#slbp masamune’s route
missneko-otaku · 10 months
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Update/correction on an old post: 
In the early days of my blog, someone had asked if Masamune hunting using guns in the main route (shown in CG) is realistic, and I had said no.
I was half-wrong. 
A museum Twitter account posted a letter signed by Nobunaga describing that the guns were used, but it was done during “pre-hunting preparation” to scare and corral the prey into the designated hunting area. During the hunting session itself, however, the guns does not seem to be used.
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chibi-mushroom · 1 year
Ikémen Sengoku did my man Kojuro dirty. You can’t change my mind.
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lowres-masamune · 2 years
bankrupt rn bc i just spent all the 30 pearls that i took 2 months+ to save up on masamune's bday lottery and nobunaga's splendor route. no regrets
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annicaax · 1 year
Anyone playing Luca route? (**post includes minor spoilers**)
I just finished his route. My gosh the ardor ending was so wholesome and satisfying. ofc the angst and some of the scenes prior to that were bit clitchy but... I totally loved Luca's MS and Luca himself. My expectations from reading the preview on Love 365 were met, above and beyond XD
Luca's story is pure humour, beautiful emotions, ambitions, angst and romance everything packed into a story that involves two star crossed childhood best friends. A slow burn yes. Can't wait for events and more... ~~
Luca is my first choice in the app. Tho I also loved Vince and had my eye on Farris. Speaking of Farris, we see him a lot in Luca's route. His and Luca's rivalry and friendship is adorable. Now that I'm in ranting mode, I can say they remind me of SLBP Masamune and Yukimura. Mild rivalry but friendship is very much present and well given they aren't samurai rivals here Farris and Luca get along pretty well especially towards the end. I absolutely loved how Luca came to rely on Farris.
I also see Luca = Yukimura X Sakuya. (to a great extent, with some additional traits, I suppose)
Saku = Childhood friend, First love, a bit shy but haughty. Passionate and loves Teasing his best friend
Yukimura = Chastity. The pure soul who can't defile a woman. Even if she wishes for it. That hesitation shyness, all of it are present in Luca.
All in all Luca is adorable and despite my experience playing many otome games, his route was refreshing and often very stirring. I loved it from the start to finish
Coming to other cast, Falko is amazing. Steadfast and caring. I just don't get Simeon though but okay...
I can't wait for Farris route. Yes I must complete Vince (who's also my super favorite). I'm both looking forward to their routes and also dreading to play them coz I just went broke
My wallet is more than empty. Like what, these expenses are gonna haunt me in the coming months. But okay I'm pretty much satisfied
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daeva-agas · 6 months
Hi Agas! If you're reading the current SLBP event, do you know which folk tales each route is based on? Masamune's is stated to be the Crane Wife and I'm pretty sure Yukimura's is somewhat based on Urashima Taro, but what about the rest?
Akechi’s one was Momotaro. Nobu’s is the “straw hat Jizo”. It's a story about a poor old couple that gave hats to Jizo statues who got snowed on, and in gratitude the Jizo statues gave them food so they can survive the winter.
Saizo’s one, not sure, but it sounds like the dog that digs up gold (I haven't read Saizo's event).
Kojuro’s one I completely have no idea about.
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just finished masamune's route in slbp and MAN am i in my feels rn... cavity inducing tooth rotting fluff 💘
was originally planning to do a shinobi route or kojuro's next but.... kinda torn between the latter and shigezane atm?? i just loved the vibes in oshu, everyone is so nice. just worried for whether my speculations as to shige's route preview have any basis..... it couldn't be.. ...right?
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yonezawacastle · 2 years
I don’t think I realized until I looked at a map just how far the SLBP MC moved from her mother and brother in Masamune’s route. I find that heartwrenching in a way I’m not sure I would have if I had chosen a different love interest for her.
Google maps estimates a trip from present-day Yonezawa to Kyoto would take 8 or 9 hours by car. I can’t imagine how much longer that would have taken on horseback and with all the usual traveler’s hazards of late medieval Japan.
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Date Clan as Mulan Songs (Masamune’s route)
Mulan is coming out (but not in theatres sadly), and I love how similar Masamune’s route is to my favorite movie as a kid, so! (Maybe it’s been done before but here we go!)
MC: “Honor to Us All”
You could say she’s “Reflection” too since she is split between her boy and girl selves, but I think this one suits her better ‘cuz she’s a little clumsy and is really concerned with protecting her family.
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Masamune: “Reflection”
Cuz he has angst and all he sees in himself is a demon child split between an outer and inner self as different as his eyes :( Also the “Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me?” could refer to the MC being willing to look at him and accept him, even though he doesn’t understand why. T_T
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Masamune also has this moment when he loses his father:
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Kojuro: “I’ll Make a Man Out of You”
Oh man, just cuz she’s a girl doesn’t mean he’s gonna go easy on MC!
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Shigezane: “A Girl Worth Fighting For”
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Also everyone @the MC:
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There’s so many other things that are similar too, like the almost being discovered in the bath scene, and MC/Mulan being liked by girls as a boy, MC/Mulan developing feelings for the guy in charge and wanting to help him when he’s grieving his father...
Anyway the almost queer tension of this kind of drama is one of my favorites! Happy birthday to Masamune, and if you can, go have fun watching Mulan (whichever version)! :)
EDIT: ...Or you can boycott the new one and enjoy the old one, which is still really good.
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ninjasuccesssquad · 3 years
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Genya be playin’ 😳
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molly-otome · 3 years
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tokugawasdaifuku · 4 years
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@me everytime any one of my loves acts like an asshole and resists my affection
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airisfujibayashi · 3 years
I cannot move on from this prince 😭😭
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hyogonokitsune · 4 years
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tacogawa · 4 years
Consider: slbp Masamune's route, everything is the same except mc realizes they're trans, continues to live as Yahiko, and then they fall inlove and live happily ever after. Thank you for coming to my ted talk no I don't take constructive criticism
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two very different looks and yet... they inspire the same emotion... 👀
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