#sles 70
Dung Môi Sles 70% -Chất Tẩy Rửa Nguyên Liệu Hóa Học Sles 70-Natri Lauryl...
SLES 70% Chất Tẩy Rửa Dung Môi Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate
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milliesfishes · 13 days
⋆౨ৎ𝓐𝓾𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓪 (𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝔀𝓸)⋆౨ৎ
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[fem reader] contains: fluff :), crazy ex pairing: billy the kid x fem reader summary: (70s au) billy works as security for a band with you as the lead singer (part 2) author’s note: @pathological-people-pleaser-13 requested this part, thank you so much lovey! Pinterest Board Spotify Playlist
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The first rule of the stage is to play to your strengths. Pretend happened to be one of yours.
Tonight the crowd was thundering, nearly shaking the venue. You waved, smiling brightly and shrugging David's arm from around your shoulders. It wasn't like he could do anything about it when he was trying to keep face in front of the fans.
Exiting the stage, you ignored him when he said your name, instead brightening when you saw a familiar face standing right where he said he would, where you could see him. You ran to him, throwing your arms around his neck. "Billy!"
He chuckled, playfully picking you up off your feet. Your knees bent, heel of your shoe getting caught in the sheer skirt of your dress. "Great show."
"You liked it?"
"Of course." Billy put you down, tugging your dress off your heel so you wouldn't trip. He grinned. "'S always a good show with you."
"I got glitter on you." Reaching up, you thumbed at his jaw, catching some of it. "Ugh, it won't-"
"'S okay," Billy smiled, taking your hand. You walked with him back to your dressing room, successfully avoiding David and anybody else who could possibly want to speak to you right now. A month after the fateful night you caught your ex-boyfriend, Billy was well-accustomed to your preferred after-show routine. The sight of him walking hand in hand with you presented the perfect image- that you didn't want to be bothered right now.
The safety of the closed door enveloped you, and you disappeared behind the silk screen, yanking your dress over your head and kicking off your shoes. "Did you really like the show?"
"You ask me that every time, darlin'," he laughed, and you giggled to yourself. "Answer's yes. It's always yes. You ain't ever played a bad show in your life."
You poked your head out, letting your hair hang like a waterfall to the side. "That's definitely not true."
He was sitting on the couch, one leg crossed lazily over the other, an arm flung over the back. A grin from him caused your frown to disappear, and you returned to your task of redressing, tugging on a pair of denim shorts and a crochet top.
Reappearing, you flopped onto the couch beside him, resting your head on his arm. "It always feels strange at this leg. The last show of the tour is tomorrow."
"Yeah," Billy murmured, eyes gentle. He was always watching you in a certain kind of way, a protective tint to it. Throughout your career, there'd been security of all kinds, but you'd never felt as safe with any of them as with him.
This was the band's first big tour, bringing forth a multitude of firsts. Your first sold-out show, your first stalker, your first boyfriend and breakup. But the feeling that was gnawing at your heart right now was not a first you had anticipated.
Billy had been your friend ever since you'd known him. But everything had shifted the night he slept in your room, on the couch. Neither of you commented on it or decided anything, it all just fell into place.
He was your companion at every meal, there before and after every show and in between his duties. If anybody ever asked, you said he was there for extra safety.
Before, your constant shadow had been David, and it had always felt like a gadfly sinking its teeth into your skin, hovering and buzzing. But with Billy you weren't annoyed or suffocated. It felt as though a piece of your soul missing before had fallen into place.
You adored so much about him, from his quietly funny nature to the way he was so quick to act the instant he realized anything was wrong. So many nights travelling late on the tour bus were spent in the back with him, just talking quietly while others slept, staring out the window at the dark landscape and the stars.
At your insistence he began to open up like slow blooming flower. Billy told you of his family, of his late parents and the way his brother was taken from him. You were touched to learn of the circumstances surrounding the first time he'd seen you live.
"This is why I love music," you'd said, voice low amid the quiet sounds of sleep. "It draws lines and connects us. It's something you lose yourself in, and maybe when you resurface you've got a little more strength to keep on living."
The awe in his eyes lit like a fallen star, and he'd responded, "You're right. But I think it was you that made it special."
That stayed with you. It was so effervescent you could have written it into a song.
And sitting here now with him, resting against the warm body of a man whom you'd grown to care for in a way that you never had for anyone before, you began to. It was a spark like always, and you could see a wildfire on the horizon.
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The sun was streaming through the windows of your house, and you soaked your feet in it where they were propped against the wall. You were flat on your back, guitar on your belly, hair a pillow beneath your head. Strumming aimlessly, you hummed a melody that had been probing at your mind all day, words weaving in and out.
Normally you were working on dozens of songs at a time, switching back and forth between them, but this one you wanted perfect. This one was special.
You spent days tweaking the melody, swapping out chords and synonyms and metaphors, trying to craft it into what you wanted. The tour had ended grandly with a final show in Los Angeles, and now you were on a break, each member of the band recuperating until the studio beckoned and you began to write the next album.
Music was so much your calling that you wrote songs continuously throughout everything, saving them in the nooks of your notebooks for later. Here though, you were determined to get this song on the album.
Right now, your muse was in the kitchen, watching the kettle and pouring two mugs of tea. Billy was long used to your process by now, and he was quiet, seemingly happy to simply be with you. You couldn't have had a better companion.
After the tour concluded, you'd invited him over, unsure if anything would change now that he wasn't being paid to protect you. But you were pleasantly surprised to find that he didn't need a paycheck to want to be by your side.
You'd had an August of memories, of late nights on the beach, afternoons driving down the PCH with the top down blasting the Stones. Your favorites were the quiet days spent just being, of reading side by side, listening to whatever new record one of you had found the day before. He liked Big Star and you liked Patti Smith, and you traded tastes, embracing the other.
Soon you found that your heart was beating for him. It was a feeling that encapsulated every beautiful thing on the Earth, connecting you with a long tradition of wonderful things.
Whether he felt the same way, however, was a completely different question.
David was out of the way for good, at least relationship-wise. He'd stopped calling a long time back, likely having found a new summer diversion. A part of you dreaded going back to the studio knowing he would be there with some odious breakup song that he found so introspective and deep. The kicker was that you'd ahve to let him put at least one on the album. For all his atrocities, every tenth song he wrote wasn't half bad.
None of that mattered, so long as you got to have your song.
Billy sat beside you, setting your teas on the coffee table and smoothing a loose strand of hair from your face, making you smile. "How's it comin'?"
"I'm close." You set the guitar aside, bending over the yellow notepad with lyrics scrawled on it like hieroglyphics. Once the pen was in your hand, it was moving, scrawling down something messily, a line you'd thought of instantly when he appeared in your line of vision.
In black nights and blue eyes, somewhere in between I found you.
Sitting up straight triumphantly, your fists shot into the air. "Done!" You threw your arms around Billy, laughing in delight.
He caught you, hugging you tight and pressing a kiss into your hair. "Yeah? Just like that?"
"I'm done!" You buried your head in his chest, unable to quell your smile. The melody was intact, the chords tight. And now every wods you wanted in this song was written. All you had to do was practice it, sharpen it to play for the band in a few days.
Joy was filling you to the brim, and you pulled back from him, only to find he was already looking down. Oh his eyes were like oceans, glittering and calm and gleaming. You were set adrift in them like a traveler at sea, no map needed, no desire to ever return to land.
Something sparked there, a shimmer across his irises. You couldn't tear yourself away, drawn to him like a magnet. Billy's hand found your waist, stroking up and down, chin bowing just a touch.
Just as you were about to lean up, he broke the spell, pulling back. "Do you want to go celebrate? We could get burgers at that place on Sunset."
Composing yourself and looking away, you nodded. "Yes. Yeah, that sounds good."
Absentmindedly, you reached for your tea, blowing on it a bit and taking a sip for something to do. Billy took his own mug, looking away. You could still feel the tension brewing, threatening to boil over, but decided to ignore it.
It could wait for another day.
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Setting your guitar case in the backseat, you shut the door, opening the passenger seat and sliding in. Billy was waiting there on the driver's side, smiling excitedly. You couldn't bear to meet his eyes.
"How'd it-?" Billy cut himself off when he saw your face. "Hey...what's wrong, sunshine?"
"Can you just drive?" you got out, voice breathy and near tears. Billy nodded immediately, and you fastened your seatbelt, kicking off your sandals and bending your knees on the seat underneath you. The strap of your top fell off your shoulder as you dragged your wrist across your cheek, disposing of a single tear that had fallen on the walk over.
Staring determinedly out the window, you felt more tears brimming in your eyes, threatening to spill over. The landscape whipped by as Billy began to drive, taking the route the two of you always did.
The second you'd stepped into the room, you had felt David's eyes on you, falling right back into old feelings. Not of any positive nature.
He'd brought more songs to the table than expected, enough for his own record. The lyrics mentioning specific things stung more than you'd thought, but you'd held yourself together.
You'd been gracious, you thought, picking two of the least scathing ones for your vote. The rest of the band backed you, and for that you were grateful.
Finally, the time had come for you to play your song, and you'd done so excitedly, noting internally that it was your best run through of it. Once the last chord had been strummed, you looked up at the rest of the band, gaging their reactions.
They'd seemed...surprised. And that was when you realized that they had likely been expecting a breakup song from you too, perhaps about how David had broken your heart. Not a near love ballad, something so intimately happy.
David himself had stared at you, and you avoided him, focusing on the rest of the band. The drummer was nodding lazily, tapping his fingers against the table. "I could do something with that."
Score. "Wonderful."
Cutting in before anybody else could speak, David stood. "We're not using that."
"Why not?" You were taken aback by his instant displeasure. Sure, you hadn't expected him to be thrilled about it, but this was another thing entirely.
He huffed. "We just can't."
"That's not a good reason," you protested, crossing one leg over the other, and looking around at the other members of the band. Their eyes were all cast away, and you felt a wave of guilt for making them uncomfortable.
The entire situation had overwhelmed you, torn down your defenses until you had nothing left. By the end of it all you were hiding tears, walking away quickly, knowing your one comfort was waiting for you outside.
Billy pulled off at a spot close to the ocean, and you both wordlessly got out, following the path from the car to the beach. The sand burned your still-bare feet, but you trekked on alongside him.
Once you were both at the shoreline, he wordlessly held out his arms, and you let yourself fall into them, his scent engulfing you, his comfort wrapping around your body.
"Didn't they like the song?" he murmured into your hair, and you shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut. "But it was so good...you played it for me and it was amazing."
"David doesn't like it," you said muffled into him. "He doesn't like it and he threatened to quit if I put it on the record."
"Sweetheart-" Billy rubbed your back, the sun warming every bit of you. "I'm sorry."
"He just can't stand to see me okay without him," you said muffled into his chest. Pulling back, you looked up at him, his oceanic eyes striking a chord you wanted to hear over and over. "He can't stand that I wrote something that isn't about him. I don't know what to do."
Billy was quiet for a moment, big hand ghosting your spine. It was magic hour, and the sun's golden sphere was beaming down on the two of you like a spotlight. Though Billy was the only person in the world with whom you didn't feel like you were performing.
"I don't know what I'm talkin' about, I know," Billy said, searching your eyes. "But...David doesn't make the band special. You do. If he wants to quit cause you wrote somethin' good, then let 'im." He thumbed your cheek. "You've got more talent and you're a better person than he is by a long shot. Don't let 'im getcha, sunshine."
Sunshine. A film reel of memories shot before you like blips in time, slices of joy multiplying until they were the whole cake. You stared up into his eyes, feeling your heart keep time like a metronome.
All in an instant, you were leaning up on your tiptoes and pressing your lips to his, the result and explosion of warmth in your chest. Even better was when he began to kiss you back.
His lips nearly pulsed against yours, a kiss that stopped time. Billy's hand found your cheek, and he nudged his nose against yours, arm winding around your waist. The ocean roared in the background, drawing a blank in your ears. Nothing had ever felt like this. You couldn't remember if you'd ever felt like this before, and when he came up for air, looking at you with that lovestruck look in his eyes, you knew you hadn't.
"He didn't like that the song was about you," you breathed, touching his cheek, his scruff prickly under your fingers. "It was about you."
"Baby-" Your heart leapt when he said it, and you couldn't help but smile. "It was for me?"
"I love you." It flew out of your mouth, and the corners of his lips turned up, his forehead dipping to rest against yours.
"I think I've loved you since the first time you spoke to me," Billy said, pressing another kiss to your mouth. "But I...I didn't want to do anything before you were ready."
You sighed happily, throwing your arms around him for another kiss. If you could spend forever like this, getting drunk off his kisses in the California sun, you would. Your own corner of heaven in a life of madness, of people who didn't really know you. But he did. He knew you completely and fit into the parts even you didn't.
"Well I'm ready," you whispered, tweaking his nose with your own. "I love you and I'm ready."
His lips fell to yours again, catching them with more desperation than before. You didn't know how long you spent like this, intertwined with Billy and kissing him contently with the ocean glittering in the landscape. There was hardly anything you knew right now.
Except that there were hundreds of records' worth of songs to write about him and the way he made you feel.
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biggestsimp12 · 2 years
☁️Fluff prompts☁️
1."You're so adorable."
2. "Come cuddle."
3. "Can't you stay a little longer?"
4. "When I'm with you, I'm happy."
5. "Going somewhere?
6. "I'm better, now that you're here."
7. "I could never forget you."
8. "You make me happy."
9. "You're more than that."
10. "You're the only one I wanna wake up next to."
11. "you're hugging me too tight!"
12. "stop looking at me like that!"
13. "has anyone told you that your eyes sparkle in the moonlight?"
14. "how mad would you be if i kissed you?"
15. "LOL, my lipgloss is all over your lips."
16. "that's the first time I've ever seen you smile."
17. "you're lucky you're hot."
18. "I didn't know you could sing."
19. "you weren't supposed to hear that!"
20. "shut up before i kiss you."
21. "you give me butterflies."
22. "I can't focus around you."
23. "kiss me better."
24. "why'd you stop?"
25. "you wrote me a song?"
26. "I'm not scared but if you are, you can hold my hand."
27. "you ramble and it's adorable."
28. "are you blushing?"
29. "I'll drive you home."
30. "you're shit at math."
31. "take my jacket."
32. "could you hold my hand?"
33. "you're so cute when you're mad."
34. "you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."
35. "I would do this everyday if I could."
36. "I love you so much that it terrifies me."
37. "you have soft hands."
38. "are you tired?"
39. "you have everything to me, can't you see that?"
40. "can i keep it, the photo of us?"
41. "you're a terrible driver."
42. "You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with"
43. "did i say that out loud?"
44. "hey, only i can call them that!"
45. "have you ever thought about how much worse our lives would be without each other?"
46. "I meant it when I said for better or for worse."
47. "that's the sixth time you've complimented me today."
48. ​​"nothing else matters except for you."
49. "we could run away."
50. "the world could be on fire and I'd still be happy as long as I'm with you."
51. "they're such an idiot. my idiot but still."
52. "this isn't adrenaline, I want to spend my life with you."
53. "Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
54. "You're honestly the cutest when you're all flustered and red."
55. "We need more people in the world like you."
56. "Okay, well if you're leaving me for the day then the least you can do is give me a hug before you go."
57."I'll do you one better and give you a hugs and a few kisses."
58. "Why have I never noticed how gorgeous your eyes are?"
59. "Your arms are my safe space, so that's it
where I'll be sleeping tonight."
60. "Your nose is just so.. boop-able." *Boop*
61. "I need you to plant a kiss right on my forehead. Please."
62. "I can't move because you're sitting on top of me."
- "Have you ever thought that maybe
the problem isn't me sitting on you, but
maybe you're sitting under me?"
63. "Your hair is really soft after you wash it."
64. "Ssh. Stop fussing. I'm just braiding your hair."
65. "You smell really nice."
66. "Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater?
It smells like you."
67. "I might have slept with your robe when you were gone."
68. "If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you."
69. "Here, let's share the blanket."
70. "You're comfortable."
71. "You are my new pillow."
72. "You are very endearing when you are half-asleep."
73. "But I want to hear you sing."
74. "We can talk over dinner."
75."Don't be stubborn. Try it!"
76. "Don't get up - I'll do it."
77. "Will you let me rub your back?"
78. "How to give me a back scratch?"
79. "Star-gazing was a good idea."
80. "You look beautiful/handsome in the moonlight."
81. "I'll always be here for you."
82. "I'll be here to protect you."
83. "I think I love you." "You are my love."
84. "How about something warm? It will help you sleep." "It's okay. I couldn't sleep anyway."
85. "Don't be silly. I want to stay up with you."
"It's not morning yet."
86. "Shush and go back to bed."
87. "I heard you talking in your sleep."
88. "Your bed head is really cute.
89. "We'll do dishes together."
90. "You have something in your hair.. um-do you want me to get it out?"
91. "Just 5 more minutes."
92. "I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror.."
93. "I would've had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm and I didn't want to wake you."
94. "I know I've kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten, please."
95. "Are you wearing my shirt?"
96. "Wanna, like-I mean, if you're not busy.. We could you have lunch? Or even just coffee if you don't
have a lot of time?"
97. "So I was driving past a pet store and
couldn't help but wonder how cute an animal would be like in our home.."
98. "Shooting star. Make a wish."
99. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
100. "I want to marry you."
Feel Free to use them!
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juandiao · 5 months
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SLES / AES 70%--Chemicals Which Is Used To Make Detergents CAS
Product Discription SLES, or Sodium Laureth Sulfate, is a widely used surfactant and foaming agent in personal care and household cleaning products. It is derived from ethoxylated lauryl alcohol and sulfated with sodium ions. SLES is valued for its excellent cleansing properties, ability to create rich lather, and its versatility in various formulations. It is commonly found in shampoos, body washes, facial cleansers, and dishwashing liquids, where it helps to remove dirt, oil, and other impurities effectively. However, it is important to note that some individuals may experience sensitivity to SLES, and it may be recommended to use products containing SLES with caution, especially for those with sensitive skin.
0 notes
mysgprop-cstee · 6 months
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Lentoria at Lentor Hill
Lentoria Condo is by T.I.D (JV between Hong Leong Group & Mitsui Fudosan) offers offers an all-encompassing lifestyle, combining the tranquility of the Lentor vicinity with the accessibility of Lentor MRT, top-tier schools, local dining options, and shopping amenities. It's a place where residents can truly experience the best of local living. ATTRACTIVELY LAUNCH PRICE - Ending Soon! ☘️1BR (23 units) - 50sqm (538sqft) from $1,212,000 ☘️2BR (120 units) - 65sqm to 68sqm (700sqft - 732sqft) from $1,491,000 ☘️3BR (70 units) - 85sqm to 104sqm 915sqft - 1119sqft) from $1,873,000 ☘️4BR (54 units) - 112sqm to 125sqm (1206sqft - 1346sqft from 2,553,000 ✔ Exclusive 267 Units from 1BR to 4BR ✔ Be Part of upcoming Lentor Township Transformation - Singapore's first model walking and cycling town with dedicated cycling paths ✔ 5 minutes Walk to Lentor MRT (Fully Sheltered) ✔ Near shopping malls e.g Lentor Modern (U/C), AMK Hub, Thomson Plaza etc.  ✔ Every Units is within 1KM to Anderson Primary School, and CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls School.  ✔ Benefit from new expressway - North South Corridor. Singapore's longest transit corridor connecting the northern region to the city ✔ Efficient layout https://youtu.be/yyqjDF6TREE Book Appointment "Discover Life's Harmony at Lentoria" Quick LinksBook Appointment Fact SheetUnique Selling Points 360 Degree Drone View What's Nearby? 360 Aerial View & Sitemap Unit Mixes/ Diagrammatic Chart Floor Plan & Virtual Tours Download Brochures Price Guide FAQsWhat's the land price for Lentoria Condo? Where is the showflat of Lentoria Condo? When is the estimated completion for Lentoria Condo? When the lease start for Lentoria? Nestled within the tranquil Lentor vicinity in District 26, Lentoria Condo promises a harmonious blend of urban convenience and natural serenity. Developed by TID Residential Pte Ltd, a joint venture between Hong Leong Group and Mitsui Fudosan, this upcoming gem spans 116,486 square feet, offering 267 residential units on a 99-year lease. This development boasts a high-rise zone of up to 19 storeys and a low-rise zone of 8 storeys, ensuring a variety of picturesque views, including glimpses of Thomson Hills and the Teachers' Housing Estate. What sets Lentoria apart is its peaceful location, surrounded by lush greenery, making it perfect for those who crave tranquility. Moreover, it's conveniently situated 5 minutes walk to the Lentor MRT station, granting easy access to the Thomson East Coast Line (TEL) and connecting you to popular destinations like Gardens by the Bay, Marine Parade, Orchard Road, and Upper Thomson.
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Lentoria New Condo Lentor Hills Estate is envisioned as a pedestrian-friendly neighbourhood set amidst lush greenery with good connectivity to public transport. It is intended to provide a mix of high-rise, medium-rise and landed housing options, as well as new amenities, such as retail options and a supermarket. Existing greenery on the site has been retained and will be developed into a Hillock Park to serve the neighbourhood. The proposed development on the Land Parcel is envisioned to be well-integrated with the greenery of the future Hillock Park and the green fingers extending from the park. It shall be lushly landscaped to enhance the overall sense of greenery in the area and include an attractive living environment that promotes an active lifestyle. For drivers, Lentoria offers swift access to Seletar Expressway (SLE) and Central Expressway (CTE), significantly shortening your commute to the Central Business District (CBD) and various parts of Singapore. Lentoria will also be a short drive to the North-South Corridor (NSC), Singapore's longest transit corridor connecting the northern region to the city. The 21.5km corridor will cut travelling times by 10-15 minutes. There will be dedicated bus lanes, cycling trunk routes and pedestrian paths.
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CHIJ St Nicholas
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Thomson Natural Park
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Lentor Modern - Public Plaza Shopping enthusiasts will be delighted by the nearby AMK Hub, Thomson Plaza, and the upcoming Lentor Modern integrated development, which will house a shopping mall, ensuring your retail and dining needs are met. Nature lovers can explore the nearby Thomson Nature Park, just a 5-minute drive away, or take a leisurely walk or bike ride through Lentor Hillock Park. The Lentor neighborhood is set to benefit from the Cross Island Line (CRL) and North-South Corridor (NSC), enhancing public transport and connectivity. Families will appreciate the proximity to renowned schools such as Presbyterian High School, CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School, Anderson Primary School are within 1KM radius. Preschools e.g My First Skool and Little Footprints Preschool are within 300m radius. In conclusion, Lentoria Condo is not just a place to live; it's a sanctuary that combines modern living with the serenity of nature. With excellent amenities, top-tier schools, and future-proofed transportation options, Lentoria promises a quality of life that's second to none. Don't miss the opportunity to make Lentoria your new home in the heart of District 26. Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject NameLentoriaDeveloper NameLentor View Pte Ltd  (TID - a JV between Hong Leong Group & Mitsui Fudosan)Location32, 36, 38 Lentor Hills Road (District 26)Tenure of Land99 years from 19 Sept 2022Expected Date of Completion (T.O.P.)2 July 2027Site areaApproximately 10,819 sqm / 116,456 square feetTotal No. of Units267 Units in 1 block of 8 Storeys and 2 blocks 17 Storeys Buildings Car ParksCars – 227 (Inclusive of 3 EV Charging Stations)  Accessible Lots – 3  Bicycle – 101  Updated Fact Sheet The Developer's Background
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TID is a joint venture between property developers, Hong Leong Group and Mitsui Fudosan since 1972. By combining the talents of the Singapore team with the Japanese management style, we strive to offer better solutions to our customers. TID Pte Ltd (formerly known as Trade and Industrial Development Pte Ltd) is a property developer carving out a niche in Singapore’s market. Bifurcating into residential and commercial properties, TID Pte Ltd weaves a unique combination of Singapore – Japanese talents and management styles into eminent assets in property developments. Incorporating the fundamental strength of vision and mission with an impeccable line of corporate history, TID Pte Ltd is a joint-venture between Hong Leong Group and Mitsui Fudosan. This is the strong partnership that bonded Singapore’s home-grown MNC, Hong Leong Group and one of Japan’s leading real estate companies, Mitsui Fudosan, executing great master plans with notable developments as the end-results.
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Hong Leong Holdings, established in 1968, serves as the property investment and development arm of the Hong Leong Group. It stands as one of Singapore's pioneering real estate companies, having played a significant role in shaping the country's property market. Today, it remains a major player in the industry. Over the years, Hong Leong Holdings has contributed to nearly 100 residential projects and currently manages approximately 10 commercial properties. Some of its notable developments, often in collaboration with sister companies, include The Tate Residences at Claymore, The Avenir at River Valley, Grange Heights, Alto, One Balmoral, 76 Shenton, and the Atria @ Meyer. These projects exemplify the company's dedication to creating distinctive and iconic spaces within Singapore's urban landscape.
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Mitsui Fudosan, founded in Japan in 1941, has a rich history in real estate development and management. With a focus on hotels, resorts, retail facilities, residences, and office buildings, it has grown to become one of Japan's largest and most renowned global real estate firms. The company is recognized for its integrated property development approach. Over the years, Mitsui Fudosan has delivered an impressive 145,000 homes in Japan and constructed more than 8,800 buildings. In 2019 alone, the company reported consolidated annual sales of SGD$25 billion. Some of its internationally acclaimed projects include Tokyo Midtown in Roppongi, Halekulani Hotel in Honolulu, and 50 Hudson Yards in New York. In Singapore, the company has left its mark with developments like St Regis Hotel & Residences and The Oceanfront @ Sentosa Cove. Mitsui Fudosan's global presence and commitment to excellence in real estate development make it a prominent force in the industry. Set to transform the development industry as a whole, this illustrious partnership stipulates innovative plans and quality living towards higher bars. By recognising the demand for architectural fineness and providing solid solutions, we retained a strong presence in the field. TID Pte Ltd strives to set impressive goals of quality and creativity while maintaining fortitude of innovation and entrepreneurship.  The partnership had set a track records of quality developments, such as One North Eden, Optima at Tanah Merah and Nathan Suites.
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Unique Selling Points - Residents enjoy direct public transport access to the CBD, Woodlands Regional Centre, and key areas of Singapore. - Excellent location that elevates modern living close to amenities of all kinds. - Only 5-minute walk to Lentor MRT Station on Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL). - Well connected to major highways; SLE, TPE, CTE, and upcoming North South Corridor.  - Panoramic views of landed estate and reservoir. - Within 1KM to established schools like CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School, Anderson Primary School, and Presbyterian High School. - Lifestyle and entertainment at home with plenty of facilities; pools, BBQ areas, clubhouse with gym facilities. - Directly connected to future Hillock Park, nearby nature parks and reservoirs such as Thomson Nature Park, Lower Pierce Reservoir Park, and Lower Seletar Reservoir.  - Quiet environment, absolute privacy, and convenient lifestyle in a lush and cosy environment perfect for family living. - Nestled around Thomson, Springleaf, Teachers Estate, Ang Mo Kio, Bishan, and Central Water Catchment. 
Location Map
Lentoria is an exclusive residential development, situated at Lentor Hills Road (District 26). An eye-catching attribute of this site is its location near to Lentor MRT station with only 5 minutes walk. This serene neighborhood offers a plethora of conveniences and attractions, making it an ideal place to call home. Residents seeking local flavors and a casual dining experience will appreciate the presence of HDB coffee shops in the vicinity. These are perfect spots to savor Singaporean hawker delights, fostering a sense of community and local culture. Lentoria is conveniently close to popular shopping destinations such as AMK Hub and Thomson Plaza, ensuring that retail therapy and daily necessities are just a stone's throw away. Additionally, the upcoming Lentor Modern integrated development, featuring a shopping mall, will be within walking distance, adding to the convenience of residents.
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Thomson East Coast MRT Line
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Lentoria Condo Surrounding Views
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Lentoria Condo StreetDirectory Map Nature enthusiasts can relish the nearby Thomson Nature Park, reachable in a short 5-minute drive or via a leisurely walk or bike ride through the connected Lentor Hillock Park. These green spaces offer a breath of fresh air and a serene environment, perfect for relaxation and outdoor activities. For families, Lentoria offers excellent educational options within a 1km radius. CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) and Anderson Primary School are within easy reach, ensuring a quality education for your children. There are also My First Skool and Little Footprints Preschool are within 300m away from Lentoria, promoting ease for sending your kids to preschool. 360 Degree Drone View What's Nearby?
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What's Nearby Trains (MRT) - LENTOR MRT TE5 440m Groceries/ Shopping - Lentor Square Mall (U/C) 350m - Broadway Plaza 1.68 km - Djitsun Mall 1.77 km - Jubilee Square 1.85 km   Schools - Anderson Primary 820m - Presbyterian High 880m - Chij St. Nicholas Girls' 920m - Mayflower Primary 1.14 km
Site Plan / Facilities
The site plan of Lentoria Condo has been thoughtfully designed to make the most of space while preserving a scenic environment that Singaporeans will appreciate. Capitaland, known for their dedication to creating high-quality properties with top-notch facilities, has poured their expertise into this development. Among the outstanding amenities are a refreshing swimming pool, a well-equipped gym, a community clubhouse, inviting BBQ pits, a playground for the kids, a tennis court, and a versatile function room.
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Lentoria Condo Info
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Lentoria Site Plan
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Site Plan Level 14
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Safety and security are a top priority at J’den Condo, catering to the peace of mind that local residents value. The development is equipped with comprehensive security features, including 24/7 surveillance, CCTV cameras, access control systems, and intercoms. For those who own cars, a spacious and well-lit parking area is readily available. Additionally, J’den Condo embraces modern living with a smart home system, allowing residents to conveniently control lighting, temperature, and security from anywhere in their homes, a feature Singaporeans will find both practical and appealing. 360 Aerial View & Sitemap Unit Mixes/ Diagrammatic Chart ☘️1BR (23 units) - 50sqm (538sqft) ☘️2BR (120 units) - 65sqm to 68sqm (700sqft - 732sqft) ☘️3BR (70 units) - 85sqm to 104sqm 915sqft - 1119sqft) ☘️4BR (54 units) - 112sqm to 125sqm (1206sqft - 1346sqft Total: 267 Units
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Unit Mixes
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Diagrammatic Chart Floor Plan & Virtual Tours
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1BR A1
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1BR A2
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2BR B1
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3BR C1
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3BR C2
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3BR C3
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3BR C4
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3BR Premium C5P
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3BR Premium C6P
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4BR D1 Read the full article
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tamlovesfashion · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - Vintage 60-70's Fanny Wrappers Kinetic Sweater Zip Wool Pockets Bell Sle….
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hello-bellasmith · 8 months
SLE is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue and organs in many parts of the body. This disease affects many body organs and systems including joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart, and lungs. Symptoms of the disease vary from person to person but share some common symptoms. Additionally, it is difficult to diagnose SLE because of its similar signs and symptoms to other autoimmune diseases. Currently, the incidence of SLE between countries ranges from 20 to 70 per 100,000 people. Women of childbearing age are more sensitive than men with about nine times.
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yoursledj-blog · 1 year
SLE Black Star
Introducing the SLE Black Star Cross Neck Hoodie, a heavyweight garment made from 70% Ringspun cotton and 30% Polyester, with a weight of 330gsm. This hoodie features a unique cross-over neck detail, thumb holes in the cuffs, and twin-needle stitching for durability. The three-panel double fabric hood, flat lace drawcords, and kangaroo pouch pockets add style and functionality. The ribbed cuffs…
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Sles 70% Chất Tẩy Rửa Dung Môi Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate
SLES 70% Chất Tẩy Rửa Dung Môi Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate
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david-box · 2 years
Homogeneous - dsDNA, nDNA, DNP, Histones - SLE at low titers or CT and SLE at high titers. Full bodied with bright chromatin on mitotic cells.
Speckled - Sm (SLE), SCL-70 (scleroderma), RNP (mixed c.t. disease), SSA/Ro and SSB/La (Sjogrens syndrome - CT at low titers and () at high titers. Lotta speckles Around nucleus and spekles at edges of the chromatin or whatever on mitotic cells.
Nucleolar - my god my arms hurt and I wanna snack lol. Here goes. 4-6s RNA, RNA polymerase, fibrillerin or whatever, NOR-90, PM/Scl - scleroderma or Sjogrens at high titers. A discrete few dogs in the center and NO chromatin light up, just around it.
Centromere - kinetechore or chromosomal centromere - CREST varient of myosititis scleroderma (I think?) - multiple of 46 dots in the center and bright mitotis.
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juandiao · 5 months
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Chemical Products---Chemical Raw Material Sles70% Detergent Solvent N70 (Sles 70)
AES, or Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, is a widely used surfactant and foaming agent in personal care and household cleaning products. It is derived from ethoxylated lauryl alcohol and sulfated with ammonium ions. AES is valued for its excellent cleansing properties, ability to create rich lather, and its relatively mild nature compared to other sulfates. It is commonly found in shampoos, body washes, hand soaps, and household cleaners, where it helps to remove dirt, oil, and other impurities effectively. AES is favored by manufacturers for its versatility and compatibility with various formulations, contributing to its widespread use in the consumer goods industry.
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mysgprop-cstee · 7 months
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Lentoria at Lentor Hill
Lentoria Condo is by T.I.D (JV between Hong Leong Group & Mitsui Fudosan) offers offers an all-encompassing lifestyle, combining the tranquility of the Lentor vicinity with the accessibility of Lentor MRT, top-tier schools, local dining options, and shopping amenities. It's a place where residents can truly experience the best of local living. ATTRACTIVELY LAUNCH PRICE - Ending Soon! ☘️1BR (23 units) - 50sqm (538sqft) from $1,198,000 ☘️2BR (120 units) - 65sqm to 68sqm (700sqft - 732sqft) from $1,491,000 ☘️3BR (70 units) - 85sqm to 104sqm 915sqft - 1119sqft) from $1,873,000 ☘️4BR (54 units) - 112sqm to 125sqm (1206sqft - 1346sqft from 2,553,000 ✔ Exclusive 267 Units from 1BR to 4BR ✔ Be Part of upcoming Lentor Township Transformation - Singapore's first model walking and cycling town with dedicated cycling paths ✔ 5 minutes Walk to Lentor MRT (Fully Sheltered) ✔ Near shopping malls e.g Lentor Modern (U/C), AMK Hub, Thomson Plaza etc.  ✔ Every Units is within 1KM to Anderson Primary School, and CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls School.  ✔ Benefit from new expressway - North South Corridor. Singapore's longest transit corridor connecting the northern region to the city ✔ Efficient layout https://youtu.be/yyqjDF6TREE Book Appointment "Discover Life's Harmony at Lentoria" Quick LinksBook Appointment Fact SheetUnique Selling Points 360 Degree Drone View What's Nearby? 360 Aerial View & Sitemap Unit Mixes/ Diagrammatic Chart Floor Plan & Virtual Tours Download Brochures Price Guide FAQsWhat's the land price for Lentoria Condo? Where is the showflat of Lentoria Condo? When is the estimated completion for Lentoria Condo? When the lease start for Lentoria? Nestled within the tranquil Lentor vicinity in District 26, Lentoria Condo promises a harmonious blend of urban convenience and natural serenity. Developed by TID Residential Pte Ltd, a joint venture between Hong Leong Group and Mitsui Fudosan, this upcoming gem spans 116,486 square feet, offering 267 residential units on a 99-year lease. This development boasts a high-rise zone of up to 19 storeys and a low-rise zone of 8 storeys, ensuring a variety of picturesque views, including glimpses of Thomson Hills and the Teachers' Housing Estate. What sets Lentoria apart is its peaceful location, surrounded by lush greenery, making it perfect for those who crave tranquility. Moreover, it's conveniently situated 5 minutes walk to the Lentor MRT station, granting easy access to the Thomson East Coast Line (TEL) and connecting you to popular destinations like Gardens by the Bay, Marine Parade, Orchard Road, and Upper Thomson.
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Lentoria New Condo Lentor Hills Estate is envisioned as a pedestrian-friendly neighbourhood set amidst lush greenery with good connectivity to public transport. It is intended to provide a mix of high-rise, medium-rise and landed housing options, as well as new amenities, such as retail options and a supermarket. Existing greenery on the site has been retained and will be developed into a Hillock Park to serve the neighbourhood. The proposed development on the Land Parcel is envisioned to be well-integrated with the greenery of the future Hillock Park and the green fingers extending from the park. It shall be lushly landscaped to enhance the overall sense of greenery in the area and include an attractive living environment that promotes an active lifestyle. For drivers, Lentoria offers swift access to Seletar Expressway (SLE) and Central Expressway (CTE), significantly shortening your commute to the Central Business District (CBD) and various parts of Singapore. Lentoria will also be a short drive to the North-South Corridor (NSC), Singapore's longest transit corridor connecting the northern region to the city. The 21.5km corridor will cut travelling times by 10-15 minutes. There will be dedicated bus lanes, cycling trunk routes and pedestrian paths.
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CHIJ St Nicholas
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Thomson Natural Park
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Lentor Modern - Public Plaza Shopping enthusiasts will be delighted by the nearby AMK Hub, Thomson Plaza, and the upcoming Lentor Modern integrated development, which will house a shopping mall, ensuring your retail and dining needs are met. Nature lovers can explore the nearby Thomson Nature Park, just a 5-minute drive away, or take a leisurely walk or bike ride through Lentor Hillock Park. The Lentor neighborhood is set to benefit from the Cross Island Line (CRL) and North-South Corridor (NSC), enhancing public transport and connectivity. Families will appreciate the proximity to renowned schools such as Presbyterian High School, CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School, Anderson Primary School are within 1KM radius. Preschools e.g My First Skool and Little Footprints Preschool are within 300m radius. In conclusion, Lentoria Condo is not just a place to live; it's a sanctuary that combines modern living with the serenity of nature. With excellent amenities, top-tier schools, and future-proofed transportation options, Lentoria promises a quality of life that's second to none. Don't miss the opportunity to make Lentoria your new home in the heart of District 26. Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject NameLentoriaDeveloper NameLentor View Pte Ltd  (TID - a JV between Hong Leong Group & Mitsui Fudosan)Location32, 36, 38 Lentor Hills Road (District 26)Tenure of Land99 years from 19 Sept 2022Expected Date of Completion (T.O.P.)2 July 2027Site areaApproximately 10,819 sqm / 116,456 square feetTotal No. of Units267 Units in 1 block of 8 Storeys and 2 blocks 17 Storeys Buildings Car ParksCars – 227 (Inclusive of 3 EV Charging Stations)  Accessible Lots – 3  Bicycle – 101  Updated Fact Sheet The Developer's Background
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TID is a joint venture between property developers, Hong Leong Group and Mitsui Fudosan since 1972. By combining the talents of the Singapore team with the Japanese management style, we strive to offer better solutions to our customers. TID Pte Ltd (formerly known as Trade and Industrial Development Pte Ltd) is a property developer carving out a niche in Singapore’s market. Bifurcating into residential and commercial properties, TID Pte Ltd weaves a unique combination of Singapore – Japanese talents and management styles into eminent assets in property developments. Incorporating the fundamental strength of vision and mission with an impeccable line of corporate history, TID Pte Ltd is a joint-venture between Hong Leong Group and Mitsui Fudosan. This is the strong partnership that bonded Singapore’s home-grown MNC, Hong Leong Group and one of Japan’s leading real estate companies, Mitsui Fudosan, executing great master plans with notable developments as the end-results.
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Hong Leong Holdings, established in 1968, serves as the property investment and development arm of the Hong Leong Group. It stands as one of Singapore's pioneering real estate companies, having played a significant role in shaping the country's property market. Today, it remains a major player in the industry. Over the years, Hong Leong Holdings has contributed to nearly 100 residential projects and currently manages approximately 10 commercial properties. Some of its notable developments, often in collaboration with sister companies, include The Tate Residences at Claymore, The Avenir at River Valley, Grange Heights, Alto, One Balmoral, 76 Shenton, and the Atria @ Meyer. These projects exemplify the company's dedication to creating distinctive and iconic spaces within Singapore's urban landscape.
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Mitsui Fudosan, founded in Japan in 1941, has a rich history in real estate development and management. With a focus on hotels, resorts, retail facilities, residences, and office buildings, it has grown to become one of Japan's largest and most renowned global real estate firms. The company is recognized for its integrated property development approach. Over the years, Mitsui Fudosan has delivered an impressive 145,000 homes in Japan and constructed more than 8,800 buildings. In 2019 alone, the company reported consolidated annual sales of SGD$25 billion. Some of its internationally acclaimed projects include Tokyo Midtown in Roppongi, Halekulani Hotel in Honolulu, and 50 Hudson Yards in New York. In Singapore, the company has left its mark with developments like St Regis Hotel & Residences and The Oceanfront @ Sentosa Cove. Mitsui Fudosan's global presence and commitment to excellence in real estate development make it a prominent force in the industry. Set to transform the development industry as a whole, this illustrious partnership stipulates innovative plans and quality living towards higher bars. By recognising the demand for architectural fineness and providing solid solutions, we retained a strong presence in the field. TID Pte Ltd strives to set impressive goals of quality and creativity while maintaining fortitude of innovation and entrepreneurship.  The partnership had set a track records of quality developments, such as One North Eden, Optima at Tanah Merah and Nathan Suites.
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Unique Selling Points - Residents enjoy direct public transport access to the CBD, Woodlands Regional Centre, and key areas of Singapore. - Excellent location that elevates modern living close to amenities of all kinds. - Only 5-minute walk to Lentor MRT Station on Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL). - Well connected to major highways; SLE, TPE, CTE, and upcoming North South Corridor.  - Panoramic views of landed estate and reservoir. - Within 1KM to established schools like CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School, Anderson Primary School, and Presbyterian High School. - Lifestyle and entertainment at home with plenty of facilities; pools, BBQ areas, clubhouse with gym facilities. - Directly connected to future Hillock Park, nearby nature parks and reservoirs such as Thomson Nature Park, Lower Pierce Reservoir Park, and Lower Seletar Reservoir.  - Quiet environment, absolute privacy, and convenient lifestyle in a lush and cosy environment perfect for family living. - Nestled around Thomson, Springleaf, Teachers Estate, Ang Mo Kio, Bishan, and Central Water Catchment. 
Location Map
Lentoria is an exclusive residential development, situated at Lentor Hills Road (District 26). An eye-catching attribute of this site is its location near to Lentor MRT station with only 5 minutes walk. This serene neighborhood offers a plethora of conveniences and attractions, making it an ideal place to call home. Residents seeking local flavors and a casual dining experience will appreciate the presence of HDB coffee shops in the vicinity. These are perfect spots to savor Singaporean hawker delights, fostering a sense of community and local culture. Lentoria is conveniently close to popular shopping destinations such as AMK Hub and Thomson Plaza, ensuring that retail therapy and daily necessities are just a stone's throw away. Additionally, the upcoming Lentor Modern integrated development, featuring a shopping mall, will be within walking distance, adding to the convenience of residents.
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Thomson East Coast MRT Line
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Lentoria Condo Surrounding Views
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Lentoria Condo StreetDirectory Map Nature enthusiasts can relish the nearby Thomson Nature Park, reachable in a short 5-minute drive or via a leisurely walk or bike ride through the connected Lentor Hillock Park. These green spaces offer a breath of fresh air and a serene environment, perfect for relaxation and outdoor activities. For families, Lentoria offers excellent educational options within a 1km radius. CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) and Anderson Primary School are within easy reach, ensuring a quality education for your children. There are also My First Skool and Little Footprints Preschool are within 300m away from Lentoria, promoting ease for sending your kids to preschool. 360 Degree Drone View What's Nearby?
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What's Nearby Trains (MRT) - LENTOR MRT TE5 440m Groceries/ Shopping - Lentor Square Mall (U/C) 350m - Broadway Plaza 1.68 km - Djitsun Mall 1.77 km - Jubilee Square 1.85 km   Schools - Anderson Primary 820m - Presbyterian High 880m - Chij St. Nicholas Girls' 920m - Mayflower Primary 1.14 km
Site Plan / Facilities
The site plan of Lentoria Condo has been thoughtfully designed to make the most of space while preserving a scenic environment that Singaporeans will appreciate. Capitaland, known for their dedication to creating high-quality properties with top-notch facilities, has poured their expertise into this development. Among the outstanding amenities are a refreshing swimming pool, a well-equipped gym, a community clubhouse, inviting BBQ pits, a playground for the kids, a tennis court, and a versatile function room.
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Lentoria Condo Info
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Lentoria Site Plan
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Site Plan Level 14
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Safety and security are a top priority at J’den Condo, catering to the peace of mind that local residents value. The development is equipped with comprehensive security features, including 24/7 surveillance, CCTV cameras, access control systems, and intercoms. For those who own cars, a spacious and well-lit parking area is readily available. Additionally, J’den Condo embraces modern living with a smart home system, allowing residents to conveniently control lighting, temperature, and security from anywhere in their homes, a feature Singaporeans will find both practical and appealing. 360 Aerial View & Sitemap Unit Mixes/ Diagrammatic Chart ☘️1BR (23 units) - 50sqm (538sqft) ☘️2BR (120 units) - 65sqm to 68sqm (700sqft - 732sqft) ☘️3BR (70 units) - 85sqm to 104sqm 915sqft - 1119sqft) ☘️4BR (54 units) - 112sqm to 125sqm (1206sqft - 1346sqft Total: 267 Units
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Unit Mixes
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Diagrammatic Chart Floor Plan & Virtual Tours
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1BR A1
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3BR C3
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3BR C4
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3BR Premium C5P
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3BR Premium C6P
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4BR D1 Read the full article
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dranshulgupta · 2 years
Is Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism Genetic
Chronic Autoimmune Thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis(HT) is an inflammatory disease characterized by diffuse lymphocytic infiltration, fibrosis, and parenchymal atrophy. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is the most common cause of primary - Functional Medicine Doctor Houston
hypothyroidism which continues to be a common problem, especially in women.
Circulating autoantibodies against thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) were present in almost all patients with autoimmune hypothyroidism. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor Antibody (TSH-R Ab) blocks the receptor instead of stimulating it as in graves’ diseases. In some cases of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, the exact mechanisms underlying autoimmune thyroiditis are not fully understood. The hypothesis relies on both genetic and environmental involvement.
Clinically, the disease can present as gradual thyroid failure, with or without goitre formation due to autoimmune-mediated apoptosis of the thyroid epithelial cells. 
The typical markers of the disease, found in almost all cases are the antibodies against one or more thyroid antigens, diffuse lymphocytic infiltration of the thyroid (predominantly thyroid-specific Band T cells), and follicular destruction, which is the characteristic sign of thyroiditis.
The epidemiology of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is related to other autoimmune diseases affecting other endocrine organs. However, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is by far the most common endocrine autoimmune disease. 
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis also primarily affects middle-aged women, can occur in men and women of all ages as well as children, and has recently been recognized as the most common cause of pediatric thyroid disease. Autoimmunity review by Cooper et al. in 2003 83% of cases were estimated to be female.
Autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD) result from the complex interplay of exogenous and endogenous factors. The cause of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is thought to be a mix between genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. 
The familial association with Graves’ disease (GD) and the undeniable fact that Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis may sometimes evolve into one another proves that the two disorders are closely related. It is observed that many patients are prone to familial aggregation of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. 
Genetic factors have been related to susceptibility in 70% to 80% while environmental factors have been demonstrated only in 20% to 30% of cases of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease. Relatives of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease patients carry a high risk of contracting the disease themselves.
Genetic Factors
  Advances in genetic techniques have led to significant advances in the diagnosis of complex diseases using new genetic techniques.  In the diagnosis of complex autoimmune diseases, such as Autoimmune Thyroid Disease, four phases are described: Phase 1- candidate gene analyses; Phase 2  is a genome-wide linkage study; Phase 3- genome-wide association studies (GWAS); Phase 4  is whole genome sequencing. In Autoimmune Thyroid Disease, major thyroid antigens are implicated in thyroid autoimmunity. 
TSH-R mRNA has also been detected in other tissues, and although the role of TSH in most tissues is unclear, data suggest that TSH  may regulate bone cell and adipocyte function. Post-ocular expression of TSH-R is associated with thyroid eye disease (graves orbitopathy) and anterior tibialmyxoma  (thyroid dermatopathy).
Other genes such as HLA-DR3 and, in some cases, HLA-DR4 are susceptible to Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.  The cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) genes, a member of the immunoglobulin family, are also associated with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.  The mechanism is to encode a protein that sends an inhibitory signal to the T cell. Mutations in this gene have been associated with T1D, Graves’ Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, celiac disease, systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE), and other autoimmune diseases. It is reported that high production of IFN-gamma and low production of IL-4  are more common in patients with severe Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis than in patients with mild H.
New analytical approaches will reveal many other genes that may represent small etiological contributions to clinical symptom variability. For example, combinations of novel genetic markers have been investigated, and the results show an association of TPO-Ab positivity with an increased risk of hypothyroidism. The MAGI3 gene has been studied as a marker that can predict whether TPO-Ab- positive patients are particularly at risk of developing clinical thyroid dysfunction. The importance of genetic factors causing autoimmune hypothyroidism is indicated by the frequent presence of thyroid antibodies and other autoimmune diseases in relatives. Scientific data has been demonstrated in twin studies showing a high concordance rate (0.55) in identical twins.
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tamlovesfashion · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - Vintage 60-70's Fanny Wrappers Kinetic Sweater Zip Wool Pockets Bell Sle….
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qdnurses · 2 years
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Nursing Review: 5 Questions to Ask About Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Systemic lupus erythematosus, or SLE for short, is an autoimmune condition that can manifest in many different ways across the body. Joints, skin, brain, lungs, kidneys, and blood vessels are among of the organs that can become inflamed and suffer significant tissue damage as a result of this condition. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the most prevalent form of the disease; around 70% of those who have lupus have it. It is not infectious or contagious in any way. The condition is frequently misinterpreted by medical professionals, and it is still unknown what causes it.
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prakashchemicals · 3 years
Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate is used in the formulation of liquid detergents, cleaners, shampoos, and laundry detergents. We provide superior quality SLES 70 in bulk for the production of these agents and detergents. Call us on the given number for your SLES 70 requirement.
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