#slight xina reference
soft-persephone · 10 months
Would anyone be interested in monster!daughter & Miguel O’Hara?
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Trigger Warning: Mentions of blood, flesh eating, gore. (Nothing too extreme. I am not a horror expert or fan. But for this I’m willing to dabble)
I’ve read so many fics and fan art depict Miguel as some feral brown monster man thing, like references to chains and muzzle or straight up having a line in a fic where he will be “growling animalisgicly” or “crouching like a beast.”
All of this has lead to a very not good time.
But I’ve been churning it around in my head.
I’ve created this girl who was experimented on against her will, she’s saved by Jess and they’ve been friends ever since. She has a mother, but now Jess is like another mother figure, and almost an aunt, and Jess becomes an honorary member of their little family.
But it is as sweet as it is a decision made out of a necessity in Jess’s opinion.
The incident has left her with several side effects and urges she can’t control on her own. Their are periods where her mind shifts to instinct mode and not a normal human being and it terrifies her.
She wants to do.. things.. unspeakable things. She has to fight the urge to bite people. Sometimes it’s out of love, sometimes she has to feel their flesh muddle in her mouth, the taunt skin snapping in her her teeth as it rips into their flesh. She wants to hear the crackling sound of bone pricking her ears as they snap in her jaws.
Just to feel something…
Things sound too loud, smell too strong, the light hurts her eyes and when it gets really bad, the fangs force themselves out her gums, and her mouth bleeds when each one slowly surface.
There could be more changes, more things, but she doesn’t know what they are yet. She is too afraid of letting it go that far and what she might do.
But luckily, ever since Jess saved her life, she knows there is one solution. When Jess or someone she truly trusts us around, the world doesn’t sound so loud, the pain in her mouth and the light seeking into her eyes don’t matter.
But one day Jess can’t get to her in time on her own and Miguel ends up there with her.
Now he knows why Jess was never intimated by him. Why she would always tease about being able to handle him.
Because this seemingly normal girl may have the same if not more strength in her body than he has, from the way the bed creaks as you grip the sheets in pain forcing a seemingly inevitable transformation from taking place by sheer will alone.
Jess places a hand on the girl’s back and the muscles in her thighs relax, the death grip she has to stay in bed relax, the growls in her throat subside, and the rise and fall of her chest slows down into a regular rhythm.
“…Jess.” She relents.
Jess maneuvers her into a firm but gentle embrace, and by some silent prayer, you let her.
The fangs diss spear, the wild look in your eye subdues, and you fall into her hug willingly.
Miguel’s guilt in life has always clawed at his own mind, and after that forced injection that made him what he was and the ways he’s hurt people he has only thought of himself as such a thing, but to be confronted with it in the form of another?
A child too…
And then one day Jess can’t make it so she sends him.
But he only makes things worse. He knew he would.
His presence makes you tense, her fangs become more pronounced, and he sees they are thick, fat, with sharp tips. In comparison to the slender canines that hold poison in his mouth.
She immediately lunge at him and he has to pin her down.
She see him as a threat, and he can’t say your exactly wrong about that. He is a threat.
He does hurt people and your better off if he stays away and you never see him again.
He was a risk, and she was a child.
But he was a geneticist. He could do something about this. Probably save you in a way he cousins save himself. What was injected into him to kill him, had become his own reluctant salvation. But that didn’t have to be the same for you.
He couldn’t let something like this ruin a poor girls life. He wouldn’t.
He decides to watch over her from the shadows. He was only asking to be polite anyway. This was more important than formalities.
He takes some of her blood when she’s sleeping, a few stray curls of her hair from a brush, a cotton swab of her cheak.
Thankfully, she was a heavy sleeper.
Eventually, she let him close.
“What’s wrong? I thought hanging with your friends makes you feel better?”
“They think your my sugar daddy and Meena’s already been telling a whole bunch of people.”
Miguel swears under his breath and has to fight the urge to smatter the car window with his fist or show his temper.
“Well, if it’s just a rumor, it’ll die soon. Just wait it out and keep your head up.”
“If you say so..” she frowns and puts her headphones on.
It gets worse.. so much worse…
And now he’s sitting in front of Jess and Your mother without a good explanation to how he became a part of this young girls life.
“You approached her in a library and dragged her into your car to parade her around town?” Her mother screamed.
“No! I just waited until she was alone, so I could explain to her who I am and how I know Jess! I wanted to help her!”
“You watched and cornered her until she was alone and swooped in to get close to her? Because you saw how vulnerable she is!”
“I’m calling Jess!” She bit out. “Don’t you dare move or I swear I’ll kill you before she gets here!”
“Mom, he’s not lying—“
“—not a word from you! Go to your room!”
He fucked up.
Jess did not hesitate to tell him as much.
They told him to stay away.
He did what they said.
Maybe it was for the best.
“Why did you let them say all those things about them that you new weren’t true!” You were at his apartment.
How the fuck did you manage to get to his apartment? He was back on 2099.
“What are you doing here?”
“Why didn’t you come to campus with me like I asked and set the record straight? Why don’t you stand up for yourself? You…”
Her voice cracked and her lip was quivering.
His chest swelled and his heart beat faster than he ever felt before.
Why were telling him this? Why did you care so much.
It reminded him so much of.. of a person from a long time ago.
Who would berate him just as much when he was younger for being bullied. Who would stay by his side no matter how fucked up he was it what fucked up things he did.
It him like a truck.
He realized now why this child meant so much to him.
Why he wanted to be around her so bad. Who she reminded him of. What she represented.
Would his daughter with her have been like this? Would she have wanted a girl or children at all? If he showed her this lost poor would, would she care as much about this little girl as he did?
He opened the door and let her in, not saying a word.
He fixed her some tea and turned off the lights. He took his time and found a soft record to let meddle in the background. He wrapped her in a blanket.
She soon relaxed and settled into his chest, sleeping for the night.
She was nothing like him. No part of her was.
But she saw something in him that was.
He thought it was only the fangs, his size, and the unnatural strength in each fiber of his muscles.
But now he knows it was so much more, and it scared him.
It scared him as much as being a boyfriend did, as being a partner, lover friend…. Brother.
He was scared to be a father, especially a son.
But now he had a daughter, and she was the scariest.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 1 month
Did Miguel physically stalk like follow behind at a distance
Hello nonnie! 🥰🖤 I'm guessing you're referring to The Woman He Didn't Choose since that ones probably my popular fic at the moment 🫶🏽 and nope. You are from a smaller town in a more rural state in this universe. Miguel is from Nueva York, and you both met on the show.
!!slight spoilers!! Look away if you've never read the series and wanna be surprised
After your breakup with Miguel and the finale being aired in Los Angeles, you flew back to your hometown and he flew back to Nueva York to be with Xina.
Xina was also from Nueva York but more upstate. So there was physical distance between you two for several months before they broke up and you reunited in Paradise again.
He did unblock and look at your Instagram though after he and Xina had that fight with her parents.
Throughout your time in paradise, Miguel keeps an eye on you but he keeps his distance when you're with other people. I scanned through and couldn't find any instance of him actually following close behind- far off glimpses yes but no following.
I did write a Twilight AU where Miguel is Miguel Cullen and he visits you while you sleep based on the first Twilight Saga movie. That's probably the most stalkerish one I've done lol.
Hope that helps! 🥰
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