#sky coeur the detective
I decided that i will post it early!So you all enjoy it longer and have time to vote!
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🕰️Hello Halloween fans, because this year was and still is about my Nightmare AU (comic), i come up with these cute spooky drawings:🕰️
Amstran the moon dancer playing a game of pumpkin chess...
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Luna the moon demon, a beauty or a demon? Says Happy Halloween and she just put a spell on you!
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Le souris bonbon neige becomes The Joker mouse this Halloween (The Joker from the Animated series...)
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Sky Coeur the detective is the Batman (the Justice League version) ; He is trapped in the Riddle dimension
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Staran the galaxy man as Freddy Kruger (nightmares come true)
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Nishya the dream cat as Cleopatra
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Hester the photo marksmen as the The Phantom of the Opera
And of course, don't forget the black cat: Red the fortune teller
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Trick or Treat?
If you don't have a candy, then give me a like/❤️
And a small question for you all:
+ Everybody who likes this post will get from me this as a submit but only on the Halloween day:
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noseandnous · 2 years
Masque Milano Kintsugi: this thing is for thinking
People don’t like this.
Reviews complain that it’s too old and fusty, or too modern and artificial; that its tenure is too brief and also that it goes on forever. I can imagine this scent getting accidentally associated with a painful event and becoming intolerable, intolerable; it is a very sponge for memory. 
It’s not friendly, not easily construed. It doesn’t enable you to smell like pastry,  green tea, or an ocean wave. It is not wholesome, like a flower field or a string of laundry drying in the sun. At certain angles, however, you might detect… a room? A room, a chair, a window that looks out onto night: a darkness pierced in places by faint sodium lights, far from us, and wreathed in violet cloud; a darkness that threatens rain.
There is more than a touch of smoke in this old-school chypre. Sweet at turns, with a hint of fruitiness that comes not just from the bergamot but also from the rose: almost a nectarine, though there’s no sign of one on the notes list. This sweetness comes and goes, trading places with art supplies, modeling clay, and a faintly resinous quality supplied by benzoin and possibly, possibly, the raspberry leaf. The smell of paper: readers, you know what I mean. It combines with a cold, rainy magnolia in a way that's very hard to parse, hard to pin down. An intoxicating boozy vanilla appears from time to time but never takes this fragrance into modern gourmand territory. Not at all. Not ever. This acerbic vanilla is the closest that Kintsugi gets to the gold implied in its name: a gold for seaming, a potter's gold.
This fragrance does not soar, although my heart leapt when I first smelled it. It does not resolve its harmonies. It's not involved with heaven; its sky is a lowering one, the sky of a room whose window looks inward. 
This thing is for thinking. It’s not telling you anything you already know.
It’s my birthday, and I think I’m getting myself a bottle of this.
The notes: bergamot, magnolia, and amber on top (I sure don't smell the amber); golden suede, centifolia rose, and violet leaf at the heart; and benzoin siam, raspberry leaf, patchouli coeur, and vanilla at the base. 
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fandammit · 5 years
Someone to Stay [2/2]
The Boys, Frenchie x Kimiko. Perhaps this is the softest thing I’ve ever written. 
Part 1 || On Ao3 
“So lemme get this straight,” Butcher says, looking back and forth between him and Kimiko. “The two of you are gonna go out and risk blowin’ our cover, just so's you can buy your little girlfriend a pretty new outfit?”
“Kimiko,” he replies, elongating her name, “can’t just keep wearing my clothes."
"And why the fuck not? I don't hear her complaining about 'em."
He scowls. Never before has he wanted to punch Monsieur Charcuter the way he does right now.
"She deserves something of her own.”
“And, uh, besides,” Hughie jumps in as he puts his phone down and stands up from the bed. “A-Train saw her in that outfit. She’s more at risk blowing our cover wearing it than she is going out and getting new clothes.”
He shoots Hughie a surprised look, then glances over at Kimiko, who's also looking over at Hughie with something almost like a smile on her lips.  
"He's got a point, you know," M.M. calls out from the other side of the crowded room.
Butcher glares at all four of them one by one, but then must decide it isn't worth putting his foot down on this one.
"Do what you want, but if you two get caught, I'm not bailing your asses out."
Butcher turns away from them and goes to sit at the desk in the corner of the room, muttering curses under his breath.  
He'll be in a foul mood for the whole night most likely, but Frenchie doesn't care -- he'd been planning to take Kimiko shopping before everything went to shit, and he's glad that even if everything is fucked, she'll still be able to have something that's all for her.
"Ready, mon coeur?" He asks, sweeping an arm towards the door.
"Hold on a tick," Butcher barks out from the corner of the room. "Hughie, give her your hoodie to wear. Frenchie, put yours back on." He rolls his eyes at their blank looks. "That yellow fucking hoodie's kind of a statement, yeah? Better for you both if she's not wearing the exact same outfit as when she shattered a fuckin' Supe's leg."
It's as much admission as he's going to get from Butcher that getting new clothes for Kimiko is a good idea, so he doesn't say anything as he waits for Kimiko to shrug out of his hoodie and put on Hughie's.
If his was big on her, then she's practically swimming in Hughie's. The ends reach almost down to her knees, and she has to fold the cuffs three times to get them to stay above her wrists.
"It's only for a little while, mon coeur," he says once they're outside of the stuffy hotel room. She's looking glumly at the hoodie she's wearing and sneaking glances at his. "We can get you one that fits while we're out."
But she just shakes her head at that and looks at his jacket, then shyly up at him.  
"Oh," he says after a moment. "You like this one?"
She lifts her shoulder in a half shrug, her hand waving in his direction, then coming down to rest on the fabric of his jacket somewhere above his heart.
I like that it's yours, he thinks he can hear her saying. Or perhaps hopes she is.
"It's yours, mon coeur," he says, putting his hand over hers. By the way she smiles, he doesn't think the double meaning is lost on her.
She picks out two pairs of jeans, three shirts, a soft pair of shorts he assumes are meant for sleeping and a pair of shoes in record time, catching his eye and smiling every time she picks out a new item. It makes him wonder how long she's been wanting to do something like this -- something just for herself and for her to own.
He decides to take her again once they're safe, ignoring the part of him that wonders if that'll ever come again.
They're heading back toward the check out lines when he sees her slow down, her eyes widening at the wide display of nail polish.
He stops and smiles at her.
"Get something, mon coeur." He nods towards the display. "We may not get another chance like this again for quite some time."  
She looks furtively around the store, then gives him a close lipped smile that’s gone almost as quickly as it appears. It’s as if she’s wary of revealing too much to anyone that isn’t him. She practically skips over to the long rows of nail polish and brushes her hands over the rainbow of colors, fingertips flitting over the blues and greens, gentle as a butterfly alighting on a flower.
After a few minutes, she comes back with two bottles in her hands -- one orange-red, the other a deep, rich purple he'd called plum.
She lifts up the orange-red in front of her, showing it to him, then resting it over her heart.
“This is your favorite color?” He asks.
She nods.
“Ah,” he says, storing that fact away for himself before reaching out and tapping the plum colored bottle. "And you know -- this one is my favorite color."
She glances down at it, then back up at him, a questioning look in her eyes.
He nods at her.
“Truly, it is.”  
She beams at him, and all he can think in that moment is how he wishes he could bottle up the delighted look in her eyes and uncap it for himself on dark and dreary days.
They walk back slowly to the hotel, their hoods drawn low against their foreheads. He's carrying their bag of goodies in one hand, his other arm hanging loose at his side, brushing up against Kimiko’s.
The streets are relatively empty -- it's the middle of the work day and the sky is threateningly gray -- so he doesn’t pay attention to the fact that they’re taking up most of the sidewalk.
So it’s on him when an impatient pedestrian rushes between them, knocking his shoulder into him and Kimiko just hard enough that it seems deliberate, then speeding away.
It startles her, the movement causing the wide-eyed wonder to slip from her face, her expression retreating into something more ferocious as she narrows her eyes at the man now a few feet ahead of her.
He steps smoothly in front of her just as she starts to go into a crouch and drops the bag to the side of him. His hands are extended out in front of him, but he makes sure not to touch her.
“Mon coeur,” he says, leaning to the side to take up her line of sight. He waits until she drags her eyes away from where she’s looking beyond him and gives her a gentle smile when she finally meets his gaze. “Mon coeur, it’s ok.”
She’s breathing hard, her weight shifting from one foot to another. The ferocious look is gone from her eyes though, replaced by something closer to confusion and fear, and his heart breaks a little at the sight of it.
“We’re ok,” he says with a smile, slowly putting his hands out and resting them on her shoulders. “Everything is ok, mon coeur.”
Her breathing slows as she straightens back out, and she wraps her hands around his for a moment before she nods at him.  
He gives her shoulders a squeeze before he lets go, then bends down to pick up their Target bag. She still seems hesitant to go, so he drapes an arm over her shoulders and gently tugs her forward.  
They walk in comfortable silence for a while, her Target bag looped around one of his arms, his other resting loosely along the line of her shoulders.
To anyone else watching them, they probably look like some random couple coming back from running errands. Perhaps they're going home to make dinner together -- she'll cut the onions, he will make the sauce, they'll both do the dishes. He lets himself live inside that fantasy for a moment, pretending that they're heading back to a modest two bedroom apartment with a balcony for him to smoke on (because she doesn't like him to smoke in the apartment), rather than two fugitives walking back to a dingy, crowded hotel room.
Speaking of --
"Mon coeur, you know this hotel room, it, ah --." He fiddles with the handles on the bag before continuing. "Well, there are only two beds and five of us, no?" She nods, waiting for him to continue. "Well, Monsieur Charcuter will sleep on the extra cot, he has said this already. Which leaves the four of us with two beds between us."
She doesn't slow her step or vary her movements as what he's asking her becomes clear, just leans slightly into him and dips her head down to rest briefly on his shoulder.
He takes a deep breath and nods at her, turning his head to catch her eye.
"And this is ok with you? I can sleep on the floor, mon coeur. This is nothing to me."  
She shakes her head; then, after a moment’s hesitation, she lifts her hand up to where his is dangling off her shoulder and twines her fingers with his.
It’s the most overtly affectionate gesture she’s made in public, and the act of it causes warmth to unfold in his chest and seep down through his fingers. He smiles down at her, pressing his fingertips into the indentations between her knuckles.
Maybe they aren’t heading back to their modest two bedroom apartment to make dinner together, but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re more than just two fugitives who are on the run.
She falls asleep before him.
Her hands are tucked beneath her head, and her knees are pulled up towards her chest. She remains so still that eventually he stops what he’s doing and sits and watches her just to make sure he can detect the rise and fall of her breathing.
He wonders if she’s worried about sharing the bed with him after all, and if he should just go ahead and grab a pillow to sleep on the floor. But then he studies the way she’s wrapped in on herself, how she hovers just on the edge of the bed -- as if she’s trying to take as little space as possible.
It dawns on him then that she’s not trying to get away from him -- she’s trying to remain as invisible and unnoticed as possible. That she’s somehow trained herself to do so even in her sleep cracks open his chest and makes him want to both wrap himself around her and throw open the doors to find the fuckers who did this to her.
“So, the staring at her while she sleeps thing has gone from almost sweet to definitely creepy, Frenchie,” M.M. murmurs from somewhere behind him.  
He turns and stares at M.M., who’s laying down with his head propped up, scrolling through his phone.
“It’s not right -- what those fuckers did to her.” He shakes his head and glances over at Kimiko before turning to face M.M. “I’d rip them apart if I found them.”
“Pretty sure your girlfriend could do a better job of that than you could.”
He gives a small smile at the other man, then nods.
“Of course you’d find that charming,” M.M. says with a sardonic shake of his head. He sets his phone down on his chest and motions towards Kimiko’s sleeping figure. “You sure you’re ok to sleep next to her?”
He nods, almost offended that the other man even asked.
“I asked her earlier, of course.”
But M.M. shakes his head.
“No, Frenchie, I mean --.” He raises an eyebrow. “Like, are you safe sleeping next to her?”
Now he is definitely offended.
“She would never hurt me.”
M.M. shakes his head.
“She would never mean to hurt you, that I believe.” He gives a small half shrug. “But you know your girl’s got problems.”
It bothers him the way M.M. doesn’t say her name -- like she’s not really a person, just an outline of one.
An argument for another day, though. Because right now all he says is --
“She wouldn’t hurt me.”
M.M. sighs and shakes his head.
“Alright, man. But you should know that I’m going to take advantage of my right to say I told you so if you wake me up in the middle of the night and need me to patch up your fucking stomach because you accidentally brushed up against her when you didn’t mean to and she freaked the fuck out.”
He’s always been a light sleeper, so he wakes up as soon as he feels Kimiko bolt upwards in bed.
“Mon coeur?” He asks, sitting up. He’s still half-asleep and slow to process the world around him slowly, which is the only reason he reaches out to touch her shoulder while she’s still turned away from him.
Her reaction is immediate. She’s turned around and facing him, crouched on all fours so fast that he thinks she must have a chance at competing for the title of fastest Supe.
There’s a snarl on her face that renders it near unrecognizable in the pre-dawn light; he can tell by her expression that while she’s looking at him, she isn’t really seeing him.
She climbs on top of him, pinning him to the bed with her legs. She lifts her hands above her, fingers pointing straight down at him. He shoots his hands up and grabs her wrists, his grip firm without being crushing.
“Mon coeur, it’s me.”
Her gaze falters, the snarl fading into a scowl.  
“Kimiko,” he says softly. “It’s ok.”
At the sound of her name, she blinks, her hands going slack in his grip. She takes a deep breath and shakes her head --  once, twice -- then closes her eyes. When she opens them, her eyes are clear, her mouth slack.
She stares down at him, really taking him in for the first time since she woke up. Then, her eyes go wide, trained on him long enough for him to see horror and shame seep into her expression.
She scrambles backwards off of him and drops to the floor. He quickly follows her, but still too slow to see anything but her feet disappearing underneath the bed.
He steps quietly over to the side and lowers himself down. The space between the side of the bed and the wall is just barely wide enough for him to lay flat on his stomach and turn his head to face her.
She’s laying with her arms crushed beneath her chest with her face turned away from him, taking quick, panicked breaths that are shallow and shaky at the edges
He doesn’t reach out for her; instead, he scoots closer to the edge of the bed, focusing on making his voice as gentle and soothing as possible.
“It’s ok. Everything is ok.”
She takes another tremulous breath and shakes her head. Her breathing is so shallow now that he’s afraid she’ll pass out.
“Mon coeur, look at me please?” She doesn’t move, and now that his eyes have adjusted to the dark, he can see that she’s trembling.
“Please, mon coeur?” He repeats. “Please.”
The last word is pleading, desperate almost, and after a long, agonizing moment, she finally turns her head to face him.
There are tears running down her face, and her eyes are filled with a self-loathing that is as familiar as it is unwarranted.
He slowly brings his hand up to his side, the palm out facing her. Slowly, by inches and centimeters, he brings it up to her face and rests it gently against her cheek.  
Her expression crumples as she closes her eyes, the tears falling fast onto the floor beneath her.
He brushes his thumb against the curve of her cheekbone, and though the tears continue to fall, he’s at least relieved to see her breathing slow down and even out a bit.
“It’s ok, mon coeur. I’m ok.” He brushes a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “We’re ok.”
She takes a deep, shuddering breath before she opens her eyes, and in her expression he can hear the words as clear as if she’d spoken them out loud.
I could have hurt you.
He shakes his head.
“But you didn’t.” He gives her a soft smile. “You remembered me.” He returns his hand to her cheek, brushing his thumb back and forth against her skin. “You remembered who you are.”
She blinks back tears, her eyes wide and sorrowful.
And who am I?
He smiles at her.
“You’re Kimiko, mon coeur.” He cups her face in his hand. “You lived by the ocean once -- a place where palm trees stood in front of the moon at night. Your favorite color is a shade of orange like the sunset, and you like the combination of citrus and chocolate.” He trails his fingertips along the edge of her hairline. “You could’ve chosen to leave, but instead you stayed. You could’ve been a weapon, but instead you chose to be a protector.” He brushes the back of his fingers along the ridge of her brows and down the slope of her jaw. “You are a miracle who saved my life.”
There are tears in her eyes still, but not -- he thinks -- from shame or sorrow.
She moves a hand out from under her and presses her palm against his cheek.  
And you?
He gives her a small smile.
“I am from near the ocean too, mon coeur.” He takes a deep breath, trying to remember the scent of salt in the air. “No palm trees, though, only rocks.” He settles into the floor, threading his fingers through Kimiko’s hair. “My favorite color is the purple of the sky right before it turns to night, and I never eat chocolate mixed with marshmallows because it reminds me of mon père.” She lifts her hand and dots her fingertips across the edges of his forehead, mimicking the path his own fingers took with her. “The first thing I did when I was finally free of him was cook my own meal. To cook -- it reminds me that I am free.” He smiles at her. “I think if I was not doing this, I would be a chef.”  He shifts his head so that his lips are against the open palm of her hand, gently pressing them against her skin. “But if I was not doing this, then I would not have met you. And my life could not have been saved the way you have saved it.”
He can’t picture the house he grew up in any more or the color of his mother’s eyes. He doesn’t think he’ll ever really remember what home smelled like or the tune of the lullaby his mother would sing to him before he fell asleep.
But it doesn’t hurt like it used to.
Because now when he thinks of home, what he thinks of is this:
Kimiko’s smile as she bites into a chocolate lime; the way her mouth turns up at the edges even before the candy touches her lips. How he can smell her strawberry scented shampoo in any one of his hoodies, and the way she leaves cherry flavored chapsticks in nearly every room of whatever shitty safehouse they’re staying in.  
He no longer wonders about the way back home, the shape and structure of it, how to fill the aching for it in his heart.
Home is not lost any longer. There is no route to find, no aching hole in his heart to fill.
There is him, and there is Kimiko, and there is peace amidst the chaos of what they do.
It is all the home he needs.
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nako-doodles · 6 years
get to know me tag
i was tagged by @seokjinsult thank u bub 💘
name: shirley
nicknames: honestly call me whatever...my name rhymes w 99% of adverbs in the English language. bonus points if its especially creative.
gender: female (she/her)
zodiac: scorpio sun, taurus moon, scorpio rising
height: 172cm
time: 8:56pm
favourite musicians: I pretty much listen to everything but usually: vixx, bts, exo, day6, suran, dean, jeff bernat, offonoff, sam kim, crush, epik high, sekai no owari, one ok rock, chvrches, coeur de pirate, stromae
song stuck in my head: not actually a song but this entire mv has been stuck in my head all day: colde - your dog loves you BUT with a remix of sam kim - its you, apink - %% and sekai no owari - rain as the bgm.....they’re not even in the same key??......I dont claim to know how my brain works......plus, I just need some good vibes bc trump and this cold has been shitting on me all week
last thing i googled: ‘does the shutdown affect consulates abroad?’ closely followed by ‘hk-macau us consulate hours’ and ‘would passport applications be processed because of the shutdown?’ (to which the answers so far are: sort of, 8-17:30, kind of) but thats depressing so: @seokjinsult ask me to google pudu deers @/3am last night, aka the most grotesquely adorable thing ive ever lain mine two eyes upon
last movie i saw: detective conan: zero the enforcer bc i am serious and mature young woman who watches Serious and Mature movies
last song i listened to: either nph’s ‘sugar daddy’ from hedwig and the angry inch, raon’s cover of LiSA's ADAMAS or utada hikaru - chikai bc I dont remember and I dont feel like checking
other blogs: I stopped giving a fuck since I remade so nope
do i get asks: yes but also im always down for more
why did i choose my username: I wanted @jinandtonics but we cant all get what we want
following: 682 ahahaha...ha....h.....a
amount of sleep i get: 5 hours completely on my own volition bc I am physically and mentally incapable of going to bed at a respectable time
lucky numbers: 11
what i’m wearing: charcoal grey uni long sleeves with royal purple accents, white and neon pink running shorts, rose pink and sky blue flip-flops (don’t judge its 26 today with 96% humidity and I pray only for the sweet release of death. or more realistically, for it to rain tomorrow and sop away some of the hanging moisture.)
dream job: get paid to either eat delicious food or professionally tear people apart with words (which a complete waste of my stem degree but oh well)
dream trips: gastronomical trip around world and visit all my fave moots so I may hug all of them irl tbh
favourite foods: noodles, dumplings, hotpot, curry, pizza, pepper cheese poppers, New Years mochi...really as long as its delicious I'll eat it
the full xylophone that one time the music director decided that the piece just really needed a xylophone part
the piccolo for a fortnight before I managed to foist the part onto my partner in crime and first flutist in the orchestra (which is how I got dragged to do the xylophone)
the carillon at sather tower that one time I had summer classes and got to play the base counter melody to spirited away (I wasnt supposed to be there but #connections). 
a cajon for a song in choir once (I can never get on yoon ‘drum’ dowon’s level but you know, I kept the beat)
I tried to learn the guitar but I couldnt get a solid enough grip on the strings bc my hands are too small to wrap completely around the neck without dampening all the strings.
favourite songs: recently (despite all the rock songs ive listed so far) ive been listening to dean’s instagram, and offonoff’s bath bc the best way to kick the blues and colds is listening to chill songs
relationship status: my nose has been courting my tissue box all week, but its been rejecting my nose’s advances. must be bc it keeps undermining its essence.
favourite colours: pastel/baby pink, peacock blue/teal, lilac/periwinkle
three books:
sputnik sweetheart bc of the pictures released today from the far side of the moon
the bell jar
no exit bc i’ve been really feeling the ‘l'enfer, c'est les autres’ line
three tv shows:
teen titans go!
再創世紀 (another era)
book i’m reading now: can I pull a trump and officially say im not reading any book? *scandalous gasps abound* 
my dad’s copy of the Letters of Van Gogh, The Old Man Mad About Painting: Hokusai, and the copy of Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup that my mom has been badgering me to read have been sitting on my bedside table but my motivation is at an all-time low and I didn’t feel like reading since I came back
how many blankets do you sleep in: a thin sheet bc, as stated above, its hot and humid in the god damned winter and I want to cancel my subscription to this weather thanks
anything i want: to get over my cold, for trump to stop fucking up the government, for my wifi to be faster
I tag my loves: @t0d-oder-freiheit @seokjinsult @jinseas @bangpdgf @glowsj @odeng1e @monosgf @jinergy @kimseokjinniestan @jinbeann @seokjiniesgf @cafejoon @fakelovesgf @iiseok @honeylovecult @jeonsunicorn @jins-kiss as well as anyone who wants to do this 💘
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ca-se-passe-la-haut · 4 years
Des rayons gamma très énergétiques en provenance de Eta Carinae
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On ne présente plus le système Eta Carinae, ce couple d'étoiles massives en fin de vie entouré d'une épaisse nébuleuse de gaz et de poussière produite par une éruption massive qui eut lieu au 19ème siècle. Surveillée de près depuis de décennies, Eta Carinae vient récemment de montrer une forte émission de rayons gamma de très haute énergie, qui serait due à l'interaction des vents solaires des deux monstres. Une étude parue dans Astronomy & Astrrophysics.
C'est la collaboration qui exploite les télescopes gamma H.E.S.S (High Energy Stereoscopic System) qui rapporte ces nouvelles observations en direction de Eta Carinae. Le système binaire d'étoiles géantes bleues massives se situe rappelons-le à 7500 années-lumière, la première faisant environ 100 masses solaires et la seconde 30 masses solaires. La distance qui les sépare varie entre la distance Soleil-Mars et celle séparant le Soleil et Uranus dans une orbite elliptique qui les fait tourner l'une autour de l'autre en 5,5 ans. Et grâce à des observations détaillées dans à peu près toutes les longueurs d'ondes du spectre électromagnétique, les propriétés des deux étoiles ainsi que leurs orbites et leurs vents stellaires ont pu être étudiés avec une assez bonne précision, fournissant une bonne image de ce système binaire singulier. Les deux étoiles produisent des vents de particules très intenses : elles perdent de la masse à grande vitesse. La plus grosse composante perd par exemple l'équivalent de la masse du Soleil en seulement 5000 ans. 
La zone où les deux vents stellaires se rencontrent est ce qu'on appelle une zone de choc : la collision des deux coquilles de gaz ionisé forme un "front de choc" où la matière du milieu est fortement échauffée jusqu'à plusieurs dizaines de millions de degrés. Cet échauffement produit l'émission de rayons X caractéristiques. Mais les particules chargées (des protons et des électrons principalement) sont également fortement accélérées dans ce front de choc qui est le siège de très puissants champs électromagnétiques. Et ces particules chargées, accélérées à des énergies de plusieurs giga ou téra-électronvolts peuvent produire alors des photons gamma très énergétiques lorsqu'elles interagissent ensuite dans le milieu environnant. Les télescopes spatiaux Fermi-LAT et AGILE avaient déjà détecté en 2009 des photons gamma de l'ordre de 10 GeV en provenance de Eta Carinae. Mais aujourd'hui, ce sont des photons de 400 GeV que les télescopes Cherenkov H.E.S.S détectent. Pour y parvenir, les astrophysiciens ont dû déployer des outils de traitement des données particulièrement élaborés afin de supprimer le bruit de fond dans le champ de vue entourant Eta Carinae, comme des simulations Monte Carlo reproduisant le fond gamma étendu et inhomogène, que les spécialistes nomment le NSB (Night Sky Background). L'émission gamma propre au coeur du système Eta Carinae n'aurait pas pu être isolée sans cette technique.
Les astrophysiciens des particules de la collaboration H.E.S.S montrent aussi dans leur étude comment la région du choc des vents stellaires située entre les deux géantes bleues agit comme un très efficace accélérateur de particules naturel, donc générateur de rayons cosmiques. Mais il existe deux types de particules qui une fois accélérées peuvent être à l'origine de photons très énergétiques : des électrons (le scénario dit "leptonique") et des protons (le scénario "hadronique"). Pendant longtemps, les chercheurs ne parvenaient pas à déterminer lequel des deux scénarios était le bon. Il se peut aussi qu'il existe une sorte de mélange des deux. Mais tout est en fait une affaire d'énergie. Si des photons gamma de 100 MeV peuvent être produits par les deux types de particules accélérées, il n'en est plus de même lorsqu'on atteint 100 GeV et encore moins quand on arrive à 400 GeV comme c'est le cas ici. 
En faisant l'hypothèse que ce sont des électrons qui seraient à l'origine des photons gamma détectés (un scénario purement leptonique plutôt que hadronique), les chercheurs montrent que les électrons doivent atteindre une énergie égale à l'énergie maximale mesurée : 400 GeV. Mais des électrons à ce niveau d'énergie, en plus de l'effet Compton inverse qui est à l'origine des photons gamma énergétiques, subissent un fort effet Synchrotron qui leur faire perdre rapidement de l'énergie dans le champ magnétique environnant. Les physiciens de H.E.S.S calculent que pour arriver à produire le flux de photons gamma de plus de 100 GeV qu'ils mesurent, le champ magnétique entre les deux étoiles de Eta Carinae ne devrait pas dépasser 0,5 Gauss seulement! Et ce résultat est obtenu uniquement avec l'hypothèse la plus simple, car en ajoutant d'autres effets, le champ magnétique doit être encore plus faible...
Le scénario hadronique est donc le plus probable selon les chercheurs de la collaboration H.E.S.S, avec des protons accélérés dans la zone de choc et qui interagissent ensuite avec le milieu pour produire des mésons pi (ou pions) qui se désintègrent très vite pour produire des photons gamma, ou même par interaction directe des protons. Dans ce scénario, les protons doivent être accélérées jusqu'à 5 TeV, ce qui est possible, l'énergie maximale dépendant de l'intensité du champ magnétique et de la vitesse du choc et étant seulement limitée par la durée passée par les protons dans la zone d'accélération ainsi que par la densité de particules là où ont lieu les interactions. A partir de la connaissance de la densité entre les deux étoiles (entre 100 millions et 1 milliard de protons par cm3) et de la valeur d'un champ magnétique de quelques Gauss, les physiciens montrent que les protons peuvent être accélérés jusqu'à 50 TeV dans la zone de choc des vents stellaires de Eta Carinae, largement suffisant pour expliquer la production de photons gamma de 400 GeV. Tout suggère donc une origine hadronique pour ces photons gamma, mais malgré cela, les chercheurs restent encore prudents dans leur article, en précisant que les données ne permettent pas encore de donner une conclusion ferme et définitive...
L'émission gamma de très haute énergie a été détectée par H.E.S.S en 2014 et 2015, au moment où les deux étoiles massives se trouvaient au plus près l'une de l'autre, leur périastre, le moment le plus propice pour produire un front de choc puissant entre les deux vents stellaires. Il s'agit également de la période privilégiée pour la détection du rayonnement X produit par l'échauffement du milieu (le rayonnement thermique).
Il est donc attendu qu'une nouvelle période d'activité X et gamma soit apparue dans les premiers mois de 2020 en provenance de Eta Carinae... que n'ont certainement pas manqué de suivre les astroparticulistes de la vaste collaboration internationale et qui sera l'occasion d'une future publication, avec cette fois-ci sans doute une conclusion définitive sur l'origine hadronique des photons gamma les plus énergétiques.
Detection of very-high-energy γ-ray emission from the colliding wind binary η Car with H.E.S.S.
H.E.S.S. Collaboration
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 635, A167  (March 2020)
Eta Carinae imagée par le télescope Hubble (NASA/ESA)
via https://ift.tt/3kv7p8R
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waha-no-baka · 7 years
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mama-orion · 8 years
Sacre Coeur, chapter 2
You can find chapter one here.
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The wait is hell.
John’s tightly-contained panic could propel him out of the well if his numb hands could only grip the rope. Shaking like a poplar leaf, the cold in his body is a dull throb.
“S’good to shiver,” he reasons. “Shivering is heat. Not shivering’s dead.”
Dangling in the water from the shirt-sling, arms tightly hugging his chest in a poor facsimile of Sherlock, John tries to distract himself. What is he doing out there? He imagines Sherlock running barefoot and shirtless across the moor under a crescent moon, wet curls flying. Never could resist a touch of the dramatic. He can picture him mentally constructing a hundred potential rescue operations in an instant, irritably brushing his hand aside to scatter them, letting only the most plausible one remain.
“Alright, be brilliant, Sherlock. But hurry it up.”
The well feels like it’s shrinking in around him, the sensation of being buried alive making his breath rapid and shallow. He tries not to think of how much deeper the water might be if the child’s bones had not helped him hold back the flow. They couldn’t save you, but you saved me. 
Twice he’s nudged the knots of his shirt-sling up the rope. Sherlock’s been gone much too long and his imagination is frantic, delerious: he’s been captured and needs John to rescue him; he’s secretly joined forces with Moriarty and they’re watching his demise on camera; The Woman has him at gunpoint. John shakes himself, muttering, “Stop it, stop it now.”
“John! John, I’m here!” Sherlock suddenly leans over the side of the well, his voice bouncing around the walls as he lowers a bulky bundle from another rope. He came back. Tears spring to John’s eyes and his throat constricts so tightly he can barely call back. Come on, keep it together.
“I’ve made a makeshift sling,” he calls down. “Can you get in? Can you hold on?”
The heavy jumble of rope unspools down the well shaft and hits the water with a slap. Though he tries to unravel it, John’s hands are too stiff, his limbs too sluggish to make sense of it. Sherlock sees and quickly shimmies back down the rope, splashing into the water next to him. He utters a small gasp as the cold hits him anew.
John clings to his shirt-sling and watches with quiet admiration as Sherlock loosens a slip knot and unfurls the ropes, knotted and crossed to create a kind of harness. He deftly guides John into it, treading and dunking to get the right ropes under and around his legs, chest and arms.
Awkwardly floating in his bulky harness, John wonders if the rope is really going to hold his weight. Sherlock gives a final decisive tug on a knot. He speaks slowly, deliberately, as if John’s already-inferior mind cannot comprehend speech in his frozen, half-drowned state.
“I’m going to climb out now and pull you up, John. I’ll just be right outside the well.” John wonders if Sherlock can deduce how frightened he’s been. He worries now about how his friend could possibly lug him all the way up single-handedly. Sherlock grips his shoulder reassuringly. “There’s a young beech tree nearby I can use for leverage.” John nods weakly while Sherlock climbs up and away. Course he can. Bloody mind reader.
Before the panic can seize him again, John feels a tug. The ropes tighten and he marvels as they snug against his back, around his legs and shoulders, dispersing his weight evenly, if uncomfortably. It’s brilliant. Three tugs and he’s cleared the water, dripping and bumping lightly against the rough stones. He wishes he could help, but all he can do is cling to the rope and watch as the opening of the well creeps closer. Glancing below, the dark water slips away from him. Free, nearly free. He wonders with a little jolt what could be waiting for them outside the well. His eyelids feel leaden, his thoughts sluggish. Must stay awake long enough to ask Sherlock what he knows.
He can hear Sherlock’s voice reassuring him from outside. The air is getting fresher and it rouses him a little.
“John, remember when we used to play Rock, Paper, Scissor?”
John snorts. "We always tied. You said the variables were too… predictable…or something. Added bloody dynamite and earthquake.” John knows what he’s doing – trying to keep him talking. He appreciates it.
“Variations increase random outcomes, which is the point of the game.” John can hear the laughter in Sherlock’s voice. He’s also panting with the exertion. “My eldest brother used to play it with me when I was small, let me make up all kinds of variables. He was a chemist, too. Added ‘Catalyst’ that combined elements – using two hands. Fire and Scissor made molten metal, which of course beat Rock.“
"I get to add Well,” John calls up. “Beaten by Rope or Bone or…Detective. Not sure how you’d signal that one.” Fog swirls in his mind, he frowns. “Wait, did you just say eldest brother?”
Sherlock doesn’t answer. He’s so close to the opening that John could reach out and touch the topmost edge. His whole body aches for it. The bumps stop and the rope shakes a bit. Likely being tied off. Dangling and shivering, he’s suddenly very aware of the open air beneath him, the long fall into the freezing water below should he bungle getting out of the harness.
Sherlock’s face appears at the edge, pale and breathless, and reaches down to him. With a grip like iron, he pulls John out over the well’s mossy lip onto the grass. Taking his weight, Sherlock half-drags him away from the edge. John’s legs have no strength and buckle beneath him. He collapses against Sherlock in a pile of sodden rope.
“Jesus bloody Christ,” John gasps as relief floods through him. Sherlock drops beside him panting, but only rests a moment, springing up to untangle the rope from John’s limbs. It’s dark, but the rustling shapes around them tell John forest. He stares up at the starry sky with reverence, feeling as if he’s just been exhumed. After several moments of fussing over him, Sherlock’s voice breaks through the fog settling heavily in John’s mind.
 “—proper response to hypothermia is to remove all of your wet clothing before wrapping you warmly. It’s dark, but I hope you won’t feel it an invasion of privacy if I–”
 “S’fine, Sherlock.” He can’t help but chuckle. “I don’t mind.”
This is all clinical, survival, John tells himself firmly as Sherlock’s hands fly over his skin, deftly removing his ruined shoes and socks, peeling off his sodden jumper, jeans and pants. The air is cold on his skin and he shivers violently, but he’s quickly wrapped in something heavy and warm. It’s surprisingly silky against his skin.
“Where’d you find blankets?” he asks thickly, incredulous. Sherlock is wrapping his dry suit jacket around John’s feet.
 “John, your currently compromised state is the only excuse for your lack of observation. This is not a blanket.”
John plucks at it, smells wool-and-Sherlock. “Your coat,” he smiles, shivering. “Ta.”
Sherlock gives him a lopsided grin, then, seemingly satisfied with his makeshift cocoon, sits closely behind him, wrapping his long limbs around John for maximum contact. Sherlock drops his chin to John’s shoulder wearily, his voice rumbling in his ear. “Just rest now, I’ll do what I can to keep you warm.” Sherlock sounds exhausted as the adrenaline of his rescue ebbs away.
Though he is aching with cold, the sheer ridiculousness of the moment hits him: sitting in Sherlock’s arms, naked in his precious Belstaff, alive. A wave of giddiness washes over him. He giggles, then clears his throat, trying to sound serious.
“Sherlock, if I’m dying of hypothermia, aren’t you s’posed to be starkers in the coat with me?” Sherlock’s arms twitch. John wonders if it’s possible to feel someone blush.
“Don’t be dramatic, John. While your condition is clearly serious, you are still able to follow basic instructions and respond to conversation. You are not in fact dying, though it would be unwise for you to move very much lest the cold blood in your extremities flow too quickly through your heart or other organs. Cardiac arrest is a possibility. The well water was roughly 45 degrees, making it less likely.” John grins sleepily at his logistical ramble, obviously a cover for a strong emotion. “Additionally, your first responder information is sorely outdated. Studies have found that skin-to-skin contact is not as effective in increasing body temperature during hypothermic shock as when the victim is encouraged to shiver to a normal internal temperature in warm, dry conditions. I’m a poor replacement for a hot water bottle, but I’ll do my best.”
“Mm, no, feels nice.” He chuckles wearily. “Thanks. For, y’know. Everything. It was brilliant, your rescue.” He heaves a weary sigh and sinks into him, shivering, reveling in the warmth of the cocoon. Now that he’s on solid ground, he can actually say the words. “You got there just in time. Few minutes more and the water would’ve been over my head.”
Sherlock ducks his head against the upturned collar of the coat and doesn’t respond, just tightens his grip on him, as if he could squeeze away the cold that’s sunk deep into John’s bones. Minutes slide by in silence and as weariness slips over him, John marvels at the simplest things: fresh wind pushing at his face; the sound of trees rustling all around them; the sensation of Sherlock’s breath against his neck. He shivers and shivers.
They sit in silence and John begins to nod off when he feels damp warmth on his neck. He thinks about this for a long, fuzzy moment then realizes with a sharp breath that Sherlock is crying, snuffling into his hair. John’s stomach twists painfully. What is he whispering? The words are just at the edge of his comprehension as he slides into sleep.
“Please, John. Please come back.”
“M’right here, Sherlock,” he mutters frowning, confused.
Slipping into darkness, John is vaguely aware that Sherlock’s lightly rocking him back and forth.
“Fight it, John.” His whisper is fierce and choked. “Come back to me.”
Tagging those who liked/shared chapter one. Sorry for the nasty cliffhanger!
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stephmolliex · 6 years
Video smackdown: Comparing the iPhone XS Max versus the Samsung Galaxy Note 9
With a bunch of improvements to the camera in the iPhone XS comes improvements in video capture as well. AppleInsider shoots some footage, and pits the iPhone XS Max against the Samsung Galaxy Note 9. Apple says that the new iPhone XS and XS Max get better low-light performance while recording video, as well as extended dynamic range while shooting up to 30 frames per second. Both new phones can now record audio in stereo, as well as record video in 1080P at 60 frames per second with the selfie camera Subscribe to AppleInsider on YouTube The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 camera has similar 12MP sensors behind the telephoto and wide lenses. It can shoot 4K in 60 frames per second, but unfortunately, it's limited to 5 minutes of recording per clip at that resolution. If the user cuts that back to 1080p at 60 frames per second, the limit is increased to 10 minutes -- still far short of the iPhone. The iPhone XS Max, and basically every other iPhone is only limited by the available storage space, no matter what quality or settings you choose. We went out to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and recorded a bunch of video footage so we could see how Apple's new iPhone XS Max performs compares to the Samsung Galaxy Note 9. Selfie camera recording The Note 9 can shoot in QHD (1440x2560) with the selfie camera, which looks more detailed than the iPhone XS Max 1080p selfie recording. However, video stabilization gets turned off on the Note 9 while recording in QHD, and the difference is noticeable. We also saw a pretty substantial difference in dynamic range. The iPhone XS Max does much better in this regard, maintaining the sky's color and detail. Dynamic range With the wide lens on the rear-facing camera, the iPhone XS Max did a lot better than the Note 9 in terms of video stabilization. By looking at the darkest areas of the trees in the background, we noticed better dynamic range on the iPhone XS Max. Not only that, but the sky retained more of its blue color, even though the Galaxy Note 9 image is obviously more saturated. The only complaint with the iPhone XS Max footage is the lack of contrast, making it look less detailed than the Galaxy Note 9's footage. With the telephoto lenses, both phones have a similar level of detail, but the extra contrast on the Note 9 looks better. We see pretty much the same results as with the wide lens in a telephoto test. Both phones do pretty well at dynamic range. However, if we take a look a the boats in the shade on the left side of the frame, the iPhone XS Max is able to lighten up the shadows better than the Note 9. 4K Video stabilization One thing we noticed is that if you turn on AF Tracking on the Galaxy Note 9, video stabilization gets turned off automatically, making the Note 9's footage look substantially more shaky compared to the iPhone XS Max. On the iPhone, autofocus performance is exceptional, without needed to use a feature like AF Tracking. There's also no cases of certain features being disabled while using other features. Back to the test, the stabilization on the iPhone XS Max was outstanding. Doing the same stabilization test except recording in 4K at 60 frames per second, the Galaxy Note 9 performs noticeably better than the iPhone XS Max. We think it's because the AF Tracking mode is unavailable while shooting in 4K at 60 frames per second, so video stabilization may have automatically turned back on. Autofocus performance While testing the stabilization, we noticed some autofocusing issues on the Galaxy Note 9. Occasionally, it would decide to focus on the background, even with a face right in front of it. The iPhone XS Max never lost focus on the subject. We then tested the autofocus by getting very close to a display case. Both phones tracked focus very well. When we backed up the cameras, the Note 9 went out of focus for a second, while the XS Max kept the focus locked in during any movements. We tested the dynamic range again, by filming the underneath of a patio umbrella against the side of a building which was in direct sunlight. For this test, we used the telephoto lenses and noticed more stabilization issues while shooting in 4K at 30 frames per second. The building was a bit blown out on the Galaxy Note 9, and the umbrella was darker than on the iPhone. So the iPhone XS Max was able to retain the highlight details, have brighter low-light details and it showed much more color in the sky compared to the Galaxy Note 9. Next up, we tested autofocus speed by placing a hand in front of the cameras. Here, the Galaxy Note 9 auto-focused quicker than the iPhone XS Max. We then decided to run the same test, except by quickly panning between trees in the background and a face in the foreground. At normal speed, it's hard to tell what's going on, but if you look at the individual frames, the iPhone XS Max was focusing on the face the instant it came into the frame. The Note 9 had quite a bit of lag adjusting the focus when compared to the iPhone. Slow-motion video We first compared video quality while shooting in 1080p at 240 frames per second by kicking some sand into the air. We instantly noticed that the Note 9's image was extremely dark compared to the iPhone XS Max. There was hardly any detail at all in the pants and shoes. You might think that it was underexposed quite a bit, but if you look at the top of the frame, the reflection in the water is just as blown out as on the iPhone XS Max. The white balance on the Note 9 was noticeably too warm as well. The iPhone XS Max performed well in terms of dynamic range in this test, but we did notice some stabilization issues with it's footage. We tested the slow-motion capabilities by recording a fountain that was in direct sunlight. We first recording in 4K at 30 frames per second to show the normal speed, and we noticed much better dynamic range on the iPhone XS Max, since the water on the Galaxy Note 9's image was blown out. We then switched both phones to record in 4K at 60 frames per second. Both phones looked great, but the Note 9 was still blowing out some of the highlight details. When we switched both phones to 1080P at 240 frames per second, the dynamic range on the Note 9 got substantially worse, just like we saw in the kicking sand test. Not only are the shadows much darker, but the water seems to be even more blown out. Dynamic range got a little bit worse on the XS Max, but not nearly as much as on the Note 9. If you look closely, you'll notice that the XS Max has more detail in this mode as well. The Galaxy Note 9 also comes with a super slow-motion video recording feature. It's able to record at 960 frames per second in very short bursts between 0.2 and 0.4 seconds, limited to 720p. Dynamic range seems to stay the same as with the 1080p 240fps mode, but the quality takes a big hit. But on the other hand, the iPhone XS Max lacks a super slow-motion feature to that extent, so even the quality is low, it's still nice to have a feature like this on the Note 9. We decided to do one more test comparing 1080p 240fps on the iPhone XS Max versus the 720p 960fps super slow-mo feature on the Note 9. This time, I jumped off a ledge onto the beach. One thing we instantly noticed is that the Note 9's super slow-mo feature crops in a great deal on the frame, which is usually an indication of the processor or sensor not being powerful enough to record the full sensor at that many frames per second. The difference in detail was massive, but the dynamic range was just as good as on the XS Max. Despite the quality difference, the super slow-mo feature provided a more fun and interesting view compared to the XS Max. Low-light video We then went indoors to test how both cameras performed in low-light. First, using the wide lens in 4K at 30 frames per second, the iPhone XS Max showed impressive dynamic range. The painting on the wall was exposed well, while the Galaxy Note 9 blew out some of the details. You can also visually see the difference by looking at the hot spot on the wall from the lamp. The darkest areas of the scene, including my face, are brighter on the XS Max. There's also a little bit less noise on the iPhone as well. To make it even worse for the Note 9, the white balance is way too warm, while the iPhone XS Max was extremely close to what we saw with our own eyes. Using the selfie camera, we saw more detail on the XS Max' image. However, there was less noise with the Note 9. We also noticed that some of the shadow details on the Note 9 were crushed, specifically the hair. Recording bright city lights near the end of the night probably shows the largest difference in dynamic range between both cameras. As you can see, the Comfort Inn sign is completely blown out on the Note 9, and the color appears to be white compared to the true-to-life blue on the XS Max. Even from a distance, you can easily read the word "Comfort" on the XS Max' image. Looking at the rest of the scene, it's easy to see the differences in dynamic range. One might argue that the Note 9 was exposed a tad bit brighter than the XS Max, but it's the camera software's job to properly look at the scene and adjust the exposure for the best results. Obviously, the iPhone XS Max was able to get the exposure just right. And once again, the iPhone XS Max more accurately represents the white balance that we saw with our eyes. Overall, the iPhone XS Max is the winner of this comparison, thanks to much better dynamic range, better color accuracy, better stabilization apart from 4K at 60 frames per second, better quality slow-motion capture, faster face detection autofocus and better low-light recording. https://goo.gl/b1TuCM
0 notes
Nightmare AU part 23 (warning the first death + blood and some torture for the second part of the post)
Geez, even i forgot the action, lool... It's an old AU of mine
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Amstran the moon dancer:" Hello, how are you feeling?"
Melinoë the princess of nightmares:"Good, thank you! I'm Rosalinda, i suppose you are the one who saved me...Thank you!"
Faith the head rabbit:"Tea is served, i hope our guest like peppermint tea!"
Melinoë the princess of nightmares:"Thank you, it's my favorite tea, who is this rabbit?"
Luna the moon demon:"Faith the head rabbit, so how did you end up in the lake?"
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Melinoë the princess of nightmares:"I've been chased by a group of bandit and i slipped, hit my head in the process..."
Staran the galaxy man:"That must have been a horrible experience, here some medicine to help with the pain..."
Sky Coeur the detective:"So, what where you doing alone in this part of the city if that is alright for us to ask?"
Le souris bonbon neige:"Big brother don't be an ass... Sorry about him, he is a detective and does that sometimes... Please you can stay here with us as much as you like."
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Faith the head rabbit:"Looks like somebody has a crush!"
Le souris bonbon neige:"Who?Me? No... No... I'm still happy that i'm single, after what happened to Amstran the moon dancer, Huh... I'm so lucky, don't want to change that!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"You have to admit that the new girl Rosalinda is pretty, but not as pretty as my sweet Luna the moon demon."
Luna the moon demon:"Ah, when will you two actually say something useful?"
Panel 4
Staran the galaxy man:" We should get going with the plan, i will take Hester the photo marksmen and Faith the head rabbit..."
Red the fortune teller:"Are you sure? Let me come with you, it's dangerous, you can get in chains or worst."
Melinoë the princess of nightmares:" Do you have a name? You are the only one who didn't introduce himself, i would like to know my hero name..."
Amstran the moon dancer:"I'm no hero, it's Amstran the moon dancer, nice to meet you Rosalinda!"
Melinoë the princess of nightmares:"May I ask you something, well, i haven't saw you or your friends so, where are you from?"
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Amstran the moon dancer:"We aren't from here, we belong to another world, i would like to keep it a secret for now..."
Melinoë the princess of nightmares:"Oh, no problem, i hope that one day you will tell me, are there in your world more sweet pumpkins like you?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"I'm not sweet, i'm just a simple pumpkin with a mission."
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Acrylia the sour candy:"No, let me go! What did i do to you?"
Triustyus the 4 knight:" You will come with us, special offer to the King himself, for a great purpose."
Growlian:"Stop fighting child and accept your fate, the machine will be complete soon."
Vanessa the 3 knight:" Move peasant, your time has come to for a greater good. How many do we need for the machine?"
Doctor Bird:"Patience, we only need those who comply with certain criteria! This is a delicate processs..."
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Luna the moon demon:"Everything is ready, need help with that spell cast?"
Nishya the dream cat:"My pronouncement is still very bad, maybe i should take those honey biscuits."
Faith the head rabbit:"You can take them all, i will make some more, looks like they havea great success... And the new girl likes them too, Rosalinda is her name!"
Le souris bonbon neige:"I have to train my ice powers, Staran the galaxy man help me with the targets, i need some water bottles."
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Felix Reddison:"Hello! Where is Amstran the moon dancer i have a letter for him."
Hester the photo marksmen: "I saw him towards the lake."
Jenna Heart:"Are you sure that was him? Oh, sorry, my name is Jenna Heart, friend with Felix Reddison, he asked me for help."
Felix Reddison:"Everybody this is Jenna Heart, her father has the best wine in the town and people loves it, especially at dinner."
Part 1 till part 22 ->
Things will get a bit dark, warning the next chapter will also have a death include, we enter the black/death zone...yikes!
Sorry it takes so much time, i have a problem at the designs for the 7 knights (i'm stuck 😢) ...and yes, I need them for the story...
Update: After so many years I'm back the things is that I already draw some scene and will not go back to redraw it...I find it pointless, so please don't mind it...
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Nightmare AU part 28
Panel 1
Trisha the hour glass: "Not everybody has control over it, many of us have different colors but it's no use to us.Yes, the color represent us, but do not worry, it's the same as jinx, you can't do much harm with it."
Amstran the moon dancer:" l should go, thank you! We will come soon, there is something we want and it might help us!"
Trisha the hour glass:"Sure pumpkin of course, i will wait for you to come back... Till then, take care!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Alright, again, this time hit harder and a little bit to your left, Polestar the star sprite!"
Luna the moon demon :"Nishya the dream cat if you want to learn how to win in a sword fight you need to stop being so tense, relax and focus."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Does anybody want a snack, you should eat something, this is a new receipe."
Faith the head rabbit:"Oh no, not another receipe experiment on us..."
Panel 2
Felix Reddison:" Guys, it's time for a break, who will help me with some orders?"
Polestar the star sprite:"I will, sorry Amstran the moon dancer..."
Sky Coeur the detective:"I have some important news! May I have your attention, thank you!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"This belongs to Donut, where did you find it?"
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Lumboo the light ghost:" There it is, the second entry, my old man was a butler here before he died..."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Are you sure it belongs to her?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"I gave this to Donut as a friendship gesture, i can't believe they got her...i swear if they dare harm Donut..."
Luna the moon demon:"Look i know how important she is but right now it's not the time, we have to move."
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Amstran the moon donut: "Donut, where are you? Donut answer me if you can hear us!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"This place has so many rooms, she could be anywhere, i'm taking right and you left."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"I don't think it's a great plan to split up, there are some demons dogs, very powerful."
Le souris bon bon neige:"You don't have to come with us, it's better to stay here and wait."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Excuse me?I want to help Donut as much as everyone else...I'm not a weak ghost you know!"
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Staran the galaxy man:"Star dust galaxy ink!"
Le souris bonbon neige: Ice! Velvet icee storm ignite!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"This dog is bigger than my last one!"
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Yan-naifu the ghost:"I told you there were some demons dogs and now a statue because apperently this place isn't bad enough..."
Le souris bon bon neige:"Why this gives me the Harry Potter vibes?I already have a wand where is my letter?"
Staran the galaxy man:"Yes, and i'm sure every broom in the castle is a Nimbus 2001, come on ice mouse, use your spell and make a hole in the wall..."
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Amstran the moon dancer:"This mirror is so strange, this house gives me those vibes like this is a nest at some point."
Hester the photo marksmen:" Don't move Doctor Bird, one step and you will feel the blade, now turn slowly, no more tricks!"
Donut:"Amstran the moon dancer is that you? Help! I'm tied up by some chains."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Donut i'm coming, hang on!"
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Donut:"Amstran the moon dancer you have found me,i'm so happy to see you...Sorry, i keep getting myself in this situations..."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Donut, it's alright and you are safe now. How did you end up here, did they hurt you?"
Donut:"I don't know, i just got here and no, i'm a smart taugh piece of a donut,they can't harm me...i'm just a bit confused!"
Luna the moon demon:"I think they wanted us to be here, but for what purpose?"
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Sky Coeur the detective:" We will think about it when we get out of here.Donut do you know the main path for the first door?The second door is not safe anymore since we had to block it..."
Luna the moon demon:"Where is Hester the photo marksmen? We have to get him too and get out of here now."
Faith the head rabbit:"Great now we all begin to disappear, i better use my time slow power to buy us at least 10 more minutes,better hurry our..."
Donut belongs to @ caprin-mallow 😊
Check her lovely drawings as well 👍
Ok, so now that i made that Harry Potter it's time to sort my ocs in Hogwarts but before that i want to say that i was only 12 years old when i saw the first movie HP amd the Chamber of secrets and i wished that JK wasn't a bad person but she is and i don't agree with her...plus in my country there is a limited Harry Potter merch for exemple rare clothes and books only and i am not that rich to go to London to buy the merch so please no hate for me.
My ocs:
Females *good team
Luna the moon demon: Ravenclaw
Yan Naifu the ghost:Slytherin
Red the fortune teller:Ravenclaw
Nishya the dream cat:Hufflepuff
Dandelion the white flower: Hufflepuff
Rocky Flame: Gryffindor
Trisha the hour glass: Ravenclaw
Elenora the rainbow joy: Hufflepuff
Celena the trophy ice skater: Slytherin
Males *good team
Staran the galaxy man:Slytherin
Hester the photo markmen: Hufflepuff
Le souris bon bon neige: Slytherin
Felix Reddison: Hufflepuff
Sky Coeur the detective: Ravenclaw
Amstran the moon dancer: To be honest i don't know...
Tommie the farmer cat:Hufflepuff
The they/them genderfluid *good team
Lumboo the ghost light: Ravenclaw
Polestar the star sprite:Gryffindor
The cigarette ghost Smoky:Gryffindor
The tiny helpers we see like the bell and so on, all of them are:Hufflepuff
Females *bad team
Melinoë the princess of nightmares: Slytherin
Vanessa the fourth knight: Hufflepuff
Lavinya the lamb servant:Hufflepuff
Feryoni the flower cat muse:Slytherin
Males *bad team
Luciano the candle of secrets: Hufflepuff
Moon on fire: Gryffindor
Clause the king assasin:Slytherin
Doctor Bird:Ravenclaw
Sweet lime: Gryffindor
Duo the ballon prince:Slytherin
Acrylia the sour candy: Gryffindor
Victim 1: Gryffindor
Victim 2 and 3: Slytherin, Hufflepuff
The guard demon dog name is Dooffy, they are 4 of them... Lucky they only found one! Lmao
Part 1 till part 27
I haven't draw for such a long time Donut persona, i'm sorry for such a long hiatus time for the comic... I have not forgotten about you, one of my dear friends...
+ a corrupted Amstran the moon dancer
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Nightmare AU part 27
And with this part we are at the half of the comic 👀
Warning:Blood and a small death:
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Doctor bird:"Soon very soon, this will be over, we are so close to victory, i can taste it."
The fake Nightmare king:"This is the heart of your machine, Doctor Bird! Such a wild energy at my small finger, all those worlds soon will be mine."
Growlian:"Such a wonderful show, my Highness, delightful even."
Panel 2
Luciano the candle of secrets:"This is for you Moon on fire, the doctor found out our next target."
Moon on fire:"Her name is Katelyn, will any knights come with me to capture her, i know about the others."
Luciano the candle of secrets:"They are indeed such a problem, but for now you must bring the next target!"
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Katelyn:"Who are you? Why are you here? Help, someone!
Clause the assassin king:" They always try to run, pitfull, i feel like only us are working too hard."
Moon on fire:" We are not here to ask question, we need to work, or else they will use us in the experiments.
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Luciano the candle of secrets:"I see you finished already, i guess the poison did it... That is such a shame."
Moon on fire:"I need more of those poison, is really hard to not get unwanted attention these days, my blade are sticky from blood."
Doctor bird:"A small price for such a specimen, now excuse me, i have work to do... Meet me at about two hours and 10 minutes from here."
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Doctor bird:"Excelent, a fine work indeed... Don't touch her, why can't anyone understand how delicate is this process... I have what i need now to extract the essence."
Luciano the candle of secrets:"How many do you need? Can't this machine work any faster? Such a waste of resources, our king will not be pleased!"
Clause the assassin king:"When we will see them again, after i took an arrow on my shoulder i want to take their neck for this?!"
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Amstran the moon dancer:"I feel a little dizzy, i have to lay down for a minute."
The cigarette ghost Smoky:" Sir, you have a telephone call from someone named Trisha the hour glass."
Sky Coeur the detective:"Amstran the moon dancer i need your opinion, tell me honest did i bought the right one?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Yes, hello?!"
Trisha the hour glass:"You are the pumpkin Felix Reddison told me about, meet me at the local library at 5 am in the morning, come alone!"
Panel 7
Luna the moon demon:"Are you sure it's a good thing to go alone?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"I have to know, maybe she has answers...Excuse me...!"
Trisha the hour glass:"Ah, finally we meet Amstran the moon dancer, come in... There are still 2 hours till the fog will be lifted up."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Strange weather, i can't get used to it. Is that why i feel so sick in the last days, i don't say anything to them because i don't want them to be worried."
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Trisha the hour glass:"Let's practice something simple, choose a book and give it to me. Close your eyes first!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"I don't see how this works, i just..."
Trisha the hour glass:"Shh, don't... Trust yourself, and repeat the first word it comes to your mind."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Dove."
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Trisha the hour glass:"Looks like your power is not healing pumpkin. My friend Felix Reddison told me you felt a little off since you couldn't heal Jenna Heart wound, poor girl."
Amstran the moon dancer:"I don't know l, i just had to try something, she did not deserved that...I feel so sorry!"
Trisha the hour glass:"Even so, poison can not be cured that simple, it's not your fault, let's try another one...and then bring your friends too... It's time for the questions to get their answers!"
Panel 10
Le souris bonbon neige:"He is where? Who though it was a good idea to let him alone by himself!"
Lumboo the light ghost:"He is fine, no one wakes up at that hour, not even your enemies."
Staran the galaxy man:"If you may sit down, Amstran the moon dancer is more capable alone, plus this Trisha the hour glass only invited him alone not us."
Sky Coeur the detective:"Le souris bonbon neige, he is right, all this fight is to no avail, we have to trust him, there is nothing we can do...This is not how i wanted to spend my honey moon!"
Part 1 till part 26
Also, i forgot...You can tell me which part is your favorite, i am a curios little bean...And if till now the comic is kinda boring well, the next part will have a little action...Sorry, no spoilers!👀😅
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Nightmare AU part 24
SPOILER: GORE AND A LITTLE DEATH, you have been warned:
This idea hit me for the walls of the motel, it was a nightmare for me to choose the perfect ones but i figured out in the end... Also the motel is big and has different rooms color. 😅
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Le souris bonbon neige:" New faces are always welcome, i'm also hungry, when is lunch?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"I heard someone calling me, oh hello, new faces i see."
Hester the photo marksmen:"Weren't you at the lake just now?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"At the lake? Why would i be there? I was with Rosalinda."
Sky Coeur the detective:"Did someone let the main entry open? I saw the locket unlocked, what if there is a thief?"
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Lumboo the light ghost:"It's getting late, you should go home Jenna Heart! Tell your father we need at least four more kilograms of fish,maybe Gliudinius."
Jenna Heart:"You are right, i will, hope he can catch them for some reason the fish become hard to catch like they are afraid of something."
Yan-naifu the ghost:She can stay here, looks like a storm is coming soon."
Jenna Heart:"That would be ovely unfortunately i have to go, i don't want to catch me on my way back."
Panel 3
Jenna Heart:"Help!Let me go, you jerk! Nooooo...nooooo,let gooo!"
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Guys, over here, they took Jenna Heart!"
Le souris bonbon neige: Ice! Velvet icee storm ignite!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Let her go, now! Le souris bonbon neige take left i will take right, let's hurry!"
Panel 4
Jenna Heart:"Put me down! Felix Reddison be careful, no don't harm them!You monster, leave them alone!"
Sweet Lime:"I'm taking care of them, you take her and go..."
Luna the moon demon:" Who are you?Stay right there!"
Sweet Lime:"You can't stop this, we will have the energy for the machine, bags of bones."
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Nishya the dream cat: "Oh no, how horrible! How can they do something like this?"
Luna the moon demon:"This is what Feliciano the intoxicated cat warned us about."
Red the future teller:"They use their own people life force, we have to move."
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Hester the photo marksmen:"You did this, come here!
Sweet Lime:"I may not be powerful, but i'm not gonna get killed so easily. Poison is my speciality."
Le souris bonbon neige:"Ah, be careful, it's very corrosive, like an acid or something."
Hester the photo marksmen:"You can try your little tricks but that won't work on me!"
Panel 7
Moon on fire:"You are the cat with a purpose, to only serve our False king desire, let the nightmare era begin."
Vanessa the 3 knight:" You sure have a big mouth, eh, shut up, stop crying like a child!"
Le souris bonbon neige: "Ice, now Faith the head rabbit hit them, trap them!"
Faith the head rabbit:"Time ignite zero!"
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Staran the galaxy man:"Guys over here, they need help, it's ok Red the fortune teller, we got them."
Amstran the moon dancer:"It's not your fault, Red the fortune teller."
Red the fortune teller:"I should had protected her, but i couldn't do anything...They will be after my sister as well, this... Dream cat is not just a title, you know!"
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Amstran the moon dancer:"We can't do anything else, we lost this battle but not the war!"
Melinoë the princess of nightmares:" This is horrible, i feel like this is all my fault, they were after me."
Le souris bonbon neige:"It's nobody fault, at least we know more how this works, we just need to be better prepared."
Felix Reddison:"Well, i think i know who can help you, with that..."
Part 1 till part 23
Also, happy birthday to my pumpkin oc Amstran the moon dancer:
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Nightmare AU part 26
Panel 1:
Sky Coeur the detective:"I will propose to Nishya the dream cat in this afternoon..."
Polestar the star sprite:"Wonderful, i know exactly the best bakery for the wedding cake!"
Le souris bonbon neige:"Wait, my big brother is getting married?I don't have any plans for the bachelor party, i'm such a failer little brother in the world!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"I've heard about a proposal possible a marriage?"
Panel 2
Luna the moon demon:"This time better be true, i haven't eat a piece of cake in ages."
Hester the photo marksmen:" Oh, and here i thought you want me to propose to you too Lunica... My dreams are crushed, woah..."
Faith the head rabbit:"Back off, masked man, my master deserve only the best!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"We should buy them a wedding gift!"
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Le souris bonbon neige:"Why in the world the stuff is so expensive here?!"
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Because things that cost a lot of money is the usual nightmare in your world."
Felix Reddison:"That and rich people, some of us are rich so it doesn't bother us too much, plus we have jobs that are paid well, that are the employer nightmare in the real world!"
Red the fortune teller:"Let me guess, finding quality stuff is also a nightmare?"
Panel 4
Doctor bird:" I just need a few more wires and there this should be enough!"
Luciano the candle of secrets:"When will the machine be complete?"
Doctor bird:" I'm afraid i will need more lab rats since the others were disposable!"
Growlian:"I've heard that Doctor, our master won't be very kind to us if this machine of your doesn't work properly."
Duo the ballon prince:" What if we hunt down the marshmallow demon?"
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Growlian:"The marshmallow demon is perfect for the machine, yes...But don't harm her too much, she is mine, will become my perfect puppet."
Luciano the candle of secrets:"We tried to put her children in danger but that didn't get us anywhere, hasn't change her form at all."
Moon on fire:"Then i propose to do something more drastically, it won't be enough if we attack them, Melinoë the princess of nightmares can change them one against another."
Clause the assassin king:"Till then we need to lure them, killing more villagers for the machine will certain catch their attention."
Growlian:"I will send our special crows to spy on them, where they are we will know."
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Luna the moon demon:"So now that you are married what it will be? Nishya Coeur the dream cat, Nishya the dream cat Coeur or just Nishya Coeur?
Felix Reddison:" That is wonderful, you can take the brown with yellow room it has some roses painted as a pattern, what flowers would you prefer, have you thought about the food meniu?
Yan-naifu the ghost:"We have so many to prepare, our friends are getting marry!"
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Lumboo the light ghost:"I just heard the news, congratulations you two!"
Nishya the dream cat:"Thank you, Lumboo the light ghost, would you like to be one of our best man?"
Le souris bonbon neige:"Come on, Amstran the moon dancer, get a break, we deserve this! Working extra hard is not too good for our health!"
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Felix Reddison:"We are here to unite this man with this woman in the Holy Sacrament of Marriage..."
Luna the moon demon:"I always cry at weddings..."
Faith the head rabbit:"Woah, weakling, sniff sniff... So beautiful, this is the first marriage i attempt too... Woah..."
Felix Reddison:"Will take each other at good and the bad, at health and sickness, at poor and rich... Till death do them apart... If there is anyone who knows a reason they can't be married speak now or forever be silent!
Red the fortune teller:"My little sister is so beautiful and happy, i'm so glad she found someone!"
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Sky Coeur the detective:"With this ring i seal our marriage, making you my oficial wife, i give my word that i will love you at bad and good time till death do us apart!"
Nishya the dream cat:With this ring i seal our marriage, making you my oficial wife, i give my word that i will love you at bad and good time till death do us apart!"
Felix Reddison:"You can kiss the bride!"
Luna the moon demon :"Congratulations!Wish you the stone house and many children to come in the future!"
Nishya the dream cat:" I will never get used to Mrs Coeur name, hehe!"
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Sky Coeur the detective:"I'm the luckiest mouse in the world, in so happy to have you Nishya the dream cat... Thank you!"
Nishya the dream cat:"And I'm the luckiest cat in the world, finally we are together as a family!"
Sky Coeur the detective:"This day is now on my collection as one of my happiest days album!"
Part 1 till part 25
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Nightmare AU part 25
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Amstran the moon dancer:"This day was something, looks like a storm will come soon, i will contact Dandelion the white flower and the others tomorrow, i miss my family too, maybe we can take a break."
Felix Reddison: "Yan-naifu the ghost have already brought the herbs, i will send for someone to bring the oils."
Red the fortune teller:" How are you feeling dear sister? Does it still hurt? I should take her home, this can't go on."
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Amstran the moon dancer:"It's late, we should get some sleep, tomorrow we will see how we can help Felix Reddison and the funeral... On the other hand Red the fortune teller, i know how worried you must be, i want to see my family too, see how the situation is in the real world but we have to postpone for now."
Nishya the dream cat:"I will not stay aside, stop treating me like a child Red the fortune teller! I am in this just like every one here, i can do this!"
Faith the head rabbit:"Listen here stop arguing, it won't help us, we made progress till now, i am with Nishya the dream cat on this one, we need all the help!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"Well, good night and sleep tight, i need my energy!"
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Luna the moon demon:"What a horrible night, i can't even hear my thoughts..."
Hester the photo marksmen:"Yes, this is usually the weather, everybody is afraid of storms, the powerful ones."
Staran the galaxy man:"Can't sleep? I'm worried for many things too you know...Itwill be alright!"
Lumboo the light ghost:"Why is everybody awake at this hour? Go back to bed and oh, i want to ask you not to use the electricity use a candle, those storms are not pretty and i dislike to have to double work after them tomorrow. Good night!"
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Yan-naifu the ghost:"Breakfast is ready, Faith the head rabbit could you please tell the rest to come down, we have lot's of work today!"
Red the fortune teller:"Nishya the dream cat isn't coming for breakfast, i want her to stay in bed, i will do her tasks as well."
Sky Coeur the detective:"It is alright if i will take some food for Nishya the dream cat as well, i would like to read the newspaper amd think about our new move in silence."
Lumboo the light ghost:"There isn't much in the newspaper only i read that another girl went missing, Acrylia the sour candy, poor her, she only was 13..."
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Lumboo the light ghost:"Oh, great... I dislike the storms, looks like it affected the west part of the motel, i will need some new lightbulbs with sockets as well, i just saw two that was almost melted."
Felix Reddison:"Looks like the power cables was cut too, it might be that the electricity pole was affected too... Things like this happens almost all the time! It's a nightmare with this weather."
Staran the galaxy man:"Well, me and Hester will go in the town to buy what is needed, if that is alright with you."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Oh, and buy some snail pasta and jelly slugs , we just run out of them."
Panel 6
Polestar the star sprite:"Oh, hello, new customers, how can i help you?"
Staran the galaxy man:"We are looking for a shop that has snail pasta..."
Polestar the star sprite:" That would be the next shop around the corner on the left.I wpuld love to show you and your friend around here."
Hester the photo marksmen:"That would be nice but we don't want to bother too much, plus you are busy."
Polestar the star sprite:"Yes, i sell herbs and medicine, old cures...and so on."
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Red the fortune teller:"Are you coming too, Nishya the dream cat? You should stay here with Le souris bonbon neige to guard you till we come back."
Le souris bonbon neige:"Funerals are not my thing, i really don't want to see all that sadness it's heart breaking, poor Felix Reddison."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Are you all ready? Five more minutes, the rest are already at the door, hurry up...!"
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Polestar the star sprite:"I've heard about this, i'm sorry i brought some flowers and some scented chopsticks."
Staran the galaxy man:"Hope you don't mind bringing a new friend from the town."
Felix Reddison:"Oh no, i don't mind at all... Excuse me now i have to check on her father... Iwas wondering if i would keep her crown, she loved this so much, i bought her this but..."
Sky Coeur the detective:"You don't want to keep it because it's too paintful, we get it."
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Felix Reddison:"Thanks you guys for being here, it's a long funeral... That is why it's a nightmare, i don't know what to say... I'm trying to be strong!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"We are here, take your time, sorry for your lost!"
Faith the head rabbit:"Life is too short, but i know you made her happy even if we didn't know Jenna Heart for a long time."
Luna the moon demon:"You made her happy, that's important, i know you look after her and loved her as well... Jenna Heart showed me some old photos."
Part 1 till 24:
So, to explain, the lover leave the first white flower near the grave not on the grave, the bords of the thumbstone is always a shade of red if not red red, they let special candles on the grave... And the rest is a short ceremony.
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Before i go into part 29 small update: took a decision, it was a hard one but i have to do it, i will post till part 35 and then the missing panels, then it goes into hiatus the Nightmare comic... I kinda lost my motivation again...
Sorry if the story and action is a bit slow eh, i'm trying my best 😓😓
Nightmare AU part 29
Panel 1
Sky Coeur the detective:"You look different Donut from the last time we saw each other."
Donut:"Yes, this is my human form, i have ıearned in all these years of hiding, it's so much fun!"
Red the fortune teller:" You missed so much, Donut,we have a new friend, some crimes are going on, we fought some loyal subjects of the fake Nightmare king, my little sister got married..."
Melinoë the princess of nightmares:"Oh hello, i see new faces around here, you must be Donut... They told me so much about you! Someone sure is happy to have you back."
Staran the galaxy man:"Donut, we are planning to go to the local book store... Would you like to join us?"
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Donut:"It's time to change back, I'll show you all how to do it."
Staran the galaxy man:"That was amazing, something new everyday, hope one day i can do that too..."
Hester the photo marksmen:"Yes, it's much easier this way. You need to have at least 2 different forms!"
Hester the photo marksmen:" Are we ready? We have a long day ahead us, let's go!"
Luna the moon demon:"Come on Amstran the moon dancer you are with me, can't wait to see more of this town!"
Panel 3
Faith the head rabbit:"Finally we are leaving that old, dirty and smelly motel, i need to stretch my ears..."
Amstran the moon dancer:"That odd, we have a month and four days since we arrive here and i don't see any light...Hm..."
Luna the moon demon:"Maybe you aren't looking in the right direction..."
Le souris bonbon neige:"So how will we find the place?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"We will use our intuition, remember this is just like a detective game."
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Staran the galaxy man:"Just knock on the door..."
Le souris bonbon neige:"Are you sure this is the right door, what if some strange creature comes and eat us."
Polestar the star sprite:"Don't be such a baby, i will knock it myself!"
Trisha the hour glass:"Welcome! Finally you arrive, Amstran the moon dancer and your friends... Come in we must not waste any time now."
Donut:"Wow, this place is much bigger than it looks from outside! Thank you for inviting me here."
Panel 5
Polestar the star sprite :"Your place is beautiful and so many books... Can i touch them?"
Trisha the hour glass:"Sure, read what ever you like, dear... Come on Amstran the moon dancer come here, this is the cave of revelation, please step on the rock in the middle under the waterfall..."
Nishya the dream cat:"The books are so detailed and interesting, i never seen so many pictures!"
Luna the moon demon:"Look at the bright part at least we can have some peace and quiet before the storm."
Donut:"Are those about unrequited love drama books? Oh, i love that author, i might as well borrow a book."
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Polestar the star sprite: "This cave is HUGE, i can't believe that this is under your bookstore... It's amazing."
Le souris bonbon neige:"I have a strong dislike for caves and rivers or any deep water i may see..."
Amstran the moon dancer:"We are here, so we better be quick about it, too much to do today."
Trisha the hour glass:"Now focus, close your eyes and let your mind free, try not to think while listen to the water falls, feel the energy, connect with it..."
Amstran the moon dancer:" I... See..."
Panel 7
Trisha the hour glass:"Shush, do not speak, let's leave him alone for a few minutes, he must be alone, so who is next?"
Sky Coeur the detective:"What is he seeing?"
Trisha the hour glass:"He can find out everything he want to descover, he can find out his fate for example..."
Staran the galaxy man:"That is interesting, i hope that me and Polestar the star sprite will get married someday."
Hester the photo marksmen:"There are some bpoks i wish to take with us, they might help us...Hope that is alright with you, Trisha the hour glass."
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Staran the galaxy man:"So, what did you saw Amstran the moon dancer?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"A lot, i don't know what to say...!
Trisha the hour glass:"You don't have to, write on a piece of paper and than i will tell you where to look for answers, so... Who is next?"
Hester the photo marksmen:"I will... Wish me luck Lunica!"
Luna the moon demon:"Hope you stay there Hester the photo marksmen,hmph, such a child!"
Red the fortune teller:"Trisha the hour glass may you have a minute, i need to tell you something, it's about those symbols, i saw them somewhere...I saw them in flames..."
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Amstran the moon dancer:" Trisha the hour glass, can i see the book named "Ossylium cerevia"?
Staran the galaxy man:" What kinda book that is? How it will help us?"
Trisha the hour glass:"It will help you understand the Nightmare world better, we can't speak about it but there is this book that will guide you better."
Red the fortune teller:"According to this, the Nightmare world exist as a reality, it's the source of every nightmare we have, that's why in some parts is foggy all the time, the multiple moons and the distortion of our faces and "citizens"."
Polestar the star sprite:"It's been a while since i heard about it, i read something about it when i was young, my mother had a jurnal, though it was just a silly story! Our citizens see the real world as a dream we have sometimes."
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Amstran the moon dancer:"Imvoktis grenara symboli vertitis!"
Luna the moon demon:"What are you doing? Don't read any of that, it might be dangerous!"
Le souris bonbon neige:"Guys, that is a little too late! Look flying books, watch out!"
Trisha the hour glass:"Please, don't make a mess, they are books, not toys!"
Nishya the dream cat:"Sorry everyone!"
Part 1 till part 28
Donut belongs to @ caprin-fishie
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Nishya the dream cat & Sky Coeur the detective daughter:Sameera Coeur
Yes, new babies on their way, i decide... 👀
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