#slightly spicy before i remembered it was 'casual' HAHA
emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
13 or 21 for the affection prompts? :3
*gasp* Hulloooo! I didn't forget about youuuuu! >:3 Mainly, I had to sit on this because there was no idea within my head, but I got one finally~! So, let me WRITE IT!
Anybody ever wanted to see how Fane gets when he actually gets drunk? OH YES. Pair that with Solas getting slightly drunk and we have two fools being MORE foolish than ever before! AHAHAH! >:D
21. laughing at their jokes - (aka Fane likes puns)
"The ceiling is..", Fane trailed off as he laid on the floor in the suite that had been afforded to him and Solas in the Winter Palace. Each of the members of Inquisition had been given a room as 'thanks' for saving Orlais, as well as endless, endless access to the cellars and he had indulged, staring at the posh ceiling above and tracing patterns he could see shifting like the sky did on occasion. It was disorienting, but he felt too warm, too relaxed to really care.
As did one other, who was no better than he was, having been goaded by Fane to indulge as well, but they were situated on the silk covered bed, on their stomach, gazing down at him with a pleased, amused smirk and a lightly flushed visage. However, Fane was so preoccupied watching the dancing wall that he didn't have time to admire the sky, but he could hear it and it was a lovely, lovely sound.
"The ceiling is..?", Solas prompted, speech slow, but still oddly in control, just more relaxed, more light.
Fane blinked a few times, mind trying to piece together what was spinning before him. The ceiling was... He didn't know, actually. It was hot. He was hot. Why was he hot? Why was the ceiling shifting? Why did he feel like he could fly? Ohhh, he drank too much, but didn't care, so he just spewed out the first thing to pop up into his liquor addled brain.
"...Orlesian.", Fane finally said, pointing with a flailing arm to the entire expanse at the ornate detailing that was so painfully, painfully grotesque in its opulence. "Orlesiiian. Ugh.", he reiterated, making a face at the word. He hated Orlais. Had he mentioned that before? No? Well, he did. Icky lions and...machinations that were what the shitty elves of Arlathan had played with.
And one of them was now laughing, but they weren't shitty. Never. Never, never, never. They were the sky, free and beautiful, and he had to look at it. Fane turned his head towards the laughter tickling his heart to gaze upon his sky, a smirk working its way onto his face as he took in the carefree appearance of Solas, cheeks flushed, sky-like eyes bright, and once prim and proper attire loose and wild as a wolf should be. Guess he wasn't the only one to have drank a bit too much. Not that he was complaining. He liked this view of the sky.
"Careful, vhenan.", Solas warned between chuckles, reaching down to where Fane was laying to poke at his nose and smirking when he elicited a tiny growl. "Say 'Orlesian' one too many times and you will sum..", he paused, looking up for a moment as if to think before pale blue shone with wisdom, continuing. "..summon the Empress, or rather, Emperor, I suppose."
Fane snorted. "Ohhh, no, no, no. Gashhh..Gas..pard..Gaspard! That's the name! I got it!", he exclaimed with a wave of hand, watching with bubbling amusement as Solas bit into his bottom lip, snorting a bit. "Gaspard is a Empress because of Briala. I made that happen. I'm clever. Big dragon brain." The words becoming more slurred, more haphazard as more warmth numbed his mind into a pleasant lull. How many bottles of wine did he have again? Fifteen?
...Twenty? He had to have a very high tolerance because that shit had been weak, not kicking in until he and Solas had retired, or well, closed the door. They weren't sleeping any time soon with the way his sky was snorting and chuckling like a fool, but he was a beautiful, beautiful fool. A premium one. A majestic one.
Solas let out another snort, face occasionally scrunching from mirth. "Ma'isenatha, I believe you are drunk~", he teased, scooting along the bed to actually ruffle at Fane's hair with a carefree smirk. Fane let out a literal groan of happiness at that touch, staring up at that the pair of eyes staring down at him, albeit upside down. The sky was perfect either way.
"Uh-uh.", Fane denied, shaking his head but stopped when the world spun more than it was already. "You're drunk. You're cheeks are all...eh." He reached up with a hand of his own to poke at a flush cheek, snorting loudly as Solas let out a snort of his own before it dissolved into quiet giggling. The sound had Fane's mouth going agape. "Holy shit, he's a giggler! The legends a true! And Varric owes me fifty sovereigns! Yesh!" Why did that make him so happy? He was loaded already, but hah! He won!
"I..I am not..pfft!", Solas tried to deny but only went back to drunkenly snorting and giggling, head going limp to rest against the foot of the bed's frame.
Fane felt a smile burst forward onto his face, actively springing up into a sitting position to point triumphantly at...well, he didn't know! He was just incredibly rallied by his victory!
"My treasure hoard grows!", Fane exclaimed as he rolled over onto his stomach, pushing himself up onto his knees with both arms and scooting to where Solas was still chortling like a literal child, pointed ears as flushed as his face.
The sight of such tempting triangles had Fane smirking like a fool as he leaned down to nip at one, growling playfully. This night was finally proving to be worth all the bullshit as Solas let out a choked gasp, head snapping up to look at him, eyes bright with blue and grey and mouth split into a wide smirk of confidence and just as much playful abandon.
Fane leaned in more, resting their foreheads together with a smirk. "See?", he inquired, quickly nipping at a pointed nose and smirking even more when a growl left his sky like thunder. "Oooo, the wolf has deigned me with his presence~"
Solas chuckled, deep and oh so dangerously, but it only made Fane want to draw them out more, pressing their foreheads together more, delving into eyes that spoke a thousand words of a thousand lifetimes. Solas' hands came up to hold him in place, propping himself up on his elbows to bring himself even closer to where Fane was now leaning against the foot of the bed, casual as can be, relaxed due to the essence flowing through his blood. One day, he hoped that this was how it could always be, alcohol or no.
...Especially if he could witness more smiles from the one who had brought one back to his own face. Though, right now, it was a smirk, a lovely, lovely smirk of youth and shamelessness. And the words that spilled from those wolfish lips had Fane dying.
"You could say this one is...dreadful, hm?", Solas drawled, but hints of lavender were laughing within pale blue and hazy grey.
"Pffft!", Fane snorted before actively beginning to laugh, giggling in his own right and disconnecting their foreheads to let his head fall into his arms against the ornate bed frame. "Ahahah! D..Dreadful! I..I get it because..pfffft!"
He heard Solas let out a fond chuckle, seemingly trying not to let the infection of his laughter send him spiraling into his own again. Dreadful! Why was that so funny?! Dreadful, hah!
...Oh, he was drunk. Yes, yes he was, but he didn't care!
A light, but sharp nip to his own pointed ear had Fane's laughter stuttering with a low snarl, picking his head up a bit with a smirk to glare with heated embers into the sky smirking back at him, eyes alight with the same fire he could feel coursing through his veins. The wolf wanted to play, did he? Oh, they would play, but as the dragons did, untamed and uncut.
"Hmm, it would appear the dragon has deigned me with his presence this eve.", Solas practically purred, a few fingers ghosting along Fane's jawline, making him shiver with a chuckling sigh. "Should I be leery of its gaze?"
Fane hummed, leaning forward and snarling low as Solas teasingly leaned back, smirking like the wolf he embodied. So that's how the sky wished to play? To make its reach unattainable? That wouldn't do because dragons were meant to fly within its expanse.
..And he would be in his sky by the top of the hour, so deep as to shatter its own Veil between the real and the imaginable.
"Not at all.", Fane drawled, slowly and surprisingly, steadily rising to his full height to practically rip into black velvet and gold silk that was his personal attire with one hand, undoing buttons and buckles with deftness despite his drunken state. His gaze sharpened with acute awareness as Solas only rested his chin into one of his hands, knees bent, elbows resting upon them as he watched him perform.
"Should I be leery of its strength, then?", Solas inquired, eyes glued to him, unashamed, enraptured with each layer of finery that was discarded with patience, as if they had all the time in the world once again. "Its tenacity? Its passion?" Every question uttered stoked the fires, made them blaze as Fane shrugged of his jacket, having opted not to wear his wraps as the formal attire had down a good job of covering him, but he had brought them for battle.
Fane shook his head, smirking even as his body was on full display, scars and all. He felt no pain, no wariness as liquid courage numbed both his mind and physical form. And it helped when his sky only reflected interest and no judgement, blue-grey orbs slowly roaming up and down his body, legs shifting against the silken sheets with anticipation, but trying to keep it subtle for a shred of propriety. He tsked, meandering his way around to the side where Solas was closest. Now, that wouldn't do. Guess he would have to...
"No to all of those questions, my sky.", Fane growled as he brought one knee up to rest upon the bed, reaching down with one hand to flick the clasp on his belt, unlocking it, but not unraveling it just yet. He growled once more as Solas continued to watch him, calmly, playfully, goading him with the blue that harnessed those emotions.
Solas hummed. "Then what should I be leery of, my dragon?", he asked casually before Fane struck, tackling the man onto the mattress with a snarl and a smirk. His sky let out a grunt of surprise, but easily fell into this familiar beat, reaching up to run his hands lightly along his bare arms, shivers rising in their wake, pain of scars forgotten due to the heat building between them.
Fane gazed down with hooded eyes, pleased and pleasant. "You should be leery of...", he began, leaning down to nip at an exposed neck, sliding a hand up to delicately run it down the side he was not beginning to kiss. A new heat was infecting his mind now. It was heady. It was hotter than any blazing flame. It was incandescent as Solas bore himself to him, tilting his head to allow him more access, even as words hung in the air.
Fane continued his ministrations, kissing, stroking, and teasing with his lips and hand upon a fluttering neck, but something else fluttered and it was within him that it did. It was light, airy, and...ridiculous, but he found himself saying it nonetheless. The wine was still in effect after all. He pulled back a bit, one of Solas' hands digging into a forearm, blue eyes hazy, but curious as to why he stopped.
"Fane?", his sky questioned, but Fane only snorted as he nuzzled into the neck he had just been assaulting with passion and fire. "Fane, what--"
"You know, I just had a thought.", Fane said, humming happily into the crook of Solas' neck; his sky only letting out a disbelieving chuckle and a content sigh at his shift.
"Just the one?"
"Ass.", Fane bit with no venom, but snorted as the thought popped back in like a curious spirit. "You want to hear it or not?"
"Go on.", Solas said around a hum, hand beginning to hum through his hair slowly, tenderly, the other tracing light patterns along his back, following the path of a few scars he knew were there, but that didn't bother Fane as he started to giggle like an idiot.
"Well...", Fane started, lifting his head a bit to gaze down into curious, amused orbs, a smile greeting him with equal lightness embedded in its curves. "I just realized, I'm a dragon..."
Solas nodded. "You are, and...?", he prompted, quirking an eyebrow with that same smirk.
"I'm getting there! Sheesh..", Fane said with a slight pout before snorting again. "I'm a dragon and you're the sky to me. Guess what that means?" He waggled his eyebrows a bit, biting into his bottom lip at his brilliant revelation! He was, indeed, a clever dragon! Decider of empires! Gazer of mankind!
Solas blinked, eyebrows drawing together before blue widened and a good natured, but exasperated groan left his smirking lips.
"Vhenan, do not--"
"Ready for a dragon to be inside of you, my sky?", Fane asked with giddiness, snorting and chuckling like the fool that he was. He was so smart! So smart!
"You are dreadful.", Solas quipped back between his own chuckling and snorts, face twisting with mirth before it broke; the two of them busting out into drunken, light laughter at the terrible, terrible humor they both possessed.
They were both dreadful, dreadful, and dreadful, but they didn't care when the world seemed small and their problems smaller amid echoes of empires and twinkling gold.
They're idiots, Your Honor. This is a fact that cannot be denied nor rejected. However, it can be acquitted for they are in LOVE!! *dinosaur screech of LOVE*
I hope you enjoyed it! <3
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link4eva · 3 years
Kiro’s Mind’s Quest: Infatuation Play Translation Part 2 [CN]
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Hey! Here’s Part 2 of Infatuation Play. Here is Part 1 if you haven’t read it yet.
Enjoy~ 💛
*Spoilers for future content below!*
[Chapter 4]
MC: It seems I’ve put too much salt in the seasoning….
MC: If it’s salty…. add more water!
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Kiro: Haha. 
Kiro was amused by what I said, and he shook off a piece of beef and tasted it.
Kiro: Good to eat!
Kiro also gave me a piece, the evening light leaked in from the window, reflecting a small layer of fluff on his face.
In the steam, the spicy and delicious smell seemed to dispel the previously unremarkable smell in the house.
I took a sip of soda and brought up the topic from before. *Changed some wording*
MC: By the way, in addition to encountering the big challenge of an actor’s career, filming NG….
MC: Is there anything else that left an impression on you?
Kiro looked down and thought about it seriously.
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Kiro: Does scaring a crying kid count? 
MC: Of course!
Kiro smiled when he saw the eagerness on my face to hear the story.
Kiro: This scene is also related to entering the character state.
Kiro: In order to maintain this state, I kept myself bored in the hotel room for a long time….
Kiro: Probably because of my routine, no one reminded me.
Kiro: Later, I didn’t know the exact time anymore. When I came out, I felt that I had been in the dark for a long time.
Kiro: I realized that I was a bit too immersed, so I went to buy a bottle of soda to take a break.
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Kiro: Then I met a kid in the crew…. I didn’t do anything, he just saw me and then cried. 
Kiro’s voice was very low, and the hot pot gurgled.
I think of Kiro’s immersive performance on the screen, and then I dig a little deeper into what he said just now-- *Changed some wording*
It was as if he had a bitter fruit in his heart, and he desperately wanted to hide it from me. The more bitter it was, the stronger the taste.
In the end, the fruit still found its way into my heart.
I sniffed and couldn’t help joking.
MC: From another perspective, that kid got to watch a scene for free.
Kiro raised his eyes, and I continued with a smile.
MC: I want to watch the exclusive performance of the big star Kiro too!
MC: Thinking about it this way, I feel a little jealous.
I took his hand and his fingertips quivered slightly.
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Kiro: Don’t you think I’m not doing well enough? As a professional actor, I shouldn’t be in this situation. 
I shook my head.
MC: Remember, you asked me before if there was anything interesting about this business trip.
MC: In fact, in the city where I was on business, there would be lively gatherings at night on the street next to the hotel.
MC: Looking down from the balcony, there are clusters of lights, and everyone sits on the steps and chats casually.
MC: When I saw it, I was thinking, “I must bring Kiro here next time. He will love the sparkling cider here.”
I looked at Kiro brightly. He seemed to be imagining the scene I described with slight waves in his eyes.
MC: I want to share with you all the good and bad, brilliant and lonely times.
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MC: You can be imperfect, you can have lonely and dark moments because I will be with you. 
MC: We share each other’s lives. No matter what life it is, as long as we experience it together, it is enough.
Those blue eyes staring at me seemed to be lit by some kind of warm light for a moment, filled with soft emotions.
I paused and asked him softly.
MC: I remember that every time you acted in a play, you would bid farewell to them at the end.
MC: You said that you were lucky to participate in a period of their lives and experienced their emotions.
MC: So in the end, you have to bid farewell to the partners you have been working with….
MC: Looking forward to another time and space, they will continue their lives.
MC: Did you say goodbye this time?
Kiro looked at me and suddenly reached out and wiped the oil stains on my lips.
The boiling of the hot pot sounded and there seemed to be some fragments of emotions in his eyes that had melted silently.
He paused, turned his head and raised the bear cup on the table. He raised it in the air, the emotions in his eyes were clear and calm.
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Kiro: Americano is still too bitter, I prefer to drink soda. 
Kiro: The hot pot made by Miss Chips is delicious. As long as you are with her, even the little things like walking your dog to the supermarket are worth remembering.
His gaze flickered over the neatly coded script on the sofa, and there was a sense of relief in his voice.
Kiro: What you didn’t find, I did.
Kiro: In the time and space I don’t know, you will definitely find what you want, and come back to shine on the stage again.
Kiro: Now, it’s time to say goodbye to you.
The starry sky is gentle, and the steam from the hot pot rises, almost like a response. The wind blows the curtains and the room is full of starlight. *Changed some wording*
We are both covered.
(Cut to the living room)
MC: What’s going on with Cello lately? She seems to be more irritable.
MC: Not only did she knock over the sunflower vase in the living room, but also bit her tail….
I pet Cello who was being held in Kiro’s arms and spoke tentatively.
It is said that the mood of pets will be influenced by the owner. Is Cello….? 
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Kiro looked away with a guilty conscience. 
Kiro: Maybe it’s because the season makes everyone more irritable.
Kiro: [coughs] Just leave her be, save the sunflower first.
He found a new vase in the cabinet and handed it to me. I trimmed the sunflower’s branched and leaves that had been bitten by Cello.
Kiro sat cross-legged across from me and stared at me without blinking. I was a little embarrassed to be stared at.
MC: What are you looking at?
Kiro tilted his head at me and his blond hair swayed slightly. It was obviously a naughty action, but the smile in his eyes was very gentle.
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Kiro: Of course I was looking at Miss Chips. 
Kiro: Looking at your actions, expressions, the flower in your hand, and…. 
Kiro’s tone was stretched out and I followed his gaze to see the light-coloured hairband on the side of my head.
The soft end of the hairband slid down my neck and onto my skin.
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I blushed for a moment and when I was hurriedly trying to retie my hairband, my hand was suddenly grabbed.
I looked up and under the frivolity of the sun, I didn’t know when Kiro got so close to me that I could see the creases on his lips.
His gaze fell on the end of my hair. He tucked the hairband lightly and winked at me.
Kiro: Miss Chips, let me help you.
Without waiting for my answer, he took a strand of my hair and maneuvered his hands dexterously, rubbing my earlobes with his fingertips which caused a burst of scorching heat.
The hairband is like a streamer that can be held in his hand, and he is the creator of beauty.
The mood is changing silently at this moment as we stay so close. *Changed some wording*
No matter how difficult the moments we encounter are, they will definitely be healed in the accompanying time.
After a while, Kiro held my face and looked at it with satisfaction.
Kiro: That’s it.
I reached up to touch the hairband and couldn’t help but smile. *Changed some wording*
MC: You even tied a small bow! 
Kiro: Of course, this is the exclusive mark of Kiro.
Kiro picked up the end of the hairband and looked down at me tenderly. His blue eyes were like a vast and boundless sea and I willingly indulged in it.
(Cut to morning)
The morning light was in the room and the sound of the phone vibrating awakened me from my sleep. I picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.
MC: Kiki? What’s wrong?
Kiki: Boss, the project you flew abroad to talk about has passed!
Kiki: Anna received the letter of intent last night, and the person in charge there said that he hoped the date of the contract signing could be confirmed today.
Kiki: Where are you now? Come and visit the company!
MC: Okay, I’ll be there.
I hung up and turned my head, Kiro’s sleeping face came into view.
He seems to be having a good sleep and his lips are slightly upturned, he looks particularly meek. *Changed some wording*
MC: ….
It looks like he is still a little sick. *Changed some wording*
The lack of sleep made my brain work a little slow, so I shook my head in an attempt to wake myself up a bit.
Just as I was hesitating whether to go, Kiro woke up with a hint of sleepiness in his eyes. He was startled when he saw my neatly dressed look.
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Kiro: [cute sleepy voice] Is something happening at the company? 
(If you pick “No”)
Seeing Kiro’s still pale cheeks, I shook my head and smiled at him.
MC: Nothing, I was just talking to Kiki.
But Kiro looked at me and suddenly smiled.
Kiro: Miss Chips, you should go do more important things first.
Kiro: I will wait here for you to come back.
Seeing him look at me quietly, I nodded gently.
(If you pick “yes”)
I was conflicted for a moment and then nodded honestly.
MC: There is a little situation that needs to be dealt with, but….
Before I finished speaking, I saw Kiro stretch out lazily with a slight smile in his tone.
Kiro: I will wait for your return.
He looked no different from what I was familiar with. I hesitated for a moment and finally nodded gently.
[Memory Silhouette]
MC: Hahahahahaha! This episode is so funny!
I laughed so much that my cheeks hurt and I had to lean against Kiro’s arms. He opened his arms and caged me in them.
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Kiro: Is the way I eat mustard so funny? 
I lifted my head and looked at him as he asked me. 
The sun was shining on us warmly through the French windows, Kiro’s milk fragrance also wrapped around the tip of my nose. I couldn’t help but squeeze his cheek with my hand.
MC: No, but I like it.
MC: Didn’t someone say that if there is a person who can keep you smiling, then he must be an important presence in your life.
MC: You make me laugh without even thinking about it, your existence turns cloudy days into sunny ones. *Changed some wording*
As if he had accepted my theory, Kiro no longer struggled with his expression about the variety show, so he clicked the button to continue playing. 
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Kiro: Okay, I agree with Miss Chips. 
This variety show has Kiro as a guest appearance. When he participated in the show, he had not yet joined the cast to make a movie. The show was as bright as a little sun.
In the space between the advertisements, I quickly glanced sideways at the person next to me.
Over the past few days, I can feel his gradual relaxation.
It’s not that I’m always vigilant, telling myself that I have to be happy in front of him, but because when I’m with him, I can relax and smile.
I liked this relaxed and soft Kiro.
MC: But speaking of it, in this variety show, I see you in a way that I don’t usually see.
MC: Planting seedlings, bargaining with the owner of a small shop, and making mosquitos nests by yourself.
MC: So Kiro turned out to be a secret master of life?
MC: So when I was making homemade cranberry cupcakes, a certain superstar asked me to teach him how to beat the egg yolks?
After being questioned, Kiro gave a cheeky “um”.
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Kiro: That’s because, in the cast, I need to play the image of SuperHero. This is my job. 
Kiro: But in front of Miss Chips, I can be willful and not so perfect, can’t I? *Changed some wording*
He looked at me with a smile in his eyes, like an afternoon orange soda full of refreshing taste.
MC: You said that…. I can’t refute it. 
Although I said that, I couldn’t help but laugh.
MC: But two people mixing the egg yolk batter together is always more interesting than doing it alone.
There was constant laughter on screen. I looked at Kiro who was always smiling on the screen and couldn’t help but lean into his arms.
His chin rested on my shoulder from behind and his warm breath brushed my neck.
It’s always a good time to need each other and be together. *Changed some wording*
MC: Next time, teach me how to make a mosquito net.
MC: Maybe in the future when we go on a trip, it will be useful.
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Kiro: Okay, let’s make a big and beautiful mosquito net. 
MC: Huh? Why does it have to be so big?
Kiro: It can be used as an open-air tent. If you watch the stars at night, you don’t have to worry about being bitten by bugs.
I couldn’t help being amused by Kiro’s serious tone.
MC: Okay, let’s do it together.
Time is moving slowly and quietly, walking forward with a lazy pace. The lazy rest is close to the not-so-perfect Kiro.
Put together a cupcake with a honey-flavoured centre. *Changed some wording*
[Chapter 5]
When I had walked halfway towards the company, I decided to pull out my phone and call Kiki.
MC: Kiki, there are some things on my end that I can’t get away from. You can help me with the people from the other company and change the meeting to a virtual one.
MC: The contract has been sorted out, I will send it to them later. You are responsible for monitoring the online meeting.
Kiki: Mhhm, okay. Sounds good, boss. 
After temporarily solving the company’s problems, I returned to Kiro’s house.
In order to avoid disturbing Kiro, who might still be asleep, I opened the door very quietly.
But when I entered through the door, I saw Kiro sitting cross-legged on the floor with his back facing me.
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Kiro: Cello, don’t move. 
A cat’s tail came out from his side, swinging back and forth uncomfortably, but was caught by Kiro in the next second.
Kiro: A few days ago, I didn’t play with you, which made you unhappy with me.
He was talking to himself, then sighed slightly.
Kiro: From now on I will play with you every day, but you are not allowed to bite your tail.
Kiro: If you bite your tail bald again, I will confiscate your dried fish!
Hearing what he said, I couldn’t help but laugh.
Kiro turned around when he heard the sound and when I saw Cello resting in his arms, I opened my eyes wide.
MC: You made a small flower for her bald spot.
A small flower made of pink wool is tied around Cello’s tail, which was probably taken from Kiro’s clothes. It covered most of the bald spot.
Kiro: Miss Chips, why are you back so soon?
Kiro was a little taken back, but because of my presence, there was an unconcealed smile in his eyes.
As I walked to Kiro’s side, I creased my eyes and opened my mouth.
MC: Because the witty Miss Chips changed the meeting to an online one, if it is synchronized with the time abroad, it will not start until the evening.
Kiro touched his chin thoughtfully.
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Kiro: In other words, before the meeting, you still have a lot of time alone with me. 
MC: You can think of it like that.
Suddenly I saw the familiar sly smile in his eyes. I was stunned for a second as I realized something and then took a step back cautiously.
Kiro smiled innocently and brilliantly.
Kiro: Miss Chips can’t run away, you came back to me by “getting caught” by my net. *Changed some wording*
In the next second, he hugged my waist and his presence hit me overwhelmingly.
Cello jumped to the ground, licked her paws, and curiously tilted her head to look at everything in front of her.
Kiro led me to the sofa where I sat in his arms, my heartbeat still a little fast.
Kiro chuckled.
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Kiro: Why does Miss Chips look like as if I’m going to do something bad?
His palm touched my bare back, arousing a shudder.
He looked down at me, but there was nothing else in his eyes other than like. 
I think of his unusual moments these past few days and my heart can’t help but feel moved.
The next second, I reached out and hooked my arms around Kiro’s neck. Kiro looked at me in a daze.
MC: Kiro, all the things that happen to you, I want to be the first person to share them with you.
I paused.
MC: Just as happiness and sadness are all the flavours of life we must experience;
MC: I want to be together in those bleak moments that must be experienced.
MC: Because--friction generates heat.
MC: So next time if you feel empty, let me stay with you.
MC: Let me fill your time.
Kiro’s eyes seemed to have a small sparkle of light in them after hearing my words.
After a while, I was pulled by Kiro and fell back into his arms.
Following his movements, my bag fell to the ground and a clear sound rang out. Kiro turned his head and glanced, leaning over and picking up a lipstick.
I reached out to take the lipstick, but Kiro grabbed my wrist.
He looked at me and suddenly put some on his lips slowly.
In the small and charming space, all his movements seemed to be slow and carefully planned, which made me suddenly think of the fragments I saw in the lens. 
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Kiro: While eating hot pot, Miss Chips said that she regretted not being able to see my exclusive performance. 
He paused for a moment and gave a grin.
Kiro: Well now you can.
He raised his hand and the hot red in his palm brushed my hair and then letting it fall onto my back, bringing the smell of spices.
It’s like a light kiss.
I stiffened for a moment, only to feel that the spot touched by him was burning like fire, making me want to get closer.
MC: Kiro….
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I muttered Kiro’s name softly. As if receiving some kind of response, he suddenly took my hand.
Then he lowered his head slightly and pressed his warm lips to my wrist.
Kiro: I’m here.
There was a warm touch from his skin and Kiro’s lips were still pressed against my wrist, but he lifted his eyes to look at me.
I blushed suddenly and wanted to lower my head and look away. The next second, I was firmly grasped with his other hand.
He held my hand and guided my fingertips past his lips.
His look was seductive, like a fairy falling into the world, unknowingly attracting me.
But perhaps, he knew it.
Kiro: Now I am sure that you have filled the most precious time in my world.
His blue eyes are as gentle as the sea and there is only a small me inside of them.
He looked at me and got closer, hot breath fell on the side of my neck accompanied by a soft voice.
Kiro: In fact, there have always been many temptations and difficulties on the way to becoming an actor.
Kiro: It’s a small boat called “Kiro”, sailing on the waves of the world. He often encounters danger, gets injured, and breaks.
The soft touch lingers from the side of my neck to my earlobe, and the breathy whispers fall on my ears very affectionately.
Kiro: But this one person, she found the boat on the boundless sea and repaired his damages.
Kiro: She then stayed on the boat and sailed the world with him to see glaciers and lakes.
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Kiro: This person is called Miss Chips, and she is-- the beacon that guides me through the world. 
His voice is like falling petals; quiet and soft with the ultimate sincerity. *Changed some wording*
Kiro: In the play, Kiro’s emotions belong to the stage.
Kiro: But Kiro outside the play, his world, everything about him belongs to you.
The scorching temperature left my neck and he looked at me earnestly with undisguised emotions in his eyes, like the surging ocean tides.
I couldn’t help but hug his neck back.
MC: Kiro, you made me the best Miss Chips in the world.
MC: Let’s go to farther places together, see glacial lakes, and sail the world together….
MC: Nothing can make me leave your side.
The sunflower grows enthusiastically and his golden hair is soft and brilliant. The world is flourishing and beautiful, just like himself.
If I were Kiro’s beacon for sailing the world, then let me be that tower that illuminates him.
Because-- he is also the most indispensable part of my world.
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milktyama · 4 years
karasuno boys on first dates pt.2
part 1
a/n: idk about yall but this pandemic making me feel extra lonely </3 LIKE I CAN’T EVEN HUG MY OWN FRIENDS FFFFFF. sucks being a physical person during this time. i’m also procrastinating from math homework, words make more sense than numbers
genre: fluff, lighthearted, g!n s/o, kinda?? cliche??
includes: tanaka, sugawara, asahi, daichi
wc: 1489
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tanaka ryunosuke
he is the type to bring you to a movie date
classic and simple
he wants to recreate that oh so romantic moment of casually laying his arm over your shoulder and bring you slightly closer together
maybe if he wants to get a little spicy have you lay your head on his shoulder
but let’s move a few steps back to the asking out part
oh dear god
this man, although he is a mad gentleman, cannot handle feelings for the life of him
and in all honesty, probably took him a little far too long to ask you out
he had this whole scenario out of a movie in his head, all the vibes of a protagonist; boy meets girls moment
and the second he musters his courage and walk up to you during the end of the day, he freezes up
needed ennoshita to give you that sweet insight so you made the first move yourself or it would’ve taken a solid month or two before he could manage to greet you and start some small talk
he does not deal with feelings too well
fast forward to the date
he suggests a a rather romantic movie since he is kinda that type of guy
but you were feeling rather active today and suggests an action movie
and honestly he couldn’t thank you more because although he’s a hopeless romantic, probably could not stand a 2 hour romance movie
he doesn’t like to be called out by a movie </3
anyways, remember that movie scenario in his head? yea that’s out of the question
for one, you two were too hype during the movie; something about superheroes kicking ass is just oh so exciting
secondly, he was wimping out a little
at the end of the movie, you just, shine the brightest smile he has ever seen on you
and oh baby does he feel so HONOURED to be the cause of that smile
but the next thing you do absolutely makes his heart swell
you ask him for a second date
we did it gamers
quite ironically you guys go on a arcade game for your second date, and this mans does not give you an easy time, but you just love that competitiveness in him
sugawara koushi
starting at the beginning, he asks you out
he keeps it simple and straightforward
calls you out right before you exit school buildings, and asks you if you wanna watch practice because he’s obviously trying to woo you a little before his nerve wrecking question
and you gladly agree
i mean who can say no to mr. refreshing sugawara koushi
when he walks through the gym doors and the members seeing you walk right behind him, they would totally kinda misread the situation
i mean no questions asked when it comes to the boys having some insight to the setter’s feelings, however they were just a few steps too forward
saddest part it was DAICHI himself who went “woahh suga you already asked her out? good job man!”
his soul never left his body as fast as that time
like his boys really ruined that one time he wanted to go perfect
but it’s fine
because although you two were in a little of a blushing mess, you lightly grip his sleeve and murmured the cutest “i’m free on saturday afternoon”
saying that he short circuited is honestly an understatement
saturday rolls around and you two unanimously agreed to baking class date
it’s just a really fun and interactive date idea and suga is so in for activity dates
even though you two knew it was gonna get a little messy, yall SIMPS still put on some of your fav outfits
it was so worth it though ‘cause suga’s reaction to your outfit was just all you needed in the world
the date is really fun and playful
totally not at you two flouring each other haha nooo....
he walks you home just before you two part ways, his bold little butt places his hand on top of your head, pecks your forehead and gives you the widest smile
“pottery painting next?”
azumane asahi
asahi is a simple and shy man
i’m pretty sure that’s the obvious
and he would def opt for a simple, at home date
of course only if the other party is comfortable enough for that
don’t get me started at how he asked you
asahi is such a baby and probably has so much trouble with expressing his emotions on the whim/real time
he’ll probably go for a love letter (damn cheesey) just in case he messes up his wording and turns into a blabbering mess trying to make up for the previous mistake
i can imagine his love lever being just the most aesthetically pleasing
like homeboy pulled one of those scrapbooking, journaling people on instagram
plus points he did a wax seal thing (so fancy oml)
most likely put in your locker and then just RAN out of the place like usain bolt
and for the cherry on top, you would return a letter with the same amount of effort (probably not as pretty as his tho LMFAO) accepting his little date uwu
when the date comes, he would set up and clean his house to the tip top utmost cleanliness it could be
at his house, you two would probably watch some movies, play some board games, bake a little and so on
but the highlight of the date is when while watching your like 3rd movie, you doze off into asahi’s shoulder and boy you should’ve seen his FACE
so read and so cute
*insert pleading eyes emoji x2000*
he would gently stroke your hair, careful trying not to wake you up
but unfortunately for him you are a light sleeper
so you would wake up but allow him to run his fingers through your hair
and then when you decide to wake wake up, you tell him that when he strokes your head feels so nice and makes you feel safe AIJFSOLDKRG
and you ask him if you can do the same to him or try styling his hair
and how could he say no to you?
you two spend hours playing with each other’s hair (or only his if you have short hair)
oh and you took so any adorable pictures of him
he got so flustered but it was fine if it was you
sawamura daichi
as a man with the biggest appetite in the series, no surprise that daichi would bring you to a local restaurant for a little date
daichi is also a confident man
so he would puff his chest and put the effort to approach you
though as confident as i make him out to be, there’s still light pink dusted on the apples of his cheeks and hand awkwardly scratching the back of his neck as he makes eye contact with you
he’ll have you watch their practice and right after you two would make your to his favorite local restaurant for dinner
also during practice the third and second years would NOT give their captain a break while the first years are probably either too confused or don’t care (COUGH COUGH TSUKISHIMA)
anyways after practice and walking to the place is literally so perfect because sun in setting and the atmosphere is so romantic
you two probably walk right beside each other and making small talk when daichi is hinting that he wants to hold you hand by brushes that back of your hands together often
n e ways
knowing daichi, he probably goes to this restaurant very often and knows the menu like the back of his hand
so he would ask you for your preferences and then give you his recommendations based on that
he just wants to make sure you will enjoy your meal to the fullest
as a regular, he is also well acquainted with the restaurant owner
so like when mr. restaurant owner sees daichi walk in with another person while sporting a very clear blush on his face, he KNOWS something is up
while serving your orders, he was being sNEAKY by giving yall a freebie
and it turns out to be like the couple special
like those very pretty sparkly milkshakes with one of those straws that has two sides to it branching out
and like he refuse to serve yall other drinks FAGKFHJADH so you two had to with the milkshake and like oopsie moment when you two decide to go for it at the same time
the restaurant owner DEF took a pick of that exact moment and gave it to daichi as a gift AHAHAH
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all of them
Woman!• 1. List 5 things you want to do before the year ends. --- Get another piercing, successfully bake banana bread, read three more books...ummm and I’m not sure what else. The year is almost up!• • 2. What color are your pants? --- Dark destroyed jeans• • 3. Favorite motivational quote. --- “Have some fire. Be unstoppable. Be better than everyone else here and don’t give a damn what anybody else thinks.” (Cristina Yang)• • 4. When was the last time you drank coffee? --- Around 3pm today• • 5. What was the last thing you ate? -- A maple pumpkin muffin!• • 6. Favorite animal. --- Polar bears• • 7. Favorite song. -- Vienna, by Billy Joel or Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper• • 8. Last movie you watched? --- Wonder Woman• • 9. Any turn ons? --- Lots ;)...soft hair, people who smell good, ear kisses, nice collarbones, creative talent, brown eyes• • 10. Any turn offs? --- Also lots. Rudeness, cockiness, patriarchal bullshit, men who have chest hair• • 11. List 4 big words off of the top of your head. --- triskaidekophobia, ubiquitous, penultimate, pamplemousse • • 12. What are some meaningful movies? --- Music of the Heart, The Freedom Writers, Kedi• • 13. 2 most important people in your life right now? -- My wife and daughter :)• • 14. What are 3 things you want to do before the month ends? --- Start Christmas shopping, go hiking before it snows, pay bills lol• • 15. When was the last time you read a good book? --- Just finished one! I’m always reading.• • 16. How long do you study for usually, if you study? --- I was the worst at studying. Always super last minute.• • 17. Do you have any nicknames? -- A couple• • 18. Favorite kind of perfume? (fruity, alluring, etc.) --- Slightly sweet, slightly vanilla-y, slightly smoky• • 19. Do you have any international friends / friends who live out of state? --- Lots!• • 20. What is something unique that you do every single day? --- Umm...I honestly have no idea. • • 21. If there was a movie based on your life, what would it be called? --- “Gay Chaos”• • 22. When was the last time you bought a gift for someone? --- Just this weekend! I bought my wife a necklace. I mean, she picked it out, but it still counts.• • 23. Are you a shopaholic? --- I don’t think so. I do love shopping though when the mood strikes.• • 24. What are some songs that always make you feel better? -- Vienna, by Billy Joel, Time After Time, by Cyndi Lauper, and anything by the Barenaked Ladies• • 25. List 3 activities that you can only enjoy by yourself. --- I really can’t think of any. I pretty much like doing anything with my wife or kid :)• • 26. If you could live in any biome (and survive) which biome would you live in? --- Forest, or Tundra• • 27. How do you like being roused in the morning? --- ...let’s just say my FAVOURITE way is rated R ;)• • 28. How was your day? What did you do? --- It was ok! I went grocery shopping, baked some muffins, and did some casual job hunting while my daughter was at preschool• • 29. What did your last text message say? --- “I’ll eat your muffin.”• • 30. Do you respond to texts quickly? --- Usually right away, unless I literally can’t• • 31. Who was the last person you called? --- My wife• • 32. List 5 things that are on your wish list. --- Like, anything?? World peace, the end of climate change, gun control in America, a food processor, and a private jet• • 33. If you were famous, what do you think you would be famous for? --- Something music-related• • 34. Winter or summer? -- AUTUMN• • 35. What is a quality that all people should have? --- Kindness• • 36. If you could have a large collection of one item, what would that item be? --- Hmm....seaglass• • 37. What have you been thinking about lately? --- Whether or not I want to go back to work.• • 38. What is the secret to a happy life? --- Loving yourself• • 39. What are some phrases you say often? --- “That’s the worst.”, “For real.”• • 40. Favorite food? --- IMPOSSIBLE CHOICE! Lasagna and pie are right up there, though.• • 41. List 3 wishes. -- Didn’t I already do this?• • 42. What are some of your greatest fears? --- My loved ones getting sick or dying, fire, President Trump• • 43. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? --- Season 2 of Wynonna Earp• • 44. Most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen (in real life)? --- She’s sitting right beside me.• • 45. Spicy food:Like or dislike? --- LOVE• • 46. Scary movies:Like or dislike? --- If I’m in the right mood.• • 47. Do you like to travel? --- Love it.• • 48. Any regrets? --- Not really, no. There’s no point in regrets.• • 49. Do you like rain? --- One of my fave things ever.• • 50. What do you spend most of your money on? --- Eating out, probably• • 51. Would you rather visit the past or the future? --- Hmmm. Past.• • 52. Favorite clothing store? --- Simon’s, Anthropologie, Old Navy/Gap, and a local store called Belle et Rebelle• • 53. What is the best advice you can give to those who are feeling down? --- It gets better. Truly.• • 54. How often do you think about your future? Does it scare you? --- All the time. It’s terrifying.• • 55. What angers you the most? --- Currently? The lack of gun control in America. And I’m not even American.• • 56. When was the last time you got majorly angry? --- See above.• • 57. When was the last time you got really sad? --- Also see above.• • 58. Are you good at lying? --- Haha no• • 59. What foreign language would you like to learn? --- I’m trying to learn Italian, currently! I’d also love to learn Spanish.• • 60. How many languages can you speak and what are they? --- English, French, and VERY basic Italian.• • 61. How often do you go to parties? If you don’t, what do you do instead? --- Not too much anymore, but usually once a month some friend has a gathering. Otherwise I mostly stay home, or go out with the wife or with the wife and kid.• • 62. What books do you plan to read this year? --- I never really plan ahead, I just pick up whatever seems interesting at the time.• • 63. Do you have breakfast every morning? --- Most mornings• • 64. Tell us a secret. --- Calzona will rise. Shh.• • 65. How many concerts have you been to? --- Too many to count• • 66. Last hug? --- Earlier this afternoon• • 67. Who knows you better than anyone else? --- My wife, hands down. Also my twin.• • 68. Baths or showers? --- Both! Showers for actual cleaning, baths for just...soaking.• • 69. Do you think you’re ambitious? --- Somewhat.• • 70. What song is stuck in your head? --- Taylor Swift’s new song, which I actually hate.• • 71. Countries you’ve visited? --- A lot• • 72. What do you most value in your friends? --- Their kindness and sense of humour• • 73. What helps you to sleep better? --- Valerian tea.• • 74. What is the most money you have ever held in your hand? --- Uhhh in my hand?? About 5 grand, I think.• • 75. What makes you nervous? --- Sharing my writing, making new friends• • 76. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? --- “Being nervous is the same physical reaction as being excited. So you’re not nervous -- you’re excited.”• • 77. Is it easier to forgive or forget? --- Forgive• • 78. First mobile phone? --- First I ever bought myself that was truly mine? A little Motorola candy bar phone. It had a colour screen!• • 79. Strangest dream? --- I usually don’t remember them, actually!• • 80. Best dream? --- Probably something sexy...haha• • 81. Who is the smartest person you know? --- My wife• • 82. Who is the prettiest person on tumblr? --- @myfaerytale ;)• • 83. Do you miss anyone right now? --- Yeah• • 84. Who do you love? Why? --- I love my wife and daughter more than anything in this world.• • 85. Do you like sharing? --- Depends what I’m sharing ;)• • 86. What was the last picture you took with your phone? --- My daughter this afternoon with her hands full of pumpkin muffin dough• • 87. Is there a reason behind everything that happens? --- Yes, I think so• • 88. Favorite genre of music? --- Pretty much everything, honestly• • 89. If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be? --- Laid-back• • 90. Describe your life in 5 words. --- Laid-back, loving, exciting, fun, happy• • 91. Describe the world in 4 words. --- Chaotic. That’s really the only word.• • 92. Craziest thing you’ve ever done? --- Ummm….a naked polar bear dip?• • 93. First three songs in your favorite playlist? --- I don’t have any premade playlists!• • 94. Are you more creative or logical? --- Creative• • 95. Would you rather lie or hurt someone with the truth? --- Truth• • 96. What are you most proud of? --- I’m raising a pretty great kid• • 97. What personality trait do you admire in other people? --- Kindness, laughter• • 98. When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing? --- Laying in the sun reading• • 99. How do you usually start a conversation? --- Hi?• • 100. What is the best news you could hear right now? --- That Trump and the entire Republican Party are gone.
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