#skyward sword zolu au
one-idea · 5 months
Nika reincarnated and the King of Hell.
I don’t know how many of you are Zelda fans but Luffy being the sun god Nika could go crazy hard with the Skyward Sword storyline.
For those of you who have not played Skyward sword no worries I’m changing enough of the plot it won’t matter to much
Let’s say there is the legend of Nika. A legend pass down of the sun god who came to earth to liberate slaves and return joy and freedom to the world.
Most of the texts has been lost but the oral tradition keeps the story alive. However it is not a totally accurate account.
They tell the story of Nika’s exploits on Earth. Including his help from other gods/angels/deities.
But the most famous tale is the story of Nika’s fight with the King of Hell. The fight to free the people of this world. Nika was able to seal away the King of Hell but was fatally wounded as a result of the fight.
However the true version this tale had been lost to time. The current version is missing quite a lot of detail. Including the fact that Nika, perhaps knowing he would be needed again or just wanting to be with his friends and loved ones once more, sacrificed his immortality so that his soul could reincarnate as a human.
Thousands of years later Luffy is born.
After Luffy unlocks Gear 5 he starts to get these weird visions or feelings. It starts out while he’s sleeping but he’s starting to get them while he’s awake. It’s starting to worry the crew. One minute he will be standing there talking to them and then the next his eyes are locked on the horizon, but they aren’t really seeing anything and he’s not responding to their calls.
It’s only for short periods of time, and Luffy tries to brush them off with the crew, but he’s really starting to freak out. Because he’s seeing things that he does not remember happening.
When they arrive on the next island Luffy gets separated from the others. Maybe a cult follower of Nika. Maybe an old friend, someone who already remembers their past life with Nika and is here to help Luffy as he unlocks his memories. (Maybe Shanks or Sabo, someone Luffy would willingly go with and trust them when they say his crew will be fine)
Meanwhile, while Luffy is going on a journey of self discovery, the crew is losing their minds
Specifically Zoro. He’s been having weird dreams since Enies Lobby when he unlocked his Asura form for the first time. They were few and far between but they always freaked him out because why was he fighting Luffy in those dreams?
It’s been getting worse since he gained Enma. Every night since picking up that sword he’s been having weird dreams. Something that used to happen once a month at most is now a nightly occurrence. And then when he unlocked the title King of Hell he started getting them in the day. And he’s starting to freak out. Because he’s starting to remember their previous lives. But nothing makes sense. There are some memories where Zoro?Asura? and Luffy?Nika? Seem to act like they do now, there are some memories where they seem closer (memories that make his cheeks burn) but there are also memories where they seem to be at each others throats and fighting to the death. But that seems to be only one memory, the one memory that won’t leave him alone.
And he’s been wondering for weeks if Luffy has been remembering to. If the pauses where he zones out are actually him being plaguing by visions to. But he’s to scared to ask, because what if the only memory Luffy has of past Zoro is them fighting? Or what if Luffy isn’t seeing visions and Zoro is just crazy?
And now Luffy has gone missing and they need to find him but they keep getting to him to late. Luffy’s moved on to the next temple, next location, and they are always just a step behind their captain.
(Note other crew members are remembering things from their past lives as well. I haven’t placed them all yet but they were definitely around with Nika in the past. Now what role they played is up for debate. A different god/ one of Nika’s angels/ or just a person who was loyal to Nika in the past, someone he liked enough to tie them to his soul when it reincarnated.)
Once they reunite Luffy and Nika have fully merged. The crew can tell he’s different. But they don’t have long to talk. Something is coming. Whatever happened in the past is about to come again and Nika has to hold it off until the crew is ready to fight. (Till they remember what he does) he goes to do this but swears to them that no matter what happens or what they remember he’s still their captain, he’s still their Luffy.
And the he’s gone again. Somewhere they can’t follow this time. Not until they remember. Not until their enemy is defeated.
As they go on their quest they all start to remember different parts of the story. Which could lead to one of them (probably Sanji) remembering the final fight between Asura and Nika. But he has no other context so it just lead to him and Zoro fighting because he thinks Zoro is their enemy or at least he used to work for him, because Asura dealt the fatal blow to Nika which started this reincarnation crap.
It isn’t until they put the whole story together that they find out Asura was possessed when he fought Nika. It was an unseeable betrayal because it wasn’t a betrayal. Once Asura delt the fatal blow to Nika he snapped out of it. He followed Nika’s decision to sacrifice his immortality in the hopes that they could be together again.
The main enemy is probably Imu. An ancient deity who Nika sealed the powers of long ago. Enough time has passed that the seal has weakened and that is way Luffy has to hold the seal while his crew gets their memories back.
I love Zelda and I think this could be a lot of fun taking elements of both skyward sword and Tears of the kingdom to make it work.
Obviously the whole crew had their roles in the past life. So did Ace, Sabo, Shanks and others
I kinda like the idea of Shanks being Luffy’s guide to his memories while his crew runs interference with the Strawhats. One of the great parts of Skyward swords story is your always a step behind Zelda and Impa never lets you forget that you were to slow to save her. That if Impa wasn’t there Zelda would be dead, and Link would have been to slow and weak to stop it. The idea of Shanks crew (and maybe Mihawk) taunting the Strawhats with the fact that they are to slow or weak to protect their captain has a lot of drama to it. Luffy’s safe, Shanks’ wouldn’t let anything happen to him, but the fact that they (the Strawhats) are to slow to help him over and over has to hurt.
This could also work really well with Sabo in this position. Sabo helping Luffy with his memories while Dragon taunts the crew.
I also love the idea that for centuries Asura was blamed for Nika’s death and Zoro and the crew learning about it with no context. Zoro would lose his mind at just the idea that he could ever be the one responsible for killing Luffy in a past life. Of course it’s not the full truth as they later find out but that moment would be awesome.
Let me know what you guys think. I want to talk about this more.
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one-idea · 1 month
I love your Skyward Sword AU!!! I think Nami would be a weather goddess for sure ^_^
God but the Straw Hats trailing behind Luffy, constantly failing him in their mind... It would destroy them for sure, I can totally see Robin especially going off the deep end a bit (former assassin wants to KILL)
Oh for sure Nami is a weather goddess in their past life.
I want to place all the Strawhats as minor gods with Nika as a major. I think in the past they either all died and Nika gave up his immortality so that they could all reincarnate together. Or after Nika died and gave up his immortality they all followed suit to be with him again. I’m leaning more towards idea one
Some strawhats are easier to place than others
Luffy as Nika
Zoro as Asura
Nami as a goddess of weather (maybe call her Kiatsu meaning barometric pressure, or Tenki meaning weather.)
Usopp could be the god of lies and trickery (lies is Japanese is just Uso so I might have to work on that name a bit)
Sanji is a god of food/cooking
Chopper is obviously a god of medicine/healing
Robin could be wisdom/knowledge/history maybe something else as well
Franky is the spirit of inventions?
Book is music (obvious)
Jinbei is the ocean (obvious)
As for your second point… the idea that they are always a step behind, a moment too late to help. The are arriving to battle fields when the battle is over. Finding remnants of sea stone cuffs and other objects to hurt/imprison their captain.
And this is after Marineford, they all already feel like they failed Luffy once. He needed them and they weren’t there and he lost his brother.
Now he needs them again and they are always showing up to late.
I’m sure Mihawk is not painting a delicate picture for them. He’s not sparing any detail of what almost happened to Luffy at each spot. “If the Red hair pirates were here than….” Fill in the blank.
It absolutely starts to wear them down. Especially as them memories of their previous life starts to trickle back. They all feel like they are going crazy, and Luffy the one person who always brought confidence and comfort is not there.
I think the first time they arrive to a spot that still has marines at it they all go ballistic.
Zoro just launches himself from the boat at starts attacking them. He has to get to Luffy, he’s not going to be to late this time.
Sanji and Robin are right behind. Luffy just saved Sanji from Whole Cake not to long ago, he has to save Luffy. Robin well they’ve been harassing her sunshine Captain and she’s not letting that go.
There is a lot of pent up rage in the whole crew.
They won’t be to late this time.
It’s all for not. Luffy and Shanks already moved on.
But I don’t think any of them totally lose it until they catch back up to Luffy. The release that he is alright. That they are all back together. Only for it all to crumble as Luffy leaves to go hold back an enemy. This time they can’t follow. Not until they have their memories back.
Suddenly they have to face their past lives and every emotion that comes with putting the pieces of their past back together
The realization that Asura dealt Nika his fatal wound.
The memory of their own deaths
It’s a lot. And they all definitely break down in their own ways.
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one-idea · 13 days
Oh man skyward sword Nami remembering Nika's death and having a breakdown because Luffy and Zoro are her boys!!! Her first ever friends!!! She watched them first starting out!!! They mean Everything to her and she Knows they mean everything to each other /so why did Asura kill Nika/??? If anyone was going to figure out the mind control it would be her
I love my Skyward sword au because it has so many opportunities for things like this.
Because the Romance Dawn trio is special to me.
The whole crew is going to have a hard time when they remember Nika’s death especially since it was caused by Asura. Trying to tie the Luffy and Zoro they know now to the two gods they knew in their past lives feels impossible with the knowledge of how it ends.
But they are Nami’s boys. The two idiots who dragged her along on their adventure. Even when she pushed them away Luffy just laughed and Zoro put up with all of her insults and venom. They accepted her. Usopp and Sanji to but they joined after her. They didn’t see how it started. She betrayed all of them but it was Luffy and Zoro she knew the longest (heck Sanji barly knew her when she stole the Merry)
Yet despite all that they still came for her. After everything that happened at Arlong Park they helped her, they still wanted her as their friend.
Luffy might have grabbed her hand and yanked her out of darkness but Zoro was always there to steady them. To catch them when Luffy’s force eventually knocked them over. They are her boys. And you can see it anytime the three of them interact. Luffy is captain, Zoro is first mate and Nami is navigator they run that ship.
So for Nami to have the flashback of Nika dying. (The crew all get different parts of the truth via what their past life saw. They are able to price the truth together as they unlock the whole story) but she gets the memory of Nika dying.
Of her past life Tenki runing up to Nika and cradling him as he dies. As he tries to tell her it’s not Asura’s fault. Asura approaches them and Tenki starts yelling at him “go away! You’ve won! Leave him alone!” As she pulls her friends closer to her body to try and shield him. Only to watch Asura collapse in front of her, tears steaming down his face because he’s back. He’s back in control and he’s reaching out to Nika sobbing because “what have I done. No no no. This can’t be happening.” And Nika is reaching back for him “it’s not your fault. They made you”
And suddenly Nami is back in the present tears streaming down her face as she now knows the missing piece of the puzzle. Someone controlled Asura/Zoro to attack Nika/Luffy. It makes far more sense than any of their original ideas.
But then she has the horrifying realization. “Who has the power to control someone like Zoro? Someone with will as strong as Zoro that he’s willed himself not to die, who could control him? And are they still around?
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one-idea · 5 months
So I was thinking about my Skyward sword Zolu au and I have a lot of ideas
I’ve been thinking about how other characters will play into this. Mainly who is helping Luffy regain his memories of the past and who is taunting the crew.
It needs to be someone Luffy trusts and would go with.
My two schools of thought are Shanks or Sabo.
With Shanks you have the mentor/father figure helping Luffy remember.
Maybe he’s a reincarnation to. Or maybe it’s like the Shiekah in the game where the legend has been passed down and he knew who or what Luffy was. Maybe not the whole time, maybe he found out later after he had already met Luffy and knew someone had to help the kid remember.
Either way he meets up with Luffy and helps guide him to all the places he needs to go to unlock his memories of the past.
But who is taunting the crew in this scenario?
Two options
One different members of the red hair crew like Beckmann or Yassop. They stay behind at certain locations to make sure the crew knows they are behind. That Luffy needs them and they aren’t there. That if it was up to them they would be too late to protect their captain.
But you know it doesn’t hit as hard. The crew doesn’t know these people. But you know who they do know? Who is also connected to Shanks?
Which is just great because sword spirits are a big part of skyward sword. Having Mihawk waiting for them. Knowing that they just missed Luffy and the Red hair pirates. That they are two late.
And specifically that Zoro is to late. Asura failed to protect Nika in their past lives, and Zoro is failing now.
Having Mihawk, Zoro’s ultimate goal and mentor standing there telling them that they are all failures will just hit a lot harder.
Also no one gives condescension and sass quite like Mihawk
Sabo is also quite fun because Luffy would defiantly trust his brother. Plus Sabo remembering their past life before Luffy and helping him remember is quite poetic.
I can see Sabo and Ace being gods flames and fire in the past. One being infernos and destruction and the other being warmth and hearths (fire at its most helpful and most dangerous)
Sabo and Luffy are going on a grand adventure to restore Nika’s memory (and maybe find a way to bring back Ace, it’s not the first time his souls returned)
Meanwhile the crew is being taunted by Dragon or the revolutionary. They are determined to bring Nika back so that he can liberate the world. And the Strawhats are being to slow to remember. They are holding Nika back by not remembering their past lives/roles
They could also be trying to stop Zoro from finding Luffy since there is a misconception that Asura killed Nika in the past.
Opposite could also be true
Dragon is helping Luffy restore his memories while Sabo yells at the crew. Especially if Luffy is being hunted at the same time.
You could have Ace be restored early and have him being the one to call the crew out for weakness. Or switch him and Sabo
I’ve got a lot of ideas and I haven’t even talked about dungeon designs and challenges for the crew. Or their roles in the past life
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one-idea · 6 months
Master list
This is more for me so I have a record of all my Aus in one place but incase anyone is interested.
Dream Dream Masterlist
A devil fruit user with the ability to steal a persons dreams/ambitions steals Luffy’s dream to become the pirate king. This leaves a despondent Luffy who doesn’t believe in his or any of his crews dreams (their dreams have become part of his) the crew is left to get his dream back.
(Big family feels for all of the Strawhats and some Zolu)
Reverse Strawhats Masterlist
In a parallel universe where Ace meets Whitebeard early and much like Luffy and Shanks makes a promise (to one day surpass Whitebeard) when he sets out to sea he meets with Kuina, Nojiko, Kaya, Reiju, and many others. They go on the strawhat journey (with some twist and turns)
One day (maybe in the Wano fight maybe not) a devil fruit activates sending Luffy and the strawhats to this world. Allowing for Luffy and Ace to reunite, but also Robin and Olivia (her mom) Chopper and Dr. Hiriluk, Law and Rosinante and many more.
Official Fic
Zoro’s arc Masterlist
I really wanted a Zoro arc. Where his old sensei contacts him about needing Wado Ichimonji (to defeat an enemy that can only be cut by one of the 21 great grade blades) Zoro has to return but he hates leaving the crew. He tells Luffy (there’s no way he’s leaving without an explanation) and Luffy is not letting him go alone.
There are many twist including old memories and new knowledge (maybe Kuina’s death wasn’t an accident)
Big Zoro feels, his relationship with the crew and some Zolu (cause I can)
(Pleant of Zoro and crew feels but mainly Zolu)
Nika cult Masterlist
A Nika worshiping cult wants to bring Nika back to the world, to do this they have to kill Luffy. They almost succeed, Nika takes over to keep Luffy alive. Now it’s up to the crew to find away to save Luffy. But it’s so weird to travel with Nika. Who knows them, because Luffy loves his crew, but Nika is not Luffy. So it’s like hanging out with your loved ones friend you never met.
Big focus on the crews love for Luffy. (All the crew including Jinbei) big focus on Sanji (whole cake guilt) Robin (she adores her captain and crew) and Zolu
Wado’s POV Masterlist
A retelling of One Piece from Wado Ichimonji’s point of view
Her pride in her dumb son Zoro, her adoration of their captain and king, her love of the crew, and her absolute annoyance with Sandai Kitsune. (Also the relationships with Yubashiri, Shusui, and Enma)
Sun god and king of hell / madoka magica fusion
If you’ve watched Madoka Magica you know. But Luffy loses himself to Nika. Maybe to save the crew of maybe the whole fleet, but Luffy’s no longer in control. Zoro truly becomes the king of hell and uses his power as Asura to block Nika’s influence over Luffy, allowing Luffy to be Luffy. But every now and then Nika tries to break free.
Please just watch the end of madoka magica revolution
Part 1
An actually plot?
Who remembers and why Ace is a problem
Roger and Rouge live and raise Ace/Sabo/Luffy
Roger doesn’t die for his illness and lives with rouge and Ace. Shanks finds Luffy and adopts him, but leaves him in the east blue. Roger comes to meet Luffy and takes him a and Sabo (who Luffy befriended) with him
Part 1: main concept
Shanks raises ASL brother Masterlist
This involves a lot of rearranging of cannon events. But basically Shanks realizes that Luffy is living alone and promises him the next time he comes to Dawn island he’ll take Luffy with him. Crap finds out and take Luffy to Dadan, where he meets Ace and Sabo. Shanks returns just in time to stop the Bluejam pirates from separating the ASL brothers. He spends some time getting to know the other two boys and decides to take them with him.
Skyward Sword/Zelda au
Luffy remembers his past Life and Nika while separated from the crew. The crew is trying to find him while slowly remembering their own past lives. They are only finding bits and pieces but one memory stands out. The death of Nika at the hands of Asura.
The whole story follows the idea of Skyward sword. That Luffy is Nika reincarnated and needs to finish the job Nika set out to do before he past. Other people (the red hair pirates or the revolutionary’s) are helping him remember his past life while stoping the Strawhats from interfering.
The main idea
Who is guiding Luffy/who is taunting the crew
The Strawhats past lives and feelings
The Spade’s save Ace Masterlist
Masked Deuce, Mihar, and Skull the officers of the Soade pirates chase after Ace when he leaves the Moby. They catch up just in time to pull him out of his fight with Blackbeard. Hurray Ace is safe, but they have a new problem. Blackbeard is going after Luffy.
One shot ideas/asks
DnD Ace/Sabo character sheet
Acedeuce: cooking
Part 2 the cookie saga begins
Cookie saga 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Zolu: a devil fruit that forces you to obey orders hits Zoro and the resulting angst from our boys
Part 2
Fem Ace runs into Sabo pre-cannon leading to some fun assumptions by the Whitebeard crew.
Art of Fem Ace by @vulnonapix1234
More Fem Ace
More are of Fem Ace by @vulnonapix1234
Jail break au: the strawhats head straight for Ace after Thriller Bark
Will Sandai Kitsune break
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