#sizes difference still bugs me a little but oh welp
glimpsesofeuterpe · 5 months
Are you going to be using your new tablets for commissions too? 👀 Or is it still a learning curve to get used to them?
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charincharge · 4 years
Cruel Summer, Part 21
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cruel summer masterlist
AN: Welp. We finally got to the scene that inspired this fic. Vaguely NSFW and uhh... yeah. Okay, love you all. 
Rowan feels nauseous, and it’s not just because of the vibrations of the coach bus they’ve chartered to take them deep into the Seaghorn mountains for the weekend. Or the swaying of the tall vehicle as it makes its way through the small winding roads as they climb into higher altitudes. No. There’s a general anxiety, a real nervousness that’s settled over him in the last week. Each day that ticks down renders him more stressed. The summer is almost at an end.
This weekend marks the beginning of the final week of summer – of his job at Playland and Aelin’s summer vacation – and he still hasn’t thought about what happens next yet. He’s not ready.
Luckily, the crowds at Playland have only become worse with each passing day, so he’s barely had time to think about it. But now, with a four-hour bus ride, climbing up into the mountains, he has no more excuses. He needs to think about what he’s going to say to her. He can’t let her go back to Adarlan without saying anything. He just can’t. And if her behavior has been any indication, he’s hoping his thoughts are going to be well-received.
He looks over at the girl sitting across the aisle from him. Aelin’s golden hair falls over her shoulder, blocking her face from him, as she whispers things into Elide’s ear that color her pale cheeks pink. Rowan can only imagine what’s being said between them.
On Rowan’s other side, a different blonde head rests on his shoulder. Fenrys’s eyes closed about five minutes into their journey, and he hasn’t stirred since. Rowan hasn’t had the heart to move him; it’s been a long week, and it’s going to be a long weekend.
The excited chatter on the bus is enough to inform Rowan of how much this weekend is anticipated by the staff. He’s unsurprised to learn the overnight is less of a camp out and more a mountain resort vacation. The Ashryvers spare no expense when it comes to thanking their employees – treating them to a bonding weekend in a luxury lodge with a lakefront view. He’s heard about the upscale catered meals, the extravagant views, the midnight bonfire, all followed by a day hiking to the peak of Mount Terrasen, and going through a team building ropes course to make their way back down.
Rowan is ecstatic; he’s going to be with Aelin for forty-eight uninterrupted hours, and he doesn’t plan on wasting a single second.
He reaches across the aisle and runs his finger up Aelin’s arm. She turns to him, her cheeks flushed and her eyes wild.
“You didn’t hear that, did you?” she breathes heavily, and Rowan stares past her at a flustered Elide.
“…no…”  he answers. “Should I be concerned?”
Aelin smirks. “Absolutely.” Rowan furrows his brow in silent question. “I was just… giving Elide some last-minute tips.” She bites her lip. “About some new things. I learned I enjoyed. Physically. This summer.”
Rowan’s ears burn as he thinks about what Aelin could have possibly said, and he feels the need to apologize to the tiny brunette. “Aelin…” His voice is a low whisper.
Elide fans herself and laughs. “Please, it’s all old news. Remember I saw the hand-shaped bruises on your hips?” she asks Aelin, and Rowan’s eyes practically bug out of his head.
“Can’t you two talk about anything else?” he practically begs. It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy that Aelin is clearly pleased by the things they do together in bed. He loves nothing more than bringing her to that precipice over and over again, honestly. But… he’s stressed enough as it is. He doesn’t need Elide talking about his sexual prowess on top of everything else.
Aelin pats his arm and smiles. “Sure. Like what?”
“Like, what happens at Playland today?” Rowan finally asks, curious as to how the place is able to shut down for a full weekend.
“Oh. They rent it out for weddings.”  Aelin explains that the overnight was actually born out of guilt for shutting down the park the last weekend of summer, and not wanting to deprive their staff of any pay.
Elide then waxes poetic about her favorite parts of the overnight. She gives a wistful sigh as she remembers the summer they all went skinny dipping in the middle of the night.
“That was the first time she ever saw Lorcan’s butt,” Aelin says, her eyes crinkling with her wide smile, and Rowan brings his hand to his face to cover his pained smile.
“I don’t need to hear about Lorcan’s butt.”
“Why not, Whitethorn?” Lorcan quips as he walks down the aisle between their seats. “It’s a good butt.” He winks at Elide, who leans over Aelin to watch his backside as he saunters to the front of the bus.
Rowan looks out the window as he barks out a loud laugh, spotting the sign that tells him they’ve arrived at the resort. His stomach grumbles, right on cue. It’s been a long day of sitting, and he’s ready to enjoy the catered meal he’s been promised. Unfortunately, fate has other plans.
Instead of the bus continuing up the narrow driveway, it pauses at the entrance, idling.
Rowan tries to move to get a better look, and a loud snore escapes Fenrys’s mouth, startling him awake.
“What’d I miss?” he asks, groggy. Rowan is about to tell him he missed the entire ride when Lorcan whistles to get everyone’s attention.
“Listen up!” Lorcan shouts, and the bus quiets down appropriately. “I’ve just been informed that we aren’t going to be able to make it up to the lodge.”
Upset murmurs start to rise in pitch as Lorcan explains that they experienced heavy rainfall this morning, and that the driveway has been completely blocked by a mudslide. Rocks, felled trees and an electric line need to be cleared before the bus can safely make it to its destination.
“How long’s that going to take?” Gavriel calls from the back of the bus.
Lorcan tugs at his ponytail and sighs. “We’re going to need to come back tomorrow.”
A chorus of angered “No!” and “What?!” and “Why???” can be heard throughout the bus, and Rowan’s stomach sinks. He can’t believe they drove four hours, just to drive four hours back to Terrasen. What a nightmare.
“We’re not going to drive all the way back home, are we?” Connall asks, voicing Rowan’s internal conflict.  Lorcan holds up a finger, asking everyone to wait as he listens to someone on the other end of a call.
Lorcan hangs up finally and pulls at his hair nervously. He sighs, clearly upset with the situation himself, but he’s trying to keep it together for everyone else. Rowan doesn’t envy his position.
“There’s a motel about forty-five minutes back down the mountain, and a local diner we can have dinner at.” The chorus of grumbles rises again, and Lorcan silences them with a loud whistle. “I know it’s not what you all imagined for this weekend, but it’s better than nothing, right? And the path should be cleared by morning, so tomorrow will be just as good as you remembered.”
Everyone nods sadly, and Lorcan begins to read room assignments as the bus makes a large turn and heads back down, away from the luxury vacation of their dreams as the sun begins to set.
The bus groans as it comes to a stop in front of the faded sign of the motel. This place has definitely seen better days. In fact, Rowan thinks it looks like the scene of several thousand gruesome crimes. He’d imagined making love to Aelin in a plush bed with down comforters or in a brightly lit tiled shower with marble counters and a jacuzzi tub, not… this.
He pushes the door open to room number 17 and feels his chest tighten uncomfortably. His appetite disappears as he takes in the queen-sized bed, which sits at the center of the room, covered in a maroon floral comforter, contrasting with the dark teak walls. A sad brown lamp sits on a rickety nightstand, and as Rowan takes his first step across the threshold, the dark green carpet crunches beneath his shoe. It makes him cringe.
He drops his bag down on the bed and immediately closes the thick curtains. He ignores a spotty dark stain on the hem, and sighs deeply. The musty smell of decaying wood and old cigarette smoke invades his senses, giving him an immediate headache.
Aelin drops her bag behind him and kisses his shoulder. “I’m so glad neither of us have a black light with us,” she says with a laugh.
“This is so not funny,” Rowan whines, but he’s momentarily appeased when Aelin wraps her arms around his stomach and tugs him closer, spinning him in her arms, so he’s looking down into her amused blue-gold eyes.
“It’s kind of funny,” she says with a small smile, and he can’t resist leaning down and kissing her curled lips. He intends for the kiss to be soft and sweet, but Aelin deepens the kiss immediately, knotting her hands in his hair and twining her tongue with his. She pulls away, panting, and smiles again as she pats his chest lightly. “Now, let’s go get food. I’m starving.”
“Me too,” he groans, meaning something incredibly different. How she’s able to get him so worked up over one little kiss, he’ll never ever know. But he wants to strip her down and be inside her immediately.
Aelin understands and gives him a saucy wink, tossing a “Later” over her shoulder as she makes her way out of the room. She opens the door and stumbles into someone.
Fenrys gapes as Rowan appears behind Aelin, his steadying hand placed on her lower back. Fenrys begins apologizing profusely, but then snaps his mouth shut.  
“Oh!” he exclaims, his dark eyes flicking between Aelin and Rowan at a rapid-fire pace. “You… Uh… Cool…”
Aelin holds up her index finger to her lips and whispers a long conspiratorial, “Shhh.”
Fenrys nods, his flicking eyes never stopping moving between the pair, and zips his lips with his own finger.
Aelin links her arm with Fenrys’s and walks to the front of the hotel where the large group is heading over to the diner down the street. Rowan enjoys watching her in front of him. Her hips swaying with the promise of “later.”
The diner is something out of Twin Peaks, with lacquered vinyl booths and waitresses in dark green uniforms and delicious smelling pie and burnt coffee.
Rowan slides in, and Fenrys makes room for Aelin to squeeze between them. Elide and Lorcan sit across from them, and Rowan notices how deflated they look. He knows for sure this is not what they envisioned for their own weekend, and he feels oddly comforted that he’s not alone in his disappointment.
Aelin orders coffee and a large stack of pancakes with extra crispy bacon, and Rowan shakes his head as she digs into her plate.
“How do you look like you and eat like that,” he asks as he shoves part of his veggie omelet into his mouth.
“I find creative ways to burn off the calories,” Aelin quips, turning both Rowan and Fenrys’s faces a dark shade of red. Aelin delights in their discomfort, her innuendo becoming progressively more blatant with each bite of her food, until Gavriel stops by their table to ask if they want any alcohol.
He spotted a nearby gas station, and is going to create his own party – shitty circumstances be damned. They might not have their fancy catered dinner or midnight bonfire, but the motel has a pool and a hot tub, and they have all night to celebrate. Fenrys jumps at the occasion to party and begins rounding people up.
“Should we join the pool party?” Rowan asks as they begin their walk back to the motel, but Aelin shakes her head.
“We don’t have to interact with anyone else for ten whole hours,” she says, leaning into his side. “And I want to make the most of it.” Her eyes twinkle with devious promises, and Rowan increases his pace, anxious to get her alone as quickly as possible.
Aelin heads to the bed as soon as they’re behind closed doors. She strips the dirty comforter off the bed and tosses it into the corner of the room. She examines the thin pink blanket below it and pulls it off as well, throwing it on top of the comforter, leaving just the starched white sheets on the thin mattress.
“Better,” she states. And as if to mock them, loud cheering comes from the pool, voices of their friends sporadically piping up to yell obscenities as they crash through the water.
“Music?” Rowan suggests, and Aelin nods. Rowan scrolls through his phone, pulling up a playlist he’s covertly named – AA.  All songs that remind him of Aelin Ashryver. All sappy love songs that he needed to put in one pathetic place. The music quickly drowns out the outdoor noise, leaving them in a magical world, just the two of them.
Aelin tosses him a shy smile as Leon Bridge’s “Coming Home” starts playing. She walks to Rowan slowly, and the look in her eyes renders him speechless. She wraps her arms around his neck, and he grins as she begins swaying her hips back and forth, dancing to the slow beat of the song.
Baby baby baby. I’m coming home to your tender sweet loving.
You’re my one and only woman.
The world leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, girl.
You’re the only one that I want.
His arms reach around her waist, pulling her close against him, and he sighs. She leans her head against his chest, and he’s sure she can hear the heavy beat of his heart pounding at her proximity. He loves how perfectly she fits against him. Always.
They stand there, swaying, dancing, pressed against one another until the song shifts. The music courses through Rowan as he leans down and tilts Aelin’s chin up to meet his lips. She never stops swaying as they kiss. The sultry rhythm pulls at them both, their tongues sliding against each other lazily and softly until their bodies start to warm.
Aelin’s hands tug at the collar of Rowan’s t-shirt, and they struggle to remove it together without separating their mouths until the very last second possible and reuniting immediately. Her hands skim his naked chest, and he groans into her mouth.  
He doesn’t know if the party is still raging outside, he can’t hear it; he’s completely immersed in Aelin. Drowning in her.
Delicate fingers unbutton his shorts, palming him through his boxer briefs. And Rowan pulls her closer, his own hands skimming under the hem of her short dress. They both step out of the remainder of their clothes, and a soft laugh escapes Aelin’s lips as she falls backwards onto the   bed, making them both bounce. It creaks loudly, but Rowan ignores it, letting his mouth explore every inch of her exposed skin.
Her laughter disappears quickly, much to Rowan’s delight. She whimpers softly as his tongue and teeth and lips trail down her stomach, coming to rest between her thighs. Rowan moans against her, his tongue lapping and sucking and worshipping at the altar of her hips. Her fingers play with his hair, tugging him closer and scratching at his scalp. He barely has time to insert his fingers into her before she’s clenching and shaking around him. It seems like he wasn’t the only one incredibly wound up.
She breathes his name between gasps as he guides her through her orgasm. As her legs fall open, Rowan kisses back up her body, and she’s already waiting with a condom in her hand. He lets his nose skim against her neck as she rolls it on, moving against her gentle touch.
Rowan’s entire body feels on fire as he enters her. Her legs wrap around his waist, pulling him further inside her. As far as he can possibly go. He’s never been closer to her. Ever. He cradles her head in his hands, leaning down to brush his lips against hers with every deep thrust of his hips. He pulls back and stares at her. Her turquoise eyes are trained on his, staring into his deeply as the chords of some song from his playlist swirl around them.
It’s never been like this before. He sees his feelings returned so clearly in her gaze, and as he moves inside her again, he can’t stop himself.
“I love you,” he moans and moves again. His eyes unwittingly close, so relieved to finally have said the words, to have released them into the world, that he almost doesn’t hear Aelin’s soft reply.
“What?” she pants, and Rowan flexes his hips, feeling on top of the world as he repeats himself.
“I l—”
Aelin’s hands press against his shoulders as she releases her legs. He can feel her pulse quicken below him. “No, I heard you… I just…”
Rowan finally opens his eyes as he thrusts again, and he feels Aelin push against his chest again as her eyes widen in panic. “Rowan, get off me.”
Now it’s Rowan’s turn to ask, “What?”
“Get off of me. Please.” Her voice raises in pitch, breaking at her final word, sounding nearly hysterical, and Rowan immediately rolls off of her.
She’s breathing hard as she sits up and covers herself with the sparse sheet from the bed. Rowan stares at her heaving back and his stomach twists. He reaches out to touch her shoulder, and she jumps, startled. She springs off the bed and reaches for her dress, pulling it on quickly.
Rowan sits on the bed, stunned, in silence. He wants to ask her if she’s okay, but it’s so clear that she’s not. And he’s finding it hard to say anything with his heart shattering into a million pieces.
“Why would you say that?” she asks, pained.
“Because I do?” he whispers into his hands. This wasn’t what he wanted to happen. Not at all. He didn’t think this through, but it’s too late now. Rowan deflates as she starts pacing around the room, like a caged animal.
“You’re not supposed to say that,” Aelin whispers back, horrified, and Rowan swallows the pain in his chest as he stands and faces her.
“Why are you looking at me like this is the worst thing I’ve ever said to you?”
“Because it is!” she shouts, and Rowan is shocked when he sees the beginnings of tears start to trickle down her cheeks. “Just take it back,” she pleads, and Rowan staggers backward with the force of her plea. “We only have one week left. Rowan, this has been the best summer, but it’s almost over. There’s no future for us. Love just doesn’t make sense. Let’s just pretend you didn’t say it and go back to normal.”
“No.” Rowan’s heart breaks as he continues, knowing he’s ruined everything, but he reached his capacity for pretending. He doesn’t want to do it anymore. More than that, he can’t do it anymore.
“Everything about this—” he motions between them “—has been on your terms. The secrecy, the sneaking around, when we meet, where we meet. Who is allowed to know, who we’re allowed to spend time with… I haven’t even been allowed to take you on a date. And I’ve gone along with all of it. Because I respected your feelings.”  He takes a deep breath. “But you can’t control how I feel. I fucking love you, Aelin.”
Aelin cries in earnest now. “Don’t,” she whispers. “I’m sorry.”
The words are a knife to Rowan’s chest, but he takes comfort in the fact that he knows they’re completely false. But it doesn’t matter. Aelin has made up her mind. He put himself out there, and she rejected him. She doesn’t want him around past this summer, that much is clear. A temporary distraction is all he’ll ever be to her. He feels like he can’t breathe, the room suddenly much too small for the both of them. He needs to get out of there immediately. He can’t face her pity eyes.
He finally pulls on his clothes and heads to the door. When his hand wraps around the doorknob, he hears Aelin’s panicked voice speak up again.
“Where are you going?” she asks.
“Why does it matter to you?” he asks, chuckling humorlessly. He slams the door behind him, leaving her behind.
Rowan walks down the dark street, his heart pounding and anger coursing through him. His skin prickles with it. He didn’t think she’d really deny her feelings like this. He refuses to accept her words at face value. He’s seen her lie to herself and to everyone around her all summer, and he knows now he’s just another person she’s passing falsities to. That doesn’t make it hurt less, though. He feels as if he’s just ripped a limb off, and he’s slowly bleeding out.
His feet take him deeper into town and Rowan finds himself back at the diner with a cup of burning coffee in front of him. Head in his hands, he slumps over the table and feels the dejection take over. He’s disappointed. No, he’s more than that – he’s defeated. He’s been deemed nothing more than a plaything for a girl he gave his entire heart to. He doesn’t think he’s ever done that before.
He sits in the diner until his coffee turns cold and finally makes his way back to the motel. The party still rages by the pool, and Rowan finds a seat to watch his coworkers knock back bottle after bottle of booze. He cracks open his own beer and joins in the fun. He doesn’t bother plastering a smile on his face. He scowls as he drinks, realizing he made zero friends this summer. He was too involved in whatever was going on with Aelin. A wasted summer, he thinks to himself, as he sees the groups of friends splashing and laughing in the chlorinated water.
Rowan waits until most of the party has cleared out to head back to his room. He’s hoping to avoid talking to Aelin, hoping she’s asleep. But as he walks up the stairs, he spots her in front of the motel vending machine. Her face glows eerily in the fluorescent light of the machine, making her eyes look sunken in and sallow. He can see tear tracks on her cheeks and wants nothing more than to comfort her, but he knows he can’t. Not anymore.
Instead, he walks past her and heads into their room alone. He gets under the sheets, which still smell like the remnants of their sex, and closes his eyes, needing this day to end. He doesn’t know how long he waits with his eyes closed for her to return to the room, but he knows it’s late. The bed dips and creaks as she gets in with him. She smells like peanut butter and chocolate, her comfort foods.
She perches herself on the far edge of the bed, as far away from him as possible, and Rowan’s body vibrates with the sensation of her being so near and not touching her.
Tension radiates between them as their harsh breaths fill the small room. Rowan is still so wired, he’s still up when the sun starts peeking through their curtains, unable to shake the pained expression of her rejection from his mind. He feels like an idiot. So wrappe up in his own hurt, he doesn’t even notice that Aelin is still awake, too, her breath strained and tears pooling beneath her cheek.
let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters – ask me HERE
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leviathan-says-hi · 5 years
Ask 21 / Tag 21
Answer 21 questions then tag 21 people you’d like to know a little better. Tagged by @fahrenflame Hope you're doing well! 😊
× Nickname ×
Levi, I guess? Not too many nicknames, most people think my actual name's bizarre enough and just go with that 😅
× Real name ×
× Zodiac ×
Pieces 🐳
× Height ×
Uhhhh...like 5.7"-5.8" ish??? Maybe???
× What time is it? ×
× Favorite musician ×
Marilyn Manson, Ghost, My Chemical Romance...idk honestly. I don't really listen to whole artists anymore, I just find random songs I like by all different people and throw them in a huge playlist, so most of my 'favourites' I literally know like 1 song by ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whoops. Individual songs I've been enjoying lately though are:
° Nightmares - Easy Life (hence the recent animation lol)
° The Bidding - Tally Hall
° Boys Will Be Bugs - Cavetown
° Carnal Carnival - Here Come The Mummies
× Favorite sports team ×
Ngh...not so much a sports person ngl, but my dad gave me his Oakland Raiders baseball jacket he had as a kid and I wear that a bunch so er...go Raiders?
× Other blogs ×
Oh god I have a whole bunch. I have the really bad habit of making a new one everytime I get wrapped up in something then kinda abandoning it...I'm probably most active on my Ghost one @cardinal-cornucopia
× Do I get asks? ×
Nah, not so much
× How many blogs do I follow? ×
Christ, like...4,000 I think. I've been here a while, what can I say 😅
× Any tumblr crushes? ×
Eh, more so admiration than crushes, but there's a few people who are pretty rad, yeah
× Lucky number ×
13! 6 is pretty chill too
× What am I wearing right now? ×
Having a slouchy day revising for uni stuff, so grey sweatpants and my Unus Annus shirt 👍 Comf
(Quick side note, imma be pretty busy until the start of February when the new semester kicks in / spring exams are over, so hopefully I can start back up drawing/animating then!)
× Dream vacation ×
Maybe a road trip? I'm not really one for travel but a long, chilled-out drive to nowhere sounds really good rn
× Dream car ×
Welp, my sucky health means I would be considered the biggest of liabilities on the road so was basically told it's not even worth getting my licence 😅 BUT teenage me was really into motorbikes and was actually saving for a Suzuki GN125 👌
× Favorite food ×
Probably mac n cheese? Any form of instant noodle/pasta that can be microwaved at 3am between assignments. University broke me, what can I say
× Drink of choice ×
Blue raspberry jolly rancher soda / Pink grapefruit Fanta / Vanilla coke are my sugary weaknesses, but I also really love weird tea flavours like strawberry cupcake green tea and pineapple with grapefruit!
× Languages ×
English...barely 😅 Tried learning Russian but got sick so had to stop. Brain don't work so good ✌️ Think I still rember the alphabet/1-10 though!
× Instruments ×
Okay, okay so like, hear me out...I play banjolele. Well? No. Enthusiastically? Very! For anyone who doesn't know it's like the ungodly amalgamation of a banjo and ukulele and I love it to death. I also have a full sized banjo and ukulele not smushed together too so I guess they count separately too? But yeah, banjolele's my main squeeze 🖤
× Celebrity crushes ×
× Random fact ×
I've got a few months of neuroscience left before I should get my psychology degree, and I've been (unofficially, shh!) invited to stay on and complete a masters degree in research methods! Whoo 🎉🎊✨ Sounds boring, I know, but my academic dream would be a PhD in evolutionary psychology/neuroscience soooo...Slowly, slowly doing the thing 👍
× Tagging ×
Been out of the loop for a while so no idea who's done this already or not, sorry!
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cryptidofthekeys · 5 years
Ich liebe dich (A Yandere Henrik x Reader story) (G/T)
Word Count: 13821 | Trigger Warnings are as follow: Drugging, manipulation, possessive yandere behavior, hints of potential torture. So if any of that bugs ya please don’t read and remember this is a long ass story as well- I don’t do chapters and this was a test to see how far I could go so I’m damn proud of myself
Tag List: @tiny-yan-anon | .......uh shit- I forgot who else I was supposed to tag beforehand.... my bad- I’m horribly forgetful with that one- I think @yandereskies was another one? anndd @evantrash  ....welp- this is how it goes- after I tag the friendos n such- I can never remember anyone else- okay- tag lists- you can tell they arent my strong suit- I always forget who I need to be tagging in this and then remember later
You were looking at the notice that was saved on your phone as you approached the place supposedly in question, the notice had said something about this... Doctor Schneeplestein? ...You think that was his name, however apparently he wanted to test on tiny subjects like yourself only minus the dissections, and or harmful things in general, he was a man of science, a curious yet respectful man supposedly... You had talked to him for a bit, to tell him you were coming over and basic things and overall he seemed very nice! You made your way inside, of course it was rather difficult given your size, luckily enough the doctor was expecting you it seemed, he was practically right there waiting, he must've been anxious because given your size someone could accidentally step on you, or worse... Either way, he stood up and smiled pleasantly at you "Ah! Hallo und vwelcome! You must be (Y/N), correct?" You immediately nodded "Yeah! That'd be me! I uh, wish you could've just came and found me but... I... don't think that'd have been a good idea, I was sorta... hiding somewhere a little far from here, you know how it is for us I'm assuming?" And to that the doctor nodded "Ah of course, its a dangerous vworld fo' you tiny beings... Anyvways are you ready to get started or do you have any questions beforehand? Any potential concerns vwith zhese experiments?" You thought for a moment before nodding "Well... You... You stated that no harm would be done, correct? You won't try to cut into me, or anything like that?" Well... that seemed to have offended him actually, he immediately shook his head "No, zhere vwill be no dissections, or anything that vwill cause pain, just some simple tests to see how your body vworks to put it in simple terms, und don't vworry you vwon't be treated like a little lab rat eizher" He assured, beginning to try and adjust his glasses as he waited for your response. You nodded at his words and relaxed a little "Okay... That...That's good, just so long as you don't want to cause me any harm, I...I mean its not that I don't trust you of course it's... just..." He cut you off before you could finish "(Y/N)... I understand, you are simply concerned fo' your vwell being, concerned fo' your health und safety, its perfectly natural however I promise you, zat I have no intentions to cause you any bodily harm" He finished, giving you a pleasant smile. You smiled back at him "Good... Uh, I think I'm ready to get started now if you are Doctor Schneeplestein!" The Doctor chuckled slightly "You may call me Henrik if you vwish, zhere's no need fo' such formalities" You nodded once more "Okay Henrik!" After that, it seemed to take the doctor a few minutes before awkwardly clearing his throat "Ah, I... uh, do you mind if I scoop you up? Or vwould you prefer to just vwalk into my hands?" You took a few minutes to contemplate before deciding... "I would... rather walk into your hands" Henrik nodded and held his hands down, waiting patiently, you then hesitantly stepped forwards and stumbled your way onto his hands and looked up at him, then you looked down at his hands as they began lifting you up, you took notice of just how large his hands were... Henrik blinked as he slowly lifted you up towards his chest, he was just so fascinated with how small you were compared to him, and to feel your warmth in his palm... He needed to focus, there was no time for this nonsense! Once he lifted you up to his chest and made sure you couldn't fall, he carried you off towards his lab, he kept looking down towards you, to make sure you were still alright, he finally seemed to make it to the room he had planned to go in and closed the door behind him, he then walked over to the desk and sat you down as carefully as possible "Vwait here... I need to get some of my tools, nothing dangerous of course, just some simple sings fo' ze tests" You nodded and watched as he left, and now you were alone... You looked at your surroundings, it honestly just looked like a normal lab, it looked very... Doctor-y? ...Well, that was honestly the best way you could describe it, it was honestly getting a bit uncomfortable after awhile, how many things did he need for this...? Finally after what felt like an eternity, he came back with some of his tools. You took a look at the items he laid out onto the table, they were all confusing but none of them looked particularly dangerous and was.... was that a mini treadmill? ...How on earth did he get that? Either way after setting up what appeared to be a camera, he then came over with what appeared to be some wires, and a head-set of some kind "Zhese vwould be fo' monitoring your heartbeat und oxygen levels und finally ze head-set is fo' monitoring your brain vwaves" You nodded at his words and let him attach said things to your body. Once the things were attached, you looked at him and waited for the next steps, and he definitely didn't seem like the type of man to just dawdle around and waste any time, he was serious, strict but not too strict, and truly he just seemed like he wanted to get down to business, so the first test he wanted you to do was fairly simple, he wanted you to run on the tiny treadmill and so you did, this... wasn't too bad for you honestly, it was good exercise and Henrik seemed fascinated with this as he was writing a few things down. You continued running for as long as he needed, eventually he told you that you could stop and rest, which honestly was a relief on your part, you stepped off the treadmill and took a breather, watching as he continued to write stuff down, only occasionally stopping to look up and check on you, once he seemed to finally finished, he stepped forwards with a smile on his face "Vwhy... (Y/N)... Zis is incredible! Your bodily functions... are so much more different zhan a normal sized person... So much more... Unique" He paused and then cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses "You seem to also be able to run a bit faster zhan a normal sized person, your heart rate is faster, next up I want to test your brain" You immediately rose a brow and looked at him, he only chuckled as he saw your look "Don't vworry, I assure, it is nothing bad... I merely vwant to see if you can see ze spectrum of colors ze same as normal sized humans, or if it differs, your reaction time, und various ozher things, all harmless of course" Your expression shifted, and you calmed down upon hearing his explanation "Sure thing, that doesn't sound too bad" And so... Henrik started off with the color test, upon finishing that up he wrote some more notes down, and then he began with the reaction time test, he seemed... actually very impressed with you during that test, he then wrote some more down and now should be the final test... Henrik had you doing a few puzzles, watching you rather closely as you began trying to solve them, one by one each had gotten harder but in the end you managed to solve it, once again, the good doctor was impressed with you and finished writing down the last few notes, he then took the equipment off of you and put it all away "Alright, zhat should do it fo' ze tests... Und I must say I am quite impressed vwith you" He then mumbled under his breath "Such a... Beautiful specimen~" And you looked at him questioningly "Sorry, what was that last part?" Henrik merely shrugged it off "Oh nothing! Come, come now, aren't you thirsty after all zat exercise und hard vwork?" You gave it a thought before nodding "Yeah I could use something to drink, and maybe... eat if you don't mind?" The Doctor merely nodded "Ah, of course, vwhat vwould you like?" He waited for you to think it over, he seemed to have a lot of patience, which was... good honestly "Hmm... I think some water and maybe a bit of bread will do for now, I'm not that picky" He nodded and held out his hand "Vwould you vwant some assistance? If you don't vwant to climb into my hand I vwill respect zat und just set you on ze ground" You merely shrugged and climbed onto his hand "I trust you, and honestly I think that was enough exercise for now" Henrik could feel his heart jump at those words, 'I trust you...' those words made him smile, wa....wait? Why is his heart pounding in his chest? Why does he have that butterfly sensation in his stomach all of a sudden? ...He... He probably just overworked himself again, the others had warned him of doing such, the feeling got so much more intense as you climbed into his hand... So... So small... So fragile looking, he just... wanted to protect you, from anything and everyone... "Hey, Hen? Are... Are you alright?" The Doctor immediately snapped out of it upon hearing your sweet voice... "O-Oh uhh... of- of course, I vwas only thinking... Anyvways, lets go get you something to eat und drink" He finally began walking, which you were thankful for because honestly, you were hungry and thirsty, all that exercising had exhausted you, after he entered the kitchen, he set you gently down on the kitchen counter and began pouring water into what appeared to be a bottlecap, and then cutting off a piece of bread that was the perfect size for you, he then handed you the items "Zhere you go, enjoy! I need to leave fo' a few minutes... I must go put zhese notes avway" You merely nodded and watched as he walked off, taking a sip of water and munching on the bread. Henrik had walked back to the same room you both were just in and leaned against the wall, clutching his chest and taking some deep breaths "Okay... Just... Calm ze hell down... You've just been overvworking yourself... Zat's all... Heh, maybe I should have listened to ze ozhers vwhen I had ze chance" He chuckled to himself and walked over to the drawer, he then put all the notes he had wrote in there, he took another moment to compose himself before walking back out and checking on you, noticing you finished your food he smiled "Ah, vwas ze bread good?" You nodded at him and laid there on the counter, you were content and honestly comfortable around him now, he didn't seem so bad and he hadn't tried to hurt you yet, you heard what was presumably his phone make a noise and you watched as he checked it and the look on his face was a bit concerning... "What's wrong Hen? Ya look like you just saw a ghost..." Henrik then looked up at you "Um... V-Vwell... (Y/N)... I should probably tell you before zhey get here... I am, uh, not ze only vone who lives here... Zhere are ozhers but zhey are relatively friendly!" You took a moment to process that "...How...How many are there?" And before Henrik could speak, the door burst open revealing a BUNCH of others that... honestly looked similar to Henrik, and with that you immediately hid behind the nearest object, that was too many giants at once to deal with, you just couldn't... You knew if they were Henrik's friends then they most likely wouldn't hurt you, but still... Better safe than sorry, you heard one of them talking to Henrik himself and honestly the doctor didn't sound too thrilled. You knew that there was really no point in hiding, after all someone would find you back here, but honestly you didn't want to face all those people... You sighed and took a deep breath, you might as well just get this over with, besides you could hear Henrik announcing to the others that he had someone he wants them to meet, his tone sounded... strange as he announced this to the others in the room, oh well, you didn't question it too much, maybe he was just irritated with all the others suddenly bursting into the room, that even annoyed you honestly. You stepped from behind your hiding spot, and watched as Henrik pointed towards you, and then all of a sudden all heads turned towards you, which made you feel... Very uncomfortable, you stood there fidgeting with your fingers for a moment before Henrik came over and gently scooped you up "Try und relax, zhey vwon't hurt you, in fact zhey seem excited to meet you..." He walked back over and told the others to line up, they'd do this in a calm manner... One by one they all greeted you, first was the one in the snap-back cap, his name was Chase and he seemed pretty friendly, he even seemed fascinated with you! Next up was Marvin, he seemed to just be casual as if he's seen tiny folk before which, he probably has considering he was a real magician, either way he was nice too, next up was Jackie and he... He was a bit louder than you'd prefer but he was being relatively friendly so that counted for something, next was Robbie and you were immediately scared of him since he was a zombie but... He turned out to be... Adorable actually, he just wanted to cuddle you! Henrik of course didn't let him at the moment, he explained there was a few more others that needed to come up and greet themselves, the zombie pouted but he seemed to respect that and he waited on the couch, next was an... android? He stated his name was Bingsepticeye and went on to ask your name and a bit more information, after a few minutes of him... most likely processing that information, he walked off to the side, next up was a man covered in ink, he spoke in a thick irish accent and apparently his name was Shawn although he didn't... Seem very friendly, next was Jameson who was mute, he communicated through sign language or whiteboard and he seemed like a true gentleman. Next was... A less friendly looking person, honestly... You didn't think he was human, he had a deranged grin on his face as he stared down at you, Henrik immediately pulled you closer and glared at the being "...Anti... Don't even think about it..." So the... demonic being's name was Anti ...Sounds fitting enough, he only cackled as the doctor spoke "͞W̶̕ ̨̨͏e͜͞҉ ̶l͡ ̵̷̢l ̛ ́N ̸́̕o ͢͟w.͘.̕. Y͟ę̵ ͘se̕e̕͠m͘͜ ͘͡à͞w҉͟f̷u͏̴̸l҉ly̴͢ ̵̢͞pr̀o̕t̛͡ec̸t̛͜͠ive ̢o̵v͜er̵̸ ̸̴t̕͢hìs̴͟͠ oǹ̴̡e ͘d̡҉ ̴̧̛o̶̡̧ ̨́҉ç ̕t̢̕ ơ r.̴.. ́́S̸͟o͠ḿ̵́e҉t҉̸͟h̡i̸ņ́' ̨s͟pe͏͏c͡i̵ąl͏̨ ̀͘b̷͟͝o͠u̵ţ͜ ̀t͡h͏̵͡i͘s̷ ̸́͢o͟͢͞n͠ȩ̀?͘" Oh God- his voice hurt your ears, it was so... Glitchy... The Doctor's glare only got more stern "Leave. Now." He spoke through gritted teeth. Anti let out another cackle "Ḩ̀͘ò͘w͞.̵͘͠.̸͘͜.̡ I͡nt͢͝e̶r͠ę̛sţ̶ín̛g҉..̸.̶҉" that was all that was said as he just disappeared, he didn't walk away, he just... Vanished, you shuddered, well that was unsettling... You looked at Henrik who sighed and looked down at you "I'm sorry mein Kleine... He's... Well... Himself, don't vworry though I vwill protect you from him..." Henrik seemed startled by... himself? He... Didn't say anything out of the ordinary besides something in German... He prayed you didn't understand what he said, which it didn't seem like you could... Henrik sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "I svwear... He is such a pain in ze ass... Oh, um... I believe Robbie vwas vwanting to cuddle vwith you... Do... Do you vwant to do zat? Or vwould you razher stay vwith me?" You thought for a moment, honestly Robbie was harmless... He just... Seemed like he wanted a cuddle buddy "Sure, why not, he seems like he could use a cuddle buddy, I'll be fine with him I'm sure" Henrik tried to keep a straight face as you spoke, something about that... bugged him, the fact you wanted to spend time with one of the others?! What was wrong with him?! "Alright, if you are sure..." He then handed you over to a rather eager Robbie, the doctor of course reminded the zombie to be extra careful with a tiny being which he seemed to understand and thus the cuddling began... Meanwhile... Henrik walked off to his room and slammed the door shut, he walked over and flopped down into his chair, sighing and rubbing his forehead "Vwhat ze hell is vwrong vwith me?! Vwhy am I acting zis vway... Vwhy... Over zhem? I don't understand zis feeling..." There was nothing but silence for a few moments before... A familiar chuckle echoed throughout the room "̧P͘ǫ̶͘or ͏D͠o̷҉c̢t͢o̢r̢͟,̀ ̕҉̕P̶͠o̶ǫ̴̕r ̢͝Doc̀̀͘t͢o҉͟r͜͢.̀̀̕.̴̵͞.́ ͏̷͘B͘e̢i̶͜͜n̷̡͢g̕ ͢͢d̶͡r͢҉i̴͘v͟͝e̵̢ņ̀ m̷ad ̢b̶̧́y ̶̶th̴i̢̡̧s҉ ҉ti̶͟n̵y҉͏̧ ̸̀͘s̨͘͞ ͞҉͠p̷ ę̢́ ̸̡̡c͏͘ ̶͘͜k҉͏.̴̕.̷҉̶.͢ ҉ ̵̧H̸̢m̴͘m҉.͢͜.̧͞. ̛͟͝Ì w͡o͡n̕der͡ w̢͜͝ ̛̀h͟ ̨y̛ ̷t҉̸͝h̨͟͠a̷̷͠t̸ ͠į́͞s̶̡?~̷̡̕" And Henrik grunted at the voice "Shut up Anti, go avway... I don't need you right now..." And with that, Anti suddenly appeared right in front of the doctor, bearing that same horrifying grin on his face as Henrik saw earlier "̷Y̡̕͡o͟u̧̨ ̛͡t́r͢͠u͏l͢͝y͏ ̴ar͘͠e̶ ̕͞p̛ ҉ą̸̛ ͢͏t̀͡ ͏h̷ ̸̕͢e̕ ͘t̛͢ ́i͟͡ ̶̨c͘, ́Hen̴͟r̛͞͝i҉̵͜k͡.̶.̀͘.̵͡ ̴̡C͏̵a̷n͟͝ ̷y͟҉ę ̢͜͟ŗe̕al͢l̶̨y ͝ǹ̶ó̶t̀ ͢͞t҉̨eļ̸͜l̡̀ w̡͢͢h͘͟a̕t̵̢ ͝t͟h̸̡̢i̵͏̡s̴͏ b̸̀ ̷̀ú͝ ŗ͘ ǹ͢͝ ì͜͡ ̛͡҉ǹ͢ ̨͜g..̡́.́͟ ̧͠D̀͘e͡ś̵ir̨͡͡e͡ ͞͞is̛͜ ̶y͏ȩ͜ ̡f̸e͝͝e̴ĺ ̴͘w͟i̡͢t̡͘h͞҉įn̵͞? ͝..͘͢.̷̨Y͡é̡ ̵͢w͝a̴n̵͏t҉ ͏t̶ḩ̷e̴m̀,̴̨ ̵y҉́͟è͢ ͘n͡ ̸͞e͢͞ ̴̀͢e̢ ̀ḑ̢͠ ҉̢t̸h̀eḿ͞҉..̴̢͡.̢ ͟͞Yȩ ̨"̀l̶͞o͘͘v̶҉è̴͜"̸̨ ̸̢͢t͟͝h̕e҉͡m̧.̷͜͠.̵̵͞.̧̛͜" After hearing what Anti said, this made Henrik laugh "Zat is ridiculous! It hasn't even been zat long ago vwe met! Und besides vwhat vwould YOU know about love in general?" This only made Anti's grin widen "͡͠T̷̵̛e͏͟͏ll̵̴ ͏̶m͘e̷̶̛ ̡͝҉s̨҉o̴̷met҉̡̀ḩ͟ì͟n̨g ͘͡Doct͠ó͜r̵̶.̴̀.̵͢.̷ ̴̸͡H̸̷o̶͜͝w ̀͢w͞o͝ul͞d̛́ y̡͟e̕ fe̴ȩl͝҉ if͢ ̷̀͢t̸͠͠h̸͠e̡y ͏w҉͞e͜r̶e oh͘͠͞ ͘I̢͜ ̴d̡̧o͡͞n͏̡'̀t̡̕͜ ̷k͟n̸̷o̸w̵͏̸.͞.̀͜͡.̵ ̷͘͏i͝͞n̴̢ ̛ļ͞o̷͞v̢é͢ ͜w̨̛i̵̴t҉́͜h́ ͘a̶n҉̷̕ot̸̴̨h̀e͝r ͏e͢͡g̷̨͝o͡?̢͜ ̛҉O͏҉r͜.̕.̀͜. ̧Or̢̨,̷ ͜if̛ t̴͢h͟e͝ỳ̧ ͞w͏͞ere̷̴ ̶t̨̛͟o҉̀ ̶ǵe̛ţ ̡̕͟h̵u͏̛͞rt̸ ͟͝o͢r ͜w̷̴o̕͜r͘ś҉ȩ̕, ͟͟k̸̨͜ ̧̕͝í͡ ͘͜ĺ ̵̕͞l̴͞ ̶̧e ̡̧d̵҉?̸̵ H̛o͘w̨ ̧w̴͢ó̕u͝͝l҉d͟ ̢͞͠s̶͜om̛͞e҉t̡h̕in͢͝g̴̛͡ ͏͘l̷̛i҉̵͜kè̕͞ ̨̢͢th̸̨͞a̢͞t ͡m̀a̕҉k҉̴e̢ ͞͏y̵̢͟ȩ̴ ̸̡f̸̴͠e̡͢͠èl̡͘̕?͞" Henrik immediately stood up and pulled out a scalpel, holding it towards Anti "I don't think I like vwhat you are implying zhere... If you hurt zhem in any vway...  I'll k i l l you..." Of course, that didn't bother Anti, if anything that made him excited "̛͝W͏̸́e͜͢ĺ͠l̷ ̷��n̵͡o҉͞w͝.͏́́..͘͜͢ ͡Ye̷̢ ҉̀h̴͜a̸͠v͏e̛͜n͠͞'̧t҉͘ ͞҉t͢͜h҉̴r̵e͞͏à̛t̵èn͞e̵ḑ̸̶ ͘m̴͠e̶ ̕͡l̛͝i̶̕͡k̢e̶͞ ̢t͠ ͘͟h͏ ̶a͏ t̸̕ ͠i͞͞n̴ a̸͜w̷͝h͏͝҉i͢l̨͘͡ę͞͏.̢..̸̕ Y̕͞e̡ ̡m͟u̴̸҉s̕ţ͘ ̵c͏a͝r̷̛e̛͝͠ ̴̛a̴͢ ̀g͝ ͡͡r͞ e̴͜͠ ą̸̕ ̷̡̀t͘͟ d͝ę̧̨a͜͏̵l ̴̛f̵̢ȩ̕͞r̡ ͡t̨͜h̢̀i̢s̸.͢͡͏..͘͞͝ ̨I̢̡nś͢i̧g̢̀̕n̕i͞f͏̵͠ic̢a͏̢͞n̸͢҉t̸̵͢ ͜s̴̀p͡҉ec͠k.͜͡..̵̨ ̴̢́H͢ó̡w̡̧̨ ̀͜a̧͝b̷ou̡t̕ w̷͟͜é͡ ̡́m̸̀a̵k̴e̷ ̕͠͡a̡͞ ̵͞ḑ̶ ̸͜e ̛͘a҉̶ ́l̕͡,̢͘ d̨̛e̶͜a̵̕r͢͢ ҉d̷̕o̷̢çto̡r̕?͏ ̡́W̵͞h̴̕a̸t ͘d̶̛o̷͘ ̧y̵̷e͘͟͜ ̧s̕͜͡ą̴́y?̶ ́̀͠W͘i҉̨l͏̢ĺ͞ ͡y̸͟͠e̵ ͝͞hȩa͡҉̕r̛͏ me̸̶̛ ò̶̴u̸t̢͠?" The Doctor rose a brow "...I vwill listen, however don't expect me to accept a n y deal zat comes from ze likes of you..." Anti approached forwards towards the doctor, not seeming to mind that he still had the scalpel out and pointed directly at him. "͘͡D̢òc̡͟t̨̛͞or.͡.͏. ͝҉Y͞e ͟w͟͡҉a͜nt̴ ͞t̶̷h̶̀̕e̶m͜,̕ ̵d̛͘͠o͏ń͠'͏̸t ̵y̸̡e̴͏͝?͘͘ ̛͞Y͘e̶'̡d̨ ̷d̷̵̨o̕ a ̀͜ņ̛ ͢͠ỳ ̛͘t̀ h̴̶̢ ҉̨i҉ n̡͘ ̨͘͡g ̸͏t͟͢͠'̕ ̡g͘e͡҉̶t͞͠҉ ̶҉t̸̛h̸e͢͡m ̧͠i̸̡ǹ ̸͘͞yé̛̕r ģ̶rà͟sp̀.̴̡͟.̧͝.̢ ̨̛͡W̢̛o̢͟u̕͠l͞d̷ ̵̛͠ye͟ ņ͢o̶ţ̀͡?̶͝ ̸̕Į̴ ̴̀c͡͏a҉ņ ͘ǵ͝ȩ̵t t̨he͏̸͝m.̸.. ̵̨N͢͠ó̢t̡ ̷͜͞f҉e̷͞͏r̴ m͝y͝͡s̸ȩļ̀f͘,̧ ̨́̕bu͢͝͡t͏̸̸ f͢ę͜r̛͝ ͞y̨̕ ͜͞ó̶̢ ̴u̧...̢ ̵A̵͞ll ͝y͘͜a̸͡ ͘͠g̵ơ̧t͠t͝a̧ ҉d͝ơ ͜͞i͠s h̕͜e͞l҉p̷̸ ͏me͘ ͞ǫ̸u̕͝t̨̀͟ ̸w̶̢̛it̶̨h͞ ͞a ̢͠l̢i̴͝͠t͜t҉̛͞le.͘.̸̷́.͏̵͢ ̸͠͞'̢̛P̨ ͟҉̷r̷̷ ͏͝o̡͢ ̶̀͝j ͘e̢̨͡ ̸̴c̀҉͏ ̀t̴'̴ ̵̨̀ó̷f̶ ̷͘s̸͡o͝r̴͘t҉̶̢s̀.̢͘.̴.̴̡~̴͏" Anti's grin got impossibly wider, watching Henrik's face twist in disgust "No! I vwould NEVER help you... Because I know vwhat your up to... You vwant to hurt ze ozhers in some vway, you are sick in ze head if you EVER think I vwould help ze likes of you vwith something like... like that!" The glitch demon merely shrugged and laughed "̵͘Su̴͟͡it̸͜͞ ̴͏̷y̷҉é̴r҉́s̡͟e̶͜l͞f̷͠.̸͡.͘.̛" And with that, he was gone... Finally... Henrik sighed in relief, he was glad the other was gone "Vwhy... Vwhy does he do zis stupid Scheisse..." He looked down at the scalpel and threw it down, although Anti did have a point... He rarely ever threatened the glitch demon with such as that... He just, needed to ignore Anti's game, all he was trying to do was trick him into helping with whatever evil scheme he had planned, he immediately walked out of his room and back into the living room, looking around for any sign of you and Robbie, he didn't see the both of you and he immediately began to worry, he walked back towards Robbie's room and cracked the door, what he saw inside honestly almost melted his heart. Robbie was showing you all the drawings he had made and the stuffed animals he had, so far it sounded like he was calling off their names, he then got to talking about this recent drawing he did... "Thiissss isss Sheeeppp..." And you rose a brow "Why does it have a lab coat and glasses on?" Robbie blinked and looked down at you "Becaaussee Sheeeppp has theemmm..." And then it clicked with you "Ohh! Its Henrik! As... As a sheep" Robbie seemed thrilled you got it right and he nodded "I haaaven't shoownnn hiimmm yeettt... So noo tell... Pleeease...?" You could only chuckle at that and pat his arm "Your secret's safe with me bud" Henrik then stepped into the room and Robbie scrambled to hide the drawing, giggling a little bit as he did so, you looked over and gave the doctor a wave, he waved back and smiled "Ah, I didn't interrupt anything, did I?" Robbie shook his head "Nope! Jussst taallkiingg... withhh... (Y/N)... Sh-Sheeeppp! I maadee youu sommeethiiingg!" The Doctor would play along with this, he rose a brow and looked curious "Oh? Und vwhat vwould zat be?" And with that being said, Robbie pulled the drawing out and held it out so Henrik could take it if he needed "Isss... Yoouu!" Henrik took the drawing and his smile grew even bigger "Aw! Robbie zis is vwunderbar!" That made the zombie tilt his head "Vwoonddderrr baarrrr...?" Ah, that was right- Robbie didn't really understand these kinds of words, he could slightly imitate them however "It means ze drawing is vwonderful! I love it Robbie!" He walked closer and pulled the zombie into a hug, being mindful since he was still holding you, the zombie hugged back with one arm, and then pulled back, he realized what the doctor might be in here for "Do youuu waanntt (Y/N) baackk...?" His tone sounded a bit like a whine, he was trying to hide it but Henrik knew, he didn't really wanna give you back... Why... Why did that make him angry? Robbie... liked tiny things, especially tiny folk, they fascinated the undead ego... So of course he wanted to hold you for awhile, because that's how Robbie is, he wants friends... He absolutely loves socializing and yet... It made Henrik angry, he wanted you... All to himself, no one else getting in the way... No other competition, no one could be in his way... He needed you, only his... "Henrik? Henrik?! Are you, are you alright?" Suddenly, your voice and Robbie's whimpering seemed to snap him out of his thoughts, he looked down at the paper in his hands and realized he had almost crushed it completely, his eyes widened and he looked at Robbie "Diidd... Did Robbieee saaay someethiingg wrrooonggg...? Sh-Sheeepp upsseetttt w-wit....Wiittthh Robbieeee...?" Henrik immediately shook his head and fixed the paper in his hands "No, no! I'm not mad vwith you Robbie, I... I suppose its just... been a stressful day... Zhat's all, vwork must have... Must have gotten to me... I'm sorry Robbie" The zombie merely smiled, he tried to make a stern expression, almost like Henrik would do but... The Doctor... Just couldn't take it seriously, it took every bit of his willpower to not laugh at that "Sheeeppp... Overrrworrrkk baaaddd.... Chaaseee... Tooldddd youuu abooutt ittt... So diddd all of the ottherrrrss..." The Doctor sighed and nodded "You are right... I have been overvworking ...again..." Robbie patted him on the shoulder and stood up "Itt... Okaayy... Youu caaann do betterrr... I knooww ittt... Jusss... Reelaaxxx... Taake... Brreaaak everrry onnce in awhile..." This made the doctor smile "I vwill, I... I promise..." And then you were handed back to Henrik "Herrre... (Y/N) Go with dooccc... R-Robbieee... sleeepyyy..." He yawned, and Henrik couldn't help but chuckle, that was a sign it was Robbie's nap time, he placed you on his shoulder for a few moments, and as Robbie hopped back into bed and got into a comfortable position, Henrik gently tucked him in as if the zombie was his own son, you smiled at that, it was... Cute. Robbie smiled and snuggled into the covers, cuddling one of his stuffed animals close, he let out a final yawn before drifting off to sleep, Henrik then quietly stepped out of his room and closed the door as gently as he could, he then stepped away from the room and back into his lab "Ah, zhere vwe go... So, did you und Robbie have fun?" Henrik was holding you once again, he seemed to like holding you, you then looked up at him and nodded "Yep! He's pretty nice to be a zombie honestly... He's got a lot of stuffed animals and drawings too, it felt like an hour or more of him just calling the names of the toys off to me" You and Henrik both chuckled in unison "Ah, yes, Robbie does love his stuffed toys und drawings..." You cleared your throat before speaking "I've noticed that you treat him like a son" Henrik nodded "Very much so, he is just like my son in a vway... He has zis childlike mentality und you just can't help but get attached to him, after of course you learn he vwon't hurt you, sometimes... He doesn't like being a zombie because zhen people are automatically afraid of him, he just vwants friends und family truth be told" You nodded "...Poor guy... Sounds rough for him..." You knew that it was only natural to be afraid of a zombie, but most people would run from him before he could explain he doesn't want to hurt them, that thought made you frown... You wished you could help Robbie in some way, but it seemed honestly impossible, there... Wasn't really a cure for being a zombie, or not one that you knew of, to you of course Robbie was fine just the way he is, you just wanted a way for him to make friends easier. Henrik looked at you, seeming to notice the frown on your face "Vwhy don't vwe just take a break for ze day und relax awhile, Ja? After all, ze ozhers must be busy und it has been a razher long da-" Before Henrik could finish his sentence, the door flung open "Doc, uh... We have a little situation! Ya might need to come and help out" It was Chase, and he looked fairly concerned, the doctor sighed and set you down and then pointed to Chase "Stay here, vwith zhem und I'll go check it out, I assume its Anti, correct?" Chase could only nod, and Henrik seemed to look even more irritated than usual "I svwear... I am going to strangle him at zis point... He's such a nuisance" And with that, the doctor walked out, leaving you and Chase alone, he sat down on the bed and looked over at you. "So... How are ya doin kiddo?" You could tell Chase was, well, trying to make some small talk, you might as well talk to him while he's in here "I'm doing fine, how about you?" Chase merely shrugged "Eh, I'm... Fine, Anti's been causing me some trouble lately, but he's always causing trouble throughout the household, he's been... Extra troublesome as of late, but... Usually Henrik can solve that issue pretty fast!" You nodded at his words "Yeah... He does seem very troublesome... I can't imagine how it feels to deal with that on a day to day basis" Chase sighed and remained quiet after that, you both sat in silence for the longest time... "Huh, that's... strange... Henrik should've been back by now, he's had long enough to deal with Anti, surely" He looked towards you and held his hand out "You mind?" You shook your head "Go ahead, I'm... Kinda worried about him, who knows what Anti's capable of..." You let him scoop you up and then he was off for the living room, the last place he saw Anti, and upon getting in there, he saw Anti and... Shawn going at it, honestly that doesn't surprise Chase a bit that they began fighting, he spotted Henrik trying to break it up between them, and he looked very close to a breaking point, Chase decided it wasn't best to disturb them three, especially not with you in hand, he looked over and saw Jackie, Marvin, Jameson, and Bing trying to get away from the chaos at hand, he decided he'd join them which they honestly didn't seem to mind, once they finally got to Jameson's room, they could relax, it was always the most peaceful and quiet in JJ and Robbie's rooms. Chase looked over at Jackie who was leaning against the wall, crossing his arms "So, what happened? How did they just suddenly get into a fight? Lemme guess who threw the first punch... Shawn?" Jackie glanced over at Chase and nodded "Oh yeah, I mean... The things Anti said to him, I would've winded up punching him too..." Jackie scoffed, and Chase only sighed "Why can't he leave everyone alone for once? He's so annoying" He grumbled and Jackie nodded "I could teach him a lesson, I will one of these days I swear it!" Jackie slammed his fist into his other hand, Marvin walked over and put his arms around Jackie "Now now... Take it easy Jackie, we still don't know what he's fully capable of..." That made Jackie turn to Marvin "It's not fair! Its fucking bullshit! I just want him out of our lives, all he does it make it a living hell for all of us!" Jameson snapped his fingers to grab their attention and then began to sign 'Do you fellows want some tea while we wait for them to settle their differences?' Jackie and Marvin nodded, Bing was merely standing in the corner of the room, he looked as if he was a statue, Jackie then looked towards you "Oh by the way, where did you even come from? It's rare we ever see civilians like yourself ....And by that, I mean I and most of the others have never seen someone like you" You blinked and looked up towards Jackie "I... I mean... I didn't really have a proper home before, and I just... Got a notice on my phone of this doctor who wanted to do a study on tiny subjects without the harmful stuff, I... was a bit cautious at first but after the tests and such, it wasn't as bad as I expected, and he was really nice to me!" Jackie seemed to nod at that "Well, you are welcome to stay here for as long as you want! Don't worry about Anti, we'll take care of him, he won't hurt'cha! Not while Jackieboy-Man's around!" The hero then flexed which caused Marvin to chuckle. You and the others chatted for a long while, all while drinking the tea Jameson had made, he poured some in a tiny teacup which he just happened to have, it must've been a decorative thing, but at least he has use for it now! Meanwhile Henrik had just finished up dealing with those two nuisances, he had finally managed to pry Shawn off of Anti, who was cackling in an unsettling manner as the other kept beating him up, now, Shawn might have been stubborn and would rarely listen to anyone aside from JJ, but he would listen to the doctor for sure, maybe it was the look Hen usually gave to the others? ...Nah, it had to be something else, maybe Shawn just had common sense. Henrik then pushed Shawn aside and pointed to the toymaker's room "Get in zhere und cool off fo' avwhile" It seems like Shawn was about to open his mouth and speak but Henrik cut him off "You don't have to say it, I know, Anti is ze vworst... He can be v e r y irritating, trust me, I know zat, just go und relax, do vwhatever helps you calm down und if you need any help you know vwhere to find me" Shawn merely nodded and went into his room, slamming the door shut behind himself, and with that Henrik walked away, watching as Anti crossed paths with him, he stopped the other for a moment "Anti, you are on thin fucking ice today, I svwear... You are being vworse zhan usual" Anti merely chuckled "̶͘I ̴́kn̶͘͜ò͠w͘,́͠ ̶̛͢i̧̛ts҉̛͢ ̵̨̕b̢͡e͝͡c͝a͠us̴e͘͜͠ ͏҉S̕há̸w̴n͟'͟͢ş̨ ̵̨҉s͞o ̡̛e͠ ̢a̧ s ̡͝y͟ t̡'̵ ̀ų̴̡p̧҉s̴͝ę̸͢t̡͟,͟͝ ̸͡͝h͏é͟'̧̀s͟ ̧̨a̴c̷͘͘t̀́͞u͡aĺ͞l̷͞҉y̡ ͜͡ţ̸͡h͘e͘͟ ̧ea͢s͟ies̛̀t̢́ ̀͠t'̧ ̢̢͞p͘͏i͠s̛͏s̢ ͘͠o͠͡͞ff̨͡͡~̷̢ ̷Ą͟nd̀̕ ̛͠b̷̕͢ỳ̨͜ t̛h̴'̨̡ ̛̕w͠a̡̨y̴͘͟,̴͠ ͜͞ye k͢͢ņ͢͝ò̀ẁ̷ ̷͝m͏̀͘y̸̢͢ ͠o҉f̵̴̡f̶̵͢e͡r̷ st̴ill̢ ̡s̶͢ta̶͝n̨͞ḑ̵s̸~̨̧ ̴̨I̵ ̷͢k̶n̷̸o̴̕͞ẃ ̨́y͘e̡ ͜͟͠s̀͏͏ti҉l͜l͞͠ ̛w͢͞a̴n̡͏t҉́͞ ̀ţ̸̛ḩe̸̛͜m͠͝ ̡̛a͞ĺl̶̕ ̵t̴'͘̕ ̶͏y̵͡er̛s̷͞e̴̶l̀f̢ ͟H̷̀e͞n͏́r̸̶i̕͠k,̵̴ s̛͡t̵̀o҉̀ṕ ̷̵̛r͘é̕s͞i͏͜͠st͠i͟ǹg͞ ̀t̨h̛a̧t͟ ͝͠fé͢e̛l̵̛i̛̛n͘ģ̵̀.́.̷̕.͜͝"͘ Henrik rolled his eyes "Not a fucking chance, now drop zat bullshit Anti... I vwill not make a deal vwith ze likes of you..." Anti rose a brow, his grin then widened and he grabbed Henrik by the arm "̛҉Ŗe̴͟͡al̷̨͠l̸y̶̛ ̨͟͠n҉́ò̧̕ẃ?̶̨ L̶̛e̴͟t̕̕͠'̸̀s ̧̨̀s̨̨͡ee̢ ̴̴̢h͜ò͢w͢ ̵̡͟y͟͠er ͏fe̕e͏ļ͏͢i̕n'̛̛ ̴a͝ft͘er҉̢ ҉͟I ͟s̛͡h́̀o͟w ͢͏y̛̛͢è̴͟ ̴̀some̵t̕h̛͝in̛͟'́͝.̕͝.͏̢͜.̀"͏ Anti then glitched them near the rooms, chuckling at Henrik's expression, before he turned towards Jameson's room... He brought Henrik close to the door which was slightly cracked "͡'̛L̡͝ ͜o͘͡ ̨o̸ ̵k̢͢͝.͟.͏̨.̸͞"̶͡҉ He whispered, making the doctor raise a brow but he did so nonetheless and his eyes widened upon looking into the room, he saw you, with the others giggling away, you looked so h a p p y with the others... You were all giggling away and the others were just... Too close to you for Henrik's comfort, this made Anti's grin widen. "̡̕Lo͏̢͞ǫ̶k h̀o̕w̨҉ ҉m̡͏u͝ć̨́h̶͞͏ ͝f̵͟ừ̷n t̀ha͠͡t̴͝͝ ̧͘͢l͏̵͘i͏ţ̷͝t͠l̸e̴̷̸ ́͝͠s ͠p ͟ę͝ ̶̷͜c̵͘ ̷̵̧k̶ ̸͢i̸̕̕s̵ h̀͜à͏v̡̧͝i̵͡ń̴͠g̶̕͝ ̢ẃ̢͝i̸͢͝t̛͡h͞out̴͘͟ ye̵.̴́҉.͏́.̢̨ ̵͟L̶̀o̷o̡k͘ ̷͢at͏̵͞ ͘͟͢h̛o̷̡ẃ̶̸ ̢͘m̸̵͢ų̀c͠h ̸̷t̸h̢̛͟ei͘͟͜r̛ ̧̧b̢͜҉o͠͡n̡͢dį̷́ǹg̡͢ ̷̢͜wi҉̸̛t̸h͡ ͜t͢͏h̴̛'͡ ҉̸o͢҉t̴̡͘h̵͜e͟͢ŗ̵s҉҉̵.̛͢.̛.̴͠ ͟͡A̷̧ņ҉' ̴̷͞y͞a̵̡͘ ḱn̵ow̵̵͢.̕.͟͡.̛͝͡ ̧͠C͡͡h̛as̶͘e̵ ̡͠͡śe̛ȩ͘ms̀͜ ̕͟f͏̨ ̢a̵̶͢ ̸̢i ҉r ̀l ̴̧̧y ͏̧a̧̛͘tt̴͏à̴͝c̷̢h́e͝d̶͜ t̨'̷҉͟ ̴͜t̨he̡m̵ ̷͝a͝l̵̡read҉͞y̵, ̷̛n҉o̸҉̵w̡ ̸̡͝h̛o͏w̢̢͠ ҉d͞o̡͟e͠s̀͜ ̢̢t̵̕ ̷h́ ̷̀i̸̴͜ ̶҉̢s̸͟ ̢m͞a͜k͘ȩ̀ ̶̧̨ye̷ ̷͞f̕ee̸l̢ ̢̧͢ ͝H̡e҉ńrik̷̀͝?̕͝"́ Anti watched as Henrik's expression shifted into one of... Anger, mixed in with several other emotions as well, this delighted Anti, especially when he saw the doctor's frown turn into a large grin "Th͜͠e͏r̡̕͡e ̀͟ýe͞͏ ̀͘͠g̴ơ̧..҉̀̕.̛̀ ҉Gì̡͞v̵̷e̷ ̨́i͢n̵̕t̷o ͞ţ͡͞ho͠s̷̸e̸͡ ̵͢w̧͘ ̛̕r ҉e̡ ͟t̴͢ ̨ç͏ ͜͞h̵͢͟ è̶͝ d f̷̢̡e͘elì̕n̷̛͜g͝s̀ ͟o̧͠f̡̀ ̸ye̸r̢͏s.̢҉..͠ ͏̀Y͏̀ȩ̸͡ ̸̷͠k҉̨n͞o̴͠w͏̡̡ ҉̨w̶h̵͘͟a̴t ͞I̵͝'́d ͠sa̴̴̧y̴̶ ̨a̡̛͘b̴̸͡oư̷t͘ ̧̕͝t̨hì͠s̡ ͏s̴̢ì͢t̷͜u҉͘͝a̡͘͜t͢i̛on?̴" Henrik looked at Anti and rose a brow "Und just vwhat vwould zat be?" Anti snickered and looked at the doctor, malicious intent written all over the glitch's face. "͞I̸̧͘'ḑ ̢͡s̵͞ay̴.͏̛.. ̸t̛h͏̡̨ąt͜..̡.͡ ̴̶͡T̢́̕h̛͝é̵y͢ ͢l ̵o̴̶̧ ̧́v̛͢ ̧͘e̸̴̷ ̷t̷̨h̵e̢͜͜ ǫ̷̷t̶͢he̵͟ŕs̛ ̨͟o͟v̶̨e͠͝r̛͜ yér҉se͞l̸͠͝f̴̢҉..̧͡.̡̛̛ ̴̕Th́͟͜'̴̡͞ ͏̸o̕͡t̸͟h̛͡҉e͘͝r͠s̵ ̢͜a̡͘͡ŗ̴e̵ ҉͏í̸n͏ ̡҉t҉̡h'͘͠ ̶͞͞w̶á͜y̴̢ ͝ó̶f͝͞ ̵̛y̡͡e̴҉ ̶͡͏t̵w̡͡ó͢..̵̨̢.̷͘ ̷H ̶͝o̷̵̡ w̷ ̢͢͝e̶͢͡ ̡͜͝v́ ̡é̴͞ ̨̀͜ŕ̵.̡͠.̛.̛͞ I̢͡ ca̛ņ͜ ̀͞h͜e̡͝lp̛ y̸̕͡e,̛ ́̕͝Ì̕ ҉̢h̴̨̧a̛v҉e̸͠ ̷n͘o̕͝ ̵͠in̵te̸̵͡ŕès̵t̢ ́ín͢͞͝ ̕g̢͡ęt͝ţi̶n̛͞g̴̷ ̸̡i͟͟͞n̕҉͜ ̨҉y͜͏e̸ŗ̀ ̧͠w̴̶͡ay̶̛.̢.͝.̨͝ ̸̧I̧͜ ̴c̷̕͢a̴̶͡n ͘͜ho͏we̵͟v̴͢e͟͟r̸̢ ̷̶͘g̡̨ę̵̷t͜ ̛t̢͏h'̴͠ ͝o͡tḩ̀é̛r̸s ͜o̵ut̶̢͢t̛́͠a̴ ͢t̸͢͡h͝'͠ ͘͞ẃ̸a̧y̵͢͠ ̴f̸̨͘ ̡e ͏̵r͏͜ ̸̕y̶e.͠͞.̀.͏͠ ̕͘I ͟j̸u̕͠s̨̛t̷̛ ̸̡n̨̛͟éed̀̕ ̶͠y͠e͢r̡ ̷h̢è͘͜l͘p̸ t'́ do҉̸͝ ҉̷ś̡̀o,̶̛͏ ̵w͡h̴a̢t҉ ͜d͠҉͝o ̀͜y̡a ̵̕s͢ay͟ ̶á̸b̵o̵u̷̕t ͜t̵͘h̷͡a̢t n͡o̷̕w?̢͘͠ D͜ó̧ ̛w̧͝e͞ ̢hav̨͘e͝ a̛͏͡ ̧d̕ea̢͜l? ̧͜Y͡͠e̕ ̧͏͟h̷͢͠e̕͞ļ́͢p ̢m̶̡̨è̕ ̛́͜"͜҉k̛͏͟e̸͘e͠p̧̨ ̧̧͘t͠h̵͠͠è̀̕ ͠o̸͝t͢h̶̀͡é͡r ̴e҉̵go̴̴̕s̷̛͡ a͠t̀̕͞ ̶b͝a͝y"͞͠ ̛̀a̵n̸d̴̨͜ ̕͠I͞'͘l͞l͜ ͝͡g͘͜e̸̢t ͏̴̛t̀͝h̵͜a̢͟t͡ l̨ì̧tt́ĺ̷ȩ̨̛ ̸͝s͡ ̷̀p ͡ȩ͞ ̴́c͡ ̨͠k͏́ ̴f͞e͠r͝ ͢y͏̸a͏̷, ̷ho̴̕ẁ̴̸'̸̀s̷̷ ̸̨t̀͘h̴̢a̴̧t̛ ̴̡s҉͏ò̵ù̀́n͜d͢?̢" Henrik took a moment before his grin widened "Yes, yes... Anything... I'll do a n y t h i n g to get my precious little (Y/N)... I need zhem... Get. Ze. Ozhers. Avway. From. Z h e m... Only mine... Only mine..." He kept repeating 'Only mine' over and over for a few minutes which only made Anti cackle, he then grabbed Henrik by the coat and glitched away with him, into the doctor's lab. Henrik rose a brow "Vwhy are vwe here? I just vwant my sweet little Schatz... In ze palm of my hands...!" Anti continued his cackling spree as he walked over to the various test tubes and medicines that were strewn about "̛͏̡N͡o̵҉w̶̕ no̕͏̢w̵̨͢ d̴҉è͘͞a̕͝͡ŗ̀ ̵̵d͏͟͡óc҉t͟͝o͜͟͞r͜҉̵.́̕.̷҉.̕̕͢ ̨Y͏e̴'̀l̶l̵͘ ̸̨g̷e͞t͘͞͞ ̷͘t͏h̢͜e̛̕m̨.͞.̨.͘ ͢S̷̴ ̷̨͢o҉ ̴̸o̴͞ ͏̧ņ͘͝.̧..̷҉ Ì ̷͡w̧a̸̶͝n̶t͏̴̕ ̴y̛o͢͠u̡ ̧͏t́͜͢ǫ̴ ͢͝dru̸g҉͝ ͠t̷̕he̵̸͝ ̸͠ơ͘t̴͟h̶̡e̸͢r̸̷҉ ̸̡e̛g͜o̷̕s̕.̡͘.̷͏.̡ ̧I ̛n͞e̡e͘d́ ̀͠t̀͜hę͜m̸ ̛o̵ú̵t ̵͡͝c҉o͏҉l͜d̢̨͜.́͠.̨̛́.҉͜͝ ̡͡Ĺe̡͟͞t̷'͏s̴̢ ͞͏͜s̵̨t҉̴a͠͏̴r͟͞t̕͜҉ ̕͟w̢̛i͜t̕h̀.̢..̛͞.̷͠ ̛C̴̢ ̴h̷ ͟a ́̕s͡ ͜͞ȩ͝.͟͟.͘.̛ ͘H̸̀͞e̛ ̸̀͞w̸̡͜o̸̧n͏̢'̛t́͠ ̷͟b̸e͢͜ t̷҉҉o̧͝o͢ ͝͞t̨͟r̨͢o̴ú͢͝b͠͝l͞e̷s̷̶̨o͝m̛͞ę̸ ̛t̵̛o͜͞ ͝d͝eal̷ ̢͘ẁ̶i̵̷̛th̡͢ ͠í̕n҉͠ ̧t̛͟͠h̨̨e̢ ̴̴͢l̀͟ong̷̛͝ ̸̸r͏̵ù̀n͢.̸̛͟.͏.̸ ̷̛Jac̸k̴͢͝i̕͢é͡ ͘a̵͘n̢d̸͜ ҉M̡á͢r̴҉v̸́ì͠҉n̨͞ ͘a͞re͜ ́ģ̷̷o̴̷in̨̡͏ģ͠ ̨tó̵ b͏e ̶a ģreat̸̡̕ ͞d̵̴e̢a͠l̢̀ ̵̀͠o̢͜f̷ ҉tro̵͡u̶͝b͢l̕é̴͟ ̢f҉o҉̵҉r̶͜ ̶͡u̧̢͠s̷̕ ̢͠He̛͘ń̡͜r͘i̛k̀̕.͢.̶̶́.̕ ͝T̴̷̢hey̛'̴͜l̶̵l e̢̡s̸̢̀p͝e͟ci̡̛á̢ll̀́y̴ ẁ͞i̷̸̕n͢҉̴d͡ ͟up͠ ̷g̴̨et̕t̵̨iǹg i̸̧n҉͡ ͢͡t͝h͘͠e͏̵̛ ͞͠w̶͘a̵͜y̨͠͏ ͝o̧f̶̶ ̵̶̀y͜o̵͝ur̶ ̨͠'͟l̡͞o͘v̷e̢͢'̷͞.̵.̴.̢̛ ̴͏H́o͢w͡èv̵e̷r̢͘ du̴ȩ̸ ̸̶͟t̨̛'̴̧͘ ̕͢J̢̛a̡ćk̢i̴̷e's̀ ̕su̡p͟e̶͏r̨̡h́er̴̶̀o̕͠͝ ͡s͟t̷͝r҉̵e̸̛n̸̨g̴t͞h ̶͞a̵n̴ḑ̴ Ma̴̧͟rvi͝n̸͠'̀͠s̢ ͠m̡a͝gic̵̕.̨̧.̧̨.̸̕͡ We̛'͝҉͢l̶̢l̴͞ ͡n̢e̡e͞d̶͠ ҉t͠͡'̧̡ ͝d͡o̶͞ ̡̡m̸̕o̡͏r̴̕͜e t̛́h̵͞a̶ń͘ ̧j̢͝us͡҉ţ̴ ̨͠ḱ̷͢ńo͘͞c̷̕͘k͡ ̸́t͠͝h̸͢e͘͝҉m ̸̢̕ơ̕͏ut̡.̧̀..̡̧͘ ̷Ańd͠͏ ̕͞I̷͏͏ ķ̷ǹ̵o͟w͢ ͡j̨͜ ̛u̷̡ ̨́͏s͏ ̸͠t̷͝҉ ̸́͝w͏h̢̧͘a̷͘t̀ ̷t͝'͜͝ ̴͘do.̛.̕.͢͟" His cackling got louder and glitchier, Henrik didn't really care what his plan was, all he knew is that he wanted you... He n e e d e d you... And nothing would get in his way, not even the others... Anti picked up one of the test tubes and examined it closely before turning his attention back to Henrik "͠W̴̢e͟͝ļ̀ĺ, ̀let̛͢͢'̧͜s̸̸ ̸̷͜ǵet̀͘͡ t̛o̷ ҉ì̴҉t!̷̡͠ Í̢ ͜͟a̡͘̕ś̸͟su͜me̶ ̴͢a̧͜t̸̨ l̡͟͝eas̵t ̵́o͏͏̸ ̴̛n͘ e̢̕ ̸̕͝o̴f͜ ͜͢t̨͠hese w̷i̴̕͟l͟l͠ ̸͢k̀͜ǹ̸́ơćk ̀s̀͢͡o͡me͘on͡é̸ ̶̡͞ou͞t͟"̷ The Doctor merely nodded and walked over, picking up a few tubes of the substance and grabbing a few syringes, making Anti raise a brow "̵Wh͏y̸̧͘ ̡d̵͝o̵ ̷͝y̴͏ȩ ̶n̕͝ę͜è̷d͢ à̛ll̨ ̛̛t̶҉h̡͜o̴͠s̷̸é ̵̨sy̷͠ŗi͏̢n̶̢̢g͘es҉?̷̧͟ ͝Y͏ę͡r̷ ̧Ļ̛IT̶́́Ȩ̢R͞À͟L̢L̢̕͟Y̷̨ ̵g̨̕͝ơi̷ǹg͞ ̛͡t̀ớ͢ ̧̧̢b̧͝e̶ ̵͞d͏̸̡r̀͟u̴̵gg̶͜i͏n̢͞g̕͢ ̸́ś͟òm҉̸ȩ̶̀o͟͞͝n҉̢e͘͟" Henrik scoffed and stared Anti down "Vwell using ze same syringe is unsanitary, I at least vwant to keep things sanitary vwhile doing all zis bullshit" Anti rolled his eyes at that, thinking it was pointless but he didn't have time to sit here and argue with the doctor "̷̀͜W҉h҉̕a̶̡te̶͞v̨̧͝e͞r ̷f̸l͟͟o̕͜a̴͝t̀҉s ̴͝y̸ȩ̵̧r̢̡ ͝b̨̢͏o͞a̕͡t̕" Anti walked over to the door and into the hallway, watching Henrik closely just to make sure he doesn't get any ideas of using that drug on him, he then pointed towards Chase's room "Ḩ͜e͡͞ ̸s͞h͟͡o̶͞ú̴͟l͏̷͢d̛͜ ͏b̶̨e̕ ̛͜i͘͡ņ͘ the͝rè d͏͘ri͜n̡͜k̸͜i̕n̡̡' ͢h̶̢̢i̸̴m͠s̕͘͞e̵l̕f̛ ͢p̷ŕ͘a̛c̢̛t̷́ic̢͜a̵͝l̷l͠y͞ ͝t̴͟͢'̷ ̢d̴̢͠e͞a̸t͏h҉,̢ ͡go ͘g҉͟e҉̷̶t̛ ̢͞҉h͜įm̸҉.̴̧.̸͡." He spat, crossing his arms and waiting for Henrik to do the dirty work, the doctor merely rolled his eyes and crept into the room, looking at Chase who was sitting at his desk, downing the whiskey as fast as he could, he looked terrible from what Henrik could see, this made the doctor wrinkle his nose in disgust, now sure he drank whiskey on the rare occasion, but nothing compared to Chase... At this point he's doing him a favor by pulling him away from that stuff, he snuck up behind Chase who still didn't seem to notice his presence. Chase had tears in his eyes as he picked up a photo that had his family on it, Stacy and his kids... He just wanted them back, he wanted to see his kids... He gasped as he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his neck, he reached up to try and grasp at whatever it was, however his body suddenly fell limp and he blacked out before he could even see who stabbed him... Henrik took hold of Chase's body and began dragging it out of the room towards Anti who had a malicious grin spread across his face at the sight "̢Ģ̡͘ ̨͞o̵͝ ҉o̧ ͢d҉̴̧.̕.. ̨Y͏̛͘e͡r ̶̶̀o̸͡͏n̛͏e̴ ̶́͡s̛te͢p͠ ̨̕c̀͏l͝͏o͢s͡͠er͜͡ '̕͟͜t̷ ͏g̶͏e̸͡t͝t̷̷́in͜͝'̴ ͝t̕ha͞t ̨҉l҉͞͠it̢t̕̕l̛e͠ ̡͏s̨̢p̸͡e̕c̀k ̧҉͠y̡̛e̡̨ ͟͟s̶̡͞e͠e̶͘m̡̕ ͟t̵' ҉̛͜c҉ą̢͟re ̴s͢͢͡o̶̴ ̶̨̀m̨͝uc͢͡h̵ ̸̕f͡e͢r̴~̨҉̶ ̵͞Ņo̷̴͠ẁ.̨.̸̡͡.҉̧ ͏̀͟C̨̡͝'̷͢ḿ҉͝o͢҉̷n̴̵.̀.҉̧.͟͝ Let̢̢'̢̀s͟ ͠g͡ȩ͠t́ ̴̀͞h̷̛̛i̡̨͟m̷̢͠ ̡t' ͏̵̸th͏a̧t̴̀͜ ̴͢͡s͢͡è͝c͜҉r͘͝et̷̢ ҉̷̕p̶͜a̛ŕ̸t ҉̷o̷f̧͢ ҉́y̨e̛͏̀r͡ ̵́̀l҉́͞a̵͟b~̀͢" Henrik rose a brow "Und just how do you know about zat... 'secret part' of my lab?... Vwhen have you ever been down zhere?" "̀͟҉H҉͝èh͘.̸̕͠.̢͞.̧͘͜ ͜I̵̢ ̶̀h҉͝ave͞͏͢ ̡̛m̶͝͝y͘͝ ̧̕w͟á̴̢y҉s̀,̷͘ ͢ę͘̕no͝͏u̢gh̵̢ ̧͟q̸ų̀͢e̷͘s̴͜t҉̢i͞o̷ns̢,̧ ̶̀huŕ̨͞r̷̢y̶ u̷̷p̸̴ ̡̡͘b̕͟e̢f͏͝o҉̛͠r̵̛̀e҉̡͡ h͏̶e̡ ͢͠w͝a̡ķ̡e̕͏s҉͞ ̶̀u҉̸̴p͘͟͝!̷̷"̧̀ Spat Anti, who seemed to be getting impatient, meanwhile Henrik once again rolled his eyes "Fine, fine-" He quickly spoke before proceeding to drag Chase towards his lab, he surprisingly didn't struggle too much, as if he had done this once before or something... He quickly pressed some numbers on the keypad, and an iron door opened up, he dragged Chase down the stairs, into the furthest and hidden part of his lab, he then took a few moments to catch his breath and then placed him down on an operating table, strapping him down tightly, he made sure Chase couldn't escape once he woke up, once checking the restraints, he left and closed the door behind himself. Anti was waiting, he definitely looked annoyed at Henrik, probably because to him the doctor took way too long "͘͝T͝͏ơ͝o̕͞͞k̸͏ ͠y͡è̕͘ ̨l͠o̢ǹg̡̛ ͝è̛͢n҉̷͜o͜҉úgh̶̶.́͡.̕.̷̡ ͏N͜'̧ ̵̴j̨͟u̧̡s͠t́͏ t̀͝a̡̕͠ ̨m͜à̴̕k̶ȩ ̛͘s̴u̵͞r͟͢è ̛́y̨è ̡a̴i͠҉͜n͢͝'͡t̴͏ ҉pu͡l̸̡ĺ҉i҉n̶'̸̡͝ ̨̛a ͝f̶a̵̢s̴̵͜t o҉̧n͜͏e ́̕oǹ͏͠ ̷́m҉̷͡e͜͝..̸.̧͘"̕ He glitched away for a few moments, making Henrik sigh in frustration, he just wanted to move onto the others... So he could get this ridiculous stuff out of the way, and then Anti came back "E ͜x ̢ç͝ ̵́e ̛͘l̷̀ ͞l͝ ҉́e̴ ҉n͏ ̢͘͢t̷ ͏w̕҉o͜͡r̶k͞,̧͠ ̡̛͟Doc̢̛t̡̧͘o͏r̡.͜͡..̡͏ ̵O̡͟n͝e̢̢ ͜͞d̛̕o̕w̛͠͏n̵̡.̴̀͝..́ ̶͘A̡͟ ̸̢f͏͝ew̧̕ ̸m̶̢̛o͘r̷̵͟e͜͠ ̵͝͝t͠͝'͢ g̸o͘.̕.̢͝. ͞H͝m̀m͠͡͏..̧.̕ L̀͘et͘͢'̴҉s ͏̨͘g͠o҉́͞ ́gè͟͏ţ̕ ́͘Ma̶r̕v͠i̢n̷̡ ̴҉o͠u҉t̢ ͢͡o̵̷f̴ ̧ţh̵' ̢ẃ̨̛a̕͡y t̶̢he̸̸n͢ ̧̕we ̶c͠a̶ń̸ ̵̵m͝o̴͜v̡͝e͢ ̷̷͟o͘n̵tǫ ̨̧Ja̷c̸k͢i̸̢e̸..́͞." He cackled, proceeding forth before getting stopped by Henrik "Vwait! How are vwe going to... Get rid of him? He has zat magic bullshit..." Anti merely grinned "͜W͘͘atc̛͝͡h͏ ͡a͘n̷'̛͏ ̕l̛e̶͟҉a̢r͝n͏͘͝ ͏d̵͘e͟҉̨a͘͟ŗ̸͢ ̷͝d̀͞o̧͘͟ct̡̕͜ò̧r̕͢͝..̕.̴̡͝~̢̛͏" He continued onward towards Marvin's room. Once he got there, he held his hand in front of Henrik "S̡̕t͏͜a̢̛y͡ ̷͜h̸̡e͡r͞e̵,͞҉ ͟͠I̵̡͘ ̕ḑ̛ón̴͏҉'̸̛ţ͞͏ ̶͡n̸̡ę́e̴̡͝d ͏y͜e̶ f̷e҉҉r̨̕͟ ̴̵t͘h̴́i̡̧s͜ ́͘͠o̕͏͟n̛e̷͘͜ ͏j́͟ưst͟͠ ͡y҉̷̕e҉t́̕.̵́.͝.̡"̴ He then glitched himself into Marvin's room who looked startled "A-Anti?! What the hell are you doing?! Get out!" His expression was mixed between fear and anger, he didn't exactly like Anti coming into his room unannounced, well to be fair... He didn't want Anti in his room at all, and for good reason... The Glitch or whatever he was, wasn't meant to be trusted at all... "̨͢A҉w̴͜w̸̛҉~́͟ ̨C̶'́͘͝ḿ̷̷o͡n̸̢ Ma̧҉r̴̨v͟͏, ̶m̷̕'̀ ̢n̶͜o̶t̶҉̀ t͞͞ h̴ ͜͏a̛̛ ͜͢t̷̸ ͜b̵a̕d̴~̛͏" Marvin merely scoffed at that and crossed his arms "That's bullshit and you know it, you are the w o r s t!" He spat, making Anti clutch a hand over where his heart should be "̕͡G͡a̵̛͞ş̧͡p҉!͏҉ ͏M̛͘͜a͏r̀̕v̡͏!͘ ̵̸̨I̕͝'̵͝m h u̶ ́͜r͘҉ ̡͜͡t͟!̨" His tone was nothing but mockery as he cackled. Marvin grumbled as he snapped his fingers and Anti began levitating "O u t. N o w. I don't have time for your shenanigans, Anti!" And with that, Anti had flown out the door and against the wall, not too hard of course, despite the fact he hated Anti with a burning passion, he didn't want to hurt him ...Okay... It's more like he didn't want to damage the wall... Anti growled and got back up, lunging towards the door that had just magically shut and sealed itself, his gaze snapped from the door to Henrik "͟͡W͜ ̵͞e͢ ̡̢l̶͘͞ ̶ĺ ̶̢́t͏ ̷͠͠h̸̨ ̛e̷ ņ.̶.͝. ̷͝I̵̧͞ ͘g̛ų̸é͘͡s̨͠͞s ̡͠w̨͘e̡'̴͘r͝e͞ ̛g͢͠o͏̸̀i͞n̢͜'̧̢́ ̶t͘͡'̴͟͡ ̴͏hav̴́͜e̵̛ t̴̶á̛ ̸̧tr̡̧y ̢͝a̴̵ d̶̨̛ ͢͏i͟ f̢̕ ̴̀̕f̴̵̨ e͏ ͘r͘͘͜ e̢͠ ǹ ̧t͠ ̨a̛͘͘p̵̧p̵r̛o͟a͝͠c̴͏h̨̡́.̨.̶̴͞.̢̧͝ ̕Ćo̷̵m͠e̸̕ ͜'̛́͢ȩ͟rę ̴ḑ̢̕o͢ć͘ţ̀or҉̸,̧ ̕͜I̢'̢͝͡ve҉ ̶̷̡ģot͏̶̸ ̧a̛͡ ͏̷b̕a̢c̢͝k͜ ҉̀up̛ ̸p̡̧l̷̷an͠~̷̡"̵ Henrik rose a brow and stepped closer "Vwhat's ze plan exactly?" Anti couldn't help but smirk as he grabbed the doctor by the arm, he raised the sleeve up and unsheathed his claws, dragging them down the doctor's arm which caused Henrik to try and scream, Anti quickly clasped a hand over his mouth before he could even utter a single noise. Henrik tore away from Anti's grasp after that "Vwhat ze fuck is vwrong vwith you?! Vwhy vwould you do zat?!" He yelled, glaring at the glitch who was merely chuckling at him "̀S̢͠h̶̶h̷̨ ͏͏q̵͢͜ù͞iȩ̀t͝ ̶d͟o̶̕͜w͘҉n͟͠ d̶͝o̡̨̕c.̶̨͏.̧͠.̵ ̢̨͘Y̨e̸͝ ̵d̷͏҉o̧̕n҉̷̢'̵̕̕t͏͠ ̀́w̨͘an͏t͜ ́Ma͏̢r̨͞v̴̕ o͘͘r ͢t͞h͠҉̵'̶͡ ̸o̶͢ţ̨h̴̛́e̵͏̢r̢͘͢s ̵t́͜͜'̶̢ ̴̛͜he͘͢a͘͟͞r̶͟ ͠ỳ̶a̛҉,̷̡̕ ̶̛̀ó̵̢t͠h҉͝e͏̀r̴̛w̕͝į͝s͘e ̸̡y͢e'l҉̡l̵͏ ̕ņ̵ ̵ę̵͠ ̀͟v͜ ̀͜ę ͏҉r̡ g͟͞e̴t͞ ̷͘t͟h̶a̴t͞ ̢̛p̕r̷e̛͏͠c̡͟io͡us̡ ̀ļ͠it̢͞t̷͟l̶̸͡è ̵̶t̛̕͜ ̧͟h҉ ͝i͘ ̨n̡͜ ͘͏͟ģ y͘e̷͟͢ ͘'l̷͟͢o͠͝ve̵̶'̴͞ ̶s͞ò̕ ͜d̸́͡ea̡rl̴̨y͜͏҉~͢͏͠ ̡́͝T̷̴h̷̢͡i̢s̡ ͝͏͞i̸̶s̵ ̧̀p̡̀a͠҉rt̀ ̧o̢f̡ m'̨ ̛͢p͡l̡an, ̵̧m̶̕'̨͟ ̢̛g͜ón̕na͏͡ ̸s͏m͘e̵a͢r̡ ̸b͏ļ̸͝o̕o̴d͜͡ ̡o̵̧v̶͟e̸̵̕r͏̵̢ ̶̀ye͏͟ ̕ą͘n͜҉'̵̧̡ ̴͜mak̢͝e͞ ̡͟it͢ ̸̵lo̷͡ơ͡ḱ̵͜ l̶i̴҉͝ķe̶̢͡ ҉̨͡I ͏̨atta̛c҉k̢̛e̢d ͘҉́ye..̨͝.̶̸̧ ̧̨̢Y̶͝er ̧ģò̶͜n̵ną ̧͞r̀̀u̷s̸̴h͝ ̢̀in̛t̛a ͏Mà̕r͏v͢'̕͞s̵̕ ͢͟r̴̡oo҉m҉̛,҉͟ ̷̨͞ą̨n'̸͠҉ t̸e͟l̀̕ļ̶̵ ́͠ḩ͠i̵҉͠m҉̀ ̢t͢ḩ̀a̢͟͝ţ̧ ́̕͟I͡͠ ͜͡g̀͘ot͠ ̸̀J͝ac̕͘ki̸e͡ ̛͜͞i̴̵̷n̵҉ ̷̨́m̨͘͡e̸ c̶l͘ut̡c͠h̛e̴҉͢s̛͝,͏̴ a̵̢͘n'̶̀͡ ͘͠͠ỳ̢é̕͜r̡҉ ͏go̶n͏̕͢n̕a͡ ̨ĺ͞͞ȩ͝a͡҉d̨͜ h͡ì̀͠m̷͟ ͘t̀̕'̷ ͝b̴̀͝ác͏k̷̢ t̛҉a̢̨ ̸̸́m̵̶͡è̀.̷.̛͢.̨͞ ̴̸L҉͘e͞͏a̡͟d͞ h̢̧͢i̢͘҉m̛͟ ̷̡͘b͜͝a̕͘͞c̸̀͡k̷̛ ̵̕͠t' ̢͢m̧y̶ ̴̀ŗ́̕o̸̕om̵̨.̧.͠. ̨̀͟I̛͢'̴̵͡l̵l̴ be̡ w̢͞ąi͜ti҉n͜͢g.̨̀͘.҉.̷̀͢ ͠A̧͟n̴͢'́ g̵̕͞i̛͘v̴e̡͞ m̷̀́e̸ ̶o̴n̷͠e̸̢ ò͞f ̴͘͢t̶̸h͞͝o͘s̸͠è ̵s͢y̡r̀i̢ņ̶g̷̶̛es̕.̸̷͝.̵͝. ͜͡I̷̧ ҉̡͢wơ̶u͢͢l̛̀d́͘ń͏̀'̨͘͡t̴ ̵̧͠l̵̴͘ ̨i͘ e͏͜ ͞t̵́a͝ ̧t҉̧h͏̷͠e̛͜ ̢͏o͡͏t̢h̵͠e̴r͟͞s ͢͡a͢f̢t͏҉̵e͜͡r̶̕͠ ͠a͡ll̸̡͟~̨͡" He first used his fingers to smear the blood all over Henrik was grumbling slightly, but he couldn't complain... Just... Do it for the one you want... You can do this... He thought, cringing as the blood was rubbed almost all over, before Anti snatched a syringe from his hand and disappeared. Henrik took a deep breath, he'd make a mental note to clean all this blood off of himself later... He had to make this look realistic, okay... he could do this... He quickly dashed into Marvin's room, stumbling down and looking up at the magician "Mar....Marvin...! Hel....He..." He faked a cough, but of course the magician seemed to be falling for it as he quickly jumped up and rushed to the doctor's aid "He-Henrik?! What happened?!" He quickly used some of his healing magic which thankfully patched up the wound so that's one less thing Henrik had to take care of, he coughed some more before speaking in a rasp tone "An.... Ant....Anti... He... F-Fa....Fack... He at-attacked me... He... He's got..." One final cough before he grasped Marvin by the shirt collar "He's got... Jackie...! Jackie... tr-tried to help... He..." He just coughed and spluttered for the next portion, hoping that was believable enough. Marvin's eyes went wide and he looked horrified "N-No... Where?! Where is he?! Tell me!" He helped Henrik stand up and looked at the doctor waiting for his answer "He... I think... Anti probably took him back to his room... I... I don't know!" That's all Marvin needed before rushing towards Anti's room, his mind screaming no and it can't be, over and over in his head, if he let Anti hurt Jackie or worse... He'd never forgive himself... Upon getting to Anti's room, he kicked the door down, gasping in horror at what he saw inside... Jackie was tied and held up with what looked like red string, cuts and bruises layering his body, he appeared to be unconscious as well... "J-Ja....Jackie!" He was about to rush towards the hero's aid but Anti quickly stopped him "̛A̸h͢,̴͜ ̨̢̕à͘͟h̕,̛ ̀͝͡ą̀͠h̶̷.̵̢͞.. ̡Do͞n̵͢'̢͘t ̨̛c̶o̕͞m̢e ͏̀t҉҉oo̸ ćlo̢sé̶͟ ̸͘M̶a̵͢r͢v̸̸͜~̢̛ ̀Y̷ę͝ ̵̨w̛͠o̶̧ư̢ldn͢'͢͝t̀ ͞w͏á͟ǹ̸͏t s̷͢o̢m̀͝e̸̢t͝h̨͟͢i̴̵̕n'́ w̵̸ ҉͝o̧͏ ̢͜r̨ ̕҉͏s̡ ͜͝e̢̡͘ ͢͢t'̸̢͝ ̷͘h̸̛a͜͏̷pp̢e̶͢n̸̕͠ ̴͢ta ͝y̷͠è̀r̸͢ ͡pr͟͢e̷͠c̸͢ì͘͜ǫ͢͝u̷͟ş҉̸ ̴l̡i̷͠t̢̨t̵͡l͢e̸ ̸͞h̸e͡r̶͜͏o̴,͠ ̷͝͏nòw w͏o͞ų̶͠l̴d̨͞͏ ̕҉̡y̴͟͞e̷͡?" Anti cackled, grinning at the magician's terrified expression. Marvin shook his head and froze in place "W-What do you want Anti?! Why are you doing this all of a sudden?!" He snapped, glaring daggers at Anti who only seemed amused "͢I͘t̢ ͟sh́̕͝ơ͘͝u҉ĺ̵d̕͢ ̴b̴̷e̴͘ ̷̴͜o͜b̡͢v̷̨i͢͏҉o͝u͘͘̕s͟͟ m̵̧͝ ҉a̴҉ ̕g ̨͝ì̕͡ ̸̨͟c̡ ̴i͜ ͏a̢̕ ͝n~͢ ́Y͘e͠҉͢ ̷̀͠ḱǹ͠͝ò̷w̶͢͠ ͡w̡͢h̴͘ą͢͏t̴̛ ͟I ̶w̢ ̵͘a̢͠ ҉̸̷n̨̕͠ t̀͡.̸̕.͏҉.̡͜ ̢͝Y̡͞e͝ ͟͞h̶a̷ve̡̨͟ o͢͠n҉҉l̡̛y̛ ͞o͟ ̵̡̕n̨ ͟͝͞e ̵̶͏o̵͡҉p͢t͏͢i̷o̶n.̢̀͝.̴̢.͏ ̕An҉'͞ t̨h̴̴a̢͢t͟ ̀o̴̕p̵̴t͟i̧͠͝o̴͜n͜҉ ̀͡i͞s͏̸ ̧͞͞t̡̢'͠͏ ̶͢s̶ub̵mįt ̴̢t͏̛á͠ ͡ḿ̷͝e̸͠.̷͘͜.̢͏̢. ͠A̶̕͝n̛͠d ̵̴i҉f͟͝ ͜ý̧e͜͢ r̛e̸̛fu̶͝s̨e͢.͝͏.́.̸͡ ͢I͡͞҉'̵̕͝l̀ļ ̛͘͜k ̛͟i̴̸͠ ̨l ̡l̷ ͏̵hi͢҉m̧͞~͟͞ An̕'̕ ̡͜d̴̵̛o̸n͏͝'̴̨t ̀͞t́͟e̷͟͟ĺl̷͝͠ m̷͡è ̸͟its͏ ͜i͡m̷͢͡po͏s͜síbl̕ę̛,̀͘ ̷be̷cá̵͏us̷͡͏e̢ ͠y̧e ̷kǹ̵o̕w̶͝ ͜҉̨da̵҉m̷ń͡ ̴̧͝w͟el҉̢l̶ a̷͞s̡̛ Í̕ do̶̕.̷̧.͟.̷ ̴͟͝T̷ḩa͟͠t͏͞ ͟I̛͘ ̢͘͞c̵̛̛ ͢a ̨́n͟ a͢ǹ̵̶d͏ ̨w̢ ́i҉̶͟ ̸͟͞l̴̶ ̸͝l ̀k̵̸i̵͜l҉l ̴́͘h͡i̶͜ḿ.͏.̸̷.͡ H̴͝e̛͞ m̕íg̸̶͢h͞t҉͠ ̧͞b̷̢e͟ ̷͜͡a̶͝ ͡h̡ ̛é̢ ̕r ̨͟o̕͠ ͜b́͢u̧͜͝t ̸̢h̢͏e͞ is͘͞n̶̢'̛t̶͜ ̀̕í ̵͜n̴͟ d̴͡ e̶͡ ̛̕͢s͝ ̴t͘͠ r̕͞ ͢u̢̕ c҉̢́ t̷̵ ̛͜i͝ ̡b҉ ͞l͠ ̸͡e̸"̛͢͞ Anti cackled, flipping his knife around rather carelessly as he walked over to Jackie, running his knife slowly across the hero's skin which made Marvin gasp "St-Stop! I...I'll... I'll sur... I'll surrender! Just... Please... Don't hurt him... Don't... Don't kill him..." He fell to his knees, he didn't want to risk using his magic on Anti... He knew that Anti could and would kill Jackie, it was just too risky. Anti stopped suddenly, his gaze snapping to Marvin and he looked very pleased... "̧͝Go̕o͜͠d̵̶~́ ͢͟N͜o͠͞w͏ ͡I̡ ҉̵w̴an̶̛͜t̶̶ ̷͏y̶̢e̶ ̵̧t̢'̵́͜ ̡͡ç̕̕o̢n̷̸̛j̵̨u̶͜r̵e̕͡ ̴͏́ư͠͠p͏̴̀ s̛̛͡o̡̕m͜é͢ ̵̕r͟͜e͠҉͘s͟͟t̶r̵͢a̢͜i̶̷ņ̧t̨͏͘s f̕e͢r̸ ̛͘͡J͘͠a̢c̛̕k̸̡iè͢͜,͟ ̢͜͠t҉h̷̢͟e͜y҉͘ ha͘͜v̴̕̕é͏͏ ̕t̷̕ą b́͏ę̨ ̢̡į͢m̶p͠͡e̡r͏v̀͘i̵̛o̸̧҉u̢s t̵̕o҉ ̧su̡p̷͞er ́ś͝t͘͝r҉͘én̷͜͢g̛͠t̕h͢ ͢͡a͜n҉̴'̡ ͢͡d̵̀o̸̶̴n̴̶̕'̧t̷͏̛ ̢͢e̕v̡͡eņ̡͏ f͞u̴c̶͏k̨͟i̕͡n͝g̸̴ ̷͢͟t ͢h́͘ i̶ ̸͠n̢͘͏ k̡̧̕ ̀͡a̷̢͜b́ǫ͝ut̸ ̴̸p͘ųl̡͘͢l̷̕i͞n̷g͏̛ ͜͝a͘ ͏f̢a͝s̡͡t͝ ͝on̸̕͞e̴͠͝ ̸͢o̧͞n͞ ̀͢m̢͢͠e̢҉̢.̡͠.̛͟.̵̢̨ ̡I̡ w̛i̷͜͡lĺ ḱ͜ņ͜͝o̴w͞͡.̶.̵̀̀.͜ ҉a͝n̨͘'̴̵ yęr͟͟͡ ̨̕p̀a͟t̶̡h̴e͜͝t͡į̨͝c̴͞ ̸͘ĺiţ̴҉t͞͏l̢̛e͡ ̀̕ḩ̷ę̀r̕o͜ ̡w̧̕͜í͡ļ́͠l̡͠ ͝be no̢͟͝ ͢m̸ ͘͢o̕ ͞͏͠r͢ ̀e̢.̀͡͡.͜.̸̡ ̶͘D̶̡ǫ̀ ҉̡I̧̧͘ ̡͜mak̵ę̴̛ ̷̀͝ḿ̶y̢̛ş̛e͏͢l̸̷f̴̧̛ ̢c ̕̕͜l ́é͏ a ̨r̶҉̨,̷͟ m̧̀ a̶͞ ͏g į ͡c͞ ̧í̢͝ ̸͠͞ą͟ ̀͠n̢͢?̸̡̡"̵̴ Anti walked over, giving the magician a quick little cut just because he could mostly. The Magician yelped at the cut and quickly conjured up some restraints, they were definitely enchanted "Th...There... I swear, they won't break if... if he tries anything..." Marvin absolutely loathed having to do this, but he just... Didn't want to see Jackie get hurt or killed, he'd play along for that reason and that reason alone... Suddenly, Marvin felt a stabbing pain in the back of his neck and he then collapsed to the ground unconscious... Henrik let out an annoyed sigh "Can vwe speed zis up a bit? Zis is taking vway too long fo' my tastes..." Anti cackled, seeming pleased with the events unfolding... Everything was going just as planned! "͏̶͜O͟f̧ cou͟͡rs̡͘͞e͜ ̢͞͡d̴́͝ ̶o̵͘ ̧c̵̴ ̨͝t͘ o͟ ̨r͝~̴̴͜ ̸L̶ét'̛s̶͜ g͟͠e̴̴͜t̶ ̵̀̕t̡͝h҉͡͠ȩ͠se ͡p͘̕͞a̛̕҉th̨͝eti̵͜͡c̸͝ ͘é̶͞x҉͘c̶̕u͟s̴e̸̸s͟ ̴́͠f̢er͡ ̢́e̵̴go̶͟ş̧ ͏b̢̢a̵̧͜c͡k͏҉ ̸̷̨t͟a̧͢ yé͢ŗ ̶l̀͡a͟҉b̢͝.͞.̷.̕ ̡̢I̡ ͞c̴͠҉a̴҉n͝ ́h͞an̶͘d́҉͠le ̸t͟h̸͝'̸̕ ͘͠r͘͘é̡ş̵t.̵̡͡.̴̧.̴̨ ̴̸͜A̛͝l͢l͘ ̸͟I̷ ͏́̕n͢͝e҉é͜d ̧̛͡i͢͡s̷͘ ̧͘o҉̧n̵ę̴̡ m̸o̡r̢̀e͏̀ ̶̶͜sy̡͟r͏in̛͝g̷̡e̡.͢.̧̀͟.̶̴͢ I͜͏ ̧c͢a͏n҉̢͝ ͘h̷and̢͡l̷̡̛e̷͝ ̛t̵̨̕ḩ̴͘'̀ ̴̡͘ŕ̵e͏͘s̀͜t͘͝ ̸̵w̡͢i͏̨t̨͟͞ho҉u͘t͞҉ ̨́t͝h̕͡e̢̧m̀.͞.̨̛.̢͘͞ " Anti snatched another syringe from the doctor, before he could leave, Henrik grasped his shoulder "Hold up... Vwhen are you going to help me get mein liebe? Vwhat's ze plan exactly? You know zhey are wary of you..." Anti pushed the doctor's hand away from his shoulder and merely chuckled "͘R͞͏e̕͝͝l̴͠a̶x͟͢ ͞͝͝d̸o͏͘͞c͘͢͝t͠o̕r̵͢,҉̧ ̴̷y͝e҉̨́ ̢̨̢d̴͞ó͟n͡'͏́ţ̢͘ ̢̛t͠h̴̶͠i̵͢nk̵͟ ̴͠҉Į̴ d̛i̷̧d̀͟ǹ̶'̛͏͝t͏̨҉ p̶͘͢la̸̡n̶͢͜ ̧͟f̡͘͜ę́r ̷͠th͝a͏̴̶ţ͜ ̵̀d̀͠i͟d͟҉ ͢y͘͞a̴͜҉?͢͞ ̕͟Here̷̡͜'̴̸s̢ ̵̸w͞h̸̶àt̛'̶͘s͜ ͜g̸o͘͝i͠͠ng͞ t̵̛͝a ̛͢ḩ͡a͠p̸̷͘p͟e̸͜n̢.͏.͡.҉͢ ͜Afte̴͞҉r҉́ ͡͞Į̷̵ ̕͡g͏҉ȩ͏̵t̵͡ ҉͠҉t͏͡h̸'̀҉ ͏o̵͟t̕͟h̛̀e̶̛rś.̶.̸͢.͏ ̸H̡e��͝re҉'s̛͠ ̸͢ẁh̷͡҉a̛t̷͞͡ yȩr̛ ҉̷g̢͞o̸i̴̛n͠g ͞t͏̵́o ͘ḑ̀o̵.̴..͟ ̕͠M͏̴'̷͝ ͡͞g͏oń̨̀n̛a̵͢͠ ҉g̵̛r̵̢ab̀ ̛t̴h̨e̸̢m҉҉.͞.̴͢.̴̕ ̢̢A̵҉̶n' ̧̧͡d̨́o̕ǹ'҉̀t̀͟ ́͟y̶̨͢ȩ̴ ̧̨w̷o͟͞r̢̕͡r̨̕͢y̴͡.̴͏.̶͠.̴͟͡ ̢҉I̸͏ pro̡̢m̴i̵s͏̢̕e̛̛ ͡I̢ ̨͞w̵҉̨o͟ņ͜'͢͝t̸ ̛h́ú͞r̕̕͡t̸̨͘ ҉҉t̷͏he͢m̧~̢́ ̸̴͏I҉̶t҉́'̸s ͘͟t̛́h͢͠'͝ ͏l͢ ̸̕ȩ̀ ̴̵͢a̷͞ ̀͘͡s͟ ҉̴t͘͘ I̷͘ ̸͟͏ca͞͠n̴ ̷̸͜d̵̨o ̧f͢e̵r͘ s҉om͝e̵͘̕o҉n͜e͘͟ ͡w͠h̴̶o ҉̵h͝͞às̸͟ ҉͢b̷̢ee͘n̢͏ ̛s̸̡ưc҉̧h̵ ̵a̢n̡͏ ̷̡̀o͟͝͠b͢e̴͠d̴í̷̷e̸n̴t͜͟ ͏p͘͜҉u͡p̡͝p̵͢҉e͜t̷~͘͝ ̡O̸͘n̕ç͟͟e̶͢ ͟I ̴g̶r̷̡a͘͟b͠͝ ̶͜͠t̕͟ḩe͠m̶, ̡̀y҉͡er̵ ̀gońn̨͠a̵҉͏ ̴̀͟c̴o҉m̷͝e̡̕ ͏́r̨u̴͡͝s̀͠͞hi̢͜͟n͢g̷͝ ̛i̸n̷ ̨̀͞a̶̶n͜͡'̨̡ ̵͝͝s͜a͏̡v̧͘͢ę͠ ̢̕t̵͟h̵͜͝é́m̢͝ ̷̸̕f̵̨rom̕ ̨̡m̨ȩ҉̨,̀ ͡g҉̷̧o͠t̸͢ ̶̢i҉͘͠t̛͝?̨ G̵̀o͟od͏̴.̷̨ ́͏̶Ņ͡ơ̢w.̡̀.́.̸ L͞e͘͢t́͝'ś ̛͠ge͏̷t̛͢ ̵̸t̷͏h͞͏e̢s̕͞҉e͘ ҉t̀w̵͠o̸ ̵́͡n̸͟uis̡͜҉a̸̶̢n̨͜c̶͞e͠s̛͘ ̧͝͏òut̷͠͞ ̛͟of ̨͞thę̸ ̧ẁ̵͝a̕y͏̸" He didn't even give the doctor time to respond as he grabbed Marvin and Jackie both, he let Henrik grab the restraints and then he proceeded to carry the two on. Henrik followed him close behind, the restraints in hand as Anti headed towards the doctor's lab, he was dragging both Marvin and Jackie rather carelessly, smacking them into various things, which it wasn't hard enough to cause any permanent damage thankfully... Once he got back to the lab, Anti surprisingly waited for Henrik to unlock the door, then again Henrik did have Jackie's restraints so that must've been why, they then went down the stairs and were immediately greeted with Chase's shouting and crying "Help! Can....Can anyone hear me?!" Chase was terrified... He was in a weird place, it looked like a lab but one out of a horror movie... Where they did awful experiments on people or animals, and he definitely wanted no part of that, he then heard footsteps and his gaze snapped over to the stairs, his eyes widened as he saw... "Anti! What the fuck bro!? You did this, didn't you?!" Anti merely cackled at his struggles and then tsked "̕͠S͏̡o҉͠ ͢q̷ùi̸c̵k͘ ̢tơ ̕ju͠҉d̢̛g̢҉̛e̴̡,̸͘ ̀B҉͏͝ŕ̕o͜d͜y̵.͏͏̛.̡͟." After Anti came down the stairs, Henrik followed behind and Chase's eyes widened... "H-Henrik...? What... Are you doing...?" Henrik glared daggers at Chase, he thought back to earlier... You were getting along well with him... A little too well, Chase had grown attached to you, you were Henrik's... You were his only, seeing Chase only made his anger rise "I'm just doing vwhat I must... After all... You d e s e r v e it... Trying to steal (Y/N) avway from me... I know vwhat you vwere doing..." Chase blinked in confusion "What the hell are you talking about?! I was just chillin' with them bro! They even talked about ya during our conversation!" Henrik rose a brow "Really...? Vwhat did zhey say...?" He was... Curious now, Anti growled however and threw Jackie and Marvin down "̶̶He͡n̶r҉̡͝i͞k̶.͜.̸.͟͞͞ ͜H͢e's ̕ju̢͞s̢t̷͢ ̨͜t̶͢rý͜҉į͏̧n'͜ ̨t͢͝a̡͢ ̴̛́t͠r̨͏ic̡̡͘k ̵̴y̧̛͘a͏̴͟.͢.̴͘.̢ ̷͘He҉͞'̢ś͜ ҉́fų̷c͏͘ki̵̸͠n̢̕͘'͜ l ̢y̶ ̢̡i̢ ͜͡n̸̴̛ ̕g̷͢.̢̡͠.͟.̸͢ ̀͏H͏҉ ̶̀e ̢̀ ̛i̸͘͠ ͏̧s̨̡ ̕ ̨̛̀a̧ ҉ ̶͞l ̴́́i ̕͝a̵̴ ͟҉r͘!͘ ̷̡H̡҉ę ͡j̨̧ù͠s̛҉ţ̴ ͘͟͡ẁ̡ąn̶̶t̀͏s̸ ̛t͟o͟͢͡ ͜t͠͠e̶̷l̀͢l͘ ̡y̢̕͜e͏ tha҉̨t͠ (̛͞Y/N҉̧) ́t͟a̡͝l̨͘k͏e̷d͢ a̶̧b̷o͢͝ư͏t̨'҉ć̡͢h̵a҉̢̛ ̵̢̀sơ̴̕ ̨͠y̴҉͘e͏'̧̕͟l̸̸͝l̴͠ ͘l͜͜e̛͡t̵ ̶̷͡h̡i̕m ̛́ģ́o̵ ̧̛f̢͝ŕ͡e͞͏̨e̴͏.̡.͏.̸̨͞ ̸̡̛A̵͟n̴d̶ ̴̢th͏̕͘e̢n ́̕h͏̴͝é̡͠'l͘ĺ͝ ̵t͜e͘͢͡l͟͞l̀ ̸y̵è̸r͢ ͠p̶re̕c̀iou̴͢s̀͟ ́̕l̨͜i̷͜t̵͘͘t͢l̸͡e͘ ́(̸̀Y̛/҉N͠)́̕ ͜th̸͝à͜t̀͟ t҉̴h̨e͘y҉ ͟n̛͢e̶e̶̛͘d ̛͏tǫ͏ f̧͠ ̕ĺ ͘҉e̕ ̡e̢҉.̛.̵̴͘.̨̛ ͢͢T̛̕ḩ̕͢ey͟͏̡ ń͟eęd ̵t̴̨a̷̧҉ g̨e̸͜͡t̕ ͜͠a̡w͢͞a̷͡y ̶f͏͝r̡om͠ ̡͟͞y̧͟a̴͜.̧҉.́͘͡.͡ ̴̨͡D̕ón͝'̵͘t̴ b̸̸e͟l̶͢i̧͜͠e̴̢v҉̡̛e ́҉h̢͡is͠ ͘͝l̶͡͏ie͟ş͜.̨.͏͢.́"̀ And of course... Henrik would rather believe Anti in this situation than he would Chase... "No! Dude! Henrik I'm not!-" He was cut off by Henrik who slammed his hand on the operating table "Zat's quite enough... I vwon't listen to you spouting zhose bullshit lies... It vwould be best if you keep quiet ozhervwise I vwill sew your mouth shut, do you understand me?" Chase immediately went quiet, his eyes wide with fear, he never expected anything like that from Henrik... It was so... Unnatural, he figured maybe Anti had possessed him or done something bad, either way this wasn't the Henrik he knew... This was something... Else, something much more dangerous and unhinged... Either way he kept his mouth shut in fear that Henrik would carry through with that threat, which that seemed to make the doctor smile but it wasn't anything normal... It was deranged even... And with that, Henrik walked away, gathering Marvin up and tying him down on another table, then doing the same with Jackie by using those magical restraints "Zhere... Now if you vwould... Hurry up und go get ze ozhers Anti, zis is taking vway longer zhan I first thought..." Anti only nodded and left in a hurry to go deal with the others... Meanwhile... You were wandering around, exploring the place a bit, of course you were being cautious just in case someone or Anti were to come by... Surprisingly enough however, none of the others were around, or speaking, yelling, or anything... Maybe they had settled down for the day and were busy with things, either way you found a good place to sit and properly relax, it isn't like you had anywhere else to go, not many places would allow a tiny to stay anyways, and even if they did, you'd rather stay here anyways... You liked the others, they were all fun to hang around, and they were all so nice to you, especially Henrik... You wondered what he was doing but at the same time, you didn't want to go and bother him, he could've been working or something... So you'd just chill out in your little spot for now... Blissfully unaware of what was going on in the other parts of the house... Anti had glitched over to Jameson's room, he was grinning as he flung open the door, startling the poor dapper man, he looked over towards Anti, eyes wide with fear as he shakily signed 'Good golly...! An...Anti...? What are you... Doing here?' Anti merely cackled and stepped closer, he was amused when JJ had backed away "̷̀A̡w̡̕~҉͠ ̷C̢̀om͏҉e̶ ̨̡n̷͟ow̛͝ ̀̀J̵à̴͡me͝s͏͠o̕͢n̷̡҉..͏͟.́͘ I͡ ͡j̴͜u͘͠s͝t̛͢ ̶͘w͘͢a͜͟n̴t̷̀͡e͞d̷ ̡̕t͡͡à ̴̴͢ş͜͡e̸e ̷m҉̶̛'̵̡͢ ͡f̛̀ ̵̡a͞ ́v͏ o̵ ͏r̢͘ ͏͟͏i͢͞ ̸̀ţ͞ ̡͟e̛͢͞ ͝ļ̛it̸t̀͞l̶̕҉e̕͝ ̶p̧̛͝u̶͘pp͠et̀́́,҉̕ ̷͞i͟s̵͟ ́t̶̀̀h̶ą̷t̡ ҉̶͘s͜ó̴͘ ͞b͜͝a҉̢҉d̕?̸~̧́̕"̴ Anti had managed to back the terrified man into a corner, his hands were beginning to get really shaky, making signing rather difficult 'Don't... I- Not again, please, whatever you are trying to do, just stop... Don't make me hurt anybody, please...' JJ was on the verge of tears as Anti closed the gap, he was uncomfortably close "͞O̡̕h͘͠ d҉́o͘n̡͏'̶̨t̵̡̛ ̢w̧͟o̢r̀͏r̕y͟҉̨ ̨͘my̷̨̧ s̸w͜e͢͟e̷͞t ͘l͏i͡҉̡ţ̷̧t̴͏̵l̴̛͞e҉̸̨ ̵̧p̕͜u̶̸p͜pe̵͟t̵͟~͢ ̵͠Y̡͞e͟ ̡d̵́o̷̸n̶̢͢'̧̀t̛͢ ҉̸̀h̴a҉͡v̸̶̨e ͏͞t̵͞҉a̴͘͢ ̛͢͏h̛̀ư̸r̨t҉̡͡ ̵an̸̨̛y҉o̢n̡͝e.̸͞.̢́͏.͘͜ ̡͘҉Ń̴̨o͠҉̨t ͏̸ţ̕h̴͢͝i̷s̴̵͡ t̀̀í̵ḿ̧͟e̸.̨́͡..̶ Í̧̡ ̶̨m̀͡e̛͜͢r̀͡e̸l̀y̡͜͟ ̵̛w͏a̶̶̕ņ̵ţ̴'̢c͞h҉҉a̸̕̕ ̶̷t̡͜á ś͢u͢͜b̷҉m̡it̕.̨͡.̧̢.́͝ ̷͢A̛͢n͝'̷͡ ҉̡͝fo̶llow̕ ḿ̛͟é͜.͢͟.̸̛.̸̵ ̸̨̨I͏'̢v̛e͟ ̸͢a͏l̢̢̢r̷̡ea̸d͏͢y͘͝ ͏g̸͡o̸t͟ ̶̨Mar͟v̵́in..̨͢.͞ ̡J̵̴à̴c͘k͡i̵̸͠ę̴͡.͏͝͞..̕͞ ͞ańd̴̡ ͞C̵̢̛h̴́͠a̢s̡͢è͘͡.̀́͢..̸ ͠I͠ţ̴҉'̨s͢ y̴̨̕ ̷̴͡o̵͢ ̷̀u͠͠ ̴r͢ ̡̀ ͡t͜͞ ̛̀͡u ̶r̵ n̛͘͝ ́ ̵̛͢n̸̡͞ o̷̢ ͟͜w̢҉...̕ ̶̛W͠e ͜͝ç͘a̶̴n d͜o͠ ҉̴͜t̡h̵iś̀ ̨̕t̕͢͡h͏̕e̷̡͏ ̷͏ea̸s̢y̸ ̵̡w̵̸̛ąy̴͘,̀͢ ̢́or͠ ̴̀͝t͏̴h́͜'̨̛́ h͘a͡r̢ḑ̷ ̧͝w͡a͏̵ỳ.͘.͏.̷ Y̶̕é ́c͜҉͠a̴̴̧n ̛͢c̶o̵͏m̛e̵ ̸̵ẃ̕i͘͢th̕ m͡è̶͢ ̶̨w̵i͡ll̷̡̧i̷͝ng̢l͏y̛͝, o͢͠r I̵ ́c͟͏à̸̀n͡ ̢m̨͠ ͟͝a ̴k ̛e̴ ͘y̵e͘ ̵ç҉͡o̕͠m̨͠͏e͡҉ ͟w͘i͟͡t̵҉h͠ ̀͠m̷̸e͏.̧.̸." He chuckled, gripping JJ's shoulder rather tightly. Jameson looked absolutely petrified upon hearing that, he quickly signed out 'Wh-What did you do with them?! You didn't... Hurt them, did you?!' He was worried now, did Anti hurt them...? He knew that Anti wouldn't kill the others because after all, what use is a dead puppet? He winced as the other's claws dug into his shoulder, they dug deep enough to draw some blood, but not too much thankfully "҉T͡h̵͟ęy̶̨͏ ̛̕a̢͢r̶̶e͜͡n'̢t̢ ̸҉h̸̢͝ưŕ̶͞t̨͟ ̀͠t͢ ̷͏͘h̷̢ ͟à͟ ̶̧͠t͜ ̴͠b̛̕͟a̧̨d͟͏͢l͘͢͡y͟҉̨.̡͠͡.͞͝. ͏̀N̷̢o͢ẃ͘ ̕ę̢͢įt͏̨h̡̛͜è̢͟r ͝c̸ó̶̡m̷̸̧e͝ ̢͞͡w̧į͝t͝h̶ m̸̛͢e͏҉́.҉.̵̨͏.͝ O͏͢͠r͢͢ ͢y͟e͏̧͝ w̸įl̶͡l̛͜ ̴̀͜s͏͞u҉ffe̡r t̶͟͞ḩ͟͝e͏ ͘ço҉n̛seq̨҉u̷e̵͘ņ̵̀c̶eş̢.̷͟.̕.͟͠ Y̸͝e͜ kn̴̵̕ów̧ ̸I̧̨͘ ̵c̷̕a̡ǹ͞ ̴do̸̶ ̀̕a̴̡̛ l̕ơ̢̧t̴ ̴͜ẃ͝o͝r̡͘s̢̡̀e ̵̢t͏͜͞h̴̸̢a͠n ͝d҉͡r̢̀͘u҉̨ǵ ͏͢y͏ou҉͞.͘.͘͝.̨͘ ͠I ͠c̷̡͢o̷͞u͘ld҉ ͡͠do͜͞҉ ̢̧s̵̀̕ ́̕o͡ ̧m̛͢ ̨á ͠n̛ ̨y͝ ҉̵t̛h̀įn̶̸g̀͞͝s̴ tà͠ ̨y҉̷̶á̷̵.̢.̷͟.̶͢ ҉̡́I̡̕ c̡̧o̢͜u̢̕͡ld ͘ma̵̸͜k̀e̡͘ y҉̵ơ̶̧u̕ ̕s̨̢ ̶u̸͞ ̶͝f͜ ͟͏̵f̕͠ ̛e ̴r̨̛ ̸a҉̕go̢͢͠n͠i̸̧̕z̕͘͠i͘͞͠n͏̴̶g̨ ͠p̵͘a͜͟i͞n͟͞ ̢ơv̵̢e͘͏r̴,͝ ͞aņ̢d ovę̸r̸̶,̨ ̴͟͝ánd̷͘ ̛͟͡o̷͡ ͜͟͜v̷̵͜ ́͡҉e ̵͝r̕͢͝ ąg̀͜͝a̡i͢͏̸n͘..҉.͢͝͝ ̨͢I͢ ͘͡c҉̵͡o̸͜ư̵̴l̀d ̕͡m̸͟a҉k͏̢e̷̴ ̨̨y̶ò̵͡u̶ ͟w̶͘àt͞c̷h͝͞ as͘ ̵̧͞t҉̕͜h̕os̴҉e̴ ̴c̢͞l͘͏ơ͢s̷̕ę͢ ́t̵͟͏o̧ ͜ya̵̷ ͞͡s̢u̕͘͘f̸͘f͏҉e̴r̀͘..̢͢. ̶or̶̡ ͘my͠͏́ ́p e͏͟ r̀͞ ̵͜s ó͢ ̛҉n̸͏ a͟͡ ̴̴l ̧͜f͜a̕͠͠v͘o͏̵́r̷ì̴͡t̕͝é̶̢.̨͡.͟. I͘ ̡c̡ou͡l̕͡d͢ m̨à͜͟ḱe̕ ͏̷y͜͠e̕͘ ̢̨̛h̸͞u̴̕rt t̶̸̸h̢̨eḿ̵̧.̡̡͟.́͘͟.͝ ͢͝Ye̴͝'̸̛d͏̀҉ ̛͏b́e̢ ͡͡͝t̸͞h͠'͡ c̵̸̡a̵use̡̧͘ ̵͢ơf̧̕͢ ̵̧t̵h͞͡ei̵͞r̢ s̴̡ù̢̡f̨͜f͏̛e͏r͞i͘͜n̴͜͠g̡͢ ̨̡͞t̵̕h́e͏n.̡̨.͢.́" He chuckled, pulling his claws back to lick the blood from them. JJ hung his head and mimicked a sigh '....Fine... I'll come with you... Just please, don't make me do any of that... Please... I don't want to hurt them... I don't want to hurt anyone...' Anti cackled and grabbed JJ "̶G̵͢o̡͝o҉͢d̶̛҉ ̵͟͝l͏i̴͡t͏t̴ļ҉e̶͘ ͡ṕ̢҉up͠pe̢͡t.̧..̡̡ ͞͏N̵̨҉o͘ẁ͜͞ ̧҉̷c̵͞͏om͏̡̕ę͜ wí̷̧t̷h ̡m͡e.̡͏.̴.̶̢~̛̀"̛ And with that he glitched away, and got Jameson all tied down in the secret area of the lab, he then went after Shawn and Bing, those two were the easiest to take down, and Shawn talks so much about how he could take Anti out with the slightest of ease, the pathetic display of a fight he showed to Anti merely looked like child's play... No matter now, they were all tied up... They were at his mercy... The only one he didn't have was Robbie, but that idiotic zombie was of no concern to him... He's the easiest to manipulate out of all of them anyways... "̧It̨́'҉̸s fi̛͘͜n͝al͡ļ͘͞y͞ ͘͜ţi̶͟mȩ ҉d̨̀ò̸͟ct̀o͘ŗ̶.҉..̷̢ Y҉̀͏ȩ̸͟ ̀k̶n͏͏o̶w̵ ͠w̧ha̴t̶͝͠ ţ͡a̕ ͜d̵̴̛ó̡҉,̨̛͜ wa̶͞i̴̢t̴ ̴͜i͘n̴̛ t͢͠h̀͞'̢ h̶al̴l̶̕͜wà̕y̷͘ a͡n'͜ ͡p̡r͡e͏̕tè̡͡ǹ͏d҉ ̢̡ye͝r̢̧̕ w͜a̴l̢͢k̷̡͠í̢͠n̴̕g͘ ̷o̢̕͠út̴,́͝ ͏th̶̢ęn̵̡̕ ̵͟͝ye̸͠ ̨s̀͟͝é͞e̴͝͠ ̴̶̕m̀͢ȩ ̶͠a͢҉͘n̨̡'́͡ ̴̸ru̵͘ņ̛ ̸̧̧o̶͞v͠èŗ,̧̧͢ ́n̶͘͟ ͠şa͝v͡͝e ̵̨͠th̴̢em,̛ ͡͞t̨̕he̴͜ ̛͢ḿ̧o̕s͏͡t͘͢ ̡s̡͠i̛͜m̕͘͢p̀͞l͘͡es̡̛͟t͘ ͏͘o̧͟f̵́ ͏p̢͜͝laņ̴s̷͡.̕..̡ ́͞E̛͘v̧͏é̶͠n̡͢ ͟a̡̨n̸̢̡ ̷i̡̢d̢͘i͜͞ot ̕l̷̴̡i̡k̷͘͜e̷ ̴͢Ŗo͏̷b̀͢bi͢e̴͞ ̷̸c͘͢óu̧͜l̷d́͜ ̨fól͏l͘͟o͡͠͏w̶~̸̡̡" Anti chuckled, Henrik only glared at him "Vwell, I vwould prefer you don't call Robbie an idiot, but nonezeless... Finally, I get to be vwith meine kleiner..." If it were possible, Henrik would have hearts in his eyes right now... He was finally going to be with the one he loved, with the being that is his and his alone... You... He could hardly wait, he was practically shoving the amused Anti out of the secret lab and slamming the door shut "Go, go already!" Somehow this only seemed to amuse the glitch even further, he would've just stopped dead in his tracks however... "A҉̛͡ ҉̢p̵̀͟r̛͜҉o̧͞m̴̛is͏e̢͜͠,̸͝ ҉̕is̢͜ ͘a ̷̧p͟r̕͞o̵̕m̵̷͟i̷̛s̴e̵.̷.̷͜.͟ ̷͡Y̸̡e̢ ́h̡͢e̡lp̷͢͠e͠d ̧m̷̴̷e̢͞ o͝u̵̸t,͘ ̡̢̀a̧n'̸͟ I̡̡͝ ̵͝á ͢l ͏̡w̷͞ ̷͡a ̧͢͝ý̴ ͜s͠ ̸́m͞͏a̵̵̢ḱe ̷g̢͡o̧̢͟o̸d̵ o҉̶ń m'̕ ̷̢́w͞o̡r̢̡d~̕͠͝"̧͘ ...Well that was partially a lie, usually he only made 'deals' and then betrayed the other party in the end, but for this one time... He'd be 'helpful' towards Henrik. Anti walked out and proceeded towards the living room, he suspected you were in there... Or maybe he could have some fun with Robbie if you decided to go visit him again... He looked around the room, finally seeming to spot you, a malicious grin spread across his face as he glitched over to your spot, startling you and making you stumble "̴́͞H̶è̡l͟͏̨l̛o̧͢,͠ p͟҉ì͡ps̛q̸̨u̡ea̴͘͢k͏҉~͜"̵̡ He quickly grabbed you, dangling you up in the air by your shirt, you immediately began to struggle and panic "An-Anti?! What are you doing?! Let me go!" His grin only widened "̶̧I̸̢̕f y̡e͏ in̴͡s̢i̢s̸̀ţ~͞" He then let go of you, cackling as you began screaming, you squeezed your eyes shut, oh god you were going to die... Before you could hit the ground however, Anti caught you, waiting for you to open your eyes again... You took a few minutes to realize, you weren't... Falling anymore? You opened your eyes and saw Anti had caught you, now you were angry albeit fearful "What the fuck is your problem?! What do you want from me?!" His grip only tightened, making you cry out in pain "̵͝M' ҉͟j̧us̢͏t͏ ͏̡h͘͟a͞v̵͟i̕n'̡ ̕͢s͡ó̷͜m͏̢͘e̶͠ ͟f̧uń͢͞,̶̵ ̕͠l̀͠͠i͢t̀̕͞tl̸͞è ͞͝ṕ̢͠r̛e̢҉y~" Henrik had to play it cool, like he was just walking out there... This couldn't seem like an act, he then walked out from the hallway and his eyes widened upon seeing Anti who had a hold of you, he saw Anti messing around with you, tossing you around, and various other things, okay that made Henrik really angry... He knew Anti was supposedly just acting but to see him doing that to you, an overprotective urge surged through him as he stomped over and snatched you away "Anti, get ze fack out of here! Leave zhem alone!" Anti only chuckled "͢C̵͡'͟͜m̵̛ơ̧͡n҉͟ ̨͏d͢o͢c͢tơ̵r̢~̧҉̀ ̧͜͢M' ́͢͟jus̶͟t ţ̷r͠yǹa͏҉ ̛̀h͏͡à̡͡vę̶ ͡҉sǫ́m҉҉e͏̀ ̴͘f̧̛ ͘ų n̡̡͞~̸"̨̛ He was going to reach for you once again, however his hand was met with a scalpel and suddenly, he was bleeding, well now... Anti hadn't planned for that but it didn't make him angry, in fact it did the opposite... He had a deranged grin on his face and he was laughing "̛W̸̨e͜l̡l͢͢͠ ̧ņ̛͢ò̷w̸~҉ ̢̡͞D̷ìd҉n҉͠'͢ţ ҉èx͠p̛͝ecţ̛̕ ̷̢͜t̡h̸́a̛t́͟͟~̢̕" He lifted his hand up to his mouth, his tongue lolling out to lick the blood up before he merely glitched away. You cringed upon seeing that as did Henrik, who you immediately looked up and smiled at "T-Thank you... For saving me..." The Doctor smiled back "Vwhy of course, I vwould never let him get avway vwith hurting you... I vwould never let anyvone hurt you..." He paused, okay... It was now or never... "I... Uh... (Y/N)... I have a confession to make..." You rose a brow "Oh? Go on..." Was he going to say... What you think he was going to...? He then cleared his throat before continuing on "I... Look... I'm... in love with you... I can't help it, ze first moment you arrived, my heart skipped a beat... Vwhich I tried to tell myself zhere's no vway but of course... I guess I vwas wrong on zat one... I'm... Ah... Mein Gott... Zis must be so vweird to you, ja?" You took a few moments before staring up at him "No... It's not... Weird... Not weird at all... Actually Hen... I feel the same way about you, your really nice... I didn't really know what to think about you at first, but over time... I kept thinking about you and..." Your face turned red as he gave you a gentle smooch, well... As best he could anyways, smooching a tiny could be quite difficult. Even Henrik's face had turned red at that point "Ah... Vwould you like to... Uhm... Go out fo' some Coffee...?" He paused before quickly speaking in German "Der Kaffee geht auf mich!" You could... About guess as to what that means before nodding "Sure, I'd like that..." And with that, Henrik set the scalpel down and set you down on the counter "Ah... Let me change into something... Ozher zhan a lab coat before vwe go" He chuckled as did you, watching as he walked off into the hallway, honestly... You thought this would be a fun time, you two could get to know each other better and bond over some coffee time... This would be good, it would be fun... After a bit, Henrik came out dressed in a dark brown turtleneck sweater with matching pants and a light brown jacket adorning him as well, your face turned bright red as you spoke "You look... Fancy... I mean- You look... Good... Those clothes really suit you" You gave him a pleasant smile, he smiled back "Danke... Vwell, are vwe ready to go? Or do you need to do something real quick?" You thought for a moment before shaking your head "I'm good... I think, so I guess we're ready!" Henrik smiled and held you close, he took a deep breath... Finally... He and he alone can spend time with you, he walked out the door and headed off towards the coffee shop, luckily it wasn't too far so he could walk there, and during this time... There usually wasn't many people around so he didn't have to worry about someone getting in his way... You and Henrik chatted some until he finally reached the coffee shop, he went inside and sat down, setting you down in front of him, surprisingly, there was nobody aside from the workers inside... Then again everyone was usually busy at this time, the person behind the bar looked at Henrik and then down at you, they smiled brightly "Hello! Welcome to Mellow Monocle Barista! What can I get for you two today?" Well they were acknowledging you, even if you were a tiny person, that made you happy honestly... Henrik was first to speak "I vwould like a plain black coffee, vwhat vwould you like mein liebe?" You thought for a moment before speaking "I would like a... (Your Favorite Drink)... Uh, please" They nodded and then they walked over and then began preparing both your drinks. While you both waited, Henrik looked down at you, staring at you with that loving expression of his "Deine Augen sind wie Sterne~" You blinked and looked up at him "What...?" You assumed it was something flirtatious just judging by the look in his eyes, he could only chuckle at your response "I said your eyes look like stars... Zhere so... Beautiful..." You blushed at his statement, before you could say anything, the person came back over with both your drinks, they gave you a bottle cap full of your drink and looked at you "Ah... we don't... have any cups your size, really sorry about that in advance!" You merely smiled at them "Don't worry about it! I don't mind drinking from a bottle cap, besides... It's not often you see a tiny person roaming around anyways" They couldn't help but laugh, albeit nervously "I guess your right... Anyways, you two have a nice day! And enjoy your drinks! Let me know if any of you need something else!" Henrik didn't like how friendly they were getting with you... No- He needed to control that, they weren't... Doing anything wrong, as long as they left and didn't do anything or say anything to you, it'll be fine... Luckily for Henrik, they left to go do something or another... He sighed in relief and took a sip of his coffee, staring down at you once more... You were such a beautiful treasure to him... More importantly... You were his treasure, so perfect... Nobody else should get to lay their eyes upon you except him, nobody should be able to talk to you except him... And especially nobody else should be able to hold you but him, that might sound crazy to others but honestly at this point... He didn't care what others would think or say, he didn't care if he sounded crazy, he just loved you so dearly... That's all this was, nothing creepy or weird... Your shouting seemed to have jolted him out of his thoughts "H-Hm? Vwhat is it?" You looked up at Henrik with a concerned expression "You alright, Hen? You... Haven't said anything for awhile..." Henrik merely smiled at you "Oh, I'm fine Schatz, I vwas merely thinking about you... Zat's all... You are just so beautiful..." You blushed and couldn't help but smile back "Aw, your too sweet, you know that?" You paused and then looked down at your empty bottle cap "Well, I'm ready to go whenever you are" Henrik finished his coffee finally and nodded "Are you sure you aren't... Hungry or anything like zat?" You shook your head "No, I'm good, thank you for asking though" Typical Henrik, he seemed like the type to worry about you, or worried if you've ate, drank, etc... Henrik then left some money on the counter, a tip included and then walked out, he then proceeded to head home... Again it was silent as you just relaxed in his palm until he got back to the house, once he stepped inside you sighed happily "...I had a great time Henrik, that was... Nice..." Henrik nodded "Yeah... Zhey have ze best drinks und zheir food is pretty good as vwell..." He then headed to back to his lab with you in hand and sat down in his chair "Ah... Finally... Vwe can just relax fo' ze rest of ze day... I have no vwork to do right now anyvways..." He set you down on his desk and leaned back in his chair, however right as he leaned back in his chair, his phone vibrated "Oh Mein Gott... I svwear-" He began muttering some profanities as he pulled out his phone and checked what it was... "Vwell... Mein liebe... I guess vwork is never facking done... I'll be back soon, I have to go und do some schtuff... Please stay here in ze lab, I don't vwant Anti coming after you again und he rarely ever comes in here" You nodded "Okay... Just don't stress yourself out too much!" He nodded and then quickly rushed out, leaving you alone... You had some time so you decided to explore around the lab from the safety of the desk, it was... Very clean, part of you had suspected Henrik was a clean/neat freak... Then again it never hurts to keep things tidy so you could partially understand that... You stopped dead in your tracks upon hearing a noise of some kind... It sounded like some form of muffled screaming, and some groaning sounds... There were multiple muffled screams... Or at least that's what you thought they were... Maybe... You were just tired and hearing things or something... There's no way- Upon hearing a loud creaking sound, you cringed... Okay you were definitely hearing something... You looked around and noticed a large metal door with a keypad beside it... You rose a brow "Huh... I don't... Remember seeing that..." You muttered to yourself, you were curious about this door however... You needed to find the pass-code, surely Henrik had it around here somewhere. You searched around the desk and looked off into the distance, you saw nothing that could be of much help... The papers you had seen were all files written in German, they didn't seem to have any numbers on them however, you sighed... This was hopeless, you'd never find the pass-code... You looked at his computer, this was your last resort... You walked over and pressed a button and immediately it came on, it had a bunch of sticky notes opened on it, you huffed, this was going to take awhile... And after awhile of going through them, you finally found one with numbers on it... This had to be it! All the other notes were mostly in German, you'd keep the numbers in mind... Now you had to find a way to get up there... You looked around and there was a bookshelf near the door, a red string dangled down, far enough to where you could grab it and potentially climb up... Although, you needed to check if it was held up by something strong first... You managed to climb down from the desk after what felt like an eternity and ran over towards the bookshelf, you then grasped onto the red string and gave it a hard tug... It didn't budge however, you tugged it a few more times just to be safe, however it still seemed very sturdy, and so you began climbing up the red string and towards the keypad, you realized however... You'd have to swing a few times just so you could press the numbers on this thing ...Was this really worth all the trouble? Who knows what could even be down there... However your curiosity had gotten the best of you and you've come this far so too late to turn back now... You had begun swinging back and forth, pressing each number one by one, it was so tedious but eventually you got them all and then with one final swing you pressed enter and the door swung open, you sighed in relief "Finally!" Just then however... The red string had began loosening up, with all of your might you immediately swung over and landed on the door handle, taking the red string with you as you flew, you clutched onto the door handle for dear life and shivered "O-Oh... Fu-Fuck... I could've died..." You looked at the red string and smiled, well at least you knew you could get down safely... You then proceeded to tie the string to the handle and made sure it was as tight as it could be that way it doesn't loosen up and make you plummet to your untimely demise, after making sure this time, you then grabbed the string and slid down it, just like how one would slide down a fireman's pole... You then reached a stair ...Oh god there were stairs, ugh this was going to be a bit tedious but its better than what you were doing before... You then proceeded down the stairs, and slowly but surely after what felt like an eternity you got down them all, and what you saw before you made your eyes widen with horror... The others... They were... All tied up on operating tables, most of them were crying, others were screaming muffled-ly in an angry manner, and some were screaming out of pure fear and desperation, they were all bloody... So many questions and thoughts ran through your head upon seeing all of this ...This was... There's no way... Henrik did this...? How... Why would he... And just as you were about to try and desperately scramble back up the stairs, you turned and saw Henrik standing there, a shocked and... disappointed expression on his face...? "Mein... liebe..." He started, something was off with his voice, as he stared at you "How did you get down here? Ze door had a keypad on it..." He paused, his expression was now one of disappointment and he looked a bit angry "Don't you know any better? Breaking into ze secret part of my lab... Zat vwas very rude of you... Und not to mention, very dangerous!" You looked at him and then back at the tied up egos, you then began to try and speak, all that came out at first was nothing but a stuttering jumbled mess "I-I... I'm... I'm sorry... I... I-I... Wh...What.... I mean... He...Henrik... Wh...What the hell? What did you... Di-D...Did... you-you... d-d-do...? Wh...Why?!" You somehow managed to yell despite how petrified and mortified you were by all this, but the doctor merely tsked "Now now... Don't vworry... Just... Come on... Let's go back upstairs..." He stepped down and immediately you stepped back, which seemed to make him frown even more "...Mein. Liebe. I s a i d... Let's. Go. Back. Up. S t a i r s..." And suddenly, before Henrik could even move to grab you, you heard some form of chant and then you were upstairs, you assumed it was Marvin so you quickly dashed away, this made Henrik seethe with rage as his head snapped towards Marvin "You... I svwear..." Henrik pulled out a syringe from his lab coat and walked over to Marvin who's eyes widened, he was afraid however it was worth it, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath "...Be safe little one..." And then there was a stabbing pain in his neck and he fell unconscious, Henrik then threw the syringe to the ground "Zhere... Zat should take care of him fo' avwhile..." He then quickly began to make his way up the stairs... You barely had any time to get out of his lab before you quickly hid in the bookshelf, covering your mouth before any sobs could escape... Why would Henrik do this? Just... Why? How could he do something so horrible... Tears began falling down your face as you slid as far back into the bookshelf as you could manage, you held back a whimper as you heard him call out your name in that sickeningly sweet voice that you had once loved "Ohhh (Y/N)... Come on out now... I know you didn't get too far... You may can run fast fo' your size... However... Zhere's no vway you could've made it out of zis room in time..." You heard his footsteps booming around, first they got farther and farther away... You could hear him rummaging around the room for you, making it a mess... Suddenly the footsteps began getting louder and louder as they grew closer, you suppressed a whimper, you just wanted to get out of here... You didn't want to be here anymore... You still couldn't understand why he'd do such a thing... Suddenly, you could hear the sound of books  being shoved out of the way and hitting the floor, you immediately huddled back into the furthest part of the corner, struggling to hold in your whimpers and sobs, please... just go away you thought over and over... You prayed he'd go away, finally he was on the last row of books, you could hear him chuckle "I know you are zhere... I can smell your fear... Vwhy are you afraid of me? Zhere's no reason to be afraid of me silly... I vwon't hurt you, I'm not angry vwith you fo' going down zhere..." And finally he pulled the last book out and grinned as he saw you "Found you~!" You began screaming as he grabbed you, you clawed desperately at the bookshelf but it was no use, he pulled you out of your hiding spot with the slightest of ease... You stared up at him, looking at his now deranged lovesick expression, you trembled as he brought his other hand closer, he used a single finger to wipe the tears away from your face "Don't cry mein liebling... Shh... It's alright... I'm not gonna hurt you... I vwould never... I love you, silly~" You hiccuped and began full out sobbing "W-Wh...Why t-tho...though?..." Henrik rose a brow "Hmm? Vwhy vwhat...?" You took a minute, taking a deep shaky breath "Wh...Why did you do it...? To...To them? Why are they... Down there? Tie...Tied up...? Bl-B-B-Bl...Bloody...?" Henrik merely sighed "I vwanted zhem out of ze vway... Can't you see it? Zhey vwere in ze vway... Ze vway of us... Zhey... Vwanted to steal you avway from me... I saw ze vway zhey looked at you... Ze vway zhey... s p o k e to you... You know... That upset me, Schatz... To see zhem interacting vwith you... To see ze vway zhey looked at you... So I had to get rid of zhem somehow... I needed zhem out of ze vway so zat I could be vwith you instead~" Your eyes widened, you felt like you were going to be sick "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! THEY DIDN'T DESERVE IT! YOU'RE SICK!" You snapped at him, which he didn't seem to like... Henrik's expression shifted from lovesick to angry "... (Y/N)..." He started, his tone harsh, whatever friendliness or love that was once in it was entirely gone "Vwhen you say zat... It sounds to me like you... you care fo' zhem more zhan you care fo' me... You... didn't l i e to me... Right...? Vwhen you said admitted you felt ze same vway fo' me...? Vwhen you said you loved me too... Vwas zat all a l i e...?" His grip tightened around you which made you cry out in pain "I....I... I'm-" Henrik cut you off with a hiss "Liebe... I think you had better choose zhose next vwords c a r e f u l l y... Just tell me... Am I misunderstanding...? You do love me... Right?" You cringed but nodded, you couldn't tell him you didn't... That might push him past the point of reasoning, you would lie to him... "Y-Yes... You... misunderstood I... I... aha..." You paused, taking another deep breath "I....I still love you..." Your tone was shaky... and to him it was off putting, he could tell the difference... "...Liar..." He hissed through his teeth "You... Your lying to me Schatz... I can tell... Ze vway you said it before held such truth... Now its e m p t y... You don't love me? You love zhem more, don't you? Is zat it? ...You've loved zhem more zhan me from the start, haven't you...? Ze first moment zhey set foot into zis house... You fell for zhem... Maybe not all but vone of zhem... Who?! Who vwas it?!" You whimpered, tears beginning to flow once more "I didn't! I didn't love them over you! Henrik! I loved you!" That word seemed to trigger him, his grin got wider and he laughed madly "You... L O V E D me... Is zat right...? Zat vwould mean you don't love me now..." You regretted that, you regretted letting that slip out of your mouth, you couldn't take it at this point, the rage that was hidden behind the fear came out "....I HATE YOU! YOU HURT THEM! YOU HURT MY FRIENDS! THEY DIDN'T DESERVE THIS NOW LET THEM GO!" That sent Henrik over the edge it seemed, his grip was tightened around you and he began laughing, however that wasn't any normal laugh that you ever heard, that was the sound of a deranged psychopath "Zat vwasn't very nice of you... mein liebling... You..." He paused, his grin getting wider as he stared at you with a loving expression if you could even call it that at this point "...No... Nononono... You love me... I know you do... I should be more... Considerate... Your just afraid... Zhere's no reason fo' zat... I love you... You know zat... I vwould never harm you... I vwouldn't vwant to damage zat beautiful skin of yours...~" He lovingly petted you, which just made you sick to your stomach, you couldn't take it anymore, you couldn't take any of it anymore, this entire hellish situation you were in... It began to break you... You just began crying and sobbing and breaking down. Henrik held your tiny shaking form close "Shh... It's okay... Just breathe... I've got you... Don't vworry... I vwon't let anyvone take you avway from me... I vwon't let anyvone hurt you..." He cooed softly, his tone taking a more loving turn, although at this point it was sickening to you... You just wanted to vomit at the sound of it, your cries, sobs, and hiccups echoed throughout the room as Henrik continued to soothe you, or well... Try to soothe you... "Shh... Just relax... Everything vwill be okay... Vwe're together now und vwe are going to be together forever... I promise I vwill take care of you..." He paused, before pressing a soft kiss to your tiny form, he smiled pleasantly at you, or well... You would've thought the smile was pleasant before, now the smile just terrified you... Henrik in general scared you... You shuddered as he then whispered in a soft tone "...Ich liebe dich~"
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cecesf06 · 7 years
Fate~ Nolan Holloway
Anon: Hey, can I have a Nolan Holloway cute/awkward imagine please?   It's Halloween and reader is trick or treating with like her little   cousins or siblings so she wears a goofy costume and they knock at   Nolan's door (without her knowing it's his house) and it's just awkward because of her silly costume but then later they meet again at a party but she has a different costume (more sexy I guess) and idk  Just   something Halloweeny with Nolan :) thanks                    
A/N: of course anon! I am kicking myself for taking this long to post it, but here it is, and sorry its not as cute as I wanted it to be.. (P.S. Sorry its so late!!)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Warnings: none, besides awkwardness, and somewhat fluff!
Word Count: 2k
"Robert, let go of my hand one more time, and we're done."
"Crissy- I told you you could wear the sunglasses, but only on top of your head. It's getting dark!"
"Vincent, slow down! I said no more than a five mile radius at all times!"
It's been three houses so far.
Not even five minutes in, and you were already losing your marbles.
You would think that at the ages of nine, seven, and six, your siblings would be with the program and have complete comprehension of the holiday, but unfortunately that's not the case.
You hate Halloween. Actually, scratch that- Halloween is great. You had no problems with Halloween itself. It's the trick or treating part that makes it less than desirable.
Not to mention the ridiculous matching costumes during said less than desirable part.
So here you were, dragging two six and seven year olds by the wrists while chasing a nine year old up the street in a ladybug costume.
Yes, you read that right- a ladybug costume.
Ten sizes too big, showing only your face, arms, and feet, you were basically a walking red blob.
Luckily, your street was full of old people, and hermits, so you wouldn't see anyone you knew- from inside, and outside of school- until tonight at the annual open house at some kid's house. He's been hosting for about five years now, and no one even knows his real name, or why he was still in high school, calling him "Banger Bobby". Anyone who is anyone shows up, and dammit you were going to do anything to show up for your last year of high school.  
And that anything was taking your younger siblings trick or treating up and down your street.
An easy task, you had scoffed when your mother tried to warn you, but now you finally understood the horrors she went through, and her complete hatred of the holiday every year.
But alas, it will all be worth it to be able to party with your friends whereas any other time you ask, she says no.
Groaning, and wishing the arduous task to be over as soon as possible, you herd the three overbearing children up the steps and onto the porch of the next house- a little blue thing that used to belong to Ms. Weeks, an elderly lady who passed away that past year. The house was resold, but being the hermit family you were, you never bothered to meet your new neighbors.
And now you suddenly wished you had, because as luck would have it, your longtime crush was the one to open the door.
Nolan Holloway- adorable, shy, quiet, smart Nolan Holloway. Also probably the only boy in your entire school you maybe had feelings for.
His blue eyes bore into your y/e/c ones, and you both froze, your face suddenly the same color as your costume.
Robert broke the silence, shouting an impatient, "Tricks or treats!" and Nolan suddenly jolted in place before dumping the goodies into your siblings bags.
Of all people. Of all places. Of all moments in time and your existence, this had to the be it. This- this embarrassing, humiliating, awkward moment had to be the first time Nolan Holloway looked in your direction.
And as you dragged your siblings home in a haste, ignoring their complaints, you suddenly wished the spirits of the Day of the Dead could actually sense your desire to join them and grant your wishes.
Not worth it.
When you had gotten home, shredding the disaster of a costume off in place of a black cut out crop top, blank spandex, and fishnet stockings, you clung to the hope that it would be worth it. That Banger Bob's open house would be so legendary, and as amazing as it was hyped up to be that it would be worth the utter humiliation of earlier. As you styled your hair, and did the whole "sexy bunny" thing every basic girl at your school did in an attempt to look not as out of place as you were most likely going to be, you prayed to any God out there that Nolan Holloway would not be at that party.
Your friends had long since found a few guys to inevitably hook up with, leaving you to stand awkwardly by yourself, attempting to blend into the wall behind you while clutching a solo cup for the sake of clutching one.
You watched with trepidation as a few girls danced way to extra to the trap rap that seemed to be one repeat, same boring bass blasting through the aux.
You watched as a few guys attempted back flips in the grass out front, the only one able to actually do so being the new kid, Alex, or Alec or whatever.
You watched Theo Raeken make out with Liam Dunbar against the wall, and- wait what?
You turned your gaze awkwardly to your cup, head spinning.
The minutes stretched on, along with the tight feeling in your chest, and the thoughts ran through your head, mocking you. Why were you even here? Why did you even want to come?
Your eyes flicked up again, and the sandy brown hair, light spattering of freckles on his nose, the bright blue eyes all causing your heart to stop, mouth becoming all too dry.
Nolan Holloway was here.
And you wished the wall would swallow you whole as he made his way in your direction, and you hesitated between pulling your phone out to call an ambulance because you were definitely having a heart attack right now, or just simply running.
Too late.
You didn't even know what to do with yourself. Here you were, an embarrassing mess for a second time that night in front of Nolan Holloway- the only person you sort of liked in this world. He didn't seem to mind though, peering at you with an amused look in his blue eyes.
"What happened to the lady bug?"
And its a estimate to how nervous you were at the moment, because you burst out laughing and suddenly couldn't stop.
Maybe the best part about embarrassing yourself in front of Nolan Holloway for the tenth time is that you literally had no shame anymore.
"Yeah, uh, I only wore that because this would probably not be appropriate for kids." you laughed, gesturing loosely to your costume your mother would have a heart attack over if she had actually seen.
Nolan looked you up and down after that, gaze lingering on your fishnet stockings, the way the spandex hugged your skin, and the wonders of your push up bra. He grinned.
"It's a shame. I liked the ladybug better."
You snorted, peering at the ordinary shirt, the ordinary jeans, the ordinary shoes on his feet- an ensemble he'd wear to school, normally. You quirked an eyebrow.
"Oh, do you now.. what are you supposed to be anyway?"
He grinned, and man his grin really knew how to light up a room.
"I'm Alec." he motions to the boy still flipping around the lawn, also dressed in a similar attire. "He's supposed to be me."
You were silent for a moment.
"Hm. It's a shame. I like Nolan better."
He blushes.
"You like me?"
And now you're blushing, dammit.
"Uh, I, um-"
He shakes his head at your stammering, a small smile spreading.
"I'm just messing with you Y/N."
You let out an awkward giggle, and then the silence stretched on, and you didn't know how to break it.
"I, um, I have a confession." he mumbled, coughing a bit at the end to hide his nervous voice crack. "I..."
He never finishes, standing in front of you awkwardly, blushing, and you spit out the first thing that comes to mind.
"Did you know bats always turn left when exiting a cave?"
He blinks a bit, perplexed, and it distracts him from the nerves threatening to crush him, and he smiles. "No I did not. But did you know ninety percent of the pumpkin is made up of water?"
You grinned, and he found himself transfixed on your bright smile, not wanting to look away even as you began to speak. "Well did you know jack-o-lanterns were actually first made by carving turnips instead of pumpkins?"
He snorted. "Ew. Thank God that changed. But, contrary to popular belief, the pumpkin is actually a fruit because-"
"-It has seeds." you finish at the same time, smiling softly at one another, and Nolan finds his eyes flitting from your stunning y/e/c ones to your soft lips.  
Nolan swallows hard, willing himself for once in his life to make the first move. Earlier when he tried, he choked up. But you're Y/N Y/L/N, the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, and he's liked you since he first laid eyes on you.
Sure, the whole "you can't like someone without meeting them" thing is true, but not with you. Nolan can't explain it, but something about you just... clicked. Like he knew right then and there he had to meet you.
Too bad he's terribly and embarrassingly shy.
So when you appeared at his door in that God awful ladybug costume, he considered himself the luckiest man alive. Because even though he froze up at the time, he had a reason to walk up to you at this party, and talk to you- something he's never done before.
And man do you look beautiful tonight. You look beautiful every day in Nolan's eyes, in anything you wore- and probably, he's guessing, in nothing, but hey.
But tonight, with the dim glow of the crowded house, where to him it was just the two of you, leaning against the beige walls, your eyes sparkling, even with the pupils dilated almost obscuring the color, your hair impossibly gorgeous, even with the stupid bunny ears atop it, he just wanted to kiss those soft lips until they were swollen and bruised from his own.
"If I do something, and you close your eyes, can you promise you won't freak out?" he whispered, neither of you realizing how close he had gotten to you, almost an inch apart.
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously.
"You're not going to just walk away while I have my eyes closed, are you?"
His face scrunches up in confusion, romantic daze faltering.
"Uh. No?"
Your eyes promptly shut as a blush covers your cheeks, the fan of your fake lashes across your cheekbones capturing his attention, and he knew he wanted to do this more than anything in the world, thanking any God out there you had knocked on his door that night, fate bringing two shy, blushing souls together at last.
"Forget I said anything."
He laughs, and then clears his throat, as if nervous, and you were suddenly nervous too. What was he doing?
Lips were on your own. Jolting with shock, you froze at the unexpected gesture until it suddenly registered in your brain.
Nolan Holloway is kissing you.
Your long time crush- the sweet boy with the bright blue eyes, and splattering of freckles is kissing you.
And you were kissing back.
The kiss lasted a total of ten seconds, but damn if it wasn't the best ten seconds of your life.
"I, um, I-" he began sheepishly, a cute little blush popping up under his freckles causing you to blush.
"Okay, now you close your eyes and promise you won't freak out." you blurted out, a little nervous, and he smiled.
"I won't freak out." he promised, holding out his pinky, and you laughed. As you hooked them together in a "pinky promise" he found a warm feeling blooming in his chest at the sound of your laugh and knew he was in deep.
And when you kissed him again, it would not be the last.
And you thanked any God out there you had knocked on his door that night, fate bringing two shy, blushing souls together at last.
A/N anddd there you have it! Not my best work, and i was a real jerk taking forever to post, but i finally got it done!
im also grounded all weekend, which means ill be home ready to write all weekend... ;)
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garecc · 7 years
The Hidden Oracle+1
Chapter 11
Chiron the centaur / Meg eats final oreo / I wanted it though
Meg’s eyes just about bugged out of her head when she saw Chiron. “He- He really is a centaur!”
“How observant of you Meg. Do we assume him having the lower body of a horse is what gave you that startling realization?” I joked. Meg glared at me.  
“Shut up!” Meg snapped.
My mouth snapped shut against my will, I found myself unable to speak. How to describe it.. I felt like my voice just stopped, and my jaw locked into place.. I can't describe it. I glanced at Apollo helplessly, he took a deep breath before turning to Meg.
“Meg,” He sounded annoyed. “Shut up, is, in fact, a direct order. So unless you want my sister to be mute for the foreseeable future, I’d advise you to allow her to speak.” Apollo’s voice was clipped and furious.
Meg nodded, a surprised look in her eyes.
“Um- You can speak, Artemis” I took a deep breath, Apollo looked something between furious and pained..
“Thank you. Never do that again.” I massaged my jaw, wincing. I turned to Chiron. “ Anyway. Chiron, This is me and Apollo’s new.. master. Meg. Meg McCaffrey.”
He looked amused. Does he find this funny?!
“You were saying something about disappearances? Apologies for taking forever to get here.. We had a slight issue with the fact that I’m hurt.” Apollo muttered sheepishly.
Chiron’s tail flicked as he glanced between us, last I had seen Chiron he had looked much younger, his hair looked greyer and he definitely didn't have so many wrinkles. Whatever is happening must be taking its toll on him.
“Welcome, Meg.” He attempted to sound friendly, and surprisingly, he managed. A feat considering the havoc she has been causing all day.
“I understand you showed great bravery in the woods. You and Artemis got Apollo here in one piece, despite the many dangers you made it. I’m glad to have you at Camp Half-Blood.”
“I helped” I muttered.
Meg snorted. “No, you were crying and panicking and generally freaking out. I got you two here, you just helped carry him.”
Apollo looked concerned, I forced a smile.
“And thanks,” Meg said. “Also! You’re really tall. Don’t you hit your head on light fixtures?”
Why? How was that relevant? At All?
Chiron chuckled. “Sometimes.” Wow. Just… just wow . “If I want to be closer to human size, I have a magical wheelchair that allows me to compact my lower half into…Actually, that’s not important now.”
“Disappearances,” Apollo repeated. “Please continue.”
“What has disappeared?” I added.
“Not what, but who,” Chiron said. Oh shit. “Let’s talk inside. Will, Nico, could you please tell the other campers we’ll gather for dinner in one hour? I’ll give everyone an update then. In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system.”
“Understood.” Will looked at Nico. “Will you be my buddy?”
“You are a dork,” Nico announced.
The two of them strolled off bickering.
If you’re wondering how I saw them as a couple? I couldn't care less. No matter their gender, I’ve sworn off romance of all forms, I know what your thinking, No . Orion does not count. That was one time and resulted in one of the worst mistakes of my life. No , I'm not elaborating.
Chiron led us to the living room, There were two couches arranged in a V facing towards a stone fireplace. Above the mantel, a stuffed leopard head was snoring. Probably Dio’s work.
I steered Apollo to the couches, the trek to the big house had clearly taken it out of him.  
He didn't even try to protest when I practically pushed him onto one.
“Lie down ‘Pollo, you look like you're about to fall over.” I plopped down on the couch next to him. He tried to look annoyed but he was smiling.
“Move over, your big ass is taking up the entire couch!” He shoved me over. I fell sideways, I hadn't been expecting him to push me.
“Apollo!” I was laughing too hard to even pretend to be offended. My eyes were watering and I was smiling so wide my cheeks were beginning to hurt, Apollo maneuvered into a more comfortable position as I got ahold of myself, I could hardly remember the last time I laughed like that. Apollo had his head rested on my lap, I felt a smile tugging at my lips.
Meg was throwing things at Seymour the leopard head, trying to wake him up, while Chiron got into his wheelchair. I couldn't care less about what they were doing.
At least, I didn't care, not until I glanced at Chiron. His legs were… very feminine. (Fishnet stockings? Really?) “Chiron- Your er.. Legs” I stared at them. They did not mesh with his professor aesthetic.  
Chiron glanced down and sighed.
“Let me guess… The Stoll brothers? Connor and Travis?” Apollo guessed. “I've heard about them from Hermes.”
“No, I doubt it.” Chiron reached for a blanket from a nearby basket and covered his “Legs”. “Connor has mellowed ever since Travis left for college last autumn.”
“I poked that Connor guy in the eye.”
Chiron winced. “That’s nice, dear….At any rate, we have Julia Feingold and Alice Miyazawa now. They have taken up pranking duty. You’ll meet them soon enough.” Those girls in the Hermes cabin doorway came to mind. The ones who were giggling at us.
Meg looked over from playing on the Pac-man machine. When had she even gone over there?
Meg stepped away from the Pac-man game, it entertained her for a full twenty seconds. Apollo spoke up when she began to climb on the walls. Literally. She was scaling it by the grapevines. “Meg, Why don't you go watch the orientation video while we talk?” Apollo asked, pleaded, something along those lines.
I actually wouldn't mind watching it myself, if only to see Apollo’s normal form. It took him ages to make that film. Guess who had to man the camera? Me.
“I know plenty,” she said. Welp, we’re stuck with her. “I talked to the campers while you were passed out. ‘Safe place for modern demigods.’ Blah, blah, blah.”
“Oh, but the film is very good,” He pleaded. “I shot it on a tight budget in the 1950s-”
I cleared my throat. “You shot it?” I asked rhetorically. “Because I remember it differently. Didn’t you come barging into my camp because you broke-”
“Shhh” He reached up and covered my mouth. “As I was saying-” I bit his hand. “ARTEMIS!”
“Don't cover my mouth. How many times have we gone over this.”
He squinted at me. “ As I was saying, some of the camera work was revolutionary. You should really—”
The grapevine gave out from her weight, and Meg crashed to the floor she shot up directly after, her eyes honing in on a platter of cookies. “Are those free?”
Meg. Meg, it's a plate of cookies. Why wouldn't they be free? “Yes, child,” Chiron said. “Bring the tea as well, would you?”
Meg laid down on the couch beside ours, her legs hanging over the armrest. She was holding something like 8 cookies in one hand and was eating them religiously. Throwing crumbs and Seymour when Chiron wasn't looking.
I helped Apollo into a sitting position as Chiron poured us cups of tea. “I’m sorry Mr. D is not here to welcome you.”
“Mr. Dee?” Meg asked.
“Dionysus,” Apollo explained. “The god of wine. Also the director of this camp.”
Chiron handed Apollo his tea. “After the battle with Gaea, I thought Mr. D might return to camp, but he never did. I hope he’s alright.” He passed me my tea.
The centaur looked at us expectantly, Apollo shrugged and I tried to think of where Dio was. “Apollo here can't remember anything from the last six months.. As for me, I was to busy trying to appeal his- our punishment. I guess I was hoping for you to fill us in.” And my memories are startling blurry. Why couldn't I recall where Dio is?
Chiron did a poor job hiding his disappointment. “I see….”
I quickly realized he was hoping that we could assist him, he was looking for advice. I mean, he shouldn't have expected much, especially considering that we arrived beat up, soaking wet and half dead. I mean, just look at us. Bruised, beaten, cold, mortal. Hell, Apollo still looks like a gust of wind could knock him over. I might look the same, forgive me but I haven't looked in a mirror recently.
In a strange way, Chiron looking at us for advice was a little overwhelming. As a goddess, lesser beings relied on me, but now? The idea of people begging and praying for me to assist them felt a tad terrifying.
“So Chiron, what's going on? You look distressed.”
“Like Cassandra when Troy was falling,” Apollo grumbled. I would have elbowed him if not for the fact I feared hurting him.
Chiron didn't comment on his comparison, he cupped his hands around his tea.
“You know that during the war with Gaea, the Oracle of Delphi stopped receiving prophecies. In fact, all known methods of divining the future suddenly failed.” “Because the original cave of Delphi was retaken,” Apollo said with a sigh.
“Not his fault,” I said immediately. Apollo glanced at me warningly, like Do not have a repeat of earlier.
Chiron raised an eyebrow.
Meg threw a chocolate chip at Seymour the leopard’s nose. It bounced off. “Oracle of Delphi. Percy mentioned that.”
“Percy Jackson?” Chiron sat up. “Percy was with you?”
“For a time,” Apollo replied.
“There were some monsters-” Chiron looked concerned. “No, he did not die, don't think like that, he just got a head cold. Nosoi are nasty things.”
“Basically, to sum it up quickly, Artemis saved my life,” Apollo glanced at me pointedly. “Meg used fruit as missiles, Yes Meg, that was you, and Percy also saved our lives with his water bending abilities, and-”
“A demon fruit toddler devoured the Nosoi in the end” I Interrupted.
“A…. Demon fruit toddler..?” Chiron inquired
“His name is peaches.” Meg cut in. “I think Percy called him a carp-oy.”
“Karpoi” I corrected.
“Anyway, Percy said he would drive up here over the weekend if he could.”
Chiron looked disappointed. Was Percy that much more pleasant than us?
“At any rate,” he continued, “we hoped that once the war was over, the Oracle might start working again. When it did not…Rachel became concerned.”
“Who’s Rachel?” Meg asked.
“Rachel Dare,” Apollo said. “The Oracle.”
“Thought the Oracle was a place.”
“It is.”
“Then Rachel is a place, and she stopped working?”
Apollo groaned, then sipped his tea.
“The original Delphi was a place in Greece,” Apollo told her. “A cavern filled with volcanic fumes, where people would come to receive guidance from my priestess, the Pythia.”
“Pythia.” Meg giggled. “That’s a funny word.”
“Yes. Ha-ha. So the Oracle is both a place and a person. When the Greek gods relocated to America back in…what was it, Chiron, 1860?”
Chiron seesawed his hand. “More or less.”
“18...1856 I think it was” I answered quietly
“I brought the Oracle here to continue speaking prophecies on my behalf. The power has passed down from priestess to priestess over the years. Rachel Dare is the present Oracle.”
Meg grabbed the only Oreo, the cookie I wanted.
“Mm-kay. Is it too late to watch that movie?”
“Yes,” He snapped. “Now, the way I gained possession of the Oracle of Delphi in the first place was by killing this monster called Python who lived in the depths of the cavern.”
I have to feign indifference. How does one pretend not to know that their brother’s mortal enemy nearly defeated him and that he’s terrified of the snake, I have no idea. I made my best slightly worried face.
“A python like the snake?” Meg asked.
“Yes and no. The snake species is named after Python the monster, who is also rather snaky, but who is much bigger and scarier and devours small girls who talk too much"
"That's cold,” I muttered, sipping my tea.
“At any rate, last August, while I was…indisposed-”
I coughed.
Apollo sighed. “While I was stuck on Delphi, my ancient foe Python was released from Tartarus. He reclaimed the cave of Delphi. That’s why the Oracle stopped working.”
“But if the Oracle is in America now, why does it matter if some snake monster takes over its old cave?”
“It’s too much to explain,” Apollo said. “You’ll just have to—”
“Meg, The original site of the Oracle is like the deepest taproot of a tree. The branches and leaves of prophecy may extend across the world, and Rachel Dare may be our loftiest branch, but if the taproot is strangled, the whole tree is endangered. With Python back in residence at his old lair, the spirit of the Oracle has been completely blocked.”
“Oh.” Meg made a face at Apollo. “Why didn’t you just say so?”
Apollo looked livid, I set my hand over his. Chiron refilled his teacup.
“The larger problem,” Chiron said, “is that we have no other source of prophecies.”
“Who cares?” Meg asked. “So you don’t know the future. Nobody knows the future.”
She.. really shouldn't have said that.
“Who cares?!” Apollo shouted. “Meg McCaffrey, prophecies are the catalysts for every important event—every quest or battle, disaster or miracle, birth or death. Prophecies don’t simply foretell the future. They shape it! They allow the future to happen.”
“I don’t get it.”
“Apollo. She’s 12.”
He grunted in response.
Chiron cleared his throat. “Imagine prophecies are flower seeds. With the right seeds, you can grow any garden you desire. Without seeds, no growth is possible.”
“Oh.” Meg nodded. “That would suck.”
“So where is Rachel Dare?” Apollo asked, forcing himself to sound calm “Perhaps if I spoke with her…?”
Chiron set down his tea. “Rachel planned to visit us during her winter vacation, but she never did. It might not mean anything….”
Apollo leaned forward. From the little I've heard of Rachel, it wasn’t like her not to show up at all.
“Or?” Apollo asked.
“Or it might be part of the larger problem,” Chiron said. “Prophecies are not the only things that have failed. Travel and communication have become difficult in the last few months. We haven’t heard from our friends at Camp Jupiter in weeks. No new demigods have arrived. Satyrs aren’t reporting from the field. Iris messages no longer work.”
“Iris what?” Meg asked.
“Two-way visions,” I explained. “Demigods throw a drachma into a rainbow as an offering the rainbow goddess, Iris.”  
“Iris has always been flighty….” Apollo murmured.
“Except that normal human communications are also on the fritz,” Chiron said. “Of course, phones have always been dangerous for demigods—”
“Yeah, they attract monsters,” Meg agreed. “I haven’t used a phone in forever.”
“A wise move,” Chiron said. “But recently our phones have stopped working altogether. Mobile, landline, Internet…it doesn’t seem to matter. Even the archaic form of communication known as e-mail is strangely unreliable. The messages simply don’t arrive.”
“Did you look in the junk folder?” Apollo offered.  
“I fear the problem is more complicated,” Chiron said. “We have no communication with the outside world. We are alone and understaffed. You are the first newcomers in almost two months.”
“Huh. I mean.. I’d assume my relatives have more children out there. But who knows, the titan war sent the population of demigods lower than it's been in generations."
Apollo frowned. “Percy Jackson mentioned nothing of this.”
“I doubt Percy is even aware,” Chiron said. “He’s been busy with school. Winter is normally our quietest time. For a while, I was able to convince myself that the communication failures were nothing but an inconvenient happenstance. Then the disappearances started.”
In the fireplace, a log slipped from the andiron and into the fire. Beside me Apollo practically jumped out of his seat, tea spilled from his cup into his lap. He visibly deflated as he weakly attempted to brush the drops off. A pointless endeavor.
“Oh dear...” I murmured, standing up to fetch Apollo a napkin, then I realized I didn't know where any were. “Do you have any napkins? Paper towel?”
“Yes, paper towel. Around the corner on the counter.”
I had.. A difficult time finding the paper towel, but I managed. I may or may not have required more information from Chiron. But I managed, bringing a few back to Apollo, who was trying to ignore Megs snickering. “Here”
“Thank you.” He murmured, fervently attempted to dry his pants.
“Don't mind me” He grit out. “Please continue”
“Alright.. Three demigods have gone missing in the last month Chiron said. “First it was Cecil Markowitz from the Hermes cabin, One morning his bunk was simply empty. He didn’t say anything about wanting to leave. No one saw him go. And in the past few weeks, no one has seen or heard from him.
“Children of Hermes do tend to sneak around,” Apollo interjected.
“At first, that’s what we thought,” said Chiron. “But a week later, Ellis Wakefield disappeared from the Ares cabin. Same story: empty bunk, no signs that he had either left on his own or was…ah, taken. Ellis was an impetuous young man. It was conceivable he might have charged off on some ill-advised adventure, but it made me uneasy. Then this morning we realized a third camper had vanished: Miranda Gardiner, head of the Demeter cabin. That was the worst news of all.”
Meg swung her feet off the armrest. “Why is that the worst?”
“Miranda is one of our senior counselors,” Chiron explained. “She would never leave on her own without notice. She is too smart to be tricked away from camp and too powerful to be forced. Yet something happened to her…something I can’t explain.”
The old centaur turned to face us, a haunted look in his eyes. “Something is very wrong Letoides, These problems may not be as alarming as the rise of Kronos or the awakening of Gaea, but in a way, I find them even more unsettling, because I have never seen anything like this before.”
Apollo seemed to be lost in thought. “These demigods…” He said. “Before they disappeared, did they act unusual in any way? Did they report…hearing things?”
Chiron raised an eyebrow.  “Not that I am aware of. Why?”
I turned to face him, he never did say what happened in the woods.
He seemed reluctant to say more, I understood where he was coming from. Causing a panic was a bad idea. Chiron studied us.
“Nevermind. Our first priority should be helping us regain our divinity. Then we can assist with other problems.”
I couldn't say I didn't agree, but we would be a mortal at least a year. “Apollo. You know these punishments last a year. There isn't much point in trying to sway Father.”
Chiron stroked his beard. “Artemis is correct, but on the other hand,  what if the problems are connected, my friends? What if the only way to restore you both to Olympus is by reclaiming the Oracle of Delphi, thus freeing the power of prophecy? What if Delphi is the key to it all?”
That… made sense. Python controlled Delphi. Meaning we had to kill the serpent. Meaning many things that I will think about later.
“In our present state, that’s impossible.” I pointed at Meg. “Right now, our job is to serve this demigod, probably for a year, as Artie pointed out. After I’ve done whatever tasks he assigns me, Zeus will judge if our sentence has been served, and we can once again reign immortal.”
Meg pulled apart a Fig Newton. Why? I couldn't tell you.Those are the best cookies.. Eat them normally child. “I could order you to go to this Delphi place.”
“No!” Apollo’s voice cracked mid-shriek. “You should assign us easy tasks—like starting a rock band, or just hanging out. Yes, hanging out is good.”
I glared at Meg, Strike one. I reached over and put a hand on his shoulder. “Meg. We are currently in no shape to fight anything. Much less get to Delphi"
Meg looked unconvinced. “You could take a plane”
Apollo stiffened and I laughed humorlessly. “You mean get thrown from the sky by our father so we die in the flaming wreckage of a plane. No.” Chiron glanced at me curiously. I ignored him.
“...well, Hanging out isn't a task.” Meg resorted.
“It is if you do it right. Camp Half-Blood can protect us while we hang out. After our year of servitude is up, we’ll become immortal again. Then we can talk about how to restore Delphi.” Apollo argued.
But I knew immediately after he’d order some demigods to do it for him, and Zeus wouldn’t like that.
“Apollo,” I sighed. “We may not have a year.”
“What do you mean?” He questioned.
“If demigods keep disappearing, the strength of camp weakens, and then they can't protect us. Besides, you are far from helpless.”
“I’m mortal ” He responded.
“I’m mortal.” I repeated, gesturing to myself. “‘Pollo, we are both mortal, we’re in this mess together,”
Apollo gestured angrily. “Artie we can die-”
“and! Apollo, Delphi IS your responsibility.” I added.
Chiron nodded thoughtfully.
Apollo groaned and put his head in his hands. Even he can't argue with logic. “Why us?” He asked rhetorically. “ I didn't open the doors of breath and let Python out! Zeus’s bad judgment got us in this mess in the first place!”
“When the giants started to wake, I drew up a very clear Twenty-Point Plan of Action to Protect Apollo and Also You Other Gods, but he didn’t even read it!”
“Yes. I do remember. ‘Pollo. You refused to let me edit.. But, to be honest, your plan was better than Zeus’s ‘wait till the last minute plan’.”
“Thank you.”
Meg tossed half of her cookie at Seymour’s head. “I still think it’s your fault. Hey, look! He’s awake!” Meg spoke in a way that made it sound like the Leopard had woken up in his own, was like he wasn't nailed in the eye with a Fig Newton.
His fault? I bristled at her statement because this so wasn’t his fault. Before I could argue Apollo just looked at me and shook his head. His message was clear. It's not worth it.
“RARR,” Seymour complained.
I felt the same.
Chiron wheeled his chair back from the table. “My dear, in that jar on the mantel, you’ll find some Snausages. Why don’t you feed him dinner? The twins and I will wait on the porch.”
I helped Apollo to his feet, a task in it'self. He didn't fall like earlier, thank the gods, but he swayed for a moment, almost falling, he steadied himself on the back of the couch.
Chiron looked wary.
“Do you think you can walk?” I asked quietly, he nodded quickly, staggering into a standing position. Once we reached the porch, Apollo started leaned on the railing heavily.
Chiron turned his wheelchair to face us. “She’s an interesting demigod.”
“Interesting is such a nonjudgmental term,” Apollo stated.
I smiled weakly.
“She really summoned a karpos?” Chiron
“Well…the spirit appeared when she was in trouble. Whether she consciously summoned it, I don’t know” Apollo replied.
Chiron scratched his beard. “I have not seen a demigod with the power to summon grain spirits in a very long time. You know what it means?”
Apollo’s legs began to tremble. I immediately took a step closer to him. “I have my suspicions. I’m trying to stay positive.” He muttered.
“She guided you two of the woods,” Chiron noted. “Without her—”
“Artemis would have gotten me out.” He interrupted, looking at Chiron.
“Apollo-” I attempted to speak.
“You would have gotten us out, Artie. I trust you.”  He replied I felt my lip twitch upward.
Chiron chuckled. I turned to him. He had this.. Look in his eyes. A look I've seen mirrored in my previous lieutenant’s eyes as she looked over recruit's. The look of someone scanning for new talent, I’d never imagined someone would look at me like that. It felt.. Objectifying.
“Tell me,” Chiron looked at Apollo, “what did you hear in the woods?”
Apollo froze, he laughed dryly. “I- well.. When I was in the woods.. There was a distinctly feminine voice.. And she was.. Screaming. Screaming from inside my head, I think. You couldn't hear it… Screaming stuff about fires and finding her and-” his voice was trembling. “She said- I'm quoting here- “The sun's fall, the final verse” and-” His voice broke, I reached over and grabbed his hand.
“I won't let you die,” I said quietly. “I’ll continue with the dream, okay?”
“That.. That would be nice” He looked out of it, his eyes on the ground. I squeezed his hand, hoping I was reassuring. I'm not going to let him die.
“When.. When I took a nap in the cabin while Apollo was unconscious, we shared a dream. In the dream we were in the sun chariot, a lady was there. She.. Looked like a queen. Not Hera. Hera doesn't smile. She was talking about following the voices and finding some gates.” I said. “Apollo you said something about a prophecy didn't you?”
“Uh- Yeah. I just- I don't know what I meant by that…”
“That's fine ‘Pollo.  After that, she disappeared and the Chariot went into bus form. There was this… man in the back. I don't know why but.. He’s bad news. I know he is. The chariot was in a death spiral and he said something about burning down an Oracle. He was laughing.” Apollo’s grip on my hand tightened as I spoke.
Chiron’s hands curled into his lap blanket. He looked about as worried as it is possible for a man to look while wearing fishnet stockings.
“We will have to warn the campers to stay away from the forest,” he decided. “I do not understand what is happening, but I still maintain it must be connected to Delphi, and your present…ah, situation. The Oracle must be liberated from the monster Python. We must find a way.”
I translated that easily enough: Apollo and I must find a way.
Chiron smiled weakly at us.
“Come, come, Apollo,” he said. “You have done it before. Perhaps you are not a god now, but the first time you killed Python it was no challenge at all! Hundreds of storybooks have praised the way you easily slew your enemy.”
I winced. The biggest lie my brother has ever told. Apollo glanced at me curiously.
“Yes,” He muttered. “Hundreds of storybooks.”
As I've said before, Python was not an easy fight for my brother. I saw the aftermath. He doesn't know I know how badly he was injured, but he’s had nightmares about the Serpent forever. My brother told everyone he killed it quickly, called out the serpent, and BAM! A dead snake, Apollo became lord of Delphi, and everyone was happy. From the bit's I've heard, and what I've seen, Python was no pushover. I doubted we could even pose a threat without our divine powers, the ability to teleport and our bows. We would die in mere minutes.
What kind of chance would we have as a sixteen-year-old mortals? We are not going to charge off to Greece and get ourselves killed.
Apollo looked frustrated, anxious, and angry. He looked like he was going to speak but before he could speak a conch horn in the distance.
“That means dinner.” The centaur forced a smile. “We will talk more later, eh? For now, let’s celebrate your arrival.”
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xaeneron · 7 years
On Daybreak
Living World Season 4 is here and I guess that means it’s time to babble a bit about the first episode, Daybreak!  
Overall, the patch was a solid release, not without its bugs, but a solid release.  I’m super glad to have something new to do (a lot of new things to do), especially with a new raid wing out 9 months after the release of Bastion of the Penitent.  I am curious enough to stay tuned to see where the story goes, but I was definitely more distracted by the nostalgia factor than anything.  The new zone was incredibly nostalgic for me as an old hat GW1 player, but before we start bullet-pointing, let’s put in a line break to avoid spoilers front and center.  
In General
QoL Astral Force refilling to full automatically after a party wipe in fractals and raids is a godsend.  No more asking for corpses before every encounter/after every wipe.  I am a happy druid.
The Binding of Ipos wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, but it’s an incredibly nice-looking focus.  I like the floating book, but the demon hand is a bit of a deal-breaker for the characters I would use the focus on (i.e., Eet).  Oh well.  It’s detailed and has great animations, which is nice.
On Fractals (Twilight Oasis, instability changes, Deroir)
I find it really amusing and fantastic that the new fractal vendor is named after Deroir.  Props to him; he’s done a lot for the fractal community and it’s awesome that he got recognition like Dulfy and WP.
The new fractal relic sinks are hilarious and ridiculous.  When they said sinks, they meant sinks.  I have a few months’ worth of everything saved up (infusions, [pristine] fractal relics, integrated fractal matrices, pages, etc.) and I was only able to afford the first level of mist attunement.  So much raw stuff.  
The karma one seems most useful to actually max though.
I wish they had introduced more things to buy with cosmic essences (from Shattered Observatory CM), or trades for them.  I have almost enough for an infusion and a tonic, but I want neither. ;-;
Fractal Vindicators are actually a bit of a threat?  More than Fractal Avengers anyway.  
I haven’t tried the Molten Boss rework yet, but the Mai Trin rework is amusing.  And I’m glad that you can push through the timegate cannon section.  
Not having Social Awkwardness on Nightmare and Shattered Observatory is hilariously nice.  Like seriously they’ve honestly gotten easier.
Speaking of, SO still has a bunch of bugs.  SURPRISE.  Although it sounds like the fractal dev found the problem, so...we’ll see?
Twilight Oasis was...dark.  Like twilight.  /shot
Okay but really.  Playing as Sunspear traitors and helping Palawa Joko by slaughtering Sunspears and villagers is dark.  And you get an achievement for stomping all the injured people.  
Dying and being resurrected by Joko was confusing but pretty great?  Also boing.
Dervish feels.
That ending doe.
On Hall of Chains
I’m super excited about the Underworld and Dhuum.  Stuff that hasn’t been touched on in years, and a good bit of lore that I’m glad that they were able to find a way to visit again.
Also the encounters, particularly Dhuum, look legitimately challenging.  I’m so excited to go hit Dhuum and die repeatedly.
We’ve been poking the new raid this week and I might post some progress stuff later on?  We only have a few bite-sized sessions each week so we can’t spam it for hours on end like others, but we’re making progress and it’s exciting!  Having new stuff to do is fantastic.
We have a lot of stupid deaths (including dying immediately on flying in because someone didn’t take the champion buff) already and it’s amazing.
I saw the ending cutscene.  I have so many Underworld feels.  Dhuum’s fight seems very reminiscent of his fight back in GW1, which is pretty clever.  And nostalgic.
I kind of wish Anet would hide Glenna’s vendor items tied to each boss in her inventory instead of just having them greyed out.  You can spoil the whole wing by scrolling down and seeing there’s a Dhuum mini.  Oh well.
Hi Gwen.
On the Domain of Istan
There are so many “Praise Joko!” and “TO VABBI!” references.  When we found out that you could drink from the fountains of Joko in the main hall before destroying them and would shout “Praise Joko!” every time, we kept clicking them repeatedly hoping for a hidden achievement.  rip.
Nostalgia feels everywhere.  I didn’t think I missed Istan, but I guess I missed Istan.  Also super exciting that they kept most of the geography the same.  Kamadan/Palawadan is set up essentially the way it was in GW1, except it’s been Joko’d.  They’ve been consistent about doing that for a lot of things now, things like the location of the Temple of the Ages and Droknar’s Forge and things like that), but seriously.  Kudos.  I’s happy.  xD
I find the zone pretty and interesting to run around in.  There’s a lot of random little achievements and random places to make use of different mounts. 
Bunny-hopping all over the cliffs is life.
So is griffoning.  Good god it’s nice to griffon places and just fly around and look at things.
The meta events are amusing, and I enjoyed running into Amala again (after Twilight Oasis and the story).  Also raiding Palawadan.  Fun events with a relatively forgiving timer.
Although I’m disappointed that people are already “multilooting” these.  You’d think Anet would have learned their lesson from AB multiloot and made account caps on the chests per cycle.
On the story (Daybreak)
Hi Aurene.  You got bigger.  And less cute.  But still Aurene.  So.  pls come back ;-;
Rytlock and Canach continue to amuse.  Best bromance 10/10.
I said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m not sure why anyone would be surprised that Kralkatorrik is now obnoxiously powerful.  Letting it absorb a couple Elder Dragons’ worth of magic will do that.
I know some people get upset with all the one-liners, and honestly sometimes they are a bit to much and could be done without to keep tension going, but I appreciated a lot of them.  Especially since the characterization of the PC is very close to a general perspective of how Ive normally reacts to things - with dry humor and snark to prevent himself from getting overwhelmed.
“I died once.  It’s overrated.”
KOSS.  OMG KOSS.  Another sad fate for a GW1 hero (alongside the fate of Tahlkora), but nice to talk to him again.
Although the encounter definitely shows that the story instances are tuned to 1-2 people.  We did it with 3-4 at various times looking for achieves, and absolutely murdered him before his first breakbar showed up.  Welp.
References to a bunch of old characters from GW1 ayyyy
I love the fact that the prison cell break is unique per class.  I didn’t think much of it because Ive is a thief and picking the lock just seems like the reasonable thing to do, not the thiefy thing to do, but they’re class unique!  I replayed it with Cyra (my adorable sparkle charr) just to see the Legendary Prisoner Stance (Palawa Joko). 
Fahranur.  Oh my god.  From the ibogas outside to the giant smashy bells.  Nostalgia everywhere.  I love that these elements came back.  
Seriously Joko wtf.
What are these bugs you’re experimenting on.
Joko pls.
That’s a lot of dead Inquest.
Hi Braham.  No, I didn’t really want to see you again.  Thanks for acting like it’s all my fault.  Which it honestly is, but hey.  Still a grump.  At least Rox is here?
I am curious that Anet brought him back here and now.  But I’m willing to see what they planned for him.
Also news that Awakened are portaling around Tyria is mildly stressful.
Taimi’s voice actor, Debby Derryberry.  A+ work.  That sense of fear and dread from Hero of Istan through Fahranur, the First City was well done.  Probably one of the highlights of the release.  Happy that Taimi didn’t die though :>
...to Vabbi? 
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youcancallmecirce · 7 years
Elemental Chapter 6: Guardian
Chapter 1     Chapter 2     Chapter 3     Chapter 4     Chapter 5   
Read it on AO3
Adrien gaped.  “She…the Guardian‽”
She nodded, treading water.  Tikki materialized over her shoulder and floated down to rest there.  “I called her last night, to tell her about Mme Piers’ idea—both because it’s intriguing, and because I was uncomfortable with her sharing information about me.”
“She and Papa felt the same about it as I do, so Maman called Master Fu right away—”
“Master Fu?”
“The Guardian,” Tikki explained.
“Mm-hmm. He’s actually an old friend of the family, and I’ve known him since I was tiny, but I had no idea who he really was until last night.  Anyway, he’s going to be at my parents’ house tonight, and they want to Skype with you.”
“With me?”
Plagg, who’d solidified himself into a big-headed kitten as soon as Tikki had appeared, floated up to lounge negligently on Adrien’s shoulder.  “Can’t you say anything other than to repeat what she says back at her?”
Marinette glanced at Plagg with a frown, but otherwise ignored him.  “With both of us, actually, but since you’re the one with the ring to be enchanted, he wants to talk to you.”
Adrien felt excitement begin to bubble in his chest.  “So he thinks it might be possible?”
She shrugged apologetically.  “Maman didn’t say.”
“Fair enough,” he nodded.
“I find it amusing that you’re going to the trouble of finding out whether it can be done without finding out whether I’ll even cooperate.”
Tikki put her paws on her hips and leveled a look at Plagg.  “Don’t be ridiculous, Plagg.  Of course you will.”
“You’re not the boss of me, Bug.”
Tikki ignored him, and turned to nuzzle Marinette’s cheek. “Did you still want to practice today?”
“I don’t know.”  She looked at Adrien with raised brows.  “Do you mind?”
“Not at all.  Air Mages are rare among the Mer, I’ve been looking forward to seeing you work.”
Marinette blushed at the idea of being observed, but turned her eyes to Tikki with a smile nonetheless.  “Spots on please.”  Adrien saw the same whirlwind surround her that he’d seen before, and when it faded, Marinette regarded him awkwardly.  “So, um, I guess I’ll go down now.”
“Go…down?”  Adrien snickered at the unintentional entendre, and her eyes blew wide.
“No! I mean, I’ll dive down, under the water!  Not…um…you know…”  She trailed off with a groan, and covered her face with her hands.  “Excuse me, I have to go die of embarrassment now.”
She dove below immediately after that, giving Adrien a fantastic view of her assets before she disappeared beneath the water (Adrien snickered again at his mental pun), and he followed her beneath the surface.
“So, what does an Air Mage do under wa—”
She’d turned back towards him at his words, only freeze at the sight of him in all his Mer glory.  “Oh holy crumb he has a tail!”
He looked pointedly down at his fin, and then met her round-eyed stare with a blush.  “Did you forget?”
She clapped her hands over her mouth, though the gesture was worthless; the words had not been spoken aloud and it was too late to recall them anyway.  “You heard me! How did you hear me?”
He frowned.  “You intended me to, didn’t you?”
“No, I—”
“I think you did it automatically, Marinette,” interjected Tikki. “You heard him speaking to you this way, and you’re so used to doing it with me when we’re like this that you responded in kind without conscious thought.”
“Oh.  That makes sense.”   She swam closer to Adrien, who eyed her apprehensively.
“So, um.  What—what do you think?”
“I think—I think—” She broke off, shaking her head wordlessly as she raked her eyes down over his body.  His broad shoulders tapered to a narrow waist, where the skin of his upper body slowly gave way to the jade green scales of his tail, like the fin on his arm.  At his hips, he had long pale fins that probably helped him maneuver in the water, but for now, they floated passively alongside his tail.   She felt them brush against her legs when he’d carried her the day before, and had wondered if he’d been wearing something over his tail; now she knew.   Another fin, this one similar to the ones on his arms, ran down the front of his tail from where his knees would be to the long, wide fin at the end.   “Adrien, you’re—”
“It’s weird, isn’t it?”
“What?” She jerked her eyes up to his face, and realized from his stiff, crestfallen expression that he’d completely misconstrued her silence.  “No!  Adrien, no, your tail is incredible.  It’s different, in an exotic sort of way but not weird.”  She took his hand in hers and squeezed it.  “You’re—you’re beautiful.”
His face lit.  “Truly?  I know that I’m considered attractive among my own people, but—gods, that sounds so conceited, but I didn’t mean—”
“Do you think that my legs are weird?” she asked suddenly, interrupting him.
He smiled wryly, seeing immediately where she was going.  “No, your legs are gorgeous.”
She blushed hotly, but didn’t break eye contact.  “They why is it so hard to believe that I would feel the same way about your tail?”
His smile broadened, and he flicked his tail lazily, bringing them closer together.  Marinette’s eyes widened a bit, dipping down to his mouth with the realization that he was going to kiss her.  She let them slide closed and lifted her face towards his.
“Eh, the kid’s got a praise kink.  He just wanted to hear you say it again.”
Her eyes flew open and whipped to the side, where Plagg-the-eel was floating close by.
“Impeccable timing, Plagg,” Adrien deadpanned, pinching the bridge of his nose.   “Can you not?  Please?”
Marinette giggled.  “He’s kind of an ass, isn’t he?”
“You have no idea.”
“I am an ancient being of immeasurable power!  Why does no one seem to care that I could kill them with little more than a thought?”
“Because they know you won’t,” Tikki pointed out, sounding smug.  “Besides, you could try but you wouldn’t get too far with me here.  I’ve always been the stronger of the two of us.”
“Says you,” he grumbled.
Adrien grinned, delighted to see Plagg getting some of his own medicine.  “Tikki, I think I love you.”
“Two words for you, kid.  Fan.  Club.  A few words whispered in the right ear, and you can kiss your peaceful morning swims goodbye.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, grimacing.  “So you keep threatening.”
Marinette’s brows rose.  “Fan club?”
“Uh, nothing?”  He pasted on a bright expression and held his hands expectantly out to the sides, palms up.   “So, how about practicing some Air magic?” 
That evening, Adrien roamed through his already immaculate house, looking for things to tidy.  Normally, he was grateful for the cleaning service his father had engaged for the house, but…  He sighed.  Marinette would be there any minute, and for the life of him, he could not sit still.
They agreed that morning that it would be better to meet at his house for their Skype call with her parents and Master Fu.  He had no roommates, so there would be no need to watch what they said.  They’d be able to speak freely, for as long as they needed to, which was a very good thing.
Mostly, though, Adrien just wanted an excuse to have her at his house.  He wasn’t sure why it felt so important to him.  Maybe because he’d never been able to have anyone visit him at home when he was growing up?  Or perhaps because he really just wanted to see her here, in his space?  Either way, he was entirely pleased with the arrangement.
He just needed her to get there so he could stop being anxious about it.
He looked at his watch, saw that he still had five minutes before the appointed time, and threw himself onto his couch with another sigh.
“I still don’t get why you’re so worked up.  So she’s coming over here, big deal.”
Adrien glared at the elemental as he floated down to lounge on the over-sized ottoman.  “What are you doing out of your trash can?”
“Do you know what is a big deal?  Camembert.  If I were you, I’d be freaking out less over her being here, and more worked up over the fact that you don’t have any gourmet cheese to impress her with.”
“Oh fuck, I didn’t even think about having food!”
Plagg looked smug.  “Welp, too late now!”
“What do you mean—“
The doorbell rang, both interrupting him and answering his question.   “Merde.”  He crossed to the door, yanked it open, and blurted “I’m so sorry I didn’t get food!”
Marinette blinked.  “What?”
“It’s dinner time, but I didn’t think to have something prepared.  Not even snacks!”
“Oh.  No worries.  You didn’t say anything about dinner, so I ate at home.”
“Oh.  Okay,” said slowly, allowing himself to relax.  “That’s—that’s good.”
She smiled expectantly and rocked back on her heels, blushing faintly.  “May I come in?”
“OH,” he yelped, jumping back to make room for her to get by.  “Yes!  Yes, please.  Come on in.”
Plagg cackled.  “Real smooth, kid.”
Adrien groaned, and Marinette tapped Plagg’s head with her finger.  “Hush, you.”
“Thanks,” Adrien said, smiling gratefully as he led the way to the couch.  “He has to hide when Nino is here, and I think he’s happy not to be banished.”
“That’s no reason to be a snot.  Even if he is kind of adorable like this.”  She sat on the couch and placed her bag on the floor near her feet.
“Ha!  She thinks I’m adorable.”
“That would be the element you focused on,” Tikki giggled, materializing near Marinette.
“Oh gods, don’t encourage him.”  Adrien sat next to her and pulled his laptop from the ottoman to rest on his lap so that he could unlock it and sign out of Skype.  “So, is there anything I need to know before they call, so I don’t accidentally screw something up?”
“No, not really.”  He passed the laptop to her so that she could sign in to Skype on her account.  “Are you worried they won’t like you?”
He winced.  “Maybe a little?”
“Maybe a lot.”
Adrien scowled.  “Shut, up Plagg.”
“You notice he didn’t deny it,” Plagg smirked.
Marinette captured Plagg in her palm and scratched his head gently, then laughed when he all but melted beneath her fingers.  “Tikki suggested that a bit of affection might mellow him out,” she explained when Adrien gaped openly at her manhandling of the elemental. “I think she was right.”
In her hand, Plagg tilted his head back to allow her to scratch beneath his chin, and slitted one eye open.  “If you ever do this to me, fish boy, I will maim you.”
Adrien looked appalled.  “I don’t think either of us will ever have to worry about it.”
Satisfied, Plagg closed his eye and nuzzled into Marinette’s hand and she giggled in spite of herself.  “You are such a cat.”  Then she nudged Adrien, who was still staring at Plagg in disgust.  “You don’t need to worry about my parents not liking you.   Master Fu either.  Just be yourself, and they will adore you.”  Like I do, she added silently.  She must have “pushed” it at him, though, because his eyes widened and his cheeks pinkened in a way that indicated that he’d heard.
“I have got to stop doing that,” she groaned.
“It’s alright,” he said, grinning.  “It’s working out rather well for me.”
She was saved from answering by the tone of an incoming Skype call, and Adrien felt another wave of anxiety.
“Hi Maman!  Hi Papa!” she greeted her parents with a grin, and Adrien took the opportunity to study them.
They were a surprising study in contrasts.  Her mother was a petite Asian woman with lustrous black hair and intelligent grey eyes, while her father was a green-eyed behemoth of a man with western European roots.   He gulped, feeling very glad that they were having this meeting over Skype rather than in person.  Her father’s bicep was likely as big around as Adrien’s waist.
“Is Master Fu there yet?” Marinette asked, drawing Adrien’s attention.
“He’s here.” Tom reached toward the camera, covering it for a moment, and when they could see again it was clear that he’d pushed the camera back, widening the angle.  An older man of obvious Asian origin was scooting closer to Marinette’s mother, and Adrien realized with surprise that he recognized him.
He leaned over to Marinette, to murmur in her ear.  “That’s him!  He’s the one who enchanted my ring.”
“Marinette, dear, why don’t you introduce us to your friends?” her mother prodded gently, and he and Marinette both flushed.
“Oh!” Marinette scooted closer to him and shifted the laptop to rest half on his lap, so that they could see him, and he felt himself flush at the feel of her thigh pressed along his.  “Um, this is Adrien Agreste, and this is Plagg.  Guys, these are my parents, Tom and Sabine, and our friend, Master Fu.”
“Hello,” Adrien waved awkwardly.
Plagg yawned.
“It is so nice to finally meet you!”  Sabine said, smiling.  “We’ve heard a lot about you, over the last few years.”
He glanced at Marinette, who had gone scarlet.  “Oh, really?”
“Maman,” she grated out, flaring her eyes for emphasis.
Sabine shrugged innocently, while Tom hid a smile behind his hand.  “What?  It’s true.”
“Marinette, why don’t you tell us about your instructor,” Tom interjected, obviously seeking to head off trouble.  “I know you’ve already told your mother, but Fu and I would like to hear it firsthand.”
“Mme. Piers,” Marinette began, “is an Air Master, and my mentor.  You remember her from orientation a few years ago, right Papa?”  He nodded and she continued.  “She’s a great teacher, and we get along well.   Between her and Tikki, I’ve made a lot of progress.  I’ve never had any problems with her.”
Marinette nodded.  “She told Adrien about my earrings, and my bond with Tikki.”
Tom’s expression had darkened, and Fu hissed in displeasure.  “You are certain?”
Marinette looked at Adrien, who nodded.   “She brought it up.  I’d mentioned struggling with calling water up through the ground, and she offered it as a possible solution, to help me learn.”
Tom looked at Marinette.  “She didn’t ask your permission first?”
“No.  She didn’t say anything to me after the fact, either.”
Sabine scowled.  “I told her that she needs to report Mme Piers to the Dean of Arcane Studies, but she says it isn’t necessary.”
“I don’t like it, but there’s no harm done!  I don’t want her to get in trouble.”
“It doesn’t matter, Marinette.”  Tom glanced at his wife, who nodded her agreement. “She violated University policy, and she violated your trust.  You need to report the incident.”  He shifted his gaze to Adrien, who squirmed under its weight.  “Would you be willing to file a report as well?”
“I can, yes.”
“You seem reluctant,” Master Fu observed.
“I think I must be missing something. It was unprofessional, sure, but it seems like you’re all disproportionally upset.”
“Beyond the fact that she violated a clear policy on student privacy?  We are particularly careful when it comes to Marinette and her power.”  Tom gestured to Master Fu, who nodded.  “Fu warned us a long time ago that we would need to be, because she’s got the kind of power that is coveted by unscrupulous mages.  It’s why he and Tikki wanted to help us, and it’s why we’ve always downplayed her potential with everyone outside our immediate circle.”
“I had no idea.”  He frowned.  “And Mme Piers knows all this?”
Sabine pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded.  “She does.”
Adrien frowned.  “That was…that was not well done of her.”
“No, it was not.”  Sabine looked imploringly at her daughter.  “Promise us that you will report her?”
“Fine,” Marinette gave in with a scowl.  “But I still think that it’s unnecessary.”
“So, Adrien,” Master Fu began, forestalling a rebuttal from Sabine, who snapped her mouth closed with a wry smile. “Sabine tells me that you wish a further enchantment for your ring?”
“Ah! Erm, yes.”  He held his hand up to the camera, displaying his ring.   “It already allows me to transform from Mer to human and back again, and Plagg is able to hide in it, but I was hoping that it could be enchanted to allow us to bond, the way that Tikki bonds with Marinette through her earrings.”
Master Fu shook his head, frowning.  “Your ring already has that ability.  Did your father not explain it to you?”
Adrien looked at his ring, and then back at Master Fu, poleaxed.  “It already—what?  No, it doesn’t.  It can’t.”
His brow smoothed out, and he folded his hands serenely on the head of his cane.  “Young man, I enchanted that ring myself.  It most assuredly does.”
“But…Plagg has gone into the ring, but he’s never, well, bonded with me.”
Fu shot an annoyed look at Plagg, who made it a point not to meet his gaze.  “Plagg, I’m sure, kept the information to himself for the sake of mischief, but I can’t imagine why your father would have withheld it from you.  In order to bind Plagg to the ring and allow you to bond, you must use the words that trigger the spell.”
“Oh,” Adrien breathed, staring at his ring as if he’d never seen it before.  “What are the words?”
“Have patience.  You first need to understand that if you activate the spell when Plagg is unwilling, then he will possess you, and you will become a spectator in your own mind until he chooses to release himself from the ring.  It is a safety precaution, to protect the elementals from abuse.”
“Great,” Adrien scoffed.  “I mean, I get why it’s necessary, but Plagg loves nothing more than to be difficult.  It might as well not have the ability, for all the good it will do me.”
Fu looked pointedly at Plagg.  “I think that you will be surprised by what Plagg will be willing to do.”  Plagg continued to ignore him, and Fu shook his head.  “The cat form suits him,” he muttered.  “Now, tell me young man, why would your father have hidden that aspect of the ring’s power from you?”
“I have no idea,” he replied, bewildered.  “He’s always bemoaned my weak magic, but—”
“Excuse me?” Fu asked sharply, leaning forward and looking thunderous. “He what?”
“He’s always complained that I’m not a stronger Mage,” he said, dropping his eyes in shame.  He hated making that admission at all, and he hated even more that he had to do it in front of Marinette and her parents.  “I’ve done my best, but…there’s only so much I can do with weak magic.”
“Adrien, look at me.”  The words were said gently, but with an edge of steel that had Adrien looking up in surprise.  “You have the potential to be an unparalleled Water Master.  Your father lied.”
“No.” Adrien felt the blood drain from his face, and he sagged against the couch.  The bit about the ring was unexpected, and discomfiting. But this?  It was utterly staggering.  “I’m weak.  A disappointment.”
“Adrien.”  Marinette’s voice.  Gentle, and earnest.
Numbly, he turned to look at her, barely registering her expression of mingled anger and concern.
“Magic attracts magic, remember?”  She clasped his hand, and stroked her thumb over the back.  “How could a low-level Mage have attracted an elemental of Plagg’s caliber?”
Adrien dropped his head back to stare bleakly at the ceiling, accepting the truth of her statement as water pooled in his eyes.  “I couldn’t have.”
His eyes slid closed, and he felt that water spill over his cheeks.
He was crying.
Two years as a human, and he was still experiencing new human things.
The realization made him laugh, in spite of the impropriety of the response.  He laughed until Marinette had to take the laptop to keep him from knocking it to the floor.  He laughed until the hysterical guffaws gave way to hysterical sobs.
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hgfstreamchats · 5 years
Pokemon Yellow Nuzlocke: Part 4
Hello! Hello, Night human! Time for another relaxing stream night of nobody dying in anyway at all. Especially not our little mascot! The confidence I had going into last week's stream is a little diminished. Unicron forbid anything happen to our fat little mascot! *heavy sighing* I hope all these people die of the measles. If I'd known your species was going to cultivate its own plague, I wouldn't have stayed up so many nights working on one. He's literally asking for someone to give him measles! Quick, quick, give him what he wants! Well, you know what we have to name the first new pokemon you catch. Absolutely. Is it doing a loading screen thing for anyone else? There we go Mascot death battle time, go! Fluffy needs quite a bit of training if he wants to survive this next gym. Yes. Go, Roddie! That better not be a euphemism. It is.
How dare you. Now THAT'S a battle cry. Well, I guess he's about to. yeah, tackle solid rock good strategy, friend See how that works out for you. I don't know what we'd do without Alpina. Die more frequently? Much more frequently. GO FLUFFY GO ...i'm speechless Well, then! I legitimately wasn't expecting that to happen so soon! He looks even more cabbagey! he looks so obnoxious about it, too, with his face. I think it fits. A cabbage that's going to do great things! He does! A cabbage with MIGHTY FISTS May he fist many a gym leader! does that mean we're going to have a battlecry involving the words 'fist deep' hey, wouldn't "fist deep" fit as a pokemon name? That was too close. Agreed. See, this is why Lambo doesn't follow the same rules. He's essentially a stuffed animal. Yeah Lt. Surge lives mired in a deep, vicious paranoia that his government is coming for him. As well he mgiht. Does it count as justified paranoia if we're what comes for him? We're not government but we are pretty inescapable. This is true. When do you ever use Defense Curl anyway ....... when their type is weak against you but their level is higher, generally cuts their level advantage out cold Oh, huh I was just asking rhetorically since it didn't seem like you used it much well in THIS game we're grinding so much level advantage is a non-issue Well. Songs to remember Shovel by? If no one has one, I do. oh? Play it, Sam. Heh. this song is maddeningly catchy It really is. Rest in peace, you good little thing. You were a ferociously hard hitter. At least this game doesn't have DEEP grass like the later games do Oh hey! Out-of-combat skill use! awwwww What, only one? Well then. That was something. I expected something more... strenuous. Well, you can't blame me for being anxious. Oh, here we go. "Squirter" Sorry. Excellent. I want everyone to be uncomfortable. (I'm not sorry.) Imagine what "mischief" it was getting into. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge That sure is an expression our lil Squirter has, there. It certainly is. omg This is going to make those pokemon center grinding hikes so much more tolerable. Wheeeee! Gotta love that music, too Gasp! You can JUMP still! I can't do it. It just feels too wrong not to have our little mascot with us. If you put him in a box, will there be a different pokemon following you around ? I wish, but no. Awww. The dream of having Squirter follow behind us will never be. Alas. This music is so good. It really gets across the wonderfulness of the bike. It really does. I'd like for Rodimus to learn a big boy fire attack. That would be pretty sweet. Phew Does using the bike make the flashes come closer together...? It kind of seemed like it did Yes, it does that. That just seems unfair. On the other hand... going by foot That's... adorable I hope you get a venonat fuzzbugs are a goodness You'd think a water pokemon would be strong vs a cat one they showed those bugs eat in the anime and it's so cute it hurts Oh, we have a Venonat. We do? How did I forget THAT! Oh, I thought that was going somewhere else ....Welp. Gah, kill that thing QUICK The noise it makes... Phew. Saw a headcanon that the whole thing with cubones wearing their mom's skulls is actually fine because those are VESTIGIAL skulls that come off without killing the cubone mom makes sense. Especially since it perfectly fits the cubone, which is half the size of a Marowak, the evolved form Oh hey, yeah! So there you go. What does the Escape Rope do? Let you run away without chance of failure? Teleports you out. So does dig. ...Wait, really? I thought dig was just an attack! Surprise! It's a wonderful move. Hi! fluffy Wheeljack! Hey Red Did he just say he hates thinking? The Bulkhead method. "Fluffy" was my idea. You're welcome! "Don't try anything funny in the dark!" And out comes dear Squirter. Aaaaaaaaaa Sheesh, why are these little plant things so tough ...Don't we have a bellsprout? We could be getting the advantage of that! Because Rodimus won't do the decent thing and level up enough to one shot them. What level is he now? 21. Jeez, and he doesn't get Flamethrower until... 42? Is that right? !!! WARSQUIRTER HAH! Again, that sure is an expression he has there He's one for the expressions, that Squirter. "You looked cute and harmless! That's why I attacked you!" ... Well, THAT sounded wrong oh, are we in spookytown? do... Rockets kill pokemon??? i mean, james would NEVER they do in the games gee We're actually lucky to have only lost two so far. yeah... but now's when the gym leaders start getting fancy with type combos man This seems like a fitting place to call it a night. It did get late in a hurry Next time is sure to be interesting. Until then, good night to everyone! Good night, and thanks for the stream! Of course! Thank you for being here!
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