ut-scatteredextension · 4 months
So what happened to sans
threw him in the void 👍
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Well two people showed interest so I’m just gonna start typing it up @slarguien and @aliceinwonderwall13
So background self-indulgent stuff: genderfluid Naruto, Naruto with mokuton (but in my version it’s like an uzumaki version of it, like how the Uchiha and Hyuuga are sister clans with similar eye stuff but overall it’s their own different things, the uzumaki version of it is more about plant life and fruit and stuff rather than focusing on wood), secretly badass Naruto although even he doesn’t realize it, maybe reincarnation?
So after Naruto leaves on his training trip with Jiraiya, he’s pretty much on his own for quite a lot of things as Jiraiya just leaves him to his own devices whenever he’s off drinking and perving on women, in order to get money to support himself, he starts taking on bounty hunter jobs
Here’s the thing tho, many of those jobs require undercover work
And Naruto is terrible at undercover work (it’s not that he’s bad at lying or being sneaky, but he’s bad at working with his surroundings)
So Naruto gets this great idea! Just control his surroundings! At this point in time Naruto has found out he has “mokuton” (uzumaki style version, it’s not very woodlike so he didn’t recognize it for what it is), and hasn’t shared it with anyone, and he has a shit ton of clones!!
Obviously, then, the smartest thing to do is to make his own fake village so he doesn’t have to worry about anyone figuring out his backstory is fake (doesn’t think to question how people will respond to a village being made pretty much overnight as he’s still pretty young)
So he makes one. Makes his own village. And it’s great! Sorta. He has buildings and protection and a ton of food and agriculture, but even though it looks great at first glance, there’s cracks because every person running it is Naruto with only the knowledge Naruto has (which is a preteen’s/teen’s understanding of the world)
But then he catches the attention of some villagers from a village that’s falling apart, their infrastructure is crumbling from all the wars and their plants are desolated, Naruto, being the absolute sweetheart and bleeding heart he is, of course let’s them stay, he lets all of them know what’s going on, that he just has to trick some people, and he’ll let them stay in the village and do whatever he can to upkeep it as long as they help him make it look like a real village
So now it’s a real village (except still fake in Naruto’s head), a majority of the people are still his disguised clones but there’s enough people with a variety of knowledge to help run it as a village should be ran, and they even have a backstory for their leader! A sickly princess who can’t be bothered too much for her health (so Naruto can explore his genderfluidity that he’s realizing exists and so he can leave a clone behind to be the princess, since she’s “sickly”, no one questions why everyone treats her like she’s so fragile)
It works great! Naruto learns so much, he takes down the people he was after, the villagers he helped out are all happy and healthy! So he leaves the village up, of course, comes back often to replace clones and get updated on everything and help out the villagers in any ways that he can that his clones couldn’t help with
So that’s that, right? Makes a fake village and leaves? Except, other people start hearing about the safe and healthy village and all start traveling there, hoping for safety from the rising tensions and food to eat, and the villagers let them in, but no one informs them of the clones, the new villagers all believe there actually is a sickly princess leading the village, and holy fuck are they ready to die for her
Some of the villagers are the remnants of the Senju clan who are removed enough that they don’t call themselves Senju, and one of the women might be the reincarnation of Senju Tōka, who might look at the “princess” and be reminded of Uzumaki Mito (because of course Naruto made his clone a redhead) and she may suspicious of the other villagers (cause they’re clones they accidentally come off as shady) but she can tell the princess has a good heart and genuinely wants what’s best for the village, so she decides to dedicate her life to her princess, making sure to take out any corrupt a holes that try to rise to power (since a ton of people running stuff are clones or the original villagers who also want the village to succeed there’s very little corruption, also because Naruto doesn’t see it as a “real village” he feels guilty taking money from them so pretty much all money from taxes and stuff does go back into the village)
(This whole reincarnation maybe thing and having them be Senjus is because eventually they decide from the “mokuton” holy shit this is a Senju princess with maybe some Uzumaki bloodline, we have to keep her safe- is that a fucking Uchiha trying to get close to her??? Cause you know Sasuke would eventually find out about the village, check it out, and then see Naruto like?? Wtf are you doing??? And reincarnated Tōka is like you are not hurting Mito again Madara I see you or maybe there is no reincarnation and she just likes history and seeing how it’s mirrored in the present)
Of course Naruto loves all the villagers, all of his clones transfer the memories of them when they pop and he makes more to keep himself updated on what’s happening, he just doesn’t actually see herself as their leader (even tho she’s definitely leading, Naruto is doing better than all hokages combined)
But so because this worked great, Naruto just,,,keeps making more villages, more people move into them, and suddenly power isn’t so centralized into a few large villages, now it’s spread out, and a ton of those villages are corrupt free (because Naruto is behind them), eventually Gaara finds out about at least one and starts up trade so he can talk to Naruto more (and it helps Suna, no downsides) which causes other villages to want to trade with Naruto’s villages
I’m a little bit unsure of what happens next as right now I’m focusing on Sasuke’s reaction to finding out, and trying to convince Naruto to never go back to Konoha
I’m torn between keeping it fluffy and happy or making it tense as the council (especially Danzo) finds out that Naruto has all these villages and tries to make him do what they want for “konoha’s sake” meanwhile Naruto doesn’t want to betray his village but he can’t stand to do anything that might hurt the other villagers who’ve come to depend on her, 50/50 on what happens next
Also a huge portion of this came from a joke I made with myself about Sasuke being like “you have all these villages already, why do you want to become hokage still??” And Naruto’s just like “these aren’t real villages tho 🥺 I just made them” buddy has total imposter syndrome
(There’s still some info I didn’t write down cause I’m at work so I keep losing my train of thought but part of it is “Tōka’s” backstory on corrupt leaders and not trusting people and how she comes to trust the “princess”, the creepiness for the first generation of villagers that don’t know about the clones, how something just seems wrong with them and they all seem so attuned to each other, the info I have on other villages Naruto creates and what leader identities they take on, “Tōka” and Sasuke’s rivalry, like they really don’t like each other, there’s more on Naruto exploring their genderfluidity with all these personas they can take on, fuck there was more but I forgot what I was going to write)
(Also the title of the Au comes from Naruto unthinkingly making a lot of his villages fox themed without realizing)
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