#siwon speaks
whenthegoldrays · 10 days
Finally caught up on Cinderella at 2am and though it hasn’t been as consistently high quality in the last couple of episodes, I’m still having a great time.
it’s dabbled in all the classic kdrama tropes, yet none of them have overstayed their welcome
even the annoying second love interest was my type of annoying
(maybe I’d hate him in real life, but on the screen, I just had to admire his guts when he jumped into Juwon’s car)
and I love that he’s being a supportive friend to Yunseo now!
the one thing that’s getting a little old is the cycle of Yunseo pushing Juwon away, them drifting back together somehow, Juwon declaring he can’t get over her, and her pushing him away again
but I give them a bit of leeway because I understand that it’s a difficult breakup and their feelings are all over the place and stuff keeps happening
however, if the preview for episode 8 is anything to go by, it looks like the cycle will finally be broken, and I must admit I’m relieved
also the scenes with Yunseo and Jiseok are so good, I love how much they love and support each other
everything related to Yunseo’s backstory has been done so well imo
speaking of good siblings! Siwon and Juwon’s relationship is a whole other flavor of amazing, but just as good
and how can I not mention the arranged marriage storyline?
I’m obsessed with how cute they are and the fact that, for all their awkwardness and inexperience at being married, they’re doing amazingly well at communicating and cooperating
plus it’s adorable what a crush they have on each other
Anyway! TL;DR, despite some minor complaints, I am very much enjoying this show. I give it an 8/10 so far and can’t wait for the next episode! :D
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mins-fins · 6 months
INTRODUCING generis ⤷ meaning "unique, peculiar".
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──── ⭒ ADMITTEDLY not the most organized group, if you were to place the seven of them in a room, they'd probably rip each other apart limb by limb (with no hesitation as well). a dangerous mix of harmonious, hysterical, and absolutely fucking ridiculous, they're probably not the best to choose when it comes to people you want to be secret agents, but also, they didn't get to decide!
agent 0. with dry sarcasm as his true forte and a knack for everything science, jang siwon is, in the others words, the most important member of the team. the designated agent #0 and assigned captain, he's the sole member responsible for getting everyone out of the crazy shit they put themselves in. he can often be seen stopping arguments and dissolving tension, sometimes he starts the altercations himself, but only on rare occasions!
agent 28. often used as the "team bait" in most scenarios, nicholas pham has built up a reputation for being a master of the con, deceiving people just seems to be a natural skill of his. people always find time to question how the titular agent #28 has time to be flirting with pitiable bartenders and also bust cyber-enabled financial crimes all in one go, but a magician never tells, in his case at least.
agent 72. known for yelling and getting into much more trouble than he should, tsui renshu seems to be focused on only two things, using his fists by any means necessary, and insulting his team whatever chance he gets. having been on his own since he was thirteen, the appointed agent #72 definitely has some unchecked anger issues that have become.. horrible over the years, but he's much too busy kicking ass (in a more figurative way) to care.
agent 14. highly notorious for busting through maximum security databases, nosaka haru seems to have no other interests expect for his usual tech savvy activities, as the elected agent #14, he is not your usual black hat hacker, he would actually be considered a gray hat hacker, one who does do illegal stuff yes, but it's for the good of society! (on most occasions). in the team, he's the usual reserved introvert who doesn't speak up unless he wants to be a smart ass, which is pretty much all the time.
agent 31. described as having a sharp memory and a personality as cold as ice, mathematical prodigy huang huifen is a very much laidback, casual member of the team, the deputed agent #31 is the one who solves all the problems. though cunning and occasionally mischievous, he's definitely not the most aggressive of the team, he rarely, if all, gets into physical altercations (save for a few times ren said some distasteful things).
agent 97. notable for his tendency to stress bake and saying things without clearly thinking, kang minsu is the last person you would expect to be an undercover agent trying to bust illegal financial conspiracies, but hey, there's always a time for everything! the overly energetic agent #97 is a..character, someone who you'd never expect to be as good at calculus as he truly is. if he has to calculate or over analyze situations, he will! it's how his brain works!
agent 55. having been labeled as an "attraction" and "a strange archetype", han yunseo is the youngest yet seemingly brightest of the team. a love for astronautical engineering and known despiser of the current cps system, the assigned agent #55 simply wants to do the right thing, unfortunately, he ended up in the wrong place. he isn't exactly doing the right thing, but he enjoys believing he is.
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masterlist next
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i think what really gets me and daun is that nobody gives a shit about his fucking opinion and then comes siwon and he shows him not only does he care about his beautiful face but also about his beautiful mind and like man the acting, daun looks breathless with the realization that if he speaks his mind that if he apologizes consciously and like to mend and talk not to just keep up appearances or to drown in shame as he's constantly clearly doing (which is why i think he's mostly self contained) that people will actually care, and he finally fucking talks to siwon about the things that make him daun and siwon is able to show him that people can be something other than just fucking push and push and push and push for dominance over him like daun's parents overbearing almost mythlike nature have done for daun, and siwon kept showing him that instead of the rejection or letting him get away with it which is worse, like siwon isnso compassionate but daun is truly damaged like god bless he hid it so well like siwon is able to vocalize that compassion even in pain and anger and is as simple as daun finally being honest, and so like fuck! the rot! the rot is sprouting new life girls!
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ethan-is-silly · 4 months
Saw @merrybandofmurderers do this thingy with their OCs and i got inspired! I wrote up some backstory for my Inky Adaar and made some Picrews!
TW for mention of S/H
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Love him (link)
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Adaar at 10 (link)
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Adaar and Bull (link)
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Last one! (Link)
Backstory Time!
Adaar's mother was a Saarebas who fled from the Qun with her lover to a village where the people spoke a language called Frynlenn. In an effort to distance her family from the Qun, she gave them all new names. She took the name 'Milvh' for herself and used 'Adaar' as their last name. Milvh had two mage daughters, Siwon and Monefey, who were born two years apart. After Milvh and her lover separated, she met another Tal-Vashoth and named him Diruk. Together, they had a daughter named Emezia, who inherited her father's white hair and her mother's black horns.
Milvh was an Andrastian and raised her daughters as such.
Diruk and Milvh also split up when Emezia was two, and Diruk took her. They lived in the same village but Emezia was raised by Diruk. Diruk was not a good father, he was a Karasaad and never really learned how to show any emotion.
Diruk died during a bandit raid when Emezia was seven. Milvh took Emezia back and it took a while for Emezia to reconnect with her mother, as she never really knew her besides some visits here and there. But, Emezia grew to cherish her family. Emezia’s hair had begun to turn darker, more blonde.
Siwon, Monefey, and Emezia were all told about the Qun, from horrible, terrifying stories to admissions about how it wasn't that bad. Emezia realized quickly that it all depended on who you were, and what your job was. Emezia believed that everyone should have equal opportunities for whatever they wanted in life.
At nine, Emezia struggled with her sexuality and mental health. Emezia was taught by her father to never let people in to keep everything to yourself and that never left her. So, she found out she was Bisexual after finding some books that explained it. But, the mental issues never really left. Emezia never wanted to open up, but she didn't wanna lash out accidentally. So, she began to lash out at herself when she became upset. Self-harm became one of her only pastimes.
At ten, Emezia met Mian. Mian was an eleven-year-old elf mage born from a City Elf father and a Dalish Mother. Mian had dark skin with red curly hair. The two constantly got into mischief, causing a ruckus wherever they went.
At eleven, Emezia had a revelation as she was not listening to one of the teachers speak. Emezia didn't want to be a girl. Emezia wanted to be a boy. That same day, Emezia changed his name to Ezmil. Soon, Mian was told and she went with it.
Ezmil had a natural talent for math. He found comfort in the simplicity of math, where every problem had a clear and definitive solution.
At fourteen, Ezmil began training with weapons as it dawned on him that nothing besides mercenary work or farming would be for him due to him being Qunari. Mian had already been getting lessons from Milvh in magic. By this time, Ezmil’s hair was brown and his horns had begun to grow white at the base. It had swapped now, his hair was from his mother now and his horns from his father.
At eighteen, Ezmil and Mian both entered the Valo-Kas. Ezmil’s hair was now fully black and after having his horns broken, they were growing back fully white and no longer spirals, but straight.
At twenty-six, Ezmil was hired to provide protection at the Conclave, as a neutral party to stand between templars and mages. After the disastrous explosion at the Temple of Sacred Ashes that killed the Divine, Adaar was the only survivor. Rumors that the mysterious mark on his hand is a sign of the Maker's favor were spread by those who claim they saw the divine prophet, Andraste herself, lead Adaar out of the Fade.
Bonus Info!!
Ezmil is 6’8 and 260lbs
Ezmil has ADHD
Ezmil is Transgender and Pansexual
Ezmil is a Mediator, INFP-T
Ezmil is a Rouge with the Assassin Specialization
The piercings Ezmil has are; 4 lobe piercings, a daith, a helix, labret, and a conch (All rings and on both ears)
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This is Mian, ! (Same link as the last pic)
Mian is 5’6 and 140lbs
Mian has Autism
Mian is a Lesbian
Mian is a Architect, INTJ-A
Mian is a Mage with the Necromancer Specialization
The piercings Mian has are; snake bites, septum, eyebrow piercing, nose, bridge, tongue, and 1 lobe
(Throwing this at the wall and hoping it sticks)
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mysilentmemory · 2 years
Siwon and Hyukjae had a bet that if Siwon does not speak any english today, hyukjae will have to give up his appearance fee to the management and staff and while explaining the bet, Siwon said the word ‘management’ and lost the bet 😂😂😂
221010 #SS9inKL ᵗᵉᵘᵏᵃᵇˡᵉˢ
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khiphop-discussions · 11 months
Why is everyone on Twitter surprised that Eric nam supports Israel and they’re even more baffled at Jay park supporting Palestine lmao… Eric’s sister in law is white and Jay park BEEN supporting/standing up for the vulnerable for years.
Anyways, if anyone has more info on which celebs openly supports one side or the other, I’d love to know so I can drop them 🍉🍉🍉
I feel like Eric Nam's reputation has been pretty clean up until now. So I guess that's why people are surprised since he seems like a good guy. I'm laughing at his sister in law being white, what does that have to do with it? He didn't even marry her LOL
Jay on the other hand, yes, he does speak up during big movements most of the time. HOWEVER, his reputation is NOT clean. He has a lot of culturally insensitive moments in his track record.
There's some threads on Twitter and some videos on TikTok listing out who supports israel.
I remember Siwon from SuJu as another one.
As for who supports Palestine, I've seen BM from KARD and people have posts from Jonghyun from SHINee from years ago supporting Palestine.
However, I don't have or remember a full list so you'll have to go look for the most updated thread or tiktok video.
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byanyan · 11 months
First aid kit, wallet
a peek inside their...ㅤㅤ∘ ˚ ( accepting )
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ㅤ24.     first aid kit. 
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ㅤwhile it doesn't look like much from the outside, just some pink zip-up hello kitty pencil case, the contents are more extensive than what you'd expect a 17 year old to be carrying around with them. there are, of course, many bandages in both pastel colour and cute pattern variety, as well as butterfly bandages, sterile gauze pads, and elastic bandages for things like sprains. on top of those, however, the kit also contains antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment, medical tape, tweezers, scissors, and sterile thread and needles for emergency sutures.
ㅤ08.     wallet.
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ㅤas a kid without a driver's license and no debit or credit cards to speak of, byan's wallet hasn't got too much going on inside. their school id is on display within, occasionally with a bus pass tucked behind it that they never end up making much use of, and the card slots contain a few stamp cards and loyalty/reward program cards from businesses they frequent, as well as a few stray stickers stored away for later. any cash they've pickpocketed recently sits snugly inside the long, folding pocket, and a handful of appointment and business cards for things like counsellors and case workers they've been to see or been referred to are all stashed into one rarely opened pocket. arguably the most interesting thing to be found inside, however, is the selection of fake ids of varying qualities that are hidden in the pocket behind their school id — all of which have fake ages that range in believability, especially when taking their face into consideration alongside them, and fake names that range from english names they've used as jokes, like daniel and bryan, to gender neutral korean names like hyeonjae and siwon. these are changed out frequently, replaced with new ones regularly as most of them end up confiscated or cut to pieces in front of them by any bartenders, bouncers, etc. who pay enough attention to recognize them for what they are.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Oracle-Scope for October 2022
I have decided to try a new thing. Oracle-Scope will tell you what you can look for in the month of October. I have decided to use the Celtic Tree Signs this month and they don’t perfectly align with the classic zodiac, so check the chart below to find your date of birth and your sign there.
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The Oracle cards used are Green Witch Oracle by Cheralyn Darcey.
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Birch – The Achiever
(December 24 – January 20)
V/Taehyung (BTS), Kai, D.O (EXO), Jay B (GOT7), Hyungwon (Monsta X), Kun (NCT), Joshua, Seungkwan (Seventeen), Lee Min-Ki (Actor)
Chilli - Stimulation - Take responsibility and step up to the challenge to gain positive income this month, work on your passion and make sure you are true to yourself, not a mirrored picture of what others want you to be.
Rowan – Thinker
(January 21 – February 17)
Moonbin (ASTRO), Rosé (BlackPink), Choi In (E’LAST), I.M (Monsta X), Johnny, Doyoung, Jaehyun, Lucas, Jisung (NCT), Dino (Seventeen), I.N (Stray Kids), Taehyun (TXT), Kim Jaejoong (Solo), Hong Jong Hyun (Actort)
Watermelon - Fertility - You will reap what you have sown this month. Plan well, stick with your intentions and look after those you love.
Ash – The Enchanter
(February 18 – March 17)
JinJin, MJ, Rocky (ASTRO), Suga, J-Hope (BTS), Won Hyuk, Wonjun (E’LAST), Wonho (Solo), Ten, Jungwoo (NCT), DK, Vernon (Seventeen), Beomgyu (TXT), Nam Joo Hyuk (Actor), Simon Dominic (Solo), Mew Suppasit (Thai Actor)
Onion - Protection - You are on the right path, keep going this month because you are protected. Don’t give up. Believe in yourself and listen to your inner voice.
Alder – The Trailblazer
(March 18 – April 14)
Cha Eunwoo, Sanha (ASTRO), Seonghwa, Yunho (Ateez), Lisa (BlackPink), Xiumin, Sehun (EXO), Jackson (GOT7), Renjun (NCT), Mingyu (Seventeen), Hyunjin (Stray Kids), Sunwoo (The Boyz), Takeru Satoh (Japanese Actor)
Stock - Focus - It’s time for you to slow down and focus this month. Your personal truth needs your attention, beware of losing yourself amid behaviours of others.
Willow – The Observer
(April 15 – May 12)
Bae Jinyoung (CIX), Seungyeop, Romin (E’LAST), Baekhyun, Luhan, Tao (EXO), BamBam (GOT7), Jeno (NCT), Eunhyuk, Siwon (Super Junior), Jay Park (Solo), Lee Joon Gi (Actor), Lee Jae Wook (Actor), KLEO! :-)
Lemon - Cleansing - It’s time for physical and mental cleansing this month. Sell or donate things you no longer need, drop old bad habits, end toxic relationships, make changes towards a better life. 
Hawthorn – The Illusionist
(May 13 – June 9)
Suho (EXO), Haechan (NCT), Seoho (ONEUS), Lee Soo Hyuk (Actor)
Bay - Wisdom - You might lack some important information this month. Make sure to first inquire before you speak and hurt somebody’s feelings. Seek for facts and wisdom.
Oak – The Stabiliser
(June 10 – July 7)
Yeosang (Ateez), Shownu (Monsta X), Taeyong, Taeil (NCT), Jun, Hoshi (Seventeen), Leeteuk, Ryeowook (Super Junior), Ji Chang Wook, Lee Min Ho (Actor)
Pea - Communication - Now is the time to move ahead with your projects, plans and ideas. There are new ways of thinking and approaching challenges for you this month. Be open to alternative ways of communication and sharing information as you will benefit from the knowledge gained.
Holly – The Ruler
(July 8 – August 4)
Mark (NCT), Leedo (ONEUS), Wonwoo (Seventeen), Inseong, Dawon (SF9), Heechul (Super Junior), Kim Woo Bin, Lee Do Hwan, Gong Yoo (Actor), Kentaro Sakaguchi (Japanese Actor), Luo Yunxi (Chinese Actor)
Fennel - Strength - You will find yourself spending more time with those you align closely with this month. Friendships are going to become stronger. You might want to undertake a new life path but make sure you don’t overwork yourself.
Hazel – The Knower
(August 5 – September 1)
Mingi (Ateez), G-Dragon (BigBang), Jungkook (BTS), Yejun (E’LAST), Xiaojun, Jaemin (NCT), S.Coups (Seventeen), Changbin (Stray Kids), Yesung (Super Junior), Huening Kai (TXT), Wi Ha Joon (Actor), Xu Kaicheng (Chinese Actor)
Grape - Abundance - Stay where you are and grow what you need there because you’re in a fertile time and place this month. Find peace and happiness in the garden (or your plant pot) and in your family circle. Don’t cancel appointments this month.
Vine – The Equaliser
(September 2 – September 29)
RM (BTS), Chen (EXO), Mark, Jinyoung, Youngjae (GOT7), Hendery, Sungchan (NCT), Ravn (ONEUS), Han, Felix, Seungmin (Stray Kids), Do Ji Han, Lee Jong Suk, Jung Il Woo (Actor)
Lime - Luck - If you were stuck with some situation in the past, things will start moving for you this month. Don’t overplan, let the complexities happen on their time. Be ready for the ups and downs but don’t worry because luck is in your favour.
Ivy – The Survivor
(September 30 – October 27)
Jongho (Ateez), Jimin (BTS), Lay (Solo / EXO), Joohoney (Monsta X), Yuta, Yangyang (NCT), Jeonghan (Seventeen), Bang Chan, Lee Know (Stray Kids), Donghae (Super Junior)
Pink Rose - Gratitude - You have a reason to be thankful and help is on its way to balance energies this month. Something of great value for you is in focus. Make sure you don’t interfere where you are not welcome, though.
Reed – The Inquisitor
(October 28 – November 24)
Hongjoong (Ateez), T.O.P (BigBang), Yugyeom (GOT7), Minhyuk, Kihyun (Monsta X), Winwin, Chenle (NCT), Woozi, The8 (Seventeen), Eric Nam, Lee Dong Wook, Park Hyung Sik (Actor)
Chives - Divination - You are the master of your own free will and you are able to meet all challenges head on and powerfully. Believe in your abilities, listen to your intuition. You’re well aligned with divine energies this month.
Elder – The Seeker
(November 25 – December 23)
Wooyoung (Ateez), Jin (BTS), Rano, Baekgyeul (E’LAST), Chanyeol (EXO), Shotaro (NCT), Onew, Minho (SHINee), Soobin (TXT), Park Seo-joon (Actor), Kang Daniel (Solo)
Violet - Tranquillity - You might have felt like being tested in the past but the period of advancement and breaking free is ahead of you this month. You might need to adapt to the situation but you will still gain a deeper understanding. Make sure to be sensitive to other people’s feelings.
As you see, you can also check which celebrities share your Celtic Tree Sign with you.
Let me know your opinions!
I'm grateful for any feedback!
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elf-bot · 2 years
For the SJ ask game, please: 16, 21, 24, 37, 71, 79, 86, 91.
hi! sorry for taking so long, also this is a lot of text and i'm in mobile so apologies for the long post 🥺 thanks for the asks :D btw i don't remember if i sent you a couple of questions so i'll do it 👀
16. The member who is most different than your first impression of them?
i said this before but donghaeeee. i saw as a very serious man, but he isn't. i'm glad i was wrong about it tho. haha in general i thought they were boring or something but they're completely the opposite.
21. Favorite fancam?
any kyuhyun fancam in bonamana for super show 9 😩 i also blame you a little bit for that lmao. he's really feeling the song with those hip thrusts. also i love his fancam for 2ya2yao, i watched that over and over when it barely came out, i was fucking obsessed because i love everything, i love the song, the concept, the outfits, the hairstyles, everything 🤚🏻😭
24. Favorite and least favorite hairstyles?
i need any of these back, he looks so fucking hot pls i'll take a break from bonamana kyuhyun just for now
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and i don't like short hair that much so i can say that whenever he has short hair i get sad, i love his long hair i want to entangle my fingers on it and kiss him while doing so 🥹
37. Most overplayed song?
been listening to 'mango' a lot, is so catchy and i love the vibes, it just makes me happy and gives me energy to continue my day and my routine, so i'd say 'mango' queen it is
71. Favorite running joke by SuJu or ELFs?
i'll list the ones i remember and think are funny lol
-the 'yesex' one pls 😭
-spy vs. suju, neverending classic
-'jump jump yes success' by leeteuk lmao
-any kyuhyun moment trying to speak english
-the 'hyung hit me some more' moment between siwon and heechul
-when on a show they found out leeteuk has adult magazines in the dorm, does this count? because i thought it was so fucking funny and i also was embarrased at the same time lol i tried to find the show but i couldn't, is a very old one hahaha
79. Favorite moments of SJ Returns?
that part on sj returns 4 where a psychologist analyzes their personalities and the accuracy on the results. also the members waiting for something bad to be spilled about donghae, turns out he doesn't have any??? lmaoooo.
86. Favorite SuJu fan content?
idk but fanfiction is still fan content right, so i'll go with it and also some funny and crack videos i've seen on youtube that helped me to know them better ☺️
91. Your “fake” ELF moment? (E.g., never listened to this album, don’t like this song, etc.)
i haven't listened to their first albums. i've heard some songs tho. one day i'll do it, i've been listening to most recent ones, from bonamana until the road i can say i've heard them? but i'm not sure, sometimes i just listen to the songs and then i check they were released in 2012 hahaha
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taeminsupremacist · 2 years
suju disbanding would be a blessing and a curse because while the evil would finally be defeated it would unleash a new horror with siwon no longer being contained and actively speaking political office
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it's been said but it still really breaks me that daun's parents faces are at best a blur if ever illuminated the one time we change to his point of view, like director hwang da seul, your fucking mind, that's how i saw every fucking adult even with full light, like that's what people used to be to me, blurs and shadows, and maybe it's my brain or maybe its that adults were always a threat in a country where children are abused and it's state sanctioned, communities look away, now more than ever parents are gods to their kids, always looking down, children are too afraid to speak up and acting in the little plays of civility put up once they have used their power to abuse you into the good little reliable kid, and so they have been absent from him as actual parents the entirety of the series and the one time they do appear they seem more like ghosts he rather not see any more of if he doesn't have to, he runs away so fast, but because they taught him to be, he has neglected the part of him that is their existence as his ghosts, which means he's ghost himself, a ghost to his life, to siwon, a wish, a story, and that extends the cruelty in him to others as he did with siwon and the lies he weaved, because he really thought he was doing it for them both, how could he know any other way of loving but siwon is so more real than the shadows of the people daun's parents will ever be, and he's not far off from other versions of themselves, and even tho siwon despaired at the haunting, he keeps other parts of daun as truer to other people they could both be, and so daun isn't far even with the veil of the ghost torturing the images of themselves and the other, people love daun's kindness, and that he has cultivated closest to him and siwon has done so too, and that is in the people who stayed too, their new friends protecting them and each other even when they don't know, siwon's sister and her own way of defending her brother, that's all them, and siwon knows, he does cause you have to know to even if you kept ignoring everyone and yourself and him and his heart cause maybe sometimes you learn to love yourself by loving others and maybe daun needed the break the push more than anything to awaken to his life, for the ghost to become a body the director is fucking crazy is what im saying help me
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bubbleonice · 10 months
Reading for Choi Siwon:
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I decided to try something new and laid a future spouse spread for Choi. Here’s the result.
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Have he met his future spouse?
The magicain reversed: the Magician reversed, it indicates a cautious yes with potential hurdles to overcome. The presence of this card highlights the possibility of encountering obstacles or setbacks. Most likely, he has already met this person, but is unaware of it. Preparedness is a keyword here. The meeting was probably by surprise and none of them was aware or prepared, and keywords such as lack of confidence, poor planning follows the card. There has been an unaware meeting, but they haven’t really caught eye on eachother. Maybe they walked past eachother, was at the same event but did not speak, they have crossed path. But that’s all we know.
Physical Traits:
Three of wands:
For physical characteristics, the Three of Wands as a person represents someone who is always pushing themselves to their limits. They’re not necessarily competitive, so they mostly focus on outdoing themselves. Because this card is astrologically influenced by the Sun in Aries, they could be particularly active and athletic. In traditional depictions of this card, a person is standing at the edge of a cliff, so they may love heights and be drawn to extreme sports. They may even seek out careers that require them to be active, such as a career in professional sports, or just own a sports shop. They love traveling, it gives them a physical thrill.
The Three of Wands as a person represents someone who makes you feel appreciated and wanted. In traditional depictions of the Three of Wands, a person is waiting and expecting for their ships to come. When this person finally meets you, they could make it very clear to you that you are their wish fulfillment. They could even say that they specifically manifested you, or confessed about watching you from afar before finally approaching you.
Intellect and Characteristics:
Page of pentacles:
Since Pentacles are associated with earth signs, the Page of Pentacles represents all earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.
The Page of Pentacles is the card of ambition, diligence, consistency, loyalty, and faithfulness. The Page of Pentacles is a steady and dependable personality with qualities that can always be relied upon. The Page of Pentacles is often an apprentice or student and is also most often a dark-haired, intelligent female. is someone who is studious, professional inclined, ambitious and energetic. This person is tenacious, practical, responsible and patient.
On the negative side, the Page of Pentacles may be one who is prone to be melodramatic, moody, argumentative and subject to bouts of depression.
However, They’re all about self-improvement and having a positive impact on the planet, and it reflects in what they wear and what they consume. Although inexperienced, a Page of Pentacles person is grounded and mature for their age. They only compete with themselves, and they are focused on being a better version of themselves.
Even if you are romantically involved with this person, they will be a good friend first before they are your lover. They typically exhibit the more youthful but positive sides of the Earth signs. Like a Taurus, they’re loyal and they keep their word. Like a Virgo, they usually love animals, and will own pets. Like a Capricorn, they are ambitious and hardworking. They also manage money wisely.
Their meeting:
The Empress reversed: This card suggests that you might be feeling a different kind of connection with nature and having the urge to connect with your environment. You might be in a place where it is sufficient for you to go out and explore nature like going on a walk in the garden, park, or a beach and enjoying the pleasures that nature provides for us. This card might indicate a meeting outdoors in nature, a park or a hidden place.
Future relationship:
Eight of cups: The Eight of Cups may wake you up from a state of obliviousness. In that regard, this can be a card of empathy. When placed in the future position, the Eight of Cups is a signal that you may be on the path to becoming worn out, drained and otherwise left without any energy. Combined with the previous card, I sense this has something to do with Choi being worn out, seeking peace, finding himself a place for peace and quiet, and that’s where their meeting takes place.
New love: a new chapter begins.
Free yourself: it’s time to take back control of your life.
So yes, I still sense this is what it is about. Someone needing to take back control of their lifes and start anew, and that’s when it happens.
Alpha/Omega: you are free in the choice of the moment.
The card is not telling us the exact timeframe, but rather suggest Choi is in charge of chosing the right moment. Maybe he needs to realize he needs to slow down, and find out what he wants and needs in order to get to the place where this divine meeting will find place.
I hope you enjoy this reading. And please keep in mind that this is done for entertainment purposes only. I use tarotcards and oracle cards actively in my readings, as well as my intuition. Energies come and go, what is relevant for today’s reading might change in a few weeks time. But some aspects will always remain constant and the same. Thank you.❤️
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bultaonene · 11 months
tk "pretend to be my date"
"Just pretend to be my date."
The hot guy with the baseball cap freezes, one hand poised to grab a banana milk off the shelf. He’s exactly Taehyung’s type - tall, fit body, sweet face (or at least it looks so, half-obscured by his cap).
He kind of regrets this being their first interaction, but he needs help and he needs it now.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Listen, I know this sounds like a bad fanfiction cliche but. Uhm.”
“Fanfiction cliche? What-” Taehyung doesn’t let him speak, knowing he has to explain himself quickly.
“So my cheating shit of an ex-boyfriend is trying to get back with me and invited me to a coffee date and I bet he would’ve made me pay by the way, like what kind of- not important, but I’m DUMB so I told him I was out with my boyfriend and now he’s here-”
Fuck. He found him too soon - he was going to bribe the stranger with food or coffee or whatever, to prove he wasn’t a total creep. Well. It’s a make or break situation, he guesses.
Before Siwon can reach them, he grabs the stranger’s arm and snuggles up to it, faking an affectionate move to whisper a “please, just go along with it”.
“I knew it was you! I was around here by chance, I didn’t expect to meet you.”
By chance his ass. Siwon knows Taehyung - the mall is close to his apartment so he goes there for shopping, doing grocery and indulging in overpriced Starbucks drinks. At any given moment Taehyung is either at university, at home or at the mall. He’s predictable.
Too predictable, since it leads to his ex being able to pinpoint his exact location from a simple "I'm having coffee".
“What a surprise!” he says, faking every bit of cheer in his voice. He gets closer to his 'boyfriend', cringing at the pda he’s forcing on him but hoping it’s enough to make Siwon uncomfortable.
It doesn’t work, of course. Taehyung doesn’t have one ounce of luck in him today.
“So this is the boyfriend,” replies Siwon, putting his hands in his pockets. He does that stance that Taehyung knows well - straight back, chest puffed out, face tilted a bit backwards.
It’s the typical ‘I am better than you’ pose and he already knows that his ex is going to say something extremely condescending. “Didn’t you like your guys a bit taller? Seems like you settled for this one.”
Taehyung gapes at Siwon’s rudeness, speechless. Fuck, how did he date this dumbass for 7 months? Sure, Siwon is taller both than him and the stranger (who has a few inches on Taehyung thanks to some outrageous sneakers) and he had liked it, being the smaller one for once.
But holy fuck, right now his height is literally the only good thing Siwon has on his side. Taehyung struggles to remember what he liked about him.
Seeing Siwon so pompous makes him cringe. His embarrassment for dragging a stranger into this colors his face a deep red and god, he wishes he had enough backbone to tell his ex to fuck off without lying about having a boyfriend. He doesn’t dare to look at the stranger, too ashamed to face his judgment.
He opens his mouth to say something - he doesn’t know what, but anything to make Siwon go away and possibly leave him alone forever. He doesn’t have the chance to say anything, though. The stranger speaks before Taehyung can.
“From what he told me and what I see, he was settling when he was dating you.”
If Taehyung was an outside spectator, he would be cheering for the stranger and clapping his hands at the well placed burn.
Siwon didn’t expect the biting back and it shows in the way he gets purple in the face, humiliation clear from his narrowed eyes. “That’s- it isn’t true!” Siwon splutters the words in a pathetic attempt at saving his face, but to be honest he just makes it worse.
God, Taehyung was really blinded by love. It's true that Siwon was the perfect boyfriend in the beginning - sweet, thoughtful, showering him with gifts. But as time passed, he started to ask more. He was in his space constantly, taking him away from his friends and getting angry if he didn’t reply to his texts right away.
That's when Taehyung started to feel suffocated, trapped. He put his foot down then, winning back his personal space by being frank with Siwon. It seemed like it worked - Siwon gave him the cold shoulder for a while, but eventually calmed down.
He really should have stopped their relationship at the first huge red flag. Because as Taehyung discovered later on, Siwon had simply found someone else to vent his frustration with.
“Don’t worry Siwon, he’s joking,” he reassures, unwilling to make a scene. That said, he can’t help but smirk at his ex, making his words sound just a bit sarcastic so that maybe he'll wonder if he’s really joking or not. Oh sweet, sweet revenge. “He’s just jealous, right baby?”
The stranger tugs his arm free from his hold and Taehyung immediately thinks "oh fuck, I went too far". To his surprise, his “boyfriend” is just adjusting the arm so it’s wound around Taehyung’s waist and he can tug him closer to him.
“Of course I am,” he murmurs, just loud enough for Siwon to hear, “your Ggukkie wants to be the only best boyfriend of your life.”
It’s just acting, he knows, but fuck if it doesn’t make his heart melt. To make it even worse, “Ggukkie” squeezes his waist playfully and kisses him on the temple. Or he tries to - his cap gets in the way and they both giggle like actual lovesick boyfriends when it bumps Taehyung’s head.
Taehyung is probably red as a tomato right now, face and ears flushed from the sweet act. It’s playful, light - with Siwon every hug always led to making out, it was never just to cuddle. It always felt like it had an ulterior motive. It's been a long time since he indulged in something so sweet.
Talking about Siwon, he isn’t looking too happy right now. He probably expected Taehyung to be still crying over him, eager to get back together. Taehyung was sad about the breakup, cried a day or two, but Siwon was a jerkass. He didn’t deserve many tears.
“You really got over me quickly, by the way. One month and you already have a substitute.”
Oh, he didn't. Taehyung scoffs in outrage. He’s over Siwon, he doesn't care anymore, but the words sting anyway. Especially since the reason why they are over is his infidelity.
He knows Siwon is in the wrong, 100%. And yet, sometimes a tiny part of him thinks about a thing Siwon told him to explain himself. ‘You didn’t want me anymore,’ he had told him, looking offended when he had no right to be, ‘so I went and found someone who did’.
To some extent... it was true. Taehyung had gotten cold with Siwon in an attempt to distance himself from those always wandering hands, those incessant kisses. He didn’t want a breakup at the time but he did wish for a pause, and Siwon had probably felt that.
But that doesn’t matter. Siwon could’ve talked with him, told him what he was feeling. In fact Taehyung did just that, even if it was difficult for him, even if what he feared (Siwon getting angry with him over it) it’s exactly what happened.
So no, Siwon has no right to tell him anything like that. The fucking audacity he has in saying that to Taehyung riles him up and, before he knows, he’s spitting words at him at a volume a bit too loud for the public space they are in.
“How dare you! You cheated on me for who knows how long, I have every right to-”
“What about the ‘I need to form a connection first’ bullshit?” Siwon interrupts and now he looks angry, as if he just realized that if he can’t get Taehyung back then he better humiliate him. “I bet you said that just to be a tease. God, I can’t believe I wasted 7 months on you.”
“So it was always about that." Taehyung feels tears burning his eyes, but he refuses to let them fall. He and Siwon never went all the way because Tae never felt like he could trust him. Because when they were just kissing and he was tired, when he said things like "can we just cuddle?" Siwon always asked for more.
More kisses, more wandering hands, and Taehyung never let him do anything to him he didn't want, but he always felt Siwon's frustration in their snail-like pace when it was about intimacy.
Sex has always been a strange topic to Taehyung and he had to be sure that if he said "stop", then they would stop. But they made out and Taehyung said "stop" and Siwon said "no, a bit more" and that made Taehyung wary, unwilling to give himself in that way.
He wanted to try. He really wanted to give his best. It's just that not everyone thinks sex is the end goal, the pinnacle to reach, and Taehyung has always struggled with those kind of expectations.
After their breakup, some of his friends had insinuated that Siwon had wanted something specific while dating him, something he didn't get in the end. Taehyung never listened to them, refusing to believe that Siwon had been with him 7 months only for that.
Turns out that his friends were right. The weight of their 'I told you so' is a crushing stone on his chest.
"Maybe it wouldn't have been about that if you hadn't been such a prude," spits out Siwon and Taehyung feels so small, so ashamed. "Dude, if you don't want to be a monk you better leave him now."
Siwon is talking to "Ggukkie" and Taehyung had almost forgot about his impromptu boyfriend. His arm is a reassuring weight around his waist, but he feels sick at the idea of a stranger knowing such an intimate detail about him.
He knows that he did what felt right to him and that's the important thing, but he also knows that other people won't see it like that. They'll think he's frigid and cold and-
"You're such a piece of shit. 'Dude'."
Taehyung didn't even realize he had lowered his head, but he feels a crick in his neck as he snaps it to the side. Ggukkie is glaring at Siwon, his jaw clenched and a snarl on his face. He looks pissed off and he tugs Taehyung closer, making him burrow into his side. It feels so nice, protective, even more when he keeps speaking to Siwon with gritted teeth. "If Tae wants to wait 7 years for us to be intimate, so be it. He's more than worth the wait. God, he should've dumped your stupid ass much sooner."
Siwon splutters, then he flushes red. He's opening and closing his mouth without saying one single word and Taehyung has to cover his own mouth with a hand to hide the giggles caused by the sight. It's silent for a while - Siwon is still at loss for words and Taehyung is too busy holding in his laugh to say anything.
The only sound is the background music offered by the store, a radio set on some channel that's blasting the latest hits. After a while, Siwon seems to regain the ability to speak, even if his face is getting redder by the second. "Listen, I don't know who you think you are-"
"Babe, listen! It's my song!"
Taehyung is so distracted by the full smile on Ggukkie's face and by his arm tugging him closer that he doesn't immediately realize what he's saying and he only nods dumbly.
Siwon, funnily enough, is quicker to react. "You think I'm dumb? As if I'll believe you're some hotshot singer."
Ggukkie hums, not really paying attention to him. He's scanning the magazines in the rack near them, fingers playing piano in the air and it’s then that Taehyung notices his hand is tattooed, some letters on his knuckles that doesn't seem to form a specific word.
“Here's the article, love. It’s so sweet that you want to buy the issue just because I’m in it.” He hands Taehyung a magazine and holy shit. It’s the Time. it’s open on an article titled “The ‘Outrageous Idol’ who shook South Korea” and holy. Shit.
There are photos, together with the name ‘Jeon Jeongguk’ in big black letters, and Taehyung looks at the young man printed on the glossy page. He’s sitting in a chair, legs spread and covered in deliciously tight slacks. Taehyung drools a bit at the clear muscles bulging under the suit, but then his gaze settles on the hand of the man in the photo. He still doesn’t get what the letters stand for, but now they look familiar. Holy shit.
“Do you like the title? I think it makes me sound badass,” says Jeon Jeongguk and now Taehyung kinda trembles a bit under his gaze because yeah, he didn’t expect to find a billionaire who’s on the cover of the Time to be in a cheap supermarket he visits frequently.
Jeongguk takes the magazine from his hands just to turn the page and mutter a “there!” under his breath. He holds the open magazine with his tattooed hand and lifts it so it’s just beside his face. “This enough proof to prove I’m a ‘hotshot singer’?”
The photo he points to is a close up of his gorgeous face and Siwon can’t deny the evidence, not unless he wants to look like an idiot. He already kinda does.
Thoroughly defeated, he doesn’t even try to defend himself or apologize. In a show of utmost cowardice, he stutters some half words and then he flees. Literally. He takes some steps back and runs away, leaving Taehyung to blink at his retreat.
“Man. What an asshole.”
Oh, right. He has to deal with “Ggukkie” now. He turns towards the idol, an apology ready on his tongue, but he’s distracted by the proximity of their faces. Jeongguk is looking at him with a playful smirk on his cover-magazine-worthy face and Taehyung feels his heart miss a beat.
“Did I play along well?” he asks and Taehyung flushes crimson, feeling so stupid for bringing someone like him in his petty arguments with his ex. Still, the idol is smiling so brightly that he can’t help but chuckle and play shyly with his own earring, cheeks tinted pink.
“You were absolutely fantastic. You could be an actor,” he fires back cheekily, trying to cover up his embarrassment with a joke. Jeongguk laughs at that and his teeth are a bit too big, his cheeks squeeze his eyes so they are completely closed and fuck, Taehyung is fucked.
Jeongguk still has one hand on his waist and instead of removing it, he uses it to move Taehyung along. “Have anything to do today?” he inquires and Taehyung melts at the way his thumb is stroking the dip of his waist, just above where his belt is.
He feigns mulling it over, stroking his chin for dramatic purposes. “Well, ‘humiliating my ex’ has been checked off my list, so I would say I’m free now.”
The idol giggles under his breath, covering his mouth with the tattooed hand. Fuck, he has tattoos. He is so hot, this should be illegal.
“Then what about taking a coffee together?"
Or: Jeongguk, a kpop sensation, has come out as gay in a country that is still very conservative about sexuality. He gets both support and haters, and he expected that.
What he didn’t expect was for people to accuse him of “doing it just for clout” just bc he doesn’t actually have a boyfriend. He won’t let those comments get under his skin, he knows it isn’t true.
Still, if he’s actually interested in someone his agency says it’s okay to get in a relationship. And lets be honest, he doesn’t mind the idea of getting a boyfriend.
Luckily for him, Kim Taehyung has recently gotten himself single.
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mysilentmemory · 2 years
Look how excited the members are when #Siwon said "management" and lost the bet to #Eunhyuk for not speaking english 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
221010 SuperJunior #SS9inKL ᵍᵒᴷᴾᴼᴾ
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jindoelf · 2 years
221010 SS9 KL
Siwon and Hyukjae had a bet that if Siwon does not speak any english today, hyukjae will have to give up his appearance fee to the management and staff and while explaining the bet, Siwon said the word ‘management’ and lost the bet 😂😂😂
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kavengers-assemble · 3 years
Thirst Thursday
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Leo: I love you @annalisenoel ❤️
Hyoyeon: Trying some new lingerie for no reason
Siwon: The lighting was really nice here
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Yunho: I’m so tired from my dance lesson, but was fun @rachel-oc
Jin: Figuring out how the male body functions when it works out. I’m liking that my abs are forming
Xiaojun: Oh hi!
Tags: (OG: @yanlee) (OG Avengers: @avengers-cb ) (OG Captain America: @yourcaptainchan ) @baileemitchell-oc (💖) @bbc-minji-oc (💍👶🏻) @eppiesblog (💕) @annalisenoel (🥰) @lyrablack-oc @rachel-oc @captain-america-wonho @ajuchwe @kpop-workshop @fantasy-teez @fate-bot @richsocietybot @weareomegachi @hybrid-ateez-straykids-nct @youridolxbot @serialkiller-boys @cb-museclub @allaboard-theateez @himbohooters-cb @9ateez-multiau-bot @greekgodsbot @supernaturalbots @racersbot @uridealbf-cb @universe-of-superm @horrorgames-cb @yourloveaddict @silvernightcb @royalateez-cb​​​​ @lover-losertxt @multikyun @suburbanbots (+/-)
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