#skye bjorgman
mallmarrdlc · 4 months
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'Sidney! I didn't realise I would be dancing with you.' Skye opened her eyes wide.
'So you're the newest team member.' the boy smiled at her.
'Not just yet.' Rashidah crossed her arms. 'Skye, take these clothes and put them on quickly. Then you'll follow Sidney who will guide you through one of our routines.'
'Got it.' Skye grabbed the costume. 'Be back in a minute.'
Soon enough, she came back and she and Sidney began their performance. She was surprised that the boy didn't seem to have much energy in him. It wasn't her intention to outshine him but Skye decided to throw some extra moves into the routine, hoping for the best, while Rashidah observed them both.
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dragmedxwn · 1 year
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Olá, podem me chamar de Pan, tenho +21 e meus triggers são: doenças terminais e incesto. Tenho três chars no rp tremerrahq e esse é meu blog de musing para todas as minhas crianças. Abaixo do read more coloquei resumos das minhas crias.
— Para acessar musing específico, basta colocar "#𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 ➜ nome e sobrenome" se você quer acessar a tag musing da conexão dos nossos chars basta colocar "#𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 ➜ NOME DE MINHA CRIA x NOME DE SUA CRIA"
prole de elsa • 27 anos • módulo I do Esquadrão Vil • gênero fluido (pronomes tendem a variar, geralmente fica contente com qualquer um, mas às vezes tem algum de preferência. se isso acontecer, skylar avisa) • pansexual (&panromantic)
— brain, o mago das trevas; emboscada.
skye cresceu com os ensinamentos de Anna e Kristoff pois elsa sumiu quando elu tinha 8 anos, por causa disso, agarrou o sobrenome dos tios. aos 16 anos, seus poderes finalmente se manifestaram e skye descobriu que podia controlar e gerar fogo. seu fogo é azulado, bastante destrutivo mas foi bem útil pois arendelle passa por um inverno severo há 19 anos. skye então usa seus poderes para ajudar o povo de arendelle. infelizmente nem tudo é perfeito já que numa briga com os tiosz skylar perdeu o controle de seus poderes e o fogo consumiu o castelo de arendelle. destruiu tudo. faz pouco tempo no máximo dois/três anos. e skye está tentando reconstruir tudo.
🩸 biografia
sobre elsa: a rainha está desaparecida e skye está reunindo pistas para encontrá-la. todo mundo acredita que elsa só fugiu de novo mas não foi o caso e skylar irá provar.
daemon: thyra, dragão macho.
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prole da rainha de copas • 25 anos • módulo I • cis gênero feminino (ela/dela) • pansexual (&homoromantic)
— a bruxa milenar; coração do mar.
cresceu no país das maravilhas e isso tem uma influência direta em seu juízo. ou bem, na falta de seu juízo. é completamente surtada mas é gente boa. com seu poder consegue criar plantas e flores. a rainha de copas odeia o fato da Hira conseguir criar coisas "feias" como plantas que não são rosas vermelhas e sempre a proibiu de usar isso em casa. hira é tagarela e não faz muita distinção de vilões X mocinhos, mas prefere não ter tantos envolvimentos assim com mocinhos por causa da mãe. ela é extremamente fofoqueira e adora comentar sobre diversos assuntos, passar pra frente as informações que colhe sabe? fala mais que matraca, adora falar coisas de trás pra frente e na maioria das vezes não faz muito sentido com seus discursos.
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daemon: bishop, dragão macho ainda filhote.
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RAVEN (@ravween )
prole de gothel • 26 anos • módulo II • cis gênero masculino (ele/dele) • bissexual (&polyromantic)
— noah, o bondoso; arrebatado.
gothel lhe criou na mesma torre que criou rapunzel. ao contrário da princesa, raven aprendeu a escapar da torre por passagens secretas que tinham no local então o início de sua adolescência foi um pouco agitado com isso após descobrir como fugir. não podia ter muita liberdade então cresceu conhecendo pouquíssimas pessoas, Gothel sempre o escondeu dos vilões e lhe afastou dos mocinhos. aprendeu apenas o que a mãe queria lhe ensinar, do jeito dela e nas normas dela. foi um choque chegar na academia e ter que lidar com tantas pessoas. seu poder de sugar energia vital das coisas fez com que o ovo do daemon não eclodisse, virou pedra. desde então tem pesquisado como se tornar um Domador de dragões e está colocando isso em prática agora. raven busca um jeito de tornar seus poderes menos agressivos desde o momento que descobriu que gothel tomava poções de Úrsula durante a gravidez e isso certamente desrregulou seu dom que, desde que estava no ventre da mãe, sempre se mostrou presente e nunca teve controle. ele usa luvas mágicas para conter o poder, conseguiu no meio do primeiro ano na academia. ou seja: faz apenas dois anos e meio que consegue tocar nas pessoas sem as machucar, ele tem um certo nível de privação de toque e hoje em dia tenta compensar, se tornou uma pessoa muito tátil.
🩸 biografia
dragão selvagem a ser domado: ATUALMENTE NÃO TEM DRAGÃO, mas em breve terá ruby, uma jovem dragão fêmea.
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acourtcfmuses · 1 year
❔ / romantic ships edition because you know what we both love uwu xD
send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours!
-scoffs- Okay, settle in, remember you asked for this Skye...
Also if I got any of mine or yours muses sexualities mixed up, you never saw those, there was a lot of muses on both sides to go through ahaha.
Aelis - Jarek, Emerie
Azriel  - Gwyn
Kallias - Viviane
Qianna - Kerne, Iara, Fawn, Alpin
Rhysand - Feyre
Tamlin - Rhea,
Aemma Velaryon  - Xaden, Zion, Liam
Aegon I Targaryen  - Yennefer, Helga
Aegon Iii Targaryen - Astrid H
Aemon Targaryen - Nina
Balerion - Inej
Daenerys Targaryen - Rosette, Jarek
Daerra Targaryen  - Eos, Roux
Dreamfyre  - Fawn, Iara
Jacaerys Velaryon  - Eowyn
Rhaenyra Targaryen - Nikolai, Aleksander
Seasmoke  - Nuala, Koa
Shaena Targaryen  - Diego, Kaz
Silverwing - Calix
Vermithor - Elain, Amberle
Vhagar - Zion, Alyx
Visenya Targaryen  - Tyr
Viserion - Jurian, Calista
Aemond Targaryen - Ciri, Violet, Calix
Daemon Targaryen - Bloom (They’re Cannily Married At This Point In My Head)
Aleksander Morozova  - Nina, Violet, Ciri, Charlie
April Harrington - Robin, Lizzie, Jac, Cindy, Jill, Misy
Charlotte Price - Eddie, Lizzie, Steve, Jonathan
Eddie Munson - Jac, Lizzie, Steve, Jonathan
Erin Byers  - Eddie, Lizzie, Steve, Jac, Simon K
Staci Hopper - Eddie, Lycus, Rhudi, Nick G.
Steve Harrington - Lizzie, Jac, Jonathan, Eddie, Ziggy
Thea Buckley - Simon K, Steve, Jonathan, Eddie
Timothy Hawke - Steve, Jonathan, Eddie
Alexa Bruce - Raelle, Tamar, Misty, Alyx
Davina Claire  - Lycus, Rhudi, Scott, Caliban, Nick S, Lydia, Malia Raelle
Klaus Mikaelson  - Caroline, Malia, Lydia
Olivia Kenner  - Lycus, Rhudi, Scott
Anthony Bridgerton  - Kate
Daphne Bridgerton - Simon B, Theodore
Billie Jenkins - Raelle, Sebastian, Dominique
Charlie Greenwood - Caliban, Mirabel, Yennefer, Jaskier
Wyatt Halliwell - Tally, Marlene, Charlie W, Kaz, Nick S.
Barry Allen - Mia
Connor Kent - Mia
Maleficent  - Diaval, Hans
Adeline - Alistair, Derek, Kris, Castor, Calder
Anexander Castillon - Kryos, Braxton, Olwen, 
Beatrix  - Fleur F, Diana, Kovu, 
Katja Bjorgman - King, Chesney, 
Raedar Fitzherbert - Astrid B, Adelinda, Eloise C
Truefer Bell  - Fleur F, Sammy, Damian, Mairi, Harriet
Astoria Greengrass - Blaise, Henry
Bill Weasley - Fleur D
Charlie Weasley - Hermione
Roxanne Weasley - Angus, Kyran
Salazar Slytherin - Helga
Susan Bones - Raelle
Victoire Weasley - Teddy, Ominis
Adran - Druig, Sersi
Ajak  - Sersi
Angelina Von Strucker - Ward
Ben Parker - Darcy
Bobbi Morse  - Matt
Bucky Barnes - Jemma, Natasha, Yelena, Matt
Clint Barton  - Jemma
Kira Leon - Yelena
Logan Howlett - Melinda M,
Prisha Chakrabarti - Wanda, Matt
Stephen Strange - Wanda
Tony Stark - Natasha, Thor
Wanda Maximoff - Natasha
Annie Summers - Jill, Samantha
Billy Maximoff - Nate, Chase, Lorcan
Charles Summers - Mia
Tommy Maximoff - Reid, Fynn
Valeria Richards - Clary
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islecaptain-a · 5 years
(ties in with @wearethedescendants​)
Harriet Hook’s Crew:-
Harriet Hook - Captain / familiar bond with Tizoc Tock
Bael Wolfe - familiar of Maeve Fae
Damian Jones
Kovu Nje
Rhion King
Sammy Smee
Members of Raven’s Gang:-
Diana Moors - familiar of Raven Fae
Adelinda Khalil - familiar of Jabir Al-Jazari
Miriam Mirror - familiar of Everson Grimhilde
Elektrasam - familiar of Ulla
Hermione Sinclair
Evalyn East
Audrey Rose
Members of Cain’s Coven:-
Ginny Gothel
Freddie Facilier - familiar bond with Lucian Gato
Lyra Sanderson - familiar bond with Berenice Bartok
Maddie Mim - familiar bond with Hastings Hiss
Vitani Nje - familiar to Felda Gothel
Shadow Spirit - familiar to Faris Facilier
Malachi Flyer - familiar to Zabella West
Urina Tow - familiar to Tempestas
Varena Ulf - familiar to Glacies Hiems
Members of the Heart Family court:-
Braxton Snatch - familiar of Viveca Heart
Hannah Hightopp **See Hannah’s Isle!Verse where raised by Hearts
Gaston’s Tavern (Read Giavanna’s Tavern)
Alexandria Slade
Arlo Tremaine
Bellamy Sykes
Core Four (ties in with @ladymalevxlent )
Mal Fae
Evie Grimhilde
Hades’ Souvlaki
Empatheria Black - familiar of Haemon Thanatos
Dare Hollow - familiar to Noctis
Persephone Thanatos - Queen of the Underworld **See Persephone Isle Verse
Curl Up and Dye (ties in with @heartsunholy​)
Lilith Gato
Hans Westergaard
Claude’s Church Lackey’s
Claude Frollo Jnr - Leader
Wyatt Clayton
Gunner Ratcliffe
Claudine Frollo
Hyde’s Surgery and Apothecary Shop
Edwin Hyde - Doctor/Alchemist
Zevon - Pharmacist/Scientist
Nasir of Andalesia’s Bodyguards
Gaston ‘Junior’ II Legume
Pace Ratigan - familiar to Brunhilda Lebkuchen
Skye Nottingham
~::|| Isle Politics - Brief Overview ||::~
Harriet is in control of the area of the dock’s known as the Western Docks, which is the part of the docks closest to where the Goblin Barges come in, so she is usually first in, and controlling the best trade. Her territory used to belong to Long John Silver until she took it from him when she was fifteen. Her territory is right next to the part of the docks under Uma and Ursula’s control.
Harriet, Raven, Viveca and Cain’s gang’s have major alliances in every verse, and secretly keep the Isle from destroying itself in an alliance known by some as the Power Four.  Harriet’s gang has a minor protection alliance with the Core Four.
Claude’s Church Lackey’s are the older gang with the least power/influence - something which frustrates him to no end. His gang has successfully managed to piss of every other gang on the isle (including Uma’s crew in my headcanons). The rising gang of Giavanna Legume has started garnering attention, their main base is Gaston’s Tavern.
The children of Hades’ Souvlaki (or what is classed/looks like children), have alliance ties to the four prominent older gangs on the Isle. Whereas Curl Up and Dye normally keep to themselves and are situated on the cusp of Uma’s territory; though Lilith can usually be seen with the Heart’s Cheshire Chester.
Hyde’s Surgery and Apothecary Shop is not your typical doctor’s surgery - none of the doctor’s there are fully qualified, but have had medical training. However you go there at your own peril. Outside of the Isle Alliances, the Hyde family thrive on pain and if you go there you might just end up leaving worse than when you entered. They do have a talented scientist making semi-decent medicines in the form of Zevon, who recycles out of date medication from Auradon.
As the deal broker of the Isle Nasir of Andalesia needed bodyguards and they came in the form of Junior and Pace. Unaligned tend to float between the gangs, Skye is a bit of a loner, tends to police the younger generation for the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Benjamin Florian - King of Auradon
Preston Rose - Crown Prince of the Auroria
Forrest White - Crown Prince of the Summerlands
Kuzco Alvarez - Crown Prince of the Kuzconian Empire
Daniil Romanov - Prince of Russia
Ruby Fitzherbert - Princess of Corona / Life debt with Chester Cheshire
Eira of Arendelle - Princess of Arendelle 
Astrid Bjorgman - Princess of Arendelle
Eloise Charming - Princess of Charmington
Maggie DunBroch - Princess of Clan DunBroch
Wonderland Cafe (ties in with @fatesdesign​)
Hannah Hightopp
Alistair Kingsleigh
Alissa Kingsleigh
Chesney Cheshire
Twelve Labours Gym
Herkie Alexopoulos - Owner
Hunter Woods
Maisy O’Malley - future familiar of Mordred Pendragon
Fairy Vale / Faeries / Wisps
Cornelia Fae - Princess of Fairy Vale
Reed Faery
Fleur Faery
Willow Wisp - wisp of Galvin DunBroch
Seaside / Triton’s Bay / Atlantica / Atlantis
Jackson Grimsby
Aria Atlantica
Jordan Genie - future genie of Jaeden Jabberwocky
Northern Wei / China
Li Shang II
Jenny Skellington - Princess of Halloween
Zoe Ghastley - familiar of Jasper Skellington
The afflictions list is rather intensive and encompasses a lot of headcanons (whether they’re aware of it or not) with my main RP partner’s and will be heavily referenced in threads.
Sibling bonds haven’t been included above, just familiar and affiliations!
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mallmarrdlc · 5 months
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The holiday is over! Time to go back home.
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mallmarrdlc · 5 months
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Soon after Vivian disappeared off the catwalk, the other models followed, all flaunting dresses from Goldie's newest collection beautifully.
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mallmarrdlc · 28 days
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The Bjorgmans also began decorating. Anna decided to get all the youngest children involved in "dressing up" the tree.
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mallmarrdlc · 2 months
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In the meantime in Windenburg, the Bjorgman children are working on their last school projects before the winter break starts.
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mallmarrdlc · 4 months
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The Bjorgmans work hard, as well.
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mallmarrdlc · 4 months
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Homework time!
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mallmarrdlc · 4 months
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Sadly, Skye couldn't join the cheerleading team as it would majorly interfere with her drama club meetings but either way, she got to keep the costume and Darya offered her a tiny photoshoot as a sweetener and a memory.
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mallmarrdlc · 4 months
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The cheer team trial took longer than expected and the three students ended up being late for their next class. Unfortunately, they were caught by the principal who gave them all detention.
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mallmarrdlc · 4 months
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'Wow, Skye I am impressed!' Rashidah clapped her hands once. 'I didn't think you had it in you and I am pleasantly surprised.'
'Um... thanks.' Skye smiled lightly. 'So what happens now?'
'Just come to the practice tomorrow at 15.30 and you'll start training together with us.'
'Tomorrow at 15.30?' Skye winced.
'Yeah. We practice on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 15.30'
'That's not going to work.' Skye shook her head. 'I am already taking part in drama club at that time. Monday to Friday.'
'Oh, that's a shame. Can you not work around that?'
'Sadly, no. And if I am to choose between dancing and acting, I will choose acting any day.'
'Okay, that's fine.' Rashidah nodded slowly. 'Well, thanks for wasting my time, then. You can keep the costume.' And not waiting for any response, she walked away.
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mallmarrdlc · 4 months
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mallmarrdlc · 4 months
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Before the lessons started, Skye found Rashidah Watson - the cheer team captain in the sports hall.
'Hi, Rashidah...' she approached the girl, not feeling very confident. 'My name is Skye. I saw the poster in the corridor. You're looking for new cheer team members?'
'Yes, we are.' Rashidah just nodded. 'Are you interested?'
'Yes, I am. Can you tell me more?'
'Well, first we need to see if you are any good. We don't want someone tone-deaf and with no rhythm.'
'Oh, I can assure you I am definitely not tone-deaf.'
'We'll see. Come back here during lunch break. We'll find a costume for you. You'll perform a short, easy routine with one of our members and we'll see how good you actually are. And we'll take it from there.'
'Okay, sounds good. See you then.'
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mallmarrdlc · 4 months
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Later that evening, Darya and Skye sat down in the living room for a chat.
'So how do you find yourself in Copperdale High?' Darya asked.
'Quite well, I think.' Skye shrugged. 'Wish I had some more time to hang out with people after school. But drama club is my life.' she chuckled.
'Any friendships yet?'
'Not really. I've been talking to some people like Molly Prescott and Savannah Price. Her brother recently started talking to me.'
'Sidney Price? Has he now?' Darya sat up straighter. 'And what about you? Do you like him?'
'Not p- Um... I don't really look at boys this way...' Skye looked around the room.
'Wait-' Darya's eyes were open wide in shock and a half smile crept onto her lips.
'Oh, no, don't get me wrong!' Skye began protesting quickly when she realised how her previous words had come across. 'That's not me coming out! I- don't like girls.' she waved her arms and shook her head.
'Phew, for a second there I thought you might want to steal Vivian away from me.' Darya pretended to sigh with relief.
'Ew.' Skye winced.
'Oh, thanks, sis.' Darya scoffed.
'No, that's not what I meant.' Skye flailed her limbs as if she suddenly lost all her strength in her body. 'Lord, I really cannot speak tonight. I mean I wouldn't want to date Vivian anyway. She has some awful personality at times but, hey, you do you.' Skye shrugged.
'Lovely.' Darya pretended to be offended. 'So you think my type in women sucks.'
'I never said that. Anyway, I was considering joining the cheerleading team.' Skye changed the subject.
'The same cheerleading team that Sydney Price is a member of?' Darya arched an eyebrow.
'That's not because of him!'
'I'm sure he'd like to see you there.'
'I just figured I could really use to have as many skills as possible for when I finally become a proper actress. And it's a good way to learn some cool dance moves.'
'But are you going to have time to practise? I mean, with your drama club and all. You're already busy almost every day of the week.'
'I would need to find out their schedule. Maybe see if my hours in the drama club could be reduced slightly...'
The girls sat in silence for a moment as Skye seemed to ponder the idea.
'Thank you for always supporting me, Darya.' she suddenly spoke up and squeezed Darya's hand. 'You're always there. Whenever I need you. Through whatever I need.'
'We're sisters. I love you.' Darya smiled gently and put her other hand on top of Skye's. 'We need to be there for each other. Through thick and thin. You know I am your biggest fan.'
'Thank you.' Skye smiled back.
'Sure thing, sister. You can count on me. Always.'
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