#sister of parvos oc
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"Oh admit it. You're just jealous of me Liodia. As the youngest, you'll always be second best."
"Oh I am not! You know for a fact I'm the better one of us two."
"Keep dreaming, sis. Keep dreaming."
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pavooko · 1 month
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the bisexual captain’s rivalry but it’s ft. my intrusive thoughts (bullfighting this time)
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Reverse popular opinion: Liches/Sister of Parvos
Oh, this ones easy (unlike the riven one)
I feel like that for the kind of game Warframe is, the nemesis system is the best it can be, honestly. It gives you the option to speedrun it, but theres no massive penalty for not doing it, which caters to both sides of the playerbase. The choice at the end also provides a multitude of endings and options depending on what you want from your nemesis without having you feel like you're missing out on content, and the progenitor system I feel like gives the player agency while also not guaranteeing they can just grind out 60% elemental damage weapons within a day. Sure, it took a long time to get here, but i feel like now the system itself is actually damn good.
However, thats all surface stuff. The real reason the nemesis system in Warframe is awesome boils down to two words: OC Generator (i know its technically 3, shut up)
You need an antagonist for your Tenno oc? Get a Lich or Sop then translate their personalities to fandom. Need a protagonist that feels a little bit more unique? Nemesis. Wanna explore how a Warframe character would act without the tenno present? Nemesis. Hell, need a *name* for an oc? Kuva liches got your back!
Hell, if i could stop procrastinating, I would write about a SoP I adopted from a mutual bullying/seducing Alad V into giving her control of Jupiter.
The nemesis system is the best thing DE has made for the oc community, second only to the sheer bonkers amount of customization this game has. End post.
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midorishinobi5 · 10 months
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Short comic detailing how the infestation has affected the memories of my Vauban OC André ft. @rosesaudio’s OC Merria
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master-of-cosmos · 2 years
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As is well known, Vauban Prime was built to counter the growing buds of Corpus ingenuity in the service of his Golden masters. Though the records demonstrate him beginning this enterprise with a most promising future ahead, he made the ill-timed choice to pursue his Sister of Parvos prey unshielded into a raging void storm.
Meeting both their fates, the raw exposure permanently altered his physical constitution, as well as that of his ·Swooping Falcon· Skana. It was years before he was recovered, and while his Shi armor plates and neuroptic replacement do well to keep him in proper phase with the material plane, there’s always the threat that the storm may yet break free.
~ Scholar Mameldi
yooo i can’t play frame for like a week now cause of traveling and mORROTober so here is a gifset and the unveiling of my mini oc to hold me over -- mameldi is an assistant or maybe common associate to drusus leverian who specializes in warframe alt equipment/skins. basically i’ll just use her as the voice of my fashionframe lore. because. i think about it too much and coming up with blurbs is fun
ANYWAY, equipment is Phased Vauban Skin, Prime Helmet (just color it to match your armor pieces since DE doesn’t seem to ever plan on fixing the texture), Shi armor set, Lodestar syandana, Seraphayre ephemera, Excalibur Umbra noble animation, and Prisma Skana to round it out. the energy and purple colors mainly come from Hallow’s Eve palette
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speckeltail · 3 years
one day I’ll actually name my corpus brother oc
basically a corpus sister except he came out as trans after he had enough creds to transition and parvos was like sigh fine now go help your sisters and he’s like :D
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Ok, time to chronicle the Great Nemesis Oc-ification. Since its quite a ride, ill put a cutoff point so you dont have to scroll down for twenty years
Ok, so it all started with the bad maternal figure @alteredsilicone who decided she would deny her main oc (who is a widow) a second chance at love, who in this case is the SoP Madia (picture credit of course goes to her creator and worst-mom-of-the-year award winner)
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And thus, being the proper blorbo enthusiast I am, I decided to take her for myself as a nemesis for one of my ocs (for those in the know, its Lance, aka the brother of one of my favorite ocs, Samuel)
HOWEVER, just as I was about to trade artie some deimos fish for her sop (see why I called her worst mom of the year? Trading her child for some infested sushi, smh), I realized there was pesky little lich in the way, who i was planning to kill for his kuva hek. However, upon some further reflection (aka seeing that the weapon had 28% impact, xd), i realized little old Hokk Fastanu would be a perfect candidate for Samuels own lich and nemesis (not to mention the progenitor is samuels frame, aka wukong).
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(I mean look at him. A goofier lich ive never seen)
So we went on a hunt and discovered some stuff:
-After playing warframe on a ps4 for 6 years, my hand cannot take the sheer acrobatics i gotta do to navigate the Kuva fortress on PC
-Apparently, Hokk here is cannonically friends with the Grustrag Three (who showed up literally a few seconds after we sent him away to the Saturn Proxima)
-Apparently, Hokk was so happy I spared him and made him an oc that he GAVE ME HIS EPHEMERA (Impact, of course, which is promptly going to Samuel's fashionframe if i can make it look good)
-oh yea, and apparently Wally wanted it to happen, cause he gave us the requiem i was missing on the FIRST kuva fissure, lmao
And then, once i wiped the floor with his face with the cannon accurate Samuel build (Wukong Prime with his favorite staff), the time had come.
And now, dear reader, I invite you to see what miss Artie deems is worth her beautiful oc, Madia:
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And on that note, End Post.
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