zoe-oneesama · 1 year
Love Alix's outfit in the latest chapter (and all the character's outfits in gen, your art is amazing). What would you call her aesthetic? What refs do you usually use when designing clothes for her?
You can see the outfits I've saved for her to potentially use on my pinterest board here. The bible says Alix is supposed to be stylish, which I don't see at all lol, but then again for a show that brings up fashion a lot it's clear these guys don't really care to make anyone actually look the part. I mean, look at poor Adrien's pedestrian ass clothes.
I decided to make that part of her whole deal, stylish but make it effortless. She clearly likes layers since she put that dumb brown tank top over her actually cool snake sleeved top, so I used that to make her a bit more stylish most of the time. Athletic clothes paired with one more thought out piece, like layer tank tops but with intricate baggy pants. I don't really have a name for this style since "Athleisure" isn't really it.
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
How come no one is getting the rabbit miraculous?
I don't like writing or reading about time travel, I can't fit into the remaining episodes, I don't wannaaaaaa, many reasons.
Plus when I started this AU we only had season 2 and even in season 3, Bunnix mostly existed in this weird, other AU, non canon feeling timelines that were easy to ignore and didn't feel like she herself was having impact on the present timeline (except giving Marinette a traumatic experience). I never felt like she was really there to help, didn't really get attached to her, and didn't feel like putting her in.
Just best to assume Alix is carrying around her dormant rabbit Miraculous unknowingly. Maybe Future Bunnix will, like Felix, have a very brief appearance in the epilogue, but it feels disingenuous to say she's gonna be in the AU for a one strip gag or something. That's like saying Damocles as The Owl is "in the AU" just because he's in the background in "Party Crasher". You know that's not what people mean when they ask if someone is "in" the series.
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zoe-oneesama · 3 years
Alix Appreciation?
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Hm, she wasn't in a lot of this season
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zoe-oneesama · 3 years
You put Alix on a roller derby team and I am LIVING for it!!!! Do you have any plans for that or was it just meant to be a throwaway comment? I have so many questions...
I have at least one solid callback in the later “Intermission” episode, where you’ll see some OCs I’ve designed specifically to be Alix’s sporty Not School Friends. They’re not very fleshed out personality wise though, just visually designed. 
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Frédérique (or “Freddie”) on the left is into Decora Kei and loves accessories as gifts. She’s the one who convinced/helped Alix dye her hair.
Suhayla on the right comes across as the mature, and meek one, of the group so she throws people off guard with how loud and boisterous she can be. She’s part of Adrien’s fanclub.
I really haven’t given them enough thought or expanded on them to say for sure that I’ll include them in depth in the future. Alix has already gotten some Ascended Extra status that I’d like to extend to other classmates before giving her another episode focus. 
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zoe-oneesama · 6 years
I feel something of a headcannon for your SL Au. Alix and Sabrina have a gearhead and a nerd/jock relationship: With the pocketwatch she got on her birthday, Alix is a secret egghead and has an eye for detail. Sabrina, having to carry Chloé, large books on her back and push heavy objects (not to mention learning self defence from her father and helping fixing his police equipment) makes her a good mechanic/ engineer for heavy machinery.
We all assume that Sabrina is very book smart for doing her homework twice, but we don’t actually have canonical evidence of this. And for most of Chloe’s schemes, she has to be talked through what to do. But like you said, she does canonically carry large book stacks (at least I think she does? I’m having some vague memory of that, I hope I’m not confusing fannon with cannon) so you’re probably not far off!
It’s also not a stretch that Alix would be into such things. The side/background characters aren’t fleshed out enough for my tastes, so we don’t know things like what subjects Alix excels at and what she likes, so it’s completely possible that she’s really good at magic and fiddles with everyday objects to figure out how they work. It does appear that when she’s into something (like sports) she puts her whole focus on it.
In such a case, I can see Alix encouraging Sabrina into sports (which Chloe might’ve conditioned her to think is gross and not worth her time) which could be another outlet for Sabrina’s pent up aggression. I can also see Sabrina helping Alix do research for the things she’s tinkering with. 
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zoe-oneesama · 6 years
Hmm... maybe Sabrina could become friends with Alix? I know that they were originally going to be in a trio with Chloe to reference Totally Spies, so it’s just a thought. Alix could be a good pair with Sabrina after she’s separated from Chloe completely, given that Alix is tough, stubborn, reckless, and self-confident while still being kind and grateful as well as supportive and affectionate towards her friends. It could be a good segue into Sabrina becoming friends with everyone else too.
Once Alix thinks you’re cool, you’re in.
That’s a good idea, since she’d probably gravitate towards girls for friendship first and Alix is the only one besides Alya who has a word to day against Chloe. (Alya sees so black and white she might take a lot of convincing to give Sabrina a chance). Starting out that could be what Sabrina needs, someone to tell it to her straight but also call her out if she starts dipping into old habits, whether that be mean habits like laughing at people’s plight, or subservant habits like trying to win people over by doing too many unwanted favors.
Alix has a LITTLE bit of a mean streak (like…a teasing streak) so it would help Sabrina not be COMPLETELY out of her element, but also teach her to rein it back and be more chill.
This could also lean towards Sabrina hanging with Kim and Max and bonding with the other organized nerd about how ridiculous their competitive friends are.
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