mockva · 5 months
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universal cutlery
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foinawriteforall · 12 years
Accenture desembarca también en Skolkovo
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Accenture y la escuela de negocios Skolkovo han firmado un acuerdo para abrir un centro para el desarrollo de análisis predictivo, según anunciaron ambas en el marco del Foro Económico Internacional de San Petersburgo.
El centro, que desarrollará nuevos métodos y soluciones en lo que llamaron "uno de los campos más modernos y dinámicos en el análisis de negocio," se comenzará a trabajar tan pronto como el próximo mes, y alcanzará su plena capacidad a finales de 2014, explicaron la conocida empresa consultora y el centro de innovación sito en la segunda ciudad de Rusia en un comunicado de prensa.
Durante los dos primeros años, el trabajo del centro se centrará en la investigación sobre el uso de dispositivos móviles para la recogida de datos, en el desarrollo de algoritmos para el análisis predictivo, y en el establecimiento de un centro de procesamiento de datos.
El análisis predictivo se pueden utilizar para aumentar la eficacia de las previsiones de negocio, estrategias y toma de decisiones.
Durante su primer año, el centro tiene previsto desarrollar soluciones para los sectores de energía y petróleo y gas.
Skolkovo "es un buen lugar para el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones de análisis predictivo, que están llamados a ayudar a nuestros clientes a utilizar la información sobre los procesos de negocio actuales de todo su valor para la toma de decisiones, provocando un resultado de negocios realista decisión efectiva", dijo Vartan Dilanyan, director gerente de Accenture en Rusia.
El centro Skolkovo de Investigación y Desarrollo en Podmoskovye, es el análogo de Rusia de la Silicon Valley americana. La superficie total de la ciudad de las ciencias es de cerca de 400 hectáreas. Los premios Nobel Jores Alferov y Roger David Kornberg fueron elegidos directores científicos de la ciudad de la  innovación. Una serie de empresas, entre ellas Microsoft, Nokia y Philips y ahora accenture declararon que estaban dispuestas a participar en el proyecto.
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larchenkov · 1 year
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gladkota · 2 years
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Сегодня была незапланированая прогулка в Сколково
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Today I was on a cosplay festival in Skolkovo in Astarion. So here are the funniest pictures.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Interview by Lilia Yapparova. English-language version by Sam Breazeale.
Ruben Vardanyan is a billionaire, a former owner of the investment bank Troika Dialog, and one of the founders of Moscow’s Skolkovo Business School. He was also a key figure in a 2019 investigation by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) that uncovered a system of offshore companies through which money was secretly transferred to some of Russia’s wealthiest people, including close Putin associate Sergey Roldugin. In the fall of 2022, Vardanyan unexpectedly renounced his Russian citizenship and took office as the state minister of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (officially named the Republic of Artsakh). Meduza special correspondent Lilia Yapparova spoke with Vardanyan about his departure from Russia, the allegations against him, and the ongoing blockade of Nagorno-Karabakh.
On October 5, 2020, nine days into the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War, Russian-Armenian billionaire Ruben Vardanyan released a video statement in which he appealed to a variety of audiences, including the Azerbaijani people, the international community, and Armenia’s leadership in Nagorno-Karabakh. Perhaps most notably, he addressed Vladimir Putin directly, saying, “I’m speaking to you as a Russian citizen, and indeed, I have no other passport.”
The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, he warned, was a “ticking time bomb” that would explode “first and foremost in Russia” if Putin didn’t intervene.
Thirty-six days later, on November 10, the leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Russia signed a joint statement announcing an end to the fighting in the disputed region. As part of the agreement, Russia pledged to station about 2,000 peacekeepers on the ground in the conflict zone.
On the one hand, a lot has changed in the two years and three months since the treaty was signed. Ruben Vardanyan is no longer a Russian citizen, having renounced that status in 2022 to become the state minister of the self-declared Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, also known as the Republic of Artsakh. Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin, by launching a full-scale war against Ukraine, has done more to damage Russian society, the Russian economy, and Russia’s reputation on the world stage than the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh was ever likely to do.
At the same time, the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh feels as unstable as ever. While Russian peacekeeping forces remain in place, they didn’t prevent Azerbaijan from launching attacks on several Armenian towns in September, nor have they stopped Baku from staging an ongoing blockade of the Lachin corridor, the only road that connects Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia.
Residents of Stepanakert, the Artsakh Republic’s capital, told Meduza that they’ve been jogging, doing squats, and wearing winter coats indoors to keep warm as Azerbaijan has intermittently cut off gas supplies. Ruben Vardanyan himself experiences the blockade along with his constituents, and he says he’s been living in his office to save time and energy.
“I can give you a whole list [of things we've run out of]: from spare parts to toilet paper, laundry detergent, and toothpaste. […] It happens imperceptibly: one thing, then another, then another,” he told Meduza.
To deal with the shortages, the Artsakh government has introduced ration cards and authorized the distribution of foods from state stockpiles to grocery stores. Vardanyan said this has gone far to prevent issues like price gouging and suspicion among residents. The region also receives aid shipments from the Red Cross, though Vardanyan says few of the organization’s vehicles manage to cross the blockade each day — not nearly enough to feed the republic’s 120,000 people.
While Vardanyan declined to disclose what remains of the government’s reserves, he was quick to note that residents can grow their own food once spring begins. “For that reason, we’ll never starve. That’s a fact. Now, what kinds of restrictions we’ll have to resort to is a different question altogether. But Artsakhians are resilient, very resilient, and they’re prepared to endure,” he said.
But starvation and cold aren’t the only dangers in Nagorno-Karabakh. While ambulances are allowed to pass through the blockade, the road from Stepanakert to Yerevan is still long and winding; in the past, patients in urgent need of medical care have been airlifted. According to Vardanyan, Azerbaijan has banned Russian peacekeeping forces from using helicopters (though this hasn’t appeared in any of Baku’s public statements), and several attempts to transport patients by ambulance have failed. Artsakh residents told Meduza about two cases where people died because they couldn’t reach Yerevan for chemotherapy and hemodialysis.
Azerbaijan’s ‘environmentalists’
The Lachin corridor, the sole road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia, passes by the city of Shusha, which Azerbaijani troops have controlled since 2020. Ruben Vardanyan describes an incident on December 12 where Russian peacekeepers (abiding by the 2020 agreement) allowed through a group of Azerbaijani citizens calling themselves “eco-activists” who followed behind an Azerbaijani ambulance. The demonstrators then “set up their tents and everything else around the ambulance,” blocking the road, Vardanyan said.
They’ve been there ever since.
These “eco-activists” (none of whom seem to have previously been involved in environmental activism) claim that Armenians and Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh are damaging the environment by illegally extracting minerals. According to Azerbaijani Interior Ministry Press Secretary Aykhan Hajizada, an Azerbaijani environmental monitoring group was denied access to gold and copper-molybdenum deposits in the disputed region, two days before the activists blocked the road.
But Vardanyan says the mining operations at those deposits have been ongoing since the Soviet era. He told Meduza that the Azerbaijani environmental group gave little advance warning of its visit, which resulted in local residents and miners blocking the delegation’s path on December 10.
“Afterwards, along with the [Armenian mining company BaseMetals’s] leadership, we said, ‘You’re welcome to come! [But] please only send the experts. In our view, Azerbaijani environmentalists, who aren’t doing a great job protecting the environment in their own country, aren’t competent enough to evaluate ours,’” the state minister told Meduza.
Vardanyan said the Artsakh government then sent a letter to the Russian peacekeeping forces explaining that they were prepared to let the Azerbaijani monitoring group access the mines, asking in return that the protesters unblock the Lachin corridor and allow an environmental impact assessment conducted by international standards. “To this day, we still haven’t received a response to that proposal,” he said.
“When I’m asked about the ‘environmental’ side of the issue, I find it amusing,” he continued. “How many environmental protests have there been in Azerbaijan in the last 20 years? These are total double standards: one set of standards applies to the small, democratic republic, while completely different ones apply to the authoritarian Azerbaijani Sultanate.”
Vardanyan told Meduza that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev is doing all he can to force Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenian residents to concede that the Artsakh Republic doesn’t even exist.
“That’s their clear, overt goal — Aliyev said so at a press conference. What’s not clear here? […] It’s difficult to imagine that a country that can’t ensure human rights for its own people could ensure the human rights of an ethnic minority. What rights does the autocratic, despotic sultanate in Azerbaijan ensure for its population?” he asked.
‘Why would I evade sanctions in a place where I can be killed for being Armenian?’
In 2019, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) published a series of investigations about Troika Dialog, the private investment bank Ruben Vardanyan co-founded in 1991 and controlled until 2011. Journalists traced $4.5 billion in hidden transfers to Russia’s most influential people, including Russian cellist and businessman Sergey Roldugin, a close friend of Vladimir Putin.
Against this backdrop, it’s difficult not to wonder if Vardanyan’s decision to renounce his Russian citizenship was at least partially spurred by the threat of Western sanctions. But the ex-banker says he would have chosen a much easier route if that were his true motivation.
“As I already told The Financial Times, if I were trying to evade sanctions, I would have gone to Uruguay, which has good weather, good meat, fruit, a great attitude towards Armenians, and a wonderful climate. I’d live peacefully on a farm. It would be very odd to flee sanctions to a place where you can be killed just for being Armenian,” he told Meduza.
Vardanyan also argued that OCCRP’s investigation unfairly applies modern standards to policies that were commonplace in an earlier era of banking. The report, he says, put undue focus on Vardanyan himself as the leader of an organization that had thousands of employees:
Let me tell you a story. Mark Twain was banned in America because he used the [N-word]. In America, you can no longer read about the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. That’s exactly how you’re approaching the concept of money laundering: during the period that the OCCRP journalists investigated, everything was set up differently. Troika Dialog had hundreds of thousands of clients, and these hundreds of thousands of clients had the right to transfer money [at their own discretion]. […] We didn’t know — there was no requirement for us to know! — who was whose counterparty.
(Is This A Good Argument?: Transparency International Russia Director General Ilia Shumanov told Meduza that Know Your Customer (KYC) guidelines, which require banks to identify their clients’ counterparties in financial transactions, were already in place in 2006–2012, the period on which the OCCRP investigation focused. Shumanov also noted that holding the leader of a company responsible for any money laundering by that company is standard practice in the business world.)
The state minister also noted that his vocal support for Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenians long predates the full-scale war in Ukraine, citing his video address to Putin during the 2020 conflict. The reason he decided to enter politics and move to the region in 2022 was that it seemed the most effective way for him to help, he told Meduza. And after deciding to devote himself to the Artsakh cause full-time, he said, it made sense to renounce his Russian citizenship.
“There were some formal requirements [about citizenship], but those weren’t my main reasons. I had two [main] reasons. [The first was that] I didn’t consider it right to [speak out politically on behalf of Artsakh] and put Russia in a difficult position. [I didn’t want] to do it as a foreigner who had moved to Artsakh. Secondly, people in Artsakh should be able to trust that I’ll be with them to the end,” he said.
‘A lot of questions’
Though many of the Nagorno-Karabakh residents who spoke to Meduza in late January were growing skeptical of Moscow’s ability to provide security to the republic while so many of its resources are going to the war in Ukraine, the breakaway state is still reliant on Russian peacekeepers. So, it’s little wonder that Vardanyan was unwilling to speculate on his former country’s economic future, and he essentially told Meduza as much:
I would gladly answer your question [about Russia’s post-war economic prospects] if I weren’t the state minister of a republic and thus responsible for 120,000 people, 30,000 of whom are children who could die from hunger and cold [due to the blockade]. […] Our situation is like the old Russian saying: “If you go to the right, you’ll lose your sword, if you go to the left, you’ll lose your horse, and if you go straight, you’ll lose your life.” If we leave, we’ll lose our homeland, and if we agree to live in Azerbaijan, we’ll lose our identity, our dignity. And we’ll become part of a state that demeans us and is prepared to destroy us and our rights.
Regarding Russia’s war against Ukraine, Vardanyan said that he’s “categorically opposed to all wars,” and called on “all decent people” to “make basic humanitarian values the basis of our lives again.”
As for the future of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Vardanyan is doubtful that Aliyev will be willing to launch another war against the civilians currently living in the region. Instead, he said, he believes Baku is betting that he’ll succeed in forcing Armenians to leave the territory. “You know, the difference between our model of the world and Aliyev’s model of the world is very simple: We say that ‘we [Armenians and Azerbaijanis in Nagorny Karabakh] live next to one another, but not together,’ while they hold that ‘peace is Artsakh without Armenians.’”
To ensure that doesn’t happen, and that Armenians can remain in the region, Vardanyan said he believes two steps are necessary: the establishment of an internationally recognized air corridor and sanctions against Azerbaijan’s leaders.
“I wish not just Russia but also England and France were speaking out forcefully. Why is Aliyev still being invited [to the World Economic Forum in] Davos, for example? He’s subjected 120,000 people to a blockade, and they’re shaking his hand in Davos. In that sense, I have a lot of questions — a lot of questions for a lot of countries,” he said.
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the-telescope-times · 2 years
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lboogie1906 · 3 days
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David Adjaye (September 22, 1966) was born in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the son of Affram Adjaye, a diplomat from Ghana, and Cecilia Adjaye, a Ghanaian national.
He earned a BS in Architecture with first-class honors at the London South Bank University and an MS in Architecture at the Royal College of Art. He worked at the firm of Tchaik Chassay, and Eduardo Souto de Moura, and spent a year in Japan studying architecture and Buddhism. He designed sets for a music video by the British-American rock band The Pretenders; a wine cellar for David Gilmour, lead guitar player for Pink Floyd; a house for fashion designer and couturier Alexander McQueen; and a variety of other projects, among them cafés and a noodle house in Soho. He formed the architectural firm of Adjaye & Russell. He founded Adjaye Associates, which employs 35 architects with offices in New York, London, and Berlin.
Much of his talent has been utilized to construct moderately expensive homes for certain individuals and buildings that benefit minority race communities, he has won contracts to design large structures worldwide such as the Nobel Peace Center, Rivington Place, and the Bernie Grant Art Centre, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Skolkovo Moscow School of Management, and the Aïshti Foundation in Beirut. In 2016 the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture selected him as lead designer and Philip Freelon as architect of record.
He designed furniture and textile patterns, and he authored the books David: Adjaye Houses and David Adjaye: A House for an Art Collector. His recognitions include the Royal Institute of British Architects Bronze Medal, the Order of the British Empire awarded by the Queen of England, the W.E.B. DuBois Medal, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Award. He has been a visiting professor at Yale, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania. He married Ashley Shaw-Scott, a former model and global business consultant (2014). #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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fabioperes · 5 days
Turkmenistán: El misterio de la URSS | Conseguí entrar en el país más cerrado del mundo La búsqueda innovadora de vuelos no sólo te va a encontrar la mejor opción para tus fechas elegidas, sino te va a proponer otros plazos con un precio inferior: https://ift.tt/QzYX6Sy ¿Quieres alquilar un coche? La tarifa de GetTransfer es más barata que la de la mayoría de las empresas: https://ift.tt/MsozXEP Como miembro de Hilton Honors, vas a recibir beneficios exclusivos al alojarte en más de 6.700 hoteles por todo el globo: https://ift.tt/uTfdyeL Es casi imposible obtener el visado para viajar a Turkmenistán. Aquí no vienen turistas, y en el Internet no aparecen posts de los viajeros sobre su experiencia en este país. Jennifer Lopez tuvo que pedir disculpas por dar un concierto en Turkmenistán, porque no sabía la verdad. El país sigue viviendo como si la Unión Soviética existiera hoy en día. Conserva todo su legado soviético, desde la arquitectura hasta la opresión de la gente turcomana. Tuve suerte de viajar a Turkmenistán hace un tiempo, y en este vídeo comparto mis sensaciones. ¿Cómo está la vida donde casi todo está arreglado para acomodar a los deseos de una sola persona, el líder del país? Leyes de Turkmenistan: ¿Por qué el presidente prohíbe todo? | Política extravagante turcomana https://youtu.be/2_bY-1-dcfo Ni los rusos saben dónde está | Pobreza, pueblos nómadas y cocina extraordinaria de Kalmukia, Rusia https://youtu.be/3GG2ZDpV2eA La ciudad más sucia de Rusia | Chitá, región de Trans-Baikal https://youtu.be/QAjgn80llxQ Rusia, San Petersburgo: Edificios con 4.000 pisos | La peor ciudad "más cómoda" de Rusia ENG SUB https://youtu.be/J_UkYnOp9Z0 Bali, Indonesia: Aquí hasta la corrupción es suave | Naturaleza, playas y lugares para meditación https://youtu.be/ZfFcGx-AOQk Rusia e IT: Skolkovo, ¿innovaciones o corrupción? | Parque tecnológico en Moscú ESP SUB https://youtu.be/uyjfE4YrDaI #rusia #turkmenistan #jenniferlopez Guías de Varlámov: https://ift.tt/wbTyqfp Asesorías y tutoriales de mi equipo para bloggers de YouTube:: https://ift.tt/OjB7oVh Si te ha gustado este vídeo, ¡dale un like, déjale comentarios y compártelo en las redes sociales! ¡Hola! Me llamo Ilya Varlamov, soy periodista ruso y fundador de varios proyectos de mejoramiento urbano de Moscú y muchas ciudades en toda Rusia. Nada en este mundo me gusta tanto como viajar. En este canal hago todo lo posible para brindarte una visión objetiva de la vida en diferentes partes del mundo. ¡Suscríbete para no perderte mis nuevos videos! Apoyar el canal en Patreon: https://ift.tt/uCOg9KI Apoyar el canal con criptomonedas: https://ift.tt/Qv1VHBn Instagram: https://ift.tt/jmr0S6P Twitter: https://ift.tt/osBWtUl Facebook: https://ift.tt/vABzVPY TikTok: https://ift.tt/rYPoEG6 Reddit: https://ift.tt/bnRKA5c Capítulos 00:00 Introducción 01:09 La Unión Soviética en el siglo XXI 02:40 Dos caras de Turkmenistán 06:12 ¿La capital turcomana está vacía? 09:10 ¿Dónde está la gente? 11:00 Historia de Ashgabat, la capital del país 12:02 Casco antiguo y casco nuevo 14:35 El Ministerio de las Alfombras de Turkmenistán 19:40 Nuevas zonas residenciales 23:50 Ciudad de Awaza, el Dubai turcomano 27:20 Turkmenbashi: aquí todo lleva un nombre 31:52 Conclusión via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn9ie6Tz3C4
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Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Scholarships 2024
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mockva · 9 months
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The inscription at the stand with a cow: “Rectal examination and artificial insemination”
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kurshub · 2 months
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8 августа в 20:00 состоится онлайн-вебинар «Технологическое предпринимательство» от МФТИ и Сколково. Это мероприятие для профессионалов, стремящихся углубить свои знания и навыки в области технологического предпринимательства. Полностью новость можно прочитать по ссылке https://kurshub.ru/journal/news/mfti-skolkovo-provedut-onlajn-vebinar-dlya-predprinimatelej-i-tehnarej/ #ОнлайнВебинар #ТехнологическоеПредпринимательство #МФТИ #Сколково #КарьерныйРост #УправлениеПроектами #БизнесОбразование #РазвитиеНавыков #Инновации #Стартапы
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newsreleaser · 3 months
【Russian Business School SKOLKOVO to enhance cooperation with South Korea】 The Moscow-based SKOLKOVO School of Man... - by News PR 👆 Read the full Content!
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esgagile · 3 months
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mgcanadamidas · 3 months
Gas Natural se Transforma en Hidrógeno Limpio
El proceso desarrollado por Skoltech implica la inyección de vapor y un catalizador en un pozo de gas natural, seguido de la adición de oxígeno para encender el gas. Investigadores del Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Skolkovo (Skoltech) han desarrollado una innovadora tecnología que promete cambiar el panorama energético mundial. Han logrado producir hidrógeno a partir de gas natural con…
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pc7ooo · 3 months
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В Сколково откроют первый в России кластер видеоигр
Мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин сообщил в своем Telegram-канале, что скоро в России откроется первый кластер видеоигр и анимации. З��пустить площадку планируют в инновационном центре Сколково уже в 2025 году. По словам чиновника, ведущие и начинающие...
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/06/12/848-v-skolkovo-otkroyut-pervyy-v-rossii-klaster-videoigr-grss-315844093.html
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