#sistar moments
kpopfeeds · 11 months
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seveanteen · 2 years
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a very normal and average selfie time w/ sistar ♡
bonus: soyou and bora showing off their .. talent (?) 
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leclercss · 3 months
Paris, je t'aime (Charles Leclerc), Part 2
plot: it's almost three years since your tumultuous relationships with Lewis and Charles came crashing down. but you find your self in a new city with new beginnings and new ways to fuck up your love life. that's no thanks to a cheeky frenchman who's set you up on a double date with someone oh so familiar.
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: (+18) mentions of smut, cheating, violence and some swearing
authors note: part deux, enjoy. sorry this took so much longer than anticipated to write. also, excuse the darker tone to this chapter, it'll get lighter from here xx
word count: 5.2k
taglist: @toppersjeep @janeholt3, @princess-siba, @nichmeddar, @tremendousandsonorouswords, @cmleitora, @victoriaholland, @amalialeclerc, @queensofshinigamis, @tempo-rary-fix, @starmanv, @happylittlereader, @trouble-sistar, @lightdragonrayne, @persephonemv1, @dreamingofautopia
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If you couldn't read Charles' expression before, you most certainly couldn't now. For the first time this evening, it was Charles who was stumbling over his words.
"Wha... Wait... what?" was all he could muster up.
There weren't many times when you had been with Charles where he struggled to find his words. Even if he was angry, like the last time you saw him all those years ago, he still managed to say something. But tonight, he couldn't. He was speechless.
To relieve him from his pain, you repeated what you had said a few moments before. You too were struggling to string a few words together.
"Charles, I never went to New York".
Even by repeating yourself, Charles still couldn't find the words and it looks like the wheels inside of his head are trying to turn and make some sort of sense but everything is just breaking down and failing to work cohesively. And so, rather than having to respond, he looks out of the window of the taxi, taking in the Parisian sunset. His hand is no longer on your thigh but is now clawing at his facial hair.
The rest of the taxi ride is quiet, aside from the taxi driver's radio playing lowly in the background. But at one point you think you hear Charles whisper to himself, "Je ne comprends pas".
I don't understand.
The sound of Charles' keys rattling breaks the silence between you and Charles as he leads you upstairs to his apartment. He still hasn't said anything since the taxi, aside from thanking the driver. You haven't made much of an effort yourself to fill the silence because in all honesty, you're not really sure what to say or what Charles' reaction would be to whatever you did have to say. He was clearly stunned at your revelation that you in fact never went to New York and you were stunned yourself - by his question, his reaction, hell, this entire date. None of this made sense.
In the space of an hour, you went from being clueless about your blind date, to finding out that out of the +3 billion men in the world you just happened to be set up with your ex and to now, with Charles asking you to come to his apartment. Your mind was working overtime to catch up. Those two Aperol Spritz' were clearly not enough to numb whatever your brain was trying to process right now. You clearly needed something stronger.
You tried not to laugh but you couldn't help think about the fact that as much as Pierre poked fun at you for your messy love life, even this situation that you now found yourself in would even be too much for him to process.
The two of you quietly make your way into Charles’ apartment before staggering off. He muttered something about getting you a drink and so you take the opportunity to take in his apartment. Your heels are the only thing that is making a sound as you slowly walk around his living room. It’s a lot more sophisticated than his apartment in London that he shared with Joris and Riccardo. Gone are the Ferrari prints and in their place are pictures of modern art, strategically framed across the walls. It feels too classy to be a bachelor pad, if that was what Charles used it as. Your mind briefly lingers back to Pierre's comment about Charles needing to fuck a lot of girls to get over you.
With Charles still in the kitchen, you slowly make your way over to the large bay window and admire the Parisian streets outside as the sun slowly begins to set across the city. You let out a little sigh. It feels like no matter where you call home these days, chaos seems to follow you. Well, everywhere apart from Singapore, life felt so easy there. No expectation, the only pressure being your job. Was it too late to go back?
Your attention is finally pulled back to reality as Charles hands you a glass of white wine.
“Thank you,” you say, taking the glass from his hand. You can’t miss that his own glass of wine is practically shorty. Charles’ notices this and dryly chuckles.
“I drank it on the way, let me get some more”.
He’s flustered, his cheeks turning slightly pink out of embarrassment. He doesn’t make eye contact with you at all before he turns away and heads back to the kitchen. You can’t help but find it a little funny how you’re now the composed one, especially in comparison to Charles’ entrance during your date.
As Charles re-enters the living room, you take a seat on the edge of his sofa, you’re not too comfortable yet for you to treat it like a welcomed or returning guest. Charles follows suit, taking a seat on the arm chair across from you.
It’s still quiet between you both, neither of you know how to start this conversation. Whatever game plan Charles had previously has now gone straight out of the window while you never had an opportunity to even create a game plan, you were just thrown into the deep end without any arm bands.
You watch as Charles’ slowly runs his index finger along the rim of his wine glass while he stares at his own movements. Deciding to break the silence, because any conversation is better than this, you begin with some small talk to ease yourself into the conversation.
“Your apartment looks great,” you say politely as you look around the room once more.
“Thanks,” Charles mutters, his eyes still fixated on his wine glass.
“Did you decorate it yourself?”
Charles shakes his head.
You let out a little laugh. “Interior design was never your strong suit,” you joke, hoping to lighten the mood but it doesn’t anything but.
“A friend did it,” his words almost come out like a grunt.
Silence falls onto the room once more.
Something chaotic begins to brew inside of you. You know you’ve got nothing to lose, and out a stupid sense of curiosity, you carelessly throw out your next question, “Was it a girl that did it for you?”
Charles instantly tenses up at your question and you know you're playing with fire. You notice his jaw twitch in irritation. His shoulders now hunching forward and his hand is how clenched around his wine glass. And by the tension in his fingers, you’re amazed that it hasn’t cracked from the pressure.
He’s debating whether to say something or not. And he does, but not before taking a large gulp of his wine.
“Why don’t we just skip the small talk and get straight to fucking shall we?”
And as he says it, he’s finally looking into your eyes. The pendulum swings once more and it's your turn to be nervous again.
“Excuse me?”
He lets out a little chuckle but from the expression in his eyes he’s not joking around.
“Listen, [Y/N], I didn’t invite you back to my apartment so we could exchange interior design tips. So, let’s just skip to what we’re good at which is sex,” he continues with a condescending tone. “We can either do it on my sofa if you like, or by the big window so you can take in the Parisian skyline as I fuck you from behind. But my bed also works, your choice”.
You can’t help but scoff, “And that works for all the other girls you’ve taken here, right?”
You want to slap the smirk that Charles’ is giving you right off his face.
“No,” he responds sarcastically. “I let them finish their glass of wine, or two, maybe even play them a song on my piano before I ask them to take their clothes off”.
Oh, so I'm not even worthy of even getting through my wine? you think to yourself.
It's your turn to laugh but you know it’s hiding what you really feel. You’re confused but most importantly, you’re disappointed in the way that Charles is speaking to you. He had never spoken to you like this before.
“And what makes you think I’d want to fuck you anyway?” you retort, hoping that you sound assure in what you're saying, but you're not, your voice trembles. And Charles doesn't miss it.
And my God, he looks so arrogant as he looks you up and down. He’s so obvious with his gaze as his eyes become fixated on your boobs before making their way down to your thighs, which are now more exposed than before thanks to your dress riding up from sitting on the sofa.
“You’re wearing that dress aren’t you?” the smugness practically oozes from his tongue.
You can’t help but roll your eyes. “Well, if I’d of known that you were going to be my date then I definitely wouldn’t have wasted this dress on you”.
Charles throws his head back as his smile grows even bigger.
“It's such a shame that you’ve lost your sense of humour since I last saw you, amour”.
You scoff once more. His use of amour is no longer a term of endearment but a way to mock you. But you can't let him know that he's winning, so you somewhat fight back, "At least I’ve managed to grow up in the last three years. Unlike some”.
“And yet you’re still here”.
Your eyes meet his and you gulp. His piercing green eyes are glistening as he enjoys seeing you squirm. He’s been waiting for so long to see you again and he’s not going to let you forget how you made him feel. And he doesn’t care that he’s coming across as a dick when he’s doing so. You broke his heart, and he’s willing to be petty about it.
Despite your disgust in how he’s speaking to you since you arrived to his apartment, you know he’s right. Why are you still here? What sort of resolution are you going to get from this? And you remember how naive you were earlier to think that Charles had moved on when he was being nice to you. Oh how wrong you were.
“Well, now that we’ve established that you’re staying-“
“Who said I was staying?” you growl.
“Well, as I said before, you’re wearing that dress and I think it’s pretty obvious that you planned on getting fucked tonight, so I’m happy to cut to get to it,” Charles continues nonchalantly, “Pierre, as well intentioned as he is, did drop the bomb that you’ve been having a bit of a dry patch when it comes to your love life so I can’t blame you for getting your hopes up”.
You’re growing more irritated by his sarcasm and attitude by the second. Your jaw can’t help but twitch as he drops the truth bomb on your pathetic love life. And so you retaliate, unknowingly falling right into his trap.
“And Pierre was ever-so-kind to let me know that you’ve been so miserable and bitter that you’ve had to fuck anyone with a pulse to get over me”.
You see a flash of anger fall onto Charles’ face but it’s gone as quick as it came. You wouldn't be sure it even happened if he didn't respond the way he does next.
“Better than whatever pathetic shit it is you’ve been doing,” Charles responds. "Random hook ups, pathetic tinder conversations. Are you scared of commitment or something?"
You say nothing but you're breathing heavily. You're the one who is now gripping onto their wine glass for dear life, holding onto whatever composure you have left.
"There was one thing that Pierre didn't tell me though. How did you and Lewis end things, amour?"
What a little...
Who the fuck does he think he is?
This conversation has taken a dark turn and it’s enough for you to want to get out of here. Something you should have done before. You slam your wine glass onto the coffee table, before standing up to make your way towards the front door.
You hear Charles get out of his seat, closely following behind before he grabs onto your arm.
“What’s wrong, amour?” his voice is sickeningly sweet as he taunts you once more, pulling you back towards him.
“I’m not going to sit here and let you talk to me like this,” you spit. But your voice cracks as you can feel ears form in your eyes. This whole evening has been humiliating and now Charles is hanging your desperate love life in front of you, like it's a toy that can be poked and prodded at for entertainment.
And if you thought that by leaving that Charles would retreat, you were completely wrong.
“Sorry, baby, thought you were into men who treated you like shit”.
You're not sure who's more surprised by the slap you've just given Charles, you've both been stunned into silence. The hand that he had on your arm immediately removes itself from you, now finding itself pressed against Charles' cheek. He winces at his own touch, the flesh that was met with your slap is beginning to sizzle.
One of your tears spills over as you make eye contact with Charles, your expressions matching one another. Horror. It takes you a few moments to realise what you've done. Unwilling and unable to accept the consequences of your actions, you decide to bolt for the exit. But as soon as you open the front door, it's been slammed shut. Panicking, you turn around to see that Charles has followed you, his hand is above your head holding the door closed.
You're not sure why you feel scared, but you press your back against the door. You're pressing into it so hard that you hope that it creates some sort of portal to take you somewhere far, far away from here. Anywhere but here.
But your dreams are cut short because Charles is standing in front of you, still holding the door closed while the other hand caresses his cheek, marked with your handprint.
"No, you don't get to just run away from me again," he barks as he hovers over you.
"What?" you ask in confusion.
"You've done it to me once before and I won't let you do it again," he replies. His breathing his heavy, chest rising and falling dramatically as he looks into your eyes. "You've left me once before without an explanation. You're not doing that to me this time".
His tone is much more gentle this time. The last few moments have made him feel vulnerable. His find flashes back to the last time he saw you and how he watched you walk out of his front door, never to be seen again until three years later. Despite his bitterness towards your break up, he wasn't going to make that mistake again. No, it was time for some answers. Ones he had been waiting for for three long years.
He removes the hand that's above your head on the door and places it back down by his side. "Can you just stay, please? I think you owe me that much".
You nod.
"Okay," your voice barely a whisper. "I'll stay but at least let me get a cold towel for your face".
It's Charles turn to nod.
He makes his way back to the sofa while he waits for you to return with a cold, damp cloth. When you return, his eyes never leave you as he watches you sit down beside him. He watches you as you gently places the damp cloth against his cheek. He hisses out your touch.
"I'm sorry," you whisper as you begin to dab his face gently, this time your touch hurts less.
Apart from your very brief apology, the two of you say nothing for a while. Charles' eyes are still on you as you take care of him. He gulps as you take your other hand and brush away a strand of hair that's fallen onto his cheek. His mind goes rushing back to all of the times that you touched him before. But now it's in such different circumstances and you both feel like strangers to one another now. He wants to touch you again, to see if it still feels the same. If your skin is still as soft as before. It always used to be so warm and silky, it felt like satin beneath his touch. But he's too scared to try, after all you did just slap him a not so long ago, because of shitty words that he said to you.
"Charles," you say before pausing. You look at him briefly as he nods, waiting for you to carry on. He's looking at you with such puppy dog eyes that you can't help but feel guilty as you see that he still has some redness on his cheek. But you carry on. "I'm sorry for hitting you. I... I shouldn't have done that".
Charles chuckles a little, "It's okay, amour".
"No, no, it's not okay. I shouldn't hit anyone," you protest, this time holding the cloth against his cheek.
Charles smiles at you, "Honestly, it's okay. I deserve it, I was being nasty."
You let out a little sigh.
"I really am sorry," you say as you look into his eyes.
"I know, amour".
It's all the two of you say for a few more minutes before you finally remove the cloth from Charles' cheek. The redness has calmed down, but he still feels a sting from your touch.
As you place the cloth on the table, you reach for your glass of wine, realising that it's been untouched. You take a sip before handing the glass to Charles. He smiles before taking it from your hand and taking a sip himself.
As your wait to find something to say, you begin to pull at the hem of your short dress. How do you carry on the conversation from here? The last time you tried to speak it went from being petty to nasty and to, in your case, being violent. But Charles' demeanor is different this time, he seems a lot calmer and he doesn't want to make your life a living hell any more. He watches you fiddling with the hem of your dress and pulling at a loose string. He places his hand on top of yours to stop you from pulling at the material any more.
"Hey, don't do that. Your dress is beautiful, I wouldn't want you to ruin it," his tone is so gentle. So much so that you tears begin to form in your eyes again. You can't even look at Charles as your eyes remain fixated on your lap. You hadn't realised your tears had spilled over until landed on the bottom of your dress, leaving the smallest of damp spots.
"Hey, hey, please don't cry," Charles whispers as he wipes your tear with his thumb. But by him telling you not to cry doesn't mean that you stop. If anything, feeling his hand on your face only makes it worse. "Please don't cry, [Y/N]".
Charles cups your face in his hands as he lifts it up so you're looking at him. "Charles," you begin but your breath catches in your throat. The evening is beginning to overwhelm you and you can't seem to be digesting anything that's happening in a reasonable way.
"Tell me, amour," Charles says as he wipes your tears once more.
Fuck, even the way he's saying it now is so confusing. It's so gentle and so kind and you don't deserve any of this.
"Did you mean it earlier? When you said you only invited me back to have sex?"
Charles sighs as he shakes his head.
"No! No, I was being an asshole, okay," he tells you. "I didn't mean it."
You nod but you're not sure if you believe him. You wouldn't blame him if he fucked you and then left you because in Charles' eyes, that's what you did to him three years ago.
"Hey, hey, look at me," his voice is more commanding this time that you can't help but look at him. He hesitates for a moment, before he leans in to kiss your forehead. "I didn't mean it, amour. I was just angry, that's all".
You nod but you still feel overwhelmed with his touch and so you lean back on the sofa to give yourself a little bit of a break. Charles follows suit.
Silence falls on the room once more but this time, the two of you taking turns drinking the wine from your glass, hoping that the two of you find the courage to address the elephant in the room.
This time, it's Charles who breaks the silence.
"You... you said in the taxi that you never went to New York," he begins. The volume in his voice is much lower this time.
You nod slowly.
"What happened? Why did you change your mind?"
He nervously awaits your answer and he doesn't miss the little sigh that you let out.
"Charles, I... I was never going to New York. It was never the plan. Lewis kept asking but I always said no," you tell him.
Charles' scrunches his forehead at your confession.
"But you told me-"
"No, that day when I came to see you. I planned on telling you that everything was over between Lewis and I but I don't know what happened. I just couldn't get the words out, after everything that happened it should have been easy but it wasn't. Because I'd never been able to say out loud that my marriage was over. And when I told you that Lewis asked me to join him in New York, I didn't tell you because that's what was happening. I told you because I was scared and confused. You talked about moving in together and I panicked. For the first time in seven years he wasn't going to be in my life and I just didn't have time to process it," you tell him, "And so when you asked me if I was going, I just froze. I... I don't why I did. But by the time I got over my panic you thought that I had basically confirmed that I was going with Lewis but I never was. I don't blame you for reacting the way you did, hell, I would have had the same thoughts. But he was never an option any more, Charles, it was always you".
Charles stays silent as he lets all of your words sync in. He had been so wrong this whole time and he spent so many days and months hating you. Was he so wiling to believe that you were leaving him to stay with Lewis because he couldn't believe that it would finally be true? He'd always heard that the spouse never leaves their martial partner when it comes to having an affair. But you and Charles never had an affair. You had a relationship, and one that Lewis knew all about. So why had he gotten it all so wrong?
"When you told me to leave, I... I took the cowards way out. I don't blame you for not believing me. We were both tired and I gave up. I'm sorry that I gave up, Charles," you say. It's your turn to wipe the tear from Charles' cheeks.
"No, I pushed you away," he says quietly.
You shake your head. "No, you didn't. You did nothing wrong," you tell him.
The two of you take a few minutes to process your confession to Charles. The tears have now dried up for the both of you but the weight of the conversation rests heavy on your hearts.
"If you didn't go to New York, where did you go?" Charles asks.
You let out a little sigh. "I went for a job opportunity in Singapore. And I took it, so I moved about three months after things ended between us".
Charle lets out a light-hearted chuckle. "Singapore, that must have been nice," he says, "How did you manage in the heat?"
"I didn't," you laugh, "I basically lived a nocturnal lifestyle. But it was nice, I enjoyed my time there. I think I grew up a lot while I was there".
You pause for a moment, your smile falls a little as you carry on. "I do think about what would have happened if I'd stayed in London though..." Your sentence trails off as you begin to think about the what ifs.
"Well you know, London. Always busy and always expensive," Charles jokes. You smile at him softly.
"Kind of like Paris, right?" you say and he nods in response.
He takes a moment before asking his next question, "Do you regret going?"
Uncertainty takes over momentarily before you reply, "I don't know. I wish I kind of did things differently".
"Me too," Charles mutters.
Your eyes meet each others and this time it feels different. It feels like you're both longing for one another. You're not sure who initiated the first move as you both lean in for a gentle kiss which soon escalates as Charles pulls you onto his lap while you reach out to cup his face. The kiss deepens quickly as the two of your run your hands over any body part you can find on the other.
Charles' hands going from your hair on the back of your head to your waist. At some point, they end up on your ass which is now exposed due to the movements you've been making on his lap. Your hands too find themselves in his hair before making their way over his shoulders and down his clothed chest but you don't miss the tight muscles that sits below the thin material.
You hum as Charles' lips make their way to below your ear before making their way down your neck and finally to your chest.
"I wasn't joking when I mentioned this dress earlier," he says as he stares up at you, his eyes are full of hunger, "it was meant to taken off".
You can't help but squeal as he dramatically pulls your straps down to reveal your chest and it doesn't take long for him to wrap his mouth around one of your nipples. You moan as he begins to suck on the sensitive skin.
"Fuck," you let out as your hands grip onto his shoulders.
Tonight has been such a mind fuck that you feel dizzy at his touch. How the hell have you ended up in this situation where you've gone from slapping Charles for being an asshole to having him sucking on your tits. Maybe he was right and that you did like men that treated you like shit.
But that was baggage that you could unpack another day as you're suddenly brought back to your senses when you feel a flash of cold air on your vagina. You look down and see that Charles has pulled your panties to the side.
He looks up at you menacingly as his right hand makes its way down your body while the other holds your him in place. You can't help but yelp as his fingertips brush against your clit.
"Charles," you sigh in relief as he presses more pressure onto your sensitive bud.
"I'd be lying if I said I hadn't imagined this image over the last three years," Charles teases as he slides his fingers between your folds. "Mmmm," is all you can say.
"I still have those photos you know and some of the videos that we took," he continues as he left hand makes it's way back up to your breast, missing the feeling of full flesh beneath his fingers.
"Charles," you whisper once more as you grip onto his hair.
"All you have to do is tell me how you want," he says and you're falling into his touch when he suddenly pushes two of his fingers inside of you.
Charles takes your profanity as a sign to continue but this only sends you into overdrive. No, it's that dizzy feeling again and you suddenly feel light-headed. His fingers are moving in and out of you but all you want to do is push yourself off his chest and you do.
"Stop," you cry as you lift yourself of Charles' body.
Charles is stunned at your sudden change and becomes flustered, trying to understand why you're no longer wanting him to touch you.
"Amour, what's wrong?"
You're panting as you recover from the sensation of Charles while you're also trying to gather your thoughts at the same time.
"I don't think this is a good idea," you eventually say. You don't miss the look of disappointment on Charles' face. "It's not that I don't want to, I just think that... that we've gone through so much tonight. We haven't really processed anything and I don't want us to regret this".
Charles nods. He'd do anything to have you right now but deep down he knows you're right. The events of tonight have been chaotic, petty and at times toxic. This was the first time the two of you had addressed what happened and even then it was only a short conversation. He's only just gotten you back into his life and despite what his mouth was running with earlier, Charles didn't want to lose you again.
"You're right, I'm sorry," he says softly.
"Please don't be sorry. We both wanted it but it's not the best thing right now," you say. You want to break the tension in the air by cracking a joke, "If you want, we can both tell Pierre that we fucked to mess with his head".
Your joke works as Charles releases some tension by laughing before letting out a "Fucking Pierre".
At some point, you end up resting your head against Charles' chest as the two of you enjoy the silence for the first time this evening and for the final time, Charles interrupts a quiet moment between you two.
"Can you stay tonight? I... Nothing has to happen, I'd just like you to stay," he says quietly. You look up at him and nod.
The two of you eventually make your way to the bedroom and slowly undress each other as you get ready for bed, with Charles lending you one of his football jerseys.
And while he sleeps ever so soundly, his chest gently rising and falling as he lets out slow breaths, you find yourself not being able to sleep at all.
As the sun begins to rise on an early summer's morning in Paris, you find a pen and paper in Charles' kitchen before leaving him a note on his pillow:
' I promise I'm not running away this time, I just think that we both deserve the chance for a clear head in the morning.
I'm so grateful that I got the chance to see you again.
Amour xxx '
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naturallyadventured · 1 month
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One of my favourite memories from 2019 ~ I hold this moment so deep in my heart ~ forever lovin you my soul sistar ✨🌿🌸
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venusvity · 1 year
Constellations are known for their outlandish and downright unhinged behavior, especially on Twitter. Most of the most defining fandom jokes and memes originate from the site. Here are just a few moments that altered the brain chemistry of constellations everywhere.
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Some of these don't need an explanation. This one is one of them.
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Summer Luv's line distribution. The whole app was quiet for a solid ten minutes when this was posted.
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The BaeKi laughing pic of 2022. They say if a constellation hits you with this pic, it's over. One of the most intimidating images for Kpop stan twitter.
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When meme met reality. A photoshopped screencap of Chloe saying: "People saw me, a pretty girl, and decided to hate on me." circulated around the internet, many people believing it was real due to Chloe being...Chloe. Though a month later, Chloe confirmed on a live that she didn't say that although she admits it does sound like something she would say.
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Baebi's angeltalk breakdown. The screenshots are often used as reaction pics with no context given. The story is a little unsure as to what Baebi was going through when she posted these but she was clearly going through something and though the posts were deleted that morning, they live on via low quality screenshots across the internet.
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Allume stans shake when a constellation brings this video up. One of the three times Flowerbank and Angelico artists have interacted and no one can tell you why. Constellations often use a clip of Chaerin hitting a note softly before Jiah hits an impressive high not, many constellations call this Jiah's "SISTAR" moment and bring it up mainly burning fanwars.
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asianhaven4u · 4 months
Iconic kpop moment! My delicious thicc Sistar bias.
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madamlaydebug · 6 months
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Blessed Rising,
Sending all of my Divine Reflections the Highest Volumes of Love, Light & Sound where ever you are upon this journey of self realization. May Mother Ma'at continue to guide us all as the Age of Khali Yuga nears closer to its end transition👁 We must REmember that we are the Light, the Age of Awakening Mother Gaia has been patiently waiting for🙏🏽 Eye can feel you all here with me. As I gaze upon Luna's celestial glow, I am reminded that we are only limited by the limitations that which we set upon ourselves. We are our greatest advocate or adversary. Each & everyday, within every prevailing now moment lies a definitive choice between the balance of polar opposites, chaos or order. The Dualistic Principles of this 3rd Dimensional Space Time Matrix. As the Divine Masculine & Feminine work to refine in total communion with one another, within our BEing, we must choose. Will we continue succumbing to the grandeur illusions of our preconceived notions of self, ego? Or... Will we choose to rise above self imposed limitations & break free from the mental enslavement that has been unwillingly bestowed upon us, since physical incarnation (birth)? We have been conditioned as a Collective, programmed into a Fear Based Mental Matrix that feeds off of the mentality, emotions & suffering of the people. The majority are comforted by the system & docile to the indoctrination at work here. This is truly a #WarOnConsiousness that has been implemented for thousands of years now. How do we put an end to this Collective control? We must empower the people to acknowledge their multidimensional BEingness, beyond that of the individual self, beyond that of separation. We are where spirit & matter meet in unity. We must REmind our Brothers & Sistars of the innate Spiritual fire within, the fire that burns away all that it is not. We must awaken them to the absolute reality of Love that clears away all worldly doubt & confusion. We must REawaken them to the Light of their REmembrance, that we are all Integrally connected as ONE. These are the beginning steps to the Spiritual Liberation of the Collective Consciousness.
We are the change that must first be activated from within. REclaim your power to aid in restoring harmony & unconditional Love here on Earth #AsAboveSoBelow It's up to all of us, we all contribute to the whole, if you believe this or not👁
Just for today I will not anger.
Just for today I will not worry.
Just for today I will be grateful for all of my blessings.
Just for today I will work with honesty & integrity.
Just for today I will be kind to all living beings.
Just for today I will be in the willing service to all, for I am but a divine reflection of all.
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minjiwritesstuff · 8 months
WEi Reaction: They Catch You Dancing To Sistar's Touch My Body
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Daehyeon would watch you from a distance, at first he'd be confused at what you're doing. Then he'd hear the music and understand, which would make him laugh.. which would reveal his presence to you. You'd stop as soon as you see, embarassed he caught you. That would only make Daehyeon laugh more.
''Nice dancing baby~''
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He'd watch you, staying silent as he didn't want you to know he's watching. He'd chuckle silently as he'd watch you move your hips to the beat and would record you. Luckily for him you didn't catch him and he stopped filming before you finished dancing. He'd then act like he just got here.
''Hey there, what were you up to?''
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Yongha would be your personal hype man. From the moment he saw you dancing he'd cheer and hype you to keep going. He'd join you, doing ridiculous moves as he doesn't know the dance. He'd sing for you and would laugh with you as the both of you looked silly dancing in your living room.
''Oh we're dancing? Okay let's go!''
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Similar to Yongha he'd join you and do silly moves that don't even match with the dance, which would make you laugh. You'd laugh so much that you wouldn't even be able to keep dancing and so you'd only watch Yohan act silly and sing.
''Look at me I can dance too- TOUCH MA BODY!!''
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He'd watch you while singing until you made a mistake in the dance. Seokhwa being the girl group lover that he is couldn't let this pass. He'd quickly stand beside you and teach you the choreography, even if you only danced for fun and did the moves you knew.
''No no no no baby that's not how you do it. Here let me show you''
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Junseo only caught you towards the end so he stood and watched, waiting for you to be finished. When the music stopped, you stopped dancing and that's when Junseo started clapping. He clapped for way too long with the biggest smile on his face.
''You were so good! You should dance more often''
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leonaluv · 1 year
Hello 🖤
I would like to know my past life story ...the emoji that best represents me is 💀
Thankyou 🖤
Hey 😎🙋🏾‍♀️
Early bronze age time frame
Location Mexico
You were know for your brilliance as you were mathemathic or use something related to math. As you did had a genetic illness and you did have to work for someone. You were also a good hunter. Your part of a lost civilization and that now was froze but it be something that will be reveal later. They were other towns well groups of other people that wanted to kill people from your community. So you face others trying to slander your name but you were able to prove yourself. You had a strong faith due to the spiritual people in community. The prophets were good at predicting events and your community itself was very loving.
I got the sistar song "but I love you " which reminds me of that one song one more day . As you had love of same sex . It was positive loving moment a divine counterpart .
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paulinapalian · 1 year
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Unforgettable moments #fashionreminder: singer Natalia Przybysz, formerly known as NATU from #Sistars
wearing HOP SA SA by paulina palian
currently collection instagram: @paulinapaliancollection
About the collection see fb HOPSASA.by.paulina.palian
graduate collection 2008 inspired by Polish Folk and contemporary street fashion of the beginning of the XXI century
About the Artist:
Natu, Natalia Przybysz, also known as Natu or N'Talia, is a Polish rhythm and blues singer.
She is a member of the Polish Society of the Phonographic Industry. via Wikipedia
#NataliaPrzybysz #natu #PolishFolk #folkmania #sztukakobiet #polipalian @palian.art
pics from http://muzyka.wp.pl/gid,608086,page,2,title,Natu-w-Warszawie,galeria.html
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boraxquinn · 1 year
Bora: I was told to make a comment about this so here it goes…
6 years ago today, was the day we held out last fanmeeting, our last stage on Mnet and our last day as Sistar before we disbanded. Even though we handle our goodbye gracefully and perfectly, thinking about how we weren’t even asked if we wanted to continue on still makes my skin crawl. And I will never forgive the people who made that decision without asking. I would have stayed as Sistar’s Bora until I was old and grey. But that’s not what happened. I love my sistars for life. I just wish the person we trusted the most didn’t stab us in the back.
So any young rookie, soloist or rookie group reading this, live in the moment. Appreciate you’re time on stage with your teammates no matter what. Cause you never know when it will be taken from you.
I love you all. And I’m sorry we left. 💜 Star1 will always have my heart.
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My kpop trash bin life journey
I am not lying to anyone, there was a big period of my life where I was deep into kpop. I would even call it unhealthy, but I want to share it. Though, in all honesty I hope no one was like me.
My journey started all the way back to 2011, my very first kpop group was big bang. My mother was actually the one who introduced it to me saying that I should listen to kpop. I think she just wanted to talk about it with someone though… Anyway, the first kpop song for me was Haru Haru by Big Bang. That pineapple lives in my memory very vividly to this day.
Since my first song was from Big Bang you would think they would be my first group, right? Wrong, I was so over my head for Girl’s Day, Apink, Girl’s Generation, and Cnblue. It became around this time that I started to get more interested in Korean variety shows as well as the culture in general. I started watching shows like Running Man, Infinity Challenge, We Got Married, and so on. I would say I was pretty healthy during this time too; I didn’t obsess over any of these idols either. I’m pretty sure I followed other groups I can’t remember right now too.
Another 2 years go by and now it’s 2013, my mom discovers BTS, she falls in love, but so do I. I find them to be pretty interesting. Still, I prefer the groups I had previously mentioned a little bit more. I started to become interested in Exo and I rekindled that Big Bang flame too. Then flash forward to 2015, the start of my madness.
In 2015, I would fall in love with Seventeen, Twice, and the SM Rookies (NCT before they became NCT). This was when I learned more about fan culture among the kpop community. Before this year, I never thought I would want to order any albums because it just wasn’t a thing back then for people living overseas. What I mean by that, was how it wasn’t as easily accessible as it is now. Despite wanting albums, I was doing alright, or so I thought.
2016 came rolling in and I felt the need to support every group I followed, and I will list them all out for you below:
Twice Exo BTS NCT Apink Girl’s Day CNblue Day6 Astro Seventeen BtoB KNK Victon SF9 Sistar
I’m not lying I felt like I needed to support everyone, and I did very successfully just that. I wrote down when each of their comebacks would come out, I followed their socials and so on. If there was anything any of these idols had been you bet, I was going to be watching them. Now, if you’re wondering about my life, don’t worry. At this point I was in school, and I never slacked when it came to grades. So, no one in my family said anything.
I lived this life all the way up till 2018, which is not healthy. I love kpop, but by the middle of 2017 I felt like I needed to support them. BTW I had added more groups to this list as well. Going back to the feeling of needing to support them, it was unhealthy. I was obsessed, I was a dumpster of kpop and nothing more. I didn't think that way though. I was like, I’m so happy I know so much about kpop. I know everything that’s going on at the moment in the kpop world.
Of course, my health wasn’t that way. I spent several hours watching kpop, even if there weren’t any subtitles. I even bought products they endorsed. I even went to kcon which wasn’t all that exciting as I expected it to be. The only thing I don’t regret was the concerts. I felt that if I didn’t support them in this way, I didn’t have the worthiness to call myself a fan. Which is not true in any way. Now what was so wrong with this life? Well, I didn’t pay attention to myself. I realized my whole personality and life was centered around kpop and not who I was as a person. Let that sink in for a moment.
I had to take one good look in the mirror and see who I was. I was someone who knew more about kpop than their own self. Now, I’m not blaming kpop, I have only myself to blame. I should have paid more attention to myself. I know that now and I don’t get carried away like I used to. Now, I dress up, go out and I know who I am. It took me two years of limiting my kpop intake. Man, I sound like I had an addiction.
So where am I now?
I watch kpop, but I’m nowhere near as invested as I was back then. I still have my groups like Astro, Twice, and SF9, but I’m satisfied. I don’t feel the need to watch everything they do, nor do I feel the need to do anything I was like before. I think those three groups are the only ones I constantly check up on.
What I’m trying to say is don’t make the same mistake I did. Don’t feel like you need to watch everything your fave is in. Also, I used to be one of those people who wouldn’t listen to mainstream pop because I was like “ew gross” which is totally not true. I see some people like that these days and I think you need to understand everyone has their own music tastes.
In the end, you don’t breathe and live for your idol. Don’t spend hours upon hours watching content on kpop. Take a look at yourself and see who you know more about, a kpop idol or yourself. If kpop is the one thing that makes you happy, please find something else. I trust you that it’s going to make your life a lot better. Well, that’s all I have to say and I hope those of you who made it this far found this interesting to gaze upon.
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p-antomime · 2 years
kikiii i need to know if you’ve heard the recent gg cbs (kep1er and loona) and lapillus’ debut !! and ur thoughts on them pls <3
AHHH I WAS WAITING FOR IT ! i, yesss, have heard all of them and i got to know that lapillus has a member which is from Philippines/Argentina? I GOT EXCITED! NGL! this girl called Maria Chantal Videla (or chanty, her stage name) is fire fr, but anyways, gonna talk about the recent comebacks under the cut so the dash isnt full of my babbling
i will start with LOONA since i'm an orbit AND I WAS SO EXCITED to listen and see my 12 cutie girls doing a summer concept (which is a concept i adore, i was a sistar stan pls), but i felt that BBC tried to do something that mixes elegant concept with summery tones and not the other way around and I don't know if this was a shot in the foot or not, i got this impression especially because of the white tulle clothes when they are in the train in the beginning of the MV, yk? besides that, I felt that choerry got SO little screen time? i don't know if theres any orbit out there thinking this too, but i can't stop thinking about it every time i see the MV, which by the way is too beautiful! other than that, i'm truly happy to see yeojin & haseul with a bit more lines, although gowon and vivi are still… anyway…
and about the song ! i liked it, really, i liked it a lot and i CANNOT STOP REPRODUCING "that, that, that, that, that, that, oh gotta do, gotta do" LOONA LEAVE ME ALONE
now about kepler girlssss, i must admit that i was expecting a COMPLETELY different song because i was basing it on the teasers, yk? and i still have such a mixed feeling about it, but hikaru and dayeon/xiaoting's lines HAVE MY HEART ALL OVER! i loved hikaru's hair and i also thought the blonde bahiyyih LOOKED GREAT, AMAZINGGG. but, anyway, i felt that wake one kind of told kepgirls in this comeback: "you'll have the budget of a soda for the MV, so work your magic" WAKE ONE IS NOT IN BANKRUPTCY AND STILL WON'T GIVE THEM A WELL WORKED MV 😭😭
but, anyway, yk that scene where the girls are kind of in the universe (?), with those beautiful crowns? THAT MOMENT IS RECORDED IN MY MIND TODAY, they were flawless!
and, finally, about lapillus! I AM SO HAPPYYYYY TO SEE SHANA DEBUTING!!! this girl deserves the world for real, and for a gg that debuted less than a week ago, i loved their MV and i got the feeling that HIT YA could be a bside from aespa just because it has some undertones of sci-fi as a concept and also the beat really made me remember something that aespa could pull off and slay and i think that's because of this feeling i liked HIT YA so much, AND DAMNN THAT YOUNG GIRL, HAEUN, WHAT SHE HAS IN HER BLOOD? bruh, she slays dancing af i goT CHOCKED seeing her at their showcase and she is like... 14y old? a 08 liner, jesus christ... i also liked so much bessie & yue's voices ! got a little sad that chanty just got a few lines that are for real the same thing, but i think she may be improving her korean?
but, anyways, i have no idea of where the second verse of HIT YA went, because it's literally just "HIT YA HIT YA HIT YA HIT YA" but ok i'll let it pass just because shana made me fall in love with this girls
i can say i'm not disappointed in any way with recent gg releases and i'm so excited for NAYEON solo debut, for aespa comeback, itzy comeback and well anyone whos coming too cuz i dont remember everybody 😭
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One of my favourite memories from 2019 ~ I hold this moment so deep in my heart ~ forever lovin you my soul sistar ✨🌿🌸
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blkmoonlilith · 5 months
Grab a cup of coffee! The New Year is about to arrive!
To my heart and soul, SiStarS and BroStars 2024 has arrived, and so have you! As we step into 2024, let’s take a moment to be grateful for our blessings. Many dear souls transitioned last year, reminding us of how precious and fleeting life can be. But today, if you’re reading this, it means you’re still living and breathing, and your presence is a gift, and I am grateful for it. Let’s make…
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what-if-nct · 10 months
Hii, I was wondering what your thoughts are on zb1? I’ve watched quite a few survival shows (unit, i-land, &audition, boys planet, fantasy boys) but the only one I watched as it was actually happening was boys planet and I feel like that’s what led me to pay closer attention to zb1. I wasn’t expecting this but they are now one of my favourite groups. I think Taerae is my favourite, he’s like a cute, awkward grandpa and he has a beautiful smile and dimples. His dimples >>. He really caught my eye in a cover of man in love by infinite on bp and he was also on masked singer recently. As someone who is pan, I feel quite comfortable with this group too. Multiple of them seem like they’d be quite supportive and open minded. They are quite 💅Have you seen any of the jokes/iconic moments like Ricky being young and rich or Hanbin mothering? Sometimes Yujin makes me sad tho. One of the mentors on bp kept expressing how much she liked him (in a crush way) and repeatedly asked him to say “I love you, noona”. It was a bit funny at first but it happened so many times that it became creepy. Yk how sometimes an idol says or does something and it keeps getting brought up again and again and it sort of gets integrated into their persona or it becomes their Thing. I don’t want Yujin’s thing to be that. I’m only a few months older than him, we’d be in the same school year, and I think I wouldn’t like to be in that situation. At the moment, it doesn’t seem to be bad though. Aside from that, I’m really excited to see how things work out for them. Also, what groups do you stan(apart from nct and skz) or used to stan?
Oh well I've never seen any of the survival shows, honestly not even stray kids. I actually only really watch like content inside of NCT and Stray Kids YouTube channels even then I'm super behind. I'm sorry I can't provide any insight for you, my taste in media is really weird and a lot of survival shows, dramas, movies even variety shows just don't fall into that. Even then I only really watch personal kpop group vlogs like JCC, and stray kids personal day vlogs and I loved wayv's Disney vlog Winwin was so cute. And their camping vlogs. So like chill non stressful content is my thing. Sorry, but I've seen Ricky from boys planet just around. He seems like a sweet boy.
Other than NCT and skz I Stan Exo, TXT, Blackpink,P1harmony and Ateez.
I used to Stan Teen Top, Ukiss, B1A4, Snsd, 4 minute, 2ne1, Sistar, B.A.P and Secret pretty much all of them have disbanded or are just inactive but Ukiss did an anniversary comeback. Also SHINee is a limbo group where i will always love them but it's just hard to listen to them still. I'm very much a 2nd\3rd gen kpop fan
And I accidentally fell into Twice, I saw a video of Jeongyeon push a member out of the way to wave to the camera a few months ago and fell in love with her and I have just been falling into them more and more slowly but surely.
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