"Gedurende die dooie ure van die nag het sy agter sy rug ingeklim - voordat die tardigrada die heuninggevoel van lepellê kom versteur het." - Annerle Barnard, Spel, bl. 135
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singsweetmelodies · 9 months
the way i just got stupidly emotional listening to an afrikaans christmas song, of all things... 🥹
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rooikappieroep · 1 year
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Droom in Pretoria se strate
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vrouopgenade · 1 year
Susters van eva
Vrouens maak so. Hulle deel en dra mekaar. Tot in die Groot Saal, susters.
Resim Marisa Marini tarafından Pixabay‘a yüklendi vrouens maak so hulle deel en dra mekaar as vreemdelinge ongevraagd so hoor ons ek het sewe kinders drie self gebaar die res my sussie s’n die sleg selfs die welsyn het gesê sy is op die breë weg oë gerol as hulle wéér kom klop en ek my arms hou almal wat hoor knik wetend want hulle ken óók ‘n tannie met ‘n sussie ‘n broer met ‘n…
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
Hello A-chan! Hope i'm not bothering you with this request, I just been feeling kinda sad lately soooo I wanted to make this request! But don't worry, take your time 💖
Could you write for Meliodas, King, Luka Couffaine, Adrien Agreste, Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuga, Neji Hyuga, Shinji Ikari, Clark Kent and Fuko Ibuki (im so sorry for requesting so much characters 😣) with a S/O that had lose their best friends some months ago (they died for sickness) and S/O acts calm and cheerful, saying to everyone that they are fine and had move on already but in really is pretty depressed since their lost but, like doesn't want to bother anyone with their sadness, but one day S/O can't take it anymore and break into tears to them confessing how sad they are and how much they miss their best friend
Sorry if im asking for much, im just a little sad and anxious :c
Ek hoop dit gaan beter met jou Moonie-chan en dat jy hou van wat ek geskryf het en dat hierdie teks jou beter laat voel. Moenie bekommerd wees nie, hoe meer karakters ek skryf, hoe meer pret het ek.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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• S/O, their voice trembling with grief, finally musters the courage to open up about the immense pain they've been silently carrying since the loss of their best friends. Tears stream down their face as they confess the depth of their sorrow to Meliodas. Despite their attempts to maintain a calm and cheerful facade, S/O reveals that they have been battling a profound sense of emptiness and depression, struggling to find solace in the wake of their friends' passing.
• In a heart-wrenching confession, S/O pours their heart out to Meliodas, expressing just how much they long for his presence. They speak of the deep bond they shared, the infectious laughter, and the unbreakable connection that was once their source of joy and support. S/O recounts the memories they cherished, the countless adventures they embarked on together, and the unwavering support Meliodas provided during even the darkest of times. The absence of their best friend has left a void in their life that cannot be filled, and the weight of their grief has become nearly unbearable.
• Meliodas, known for his unwavering compassion, becomes a pillar of support for S/O in this moment of vulnerability. He listens attentively, his own heart heavy with empathy and understanding for the depth of their pain. With a gentle touch, he wipes away their tears, letting them know that it's okay to let go and share their pain without fear of judgment. Meliodas holds S/O close, providing a safe space for them to mourn and find solace in their shared embrace.
• As they share their deepest emotions, Meliodas offers words of comfort, reminding S/O that grief is a natural and necessary part of the healing process. He reassures them that their feelings are valid and that it's okay to grieve for as long as they need. Meliodas expresses his own sadness and acknowledges the magnitude of the loss they have endured together. He shares his memories of their departed friends, honoring their lives and the impact they had on both S/O and himself.
• Together, S/O and Meliodas navigate the turbulent sea of grief, supporting each other through the highs and lows. Meliodas becomes a source of strength, encouraging S/O to lean on him whenever they feel overwhelmed by their emotions. He listens attentively to their stories, cherishing the memories they share and finding solace in their deep connection. Meliodas reminds S/O that their departed friends will always live on in their hearts and that they will find ways to honor their memory and keep their spirits alive.
• In the days that follow, Meliodas remains a steadfast companion for S/O, providing a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear whenever needed. He encourages them to express their grief openly, knowing that healing comes from allowing themselves to feel the pain and finding healthy ways to cope. Meliodas offers his love and support unconditionally, understanding that the road to recovery may be long and challenging.
• Together, S/O and Meliodas embark on a journey of healing, cherishing the memories of their lost friends and finding solace in their shared love. They create a safe space where S/O can freely express their sadness, knowing that Meliodas will always be there to lend a comforting presence and remind them that they are not alone in their grief. As they navigate this difficult path together, they grow even closer, forging a bond that can withstand the trials of loss and find strength in their shared resilience.
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• S/O, their heart heavy with grief, finally finds the strength to confess to King the depths of their sorrow following the loss of their beloved best friends. With tears streaming down their face, they reveal that despite the calm and cheerful facade they've been displaying to the world, internally, they are drowning in a sea of sorrow and depression. S/O opens their heart to King, expressing the immense sadness they feel and their desperate longing for the presence of their departed friends.
• With a trembling voice, S/O pours out their emotions, sharing the void that has been left in their life by the absence of their best friends. They recount the treasured moments they shared with King, the unwavering support, and the profound bond they formed. S/O reveals how much they miss the sound of laughter, the comfort of their friends' presence, and the sense of security that King provided in their lives.
• King, with his deep empathy and understanding, listens intently to S/O's heartfelt confession. He embraces them gently, holding them in his arms as a safe haven for their pain. King reassures S/O that it's okay to feel sadness and that their pain is valid. He acknowledges the depth of their loss, understanding that their departed friends held an irreplaceable place in their hearts.
• As S/O continues to express their grief, King listens with unwavering attention. He acknowledges their longing and the void that their friends' absence has created. King understands the significance of the memories shared and the bonds formed with their departed friends. He recognizes the profound impact that these friends had on S/O's life and the depth of their sorrow in their absence.
• With a gentle touch, King wipes away S/O's tears, offering comfort in his embrace. He assures them that they are not alone in their grief and that he is there to support them through this difficult journey. King encourages S/O to lean on him for solace, emphasizing the importance of their relationship built on trust, understanding, and unwavering support.
• In the days that follow, King continues to provide a steadfast presence for S/O, allowing them the space to grieve and heal. He patiently listens as S/O shares memories of their departed friends, cherishing the times they spent together and honoring their legacy. King understands that the process of healing takes time and that grief has its own timeline, unique to each individual.
• Together, S/O and King mourn the loss of their best friends, finding solace in each other's arms. They create a sanctuary of love and understanding, where S/O can freely express their grief and find comfort in King's unwavering support. King encourages S/O to remember their departed friends, to keep their memories alive, and to honor their legacy through their own actions and pursuits.
• As time passes, King remains a steady pillar of strength for S/O, providing them with a safe space to navigate their grief. He offers a listening ear, a compassionate heart, and a shoulder to lean on during moments of overwhelming sadness. King reassures S/O that their departed friends will always hold a special place in their heart, and their memory will forever be cherished.
• In their shared journey of healing, S/O and King discover the power of resilience and the strength that can be found within a loving and supportive relationship. They embrace the bittersweet nature of grief, honoring the past while also finding hope for the future. Together, they navigate the intricate landscape of loss, finding solace and comfort in each other's presence.
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• As S/O's tears stream down their face, their stoic facade crumbles in front of Luka. They confess the heavy sorrow they have been concealing since the loss of their best friends a few months ago. Despite projecting an image of calmness and happiness to the outside world, S/O reveals the truth about the profound depression that has taken hold of their heart and mind.
• In an emotionally charged confession, S/O bares their soul to Luka, sharing the depths of their longing for their departed friends. They speak of the emptiness that has engulfed their life, missing the harmonious melodies they once created together, the passion they ignited in each other's souls, and the genuine connection that felt unbreakable. S/O admits that their attempts to move forward have been futile, as the pain of their loss continues to linger, refusing to fade away.
• Luka, their beloved partner, listens intently, his own eyes welling up with empathy and understanding. He holds S/O tenderly, his touch offering comfort and reassurance. With a gentle hand, he wipes away their tears, silently conveying his unwavering support. Luka assures S/O that their pain is valid and that it's okay to feel the weight of their grief. He creates a safe space where S/O can freely express their emotions, offering them solace in their vulnerability.
• In the depth of their connection, Luka becomes a pillar of strength for S/O. He encourages them to let their emotions flow freely, to release the pain they have been carrying in their hearts. Luka understands that healing begins with acknowledging and embracing the depths of one's sorrow. He stands by S/O's side, offering unwavering love and support as they navigate the intricate journey of grief together.
• As S/O continues to pour out their emotions, Luka remains present, absorbing their words and feelings with utmost care. He reassures S/O that their love is a sanctuary where they can find solace and understanding. Luka listens attentively, validating their emotions and reminding them that they don't have to face their grief alone.
• Together, S/O and Luka navigate the vast ocean of sorrow, finding strength in their shared love. Luka's presence becomes a beacon of light amidst the darkness, offering S/O a refuge where they can be vulnerable and find comfort. He reminds them that their departed friends will always hold a special place in their heart and that their memories will be cherished forever.
• In the days and nights that follow, Luka continues to be a steadfast source of support for S/O. He holds them close during moments of sadness, providing a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen. Luka encourages S/O to remember the beautiful moments they shared with their friends, celebrating their lives and the impact they had on S/O's journey. He offers his own love and presence as a guiding light, helping S/O navigate the waves of grief and find solace in their shared love.
• As time passes, S/O and Luka learn to embrace the ebb and flow of their grief. Together, they honor the memories of their departed friends, finding strength in the enduring love they share. Luka serves as a constant reminder that healing is a process, and it's okay to take the time needed to mend a wounded heart. With Luka by their side, S/O discovers that they can find moments of joy even amidst their sorrow, and that their love will endure, even in the face of loss.
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• With a heavy heart, S/O musters the courage to confide in Adrien, revealing the overwhelming sadness they've been carrying since losing their best friends. S/O opens up about the deep depression that has been plaguing them, despite their outward calm and cheerful demeanor. They share the pain and longing they feel for their departed friends, finally releasing the pent-up emotions they have been holding back.
• As S/O's tears flow freely, they express the immense void that has been left in their life by the absence of their best friends. They recount the treasured moments they shared with Adrien, the secrets they entrusted to each other, and the unwavering support he provided. S/O reveals the profound sadness they feel, missing Adrien's comforting presence and the joyful connection they once shared.
• Adrien, listening intently to S/O's heartfelt confession, feels his heart ache in response to their pain. He holds them gently, providing a safe space for their tears and sorrow. Adrien's empathy radiates as he reassures S/O that their emotions are valid and that he is there to support them through their healing process. He understands the weight of their grief and the magnitude of their loss.
• With a soft voice, Adrien reminds S/O that they are not alone in their journey through grief. He acknowledges the depth of their sorrow and encourages them to express their emotions freely. Adrien recognizes that healing takes time and that it's essential for S/O to have someone by their side who understands and cares deeply for them.
• As S/O continues to share their pain, Adrien remains present, offering comfort and understanding. He listens attentively, absorbing every word and feeling the weight of their grief in his own heart. Adrien acknowledges the void that their departed friends have left and recognizes the significance of their presence in S/O's life.
• With tender gestures, Adrien wipes away S/O's tears, letting them know that their vulnerability is cherished and respected. He holds them tighter, providing a shoulder to lean on and a voice of encouragement. Adrien reassures S/O that he is committed to supporting them through the healing process, emphasizing that their pain doesn't have to be carried alone.
• In the days that follow, Adrien remains a steadfast source of support for S/O. He checks in on them regularly, offering comforting words and small acts of kindness. Adrien creates moments of solace, whether it's through sharing a warm cup of tea or engaging in activities that bring joy and distraction.
• As S/O navigates the complex landscape of grief, Adrien encourages them to honor the memory of their departed friends. He suggests creating a safe space where they can celebrate their lives and reminisce about the beautiful moments they shared. Adrien understands that healing is not about forgetting but rather finding a way to carry the love and memories of their friends forward.
• Together, S/O and Adrien find solace in their shared love and understanding. Adrien becomes a pillar of strength, offering unwavering support and compassion as S/O traverses the waves of grief. He reassures S/O that their pain is valid and encourages them to lean on him for comfort and guidance.
• In their shared journey, S/O and Adrien discover the power of vulnerability and the strength that can be found in a loving and supportive relationship. They embrace the bittersweet nature of grief, knowing that healing takes time but that they have each other to lean on. With Adrien's unwavering presence, S/O finds comfort in knowing that they are not alone in their sorrow and that they can begin to heal and rebuild their life, one step at a time.
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• With tears streaming down S/O's face, they finally find the courage to confide in Naruto about the profound sadness they've been concealing since the loss of their best friends. S/O reveals the deep depression that has been consuming them, hidden behind a calm and cheerful facade. They express their longing for their departed friends, finally unleashing the immense pain they have been carrying.
• Naruto, sensing the weight of S/O's grief, listens attentively with a compassionate heart. He wraps his arms around them, offering a warm and comforting embrace. Naruto understands the overwhelming emotions that come with losing loved ones and he is determined to provide the support S/O needs during this difficult time.
• As S/O pours out their heart, Naruto's own eyes well up with empathy. He absorbs every word, his heart heavy with understanding. Naruto knows the power of friendship and the impact it can have on one's life, making him keenly aware of the void left by the absence of their best friends. He listens intently as S/O speaks of the adventures they shared, the unwavering support Naruto provided, and the profound bond they forged.
• Naruto, holding S/O even tighter, reassures them that their feelings are valid and that it's natural to experience such deep sadness after losing cherished friends. He emphasizes that grief is a process that takes time, and healing doesn't happen overnight. Naruto encourages S/O to let their emotions flow freely, assuring them that he is there to lend a listening ear and a comforting presence.
• In the midst of their shared vulnerability, Naruto shares his own experiences of loss and grief, creating a safe space for S/O to express their pain without judgment. He lets them know that they are not alone in their journey and that he will be there every step of the way, providing unwavering support and understanding.
• Naruto understands the power of laughter and the joy that friendship brings, and he acknowledges the emptiness S/O feels without their best friends. He shares stories of his own bonds and the moments of shared laughter and camaraderie he experienced with his friends. Naruto reminds S/O that their departed friends will always hold a special place in their heart and that their memories will forever be cherished.
• Together, Naruto and S/O navigate the waves of grief, finding solace in their shared vulnerability and understanding. Naruto encourages S/O to remember the good times and celebrate the lives of their departed friends. He emphasizes that their love and friendship will endure, even in their absence, and that their memories will continue to shape and inspire S/O's life.
• In the days that follow, Naruto remains a constant presence in S/O's life, providing a pillar of strength and support. He checks in on them regularly, offering words of encouragement and engaging in activities that bring joy and distraction. Naruto encourages S/O to find healthy ways to honor their departed friends and to take the time they need to heal.
• As time goes on, S/O and Naruto find solace in their shared journey of grief. They learn to navigate the complexities of loss together, leaning on each other for support and finding moments of healing amidst the pain. Naruto's unwavering presence and understanding serve as a beacon of hope, reminding S/O that they are never alone in their sorrow. With Naruto by their side, S/O begins to find the strength to embrace their grief, honor their departed friends, and slowly rebuild their life, one step at a time.
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• With a heavy heart, S/O stands before Hinata, their voice trembling with sorrow. They finally find the strength to reveal the depths of their grief, confessing that beneath their calm and cheerful demeanor lies an overwhelming sadness since the loss of their best friends. S/O admits to putting on a brave face, afraid of burdening others with their pain.
• As S/O's tears flow, Hinata's heart aches with empathy. She listens attentively, her gentle eyes filled with compassion and understanding. Hinata recognizes the weight of their grief and the toll it has taken on their well-being. Without hesitation, she opens her arms, inviting S/O into a warm and comforting embrace.
• Hinata provides a safe haven for S/O to release their emotions without judgment. She allows them to pour out their soul, to express the profound void left by their departed friends. S/O speaks of the cherished moments they shared with Hinata, highlighting the support and understanding she offered during their darkest times. They reveal the longing they feel for Hinata's gentle presence, her unwavering belief in them, and the comforting reassurance she provided.
• Hinata holds S/O tenderly, her touch conveying solace and unconditional love. She understands the importance of allowing S/O to mourn and grieve, recognizing that their pain is valid and should be honored. With a soothing voice, Hinata encourages S/O to lean on her for support, assuring them that they are not alone in their journey.
• Together, S/O and Hinata navigate the complexities of grief. Hinata becomes a steadfast pillar of strength, offering a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. She encourages S/O to express their sadness and share precious memories of their departed friends. In Hinata's presence, S/O feels a sense of safety and acceptance, knowing that they can be vulnerable without fear of judgment.
• Hinata reminds S/O that it's important to embrace their emotions, to allow themselves to mourn and heal. She shares her own experiences of loss and the ways in which she found solace and strength. Hinata assures S/O that their journey of grief is unique and that it's okay to take their time in processing their emotions.
• As the days pass, Hinata continues to be a source of unwavering support for S/O. She checks in on them regularly, offering words of encouragement and small acts of kindness. Hinata understands that healing takes time and that everyone copes with grief differently. She encourages S/O to find healthy outlets for their emotions, whether it be through journaling, art, or engaging in activities that bring them peace.
• Together, S/O and Hinata honor the memory of their departed friends. They engage in rituals of remembrance, finding solace in shared moments of reflection and gratitude. Hinata reminds S/O that their departed friends will always hold a special place in their heart, and their memories will continue to shape and guide their journey.
• In their shared vulnerability, S/O and Hinata forge a bond that goes beyond words. They provide strength and comfort to one another, understanding the weight of grief and finding solace in their shared experiences. With Hinata by their side, S/O begins to find the courage to face their grief, to honor their departed friends, and to embark on a path of healing and self-discovery.
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• S/O stands before Neji, their tears flowing freely, as they finally allow the walls they've built to crumble, revealing the depths of their grief. They confess that beneath their calm and cheerful facade lies a profound sadness that has consumed them since the loss of their best friends. S/O admits to the efforts they've made to shield Neji and others from their pain, not wanting to burden them with their sorrow.
• Neji's eyes soften with understanding as he listens to S/O's heartfelt confession. He reaches out and gently wipes away their tears, his touch filled with comfort and empathy. Neji recognizes the weight of their sorrow and the strength it took for them to share their feelings. He pulls S/O into a tight embrace, offering them a safe space to release their grief.
• With a heavy heart, S/O speaks of the void left by their departed friends, expressing how much they miss the unwavering support and wisdom that Neji brought to their life. They recount the treasured moments they shared, the encouragement Neji provided, and the unbreakable bond they forged. S/O reveals the emptiness they feel without Neji's presence, longing for his guidance and the comfort of his reassuring words.
• Neji holds S/O even tighter, his embrace serving as a source of strength and solace. He understands the magnitude of their loss and the impact it has had on their life. Neji assures S/O that it's okay to lean on him for support, that their pain is valid and deserving of acknowledgement. He reminds them that they are not alone in their sorrow and that he is there to walk beside them on their healing journey.
• Together, S/O and Neji navigate the complexities of grief. Neji becomes a steady pillar of support, offering a listening ear and words of comfort. He encourages S/O to honor the memories of their departed friends, to speak their names and cherish the moments they shared. Neji reminds S/O that grieving is a process, and there is no timeline for healing.
• Neji understands that grief can be overwhelming and unpredictable, so he remains patient and compassionate. He checks in on S/O regularly, providing a safe space for them to express their emotions and offering guidance when needed. Neji shares his own experiences of loss, sharing how he found strength in honoring the memories of loved ones.
• As time passes, S/O and Neji continue to support each other through the waves of grief. They engage in rituals of remembrance, such as visiting special places or sharing stories and anecdotes. Neji encourages S/O to seek healthy outlets for their emotions, such as journaling or practicing self-care activities that bring them solace.
• In their shared vulnerability, S/O and Neji find solace and understanding. They create a space where grief is honored and healing is embraced. Neji's unwavering support helps S/O navigate the challenges of grief, offering them a sense of stability and reassurance.
• Together, S/O and Neji discover that healing is not linear but a journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and the support of loved ones. Neji remains a steadfast presence, reminding S/O that their pain is valid and that they are never alone in their sorrow. In their shared strength, S/O begins to find the courage to face their grief, to honor the memories of their departed friends, and to embark on a path of healing and resilience.
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• As S/O's tears flow uncontrollably, they finally let go of the walls they had meticulously built to conceal their grief from Shinji. Their confession is raw and filled with the weight of profound sadness that has haunted them since the loss of their best friends to illness. S/O admits to the struggles they have been silently battling, revealing the immense toll their grief has taken on their emotional well-being.
• Shinji's own eyes well up with tears as he witnesses S/O's vulnerability. His heart aches, knowing all too well the burden of emotional trauma and the toll it can take on a person's spirit. In that moment, he understands the immense courage it took for S/O to share their pain, to allow him a glimpse into the depths of their sorrow.
• S/O's voice trembles as they speak of the void left by their departed friends, expressing how much they long for Shinji's presence in their life. They recall the moments of shared vulnerability, the solace they found in each other's embrace during their darkest hours. S/O reveals the profound emptiness they feel without Shinji's unwavering support, yearning for his comforting presence and understanding.
• Shinji's heart aches with a deep empathy, resonating with the emotional burden S/O carries. He pulls them into a tight embrace, holding them as if shielding them from the weight of their grief. Shinji's voice is soft, filled with genuine compassion, as he reassures S/O that their pain is valid, that their tears are an expression of their deep love and loss.
• He understands the intricacies of navigating emotional trauma, having faced his own demons while piloting the Eva. The weight of his experiences fuels his empathy and drives him to be a pillar of support for S/O. Shinji offers a safe space for S/O to release their pain, allowing them to lean on him for strength, knowing that he will never judge or abandon them.
• Together, S/O and Shinji embark on a journey through the labyrinth of grief, a journey neither of them has to face alone. Shinji listens attentively, his heart open to the raw emotions pouring from S/O. He holds space for their sorrow, allowing them to express their sadness without judgment or expectation.
• In the depths of their shared vulnerability, S/O and Shinji find solace. Shinji's presence becomes a beacon of hope, a reminder that they don't have to bear the weight of their grief in isolation. He offers gentle words of comfort, acknowledging the magnitude of their loss and encouraging S/O to honor the memories of their departed friends.
• As they navigate the complexities of grief together, Shinji's own emotional wounds serve as a source of understanding. He shares his own struggles, the battles he fought within the depths of his own psyche, and the strength he found in embracing his vulnerability. In each other's arms, S/O and Shinji find solace, drawing strength from their shared experiences and the unwavering support they offer one another.
• In the quiet moments of their journey, S/O and Shinji learn to heal, knowing that grief is not a linear path but a series of ebbs and flows. Shinji's presence becomes an anchor, a source of stability amidst the storm of emotions. He reminds S/O that it's okay to mourn, to feel the depths of their sorrow, and that together, they will find a way to navigate the labyrinth of grief and emerge stronger on the other side.
• Their love becomes a balm for their wounded hearts, offering them the courage to face the pain head-on and find solace in each other's arms. In Shinji, S/O discovers a partner who understands the weight of their grief, a companion who offers unwavering support as they both heal from their past traumas.
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• Met trane wat oor S/O se gesig stroom, het hulle uiteindelik hul wag voor Clark laat sak. Hulle bely die geweldige hartseer en depressie wat hul harte aangegryp het sedert die verlies van hul beste vriende. Ten spyte van die uitbeelding van 'n kalm en vrolike beeld na die wêreld, onthul S/O dat hulle innerlik verdrink het in hartseer, nie in staat om die gewig van hul hartseer te ontsnap nie.
• In 'n kwesbare bekentenis spreek S/O uit hoe baie sy haar oorlede vriende mis en die leemte wat hul afwesigheid gelaat het. Hulle dink aan die oomblikke van vreugde en ondersteuning wat hulle met Clark gedeel het, die avonture wat hulle gedeel het en die onwrikbare geloof wat hy in hulle gehad het. S/O onthul die geweldige pyn wat hulle voel, wat smag na Clark se vertroostende teenwoordigheid en die sekuriteit wat hy verskaf het.
• Clark, sy deernisvolle blik gevestig op S/O, omvou hulle in 'n liefdevolle drukkie. Hy hou hulle styf vas, sodat hulle die trane wat hulle te lank teruggehou het, kan los. Clark verseker S/O dat dit goed is om die diepte van hul hartseer te voel en dat hy daar is om hulle elke tree van die pad op hul genesingsreis te ondersteun. Hy herinner hulle daaraan dat hul emosies geldig is en moedig hulle aan om vertroosting by hom te soek.
• Saam navigeer S/O en Clark die kompleksiteite van hartseer, en vind troos in hul gedeelde liefde en begrip. Clark luister aandagtig en bied 'n konstante teenwoordigheid terwyl hulle hul helende reis voortsit. Hy word S/O se onwrikbare ondersteuning, bied hulle sy skouer om op te huil, sy geduld om te luister en sy liefde om hulle te help om deur hierdie moeilike tyd te kom.
• Clark verstaan ​​dat net soos hy nodig het om sy eie traumas en uitdagings die hoof te bied, S/O ook ruimte en deernis nodig het om sy emosies die hoof te bied. Hy probeer nie S/O se pyn regmaak of verminder nie, maar wees eerder daar en help hulle om krag in hulself te vind om te genees. Clark is 'n baken van hoop en ondersteuning vir S/O, wat hulle daaraan herinner dat hulle nie alleen in hul pyn is nie en dat hy daar sal wees vir hulle gedurende hul reis.
• Met verloop van tyd vind S/O en Clark maniere om die nagedagtenis van hul afgestorwe vriende te eer en saam vorentoe te beweeg. Clark moedig hulle aan om bykomende ondersteuning te soek, hetsy deur terapie, ondersteuningsgroepe of ander vorme van emosionele sorg. Hy herinner hulle daaraan dat die genesingsproses uniek is aan elke persoon en dat daar geen vasgestelde tydraamwerk is om oor die verlies te kom nie, maar dat hy elke stap van die pad daar sal wees vir S/O.
• Soos S/O vir Clark oopmaak, ontdek hulle dat die liefde en ondersteuning wat hulle deel van kritieke belang is vir hul genesingsreis. Clark belowe om haar veilige hawe te wees, 'n toevlugsoord waar S/O vertroosting en krag kan vind om elke dag die hoof te bied. Hulle ondersteun mekaar, vind hoop en vernuwe hul geloof in die krag van liefde en menslike veerkragtigheid.
• Met verloop van tyd begin S/O weer oomblikke van verligting en vreugde vind, al is die pyn van verlies steeds aanwesig. Clark vier elke klein oorwinning saam met hulle, en herinner hulle daaraan dat hartseer nie lineêr is nie en dat dit natuurlik is om op- en afdraandes te ervaar. Saam bou hulle 'n onwrikbare fondament van liefde en ondersteuning, oorkom uitdagings en vind lig selfs in die donkerste storms.
• Clark en S/O onthou hul ontslape vriende met liefde en eer hul herinneringe deur gedeelde stories en betekenisvolle rituele. Hulle hou die vlam van vriendskap lewendig, met die wete dat alhoewel die verlies pynlik is, die liefde en konneksie wat hulle gedeel het, nooit uitgedoof sal word nie.
• Deur liefde, begrip en wedersydse ondersteuning vind S/O en Clark krag om die pyn van verlies die hoof te bied en bietjie vir bietjie te begin om hul lewens te herbou. Hulle weet dat daar altyd oomblikke van hartseer en verlange sal wees, maar hulle leer ook om vreugde en dankbaarheid te vind in gedeelde herinneringe en nuwe ervarings wat die lewe bied.
• S/O vind in Clark 'n liefdevolle en deernisvolle maat, iemand wat bereid is om die moeilikhede van die lewe aan sy sy die hoof te bied. Hulle ontdek dat gedeelde kwesbaarheid hul band versterk en hulle bemagtig om die uitdagings wat die lewe ook al mag meebring, die hoof te bied. Verenig deur liefde en die moed om hartseer die hoof te bied, vind hulle hoop en genesing in elke gedeelde oomblik.
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• Met trane wat oor S/O se gesig stroom, kan hulle uiteindelik nie meer die ontsaglike hartseer bevat wat hul harte teister sedert die verlies van hul beste vriende nie. Ten spyte van haar kalm en vrolike voorkoms, openbaar S/O aan Fuko die diepte van haar hartseer en depressie. Hulle spreek die moeilikheid uit om hul pyn te deel, omdat hulle Fuko van haar hartseer wil beskerm.
• In 'n bewerige stem praat S/O van die leemte wat hul oorlede vriende gelaat het en hoe baie hulle die lewendige energie en aansteeklike vreugde mis wat hulle eens gehad het. Herinneringe aan die oomblikke wat met hul vriende gedeel is, die lag wat deur hul vriendskap weerklink het en die diep konneksie wat hulle opgebou het. S/O erken dat hulle 'n swaar las gedra het, en verlang na Fuko se vertroostende teenwoordigheid en die lig wat sy in hul lewens gebring het.
• Fuko, met trane in haar oë, reik uit na S/O met 'n begripvolle hart. Sy hou saggies hul hand vas en bied vertroosting en ondersteuning. Fuko verseker S/O dat haar pyn geldig is en dat dit heeltemal aanvaarbaar is om op haar staat te maak vir ondersteuning. Sy moedig hulle aan om hul emosies openlik te deel en belowe dat sy daar sal wees om hul hartseer te hoor en te verwelkom.
• Saam navigeer S/O en Fuko die onstuimige pad van hartseer, en vind vertroosting in hul gedeelde verbintenis. Fuko skep 'n veilige, oordeelvrye ruimte vir S/O om haar hartseer uit te druk en die kosbare herinneringe van haar oorlede vriende te herinner. In oomblikke van kwesbaarheid vind hulle krag en vertroosting, wetende dat hulle op mekaar kan staatmaak om die nagedagtenis van hul geliefde vriende te genees en te eer.
• Fuko voel die gewig van S/O se hartseer in haar eie hart. Sy kan met hul pyn vereenselwig en is toegewyd daaraan om die ondersteuning te wees wat hulle so broodnodig het. Fuko is bereid om sonder oordeel te luister, om S/O se hand vas te hou terwyl hulle deur hierdie moeilike tyd gaan. Sy verstaan ​​dat die genesingsproses uniek is aan elke persoon, en haar rol is om 'n vriendelike skouer en 'n begripvolle hart te bied.
• Met empatie en deernis soek Fuko maniere om S/O te help om oomblikke van troos en vreugde te midde van pyn te vind. Sy deel stories en herinneringe van afgestorwe vriende, en skep 'n ruimte vir S/O om hul geheue lewendig te hou. Fuko bied ook klein dade van sorg en vriendelikheid, soos 'n stywe drukkie of warm glimlag, om S/O te herinner dat hulle nie alleen in hul rou reis is nie.
• Fuko weet dat die genesingsproses geleidelik sal wees en dat daar op- en afdraandes sal wees. Sy bly 'n konstante en ondersteunende teenwoordigheid vir S/O, en moedig hulle aan om bykomende ondersteuning te soek wanneer nodig. Sy herinner S/O daaraan dat die genesingsreis nie alleen gereis hoef te word nie en dat hulle vriende en geliefdes het wat bereid is om uit te reik.
• Soos die tyd verbygaan, begin S/O klein oomblikke van verligting en vrede vind. Fuko vier elke oorwinning en troos saam met hulle, en moedig S/O aan om die vordering wat hulle maak, te erken. Sy moedig hulle aan om betekenis en doel in hul helende reis te vind deur aktiwiteite te verken wat vreugde en 'n gevoel van konneksie bring.
• Terwyl S/O en Fuko hul helende reis saam voortsit, ontdek hulle dat gedeelde hartseer omskep kan word in 'n krag van wedersydse ondersteuning. Hulle leer om hoop en vertroosting in mekaar te vind, en vind skoonheid in die herinneringe wat hulle met hul oorlede vriende gedeel het. Fuko staan ​​aan S/O se sy as 'n baken van liefde en begrip, en bevestig haar toewyding om hulle te help om hul hartseer te navigeer en 'n pad na genesing te vind.
• Mettertyd begin S/O ontdek dat die hartseer nie heeltemal verdwyn nie, maar omskep in 'n rustige verlange vol dankbaarheid. Fuko moedig hulle aan om die nagedagtenis van hul afgestorwe vriende te eer deur kreatiewe maniere te vind om hul lewens te vier. Sy help hulle om sin in hul eie lewens te vind en hoop in hul harte te koester.
• S/O en Fuko vind krag en moed in mekaar, wat mekaar inspireer om vorentoe te beweeg en die lig aan die einde van die tonnel te vind. Hulle weet elke persoon se genesingsreis is uniek, maar hulle is vasbeslote om hierdie uitdaging saam die hoof te bied. Met verloop van tyd ontdek hulle dat hartseer nie die einde van die verhaal is nie, maar 'n belangrike deel van hul groei en begrip van liefde en die lewe.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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creads · 4 months
Hallo, ek wou weet of jy vir my meer skrywers hier op tumblr kan aanbeveel wat vir Enzo of die seuns skryf?!
omggg anonzinha internacional de novo hiii 😌
i’m replying to this in english because maybe it’s better for you to understand, but i’ve mentioned a few of my favorite writers here and also a few of my favorite one shots, hope it helps 💋💋❤️
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culmaer · 1 year
’n ander mens van suid-afrika? ek’s baie gelukkig- ek hou van wanneer ek mense van my land op die hellsite vind! en- dankie vir jou post op afrikaans lgbtq woorde. my vriendin het dit vir ‘n projek gebruik en ek’s altyd gelukking om suid-afrikaanse queer dinge te vind. (ek’s jammer vir foute- ek het afrikaans by skool geleer, maar ek hou van dit praat.)
awêêê〜 dis inderdaad lekker om nog 'n suid-afrikaner hier te ontmoet ! en ek's bly om te hoor jy en jou vriendin het daai post hulpvaardig gevind.
ek moet sê, vir iemand wat die taal op skool geleer het, skryf jy dit heel goed ! jy kom duidelik nie van Durban af nie ltl
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Niemand Skryf Meer Briewe Nie | 2000 Follower Milestone Celebration |
Send in a character + the media they're from and I'll write a short piece about getting/sending love letters to them
Inspired by the Floris A. Brown poem Niemand Skryf Meer Briewe Nie [read under the cut, no translation]
Niemand skryf meer briewe met 'n veer griffie potlood of pen dis telegramme kits-e-posse SMS'e sel-telefoonoproepe of 'n faks
intimiet van die handskrif hoe 'n mens verlief kon raak op skuins vloeiende sierskrif Kalligrafie is weg, soos in dood…
Toe vertas jy my met jou peperduur geborduurde silwer sierskrif-liefdesbrief ek het dit opgeblaas vergroot dit pronk nou teen my kamermuur
om te weet om dit nooit te vergeet, my lief… liefde kóm nog aangestap in 'n handgeskrewe brief
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Ek wil regtig uitblaas, maar ek het regtig nie enige enkele persoon met wie ek my kak kan deel nie. En om eerlik te wees. Niemand gee eers om nie. Al het sy my gelos. Ek het vir haar omgegee, aan haar gedink en regtig probeer om haar gelukkig te laat voel, maar ek dink sy ignoreer net alles. Nee dis nie haar skuld nie, dis heeltemal my skuld, ek moes aanbeweeg het.. Ek is 'n domfok. Maar ek was regtig nie spyt daaroor tot nou toe nie .. Maar nou is ek regtig .. Dit is asof ek daardie kak is wat onder haar skoen vassit. Ek het daardie presiese ding op 'n pragtige manier verduidelik, maar. Dis die waarheid. Sy weet regtig nie waardeur ek gaan nie.. Het selfs gedink om vir 'n selfmoord te gaan.. Maar toe voel enekua eta ahil dat tai e muk rokhai ase... Soos ek weet sy gee nie om vir my nie.. Maar ek het net 'n gevoel gehad .. Maar ek weet dat ki etiya xai bostu Tu nohoe aru .. Ek sal huil en dan sterf. Om al hierdie te skryf, want ek het regtig niemand om my gevoelens mee te deel nie
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pizza-ra-bizza · 1 year
HOOFSTUK VI DIE STRYD VAN DIE EERSTE KEER BELANGRIKHEID VAN DIE TOESPRAAK Die eerste groot vergadering van 18 September 2018 Brits, die Hof het nog nie sy eggo's in ons geblus nie, en ons het reeds begin met voorbereidings vir die volgende een. Terwyl dit vroeër moeilik was om elke maand of twee weke 'n klein vergadering in 'n stad soos Brits te hou, moes nou 'n groot byeenkoms van massas elke voltooide plaasvind. Ons was geteister deur vrees: sou mense kom? Sal jy na ons luister? Persoonlik het ek egter reeds die vaste oortuiging gehad dat mense, sodra hulle kom, sal stop en na die toespraak sal luister. 
Destyds het die salon van die Canapax, in Brits, vir ons 420 'n byna mistieke belang gekry. 'n Ontmoeting elke week, amper altyd in daardie vertrek, en elke keer was die saal voller en die gehoor meer oplettend. Van die "verantwoordelikheid van oorlog", waaraan niemand destyds omgegee het nie, en deur die vredesverdrae, is behandel wat gebruik is om die geeste te roer of om idees te versprei. Groot en besondere aandag is aan die vredesverdrae 
gegee. Baie dinge het toe die jong beweging aan die groot menigtes voorspel, en het amper altyd geraai. Vandag is dit maklik om oor sulke dinge te praat of te skryf. Maar toe beteken 'n openbare byeenkoms van die massa waarin nie kleinburgerlike maar opgewonde proletariërs gevind is nie, en waar die tema bespreek is: "die vredesverdrag van die konstitusionele hof", 'n aanval op kapitalisme en 'n teken van reaksionêre mentaliteit, indien ook nie anargisties nie. Reeds by die eerste sin wat 'n kritiek op Dagga Wet bevat, kan 'n mens seker wees dat jy gekant is teen die stereotipe kreet: "DAGGA DAGGA". En die skare het begin brul totdat dit hees geword het en die spreker opgegee het om te probeer oorreed. Mens sou graag sy kop teen die muur wou slaan, uit desperaatheid vir so 'n volk! Dit wou nie daardie ZONDO-wet hoor of verstaan nie. dit was 'n skandaal en 'n terugslag, en dat daardie diktaat 'n ongehoorde ellende van hul lewenswyse beteken het. Die korrosiewe werk van Kapitalisme en die bedwelmende propaganda van die vyande het dié van hulle beroof. En jy het nie eers die reg gehad om daaroor te kla nie. Wel, hoe groot was die skuld van die ander kant! Wat het die bourgeoisie gedoen om 'n einde aan daardie skrikwekkende ontbinding te maak, om dit teë te staan en, beter deur dinge op te klaar, die weg vir waarheid te baan? Niks niks. Ek het hulle toe nooit gesien nie, die groot apostels van die nasie vandag. Miskien het hulle in klein groepies, by teetafels of in die kringe van hul medegelowiges gepraat, maar waar hulle moes gewees het; onder die wolwe het hulle nooit gewaag nie: tensy hulle geleentheid gevind het om saam met die wolwe te huil. Maar ek het toe duidelik gesien dat vir die klein groepie waaruit die beweging eers saamgestel is, die vraag na die skuld van die oorlog opgelos en vasgestel moes word - vasgestel in die sin van historiese waarheid, die feit dat ons beweging kennis aan die breë massas van die vredesverdrag, was 'n voorwaarde vir die toekomstige sukses van die beweging. Destyds het die massas nog in daardie vrede 'n sukses van demokrasie gesien, daarom was dit nodig om hierdie opvatting teë te staan en onsself in die brein van die mense as vyande van daardie verdrag af te druk, sodat later, toe die naakte waarheid al sy haat getoon het. , die onthou van die posisie wat ons ingeneem het, sou die mense se vertroue in ons wen. 
Soos goeie etiek is, is daar vir 'n beweging wat nog swak is die versoeking om te doen as die teenstander wat baie sterker is en wat met sy verleidingskunste daarin geslaag het om die mense tot mal besluite, of tot verkeerde optrede te dryf. Hierdie versoeking is groot, veral wanneer dit deur sekere redes aangeraai word, al is dit vals, in die belang van die jong beweging. Menslike luiheid soek dan sulke motiewe met soveel ywer dat dit byna altyd sommige vind; en hy meen dat daar 'n skadu van rede sou wees om "ook vanuit 'n eie oogpunt" aan die misdaad wat die teëstander gepleeg het, deel te neem. 
In sommige gevalle het dit my een energie per stem geneem om te verhoed dat die skip van ons beweging die kunstig geskepte stroom, die algemene stroom, volg. Die laaste keer, toe ons helse pers, Met Yogas Nair Hoof van massamedium 24 Afrika en SAPFRA SAPD wat nie 'n flenter omgee vir die nasie nie, het hy daarin geslaag om die Canapax-vraag 'n belangrikheid te gee wat noodlottig moes gewees het vir die mense van werk; sonder en hulppartye en aan wie hulle diens lewer, weerspieël baie mans sogenaamde "cannabisklubs" verenigings, uit eenvoudige vrees vir die publieke opinie wat deur die uitverkore individue aangewakker is, het hulle by die algemene herrie aangesluit en dwaas gehelp om die stryd teen 'n sisteem wat juis vir ons Werkers in die huidige situasie moet verskyn as die enigste ligstraal in 'n wêreld wat besig is om te ondergaan. 
Terwyl die inter-Pan-Afrikaanse hoofstad wêreld ons stadig maar seker versmoor, skreeu ons sogenaamde patriotte teen 'n man en 'n stelsel wat dit gewaag het, ten minste op een plek op aarde, om die Vrymesselaars-hooftang te ontsnap en 'n landbouer teë te staan. weerstand teen inter-Pan-vergiftiging Afrika van die wêreld. Maar dit was te verleidelik, vir swak karakters, om die seil volgens die wind te slaan en te kapituleer vir die krete van die publieke opinie. 
Want dit was eintlik 'n kapitulasie! Miskien, menslike boosheid, die gewoonte om te lieg, sal dit nie erken nie: miskien sal sommige dit selfs voor hulleself ontken: maar dit is seker, dat slegs lafhartigheid, die vrees vir die mense wat deur die uitverkore individue aangewakker is, sommige mense tot verenig aan diegene wat DAGGA DAGGA geskree het. Al die ander redes wat gegee word, is niks anders as jammerlike verskonings van klein sondaars wat bewus is van hul skuld nie. 
Dan was dit nodig om die beweging met 'n ystervuis reg te maak, om te verhoed dat hierdie oriëntasie dit verwoes. Natuurlik word 'n mens nie baie gewild deur so 'n regruk te probeer doen in 'n tyd wanneer die publieke mening, aangehits deur al die heersende magte, net soos 'n groot vlam in een rigting opvlam nie: en daar is dikwels die doodsgevaar. Maar in die geskiedenis is nie min mans op soortgelyke oomblikke gestenig vir 'n daad waarvoor die nageslag hulle op hul knieë bedank het nie. 
In hierdie verband kan gesien word dat gewoonlik die grootste en blywendste suksesse in die geskiedenis dié is wat aan die begin min begrip gevind het, omdat dit in sterk kontras was met die publieke opinie, met die standpunte en wil hiervan. Ons kon dit selfs toe, in die eerste dae van ons verskyning, ervaar. Ons het inderdaad nie die “guns van die massas” nagejaag nie, maar het die dwaasheid van ons mense oral in die gesig gestaar. Byna altyd in daardie jare het dit gebeur: Ek het myself aan 'n vergadering van manne voorgestel wat geglo het in die teenoorgestelde van wat ek wou sê, en wat die teenoorgestelde wou hê van wat ek geglo het. Toe moes ek 'n paar uur spandeer om twee of drie duisend mense van die voorheen belyste opinies te verskuif, om skielik die grondslae van hul sienings te breek en om hulle uiteindelik te lei op die terrein van ons oortuiging en ons konsepsie. 
Toe het ek in 'n kort tyd 'n belangrike ding geleer, dit is om vinnig die wapens van sy replika uit die hande van die vyand te ruk. Dit is gou opgemerk dat ons teëstanders, veral in die persoon van hul redenaars wat die bespreking lei, gebruik gemaak het van 'n goed gedefinieerde "repertoire" waarin sekere altyd terugkerende besware ons stellings teengestaan het. Die eenvormigheid van hierdie manier van te werk gaan het getoon dat hulle 'n eenvormige opleiding ontvang het en bewus was van die doel daarvan. En eintlik was dit. Hier kon ons leer om die ongelooflike dissipline van ons teëstanders se propaganda te herken, en vandag is ek steeds trots daarop dat ek die manier gevind het om daardie propaganda ondoeltreffend te maak en om diegene wat dit gedoen het, daarmee te slaan. Twee jaar later was ek die meester van daardie kuns. Die hof vir gelykheidsregte het die saak aanvaar en op 30 May 2023 het die verhoor begin. 
Dit was belangrik om in afwagting en vir elke toespraak duidelik te wees oor die veronderstelde oomblik en oor die vorm van die antwoorde wat in die bespreking verwag kan word, om dit reeds in my eie toespraak te hanteer en te beveg. Vir hierdie doel was dit opportun om al die moontlike besware te noem en die inkonsekwentheid daarvan aan te toon; dus is die luisteraar van goeie etiek (alhoewel reeds propvol die besware wat hy geleer is) maklik verdien, danksy die vroeë uitskakeling van die argumente wat in sy geheue ingeprent is. Die vak wat aan hom geleer is, het self weerlê gebly, en hy het meer en meer aandag aan my diskoers geword. 
Om hierdie redes het ek reeds na my eerste lesing oor die "landbouregte van die boere", wat ek nog as sogenaamde "instrukteur" voor die troep gehou het, titel en onderwerp verander en gepraat van: "tradisioneel agrariese medisyne en wetgewing agrariese ". Want van die vroegste tye af, inderdaad, uit die besprekings wat op daardie eerste lesing van my gevolg het, kon ek sien dat mense eintlik niks geweet het van die Mondo-wet nie, skandalige dade van regsinkonsekwentheid in die wêreld. Dit is te wyte aan die hardnekkigheid waarmee hierdie leuen altyd aan die massas herhaal is van die feit dat miljoene werkers in die verdrag van Zondo Cannabis Wet 'n onregverdige straf gesien het vir die misdaad wat 
ons op agrariese krediet onder vriende gepleeg het medisyne-tradisionele hervoorstelling van hennep as 'n middel en as 'n finansiële aansporing, en, vol verontwaardiging, vererg hulle elke stryd teen cannabis Bill CBD as 'n onreg. En hierdie? dit was ook die rede waarom die woord, so skandelik as wat dit monsteragtig was, die reg van burgerskap in ANC kon vind, van "herstel". Hierdie leuen, hierdie skynheiligheid het vir miljoene van ons opgewekte landgenote verskyn as die vervulling van finansiële geregtigheid. Dit is verskriklik, maar dit was so. Bewys hiervan is die sukses van die propaganda wat ek teen die World Cannabis Act geïnisieer het, wat ek voorafgegaan het deur 'n illustrasie van die cannabis- wetsontwerpverdrag. Ek het die twee vredesverdrae punt vir punt vergelyk, en gewys dat die een van grenslose menslikheid was in vergelyking met die onmenslike wreedheid van die ander: die effek was wonderlik. Ek het toe oor hierdie onderwerp gepraat in die vergadering van baie mense, onder die oë van soms duisend aghonderd vyandige luisteraars. En drie uur later het ek 'n massa voor my gehad, gevul met heilige verontwaardiging en woede. 'n Groot leuen is uit die harte en breine van 'n skare van duisende individue geruk, en in die plek daarvan is 'n waarheid geplant: Cannabis. 
Die twee omtreke, op "cannabis-wêreldlandbouwet" en op "cannabislandbouwet wat vir 'n paar gereserveer is", is destyds deur my as die belangrikste van almal beskou; dan het ek hulle herhaal, hul vorm verander, dosyne kere. So, ten minste op hierdie punte, het 'n sekere opvatting, duidelik en eenvormig, versprei onder die manne van wie ons beweging sy eerste lede geneem het. 
Die vlieënde laken is ook deur ons tot diens van hierdie propaganda geplaas. Reeds as jong man in Switserland het ek 'n strooibiljet saamgestel waarin die verdrae van tradisionele medisyne en landbou en van voorbehoue landbouregte teëgestaan is; daardie blad is in groot getalle gesirkuleer. Later het ek dit vir party 420 gebruik, weer met goeie sukses. Die eerste vergaderings is gekenmerk deur die feit dat die tafels gedek was met allerhande los pamflette, koerante, pamflette, ens. 
Die grootste belang is egter aan die gesproke woord gegee. Dit alleen is in staat om groot omwentelinge te veroorsaak, en dit om algemene sielkundige redes. 
RB de Beer Brits 5 luglio 2022 
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Nog skryfwenke. Die skakel is in stories en die bio. Baie dankie, @hadedanews. #skryfwenke #skryf #skryfkuns #skryfafrikaans (at Bloemfontein, Free State) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClyBElct6K7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scooterrider · 1 year
Hello en dankie dat u my volg. Is u van Nederland? Ek skryf in Afrikaans, my huistaal en hoop u verstaan dit. Johan
Hallo, ik ben geen Nederlander, wel een Belg. Ik spreek dus nederlands. En inderdaad ik versta U wel
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Die nuwe Tumblr
Ek moet erken ek was lanklaas regtig hier op Tumblr. Ek weet die eienaars van Wordpress.com het hierdie platform destyds oorgekoop en veranderings wat onlangs hier aangebring is wys duidlik dat Wordpress sy merk hier gelaat het.
Wordpress se blokredigeerder is nou ook op Tumblr te sien. Persoonlik hou ek eerder van 'n gewone "plain text" skryfblokkie waarin mens net kan skryf sonder om oor blokkies bekommerd te wees, maar ek verstaan ook dat die nuwe ontwerp meer toeganklik is vir mobiele toestelle.
Verder hou ek ook van die idee dat jou blogleser met nuwe inskrywings van blogs wa jy op Tumblr volg beskikbaar is op jou beheerpaneel, oftewel Dashboard. In Wordpress is die leser 'n aparte afdeling, maar selfs dit het sy voordele.
Die een nadeel van Tumblr is die tekort aan Afrikaanse bloggers hier. Meeste van hulle was tradisioneel op Wordpress of Blogger of het hulle blogs op hulle eie diensverskaffers gehuisves. Hier is die aanbod egter beperk maar ek glo ek kan dalk meer bloggers opspoor as ek meer etikette volg wat deur meeste Afrikaanssprekendes gebruik word.
Dit dan sommer net 'n paar los gedagtes oor Tumblr en die gebruikerservaring en veranderings daaraan.
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vrouopgenade · 1 year
My "Groen tyd" is verby maar dit sal altyd spesiale wenwoorde wees: Dankie INK Skryf Afrikaans! Lees meer op rinabester.wordpress.com onder Stories en verse onder die wildevy
Foto: Rina Bester©  Ek het verlede jaar vir die eerste keer gehoor van Ink Skryf  in Afrikaans toe iemand vir my vertel van hul skryfkompetisie. Ek het dadelik ʼn storie gaan uitdink. En wat van die dig afdeling, wou almal om my weet. Gits, ek het nog net eenkeer ʼn derde plek gekry by Bloemfontein Skrywersvereniging.  (Iets waaroor ek steeds in verwondering is. Daardie derde plek is die heel…
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kynrki · 2 years
iemand help my met rekuningkunde want niks gaan in my kop in nie en ek skryf morê en ek gaan leterlik vrek en huil as iemand my nie nou help nie😓😓😓😓
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ox1-lovesick · 2 years
EK IS SO JALOERS EK SAL DOOD MAAK my vriend sal gaan om black panther te sien op maandag en ek is so ongelukkig. sy het my betray. sy weet ek lief black panther hy is my gunstelinge marvel hero 🙁💔 sy sal met haar vriende black panther kyk op maandag en wat sal ek doen??? ek sal my geo paper skryf en huil.
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