#skibidi toilet analysis
gamie99 · 8 months
Skibidi Grammar: A Brief Amateur Study
Because I honestly have nothing better to do. We studying the Skibidi writing system up in this bitch 🔥🔥
(Spoilers for Episode 70 Part 2 below! Proceed with caution!)
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In the latter half of Episode 70 Part 2, Plungerman picks up this document in what I'm calling 'the hardware artifact room', featuring what is very clearly the written form of the language used by the Skibidi Toilets. This honestly kind of shocked me (the toilets have a writing system??) but at the same time it doesn't - every intelligent civilization, no matter how absurd, has to have some way to keep records handy, especially one as advanced as the toilets.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that we obviously can't translate the Skibidi language, the exact nature or contents of this document are completely unclear. However, I'm going to analyze what we can see and understand anyway, because that's fun and I have horrific brainrot. LET'S BEGIN!!
But before we start analyzing the actual text itself, I'd like to quickly get the two photos on the document out of the way:
The first photo is of the Scientist Toilet, with some weird round thing behind him that kind of looks like an airplane engine. His photo is apparently captioned, written in red and in larger text than the rest of the text on the document. What is the caption? Is that his legal name?? Again, it's completely unclear.
The second photo depicts an Astro Toilet - his style of helmet makes it obvious. What isn't obvious, however, is who this Astro Toilet is. He isn't the one from Part 1, and he doesn't resemble the other two Astro Toilets we've seen before either - all of their helmets are different. If I'm not mistaken, this is the fourth Astro Toilet we've seen in the series, and looking at where we currently are at, he definitely won't be the last.
Why these two are featured on this document is, again, unknown. But we can deduce that the Astro Toilets and the Scientist Toilet are connected in a very important way.
Now, with that out of the way, time to actually analyze the written toilet language!!
The Skibidi language is written in all caps, and makes obvious use of some of the characters from the Greek alphabet - you might be familiar with a few if you've taken any kind of advanced math in school. This seems to be purely for aesthetic reasons, seeing as how the Greek letter Ψ is used in place of the Latin letter Y in 'YES' when Ψ makes the 'ps' sound. I ain't gonna complain though. I love doing shit for the sake of 'make it Fancy™'.
A couple of the words are underlined, which wouldn't be too strange by itself, if not for the fact that some of the words are also overlined (this can most clearly be seen in the first 'SKIBIDI' in the second paragraph). Some kind of punctuation or markings to denote proper nouns, maybe? I don't know.
Speaking of punctuation (kinda), we have some symbol usage in the form of {}! They're used to surround a set of words in the second paragraph ({DOB YES YES}).
< and > also make an appearance! In the second paragraph, they're used to separate two words (SKIBIDI<>DOM), and in the third paragraph, they're used to surround four words (>SKIBIDI SKIBIDI SKIB IDI<). Again, no idea what purpose these symbols have - maybe they have a similar function to the {} we see here?
And now, for some various other interesting things I've noticed!
The first four lines of the first paragraph is the classic unaltered Skibidi chant. Neato!
There's a lot of variety in the community when it comes to spelling the word "DOP". This document features three different spellings - 'DOP', 'DOM', and 'DOB' - which I suppose makes them all correct! There's also the word 'DIP' that's featured here too.
There's a random upside down A in one of the words in the second paragraph (it's a bit hard to read due to the faded text, but I can best Latinize it as 'YES∀SKIBIDI'). Interesting!
'BRRR' and 'BRRRRH' are words. Hahaha!
And that's about all I have to say about the Skibidi written language! Moral of the story: ...uh, man, my brainrot is horrible right now have a good day everyone LMFAOOOO
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love-draw-fanart · 6 months
their metal skeleton is a terminator skeleton!
It's still better with clothes on :''3
I'm wonder what TV-man's metal skeleton will look like? Still a terminator skeleton but purple and black?
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era404-skib · 6 months
Theory on how a TVman/woman's abilities work
Okay, we're just gonna be looking at the screen abilities, as their other stuff e.g. hand knives are self-explanatory (well, maybe not teleportation, but I've no clue about that).
First, we're gonna look at the "anatomy" of a CRT.
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To my highly simplified understanding, the Electron Gun sends out a ray of light which is expanded into video by the screen (I am likely wrong, this is just the gist).
Now, I'd say that there's a couple different gadgets at the Fluorescent Screen, which ill explain here.
Red Screen of Death
[TW: Suicide. Skip to the next one if you don't like that.]
Im going to get this one out of the way first as its the most simple and boring:
Firstly, this has nothing to do with CRT's. We have seen that the RSOD is only capable of being created on flatscreen TV's, whether that's LCD, OLED etc.
I think that it's literally just an EXTREMELY bright red light. It's brightness is just low enough to be as bright as possible without causing instant blindness while also causing excruciating pain and burns to the retinas. The pain is so excruciating that all rational thinking is abandoned. Only one objective goes through the mind of the victim, and its to suicide by any means necessary. There's only one method of escape they can think of, and it's death. Very disturbing, but also really basic.
[Polycephalies' White Screen is basically the same but less powerful: just a really bright light.]
Purple Screen of Hypnotisation
My theory is that this is a combination of light and sounds that transmit signals to the brain/CPU of the target.
The screen creates an inviting, eye-catching glow, which gets the target to look at it. From there, a small circuit (We will call it Circuit 1) sends a signal to the CPU of the TV person saying "Hey! We're hypnotising someone! Tell Circuit 2 what you want them to do!" and the CPU / brain of the TV says "Got it. Circuit 2, I want you to make them do a dance."
Circuit 2 gets the signal and tells the hidden speakers in the TV "Hey! CPU says this has to make them do a dance!"
[Now, I'm going to briefly interrupt here and admit that I got heavy inspiration from this video on the (quite possibly fake) virus BadBIOS, that advertises itself as being able to spread through the air. It does so by emitting a frequency for other nearby computers to pick up that creates a spectrogram image of malicious code that infects the computer and spreads the virus further. Check out the video for more info, its actually super interesting.]
The hidden speakers in the TV then emit a frequency depending on what the the target is:
-If its an organic/skibidi, the frequency is designed to mess with it's brain in a way that stops its thought process and makes it focus on the sole objective that is carried through the frequency. (This frequency is achieved using new technology that would've been discovered by the time of the apocalypse, this is impossible with today's advancements.)
-If its a hardware head/non-organic, it does the same thing as BadBIOS: sending over code which completely overrides the hardwares free will to use its body. Its similar to being controlled by a parasite: the hardware can see what its doing (e.g. TCam would've been able to see he was beating up TSpeaker even though he didn't want to) but its body is being moved against its will. Pretty disturbing if you think about it.
All of this goes on until the light is turned off and the frequency ends.
Orange Screen(?) of Inferno
Now, I put that question mark there as I actually think this screen has nothing to do with cathode ray tubes.
Please watch this video of a solar death ray:
Source: edmundoptics On YouTube
Now, the logic behind this is that the sunlight is concentrated into a ray by the lens which gets thinner and thinner until it reaches a fine, concentrated point and expands outward in radius again. Even rocks that are put under this crack and melt.
Now, my theory is that TV's that can make a OSOI (TTV and TVwoman) have a little slider mechanism inside. Basically, they can alter between the standard Cathode Ray Tube which let's them do the other abilities, or a VERY strong and burning hot light, like a very small sun. It uses the screen as a lens and scorches victims unlucky enough to be caught within its radius. If you're even more unlucky, you'll be in the thin but extremely concentrated part, which will completely crack any metal or porcelain and melt skin.
Extra Notes:
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-Diagram of a TV person's CRT.
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-Diagram of the OSOI Screen (using a shitty image I grabbed off the wiki)
-Black Screen and Pink Screen are left out intentionally as 1. I have no clue about teleportation and b. The pink screen doesn't really do anything??? idk lmao
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bluehawkdustorm · 10 months
So, I looked up what skibidi toilet is and uh ... yeah, it looks incomprehensible on the surface
But it starts out with a brand of messed-up-in-the-head humour that's reminiscent of Salad Fingers and the way it escalates from there all makes sense, on a thematic level
But it's exactly the right level of "makes sense if you look at it from the right angle, but incomprehensible and repulsive to outsiders" that even at first glance I would *expect* appreciation of it to become an ingroup signal, a token of selection in itself, like how any successful meme tends to spread
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redtheburgereater · 5 months
The Alliance should use Orbital Camera Satellites more, I could work and deal tons and tons of great damage upon the Astros and Toilets if they were to utilize it correctly, it didn't kill anything at all before because they had lesser technology and didn't really know what to do much, after all it was the early days of the battle.
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lana1zz · 7 days
we live in a world where the constant bombardment of media and entertainment is designed not just to amuse, but to distract. the skibidi toilet phenomenon is like a digital carnival, a bizarre, hypnotic spectacle that keeps children glued to their slimy, sticky ipad screens. it’s not just about making them laugh, it's about creating a compulsive engagement. the absurdity and catchy nature of the content trigger a kind of cognitive surrender. when kids are watching these videos, they're not just entertained, they're entranced. the content is quite literally being drilled into their brains. it's hypnotic. this keeps their attention focused narrowly, reducing their capacity to question or critically engage with what’s happening around them.
here’s where it gets even more insidious: the constant influx of highly stimulating content, like skibidi toilet, molds how the brain processes information. and especially at such a young age. this kind of content is engineered to deliver quick, intense bursts of pleasure, thanks to its vibrant visuals and ridiculous music. over time, this creates a conditioning effect. kids become accustomed to short, highly-stimulative instant gratification. the more they consume, the more they crave this kind of input, and the harder it becomes for them to engage with anything that isn’t immediately gratifying or attention grabbing.
but it’s not just about keeping kids entertained. it’s about controlling their cognitive resources. when young brains are preoccupied with endless streams of content that requires little to no critical thought, they’re less likely to question larger social and political issues. they’re less likely to challenge the status quo or think deeply about the implications of the media they consume. this makes them more susceptible to being influenced by whatever narratives or advertisements are fed to them. it's literally training a generation to be passive consumers rather than active thinkers.
skibidi toilet and its ilk also serve as a tool for social validation. when kids see their friends obsessing over the same bullshit content, they’re more likely to join in. it creates a sense of belonging through shared experience, which is manipulated to keep them engaged and less critical of the content itself. it’s a social engineering tool as much as it is an entertainment vehicle.
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tonypostt · 1 year
skibidi toilet is unironically a masterpiece
okay but i just watched skibidi toilet and i'm whole-heartedly going to say that it's an impressive surrealist social commentary . and before you think i'm going crazy , let me explain .
going into it , i thought it was going to be some weird corporate youtube kids shit that i would be disgusted by , but i was very pleasantly surprised . it takes the formula of tiktok videos (repetitive audio , shortform , same exact facial movements which represent "trends" , "no context" storytelling) and uses it to describe a clash between gen Z and gen alpha humor as gen alpha grows up more on the internet by also including elements of older gmod videos , allowing it to feel "nostalgic" towards the older audience . and while this is interesting on its own , skibidi toilet actually takes it a step further and delves into a series of intriguing scenes .
i fully believe that skibidi toilet , where it stands now , comments on war culture and how war benefits nobody except for those in charge . due to this being a fictional universe , we can assume that there are infinite resources on either side , which includes technology . we slowly see the city scene become more and more dystopian , claiming that war does not benefit anyone . skibidi toilet goes even beyond what man could even imagine , delving into deadlier and deadlier sci-fi solutions . the weapons keep growing bigger and bigger , wiping out more of the enemy battalion , but there are still more troops in the waiting . we can potentially assume that the entire globe is encapsulated within this war . i imagine that either skibidi toilet will never end , or it will end with the entire planet being wiped from existence .
i never expected for this series to make me think so much but it took me a solid hour and a half to fully process it .
as for the generational humor thing , this comment also says a bit on the subject:
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is it a joke that got out of hand ? yes , but in the best possible way , i think . shoutouts to the creator . unlike most of "kids youtube" garbage , i'd actually approve of my child watching this series (if i had one) , as long as i could explain the commentary on it to them .
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doomed-jester · 1 year
I decided to watch Skibidi Toilet since everyone is talking about it and like... The most surprising thing here is that it's achieved some sort of viral success. I'm genuinely intrigued by this, it's very much a surrealist work but it also seems to be some commentary on the futility of war, the human(ish) cost of violence. It's very much about an arms race between the... Toilets and camera people (?), each side crafting increasingly deadly and convoluted tools of destruction, but never actually achieving anything. My first thought was that it's very repetitive, but then... War always is, isn't it?
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ansu-gurleht · 9 months
skibidi toilet simultaneously intrigues and INFURIATES me. i think one the one hand the ramping up in it is kind of cool and the tv/speaker head guys are neat but on the other hand YOU DARE BESMIRCH SACRED GMOD IN THIS WAY?????
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tthatsonme · 22 days
Intellect, by molly.
— People often underestimate the seriousness of your sudden shift of motivation, in this day and age; it’s uncommon to see anyone (especially younger people) read a book or have any interest in having goals whatsoever, but you’re different, you’ve set the curve, you’re the centre of attention and everyone should be like you especially when it comes to academics, parents are constantly asking you to teach their kids your way because of how effortless your work ethic and dedication to school seems.
— Whenever the teacher needs an example on how to do a math equation or what a well written and worded essay SHOULD look like they always hold up your assignments as an example, you are 100% the best example of what a student should be like an any generation but especially this one, all of the parents and guardians with the “brain rotted iPad babies” or “wasting their lives away because of technology addiction teenagers” beg you to tell them what your “secret is” but maybe you’re not even fully aware of your greatness or level of discipline and success.
— You have a very distinct and important morning routine that you do every day, whether your routine has 4-steps or 40-steps it’s almost like it’s been burned into your DNA to follow it daily, your routine is not optional, you have the most perfect sleep schedule it’s almost as perfect as you, but in case you need a late study night you wake up everyday well rested regardless of whether you slept a full 8-hours or not, your memory to do things is amazing, you have a better memory than most people in your classes, you remember everything that you hear, read, and write in terms of school, you remember how to spell everything, your handwriting is always neat and legible, you could basically rewrite the dictionary at this point, fun fact: most people in this generation aren’t fluent in English because of the lack of spelling and vocabulary (my teacher said this so it’s probably true), while the other people in your class are crying over the phone ban if you have you you’re perfectly fine without your phone for 6-8 hours a day, you’ve never had any issues writing stories or having original thoughts, you have an extremely expanded vocabulary and are an amazing writer, “You don’t use brain rot?? Nerd alert!” It’s surprising to hear someone only use quote “brain rot terms” ironically, whilst the rest of the world is having unintelligent conversations about skibidi toilet and whatnot you’re the complete opposite.
— You have no issues in and are the best at all forms of mathematics, geometry, algebra, calculus, arithmetic, trigonometry, number theory, statistics, set theory, topology, discrete mathematics, probability, combinatorics, numbers, mathematics analysis, analytical geometry, differential equations, applied mathematics, game theory, pure mathematics, linear algebra, numerical analysis, and matrix algebra, natural sciences, engineering, medicine, finance, computer science and social sciences, biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, earth sciences, zoology, ecology, microbiology, astrophysics, neuroscience, logic, ethics, psychology, philosophy, mechanics, and social sciences, morphology, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, psycholinguistic, linguistics, phonetics, historical linguistics, stylistics, and computational linguistics plus whatever other courses and classes that you have. [If this last part seems random it’s because it is, it’s copy and pasted from a personal sub I made a year ago for 11th grade :p]
_Things to remember
You can and will only ever manifest what you desire from this subliminal
Make sure not to obsess over your results because they can lead to limiting beliefs
You don’t have to listen daily or 1-7 times or anything like that, one is always enough with any subliminal :)
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spageddy · 5 months
Skibidi Toilet
The skibidi toilet (Skibidus latrina) is a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusc in the family Dafuqboomidae. This species can only be found in the United States, primarily in Ohio.
The original habitats of the skibidi toilet are American public restrooms, but due to their adaptability, they have extended their range to outdoor urban areas. Scientists consider them to be an invasive species.
Skibidus latrina is usually diurnal and omnivorous, eating about 27% scrap metal and 73% human flesh. Its only natural predators are cameramen (Homo visus), speakermen (Homo amplificarus), and TV-men (Homo imaginum).
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Skibidi toilet engaged in combat with a cameraman in Detroit, Michigan
Based on fossil evidence from Dayton, Ohio, the first known members of the Dafuqboomidae family lived in North America in the late Anthropocene about 250 years ago. Similar tooth and skull structures suggest dafuqboomids and humans share a common ancestor, but molecular analysis indicates a closer relationship between skibidi toilets and snails.
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A senior skibidi toilet without its shell.
Physical Characteristics
The body weight of an adult skibidi toilet varies considerably with shell size, making it one of the most variably sized molluscs. It can range from 36 to 2246 kg (80 to 4952 lb), but is usually between 41 and 50 kg (90 to 110 lb). The smallest specimens live in southern Florida, while those near the northern limits of the skibidi toilet's range tend to be the largest (see Bergmann's rule). Males are usually 15% to 20% heavier than females.
Skibidi toilets have long, soft, flexible abdomens. The vulnerable abdomen is protected from predators by a salvaged empty latrine or urinal carried by the skibidi toilet, into which its whole body can retract. Multiple skibidi toilets may inhabit the same shell, especially when young.
Mature skibidi toilets develop a snail-like muscular foot that allows them to travel over hard surfaces. The large, flat foot remains attached to the surfaces over which it is crawling due to the adhesive properties of the skibidi slime it secretes to protect its soft tissues.
Studies have shown that skibidi toilets are capable of organized crime. Whether they know what they do is morally wrong is a topic of debate among skibidiologists.
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Two male skibidi toilets lust after a female in Cincinatti, Ohio.
Skibidi toilets are pack hunters. Typically, the largest skibidi toilet is in charge. Skibidi toilet packs readily accept new members until resources become limited. They are territorial and generally establish territories far larger than they require to survive, assuring a steady supply of prey.
Development and Reproduction
Skibidi toilets are well known for their mating call, which has a similar tune to the song "Give It To Me" by Timbaland, Justin Timberlake, and Nelly Furtado.
Female skibidi toilets lay their fertilized eggs in toilet water. The hatchlings feed on human feces and urine until they become large enough to consume humans themselves. Skibidi toilets reach sexual maturity at 6.9 years of age.
Captive skibidi toilets have been known to live for more than 80 years. However, the species' life expectancy in the wild is only 16 to 30 years, depending on local conditions such as traffic volume and hunting. Young hatched in infrequently used restrooms are vulnerable to starvation, and it is not uncommon for them to vore their own skiblings.
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Young skibidi toilets share a shell with their skiblings until they are large enough to find their own.
Skibidi Toilet Syndrome
The bite of a skibidi toilet can cause Skibidi Toilet Syndrome, a serious disease that causes the infected to believe they are a skibidi toilet. Symptoms include sequestering oneself in small spaces such as laundry baskets or cardboard boxes and chanting the skibidi toilet's mating call. There is no known cure.
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ami8666 · 16 days
Ok today we're gonna do a brainrot analysis of every single fucking goober (not every single just the 5 i love lying teehee 😈) from ihnmaims. Do not try at home. My brain is already rotted beyond repair plz spare urselves and here we go.
First of all Ellen. I love her sm she's so cool. But is she a skibidi alpha male? 🤨 let's see. Right so first of all she's like the only fucking useful person out of everyone. Like vro. She's gone thru sm and she's literally more caring and shi then any of the others. +10000 aura idgaf.
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Next we have this fucking stinker... Ted
He's geniunely such a fucking asshole i HATE HIM GRRRR. HE HAS ME SHAKING MY FISTS, GROWLING "WHY I OUTTA KICK YOUR BUTT YOU HECKING JERK 👿... HEH... IF MY EYES TURN RED... 𝓘 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪𝓷 𝓮𝔂𝓮 𝓲𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷" typa shit. He geniunely only has like 50 points on this part cuz of h9w much of an asshole he is and also
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BOO! Did i scare you? I'm a bar of soap 🧼 just here to remind you to get ur ah in the 🚿 shower and go outside because the smell through the screen is not very pleasant, Over and Out 👋
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Next we got gorrister. He's such a complicated character i actually find him so interesting. I feel bad for both him and his wife. The fact that Edna ruined not only their relationship, but them as people is such a horrible thing, but great representation for people who might have experienced similar things. I can only imagine how hard Glynis' childhood must have been and how happy she must've felt with gorrister, only for it all to go downhill with their fights and stuff. It's clear that both of them weren't really the most stable people and it's geniunely such a sad and doomed relationship- AGH NO WAIT MY AURA IT'S TRANSFERRING I MUST STOP. SKIBIDI TOILET. AGH. MY LOBOTOMY. AAAAGHHHH WHAT THE SIGMA. I NEED MY MOGGERMELON. OH MY GOOOOOOD AAAAAAAAAAAA. (Anyways gorrister gets 80 points here)
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In total he has 166 ap. Not as sigma but he's getting there. 👅💦
Next up we got BENNNYYYY
HE'S SO SILLY. ....ignoring his past.... erm skibidi toilet! Omg do u think AM gives him an ipad just to like humiliate him further? "SKIBIDI RAP BATTLE, WHO WILL WIN 👅💦" He gets 80 points here, very happy that he redeemed himself in the end and at least he acknowledges his mistake just like gorrister and all of them tbh... Ted's still delusional omfg bro u r NOT HIM
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In total he's got 138 ap. More than Ted tee hee i am TOTALLY NOT BIAS WHAT LED U TO BELIEVE THAT???? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Next... Nimdok....
43 points here for being a nazi but he's redeeming himself so ig that's something. Omg do u think he keeps telling the others "back in my day 👽(he looks like the emoji)"???
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Hope you all enjoyed this review! Don't forget to smash that like button, share this video and SUBSCRIBE. Bye bye fellow alphas 👅💦
(I'm so unfunny someone kill me i beg)
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softsidekick · 1 month
god herself compelled me to watch the first 40 episodes of skibidi toilet and i literally couldn't rest before i voiced my thoughts
gen alpha meme made me do my first piece of written media analysis since i graduated uni eight years ago
i am unwell
skibidi toilets seem to be perceived and treated as an invasive species by the narrative but they are not outright hostile - so why are the camera heads so aggressive from the get go? are we perhaps entering the conflict in the middle as spectators and the growing frustration of the camera heads/humans is just reaching a tipping point?
camera heads resemble humans in their anatomy at least from the outside (apart from having a camera for the head) so do they shit? do they use toilets? if so, maybe the conflict is actually over a scarce resource (toilets)?
the rising aggression is first instigated by the camera heads who deal with skibidi toilets by flushing them down, which seems to be as close to death as the skibidi toilets get (based on their aggressive retaliation)
camera heads later associated with tears for fears' evergreen hit "everybody wants to rule the world" and it is pointedly the original version and not for example the lorde cover that was featured in the hunger games part 2 - catching fire
this is an important fact because the song came out in 1980s and is thusly more clearly associated with elder millenials/gen xs and since the gen alpha are associated with skibidi toilet, juxtaposing these two songs as battling forces paints an interesting picture about generational tension
do skibidi toilets die when they are being flushed? there should be so many empty toilets in the streets but that's not the case -- so are skibidi toilets immortal or do the original hosts die in order for a new skibidi to take over that specific porcelain bowl
skibidi toilets are free moving, sometimes flying, so they're not tetherd to a plumbing network like a normal toilet. this rises the question where do the skibidis go when flushed? this supports the theory that skibidis don't actually die when flushed, but come back up after an unspecified amount of time and are hence immortal (however, the feeling of being flushed must be bad because they react so negatively to it -- or maybe it's a cultural faux pas?)
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Skibidi toilet analysis, rambled at my dad because. Yeah
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cosmica-galaxy · 9 months
Pitching a fanfic idea that I've been thinking of for Skibidi Toilet the past few hours. Wonder what you all think about it. It's a story in which the skibidi war was won and it's set many years into the future in which the alliance and units are now the dominant race on the planet. Humans are extinct…until a pair of drillmen archeologists find a fossil of a human in some unearthed part of their expedition site. They study the fossil and remembered that Skibidis were the fabled enemy of the alliance in the war some hundreds of years ago…but this "skibidi" had a full body of calcium and no mechanical parts. So they take it to their lab for analysis.
They research it and find that--no--it's NOT a skibidi and they're curious as to what it actually is. If it's some other variant of biped that existed alongside the alliance once upon a time, they would make the discovery of their generation. But they need more than just bones to prove that their theory is correct. In fact, they just happened to be working with some prototype "reanimation" technology that was greenlit for use on their expedition, as it's part of the historical society that these drillmen were hired to work for. So they go to try and "reanimate" the fossil into a living being again. However, the reanimation process is taxing and difficult, as it requires the base of elements that make up a human. Carbon, Phosphate, ect. So it takes a few tries without ruining or damaging the specimen they managed to unearthed and they manage to finally effectively "clone" the fossil, revealing the first human that has been revived using this new technology. As a result of their reanimation, the human has a "clean slate", in which they approach the world as if it was brand new (in a sense that it literally is) and they imprint on the units that revived them, mostly the scientists. They have no memories of their past life or history, so they are primarily a subject that the research team experiments with and studies. The human is in their care for most of the time and due to their curious nature, they will get into a few misadventures of their own.
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unpleasant-colors · 4 months
"The unpleasantpilled gradientmaxxer"
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Oh Shit, Am I Supposed To Know What This Means? Do I Have To Do Another Generational Analysis?? Uh- Skibidi Toilet..?
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