#slightly kevimatt i guess
After spending the last, like, six months of writing solely on Lucid and Dancing With The Devil, today I really wanted to write something super short and super dumb and completely self-indulgent. And I did exactly that :D 
Matt pulled the key from his truck’s ignition and jumped out of the car, full of motivation. It was gym time and he was a little late already because his teacher mercilessly overran her lesson time, so he took long, fast strides towards the building once he locked the car. There was nothing better than gym after a boring class, it never failed to raise his spirits and give him back some energy. When he entered, the locker room was empty save for some random students he didn’t know - the rest of his team was probably already busy with their routines - and Matt threw on his gym outfit as fast as he could. He didn’t want to lose any more time and possibly have Coach sign him up for a marathon for being later than necessary.
Coach was nowhere to be seen, but Matt didn’t try to find him, instead he went straight to where the bikes and cross trainers and treadmills were - he couldn’t start a workout without a little cardio as a warm up, could he now? Just the thought of getting his legs in gear on the treadmill brought a light spring to Matt’s step; his muscles were tired from sitting through hours of classes and he’d have time for a post-workout nap before afternoon practice. Perfect. Or maybe he could grab some lunch with Neil.
Speaking of Neil, when Matt rounded the corner he spotted him and Andrew in the cardio area of the gym, which wasn’t unusual in itself. Neil could do more cardio than any of them, and even though Andrew openly despised the treadmill even he had to do warmups. What put a frown on Matt’s face was the fact that Neil sat on one of the bikes - but didn’t move. He literally just sat there, hands resting on his thighs, feet braced on the pedals but frozen. Andrew wasn’t even on any of the machines, he just sat on the small bench right beside Neil’s bike, arms crossed in front of his chest, leaning against the wall and a small, angry frown between his brows - and both of them were staring in the same direction.
“Hey guys,” Matt said once he was in earshot, and both Andrew and Neil shot him a quick glance, then each other, and eventually turned their eyes back forwards.
“Hey Matt,” Neil said without looking at him. Andrew grunted quietly, which was more of a greeting than Matt would’ve gotten just three months ago. Andrew really did try to be civil with the rest of the Foxes since him and Neil started dating - in the most Andrew-way, but that was okay. Matt appreciated the thought.
“What’s up?” Matt asked. 
Neither of them said anything, but Neil jerked his chin in the direction he was staring at. Matt, confused yet intrigued, followed his gaze.
“Oh,” he uttered with a hitch in his breath when he saw what was holding Andrew and Neil’s attention in such an iron grip.
He had seen a lot of things during his time as a Fox. 
Kevin Day, on his knees, chest pressed to the ground, back arched and ass up in the air wasn’t one of them - until today. 
“What is he--” 
Kevin stretched his arms out over his head and arched his back deeper, which resulted in his ass sticking up further into the air and a little groan carried all the way from Kevin over to them. Any words got stuck in Matt’s throat.
“Yoga,” Andrew grunted.
“He was complaining about back pain all morning,” Neil added. Neither of them averted their eyes from Kevin. Matt opened his mouth but no words came out, so he closed it again. He had absolutely no idea what this pose was called but he honest to God could not care less. He just knew he liked it. 
After a minute or two, Matt really wasn’t sure, Kevin pushed his chest off the yoga mat until he was on hands and knees, then raised his chin and curved his back. The expression on his face was entirely blissful and his eyes closed, his lips slightly parted as he pushed out long, deep breaths. Oh, God. 
“I-Is he wearing-” Matt stuttered but his thoughts trailed off when Kevin arched his back up, dropping his head, then returned into the former position, his thighs slipping apart the tiniest bit more from the movement.
“Leggings. Yes,” Andrew grunted, sounding genuinely offended.
“He says they’re ‘super breathable, high intensity sweatpants’,” Neil said.
“They’re fucking leggings,” Andrew replied.
“Yeah,” Neil agreed easily. 
Oh dear Lord have mercy. 
Matt blinked at the sight and tried, he really tried, to avert his eyes, but all the managed was to stumble two steps towards the bench Andrew was sitting on.
“Hey, bro, is that spot still free?” 
Andrew glanced up at him, then returned his gaze to Kevin but scooted the tiniest bit over to make room for Matt. Matt fell into the spot next to Andrew, bracing his arms on his knees, his cardio plans completely forgotten. But who could blame him when Kevin Day, in tight gym leggings, was switching into the twisted lizard pose?
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