect storm, the key moment to manipulate, no, enlighten her poor soul. “darlin’, lookit me.” she snakes a finger beneath the girl’s chin, her touch light and airy, not like what one would imagine the grasp of an apathetic killer would feel like. it’s almost calming, reassuring. as she cautiously bring the girl’s face to look at her, she takes a moment to dab the wetness off her cheeks with a handkerchief pulled from her pocket.
the tenderness of her gaze is striking to look at, like staring into pools of calm water. it was relaxing, even got her to cease her cries for a moment. she was a pretty woman, if not for her homicidal tendencies.
“say, you’d make a fine woman in this here family we have, grandpa aughtta love you!” she smiles, brushing a flyaway hair out of (your name)’s face and back behind the ear. “ain’t nothin’ to cry ‘bout love, you did the right thing.” sissy’s voice is comforting, and in a moment of heightened emotions and inner turmoil like this one it was easy for (your name) to fall victim to her disguised words. she only nods, eyes wide and doe like as she stares at the pretty face of the woman before her.
“i-i killed her. i killed her cause i thought she was-” she stops herself, not before sissy is shushing her, with a finger pressed against her soft lips.
“shhhh, hey now, it’s alright. she needed savin’.” she smiles again, caressing (your name)’s cheek as she presses on about seeing the light and showing people the way. “you’s a smart girl, i can see it. let me show you. we can live a nice lil’ life on the farm, you’d be a part of the family. safe, peaceful. i promise. and well, it really has been tough bein’ the only girl ‘round here, it’d be nice, t’have some company like you.”
it is difficult not to trust her doting words. (your name) doesn’t know exactly what to think. but in lieu of such a heinous act she couldn’t even stand herself, and perhaps in some regard she needed saving. to repent, to beg forgiveness from ana, anything to free her of such a curse. she’d build herself a prison for the remainder of her days, suffering in the fortitude of her own head. she’d end up killing herself when it became too much, maybe only god could save her. but even then, murder was a sin. she was a sinful woman. a lifespan of mistakes flashes through her head, and scarily, she all most agrees with this sweet woman. she’s demented, fucked up, for she wouldn’t have caused such a terrible accident had it been otherwise.
“you’re considerin’ it, you’re already half way there sug’.” sissy encourages her, reading the thoughts through her empty gaze as if she were an open book. she’s eager, excited, nearly bouncing on her knees. she’s certain if she’s hooked the girl this easily, it wouldn’t take much to reel her in.
ana’s lifeless body is just a void carcass, an empty shell. that’s what all bodies had been, right? a vessel souls utilize to carry out the act of life. it was only temporary, like everything else had been. so, why did it really matter, if it had been something so easily confiscated.
“come on love, let me show you the light.”
perhaps her gentle affirmations became too much for her mind to handle, or, the fear of what would await her if she choose to disagree was too great. regardless the reason, something within her had snapped. broken clean in two. one moment she had been mourning the life of a friend and the next joining the very people who’d caused the entire ordeal. there were two parts of her mental state — one in which longed for the days before, where she lived without the knowledge there had been a terrorizing family of cannibalistic murderers in her texas backyard. but the other wished to escape the reality of what she had become roped into. live a life in which she could ignore the world and deaths of her friends, forget it all ever happened. she’d heard about situations like these, read about them in the morning paper or listened to them on the morning news broadcast. even watched them in television and film or read stories from books. the victim falls for the deceptive captor, ensnared in a trap that costs their freedom under the guise of a worry free life. but in times of emotional dread, a carefree life was an ideal promise to escape a nightmare like this.
(your name)‘s crying had ceased. salt-crusted streaks drying against the soft skin of her cheeks as she takes the hand of a deranged killer. sissy smiles, grasping the girl’s hand gently as they both rise. she’s aware of her worsening physical state, knowing well she’d be responsible for nursing her back to health. she also knew, the family would not be akin to a new comer like this. given johnny’s past, he had tried this on multiple occasions, and given the general disgrace of sissy amongst people like drayton and nancy, a newcomer of this kind would not be accepted so easily.
she would need to be careful. plan each move out in accordance to what the family would want. cater to them, in order to provide some sort of accommodation. this girl was beautiful, she could attest to that, and her good looks would help but only get her so far. she needed to prove herself. but that, that required months of work on sissy’s end. and so, she had decided, (your name) would be her own accomplice, until she saw fit.
pious maybe, but that never stopped sissy from being selfish. nor has it been able to mask her homosexual tendencies. what her leaders in the past had told her meant it was wrong, but it never stopped the way she had felt towards both men and women alike. and, sissy’s selfish side would shine through in their coming months together. in the way she used (your name) for her good looks and willingness to comply, the sex, the romantic nature of their relationship that would develop. all the while, showing her the way. even when sissy had been sure the family was ready to adopt (your name) into the family, she would continue to keep her a secret.
the last thing she’d want was to loose her to some womanizer like johnny, or have her charmed by the others in some way or form. the way sissy saw it, she made (your name), and by that logic, she belonged to her. so, she’d keep her for as long as she wanted, even if it meant keeping her a secret until death. it wasn’t that she wasn’t ready for the family but, rather, they weren’t ready for her. despite the selfishness that fueled the action, she’d continue to justify it in the eyes of the lord.
i helped show her the way, that grants me the eternal forgiveness keeping her to myself would require.
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bakllori · 27 days
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I think Johnny didn't like playing with them
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marioggy · 2 months
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proxythe · 3 months
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chillin w the family
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I spent way too much time on this yesterday
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lambf4rm · 1 year
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based on sissy being the only character with voicelines being nice to bubba
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unknownkona · 8 months
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stardewed the family too <3
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justfanci · 8 months
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Texas Chain Saw Game Family Valentines! 💘
[feel free to repost, please do not crop]
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knifetomeatu · 2 months
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poor guy missed out on those superior sawyer genes😔
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ninaninato · 1 year
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So silly :3
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gravysside · 1 year
My Johnny study
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Felt like contributing this to the Johnny fan club -Forgot to say he has loose baby hairs -Also when you get really close you can se a stubble
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-He can open his eyes wide but he usually has them squinted
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-I need to make it clear how much teeth this guy shows like Christ we see them
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bakllori · 1 month
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uhmmm... Today is the TCMgame... Anniversary
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marioggy · 8 months
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creepling · 1 year
sawyer/slaughter family using captured!reader for sex
tags: dead dove - read at your own risk. smut - MDNI. gn!reader. all family seperate. bondage. rough sex. petplay. underwear sniffing. somnophilia. cannibalism-ment. aftercare (only with bubba).
harddom!johnny being your capturer but liking everyone having his way with you. his possessive attitude dampening over time and your novelty wearing off. leaving you chained in random parts of the house and going on with his day, coming back to see you exhausted, ready to have his turn with you. hanging you in his shack by the wrists, littering your body with bite marks, bonding your limbs with rope, using you like a glorified piece of meat. fucking your holes until their raw, amused by your moans mixed with screams. fucking you dumb until he undoes your restraints, making you crawl on your knees, and face fuck you until he blows his load over your face.
softdom!nubbins playing with your holes while you sleep, holding in his giggles as you squirm in your slumber, awed at your wetness under his touch. dry humping your leg until you wake up, basking in your surprise until you succumb to him. prying your legs open to enter his hard, meek dick. rutting into you like a desperate puppy, his moans sounding like sobs. praising your body, thanking you for letting you fuck him, pleading that he is not worthy of your body. but he never slows his pace, slamming his hips rapidly until he cums, careless on where his load lands; dripping on your leg pathetically.
femdom!sissy treating you like a little pet, playing with your hair and adorning a leash around your neck. using you as a foot stool while she lounges around the house, snapping her fingers when she wants your attention. pinning you to the floor and fucking your tongue, riding your face as you gasp for air. pulling at the lead when you disobey, demanding you to be a good little kitty/doggie and lick her cunt. when you're good for her, she lets you sleep with her and ride her thigh, mewling over your whimpers, pleasuring you when you're too fucked out to think. only letting you cum when you beg for her.
perv!drayton never laying a finger on you, but goes down to clean your cell, cursing at the mess you leave. wishing you were never here and degrading your existence. you're better off being their next meal, but now he don't wanna eat you now you're the family's cum dump. without you looking, he steals your underwear for his own possession. taking it back to his room, inhaling your scent, cursing his old age for not getting it up and letting him have pleasure. his body unresponsive, but his mind wild with thoughts about you.
scene-dom!bubba the one you have to anticipate the most, brace your frail, sore body for his manhandling. he tries to be gentle, bubbling concern noises at your winces of pain. stroking your face, but his heavy hand rough on your skin. wearing his pretty woman mask and wanting you to match, sloppily apply makeup to your face, red lipstick smudged along the corner of your mouth. he cheers at his masterpiece, ready to fuck his pretty little thing, sheepishly revealing his fat dick. the sight of it intimidating, his heavy build engulfing you, his large girth stretching you out. his thrusts slow but heavy, pummelling his whole length inside you, bubbling at the way you tense around him. he gets overstimulated from the pleasure, his moans frantic. he finishes inside you, cockwarming until he goes limb, letting you lay on his lap with his arms around you, not wanting to let you go just yet and milking all the time he has with his little play toy.
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twsted-idiot · 4 months
Freaks who ship Johnny and Hands, or ANY of the FAMILY MEMBERS in TCM are not welcome on my blog, ever. I do not CARE how many other wrong things they do, that does NOT mean they're into incest, if you truly believe they are, you need help. I don't care if they're "not blood related" or "oh but he's a distant cousin!!!" It's still weird as fuck, and honestly disgusting.
"Fiction doesn't affect reality" yk what? You're right, in the case of people with a fully functional brain. Proshippers tend to blur the line though, and let fiction affect reality.
Proshippers dni, others feel free to add on <3
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tahkannibal · 2 months
Sooo....can we talk about @johnnysboytoy ??
You say mdni but interact with minors and have a CHILD write a kink slaines fic..???
You're actually disgusting lol. Dni goes both ways, but since you broke that rule I will too. Commissioning a child means you probably have contact with them. This implies you've been talking to a child with an account FULL OF PORN. it doesn't matter if your conversation with said child was nsfw or not, you still exposed that CHILD to NECROPHILIC PORN by commissioning them to write KINK while contacting with a NSFW ACCOUNT. YOU ARE FUCKING DISGUSTING. YOU EXPOSED A CHILD TO GORE AND RAPE/MURDER PORN. YOU ARE A SACK OF HUMAN SCUM. THIS IS NOT ME BEING AN "ANTI" (which i am either way proshippers are sick) OR A "HATER", THIS IS AN ABUSE VICTIM SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF A LITERAL CHILD.
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