#skamverse ace week
youidiotprince · 4 years
Skamverse x Ace Week: Moyo Maandag
hello and welcome to my week of headcanons for skam characters who could have been ace because it’s ace week and we deserve more ace rep! to start these headcanons off, let’s reimagine one of the worst skam seasons to ever skam: wtfock s4. it’s a moyo season, and he’s heteroromantic asexual. headcanons below.
considering where moyo left off last season, his shame in his own season could be him coming to terms with his own prejudices and discovering the sources of those prejudices.
from an intersectional standpoint, some of moyo’s toxic masculinity could stem from the way masculinity is projected and forced onto moc by media and society, but as a white woman who hasn’t consulted poc in depth regarding this particular subject, I don’t feel comfortable going into depth on this aspect. however, it would definitely be a factor in forming moyo’s sense of self.
but from an asexual standpoint, moyo’s toxic masculinity, sexist comments, and homophobia could stem partially from his own fear of himself, his fear of how he’s different.
as some asexual folks initially identify as bi/pan bc they feel the same level of sexual attraction to all genders (though the level of attraction is low or none), moyo’s particularly poor reaction to sander’s “bisexuality” (not getting into bi/pan even discourse, just saying that before they have the pan conversation, moyo and aaron assume sander is bi) could be an expression of his own internalized biphobia.
moyo’s sexist comments, his tendency to reduce women to their bodies, and his focus on sexual behaviors could all be his attempts to compensate for the sexual attraction he doesn’t feel. he’s consumed the media, he’s around his friends and we all know how they are, he knows what he’s supposed to feel, and yet he doesn’t feel it. and that terrifies him. he thinks there’s something wrong with him, he thinks he’s wrong. and so he fakes it. he tries to imitate the behaviors he’s seen, but he gets it wrong, he always takes it too far. he doesn’t know where the line of too far is yet when he jokes bc he’s not speaking from experience, it’s not genuine.
none of this is an excuse for those harmful behaviors, but it’s an explanation, and one he would need to come to terms with in his season before he starts to make amends with those he’s hurt.
I think moyo’s journey would be particularly difficult and confusing bc his attraction to people of all genders isn’t exactly the same. he’s afraid it’s the same, hence his internalized biphobia, bc he’s sexually attracted to women just as much as he is to men (aka not at all), but he can picture himself being in a relationship with a woman. he wants a relationship with a woman. just not for the same reasons his friends do, and not in the same way relationships are always portrayed in media.
so his season would also show him navigating a relationship with a woman who he wants to be with but maybe not in all the same ways she wants to be with him. (bonus points if it’s noor bc I think they could have a really interesting and important conversation where noor expresses her own prejudices after an intimate moment that moyo backs out of bc it reminds her of her failed intimate moments with robbe. but they work through that and discuss all the ways that it’s not actually the same at all and moyo can work out his doubts about himself externally with her).
I think his season could also have a hella important conversation with the boysquad about how their misogyny as a group isn’t okay either and they need to stop objectifying girls while having hypersexualized standards for boys bc of how negatively it’s affected both moyo and robbe.
if anyone has any other ideas, anything to add, anything they’d like to change, pls let me know! I’d love to have more conversations about skam characters who could have been ace.
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sotorubio · 2 years
honestly no matter if maya ends up with lola or june, i want her to a have a love interest.
yeah, i would prefer mayla because they have more buildup and moments but if maya were to end up with june i wouldn't hate it.
and i do not think a love interest is necessary and the skamverse absolutely needs a season without a love interest where the main just chills with friends and work on themselves. an aro-ace main would be amazing, too.
however the fact that it's realism only when it comes to the sapphic couple, it doesn't feel right.
why do cishet get to have all the fun clichés and cheesy romcoms while queer people can only have media dedicated to their trauma and suffering?
why can't a sapphic couple like mayla get a fun cliché romcom cheesy ending too?
why do they have to break up the only wlw couple of the show and one of the only 3 wlw couples in the whole skamverse?
by this logic, shouldn't elu break up too since lucas expressed twice the fear of being cheated on purely because elliot is bi/pan and didn't elliot kiss lola without lucas consent? so, where's the elu break up?
but deep down, every sapphic woman knows why.
if maya ends up without a girlfriend this season and doesn't even get back with lola/get with june next season, I'm calling it for what it is : lesbiphobia.
i know cishets will laugh looking at this ask and i know what they will say, but honestly? it's true. the double standards are so real.
maya as a character has been through so much and she absolutely did mistakes (which is why lola broke up with her) but she's working trough it and she showed that she is genuinely willing to put in the effort and open up, no matter how hard, because she really loves lola.
so, since characters aren't real people but tools that the writers use, what are they trying to show if maya ends up alone?
that traumatized people can't have relationships until they're 100% done with their healing (which could take years?) that even when you put in the effort you don't deserve nice things? that realism is not real until it comes to queer women who apparently can never get an happy ending and must always be perfect and make no mistakes and always do everything right?
it absolutely wouldn't be queerbaiting unlike someone says because maya, lola and june are all canon wlw and mayla were together but it definitely it's a sort of baiting, luring wlw fans with the premise of a whole season about a lesbian character and her relationship with her girlfriend and then keeping them on their toes, making them stay in the hope that mayla will be together only to be "ahah sike! they aren't endgame ;-) at the end and for maya to be alone. (that in the case they don't end up together, obviously)
i guess I'm just really frustrated because we can never have peace and we always get reminded that before being people, we're queer women.
really hope this was not too much, feel free to delete if it is.
it's not too much don't worry! i rly agree here i think this season is kind of on thin ice rn considering we don't have much time left n even if i think mayla will still find a way back to each other within these last weeks this same line of thinking is catching up to me too bc the clock is ticking!!!!
if this was another show / format i would be more willing to watch a wlw story abt a break up n have them end up single n i see maya's character as someone who, in another show, would be very interesting to see choose herself n be single for a while. howeverrrrr maya in skam france shouldn't get that treatment n skamfr specifically shouldn't break up their only wlw couple for good, or like u said at the very least have the main character have a happy ending w someone else. it's not fair for the couple n it's not fair for maya individually bc like u said what kind of message does that send? that maya is just stuck in an endless cycle of despair? cmon
it's just v unfair to propose realism as an excuse for that in a show that's been ignoring realism since the beginning. i'm a huge elu divorce supporter but the truth is that hasn't happened to them or any other main couples (even arthur n alexia basically ended up back together even tho they had cheating as part of their plot??? i know they were confirmed broken up in s7 but 1. that was a different team n 2. i don't think they knew abt the renewal while writing s6) so it's definitely valid to see this as lesbophobia if they indeed make maya end up single in the end.
ive seen a few suggestions that mayla might get back together in s10 but i think that only works if the season is multi pov n even then it'd be rly shitty not to tell their full story during maya's season. it'd also feel kind of redundant... like if u go through all that trouble to show "realism" in them breaking up then why would u take back that message just one season later 🤷‍♀️
like i said if it was another show i might not feel the same bc i don't think all stories need to be happy if they include wlw characters n i don't think writers should make their decisions based on how much ppl love a "ship" but in the context of these dumb web series it's just not a good look if only the one (1) wlw couple gets this treatment.
i don't even have anything else to add i think u put it into words rly well n i agree w all of that
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youidiotprince · 4 years
Skamverse x Ace Week: Vilde Fredag
hello and welcome to my week of headcanons for skam characters who could have been ace because it’s ace week and we deserve more ace rep! next up is my personal favorite and one I’ve talked about before, but consider this like an official masterpost of the things I’ve said before. it’s vilde’s backstory, but she’s an ace lesbian. headcanons below.
I think many of vilde’s behaviors with her obsession with william in s1 suggest that she’s ace and trying to understand her feelings while sex and sexual attraction are pushed on her as the norm
for instance, when vilde and the girls are pregaming before vilde has sex with william and noora asks vilde what turns her on, she has no idea what that question even means, especially in regards to another person bc she’s not turned on sexually by other people
when noora has vilde close her eyes and tries to turn her on, vilde just describes what she’s wearing, and I imagine that being a moment of panic for her in which she has no idea what’s supposed to make someone horny for another person so she just says some things about herself and then pretends the visualization exercise has worked so it can just be over already when it actually did nothing for her
because of vilde’s general cluelessness about sex and lack of experience with horniness, her obsession with having sex could stem from social pressure and not an actual desire for a sexual relationship. she wants to have sex and get it over with so she doesn’t feel so weird and inexperienced and she can try to convince herself she’s just like everyone else when it comes to sex and sexual attraction
she’s sat through too many alienating convos where her friends are talking about sexual attraction and sexual desire, and she wants to prove that she’s just like them, that she can participate in those convos too
I think it’s also telling that she picks one of the most attractive/most sought after people in the school to go after, not bc she’s actually sexually attracted to him but bc it’s widely known that people are attracted to him and so she should be. she can appreciate/recognize that he’s good looking though she’s not personally that attracted
as an asexual, she doesn’t really understand the concept of hook-up culture, which is why she expects a relationship to follow after hooking up with william
also, the way she talks about the sex afterwards, emphasizing that she orgasmed and getting too into the details, could be her attempt to prove herself and compensate for the fact that the sex wasn’t actually that enjoyable bc the attraction wasn’t there. she’s trying to prove to herself just as she is to the other girls that she actually enjoyed it
I think the scene where William rejects her would be really really heartbreaking and like super emotionally/psychologically rich as she did this thing she didn’t really want to do and then got rejected and shamed for it, publicly. and obviously she’s super concerned with her image—her body image, her social ranking—so that rejection would just hurt her on so many different levels and reinforce her internalized acephobia
which plays into why she then so aggressively slut shames the Eva character when Eva’s secret gets out, it comes from her own internalized shame over her own issues
because she’s ace, it’s doubly complicated for her to understand her romantic attraction when she tries to, as she doesn’t view or desire anybody the way she’s been told she should by society and those around her, but she secretly longs to be in a relationship with a woman beyond what she’s ever felt for any man
she works through that in the background of s2, has a few emotional conversations with noora, and by s4 she’s with a girl who respects her wants and needs and they have a more romantic, less sexual relationship that works for both of them
as always I’m super interested in hearing other ideas and having conversations about this!!
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youidiotprince · 4 years
Skamverse x Ace Week: Machwitz Mittwoch
hello and welcome to my week of headcanons for skam characters who could have been ace because it’s ace week and we deserve more ace rep! let’s continue with druck’s new gen. it’s nora machwitz’s season, and she’s aro/ace. headcanons below.
this headcanon is literally breaking my heart bc I love nora x josh so much but I’m thinking nora’s a sex and romance neutral aro/ace who’s just looking for a queer platonic partner.
she’s longing for a deep emotional connection and commitment with someone but she’s not sexually or romantically attracted to anyone.
she thinks maybe she’s just not interested in those elements of a relationship bc she’s too stressed and anxious to focus on or prioritize them right now, but she still desires companionship so she doesn’t worry about it too much.
in her search for this personal and intimate connection, she tries to model her behavior after what she’s seen so far in her life. both of her sisters have found solace and escape in romantic, sexual relationships, so she’s idealized that kind of relationship in a way. from a practical standpoint, she thinks that’s the only way to achieve the kind of relationship she’s after, through romantic and sexual gestures/behaviors. she thinks it’s the only way to reach that kind of intimacy.
(quick disclaimer: I’m very aware that a big portion of nora’s season is focusing on and will continue to focus on her mental health and a potential mental illness, and I by no means want to misattribute any of her behaviors or erase that aspect of her with this headcanon. and she seems to be dissociating a lot right now, so it’s not directly related to what’s occurring in current clips, it’s instead seeming to be connected to her mental health) I think in this universe where nora’s aroace, however, the way she sort of disconnected and seemed disinterested by the end of today’s clip with josh could relate to the way that these are behaviors she knows are expected of her but not behaviors that she is necessarily interested in, at the same time that it relates to the way her world and perception is kind of distorted right now because of her mental health.
the way that nora kind of threw herself into that first kiss with josh could also fit into this, bc she needed a distraction and she needed intimacy and she thought she could only gain those things through a romantic relationship so she forced that in her relationship with josh before it was ready for that. also, potentially forcing a relationship with constantin and then backing out when it provided more stress than it helped alleviate, and it didn’t bring her the emotional connection she was looking for would make sense in this headcanon.
bc she’s sex and romance neutral or favorable, engaging in these behaviors isn’t bad or unenjoyable for her, it’s just not what she most wants out of this relationship. just bc she doesn’t feel romantic or sexual ~attraction~ doesn’t mean she can’t enjoy sex or romance for different reasons.
I think as she continues to develop her friendship with and open up to the cashqueens, she’ll realize that there are more options for deeply and intensely meaningful relationships than just romantic ones, and she might decide she wants to alter her relationship with josh a bit. she might continue to engage in those romantic/sexual behaviors bc she enjoys the intimacy, or she might decide she no longer wants to partake in them and she and josh could have a conversation about that.
somehow this headcanon was even less coherent than the last one so like, I’m definitely open to feedback and further conversation about this!! and feel free to add your own headcanons.
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youidiotprince · 4 years
me thinks for each day of ace week I’m gonna post headcanons for skam characters who could have been ace... so if you have a skam character you wish was ace... lmk by oct 25 👀
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youidiotprince · 4 years
and if anybody else does any skamverse ace week things you should totally like tag me 🥺👉👈
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