#skadi arkinghts
oltammefru · 1 year
Specter is a shark and so she's probably capable of continually regrowing her teeth over her lifetime like sharks are. I imagine that whenever she feels a tooth coming loose she just pulls it out and gives it to the nearest person. At this point both Skadi and Gladiia have a pretty extensive collection. The first time Specter gave a tooth to Irene she never really bothered to explain and she was just like "oh I feel one coming loose" and then pulls out a tooth and gives it to Irene (Here. Have A Tooth.) and Irene is just like a combination of confused and freaking out, until Skadi explains it to her.
One time, in a fight, Specter got hit in the face hard, knocking a tooth loose, so she pulled the tooth out and just fucking murdered the guy with it.
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