#sledge wake the dead
kainebell · 2 months
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something something individualistic, capitalist mindsets led to the apocalypse and the only way to bounce back is to abandon those ideals and make a more compassionate, accepting society that doesn’t leave the weak and defenseless to die. or something
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Feel free to discuss whatever you want, not limited to these questions... but keep in mind that some people have not read the whole book yet, so put any future spoilers below a read more/page break.
Be respectful of all! Different opinions aren't only allowed, they're encouraged! But be polite to others.
Remember, if you post any screenshots, etc., be sure to tag @wakethedead-group-re-read so I can reblog here.
You can discuss all week - it's not limited to just today! Any questions, just shoot me an ask!
If you want to be removed from the tag list, or tagged in future posts, please let me know!
You can find all chapter discussion posts here.
Discussion questions:
Warning: This may be my favorite chapter of the book. Things are about to go feral...
1... The opening scene was... intense... how do you think it impacted MC? Eli? Their relationship? Would it change the way any others view him? (If this is not your first playthrough... try to remember what you thought the first time.) 2... There is much talk about trusting the other groups, particularly the Raiders. Do you/does your MC think they will be loyal, or that they will betray you? 3... Each of the LIs... whether you romance none, one, or more than one... tend to bring out something in MC, be it through their friendship or more. How do you think each of the LIs (which now includes Sledge) help make MC better? Do any make him/her worse? 4... Tell us about your alliance meeting. What choices did you make? What were your takeaways? 5... Let's talk about Dirk... I'm not limiting the conversation, just share your thoughts on him in this chapter. 6... The dirty 30's! OK you had a choice of up to five of them... did you take them all - either as platonic or romantic routes? If you've been waiting on this with a particular LI... did your MC walk away content? Any regrets? How did these scenes - romantic or not - change your MCs relationship with the other character(s)? 7... Normally I'd ask for predictions, but since most of us are re-reading, let's limit that to our newbies. For the rest, share any other thoughts on this chapter.
@oh-so-youre-a-nerd @annoyingmillenialnewbie @missameliep @dutifullynuttywitch @tessa-liam @jerzwriter @aallotarenunelma AGAIN - if you'd like to be added or removed, please let me know!
Chapter 14 will be posted later today or tomorrow!
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Wake the Dead: Endings We Should Have Gotten
By now, I’ve made it very, very clear that I found Wake the Dead’s ending supremely disappointing. All those chapters of build-up and hard work for…this? A saccharine, uncharacteristic ending where none of our choices ended up mattering?
Wake the Dead, as I’ve said probably a hundred times now, had a lot of squandered potential. Like, the potential was there. The book itself wasn’t anything to write home about, but the ending really could’ve turned things around. Sadly, it did not, and it actually lowered the quality of the book as a whole in my opinion.
But what if we got a different ending?
More specifically, what if we got several different endings?
As I was eating dinner before class, my mind wandered and out of nowhere, I started brainstorming ideas for different endings we could have gotten in Wake the Dead. Granted, not all of them are practical, as PB has time and budget constraints. It’s a miracle they were even able to make three Endless Summer endings, so I know my ideas would absolutely be out of the question. However, I thought I'd let myself dream a bit. Just for funsies, you know?
I would have implemented four different endings for the book: the best ending, the good ending, the bad ending, and the worst ending. In addition to these four different endings, the five love interests would also be determinant, their fates factoring into the ending the player would get alongside the colony’s stats.
 The LI Deaths
As I mentioned, the love interests’ determinant deaths also have impact on the ending you get. There are two conditions unique to a specific love interest that must be met for them to die.
 Angel: Angel will die if you let her bring her zombie parents to the colony in chapter 4 (eventually causing them to break out and kill Mack) and have a low fortifications stat.
She is killed by the scout zombie that attacks her and the main character in chapter 19 because Mack isn’t there to intervene and draw it away.
 Eli: Eli will die if you choose not to shoot him in chapter 12 (causing him to feel immensely guilty for attacking you) and have a low food supply stat.
He is fatigued from both a lack of food and his bite, which he’s still recovering from, and knows that he probably isn’t going to make it through the Solstice. To absolve some of his guilt from attacking the main character, he opts to accompany Walt in drawing some of the zombies away and taking as many down as he could before the two die together.
 Shannon: Shannon will die if you save Minna over her in chapter 8 (causing her to be traumatized) and have a low research stat.
She is surrounded by zombies and has a heavy anxiety attack before she is overwhelmed and quickly devoured by the horde.
 Sledge: Sledge will die if you choose not to save Boots and the other survivors in chapter 19 and have a low fighters stat.
She will take the risk to save Boots herself, but since she does it without your help, she gets surprised and killed by the zombie lurking on the ground (the one that wounds your leg if you do opt to try and save Boots) en route to save the survivors. Unfortunately, the survivors then die anyway because Sledge was unable to save them.
 Troy: Troy will die if you have a low morale stat. Yes, I’m aware this makes it easier for him to die, but unlike all the other characters, he’s not really a strong, smart, or crafty fighter. He’s just…some guy. I mean, his weapon of choice is literally a pipe. Plus, none of the hard choices connect to him in any way.
He is incredibly stressed over the Solstice due to the lack of morale, and this makes his already lackluster fighting skills sloppy. After the zombies break through the gate, Troy is one of the first casualties and is crushed by a soldier zombie because he just couldn’t manage.
 The Endings
The Best Ending: Upper-moderate to high levels in three or more stats, achieving at least 55 kills, and all five love interests surviving will earn players the best ending.
The colony survives and thrives and is able to repair the damage from the Solstice as well as begin preparing ahead of time for the next one in seven years. Shannon continues her zombie research, and it’s hinted that if things keep going the way they are, she may find a way to make bites nonfatal: the closest thing the survivors will get to a cure for zombiism.
 The Good Ending: Moderate to upper-moderate levels in three or more stats, achieving at least 50 kills, and at least three love interests surviving will earn players the good ending.
The colony, though it’s been damaged by the hordes of zombies from the Solstice, is still in good shape. There were minimal casualties, but it’s going to take a while to fix all the damage sustained. Shannon, if she is still alive, continues her zombie research, but doesn’t foresee any groundbreaking discoveries on the horizon, but is able to make advancements here and there.
 The Bad Ending: Lower moderate to moderate levels in three or more stats, achieving at least 45 kills, and at least three love interests dying will earn players the bad ending.
The colony is in really, really rough shape. It’s still standing, but barely. Damages are extensive, casualties from the Solstice were numerous, and supplies are stretched thin. The survivors speculate that they may have to abandon the stronghold and start anew elsewhere within a few months, as there is little that can be done to repair the facilities and barricades, and the zombies are still at large. Shannon, if she is still alive, can no longer continue her research due to dwindling resources and more prominent dangers.
 The Worst Ending: Low to lower-moderate levels in three or more stats, achieving 39 kills or less, and all five love interests dying will earn players the worst ending.
The colony has fallen. In the wake of the Solstice, the few who survived decided it was every person for themself and fled, taking whatever remained of the supplies with them. The main character, completely alone, vulnerable, and wracked with survivor’s guilt, exhaustion, and hunger, is bitten and grievously wounded. Though they manage to kill the zombie that attacked them, they have no supplies and no one to help treat the bite and they die alone in the woods with the terrible knowledge that they’re going to turn shortly after their death.
 Again, I thought these were some of the potential outcomes we should have gotten had Pixelberry deigned to put the effort in. As I said, maybe they aren’t the best, and maybe they aren’t the most practical. But I thought the ending we got for Wake the Dead was truly awful and definitely one of the worst book endings we’ve ever gotten. I said it a year ago, and I’m saying it again.
 WtD deserved better.
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sniperdadmaccready · 22 days
Johnny is the type of person that when he sees any sort of animal that he wasn't expecting to encounter, he likes to go "Oh, hello Mr. Animal!". This is fine when it's just a tiny iguana but becomes something of a dire situation when his companions hear something along the lines of "hello, Miss puppy!" followed by the telltale sound of a Nightstalker's tail rattling.
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masked-alien-lesbian · 5 months
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playchoicesconfessions · 11 months
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Sent by anonymous
‘sledge in wake the dead was an unexpected but  actually kinda welcome LI, and I loved the sex scenes we got to have with her. however. I kinda wanted to bang hatchet ngl.’
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talesfromcordonia · 2 years
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im-a-puma · 2 years
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samalong1 · 1 year
How you sleep with slashers
Elder Yautja mate
Your being held by him in his best of furs
You can use one as a blanket of you want but your mate holding you provides enough warmth
He sort of sheilds you your hid weak fragile ooman if someone attacked you'd be all vulnerable
If anyone dares attack you the coudnt harm you without alerting him
Sometimes will play with your hair with his mandibles till he fall asleeps
Spooning him is awkward due to the height difference so your face ends up near his ass so it's best to be a little spoon
Probally sleeps nude they already wear loincloths doubt they have pajamas
He'd admit a low growling noise in his sleep similar to a bear
If you sleep with stuffed animals he'd probally find a fluffy small prey to kill and present to you
Jason voorhees
If it's zombie voorhees he probably woudnt need to sleep anyway but he'd be content laying with you
Get him pjs I doubt he'd sleep nude and his clothes are probally always damp and smell like mildew and sewage
He'd wear whatever you give him he just wants to make sire your happy
He loves spooning you sniffing your jait and twirling it in his fingers and squeezing your body close to him
But oh boy once you spoon him he'd be shaking and crying under his mask
Just the fact that he has someone now who isn't disgusted by him but willing to hold and love him melts his cold dead heart
He'd be doting on you the whole time in the morning cause he's a big softie (to only you and mom)
Bubba sawyer
He's probally gropey speaking gibberish till he falls asleep
He's new to having a romantic partner and they have parts on his body that turn him on so he likes to grope them even when not revving to go
If you have any night time routin such as putting your hair in rollers applying any products he'd do the same
Both of your favorite ways to sleep is you pressed against his soft pair of mantitties and belly and he loves it to so he can hold you close play with your hair and such
He'd probally pull your hair a few times just curious
His pajamas are just him and his underwear since it's too hot and buying clothes just to sleep in is a waste of money
Probally sleeps next to a sledge hammer just in case
He's hard to wake up probally dead weight so if you wake up with him on you in anyway your stuck till he wakes up
He licks his lips before kissing your cheek or lips every morning
If there are any victims screaming or his brothers being rowdy no matter what he'd cover your eats as you both slept
Chop top
Due to his time in the army his can fall asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow
Usually you climb in after to sleep so he doesn't really snuggle
After sex he'd probally fall asleep ontop of ya
He wakes up super early at 6 in the morning out of habit
If he's up your up
He'd be cackling and shaking you awake
Probally snores a fuck ton
Probally rambles about the war in his sleep
He just comes home when everyone is already asleep and pass out on the bed butt in the air snoring
Probally gets up at a normal time
His stench of roadkill and decaying corpses keeps you up though
Sometimes he'll just sleep on the side of the road
If you find him on the road you can carry him into your car and drive home to a proper bed
He goes to sleep at a reasonable time
He isn't much for cuddling he'll usually sleeps like a log with his arms folded over his chest and doesn't move at all
Your welcome to wrap yourself around him though
He wakes up at 7:30 on the clock
He'd like it if you wake up with him but he understands if you sleep in
Sleeps cozy in his pajama robe probally would get you a matching pair
If you fall asleep 1st he'd watch you for a while
Freddy krueger
Well he's in the dream world so you only see him when your sleeping
You'd probally wake up in the dream realm with him dry humping and some shitty pun
He doesn't sleep but he wants you to
He'd put you in a coma so he can endlessly play with his favorite bitch
If you do sleep with him in the dream world he'd probally hog all the blankets and snore
But he woudnt want to waste time pretending to sleep he'd want to fuck around the whole time
Goin with a more cartoony vibe when he's playful so whenever your grumpy or mad at his shit he'd fake sleep
He'd do it by wearing the cartoon cheesy heart underwear and hold some horrifying teddy bear topped up with a sleep cap
All your hear is hghhhh mi mi mi whenever he does it
Bur when you seriously want to sleep with him he'd probaly dry hump you laughing and doing other shenanigans until you pass out
But when your actually asleep he'd probally snuggle up to you till you wake or kiss your cheek if he's in a even more mischievous mood he'd draw his name on your head
Brahms heelshire
Usually he sleeps in his own bed after you tuck him in and he gets his kiss that's the rule and he woudnt want to break it
Though after a bit he'd sneak into the walls and watch you
He'll crawl into your bed thinking he's all sneaky you know he does it you just don't say anything so he won't throw a fit
He'll spoon you and pepper your cheek with kisses maybe grind against you
If you offered to sleep in his bed though he's all giddy and all over you
He's wrapped around bo chance in getting up
And handsy now that you know he's there he can let his hands roam
I don't think he sleeps weather from lack of need or torture shit
If he did its probably one of those pin beds that you have to lay flat on unmoving to actually sleep
Makes snuggling hard unless you wanna risk it
You probably do if your dating him you would of gone through worse
Sometimes he'll just loom over you staring
He'll sometimes drone on about torture methods and stuff
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dist4nt-shores · 10 months
i think the reason i enjoyed wake the dead so much is because it’s literally just a blades zombie apocalypse au?! i feel like people have brought this up before but i’m replaying rn and it just.. Slays
like the mc loses their sibling who they care about more than anything. they leave the place they’ve always called their home and befriend a group of ragtag allies along the way. though the wtd mc’s goal isn’t necessarily to save the world, it IS to save the people in the colony & the people they care about in time for the solstice. all of it builds up to the final battle against The Big Bad, with smaller battles and travels throughout.
the love interests all have their blades counterparts (other than sledge):
troy = mal (witty, comedic & nonchalant but caring beneath the cocky demeanour. also both criminals lol)
shannon = nia (more sheltered, not super physically strong but still surprises herself, one of her skills involves healing, optimistic)
eli = tyril (stoic, family-oriented, tries not to get attached and is reluctant to join the group at first, lethal in combat & has his signature weapon)
angel = imtura (more of a wildcard, impulsive, ruthless when it comes to whatever you’re fighting, the token Badass)
even the order you befriend them all in is the same: we befriend shannon first (just like we first work with nia), then troy (mal), eli (tyril), and finally angel (imtura).
obviously certain personality traits are unique and different tropes and backstories are included but ?!!?! it’s so them!
the mc collects armour and weapons along the way, reading letters and recipe books like the blades mc read lore tablets. you have specific skills(???) that you can choose to upgrade or get along the way (fortifications, research, etc) and you get benefits and specific scenes based on your skills/resources.
dirk is also kind of like an aerin parallel — always overlooked, feels under appreciated in the colony, left behind and resentful about someone else being the leader & getting all the credit.
ALSO the marcus blackstock/high priest parallels with them being supposedly good but sacrificing the innocent…
even the slowmo-action-shot character art is like the art in blades (when mal throws the dagger, tyril has his flaming sword, imtura on the ship, etc).
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antigonenikk · 3 months
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in love with a dying man
pairing: eugene sledge/merriell ‘snafu’ shelton; eugene sledge/elliot alderson
fandom: the pacific, mr. robot
tags: modern au, mr robot fusion, drug addiction, attempted suicide, dissociative identity disorder, hurt/no comfort
summary: eugene’s life is going great. he’s teaching multiple classes. his thesis is on track. he doesn’t miss elliot at all. then he gets a call that elliot has fallen off of the fucking coney island pier.
He gets the call at two in the morning. For a second, he doesn’t move. Just shoves his head further beneath his pillow. His neighbors were up blasting house music until four AM, and Eugene is desperate to get at least five hours of sleep before he has to give his 11AM lecture to a room of 60 undergrads who are only taking Intro to Biochemistry as a means to an end. The class is torture, his least favorite to teach. Nothing at all related to botany. But with so few graduate students at Tulane, the ones that are willing to work overtime, like Eugene, have been assigned classes beyond their specific specialties. He reaches his arm out for a moment, expecting to find a warm body next to him in that hazy state between sleep and wakefulness, and can’t help the deep pit of despair that comes from finding only empty air instead. A year ago, Elliot would have been sleeping beside him, rolled into a small ball. Or he would have been sat up by his computer, typing furiously. Or chain smoking on the balcony. Or staring at Eugene as he slept, wide light eyes shining eerily in the backlit room. The point was, he would have been there. Here. And now he just wasn’t.
He picks up the phone, and holds it away from his ear to try and make out what’s going on. Because the voice at the other end of the line should not be calling him.
“Gene. Thank god.”
He hasn’t seen her in a year and a half. Since she visited them for Thanksgiving, somehow ate four edibles, and ended up sprawled out on their couch claiming that the sky was actually just fake—an illusion. That they were actually all just fish living inside of a glass bowl painted like the sky. Elliot had laughed at her, and told her she was remembering that stupid movie Chicken Little, that the three of them had gone to see the day before for purely ironic purposes. Just like the three of them had gone to eat at Margheritaville two nights before, for purely ironic reasons of course. Eugene had watched from the kitchen, feeling deeply fond towards the two of them, and the way they were able to laugh together. It had been years since he had laughed with his own brother.
Before shipping off to bootcamp, maybe. Before him and Elliot had come out as a couple and Edward declared Eugene dead to him. Probably even earlier than that.
“Darlene. What’s wrong?”
Because something has to be wrong. And Eugene knows what it must be. Eugene saw it when Elliot refused to stop using, when his eyes grew more and more sallow after his mom’s death. Saw the glimmer of a life coming to a close. Saw it in the hidden foils stashed in empty canisters of Kodiak chew, needles taped to the tank of their toiletbowl. He had fought and screamed and wrecked his life trying to stop the inevitable, before he finally let go. He knew this day was going to come. A call that would tell him that the only person he had ever truly loved was dead. And there was nothing he could have done to stop it. Because Elliot always chose the morphine over Eugene. Always, always, always.
“It’s Elliot—“
Eugene’s heart stops and starts and stops again and the world goes quiet.
“He…he fell off the pier. At Coney Island. I…I don’t know what’s going on. The doctors won’t let me see him because you’re his emergency contact still. Please—“
She breaks off sobbing. Eugene sprints out of bed, pulling on a sweatshirt and jeans and a pair of boots, no time for socks, he can’t find his socks. He realizes he’s dropped the phone and picks it up, panic coursing through him.
“I’ll be there. Give me a few hours. I gotta—just give me half a day to get up there.”
She’s quiet when she says it. Scared. He remembers she’s two years younger than him, and frightened out of her mind, and all alone.
“It’s going to be okay. Alright? Everything is going to be okay. Just sit tight and let me know if anything else happens. I’m coming to you right now.”
They both know it’s a lie. But she sounds grateful to hear it. Eugene takes her quiet sigh and stores it away as a source for his determination. He’s beat himself up against the wall that is Elliot Alderson’s slowly protracted suicide before. He’s willing to do it again. He’ll be willing to do it until the day he dies.
The easiest thing to do is take a flight. Eugene sits first in the back of the Uber. Then in the flight terminal. Then on the plane itself waiting for takeoff. He feels like he did the day before him and Snaf—Elliot—first shipped out for their second tour in Baghdad. Sweaty and still. Like his heart is beating so loud it’s drowned out his ability to move at all. At that point it hadn’t been a game any more. He knew what he was getting into. He knew what it meant. Knew there was no choice. The only way out, once you were on that plane, strapped in, was through. He remembers Snaf puking on his shoes, grim and shaking, and Bill giving him shit for it. He had cradled the back of his buzzcut, the small soft hairs there at the nape of Elliot’s neck, and let the clammy feel of his skin calm him. As the ground beneath him shakes and he rises into the air again he can still feel the phantom sensation of warm skin on his palm. He doesn’t try to wipe it off.
The hospital is worn down and desolate under the fluorescent lights. Darlene looks small, scared and young and out of her depth. Her makeup is smudged. Eugene realizes suddenly that he didn’t bring a change of clothes for when this is all over. Whatever it is that this ends up being.
He holds her in his arms without saying anything, and feels the tension collapse out of her. Running his hand through her hair, which is so unlike Elliot’s.
He fell. Almost. Only once. After they got home. Eugene remembers waking up in the middle of the night to Elliot on the balcony of their apartment, legs hanging over the railings, a faraway look in his eyes. The kind he got when he turned inwards. And mean. When he said “Elliot isn’t here right now, boy.” Like that meant anything. For hours he would brood like that, refusing to answer any questions. It was better than the opposite, better than the mask that was Snafu, casual cruelty stripping dead Afghani corpses for cigarettes. Better than the manic ramblings about the state of society and how if they just worked together they could fix it, really, Eugene!
Eugene remembers the sheer terror he felt grabbing him back, pulling him down beneath him like they were under flak. Remembers screaming, why why why? He remembers placing his hands on Elliot’s blank face, looking for any sort of answer.
“He thinks his father pushed him out the window. I wanted to show him what really happened. But he’s not ready yet.”
He had said it later, to the wall, when he thought Eugene had fallen asleep. The He in question would become clear weeks later. If Eugene had done something then. Involuntarily committed him, maybe. But that would have just been speeding up the inevitable.
When he gets to Elliot’s room he sees two women already there. One he recognizes as Angela. They lock eyes before he turns to the other woman. She looks confused to see him there. Anything to avoid the bed, and the form inside of it who looks so small and frail. A breakable sparrow that has been pushed too far from the nest. If only—he could have done more. For Elliot. If only he had done more. Tried harder. This time he will. The nurses say he’ll wake up soon. Maybe they can fix things. Start over. Back to when it was easy to be in love. Back when it felt less like a leash and more like the ultimate freedom.
“Hello ma’am.”
She shakes his hand.
“Eugene Sledge.”
She still looks confused. She can’t be Elliot’s girlfriend. That would be…
Who is she?
“I’m Mr. Alderson’s therapist.”
Hope springs, even when he knows it’s fucking stupid to hope for any sort of real change. He’s seeing a therapist. He’s getting help. Maybe they really can make this work. All he has to do is wait for Elliot to wake up. And he’ll say it. How much he misses him. How they can go back together, to New Orleans. They can find him help there. A program, an NA group. Or they can commute even. Long distance. Eugene would do anything. He could even move here maybe, when his thesis is presented next Spring. There’s loads of research opportunities in New York.
Elliot wakes up in starts and stops. His eyes, large and wonderful and bleary, look around the room. They pass by Eugene. Darlene went home two hours ago to get some sleep. They pass by her empty seat. They land on Angela and the therapist.
He feels like an intruder as they gush over him. Handing him water and worrying about his fall. His jump. To think that once he knew Elliot better than any person in the entire world. Knew him down the very marrow of his soul. And now… now. Elliot turns to him, finally. And Eugene holds his breath. Going on 20 hours with no sleep and no food he feels like he might pass out. The green eyes that he has loved past the point of reason, past the point of distraction, stare straight through him.
“Who is he?”
Distantly, he can hear Angela’s quiet gasp. Who is he? Why is he here? Three years. One in bootcamp. Two in Afghanistan. One and a half back stateside. Who is he anymore, to Elliot?
The first night in their newly rented apartment, they had no mattress. Elliot joked that it wasn’t that big of a change from deployment. They had drunk cheap cherry flavored vodka, passed back and forth, and played cards. Curled around each other, later, skin to skin. Elliot had whispered in his ear, “You are the only good thing that ever happened to me.” He was smiling, crying silent tears. Eugene had never seen him cry before that night. Eugene had kissed his temple and whispered back that he was never going to leave. Never. It was forever, what they had.
Eugene can taste salt water on his tongue. What is he now? Stranger, cut down the middle, rocked open again bleeding out. He keeps trying like a dog, coming when called, throwing himself at the wall. The wall that will never bend nor break nor crack. Not for him. Not for anything. He gets up and walks out of the room with measured steps. The kind you take when you do not exist. He hides himself away between two vending machines, curls into a ball, and sobs so violently he feels like he might be sick.
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paytato435 · 9 months
Chapter 12: The Iris
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The Iris
“Excuse me? Who’re you calling ugly, you old hag!” Leo spat angrily at the huge woman who fell on top of him. She jumped off him like she’d fallen on a hot stove, stepping back and observing the two of them with flaming eyes. Casey wasn’t exaggerating when he thought they were flaming. It looked as if her irises were literally on fire, but as soon as he noticed it, the fire dissipated.
“Another one,” she smiled to herself. “Got anymore gifted friends, green breed?” 
“Green breed? That's not very nice of you,” Leo pouted. “Didn't your parents ever teach you to never point out or make fun of people based on their perfectly exceptional and handsome features?”
“My parents died fighting disgusting and ordinary aliens such as yourselves,” she sneered.
Ordinary? How many extraterrestrials had she met?
“Oh geez, that is really tragic. I'm sorry about that,” Leo apologized. “The Krang really affected all of us in terrible ways. But uh… we're not them!”
“The Krang?” she looked confused. “Oh no, my family would never fall to the shells of those titans,” she hissed.
Now it was Casey and Leo's turn to look at each other, confused.
“Casey, are there other aliens in the future?” Leo asked.
“Not that I’m aware of!”
“Then why does she make it sound like there are other aliens?” Leo pointed an accusatory finger at the woman. “Who are you and why do you talk so cryptically?!”
The woman did not answer, but by this point, Casey figured she was probably the Dr. Aderman that April had described on their way over. She was incredibly tall, even taller in heels that somehow avoided sinking into the grass they were standing in.
“...and Green breed? Geezus, talk about reducing a person to their color and function! Don’t objectify me! I'm a MINOR by the way, if you couldn't tell! Well, if you're that confused by a mutant, you probably can't…”
Unfortunately, she didn't seem at all interested in Leo's comments anymore.
The woman turned to Casey, who was currently unfastening Donnie’s arms from his restraints on the relocated table. He was still unconscious, unfortunately; Casey needed to get him out of here. Concerning questions about Aderman's relationship with aliens could wait.
“Thinking of taking him somewhere, runt?” she asked, taking a step toward the pair. Thankfully, Leo stepped between them.
“Sorry chica, only I get to invade my brother’s rather particular personal space.”
“I’d like to see you try and stop me,” she snarled, as she then proceeded to twirl her finger. Both Casey and Leo dropped their jaws in surprise as a massive purple sledge hammer spun out of thin air. She took a hold of the hammer and hefted it over her shoulder. “No, really, please try your best. I want to have some fun!”
Leo barely had time to dodge her first swing. Not only was she big, she was fast too. And how was Leo supposed to block a giant mystic sledgehammer exactly? Casey didn’t want to think about that, so he just kept fumbling with Donnie’s restraints. It would only be a matter of time until she’d had her fun messing around with Leo and turn her attention back to him, right? And wasn’t that Donnie’s ninpo she was using? If she could make firearms whenever she wanted, they were as good as dead already.
Unless Donnie could wake up, probably.
“You’re a slippery little guy, aren’t you?” Aderman cackled, chasing after the slider. At least Leo seemed just as fast as she was. At that moment, however, Leo’s wrist communicator and Casey's mask alerted that Mikey was contacting them.
Oh shit, they had left him behind!
“Leo you better come back right now or we’re all gonna be swiss cheese!”
Swiss cheese?
“He’s a bit preoccupied at the moment!” Casey answered back.
“Well he better un-preoccupy himself fast!” came April’s voice. “Get us out of here!”
“Working on it!” Casey huffed, finally getting the last of Donnie’s limbs free. “Stall as long as you can, we’ll be there soon!” He had no idea how they were going to manage that, though. He had noticed Leo wasn’t portalling around anymore, and when he reached inside himself, he couldn’t feel his own ninpo- not that it would’ve helped them anyway. That meant they couldn’t just portal their way out of this one. Aderman had to go down, or otherwise give up. Since he didn’t have an idea, he was hoping that at least getting Donnie to wake up would do something for them.
It seemed silly given the immense amount of pressure they were under at the moment, but Casey was admittedly a little scared to wake the soft shell up. The reason was even more stupid. It wasn’t even entirely Donnie’s fault- and it never would be… hopefully. There was still a part of him that blamed Donatello for everything that happened to him, and for how he treated Leonardo in the future. It changed his whole life, it drove a wedge between the family. And while that had nothing to do with this Donatello, the pain of that situation wasn’t something he could let go of so easily. It wasn’t fair, but that was why Casey usually avoided Donnie. And it was also why he was so nervous to even touch him at the moment. Especially now that he knew Donnie had put a tracker in him recently. They didn’t trust each other, but he couldn’t help that right now.
“Donnie, Donnie wake up!” he shook the turtle’s shoulders, hoping he wouldn’t have to keep prodding him. He also knew Donnie hated nothing more than to have someone invade his personal space. It made the action feel all the more violating on Casey’s part.
“Donnie please, we have to get out of here!” Casey poked him in the cheek, and the soft shell at least emitted a low growl. Casey flinched back; Donnie was infamous for his bites. “Leo’s in trouble; Mikey, Raph, April too. Come on man, get up!” At last Donnie’s eyes fluttered open, and his brow lowered in confusion.
“There you are! Get up, we’re in big trouble here!”
“...the redstone clock…s’broken…” he grumbled, before closing his eyes again. He was totally out of it.
Casey heard a crash and looked up, Leo had just been thrown face-first into a tree. Oh, that would work wonders on his self-esteem for sure.
“Donnie I’m gonna go help Leo, please wake the fuck up!” Casey yelled into the soft shell’s tympanum before flipping his mask down. There was nothing else he could do but buy them some time and hope. Well… at least he had a ninja’s greatest weapon, he thought sarcastically to himself.
Casey took only a moment to figure out the best way to approach the over six foot tall sledgehammer swinging muscly… ok yeah they were probably fucked. In the small glances he had spared to watch Leo try to fight back, he’d only gotten in one chance to land a kick to her side- and he crumpled like he’d just kicked solid stone. Casey’s conclusion: blunt force was clearly Aderman’s wheelhouse, and not theirs. Well, it was for circumstances like these that Casey was glad he had a chainsaw.
As soon as it revved to life in his hands, Aderman’s head snapped to face him like a cat hearing the tuna can open. She dropped Leo, who was sputtering some stupid joke about a lumberjack and gave Casey a flashy smile.
“Decided to join the fun did you?”
"I guess so, you're not really giving me an alternative," Casey shrugged despite the rising panic in his chest. He did not like his odds going one on one against this woman, even if it was only until Leo could drag himself back up to his feet.
At least he had the advantage of having seen her move as she fought Leo. Not that it would help if he couldn't keep up with her.
So what's the plan for fighting someone larger, faster, and more powerful than yourself? Well, ideally you don't. But when you do, you shut them down as fast as possible, or find a way to trick them into doing it themselves.
In other words, Casey would have to use her momentum against her.
Aderman charged, her head down, hammer raised above her head ready to strike. Casey had seen this reckless approach too many times to count. When the lateral swing came, he was more than ready for it.
He jumped over the swing, and figuring that allowing her to continue the turn uninterrupted wouldn't give him the opening he wanted, decided to add an additional one hundred and seventy pounds to her hammer, landing on top of it and causing her to stumble forward. She stumbled right into a swing of his own.
Blades spun and grinded into her chest and she screamed in pain, but her unfortunate momentum carried her further into his space, and Casey had to roll away so as not to be toppled by her.
"You-!" But she was cut short by more gasping shrieks of pain. This was not an advantage Casey could let go.
Before she could retaliate, Casey decided it was time to go for her knees. He pivoted around to her backside, and raised his stick to follow up, when a hand grabbed him from behind, dragging him backwards.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Leo's shouting in his ears and maneuver so confused the teen that he stumbled and gaped, unable to recover. That was all the time Aderman needed to get back up onto her feet.
What was Casey doing? What was Leo doing giving up the opening? When Aderman turned, Leo's face paled. Yeah, it was a pretty nasty sight- her chest had been ripped open and blood was flowing freely down her tattered sweater and lab coat.
Casey tried to rationalize what was happening at the moment. Leo was smart, he knew how to fight, he knew not to underestimate an opponent or give them a chance to recover, but here he was doing it anyway. They could die because of his interference. Why had he pulled Casey back?
As Aderman stumbled at them, clutching her chest with one hand, purple static buzzed from her eyes and fingers. Oh that was really bad. Purple light shaped themselves into barrels, stocks, and pistons. Firearms of every variety Aderman could think of materialized.
Casey wilted under the sight of it. If Leo could portal away, he might be faster than a speeding bullet; but as they were now, they were most certainly fucked.
"Hot soooouuuuuuup!"
Ok maybe a little less fucked now. A speeding ball of tangled brown fur dropped in from the trees just in time to divert the researcher's attention, presenting her face with the nastiest, grimiest pink toes Casey had ever seen. Honestly he didn't understand how Leo could live in proximity of those but then complain about Casey's occasionally sweaty socks. The audacity.
"DAD?!" Leo blubbered dumbly as he still seemed to refuse to acknowledge just how close he and Casey had been to being blasted into oblivion by Donnie's stolen magic guns of doom.
Casey did not want to stick around and wait for Leo's permission to attack again, so he shook off the slider's shoulder grip and decided to meet Splinter halfway, going for Aderman's knees again and this time striking true. The kick from above and subsequent dead-legging caused her to crumple to the ground, but not before she fired the mystic tech blindly.
The good news was that apparently Donnie's powers required a LOT more refinement than it seemed Aderman possessed, as several of the shots either rebounded or never engaged at all. The bad news was that there was some kind of magnum firing off into the air and then immediately bucking straight into Casey's temple.
Leo had always thought he had pretty good reflexes. He had always been quick on his feet and easy to adapt to change. Watching Casey attempt to cleave a woman in half however, might have flipped a switch in the slider to trap him fully in the "freeze" category of fight, flight, or freeze. Not because he was scared of what might happen to the kid physically; he seemed to be faring pretty well against her, especially given that Leo hadn't found a way in.
But that was because Leo hadn't been trying to kill her. Casey didn't at all seem to care what happened to the woman, and that was why Leo was now having an extremely inopportune internal crisis. The scariest part? It didn't even seem like Casey had thought about what he was doing. When Leo pulled him back and tried to snap him out of it, the teenager looked at him with frustration, like Leo was the one taking this too far.
Despite just having her legs almost completely sawed out from under her, it appeared as if Aderman had taken the fall quite gracefully, all things considered. In the time it took for Leo to finally close the distance between them, she had managed to lash out with another mystic hammer and knock Splinter out as well.
“Dad!” the rat man went flying through the bushes and out of sight. Leo would have jumped after him if Casey wasn’t also still within swinging distance of Aderman.
“That thing… is your dad?!” Aderman choked as she spat out blood. Eugh boy, she was not doing alright. But Leo didn’t have time to worry about her health, because now she had turned to swing at him. Thankfully, she had slowed down considerably, and he easily hopped over her swing.
“You really should stop and take a breather, Raggedy Anne,” he pointed out as she began hacking again. “I’m not sure you’re going to be around much longer if you keep doing that.”
Aderman howled in frustration, but was in no position to move. She was stuck on her knees, but Leo’s eyes were on Casey. The poor kid was nursing his head and trying his best to crawl away, but he also looked to be at the end of his rope after getting knocked in the head. Aderman must have seen Leo’s glance too, because all of the sudden a smirk (albeit the best one she could manage in her pain) spread on her face.
“You know I really only need you mutants alive,” she snickered, bringing her hammer up.
“No!” Leo dove for Casey, but realized too late that it was actually a trap. Blue light that he had no control over surrounded them, and Leo suddenly found himself crashing back down to the ground from a greater height, landing right in the bushes that his dad had flown over a moment ago. Well, at least the sharp thorns were there to break his fall.
So she could copy not only Donnie’s, but his mystic powers too! That was really bad. All of this was really bad. He could look through the branches and see his dad was passed out- also really bad. And then he heard Casey screaming. Really really really really really really bad.
“You little shit, look what you’ve done to me!” Aderman howled as Leo heard her repeatedly beat him down. Leo rolled out of the bushes. He pricked a thorn out of his arm and thought about screaming too. It seemed the rage was infectious, and he had had enough bullshit for one night. He wasn’t just scared for Casey as he approached Aderman, he was fucking pissed.
Aderman was hunched over Casey, screaming in his face and then picking him up by the neck and shoving him back down into the ground repeatedly. His mask had fallen off somewhere in the carnage, shattered and broken on the ground below him. Blood and tears were spread all over his puffed up face. Leo had a terrifying thought as he sprinted up behind Casey’s assailant. He had almost gotten them killed when he’d held Casey back before. He had hesitated. If Leo didn’t do something now then Casey was going to fucking die.
So for the first time, Leo decided to go for the head.
If only it could be that easy. Leo’s right hand sword bucked and exploded the moment it came into contact against Aderman’s neck. How that was supposed to happen, he had no clue, but the memory of Synth talking to him back at Run of the Mill made his blood run cold.
They’ll bite back.
Leo could have easily lost an eye if he hadn’t shielded his face in time as shards of steel exploded over his face and arms, sending deep and painful cuts dancing over his skin. He yelped and tumbled through the cloud of steel and over Aderman, who was at least momentarily distracted but otherwise completely unharmed. At least, for that moment.
When Leo sat back up he didn’t have time to look at the damage done to his hands, because he was too shocked by the damage being done to hers. Somehow in this catastrophically awful mess, Casey had found his chainsaw again and had wedged it between himself and Aderman. Her hand was slashed open on his way back to get at her chest again, and she screeched in a combination of rage and agony.
Fuck all this. Leo would rather go one-on-one with Krang Prime again.
Thankfully, the shredded and unbelievably fucked up but still screaming meat rag that was Professor Aderman rolled away, freeing the equally unbelievably fucked up Casey Junior. To his credit, the kid just flopped over and continued to cradle his head. Leo wished he could do that. He wanted this to be over. But his brothers were still inside the facility. Speaking of, he turned to look at the table where Donnie was and found the soft shell scrambling to his feet.
“Oh, now you’re awake?” was all he could manage before he winced at the pain in his cheeks as he grimaced.
Donnie didn’t say anything. Leo wasn’t sure what he would say either, taking in whatever the fuck all this was. Donnie, seeing Leo was at least alive, squatted down next to Casey and examined his head. He propped the kid up and pulled an eyelid open.
“Hey, look at me. You have to be awake too,” he told Casey, but Leo wasn’t sure Casey was even in there to hear him. He looked like a rag doll in Donnie’s arms. “Wake up Casey, we’re going home now.”
Donnie fussed over the teenager a bit more before groaning in defeat, and instead picked him up and carried him over the shoulder before making his way over to Leo.
“Did I hear dad?”
Leo nodded and pointed over to the bushes. Donnie set Casey next to him.
“Try to get him awake. He’s definitely got a concussion.” Leo was just relieved to see the kid was still breathing. Donnie paused before standing back up. His eyes were fixated on Casey. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, we’ll get to that later,” Leo shrugged, trying to be nonchalant despite his very much still bleeding arms and face and the unconscious teenager slumped against him. “Go get dad.”
Two minutes later and dear old pops was groaning and grumbling all over the place, chastising Donnie repeatedly as he carried the small rat back over to the rest of them.
“You went out all by yourself in the middle of the night!” Splinter word vomited over his son. “We were all so worried, do you have any idea how hard it is to install the booster seat in the Turtle Tank by myself when I’m freaking out!? My arms don’t reach the seatbelts, I couldn’t remember where the keys were!”
Poor Donnie looked like he was going to knock himself out too if it meant he didn’t have to listen to the emotional beatdown from Splinter, but he perked up at the mention of the Turtle Tank.
"You brought the Tank?" Donnie asked.
"Of course," Splinter answered. So that was how he had shown up so fast.
“Where is it?” 
Splinter pulled out the tank’s key fob from his shaggy robe and with a click they could hear the beep of the vehicle parked only a short distance away.
Donnie looked down at Leo. “Can you stand? We need to get Casey out of here.”
“We need to get Mikey, Raph, and April out of the facility first,” Leo argued, but he managed to get to his feet just fine. He was really only emotionally drained.
“The facility?” Donnie asked, tipping his head to one side. Leo pointed toward the big white dome through the trees and Donnie’s eyes went wide in surprise. “Wait...Where are we, Leo?”
“Some secret but not so secret government facility where they were going to dissect you because they thought you were an alien, probably,” Leo shrugged. “Oh yeah and the Sister Krang is in there too.”
Donnie gave him a bewildered look before shaking his head. 
“When we are done getting our brothers back… please tie me down in my lab and never let me out again. I am clearly the greatest dum-dum on the face of the planet.”
“Chillax dude, I’m sure they’re doing fine in there,” Leo assured him, throwing a bleeding arm over Donnie’s shoulder, to which the soft shell immediately bit him for. “Ow!”
“Keep your fluids to yourself!” Donnie snapped, pulling up purple holograms showing vitals for all three of their family members still stuck inside. “Mikey's not moving inside, and Raph's been overexerting himself. Scratch that, he's collapsed. So has April, her heart rate is accelerated.”
“Then we need to move!” Leo jumped, dragging Casey up and over his shoulder as Donnie had and marched to the tank.
“Be careful with him!” Donnie urged, following him with Splinter in tow. “Dad, do you think you can look after Casey while we go help the others?”
Splinter made a concerned hum, but sighed.
"Be careful, my sons. Get out of there as fast as you can."
“We’ll be in and out lickety split!” Leo assured him. He was very ready for this nonsense to be over.
Mikey was glad that Leo had been able to get Donnie out of the lab, but couldn’t he have at least taken the rest of his family with him? Once Leo, Donnie, and Casey disappeared, all hell broke loose in the observation room as more security came in, this time armed to the teeth with assault rifles. At the moment Mikey was very grateful for Raph’s clone jutsu, which turned out to be bulletproof. Guns were new; as fast as he was, Mikey didn’t think he wanted to try and outrun them. Instead, he and April hid behind the snapper, throwing out chains and tripping up the men as best he could. April made do with whatever she could find in the room, smacking paper weights, staplers, and books at the men with her mystical baseball bat.
“How are we going to get out of here?” she yelled over the sound of gunfire. Mikey had been wondering the same thing. They were trapped. He momentarily thought about trying to portal them out, but one glance down at his scarred hands made him shiver. He remembered the heartbreaking lecture Casey had given him, and the pain that seared up his arms when he’d pulled Leo from the prison dimension. No, that would be a last resort. And even though they were pinned down, Raph was still going strong, casually knocking down man after man.
“Maybe we don’t have to,” Mikey yelled back. “Only so many of them can come in at one time!”
Mikey and April turned their heads up to see there were more men coming into the laboratory, and it looked as though they were pounding their way against the glass with some kind of hammer.
“Okay, nevermind!” He screamed. He slapped his wrist to call Leo. “Leo you better come back right now or we’re all gonna be swiss cheese!”
A voice came back, but it was Casey. “He’s a bit preoccupied at the moment!”
“Well he better un-preoccupy himself fast!” April shouted. “Get us out of here!”
“Working on it!” Casey huffed from the other side. Mikey thought he heard some hysterical cackling from the other side, and Leo yelped. “Stall as long as you can, we’ll be there soon!”
Mikey looked into the distance with his ninpo and saw that Casey and Leo were back outside the facility. If Leo couldn’t portal them out, it would take ages for them to get back together. He also noticed the double Donnie was there again, but now he knew it wasn’t a second Donnie at all (that would have been silly). It was that Dr. Aderman lady, and she and Leo were spinning around each other like a merry-go-round. That was probably not good.
Mikey turned his attention back to the people surrounding him. He could see more and more people coming after them. The facility was huge, he wouldn't be surprised if there were over a thousand of them.
"Mikey, look up! Could we crawl up there?" April pointed at the acoustical drop ceiling. Now that was an idea!
"But Raph won't fit," Mikey frowned. "And once we're up there, it's pretty thin, they could just shoot straight through it."
"Well, how about the convenient ventilation system that is just big enough for people to fit inside?" April gestured to a register also on the ceiling. 
That was better at least.
"We'll just have to try," he shrugged as the glass window took another hit. Damn, that stuff was sturdy.
They crawled to sit under the register, and Mikey threw up his chains to rip it down. The register swung down with a sharp creak. Mikey turned to April and nested his hands.
“Aprils first!” She took one glance over at the rattling window and needed no more encouragement. She stepped into his hands and he boosted her up and out of the way, before catching his brother looking in his direction. There was no way Raph was going to fit.
“Don’t worry about me, I got this!” Raph assured him, but Mikey could tell the big guy couldn’t keep this up forever. Mikey took one more sweep of the surrounding area.
“Push through and head west!” Mikey shouted. “We’ll meet up with you!”
“Go!” The snapper roared, expanding himself as he did so, such that he was able to tear open the walls on either side of him. Several officers backed up in fright.
The glass behind Raph shattered, and Raph started making several clones of himself to fill the space Mikey and April had left behind. Mikey himself jumped up into the ventilation and crawled after April, who was already making her way west.
“Where are we going?” She panted as they went.
“Wherever those guys aren’t!” Mikey huffed. “There’s an empty room just ahead.”
The room they dropped into was a storage closet, and when they popped their heads out, they could see Raph further down the hall, now free to be as big and smashy as he wanted to. April whistled. “Look at him go!”
“Let’s go boss man!” Mikey called out to get his attention, but just then he noticed others were pushing in from the other side of the hallway. The way he hoped would offer them the least resistance.
“Do you think there’s more stairs down this way?” April asked as she sunk a home run into an officer’s gut. He flew backwards, knocking over the others behind him. Mikey easily shoved them to one side with his chains to allow them to run past. He heard Raph’s thunderous footsteps catch up behind them.
“There’d better be!” Raph answered. “Or I’ll have to make a way down.”
“Wait, couldn’t you? Haven’t you broken concrete before?” April asked him.
“My knuckles don’t want to find out,” the big guy grumbled.
Thankfully they reached a new set of stairs before they had to.
Unthankfully, someone was coming up the steps to meet them. Not that Mikey could see him coming, because he found himself suddenly blind. At least, that's what it felt like when his ninpo was ripped from him. The loss was so jarring it felt emotional too, as if he had suddenly lost sight of his family in a crowd. In a way, he had. His third eye was completely useless.
"Ah!" He skidded to a halt but April kept going, running past him with her bat in her hands, seemingly unaware that her bat was no longer glowing with mystic energy.
"April, wait!" Too late, she committed to a heavy swing at the approaching man’s chest, but he pivoted and sent her stumbling down the stairs with a terrifyingly fast kick. She screamed, turning in the air but striking the wall opposite them, crumpling onto the landing below. "April!" 
Mikey heard her swear something incoherent. He couldn’t see her, but at least she sounded alright enough.
The man in black charged him, but at the very least, Mikey could respond in kind. The man telegraphed a right hook, but Mikey knew better. He saw the stun baton sliding down from the left sleeve, and with a carefully timed handspring, kicked the baton out of his hand. Mikey's momentum carrying him forward, he snatched the man's other arm as he swung upright again and sent him crashing into the drywall to the south side. The man slid down it, cursing as dust followed him, but he was clearly dazed.
Mikey righted himself and started for the stairwell. He hoped April wasn't too badly injured-
But he had only made it a few steps before Mikey felt an explosive fiery pain shoot up from his right arm through his shoulder. 
The stun baton?
Immediately following, something sliced into his left forearm. 
Not the stun baton.
He barely had time to process what was happening when a similar force from his carapace knocked him stumbling forward and almost tumbling down the stairs himself.
"Officers, ceasefire!" the dazed man ordered. "I want them alive or not at all!" 
He had been shot. Raph’s ninpo had been sealed and left them all exposed.
He had been shot. He could see movement out of the corner of his eye, but it seemed like everything around him melted away as he turned his head to look down at his right arm.
He had been shot? Mikey remembered when Raph had talked to him about his experience being infected by the Krang. How he watched himself do things, sometimes without even really thinking about what it was he was doing, or why. He wondered if this was a similar experience. He could see his arm hanging there, swinging uselessly as he swayed, trying to stay on his feet. He could see the blood running down it, and the flesh torn apart where the bullet had passed through. He could see all those things, but at the same time he felt like it wasn’t real. That couldn’t be his arm. He couldn’t even feel it. Where had the pain gone? Where had he gone? Was he dreaming? He was in danger, he remembered. He looked up just in time to be kicked in the face by the agent's shiny black boot.
How long had he been standing there uselessly? It had been long enough for that man to recover.
And sweet pizza supreme, this guy kicked hard. Mikey crashed through the wall of the narrow hallway and into an adjacent room.
He gasped in pain as the impact struck where a bullet must have buried itself in his shell.
“Mikey!” he heard Raph cry out, but Mikey could see his brother had problems of his own. Even though they weren’t shooting anymore, the EPF officers were still giving him plenty of trouble.
Mikey wanted to tell him that he was alright, but his voice caught in his throat as he tried to stand. He felt both of his arms shrieking in pain, and a terrible throbbing pain from behind. It made him dizzy, but the panic in his brother’s voice pulled him out of it. He had to stay on his feet.
"I was wondering when you four would start poking your noses around here," the man deadpanned, tilting his head and adjusting a slick black tie around his neck as he followed Mikey into the room. He was also wearing sunglasses inside. Did he hate all the white lights around here or something? Mikey was not enjoying them either to be honest; he blinked several times to try to fight off the spots in his vision.
"It's… hard not to… when you kidnapped my brother!" Mikey grunted back, swaying precariously as his left arm held his right. He could feel his heart beating frantically as blood pumped from both arms. It wasn't just the floodlights that were messing with his vision now.
"You know how it goes," the man shrugged. "Curiosity killed the cat and all that. He shouldn't have been snooping around."
Ooh this bitch was gonna get it. 
If Mikey could give it. Jeez, he really hoped Leo and the others were coming back soon.
Shit, they hadn’t even told dad where they were.
Mikey needed a reality check; he was completely outmatched in this scenario- there was no way he could fight back like this. Well, not head on anyway. All he could do was hope and stall as long as possible.
"You’re way stronger than those other dudes," Mikey pointed out. "Who are you?"
The man raised an eyebrow from behind the glasses. "You didn't even do your research?" he asked. "I am really starting to think that Aderman's taken the appropriate response. Tell me, would talking this out mean anything to you?"
While he didn’t see any reason to trust anything the man said, it seemed to be the only way out for now.
“You kidnapped Donnie. Why?”
“The United States government is researching the Krang’s mystic abilities. From the footage we have and Dr. Aderman’s personal observations, she’s hypothesized that yours and your brother's abilities are analogous.”
“Anala-what?” he remembered the word, but his brain wasn't processing.
“They’re similar. More importantly, we want them to better improve our planet’s defenses.”
“You could have just… asked?” Mikey heaved.
The man in black adjusted his glasses.
“So you would allow us to conduct research on you if you asked?”
“Personally, no way Jose,” Mikey balked, his head starting to spin. “Or maybe… Agent K. Evil Agent K. What… is your name by the way?” He tried not to look at how much of his blood was dripping to the ground.
"Agent Bishop is fine."
“Bishop. Blue Bishop…pawn.” Mikey slurred nonsensically. “Hey… d’you know howta sto’thefloor from movin’? I can’t-”
He finally fell over.
“King’s here…” he garbled before he lost consciousness.
Raph didn’t like to think about all the times in the past he’d lost his temper. He didn’t like being mad at people, but when he did get mad, it usually also meant remembering something dumb his brothers had done, and he really didn’t like lingering on their mistakes either. Like the pizza puffs fiasco a few months back. He still found himself checking corners of the kitchen regularly for any forgotten trace of those suspicious little devils. They had lied to him so much about how many were left that it made his skin crawl.
It was beyond frustrating to watch his brothers hurt themselves; he often felt powerless in situations like that. It’s not so easy to convince someone to stop being a dumbass.
On the flipside, it was much easier to know what to do when someone else was hurting his brothers. Rage was his hammer, and the little human standing over his defenseless baby brother looked so very much like the perfect nail.
“Are we using the code names again?” he growled, with no humor in his voice whatsoever.
The man who called himself Bishop spun straight into Raph’s twelve inch knuckle sandwich with extra salt. He hoped it hurt as bad as the crunch sounded. He didn’t even look at the man as he fell, instead scooping up Mikey in one arm as he carried April in the other. Her ankle had been twisted when she landed on hit wrong. She turned to check on the box turtle, and gasped at the sight.
“Mikey!” He was covered in blood; some running down his arms and even more budding from the cracks and indentations in his shell.
“April, can you try Leo again?” Raph grunted as he carried them both back toward the stairs. Behind them, every soldier that had dared to stick around had found themselves rendered entirely unconscious in an almost comical pile of bodies. Most of them fell from Raph's world famous smashing, but he was a little embarrassed a couple of them fainted after Mikey was thrown through a wall… on account of his fear stink. He looked down at April who was crinkling her nose, but didn't say anything.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah I gotcha,” she whispered frantically, tapping at her watch.
“Leo, are you there? It’s April.”
“I’m here,” he buzzed back. “Donnie and I are on our way up. Where are you guys?”
“Still on the second floor, there are stairs on the far west side.”
“Gotchu. Be there in five.”
Five seconds later, the wall that April had previously been thrown into was smashed open in an excessively aggressive explosion of purple light.
Raph turned to shield the two in his arms as chunks of wall flew past them.
When he turned around, he saw that the twins had flown in on Donnie's mystic jetpack.
Seeing his little purple brother safe and sound was exactly what Raph needed right now. If he wasn't carrying Mikey and April he would've wrapped the soft shell up in the greatest hug ever.
"Donnie, thank god you're alright!" he sighed with relief. But he was still holding Mikey closely to his chest. "We need to get out of here. Leo can you…?"
"I'm way ahead of you big guy!" the slider smiled, pulling out his remaining sword and twirling it quickly. "Pops and Casey are waiting for us."
"Dad's here?"
"He brought the car," Donnie explained, looking around at the damage around them.
"Raph did you-"
"Don't worry about it, let's go!" Raph urged them all through Leo's portal. "I don't wanna spend another minute in this stinkin' place."
"You think this place stinks?" Leo asked, lingering just long enough for Donnie to drag him by the mask tails through his own portal. "You should take a whiff of yourself-"
"That's the fear stink, Nardo," Donnie pointed out as they stepped directly into the Turtle Tanks' interior cabin. "Did you not see Michael?"
Raph was face to face with his father. He gently set April down, who collapsed herself into a seat, but he still held his little brother close to his chest.
“Wait, what’s wrong with him let me see!” Leo squeezed around to get to the box turtle.
“What happened, Red?” Came Splinter’s small voice.
Seeing Splinter’s concern, he couldn’t help but choke up himself.
“He’s uh, he’s not so good, Dad…” he sputtered.
“He’s been shot,” April explained. “Those goons inside opened fire on him. On us.”
“Dad, do we have any more bandages?” Donnie asked.
“I used them to wrap up Future Boy and Blue,” Splinter told them.
“Casey’s hurt too?” Raph turned to look around for the kid, and saw him lying along a bench seat, his head bandaged.
“We might have been a little underprepared,” Leo thought out loud, looking over himself and unwrapping bandages from his arms to tie around Mikey instead. Raph noticed he was pretty hurt too. Most of his face and forearms were ribboned with fresh cuts. What had happened to them?
Raph gently eased Mikey down into his own seat, and then took off his mask, wrapping the fabric as tightly as he could around Mikey’s right shoulder.
“We need to get them to a hospital,” April pointed out. “They could have internal bleeding, and who knows what else.”
“The hospital in the Hidden City would be better for Michelangelo,” Splinter added.
“Should we even drive there?” Raph asked. “We should just portal them there.”
“We can’t just leave the tank parked in front of a secret government facility,” Leo explained. “We should split up to get April’s leg checked out too.”
“What? No, I’m fine guys,” April started to protest, but the serious expressions on everyone else’s faces killed her momentum. No injury was too insignificant.
“Raph and I will take the boys to the Hidden City,” Leo decided. “Dad, Donnie, you drive April. We’ll let you know if something comes up.”
“No no no, Blue, Casey has to go with us,” Splinter spoke up. “The Hidden City hospital is… notoriously bad with humans.”
“For real?” Leo asked, looking confused.
The rat man rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I’ve had too many bad experiences there to count. Trust me. Future Boy will be alright if he rides with us.”
Raph didn’t like the sound of that. How many times had his dad been hospitalized while he was in the Nexus?
Raph took another glance down at Mikey and felt a terrible pang in his chest. He didn’t want to move the little guy again. He looked so fragile. He glanced over and saw an encouraging nod from Leo before taking Mikey back up into his own arms. Blue light danced across the reflective surfaces of the cabin’s interior as Leo made yet another portal. All of this bouncing around was starting to make him feel sick.
Prev. Masterpost Next
Notes: Snapper and Stinkpot will be on break for the remainder of the year, perhaps a little longer that that too, but I'll let y'all know in January where it's at. Happy Holidays! We back bitches!
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OK, it may be late, it may have been messy, and it certainly didn't all go as planned, BUT we are finishing this - no matter what! :)
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Feel free to discuss whatever you want, not limited to these questions... but keep in mind that some people have not read the whole book yet, so put any future spoilers below a read more/page break.
Be respectful of all! Different opinions aren't only allowed, they're encouraged! But be polite to others.
Remember, if you post any screenshots, etc., be sure to tag @wakethedead-group-re-read so I can reblog here.
You can discuss all week - it's not limited to just today! Any questions, just shoot me an ask!
If you want to be removed from the tag list, or tagged in future posts, please let me know!
You can find all chapter discussion posts here.
Discussion questions:
What were your overall feelings about chapters 19 & 20? Were they what you expected? Did you enjoy them? If this was a repeat playthrough for you, did you feel differently about them this time around?
In Chapter 19, MC comes face to face with their sister and is forced to relieve one of the worst days of their life. How did your MC cope - what choices did they make (screenshots will be posted later if you need to refresh your memory), and how do you think they will go forward in the aftermath of the solstice and losing their sister again?
If you did not kill Dirk after the coup attempt, he died saving MC here. What symbolism (if any) do you see in how he met his death, and why do you think he chose to save MC?
Did you select the final scenes with each of the 5 LIs? If so, which were platonic and which were not? How did you feel about each scene? Were you satisfied with the ending with your LI and/ or friends? In your mind, what does the future look like for them.
Did you get the bonus scene? If so, share your thoughts.
Again, I know this didn't quite go as smoothly as I had hoped, and we were a thinly little group, but it was still a pleasure to read with each of you.
I hope you will all do some creating for WTD, and if you do, please be sure to tag me! Thanks for reading along!
@annoyingmillenialnewbie @dutifullynuttywitch @tessa-liam
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absolutebozo · 6 months
Shadows in a Wondeful Little Home
Chapter 5: Shadows Overtake in the Absensr of Light.
This is the last chapter of part 1. I may (not) make part 2. It depends.
Tw: Blood. Death. Death will be in detail, so read at your own discretion. Implications of suicide.
Narrator POV
Except for Julie, she was in the tool shed, looking for something heavy.
"Beautiful Dreamer, Wake Unto Me." Wally sang monotonely to his record. Wally had made it a part of his routine to sing Beautiful Dreamer while getting ready to leave for the day. At this point, all the other people who worked in the building, other than the actors, had left.
Wally kept singing when he heard the door open behind him. He looked up into his mirror and saw Julie in the doorway. But something looked off. "Oh hi Julie, what can I do for you-AH!" Wally let out a scream as cold, hard metal met the top of his right shoulder. Pain shot through Wally as he gripped his shoulder and moved to the side. Julie hadn't entirely connected the hit with the sledge hammer, so she ended up smashing it into Wally's vanity as well. Making a loud, crashing noise.
"JULIE?! JULIE WHAT'S WRONG?!" Wally yelled as he continued gripping his shoulder. The pain had dulled down slightly, but still hurt quite a lot. Wally was pretty sure that the hit from the sledge hammer had broken his clavicle.
Julie ran towards him again with the sledge hammer. Connecting a blow to Wally's chest. Wally felt the ribs on his left side snap. The pain was unbearable, causing Wally to yelp as he fell backwards onto the floor.
Barnaby was always quick to change out of his work clothes to something more comfortable, he wasn't a difficult guy. Because of this, Barnaby always went to go hang out with Wally while he finished getting changed.
Barnaby was walking down one of the hallways that led to Wally's dressing room when he heard a crash. Barnaby knew it came from Wally's room and started to put a little pep in his step. That was until he heard Wally yell in pain. Oh no. Oh man, oh geez. Barnaby thought to himself as he ran to Wally's room. When he got to Wally's door way, he saw Wally cowering on the floor while Julie towered over him with a sledge hammer in her hand. Before Barnaby could think, he tackled Julie into the wall across from him, causing them both to fall on the floor. At this point, Wally had painstakingly managed to crawl his way back to the far wall of his dressing room.
Barnaby crawled his way over to Wally to check on him. "Wally, are you ok? Are you o-" Barnaby asked Wally once he had reached him. But poor Barnaby didn't even get to finish his question. Julie had swung the sledgehammer into the side of Barnaby's head, slamming his head into a wall. Julie had swung with such a force that an audible crunch was heard from Barnaby's skull shattering. A sickening squish was also heard, this was the smashing of Barnaby's brain between the sledge hammer and the cinderblock wall of the building.
Barnaby slumped over on top of Wally, dead. There was a strange, jello-like substance and blood dripping out of Barnaby's ear, falling onto Wally's jacket.
"BARNABY." Wally cried out.
"BARNABY" Wally cried out. He had seen Julie get up and wind up for the swing that splattered parts of Barnaby's brains onto the wall next to them. But Wally's mouth had become unnaturally dry, probably because he was is in shock from the broken ribs he had gotten.
Wally let out a shriek as parts of Barnaby's brain leaked out of his ear and onto Wally's robe. "BARNABY. WAKE UP. WAKE UP. PLEASE." Wally screamed in the vain hope that he was just in a really bad nightmare. Wally turned to face Julie since she was still there. "You-you owe me $10 dollars, you dummy." Wally said as he turned his head to the side. Wally had seen Julie raise her arms up above her so she could bring the sledge hammer down on Wally. Wally knew he didn't have a chance to escape, but even if he did, he wouldn't have taken it. His best friend had just died in front of him, his only source of true happiness in his life and it was leaking blood and brain onto him from a smashed in head. He turned his head to the side, and smiled slightly cause he was going to join his friend in the after life real soon.
Howdy and Poppy were heading to the front entrance to go home after getting out of their work clothes when  they heard a crash.
"I have to go check that out. Stay here. Or go to your car Poppy." Howdy said as he quickly turned around to head to Wally's dressing room. They had just left their dressing room, so they were still in the back of the building. "No, I'm coming with you." Poppy told  Howdy as she followed close behind him.
After running for a couple seconds, Howdy reached Wally's doorframe. And what he saw sent a shiver through his body.
He saw Julie, sledgehammer in hand, standing over Wally and Barnaby. Except, the sledgehammer was dripping with blood. Blood was pooling onto the floor, it was from Wally and Barnaby. Barnaby's half crushed head was in Wally's lap, brain matter was on Wally's robe from Barnaby's caved in head. Wally was not in any better condition. Peeking out from underneath his robe was a violently black and blue bruise on his shoulder, his head was also caved in. The only difference was that it appeared that Wally was slightly facing forward when he had gotten his head smashed in. The evidence of this was that Wally's right eyeball had completely come out of its socket. It was dangling by a single nerve that was still barely connected to Wally's head. Wally's face was the same color as the bruise on his shoulder.
Poppy ran up behind him and started to ask "What's wrong?" But she didn't get to finish her sentence when she took in the scene before her. Wally's eye was spinning from the force of which it was knocked out of his face, falling immediately when Poppy arrived. Poppy bent down to the floor and vomited what she had eaten for lunch. The bits of chocolate from the cookies she baked during filming today were still whole.
Julie whipped her head around violently to face them. "Oh no. Poppy. Poppy run. Right now." Howdy yelled, failing to sound calm. He put his hand on Poppys back and gently pushed her forward as he started running, making sure that Poppy ended up in front of him. Howdy heard the patter of Julie's feet in the hard floor running behind him, getting closer and fast. Howdy, somehow, managed to trip over his own feet. He watched in horror as he saw Poppy turn to try and help him. "NO POPPY. LET GO. RIGHT NOW. KEEP RUNNING." Howdy yelled at her. "NO, I CAN'T JUST LEAVE YOU HERE WHERE JULIE CAN GET YOU!" Poppy yelled back at Howdy. But Poppy was too late, Julie had caught up already.
Julie swung the sledgehammer down onto one of Howdy's knees with inhuman strength. "Running away, are we?" Julie said in a low, distorted voice. Howdy shrieked in pain as he felt his knee cap shatter in his leg, hot tears streaming down his face already. Julie wound herself back again and smashed Howdy's other knee into the floor. Howdy let out another scream of pain, his voice cracking from the sheer amount of pain that he was experiencing. In the couple seconds that this took, Poppy took it as her chance to sprint as fast as she could down the hall.
Julie let go of the sledgehammer, running after Poppy. It didn't take long for Julie to catch up to Poppy. Julie grabbed a fistful of Poppy's beautiful long hair and yanked her backwards as hard as she could, yanking some hairs lose in the process. Poppy yelped in pain as her hands went to her head for some sort of pain relief, falling backward onto the floor. Julie grabbed Poppy's head by the hair and dragged her back up to a standing, kind of crouching, position. "No, no, Julie. Julie please don't hurt me. Please, I'm begging you." Poppy whimpered out, holding onto the hand that was entangled in her hair. "Julie isn't here right now." A low, distorted voice answered Poppy's plea. "NO. NO. NO." Poppy started to yell as she was dragged over to the wall. Julie made Poppy face the wall as she pulled Poppy's head back and slammed it into the cinderblock wall. Poppy screamed when her nose broke on contact to the cinderblock wall. And Poppy kept screaming as Julie repeatedly slammed Poppy's face into the wall. Julie kept doing this even after the screams had stopped and the  blood started to splatter on the wall. Julie slammed Poppy's face into the wall one last time and let go. Julie watched as Poppy slumped and slowly slid down the wall, leaving a streak of blood where her head dragged against the wall.
Julie made her way back to finish Howdy. Howdy was in the relatively same position that Julie had left him. Howdy was clearly in a lot of pain from his broken legs. Julie grabbed her sledgehammer and stood in front of Howdy. Julie waiting until Howdy opened his eyes again before bringing the heavy sledge hammer down onto his head. Julie wasn't expecting as much blood splatter as there was. Blood had splattered up to her mid-thigh and stained the bottom of the walls surrounding them.
Julie made her way to the buildings kitchen and grabbed a knife.
*A couple minutes ago*
"Eddie, Eddie what was that?" Frank asked, looking terrified. "I'm sure it was nothing love, but I can go check. Just stay here, I'll be right back." Eddie  told Frank in an effort to calm him down. Eddie walked towards the source of the slam, which seemed to be coming from Wally's dressing room. When Eddie rounded the corner to get onto the hallway where Wally's dressing room was, he heard Howdy shout to Poppy that they needed to run. Oh no. Something bad is happening. I'll go get Sally and go back to the dressing room to get Frank.   
Eddie wanted to get back to Frank as quick as he could, so he took a detour through the forest set to get to Sally's dressing room. Eddie felt a flicker of doubt about leaving Frank by himself,  but he was already halfway there to Sally and he felt that he needed to get there too.
When Eddie reached Sally's dressing room, he found her curled up in a corner, covering her ears. "Sally, what happened?" Eddie asked, extremely concerned about what was wrong with her. "I-i heard Poppy screaming and pleading with Julie not to hurt her. But I think she's dead now." Sally barely got out, she started rocking herself back and forth in the corner. "I'll go check, ok?" Eddie told her before heading out of her dressing room. He walked down the hall a bit when he saw Poppy's body.
Poppy was face down on the floor in a pool of blood. There was a circular stain of blood about five feet above her on the wall, followed by a streak of blood down to where Poppy was in the floor. Eddie had to resist the urge to vomit from what he saw. He ran back to Sally's dressing room and crouched down in front of her. "Sally, Sally. We have to go. Right now. And I mean it. I left Frank in our dressing room, I have to go back and get him. You're coming with me, for your safety." Eddie pleaded with Sally in hopes that she would get up from her spot in the corner. "O-ok."
Frank heard footsteps outside of the door to the dressing room that he shared with Eddie. "Eddie is that you?" Frank asked as he opened the door of the dressing room. Standing on the other side, he saw Julie with a bloody sledgehammer and blood all over her shoes and near the bottom of her pants. "Julie?! Are you ok?!" Frank asked Julie since she was covered in blood. Julie embraced Frank in a hug, which Frank reciprocated since Julie was his best friend.
Julie slowly pulled the knife out of her pocket and stabbed Frank in the back. Literally. Frank let out a pained yell as he tried to back away with the knife still in his back, creating a deeper gash. "Julie? Julie why would you-" Frank started to ask when Julie shoved him onto the floor. "Ohh this will be fun. I hope you feel every. Single. Second. Of what I'm going to do to you." A deep, distorted voice came out of Julie in response. "Wha-AAGGHH" Frank screamed as Julie fully stabbed through Frank's hand into the floor. Julie grabbed her sledgehammer and slammed it against Frank's calf, making sure to hit the middle so it's extra painful. Frank could barely see. But he could see that Julie was sobbing, as if she couldn't control what she was doing.
Julie sat on Frank's thigh and took the knife out of his hand. Julie made sure to stab it completely through a couple of times in both of his hands before moving onto what would be her main attraction. She put the tip of the knife at the top of Frank's stomach and lightly pressed into his skin. Barely enough to draw blood. Julie took the knife along the length of Frank's stomach, pressed down on with the same amount of force. Frank wriggled uncomfortably as Julie did this. Julie kept doing this until ther was an opening in Frank's stomach. Frank was barley conscious at this point, but the pain was so strong. Frank felt like his skin was lit on fire and stabbed a couple of times. He kept trying to distract himself from the pain by keeping his eyes closed when he felt something he never felt before
Frank's eyes shot open when he felt a new sensation. It was like a pain he could never describe as well as an itch that has never been scratched before. He looked down at his stomach and saw that Julie was carefully taking out his large intestines. Frank, at this point, couldn't speak. Frank was even shocked that he was alive still. But that didn't last for long. Even though Frank had gone unconscious from the shock and blood loss, he could still feel everything that Julie was doing. He felt her string out his intestines and drape them randomly around the room, he felt Julie take his kidneys and liver. The last thing he felt completely before dying was a sledgehammer slamming his face into the soft, carpeted floor.
Eddie only took about 7 minutes to go get Sally and come back to the dressing room he shared with Frank. And nothing could prepare him for what he saw in there. He saw a blood bath. Frank's face had been beaten beyond the point of recognition, his face looked like ground beef but doused in blood. There were multiple cuts on Frank's hands that just kept slowly oozing blood. But the worst part was that Frank was everywhere. Julie had taken his intestines and draped them around the room arbitrarily and his kidneys and liver were on their vanity table, suspiciously clean off blood. That was until he looked at the walls. In Frank's blood from his kidneys and liver, Julie had drawn multiple pentagrams all over the room.
Eddie took 5 seconds to take it all in before letting out a heart wrenching wail of agony. He was very much aware that Julie was still in the room, covered in Frank's blood. Eddie took a few steps to get where most of Frank's body was laying before collapsing and weeping. Eddie screamed and cried over Frank's torn apart body. He grabbed Frank's hands and used them to cup his face. Eddie could barely get words about between his heart broken sobs. "Frank...oh Frankie.... I.... shouldn't have..... left you here..... don't worry.... I'll join you..... soon." Eddie managed to get out between sobs. No words could be used to describe how much pain Eddie was feeling in this moment. He took a second to dry up his tears before telling Julie "Just kill me. I know I won't live for much longer. But I can't bare to live in a world where he isn't alive. So kill me now". Eddie had told Julie this as she was grabbing the sledge hammer to, what Eddie assumed, kill him. Julie stepped in front of Eddie and slammed the sledgehammer down on top of his head.
Sally was still there. She was standing there in shock. Frank and Eddie's dressing room was a one-person massacre. She stood there, still as stone as Eddie sobbed over his ripped apart husband and when Julie brought the sledgehammer down on Eddie's head, killing him. She also stood still as Julie strolled her way over to where she was standing. Julie left the sledgehammer on the floor and had a knife that was already covered in blood in her hand. Sally's brain finally kicked in when Julie was right in front of her. Sally quickly closed the gap between them and gave Julie a hug. But what Sally didn't realize was that Julie was holding the knife out.
The knife plunged deep into Sally's stomach. She was too stunned and too in shock to even scream. Julie, who's eyes were red from crying, withdrew the knife and plunged it back into Sally. Julie did this three more times before Sally finally fell over, creating a pool of blood on the tile floor. Julie got down and slit Sally's throat deeply.  She immediately dropped the knife with a shaky hand.
Julie didn't mean to look it in the eyes. Truly, she didn't. But she didn't think that Home was going to be staring at her. She didn't think that Home could even possess people like that. Next thing she knew, she was having what could best be described as an out of body experience. She couldn't control her movements. Or what she said. She didn't have power over her own body anymore, but was spectating he body as someone, or something, else took control. By the time Julie had gotten control of her own body, it was too late. She saw everything "she" had done. She killed her friends. Brutally, mercilessly.
Julie started to scream uncontrollably. She had pressed her hands into her face, but they were coated in blood, mostly Frank's. After 13 minutes of Julie screaming and crying to herself over Sally's body, she quietly got up. She remembered that Frank had once told her about the gun safe that Eddie kept his gun in. She went into their dressing room and gagged. She started to weep again but she had something she needed to do. She took this little key she found in the drawer of their vanity and used it to unlock a big, black box inside the wardrobe they had. Julie took out Eddie's rifle and went back to the front area where "she" had killed Sally. Julie had already checked to see if the gun was loaded.
Julie turned the rifle around a d put the barrel in her mouth and her finger on the trigger.
Julie closed her eyes, and pulled the trigger.
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roseyposie-agere · 2 months
More team star agere headcannons because I love them- (Giacomo also took it over)
: regressor! Giacomo that basically acts the same as when he's big, just more clingy. Has to be with one of his friends at all times, is following you everywhere and anywhere
: Giacomo showing penny the dancing fruit baby videos,, (eri hates it because to her if you're having a little one watch something at least have it be educational, Gia just thinks it's funny watching Penny be mesmerized by a floating oddish for 30 minutes)
: also regressed! Giacomo getting so excited anytime he sees ryme come up on TV. Him meeting her and ryme going "well, I guess that's my kid now" she's the most protective momma you'll ever meet, mess with her kid and she'll beat you into the ground both with a rap battle and her pokemon (MC sledge babysits sometimes, always tries to be the funnest babysitter around, you gotta laugh loud enough to wake the dead for him to consider his job a success)
: Giacomo wanting to be the most helpful he can be no matter what. Insisting on helping, refilling Penny's bottle and his own sippy cup all by himself. Always a big brother, even when he's regressed himself
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persephina · 8 months
i'm playing wake the dead for the first time and i just want to say
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