#slow learner boarding school
The only kind of "school" type of thing I can handle is my Spanish learning apps. Because it feels like a game instead of a class, and it doesn't judge me for being a slow learner.
The "tests" feel like game levels instead of school tests, and if I fail I can take them again as many times as I need without being made to feel stupid.
However I wish they had options to opt out of the leader boards. I try to avoid the competitive parts of the apps as much as possible because they make me uncomfortable. And sometimes make me go a long time without opening the app.
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jecelsegovia · 8 days
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A day in my life as a criminology student
We have so many activities that drive us crazy. Early in the morning, I get ready to go to school. When I arrived at school, we were immediately greeted with a quiz in our CRIM.01 subject. Life is so difficult, especially when you're a slow learner. 🥲
"In the afternoon, we had a class on Purposive Communication. My classmates presented, but in the end, our instructor had to finish the explanation because they didn’t report or explain their topic properly. Sometimes it’s enjoyable, but it also makes me anxious when there’s a quiz, especially when there’s an essay involved. Writing essays is my weakness because I’m not very good at it and I often make grammatical mistakes.
After our class, I went straight home to my boarding house because I had a terrible headache. I rested for a while, then cooked rice for dinner.
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suguru-getos · 4 months
NEET aspirant here. I hate to say this but I feel like I am becoming geto day by day too. My coaching teachers can't teach well because I am a slow learner and other students somehow understand things easily . I have to study from PW ( if yk Alakh sir ) during the morning and then around 4 to 7:30 from offline coaching so I can understand the concepts
Not to mention I have 11th backlogs. I feel like giving up but I want to crack NEET in first attempt. I have dummy school but I am scared how I will manage boards with NEET next year.
I want to write fics so bad but I can't right now because it will distract me.
I will interact properly with you and read all your fics once I crack NEET. I am in topper's batch and if I get below 690 they will throw me put of topper's batch
ahh that’s annoying, but aren’t there doubt sessions which are conducted for whatever doubts the students have? 🤔 and that’s absolutely understandable. some things you’d take a lot of time understanding while some things would just be a walk in the park for ya 😇 i promise you ‼️🫧 i know the life you go through while preparing is like the harshest shit ever i’d never recommend that to anyone TwT never ever TT_TT
you’d be able to crack both neet & the boards next year i have full faith in you nonnie 💪🏻 i understand wanting to indulge in hobbies but getting distracted — but believe me when i say this, you have to take some time out for yourself. otherwise you’d end up burning out sooner than you realize. believe me, it happened to me & i was in a shithole phase my parents had to send me abroad for 6 months just so i could learn how to live again lmfaooo 😭
being in the toppers badge as a slow learner is no easy feat 💪🏻 you should be really proud of yourself <3 all the very best & slay hard ‼️✨ my best wishes & good prayers 🙏🏻 are with you
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aditijainportfolio · 6 months
Observation Report #1
Name: Aditi Jain
Class: Culture
Date: 10/18/23
In- person or online (include URL if online): in person
Class subject observed:  ESL
Class level: higher education
Teacher’s name: Dr. Leslie Sherwood
Amount of time in observation: 1hr 50 minutes
Learner Engagement:
actively engaging in conversation with the student
ask questions about work to make sure students understand the assignments, allowed to use topics from their own disciplines, 
Speaking to the students more casually to assure engagement, 
encouragement when asking questions, 
opening hooks about the day/weather. 
Encouraging students to choose what kind of words they are interested in learning/using more, asking if there are any questions about the specific words they are learning about.
The name of sentence patterns can be complicated, so explaining them and simplifying them.
Asking specific questions that would seem difficult/maybe students do not want to ask the question but can be induced to ask by proposing the question first.
Positive feedback on previous assignments and when students ask/answer questions 
Asking questions about students’ experience with different grammar patterns or the materials. 
Asking for students’ thoughts or ideas on a topic. Summarizing the students’ ideas to the class.   
The essay is broken down and sentences are numbered so that it is easy to see each point of the essay.
High Quality Lesson:
lesson plan evident - showing the agenda for the day so that the students know the breakdown of what’s going to happen
overview of assignments so that students know what work needs to be done
Phases of lesson broken down 
every time the students are left on their own for an assignment professor writes the assignment steps on the board
Teaching Strategies and Lesson Delivery:
Gestures (gestures to eyes when talking about looking/seeing, using hand gestures to indicate certain words)
slow voice
if she doesn’t know something she admits it and will put it in an email after further research
making sure to admit mistakes if there is an issue with a pattern. 
Clarifying words or concepts or even instructions
repetition of words 
Making real life connections regarding their assignments and their work outside of class
Real life assignment of “school slide” what students forget during summer vacation
Writing out assignment that was previously explained on the blackboard as well for people can see what is going on even if they didn’t understand
Reading articles and summarizing them  using a template
very open to questions
encourages asking questions at the end of the explanation of the assignments.
Assessment via feedback from students.
Taking students’ feedback and explaining why that would/would not work.
Explained where the library is slowly with understanding 
Informal assessment, asking the class questions about the assignment and waiting for a response from anyone in the class, waiting to see if the assignment was understood
Encouraging students that haven’t spoken to answer the informal assessment to make sure that they have understood the assignment/participated
Students don’t seem enthused, but they are open to answering questions when the professor asks them in different ways or waits for them to answer. Could be a mix of things - general student attitude, scared to speak up in case of error, unable to understand/slow comprehension of question, rather than just enthusiastic
writing key terms on the board
group work (partners recording for each other and providing feedback) making connections between students - putting them in groups, distributing contact information, 
clear directions on powerpoint and on blackboard
using projector to project instructions
Using a pdf list of reporting verbs, also including a hard copy of the verb list
uses a textbook
using a powerpoint to write out the different types of summaries. Lecturing based on the powerpoint
Uses handouts
Template to write summary
Index of ca/MICASE recordings of group sessions so people can see how students participate in events like that, what kind of language - university of michigan archive
Book research genres - book chapter on dissertation 
Google forms to submit feedback on presentations (what worked well/what didn’t)
Explaining Zoom, creating a transcription on zoom (automatic transcription) or manual transcription - record to the cloud created a web link (recording to computer takes too long, takes too much space) 
Transcription - we think we say something but in fact we say something different. Zoom isn’t perfect, reinforce, focus on clarity in presentation depending on zoom transcript, word also has transcription if you use a phone camera
Transcription with AI tools 
chatGPT - what questions the students have that are complicated to explain, chatGPT breaks down the words/questions so it’s an easy way to see the visual so that the teacher is not just explaining it (asking it which words would work better in X situation)
Redshelf e-reader textbook/workbook
Classroom Environment:
Students move around the classroom to get into groups/pairings, encouraging students to meet with new people rather than staying in their friend groups.
Classrooms with several desk chairs that can be moved around easily, students can scoot towards or away from each other. 
use of blackboard and projector
Answer the questions below in essay form. 
Learning Strategies
What did you learn about culturally relevant teaching from this observation? Include at least one in – text citation from the current class readings to support your response. Is there something that was particularly useful in this lesson? Was there clear evidence of a high quality lesson? Were the learning goals and objectives clearly reviewed and evident? Please give examples and specific details (Approx 150 words)
At the beginning of the lesson, the professor projected the agenda for the day for the students to see. She then proceeded to explain the agenda for the day. The lesson was broken into parts. The first part was to go over the ongoing project that the class was partaking in, then a lecture on grammar patterns often used in summary writing, followed by an assignment on summary writing. By explaining the agenda for the day, the professor was able to create a structure for the lesson so that the students could easily follow along, and she was also able to create a hook for the beginning of the lesson to get students engaged in the lesson. Furthermore, between sections of the lessons, the professor gave the students 5 minute breaks to clearly separate each part of the lesson. This is also a useful strategy because it allows students to refresh themselves between sections so that they are not barraged with a ton of information in one sitting. 
What have you learned from this observation that relates to your current TESOL class? Discuss two strategies from your current course work and readings that were evident in this lesson. Was there a section where learner engagement and student understanding could be improved? (Approx 150 words)
One of the strategies that Dr. Sherwood used often in the lesson was ‘gesturing.’ As we’ve learned in TESOL classes, gesturing can be an effective tool to use when presenting information for two reasons: to keep your audience engaged, and to help clarify certain words for ESL learners by associating those words with gestures. For example, whenever the professor wanted the students to observe or look at something, she would point to her eyes to emphasize the instruction. As she did this throughout the lesson, I was able to easily associate that gesture with the instruction. The other example was whenever the professor would make a loose fist and bang her fists together lightly paired with the phrase “exchange information.” By consistently doing that, students were able to take the visual cue alongside the verbal instruction. Another strategy that she used was putting students in pairs to give each other feedback. I think this would be particularly helpful for ESL students because from my own experience, it’s hard to present in another language. There are several other issues that can come up when presenting in a second language- word choice, sentence structure, as well as awkwardness and stiffness while speaking. With another student giving feedback, students will be able to learn about their weaknesses and improve on them. Furthermore, as students watch other presentations, they will be able to gain new skills from their peers and also learn what aspects of a presentation are effective or ineffective. I think that one part of the lesson where student engagement could have been improved was when the professor was explaining grammar patterns often used in summaries. She used ChatGPT to compare similar words that a student needed clarification on. Even after presenting a visual and an explanation, I don’t think the students were able to understand the differences between the words. I think that maybe using those words in practice/having students read passages with those words and comparing them might be a more effective way to understand the nuances between words. 
Connecting to TESOL Classwork
Discuss in detail the learner engagement of this particular lesson. (Approx 100-200 words)
Dr. Sherwood opened the lesson with a question about the weather. I noticed she used informal speech patterns to get the students to open up and relate to her. I think this can be effective to get a reaction out of the students; however, I also noticed that the students did not take particularly well to jokes in general. The professor’s attempts at joking were often met with silence. I chalked this up to a lack of understanding of the jokes. However, the professor took this in stride and was consistently enthusiastic in her presenting of the material, which dissipated the awkward atmosphere. I also noticed that it was particularly difficult to get students to participate and engage. In certain situations, Dr. Sherwood would pause for several minutes, and reiterate the question before getting an answer from the students. I thought this could be for a few different reasons: general lack of comprehension of the question, fear of answering the question wrong, or maybe that the students took longer to formulate the answers in English. Either way, the professor was very patient and waited till the students were ready to respond. However, as the class went on, I noticed that Dr. Sherwood had many other effective strategies to get students to engage. One of them was encouraging students to talk about their own disciplines in their presentations. This made the students more excited about the content of their presentations. 
Were there informal assessments (checking for understanding) during this lesson that prove understanding and clarity on the part of the student? Describe these assessments in detail. Were they stressful? What additional assessments could you add if you were the teacher? (Approx 100-200 words)
The professor would ask if the students had any questions at the end of each section of the lesson; however, if there were none, she would point out parts of the material that she thought were particularly difficult and come up with questions herself. After coming up with those questions, she would ask the students if they understood that concept. I thought this was a very effective method for assessment since at that point, the students were more motivated to ask for clarification since the question was already proposed for them, and the pressure of raising their hands and asking an organic question with perfect grammar was removed. Furthermore, after completing the in class assignment, the professor asked the students to present their answers to the class. I saw this as an informal assessment of comprehension and completion. This assessment was pretty low stress- since it was just the professor asking the students to read out what they had already written down. However, the professor made sure to call on students that hadn’t spoken before to ensure comprehension and participation. I think that the professor did a good job with interspersing low-stress assessments since I’m not a big fan of high stress quizzes and the like. She was able to assess students in a way that didn’t seem like an assessment at all– more so as a clarification of understanding and/or a presentation of work. 
Things to Remember 
Is there something from this observation that really stands out? Give two or more examples and justify your reasoning. (Approx 100-200 words)
I think some techniques that really stood out to me and strategies I would like to use in my own teaching practices are: the use of pair/group work for feedback, use of gestures, word repetition, and preparing questions about difficult material. As I mentioned in my other answers, pairing students up for presentation feedback is mutually beneficial. Use of gestures is also beneficial for students who have a hard time keeping up with the fast pace of a lesson. Word-repetition seems to be very important as well. The professor would not only repeat words or sentences, but she would also reiterate those words or sentences in different ways if the students did not seem to understand the instruction. Keeping a list of alternative wordings for parts of the lesson seems to be a good strategy in case I am unable to properly explain the material in a way that can be understood by the students. Finally, as mentioned, preparing clarifying questions about difficult material seemed like an effective strategy to curb nervousness around asking questions. When I was learning Korean, I would often repeat a question I was going to ask the professor in Korean several times in my head before asking it. Sometimes, I would get too nervous to ask in case what I asked did not make sense. As such, pointing out difficult material and asking students if they need clarification on specific topics can help cut out pressure to ask potentially incorrectly phrased questions. 
Current Classwork
Based on the classroom environment, did you find the space the be designed to be inclusive of all learners (race cultures, special needs, genders, religions, SES, etc)? In other words, is it a culturally relevant environment (reference the two videos and article from this week to support your response). (Approx 100- 200 words)
Since this course was a university course, there was not much room for the professor to design a culturally aware environment. The way the classroom at UCLA works is that each classroom is lent out to the professor for that class period, but is simultaneously used by other professors during the quarter. As such, the classroom isn’t the professor’s own. In terms of the class material itself being culturally aware, there were only a few examples of this during the class. One example was that the professor made sure to have a somewhat print rich environment, such that alongside projecting the assignments/material, she would reiterate that information by writing it in large font on the blackboard. Furthermore, for the in-class assignment, the article that the students read was related to a phenomenon that is often seen in American schools called “school-slide," in which children forget what they learned in school during summer vacation. To connect this to the students in the classroom, the professor asked the students if they had a similar long vacation in their home countries and if they had experienced such a phenomena there as well. Students were encouraged to speak about their own countries, and this sparked a discussion that the professor listened to with rapt attention– it gave the impression that the professor was genuinely interested in what the students had to say about their home countries, as shown in the video Becoming a Culturally Responsive Teacher. The final example of culturally aware teaching that I observed was the professor’s effort to make sure that students with different first languages intermixed during group work. She made sure to encourage the students to create groups by finding at least one person who had a different first language. I think this not only encouraged the groups to speak in English to each other, but also gave them an opportunity to get out of their comfort zones and learn more about other perspectives.
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azeez-unv · 9 months
To put misconceptions to rest, slow learning is not a learning disability. It is used to describe a learner with the ability to acquire all academic skills at a rate below than that of the average learner.
No learner is weak or bright by birth; it’s the way we feed the knowledge and how they imbibe it which makes them so.
A slow learner needs more time, more repetition and more resources, like visual aids from educators to be successful. These learners do not have intellectual disability, but it takes them longer to understand and grasp concepts.
Not every child can learn at a fast pace or same pace. Therefore, it is very paramount for educator to recognize the uniqueness of each student quickly, so as to make learning more effective for each child.
Educators and parents play pivotal roles in a slow learner’s life. Their support and motivation go a long way to help such children overcome their hurdles. This duly signifies that educators and parents have added responsibility from schools and society toward them.
Also, school owners should ensure they get the best hands on deck for their students. The best of educators should be employed so as not to leave any child behind on the learning course and living up to the standard.
Creating a healthy and conducive environment for a slow learner is of utmost importance to improve their pace. Often, educators who have a slow learner in their class face grave problems: keeping up with the term syllabus, fear of losing empathy toward such students, and many others. Here are few motivation tips for educators to help them cope with at least the basic issues.
1. Be patient with slow learners.
The foremost aspect of teaching a slow learner is that the educator should be patient and consistent throughout the entire process. The core problem of slow learners’ education is their weak cognitive skills coupled with the slow speed learning. An educatorr has to be understanding and patient toward their ability to get distracted easily and have a low attention span. Moreover, educators must find creative ways to cope with this situation so that the entire class is not affected. One of them is patient repetition. Try repeating every basic instruction, keyword and concept time and again without being boring. Do not over speak, but over teach.
Recognize this tip and ensure measures are put in place to ensure the benchmark of credible institution.
2. Introduce Innovative Tools and Takeaways.
A very thoughtful tool to help slow learners at school and home is to introduce innovative and exciting methods of learning. A major factor with slow learners is their concentration and focus.
As educators and parents, you can propose board games, interactive books, STEM toys, worksheets, activities, and more. Hand out special cheat sheets, mini dictionaries, or visually graphic information sheets. One good idea is to give lesson pamphlets for pinning them to their soft boards so that they are surrounded by constant reminders of lessons.
3. Engage fellow classmates in your efforts.
Teach the other learners to empathize with the special students. Especially ask them not to bully or tease slow learners. Inform them about their condition and how they could make a difference. Ensure you have these timely sessions in the slow learner absence.
4. Provide minimum homework.
We all agree that homework although with its benefits is more of a burden for a child and her parent. Slow learners, in particular, find it difficult to be attentive throughout the school day, let alone coming home and completing assignments. For such children, quality matters over quantity. Having minimum assignment would help them understand learning and reduce their anxiety. This, in turn, would maintain their enthusiasm toward school. An educator can assign and alter homework personally and leave out small details that may be of little importance. For example, an assignment of writing an essay on an English chapter could be modified to reading the chapter twice, and telling the summary to the educator, would be a better idea.
5. Peer slow learners with active learners .
When their educators are of the same age, they get encouraged. Let them select 1 or 2 of their friends to form a study group. Assign the study group the task of reiterating the new teachings of the day and assisting with assignment.
6. Encourage and Teach the right things.
Invite them to come forward during art classes, school activities, or volunteering. Recognize and reward their participation. This would do wonders for their self-confidence. Teach special skills rather than unnecessary skills. This may include following the correct instruction words (count, color, circle, etc.) or listening and focusing on keywords. Remember the main goal is to make them self-sufficient.
7. Praise and raise them
It is necessary that you encourage kids at school and home. A little pat on the back and appreciation goes a long way, trust me. Encouragement and admiration in front of their fellow classmates will definitely boost their confidence and instill a sense of victory and achievement.
8.Encourage Constant Parent- Educator Association.
Work very closely with their parents. Ensure the assignment and tasks assigned are successfully completed on a daily basis. Be accessible and open to communication. Make sure to listen out to parents’ problems and help to solve them. Conduct special meetings for their parents apart from the general PTA meetings.
Lastly, a few DONT’S:
Do not reprimand in front of the class. You may do that in private.
Do not emphasize writing, concentrate on reading. Oral education is more beneficial for them.
Do not let them quit trying. Encourage them to continue their hard work to complete their tasks even if it means postponing it.
Do not be overprotective. Let their slow learning not become their introduction.
Practicing math worksheets can help in improving skill. This target at a specific skill like addition, time, division and many more. Along with these worksheets, great practice comes with playing social math games that are holistic in nature.
Provide a platform for children to imbibe a culture of academic distinction, standing tall and making a positive mark on everyone they come in contact with.
மெதுவாகக் கற்றுக்கொள்பவர்களை மேம்படுத்துங்கள்
தவறான எண்ணங்களை நிறுத்த, மெதுவாக கற்றல் என்பது கற்றல் குறைபாடு அல்ல. சராசரியாகக் கற்கும் மாணவர்களைக் காட்டிலும் குறைவான விகிதத்தில் அனைத்து கல்வித் திறன்களையும் பெறுவதற்கான திறனைக் கொண்ட ஒரு கற்பவரை விவரிக்கப் பயன்படுகிறது.
எந்தக் கற்பவரும் பிறப்பால் பலவீனமானவர் அல்லது பிரகாசமானவர் அல்ல; நாம் அறிவை ஊட்டுவதும், அவர்கள் அதை எவ்வாறு உள்வாங்குவதும் தான் அவர்களை அவ்வாறு ஆக்குகிறது.
மெதுவாகக் கற்றுக்கொள்பவர் வெற்றிபெற, கல்வியாளர்களிடமிருந்து காட்சி எய்ட்ஸ் போன்ற அதிக நேரம், அதிக மறுபரிசீலனை மற்றும் அதிக ஆதாரங்கள் தேவை. இந்தக் கற்பவர்களுக்கு அறிவுசார் குறைபாடுகள் இல்லை, ஆனால் கருத்துகளைப் புரிந்துகொள்வதற்கும் புரிந்துகொள்வதற்கும் அதிக நேரம் எடுக்கும்.
ஒவ்வொரு குழந்தையும் வேகமான வேகத்தில் அல்லது அதே வேகத்தில் கற்றுக்கொள்ள முடியாது. எனவே, கல்வியாளர் ஒவ்வொரு மாணவரின் தனித்துவத்தையும் விரைவாக அடையாளம் கண்டுகொள்வது மிகவும் முக்கியமானது, இதனால் ஒவ்வொரு குழந்தைக்கும் கற்றல் மிகவும் பயனுள்ளதாக இருக்கும்.
மெதுவாக கற்பவரின் வாழ்க்கையில் கல்வியாளர்கள் மற்றும் பெற்றோர்கள் முக்கிய பங்கு வகிக்கின்றனர். அவர்களின் ஆதரவும் ஊக்கமும் அத்தகைய குழந்தைகளுக்கு அவர்களின் தடைகளை கடக்க உதவும். கல்வியாளர்கள் மற்றும் பெற்றோர்கள் பள்ளிகள் மற்றும் சமூகத்தின் பொறுப்பை அவர்கள் மீது சேர்த்துள்ளனர் என்பதை இது முறையாகக் குறிக்கிறது.
மேலும், பள்ளி உரிமையாளர்கள் தங்கள் மாணவர்களுக்கு சிறந்த கைகளை வழங்குவதை உறுதி செய்ய வேண்டும். கற்றல் படிப்பில் எந்தக் குழந்தையும் பின் தங்கி விடாதபடி சிறந்த கல்வியாளர்கள் பணியமர்த்தப்பட வேண்டும்.
மெதுவாகக் கற்றுக்கொள்பவருக்கு ஆரோக்கியமான மற்றும் சாதகமான சூழலை உருவாக்குவது அவர்களின் வேகத்தை மேம்படுத்துவதற்கு மிக முக்கியமானது. பெரும்பாலும், தங்கள் வகுப்பில் மெதுவாகக் கற்கும் கல்வியாளர்கள் கடுமையான சிக்கல்களை எதிர்கொள்கின்றனர்: பாடத்திட்டத்தை கடைப்பிடிப்பது, அத்தகைய மாணவர்களிடம் பச்சாதாபத்தை இழக்க நேரிடும் என்ற பயம் மற்றும் பல. குறைந்த பட்சம் அடிப்படைச் சிக்கல்களைச் சமாளிக்க கல்வியாளர்களுக்கு உதவும் சில உந்துதல் குறிப்புகள் இங்கே உள்ளன.
மெதுவாக கற்பவருக்கு எப்படி கற்பிப்பது என்பதற்கான உதவிக்குறிப்புகள்
1. மெதுவாக கற்பவர்களிடம் பொறுமையாக இருங்கள்.
மெதுவாக கற்பவருக்கு கற்பிப்பதில் முதன்மையான அம்சம் என்னவென்றால், கல்வியாளர் முழு செயல்முறையிலும் பொறுமையாகவும் சீராகவும் இருக்க வேண்டும். மெதுவாக கற்பவர்களின் கல்வியின் முக்கிய பிரச்சனை அவர்களின் பலவீனமான அறிவாற்றல் திறன் மற்றும் மெதுவான வேக கற்றல் ஆகும். ஒரு கல்வியாளர் எளிதில் திசைதிருப்பப்படுவதற்கும் குறைந்த கவனம் செலுத்துவதற்கும் அவர்களின் திறனைப் பற்றி புரிந்துகொண்டு பொறுமையாக இருக்க வேண்டும். மேலும், கல்வியாளர்கள் இந்தச் சூழ்நிலையைச் சமாளிப்பதற்கான ஆக்கப்பூர்வமான வழிகளைக் கண்டறிய வேண்டும், இதனால் முழு வகுப்பினரும் பாதிக்கப்படக்கூடாது. அவற்றில் ஒன்று பொறுமையாக திரும்பத் திரும்பச் சொல்வது. ஒவ்வொரு அடிப்படை அறிவுறுத்தல்களையும், முக்கிய வார்த்தைகளையும், கருத்தையும் சலிப்படையாமல் மீண்டும் மீண்டும் சொல்ல முயற்சிக்கவும். அதிகமாகப் பேசாதே, அதிகமாகக் கற்றுக்கொடு.
இந்த உதவிக்குறிப்பை அங்கீகரித்து, நம்பகமான நிறுவனத்தின் அளவுகோலை உறுதி செய்வதற்கான நடவடிக்கைகள் எடுக்கப்படுவதை உறுதிசெய்யவும்.
2. புதுமையான கருவிகள் மற்றும் டேக்அவேகளை அறிமுகப்படுத்துங்கள்.
பள்ளியிலும் வீட்டிலும் மெதுவாகக் கற்பவர்களுக்கு உதவும் மிகவும் சிந்தனைமிக்க கருவி, புதுமையான மற்றும் அற்புதமான கற்றல் முறைகளை அறிமுகப்படுத்துவதாகும். மெதுவாக கற்கும் ஒரு முக்கிய காரணி அவர்களின் செறிவு மற்றும் கவனம்.
கல்வியாளர்கள் மற்றும் பெற்றோர்களாக, நீங்கள் பலகை விளையாட்டுகள், ஊடாடும் புத்தகங்கள், STEM பொம்மைகள், பணித்தாள்கள், செயல்பாடுகள் மற்றும் பலவற்றை முன்மொழியலாம். சிறப்பு ஏமாற்றுத் தாள்கள், மினி அகராதிகள் அல்லது காட்சி கிராஃபிக் தகவல் தாள்களை வழங்கவும். ஒரு நல்ல யோசனை என்னவென்றால், பாடத் துண்டுப் பிரசுரங்களை அவற்றின் மென்மையான பலகைகளில் பொருத்தி, அவை தொடர்ந்து பாடங்களின் நினைவூட்டல்களால் சூழப்பட்டிருக்கும்.
3. உங்கள் முயற்சிகளில் சக வகுப்பு தோழர்களை ஈடுபடுத்துங்கள்.
சிறப்பு மாணவர்களுடன் பச்சாதாபம் கொள்ள மற்ற கற்பவர்களுக்கு கற்பிக்கவும். குறிப்பாக மெதுவாக கற்பவர்களை கொடுமைப்படுத்தவோ அல்லது கிண்டல் செய்யவோ வேண்டாம். அவர்களின் நிலை மற்றும் அவர்கள் எவ்வாறு மாற்றத்தை ஏற்படுத்தலாம் என்பதைப் பற்றி அவர்களுக்குத் தெரிவிக்கவும். மெதுவாக கற்பவர் இல்லாத நேரத்தில் இந்த சரியான நேரத்தில் அமர்வுகளை நீங்கள் வைத்திருப்பதை உறுதிசெய்யவும்.
4. குறைந்தபட்ச வீட்டுப்பாடத்தை வழங்கவும்.
வீட்டுப்பாடம் ஒரு குழந்தைக்கும் அவளுடைய பெற்றோருக்கும் அதிக சுமையாக இருந்தாலும் அதன் நன்மைகள் என்பதை நாம் அனைவரும் ஒப்புக்கொள்கிறோம். மெதுவாக கற்பவர்கள், குறிப்பாக, பள்ளி நாள் ��ுழுவதும் கவனத்துடன் இருப்பது கடினம், வீட்டிற்கு வந்து பணிகளை முடிப்பது ஒருபுறம் இருக்கட்டும். அத்தகைய குழந்தைகளுக்கு, அளவை விட தரம் முக்கியமானது. குறைந்தபட்ச ஒதுக்கீட்டைக் கொண்டிருப்பது கற்றலைப் புரிந்துகொள்ளவும் அவர்களின் கவலையைக் குறைக்கவும் உதவும். இது, பள்ளி மீதான அவர்களின் ஆர்வத்தைத் தக்க வைத்துக் கொள்ளும். ஒரு கல்வியாளர் வீட்டுப்பாடத்தை தனிப்பட்ட முறையில் ஒதுக்கலாம் மற்றும் மாற்றலாம் மற்றும் சிறிய விவரங்களை விட்டுவிடலாம். எடுத்துக்காட்டாக, ஒரு ஆங்கில அத்தியாயத்தில் கட்டுரை எழுதும் பணியை இரண்டு முறை அத்தியாயத்தை வாசிப்பதற்கு மாற்றியமைக்கலாம், மேலும் கல்வியாளரிடம் சுருக்கத்தைக் கூறுவது சிறந்த யோசனையாக இருக்கும்.
5. செயலில் கற்பவர்களுடன் மெதுவாகக் கற்பவர்கள்.
அவர்களின் கல்வியாளர்கள் அதே வயதில் இருக்கும்போது, ​​அவர்கள் ஊக்குவிக்கப்படுகிறார்கள். ஒரு ஆய்வுக் குழுவை உருவாக்க அவர்கள் 1 அல்லது 2 நண்பர்களைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கட்டும். அன்றைய புதிய போதனைகளை மீண்டும் வலியுறுத்தும் பணியை ஆய்வுக் குழுவிற்கு ஒதுக்கவும் மற்றும் பணிக்கு உதவவும்.
6. சரியான விஷயங்களை ஊக்குவிக்கவும் கற்பிக்கவும்.
கலை வகுப்புகள், பள்ளி நடவடிக்கைகள் அல்லது தன்னார்வத் தொண்டு செய்யும் போது அவர்களை முன்வருமாறு அழைக்கவும். அவர்களின் பங்கேற்பை அங்கீகரித்து வெகுமதி அளிக்கவும். இது அவர்களின் தன்னம்பிக்கைக்கு அதிசயங்களைச் செய்யும். தேவையற்ற திறன்களைக் காட்டிலும் சிறப்புத் திறன்களைக் கற்றுக் கொடுங்கள். இதில் சரியான அறிவுறுத்தல் வார்த்தைகளைப் பின்பற்றுவது (எண்ணிக்கை, நிறம், வட்டம் போன்றவை) அல்லது முக்கிய வார்த்தைகளைக் கேட்டு கவனம் செலுத்துவது ஆகியவை அடங்கும். அவர்களை தன்னிறைவு அடையச் செய்வதே முக்கிய குறிக்கோள் என்பதை நினைவில் கொள்ளுங்கள்.
7. அவர்களை போற்றி உயர்த்துங்கள்
பள்ளியிலும் வீட்டிலும் குழந்தைகளை ஊக்கப்படுத்துவது அவசியம். முதுகில் ஒரு சிறிய தட்டு மற்றும் பாராட்டு நீண்ட தூரம் செல்லும், என்னை நம்புங்கள். சக வகுப்பு தோழர்களின் முன் ஊக்கமும் பாராட்டும் நிச்சயமாக அவர்களின் நம்பிக்கையை அதிகரிக்கும் மற்றும் வெற்றி மற்றும் சாதனை உணர்வைத் தூண்டும்.
8. நிலையான பெற்றோர்- கல்வியாளர் சங்கத்தை ஊக்குவிக்கவும்.
அவர்களின் பெற்றோருடன் மிகவும் நெருக்கமாக பணியாற்றுங்கள். ஒதுக்கப்பட்ட பணி மற்றும் பணிகள் தினசரி அடிப்படையில் வெற்றிகரமாக முடிக்கப்படுவதை உறுதிசெய்யவும். அணுகக்கூடியதாகவும் தகவல்தொடர்புக்கு திறந்ததாகவும் இருங்கள். பெற்றோரின் பிரச்சனைகளைக் கேட்டறிந்து அவற்றைத் தீர்க்க உதவுங்கள். பொது PTA கூட்டங்கள் தவிர அவர்களின் பெற்றோருக்கு சிறப்பு கூட்டங்களை நடத்துங்கள்.
இறுதியாக, சில செய்யக்கூடாதவை:
வகுப்பின் முன் கண்டிக்காதீர்கள். நீங்கள் அதை தனிப்பட்ட முறையில் செய்யலாம்.
எழுதுவதற்கு முக்கியத்துவம் கொடுக்காதீர்கள், படிப்பதில் கவனம் செலுத்துங்கள். அவர்களுக்கு வாய்வழிக் கல்வி அதிகப் பயன் தரும்.
அவர்கள் முயற்சியை விட்டுவிடாதீர்கள். தங்கள் பணிகளைத் தள்ளிப்போட்டாலும் அதை முடிப்பதற்கான கடின உழைப்பைத் தொடர அவர்களை ஊக்குவிக்கவும்.
கணிதப் பணித்தாள்களைப் பயிற்சி செய்வது திறமையை மேம்படுத்த உதவும். கூட்டல், நேரம், வகுத்தல் மற்றும் பல போன்ற ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட திறமையை இலக்காகக் கொண்டது. இந்த ஒர்க் ஷீட்களுடன் சேர்ந்து, இயற்கையில் முழுமையான சமூக கணித விளையாட்டுகளை விளையாடுவதன் மூலம் சிறந்த பயிற்சி வருகிறது.
கல்வி வேறுபாட்டின் கலாச்சாரத்தை உள்வாங்குவதற்கும், உயரமாக நிற்பதற்கும், அவர்கள் தொடர்பு கொள்ளும் அனைவருக்கும் நேர்மறையான அடையாளத்தை ஏற்படுத்துவதற்கும் குழந்தைகளுக்கு ஒரு தளத்தை வழங்கவும்.
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ultraheydudemestuff · 11 months
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East Cleveland District 9 School (Superior School)
Cleveland Heights Historical Center
14391 Superior Rd.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
The Superior School was built as the District 9 school of East Cleveland Township in 1882. It was the third school building on the site, replacing an earlier brick building. The minutes of the Board of Education in 1853 stated that a still older building was "an Old House of little value. Must be rebuilt." The frame second story of the existing building was added in 1915. Cleveland Heights became an independent municipality in 1901. The Superior School was used for regular classes until 1925. It stood vacant for years, then in the late 1940s and 1950s it was used for classes for slow-learning children.  Then it was used as a storage building by the City of Cleveland Heights and the windows were boarded up.
     Because the first portion of the building was unusually solid in construction; the addition shows the adaptation of the building to the increasing needs of the community; and the survival of the building in a large metropolitan area is unusual. There are perhaps a half dozen 19th-century schools in the Cleveland metropolitan area whose integrity has been altered by conversion to residential or other uses. There are five schools of some integrity in the area older than the Superior School. Two are one-room brick schoolhouses; the other three are large public city schools in the Italianate, Victorian Gothic, and Queen Anne styles (one will probably be demolished by the Board of Education; one is now a parochial school; one is the Sterling School).
     The Superior School is the only schoolhouse in Cuyahoga County constructed of sandstone, and there is only one other in all of northeastern Ohio. This stone construction makes the building "unusually solid," compared to brick or wood frame construction. (The other is Florence Township School, an octagon.)  The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places on July 26, 1979.
     The architectural configuration of the school (stone ground story, wood second story) is unique in all of northern Ohio, and probably in the state. It is precisely because it does not fit the traditional stereotyped image of a "little red schoolhouse," and because it is an unusual variant of vernacular building, that the architecture is significant. The second story of frame construction was added for functional reasons in a style that harmonizes but does not try to duplicate the earlier structure.  The school is educationally significant not only because it was a local district school, but because it was adapted in its declining years for special purpose education for slow learners.
     The survival of the school is significant because the country school remained on a city lot while an entire upper middle-class residential neighborhood grew up around it. The survival is not credited to the substantial construction, but to the fact that it was used continuously until 1925 and then adapted for use again in the 1940s and 1950s; and today to the fact that it is recognized locally as one of the community's few links with the 19th century (the community of Cleveland Heights).
     This is a small two-story schoolhouse building of sandstone and wooden frame construction. The narrow front of the building faces southwest on Superior Road. The lower story is constructed of sandstone ashlar masonry. The windows are rectangular with sandstone sills and lintels. The entrance steps are slabs of sandstone. The second story of frame construction was added thirty-three years later than the first story. Its exterior sheathing is narrow wooden lap siding. On the roof is a small square belfry with a pyramidal roof. The original roof was slate, but new roofing was put on in 1976. To the rear of the building is a small (15 feet by 15 feet) room of the same stone construction as the lower story. The interior consists of one large room on each floor. The walls and ceilings are plastered. The woodwork is very plainly finished.
     The restoration of the Superior Schoolhouse, located at 14391 Superior Road (at Euclid Heights Boulevard), has been the dream of many Cleveland Heights residents over the last forty years. The passage of the 1997 Bond Issue and additional Community Development Block Grant funds have allowed for the restoration to become a reality and the Cleveland Heights Historical Center to have a home.
     Owned and operated by the City of Cleveland Heights, the Cleveland Heights Historical Center at Superior Schoolhouse is home to an archival collection and museum committed to the presentation and preservation of Cleveland Heights’ history and architecture through documentation, exhibits and special events. The Historical Center stands as an educational resource to deepen our citizens’ commitment to preserving a rich cultural legacy for future generations. Special thanks should be given to the City’s Landmark Commission for their dedication to the project and to the citizens of Cleveland Heights who see in this Schoolhouse a commitment not only to Cleveland Heights’ history, but also to its future.
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travelguide10 · 1 year
Making Waves: How to Get Started with Surfing in Goa
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An Overview of Goa’s Coastline To Kick Start Surfing in Goa
Perched on India’s western coast with over 100 KM of pristine coastline, Goa has steadily grown to become one of the country’s premier Beach surfing destinations. Blessed with consistent surf all year round thanks to its exposed position to the Arabian Sea, Goa offers surfers of all levels the perfect place to catch waves.
From the iconic beaches of North Goa like Baga and Anjuna to the more secluded southern charms of Agonda and Palolem, Goa is dotted with over 30 surfable beaches, each with its own unique breaks. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics of surfing or an experienced rider searching for your next big wave, Goa has what you need.
The purpose of this article is to provide everything you need to know to get started with surfing in Goa.
Types of Surfing in Goa
Goa offers different types of surfing suitable for varying skill levels:
Beach Break Surfing: Gentle beach breaks at Arambol, Anjuna and Baga beaches are ideal for beginners. Waves form as swells hit shallow sandbars running parallel to the shore, providing slow-peeling waves with plenty of time to pop up and ride.
Reef and Point Breaks: For experienced surfers, breaks like Majorda, Betalbatim and Palolem challenge riders with steeper faces and faster rides. Careful navigation of rips and currents is required at these breaks.
Longboard Surfing: Goa’s long, rolling beach breaks are perfect for longboarding. Wider longboards offer more control in slow waves. Popular longboarding spots include Arambol, Mandrem and Agonda beaches, where long rides can be had.
Whether you are a beginner looking to catch your first waves or an experienced rider seeking your next challenge, Goa’s variety of breaks cater to surfers of all skill levels.
Where To Try Surfing in South Goa?
For those seeking a more laid-back surfing scene away from the crowds of North Goa, the southern beaches provide a great alternative. Top spots for surfing in South Goa include Agonda, Palolem and Patnem beaches. Agonda is a hidden gem with consistent surf along its long stretch of beach, suitable for longboarding and beginners. Nearby Palolem is one of South Goa’s most beautiful beaches, offering long peeling waves ideal for learners. A short walk north of Palolem is Patnem, which has a similar mellow beach break but feels more secluded. Further north is Colva Beach, which has nice sandy bottom conditions and is a family-friendly spot good for longboarding, with plenty of accommodation options nearby.
When to Catch Waves in Goa?
The ideal seasons for surfing in Goa are:
June to September: The southwest monsoon brings frequent low-pressure systems that produce Goa’s most consistent surf. Waves average 1–2 metres and are long-peeling, making this ideal for beginners and longboarders.
October to May: Goa’s coastline experiences the best surfing conditions during the post-monsoon and winter months, particularly from October to May. The waves are generally more consistent and suitable for surfing during this period.
Tips for Surfing in Goa
Rent boards, wetsuits and other gear from local surf shops in towns like Candolim, Baga and Anjuna. This avoids the hassle of carrying your own equipment.
Wetsuits are recommended from November through February when water temperatures drop below 25 degrees Celsius.
Popular beaches like Arambol and Palolem can get crowded with surfers and tourists. Aim to arrive as early as 7–8 AM to beat the crowds and score uncrowded waves.
Observe surfing etiquette — be aware of others already surfing and give the right of way to locals and more experienced surfers.
Beware of strong riptides, especially after heavy rains. Only surf at beaches with lifeguard supervision.
Surfing Schools in Goa
For beginners looking to learn the basics, the best way is to sign up for group or private lessons at a surf school. Goa is home to many reputed surf schools with experienced instructors who can have you standing on a board and riding white water within a few sessions. The structured surfing classes in Goa, the learning environment and expert guidance from certified instructors make them the best choice for beginners to start surfing safely and pick up techniques efficiently.
Whether you go for a weekend or a season, Goa will leave you hooked on the stroke of surfing.
With its beautiful beaches, consistent surf, and laid-back atmosphere, Goa truly offers one of the best places in India to learn how to surf. From gentle beach breaks suitable for beginners to point breaks challenging experienced riders, Goa’s variety of breaks cater to surfers of all abilities. By taking lessons at a reputed surf school Goa, renting gear locally, and following seasonal surf patterns, anyone can get started catching their first waves in Goa. This guide aims to provide readers with all the necessary information to feel confident planning a surf trip to Goa. With the right guidance, anyone with a love for the ocean can start their surfing journey along Goa’s idyllic coastline.
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schoolishbooks2023 · 2 years
Effective Study Habits Every Student Must Develop
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“Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as are bad habits.”
Habits are behavioral pattern that is developed after following the same routine every day. The stage wherein we are school-learners, this stage is playing a crucial role in molding our habits and character.
Within the limited time-span, to be able to have in-depth understanding of things around, you have to have a right schedule that you follow religiously.
The habits of wasting time unnecessarily, taking double the time in doing things; these bad habits will be your greatest foe in the long run.
We're going to explore some of the most-effective study habits that have helped many students in achieving their ideal-routine.
Objective-Making: Everytime you sit to study, write the objective of that sitting. Be it solving till the fifth question of the unit, or covering 2 pages of the story-book. Small objectives fulfilled is what makes the bigger goal achieved. In case you fail to complete your task, start with it the next time you sit to study. This makes it a habit to fulfil the commitments you make to oneself. 
Fixed Study Location: Just as fixed sleeping schedule maintains a healthy body cycle, similarly studying in a fixed place adds value to the concentration. It psychologically helps bringing consistency in studies.
Fixed Study timings: With the habit of studying in definite hours, your mind gets habitual of the fixated focus in that duration. With time, your mind is subconsciously prepared for studies, even without you pushing yourself to go to the study table.
With CBSE Boards 2023 approaching in less than a month, you can start off with 21-days habit of studying effectively. These days you can develop the habit of understanding the demands of question in quick time, and the way to be able to produce answers in stipulated time.
One such habit of writing board exams can be developed by solving CBSE sample papers. For every year board exams, CBSE issues sample paper, the blueprint to the question paper will be appearing for. The first sample paper you solve, it introduces you to the marks distribution and type of questions. As you keep solving different sample papers, you will have entire marking scheme on your tips, you will be able to see the frequency of one type of a question, or a unit that seems important from question’s point of view.
All these minute and significant points you’ll be able to notice only when you bring solving of the sample papers into your routine, for some days.
CBSE Sample paper not only prepare you mentally, but the motor parts of your body are also put into practice. Your complaints regarding poor handwriting, slow producing of answers, mismanagement of time; all will be solved with practice.
For Students about to appear for CBSE boards 2023, MBD Books has come up with most-affordable Sample paper books. MBD Rocket sample papers are available for all subjects. Class 10 and 12 students must not miss buying them.
Each MBD Rocket Sample Paper book includes:
Latest Sample Question Paper issued by CBSE on 16th September 2022, with Marking Scheme
All types of questions: 
Both Objective and Subjective types; MCQs, Very short, Short, Long Answer
Assertion and Reason: Statement Based questions
Case Based/ Situation Based/ Source Based/ Picture Based Questions
5 Unsolved Sample Papers For Practice (answers available on website)
Order on Amazon, Flipkart or visit your nearest bookstore to buy MBD Rocket for your habit-making.
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infodumpdiary · 2 years
Uni really is kicking my ass, I dropped a class so I can take it next semester because I didn’t understand the math and it was like basic algebra for the lab section and for the chem section it was so much information I had to memorize and apply every lesson that I don’t have time for. I was taking 16 credits tho so dropping it keeps me at 12/full time so my scholarship isn’t affected yet. I just can’t drive 2 hrs for school everyday and work and have time to keep up my grades so I’m gonna dorm next semester and take an extra class so I’m not behind :(. On the upside, I can take a 4 credit course during the summer and if I get a job as an RA the room/board is free so I can get ahead on coursework and maybe graduate early. Idk why I’m so embarrassed abt my age like I’m still in the same range as my peers but I feel stupid high key. I’m supposed to graduate in 26’ and I’ll be 23 but damn. I want to say “cut me a damn break” but I don’t deserve one really. I’m failing and I have 10(?) weeks to get my grades back so I can keep my scholarship because I can’t afford school without it. I just wish I wasn’t such a slow learner y’know? I want to grasp concepts early so I have free time to get ahead but I can’t for some reason. On top of that im like 6k in debt to my family and 140$ in debt to my school but I have class everyday and can only work on the weekends. Time to tough it out or die trying lol.
0 notes
luvspence · 4 years
contact names
spencer reid x reader
synopsis: a love story told through contact names
word count: 1.5k 
“hi dr. reid, or u-um spencer? is that all right? can i call you by your first name? i was wondering if i could get your number, so we could have a line of communication and all”
you stood in front of him, smiling brightly. this was your first jet ride of your first case. you believed first impressions were important, and a little more important when that first impression was with him
you’d gone to the same college as him, given you went around 12 years after he did, and his name was always brought up. when you were a criminal justice major and cal tech, spencer reid was a name that was hard to not know. you studied his analysis, you read his doctoral papers, and you admired him from a far. just an alumni, smart one, cute one at that, but just an alumni, someone to learn from
okay so maybe you had a crush on him, but of course you didn’t that was ridiculously, you’d never even met the man
but there you were, somehow you fought your way through school, the academy, and the baus hiring process, and you went from admiring learner, to colleague
he was beautifully perched on the edge of the jet seat, staring down at the chess set, playing against himself
“oh hello, and spencer is quite fine. just appreciative to be called anything other than morgan’s chosen nick name of ‘pretty boy’. i mean i guess it is a compliment? well it feels degrading in a sense, i digress,,”
he chuckled awkwardly
when he was nervous, he rambled, and you made him nervous
he and garcia had thoroughly researched you before you had joined
you were top of your class at cal-tech, top of your class at the academy, your published work was astonishing for someone your age, you had numerous letters of recommendation from highly regarded professors
you were nothing short of excellent, and nothing short of beautiful
long hair with bangs that perfectly framed your face, dimples on both of your cheeks, a smile that could light up any room you walked into
so needless to say, spencer already had a crush on you before you walked through the bau doors
“ and oh i’m regarding that phone number, let me...”
he shuffled through his satchel, files, books, tea bags and granola bar wrapper being pushed a side in search of his business card
“shoot, i can’t find it, here”
he pulled his phone out
“why don’t your enter your number, and i’ll text you so that you can save the contact as well?”
“oh perfect!”
you grabbed his phone typing in your number, and handing it back
“t-thank you!”
you turned to walk away
“oh wait! could you spell your last name for me? i wouldn’t want to get it wrong”
you spelled it out, he typed in the letters into his phone
now you were officially in his phone as plainly
“y/n l/n”
you guys quickly went from colleagues to friends
ever since that first text that spencer sent to share his number, you two were inseparable
carpooled to work and back
sat next to each other on the jet
office spaces next to each other
coffee “dates”
hotel slumber parties during cases
friday night game night traditions
endless conversations
book recommendations
and of course
a blinding amount of romantic tension
a couple months into you working at the bau you were sitting on spencer’s desk, him reclined in his chair
“i’m telling you! i’m amazing at gin rummy”
“mhm okay”
you hit him playfully with a file
“mhm? what is that supposed to mean? do you doubt my skills?”
“no not at all, i just know i’d crush you”
you raised an eyebrow
“okay dr reid? you wanna go?”
he pulled a deck of cards out of his drawer
“i’ll deal”
he said, shuffling the cards
7 rounds later, you had beat him by 27 points
he looked down in defeat
“HA HA HA!!!!”
“i let you win”
“UNTRUE UNTRUE! you knocked and were so confident that you had won, but guess what? I HAD GIN” you laughed un controllably while spenxer rolled his eyes
“they don’t call me y/n “gin rummy god” l/n for nothing!”
he perched his face in his hands, staring up at your giggly face that still remained seated on his desk
“who calls you that”
“everyone! and now you have to!”
he laughed, pulled out his phone went to his contacts
he typed in
“y/n “pretty okay at gin rummy” l/n”
he showed you the screen
you squinted in to read it
it didn’t take very much longer until you and spencer were dating
it happened one day on the jet, you were flying home and while sitting next to spencer instinctually laid your head on his shoulder
that wasn’t too abnormal, but spencer bent his neck down to kiss you softly on the forehead
you looked at him
he looked at you
finally an action that couldn’t be written off as platonic
with scared eyes he looked at you, looking like he had just committed a grave crime
as he had forgotten that you two were not dating, you had forgotten that the entire team was also on that jet
so you grabbed his face and kissed him, kissed him long, gently wrapping your arms around his neck, until you heard an “ahem” from derek
he laughed, you and spencer just stared at each other an also burst into laughter, and from then on, you were his girl, his love, his object of adoration, his lady
3 months into your relationship, spencer had gotten a concussion
he was okay, just unable to fly
you were about to board the jet, face buried in spencers shoulder
“i don’t have to go spencer”
“yes, yes you do”
“i don’t want to leave you”
“y/n i will survive, and it’s not like i’m gonna be alone in the office, i’ll be consulting virtually through garcia”
you pressed a kiss to his lips
“okay, i’ll miss you”
“miss you too”
you let go of his hand and jogged up to emily who was boarding the plane
“you two are vile” she said laughing
“not funny!”
the case was tough, even tougher with spencer not around
though he and garcia made quite the duo
“hey spencer could you call y/n for me? i’m on this line with derek”
“yeah of course”
he pressed your contact on his favorite list
your name saved as “m’lady”
garcia noticed immediately
“m’lady?! M’LADY??? if you two aren’t the cutest pair of 18th century literature nerds i don’t know what is”
he giggled, you picked up the phone
garcia started shouting
you started to laugh
“garcia do you have that list of names i asked for?”
4 years, 1 built in library, and 3 cats later
spencer knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you
it was a warm saturday, and you and spencer went to the museum of natural sciences
you were standing in front of the aquatic birds exhibit
you were reading the swan description
“swan, largest waterfowl species of the subfamily anserinae, family anatidae. most swans are classified in the genus cygnus. swans are gracefully long-necked, heavy-bodied, big-footed birds that glide majestically when swimming and fly with slow wingbeats and with necks outstretched. swans mate for life, and can actually die from heart break if their partner dies, interesting”
“yeah, swans are usually a symbol of love and marriage”
“how sweet, such romantic birds”
spencer took your hand
“i’m gonna love you forever, just like these swans”
he kissed your forehead
“forever and ever spence?”
he got down on one knee
“forever and ever”
you wanted to wait until the perfect moment to tell the team, refraining from wearing your ring until you two could figure it out, but by an unfortunate accident, they secret was out
“hey y/n, i didn’t get a chance to save your number earlier, would you mind?”
an officer at the local precinct was asking you, as to have a more direct way of contact
the entire team was sitting around a table as you typed your number into the officers phone
“oh and y/n i’m sorry how do you spell your last name”
“r-e-i-d, reid”
you froze
in most of your circles you already started going by spencer’s last name, this detail slipped your mind
derek was the first to say something
then emily
you and spencer looked at each other
“okay, we’re in engaged”
the entire team started hugging and cheering, the rest of the precinct joining in
“so when were you planning to tell us?” hotch asked with a raised eyebrow
you laughed
“would you believe me if i said that contact name incident was planned?”
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a/n: i love this concept omg because i used to roller skate as a kid <33 and i absolutely love the character choices! you're welcome, anon! i hope you enjoy this one!! btw, this isn't an au, so it's connected to the world they're in and i hope that's okay ^^
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ℍ𝕚𝕥𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕚 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕠
a/n: i love this kid sm sksksk he reminds me of a young aizawa so that's probably why
He was skeptical at first because he doesn't like dates that are too flashy. After all, he's such an introvert that even confessing his feelings for you gave him such a hard time.
He keeps asking himself why do you always wear your roller skates, especially when you're in UA. You just told him that it'll look cool in the future once you become a pro hero. Plus, it helps with mobility.
But, after seeing how much you love roller skating, he eventually tried it. When he finally agrees to go skating with you, you were filled with excitement to see him try the things you love. And, he also wants to learn it since you kind of smooth-talked him about how it can be useful in fighting.
He's hesitating to go with you because he finds it intimidating with the number of people that were there. But, you assured him as you gave him a loving and caring smile that was only reserved for him. And, that was enough to have him go inside.
He keeps on falling down on his butt. He just doesn't get the hang of it. But, you'll just hold his hand and tell him to focus on the pavement ahead and swiftly brush his foot. You'll demonstrate it to him until he gets used to it.
You just gotta hold his hand until he can go on his own, okay? He doesn't want to fall down anymore :((
When he takes a break, he'll just watch you gracefully skate like the angel you are to his eyes. That alone made him motivated and skate alongside you.
You were so happy that he's finally learning how to skate after a day. And, the next day at school? He may or may not bring roller skates so he could skate with you again after school.
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ℕ𝕠𝕓𝕒𝕣𝕒 𝕂𝕦𝕘𝕚𝕤𝕒𝕜𝕚
She was immediately thrilled when you asked her to skate. Because she's ready to take on anything. And, you challenged her that if she properly learns how to skate, you'll treat her to dinner. Being a confident person, your girlfriend is already on board.
On your skating date, she bought some cute skating clothes for the two of you so you could match. This side of hers has always been endearing.
Remember that face she made when Panda was spinning her in the air? That was the same face she's making as you tightly held her hand and skate as fast as you could in the rink. She was so scared for her dear life. Even more scared than facing cursed spirits.
You told her that there's nothing to be scared about. But, she'll just whine and tell you she doesn't want to get hurt.
So, you'll go not too slow nor too fast, just the exact speed she needed to enjoy skating.
You taught her step by step. By balancing, stopping, and how much force she should exert. Nobara's a fast learner. And, she'll get the hang of it sooner than you expected. She still can't go as fast as you do, but she's getting there.
After some time, she'll tell you to finally release your hand on her as she's ready to try it by herself. You were just on her side as she tried it. She was scared at first but reminded herself that she's strong and she can do it.
"Y/N, you'll treat me to dinner, okay?" You shook your head as you thought she forgot about that. She'll go through the whole skating rink by herself feeling the best version of herself yet. After that, she'll drag you to a restaurant because your girl was exhausted and wanted to eat.
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ℝ𝕒𝕟 ℍ𝕒𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕚
He doesn't care what date you want to go to as long as you're going to enjoy yourself. He might not look like he's excited, but I swear he is.
Ran wouldn't admit to you that the reason he had a crush on you in the first place was because of how cool you looked while skating. And, to try something that you loved doing? To try something that led to him asking you out is something that pumps up his blood more than fighting other people.
You were surprised when he didn't need any of your guidance anymore. He skates through the rink like he's some kind of pro. Like he's natural in doing so.
That's why you enjoyed your roller skating date with him because the two of you got to play around like some little kids.
The two of you raced through the rink, trying his best to get ahead of you. He's a natural in skating, but he's not as skillful as you
Ran rarely shows an exciting emotion besides when there's a fight. But, right now, he's enjoying himself. It was one of the best times in his life. And, he gets to do it with you which makes it more special.
By the end of your date, he'll shyly look at you with such a soft expression and asks you if you two could skate again as a date.
Of course, you agreed. Now that you have your boyfriend get pumped up about something you enjoy is an achievement for you.
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ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕦𝕣𝕚 𝕂𝕒𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒
With her unmatched energy, she wouldn't think twice and go with you to roller skate. She's sort of like a daredevil if you'd put it into words.
She's so excited when she met up with you on the day of your roller skating date. She's eager to learn something that the person she loves the most enjoys.
And, she just doesn't care if people stare at her whenever she falls down. She'll just catch up with you as hard as she could.
But, once you notice that she's struggling, you're ready to help her out. Now that you're helping her, skating alongside you feels so much better for her.
"This is the essence of our love." She comments as you were softly holding her hand while you pull her together with you when you're skating.
She's impatient to learn skating properly so you could go as fast as you normally would. And, she eventually will.
As she fully learned how to, she'll still insist on holding your hand but going as fast as you two could. The adrenaline rush in her body was starting to pump up and encourages you to go faster. But, of course, you wouldn't.
She's still a beginner at this whole shenanigans after all. But, you're so happy that you get to spend this time together and she enjoyed the day even if it was tiring.
And, on your next skating date? She will buy matching roller skates for the two of you just so she could feel more youthful than she ever does.
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rigelmejo · 4 years
some comprehensible input links
language learning forums can be so toxic sometimes...
so many people love to push that “one method” is phenomenal and works when others just WON’T, meanwhile another will say the opposite. And then its like... where is the room to acknowledge maybe parts of each method have merit for different individuals, since they might help or click in different ways.
just today i saw someone arguing about stephen krashen’s language theories and how they’re all disproven bullshit that are completely unusable. I don’t know a huge amount about his theories. But I do know the emphasis he brought up on “providing students comprehensible input and lessons to learn from” is a concept that also is in stuff like the modern Teach Languages Through Storytelling lessons and Comprehensible Input Lessons. Which if you’ve ever used them? They’re Amazing. They are lessons where teachers purposefully use the target language as much as possible, and use visuals to help make what they say as comprehensible as possible to students so they can learn. This is how when I volunteered, we were supposed to tutor ESL speakers - because we could not reliably teach with english translation since their english levels varied, and we did not have speakers of every learners native language present to help teach them. Our program coordinator showed an example of how to do it by teaching us some Thai, his native language, in this method. And it was extremely easy to follow and understand. Textbooks/grammar guides/flashcards certainly will help speed up the process - aka allow students to use Graded Reader books, learner podcasts, then target language native materials like shows and novels to learn quicker. But lessons in the target language as soon as possible, emphazising getting students to comprehend, is valuable. Just as its valuable later on when students can handle more complex lessons in the target language.
Examples of teachers teaching through comprehensible input (I am thrilled to notice there’s a lot more than last time I looked these sorts of channels up):
Hit Chinese: https://youtu.be/xG3w2i1OBfc
Unconventional Chinese with Keren: https://youtu.be/9N-nNvnAYTs
French Comprehensible Input: https://youtu.be/c2SUQVjklVA
Alice Ayel (french): https://youtu.be/DcuVNAnsWZM
Dreaming Spanish (a fantastic example): https://youtu.be/ObO1CGY_NHI
Comprehensible Russian: https://youtu.be/gHCvEKxeXvk
Comprehensible Japanese: https://youtu.be/gHCvEKxeXvk
Japanese Immersion with Asami: https://youtu.be/pr_yRUVQQt0
Learn Korean in Korean*: https://youtu.be/zUulbCruiMs
I just found the Learn Korean in Korean channel a few weeks ago, notable in that he also teaches hangul before the other lessons. I think he maybe uses too few pictures to make it as easy on students. But having said that, I know zero korean whatsoever and am watching his Lesson 1 and finding it completely easy to follow. So I’d say yes his teaching style probably falls under “engage student in the target language and make it comprehensible so they can learn it.” I’m really impressed with his channel tbh because it teaches totally in Korean so any language learner from any native language could use it.
Just found Japanese Immersion with Asami today while looking up “japanese comprehensible input” and its an amazing example of how these kinds of lessons work. In a classroom setting (or with a tutor), generally the idea is to provide learners with lots of comprehensible input of the language they’re learning and perhaps some help to keep things comprehensible (in a classroom that would be word definitions on the board maybe for reference, or in these examples subtitles to aid learners for reference - although first priority a teacher is aiming to use pictures/gestures/visuals to make as much as possible comprehensible).
Examples of textbooks that teach through comprehensible input (these were made before Krashen, so i merely bring up Krashen because Today’s Language Forum Arguement was ‘all krashen’s ideas are bullshit ALL of them even comprehensible input ideas so you shouldn’t even bother using even a little of something related to his ideas):
French: https://archive.org/details/jensen-arthur-le-francais-par-la-methode-nature
Italian: https://archive.org/details/LitalianoSecondoIlMetodoNatura
Latin: lingva latina per se illustrata 
English: https://archive.org/details/english-by-the-nature-method
(I’ve personally used that textbook for french and absolutely loved its teaching style, it works Really Well for me). 
Graded readers, if they teach new vocabulary in context, may also fall into this section (depending on learner’s starting level compared to a graded reader).
my only point here is just. i hate seeing valuable learning methods completely thrown away, just because someone’s decided to equate one person’s specific method as bad - to decide every single thing related to it must be useless. In this particular case - before Krashen was old enough to have any theories, Arthur Jensen was making some of those books listed above! (Back then it was called ‘the nature method’ - although plenty of books using the term ‘the nature method’ do not teach as comprehensibly as what I’ve listed above, there’s definitely a range from ‘these are just vocab lists’ to ‘these are actually slowly teaching me new words in context’ lol). and all those youtube channels for comprehensible input? There are learners who do find them useful! I’ve found them useful!
oh man just today... sometimes people will be like “you MUST use flashcards to learn a language” and hello no you absolutely don’t have to i never did with French. Some people say “you MUST use textbooks” and yet there’s examples of people who did fine without them, vice versa people say “you must NOT use textbooks if you want to sound natural’ or whatever which? Me using grammar guides has always been immensely useful for me personally - though again some people found success with Much more textbook use, and with none. So can we please accept different methods work for different people?! And beyond that - maybe some Pieces of methods are useful to someone EVEN if the ‘whole thing’ isn’t. 
Mass Immersion Method/Refold - its not ‘all’ for me. I’m never ever going to sentence mine. I rarely use flashcards and I never plant to MAKE any myself lol. Have I still found some useful pieces of Refold that have benefited me? YES I have. (Notably the parts about ‘comprehensible input’ since we’re on the topic). What I took from what little i have heard from Krashen - in particular a lecture he gave on improving reading ability in students - is reading for pleasure, exposing yourself to a lot of material even if its not perfectly at your level, will help you improve. Students who learned word lists, and students encouraged to extensively read, both made vocabulary and reading level improvements. Which - we’ve been in elementary school and had ‘free reading time’ to help us learn to read better! By reading something we liked for a period of time! Besides just the books assigned in class the teacher had us do vocab lists for! Well, in my french studies I very much saw that apply to my own second language learning too - sometimes I looked up words as I read, and learned words that way. Sometimes I simply read french for pleasure and just guessed at unknown words I Could guess at and moved past others - and also improved my reading ability and picked up some new words. Both ways helped my french improve, my reading improve, my vocab improve. And so that is what I took from it - that there is some merit in engaging with something you can understand Somewhat at least. That if you have some comprehension of a material, you may be able to learn Some More from it whether you just learn from context OR conciously look up everything unfamiliar. (And I do think looking things up speeds up the process sometimes). My point though is like... we’re really gonna throw out some good pieces because we don’t like one person who’s managed to touch on them? When so many before and after, their own levels of correct and useless parts, have found some usefulness in some parts?
I just do not get language forum drama lol... the issue is. These people were arguing because they find krashen ‘useless’ then all comprehensible input study is ‘useless’. Ok then. But pushing to all learners to use only a textbook, and avoid engaging with actual language (even when it may be comprehensible and therefore useful to them like the links above, for some learners), then they may slow their progress if it doesn’t suit them well. And it always depends on the individual, everyone’s a bit different. 
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illegal-spiegel · 4 years
TikTok Famous Yuji Itadori/Ryomen Sukuna
Genre: crack? Warnings: eboy/fboy shenanigans A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ITADORI!! Lol I had this idea at like 3 am when I was going to bed so sorry if this sucks <3
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Itadori started out with just posting goofy and tiktoks of himself
he, like most, didn’t expect to become famous and was just doing it for fun
he had a decent amount of followers though since he’s funny and is friends with practically everyone at his school 
one day, he went live to just talk to the hundred people or so that joined
they all kept daring him to go to a haunted house, graveyard, or somewhere spooky like that
Yuji Itadori wouldn’t be Yuji Itadori if he ever backed down from a challenge 
so, the next thing he knows, he’s in the car with his two best friends heading to a ‘haunted’ location 
Itadori doesn’t actually believe in ghosts or anything like that though
they brought an ouija board and everything 
they all sat down and started using it to ‘talk’ to spirits
his friends claimed that since he’s recording, the spirits won’t talk to them though
“I’m not recording! I’m live on TikTok!” he argues
they make him end the live nonetheless
when he did though, their candles flicker and they all suddenly feel a chill go down their spine 
they all brush it off as the wind and go back to trying to contact spirits
they end up ‘contacting’ a few but Itadori was looking for something a little more exciting 
“Demons and devils alike! Make yourself known!” he roars
one of his friends hits his arm and tells him that it wasn’t funny and that he shouldn’t egg them on like that 
“Like what? Oh, like this?” 
he then stands up and starts to goad the demons and whatever else is there 
“You’re all ugly! I bet you’re too weak to do anything to me! C’mon! Show us something exciting!” 
when nothing happens, as he predicts, he turns back to his friends with a smile 
“See? I told y—” 
the lights suddenly go out and the moon is all they have as light
Itadori shivers, seeing his breath when he lets out a sigh 
before anyone can really react, Itadori’s head is thrown back 
he stands as stiff as a board, even when his friends call out to him worriedly 
what they can’t see are his eyes glowing red and his jaw unhinged 
tattoos crawl along his body before disappearing, Itadori’s head coming up when they vanish 
“C’mon, guys, let’s go back. I’m bored,” Itadori says like nothing happened
maybe nothing did 
the next day though, Itadori was in the middle of filming a video when the demon appears 
“What are you wearing, kid?” the demon asks when he sees his reflection in the oddly tiny and rectangle mirror
the demon stands and stretches out his limbs, taking a deep breath 
“It’s good to be back.” 
he’s not back for long before he’s sent away, Itadori returning back to his usual self 
“What just happened...” 
Itadori brushes it off as lack of sleep before going back to his video and then going to bed early 
over the next week, the demon secretly watches Itadori’s actions 
he’s fascinated by his phone, as the boy calls it, and all the videos he posts, as he also learned from listening in on Itadori’s conversations  
the next time he appears, it’s when Itadori is out at the mall 
the demon buys things more in his style before making his way back to their home 
when he arrives, he puts on the black clothes and piercings he got 
and just for the fun of it, he records a video 
he doesn’t do much though, seeing as how he doesn’t know what’s popular these days 
he just smirks at the camera with bedroom eyes and rolls his sleeves up to show off his strong muscles and tattooed arms, lightly bobbing his head to the music
when he finishes it, he saves it and changes Itadori back before letting Itadori take over again 
Itadori blinks a couple of times before realizing he’s at home 
strange, he doesn’t remember driving back 
hm, guess he really needs to start paying attention more
about a week later, he comes across the video in his drafts and doesn’t know what to say 
sure, he’s played around with the idea of dressing up like an eboy for the hype but every time he’s tried, he’s never looked good, in his opinion 
he shrugs it off and decides to post it, trying to remember when he painted on tattoos like that 
say, where did those clothes come from? 
it didn’t take long for the video to blow up 
Itadori was in awe when he realized it 
he was a little bummed though when none of his other videos blew up though 
guess he really is just going to have to dress up like an eboy to receive attention
the next time he goes to record, he makes sure to put on a similar outfit, that he doesn’t remember buying, before recording 
the demon uses this as his opportunity to record again 
he’s made sure to pay attention to videos that Itadori watches on his homepage, remembering different dances and songs that would go with his aesthetic 
he doesn’t know why he enjoys the attention so much. Maybe it’s because he’s not strong enough to take control over this body yet, so he’s just killing time for now 
or maybe he’s just a bit of a showoff
who knows
either way, when he starts to play the slow and sensual song, he smirks as he rolls his hips and shows off the veins in his arms 
he doesn’t hesitate to post it either 
as soon as he does though, Itadori returns 
the man blinks before assuming he spaced out, seeing as how he’s still on the app 
he turns the camera on and looks over himself, grunting
he thought he looked good in the mirror but the fake tattoos really did the outfit justice 
he started to wonder if he could do it again when he notices that he’s starting to get a lot of new notifications 
he starts to grow excited before realizing that it’s a video he’s never seen before 
he watches it with a dropped jaw, not believing that it’s him 
he checks the date and—hey! That’s today!
that doesn’t make sense though. He hasn’t recorded anything yet and he doesn’t have the tattoos painted on his skin 
‘Can you be any dumber? Jeez, maybe I should’ve chosen one of your friends instead. You were just so annoying though, standing there and taunting me, acting as if I can’t do anything.’ 
“What? Who’s there?” Itadori stutters out, looking around his bedroom only to find himself alone 
‘What? Can you hear me, kid?’ 
“Um, yes?” Itadori says unsurely, wondering if he’s losing his mind 
‘You’re not losing your mind, I’m just inside of it. Ha, that was kinda funny.’ 
“I’m sorry, you’re what?” Itadori asks, crashing into his seat
‘Hey, don’t pass out. I’m just a friendly, little demon that’s possessing you.’ 
“Oh, right, of course,” Itadori mumbles, rubbing his hands over his face
‘It’s true, kid. Remember when you went out with your friends and started yelling at spirits or whatever to do something exciting? Well, I hope this is exciting enough.’ 
“Okay, wait. Let me get this straight. So, you’re telling me that I’m not actually insane and that you’re a real demon possessing me?”
‘Precisely. Glad you’re a quick learner, kid.’ 
“Right, so, um, do you have a name?” 
“Sukuna, okay. And do you, Sukuna, have anything to do with my patchy memory?”
‘Why, I’m glad you asked! I actually do. Hm, smart kid.’ 
“So, how does that work exactly?” 
‘It’s simple. When I have enough power saved up or just feel like it, you and I switch places.’
“Switch places?”
‘Yup. So, I’m in your brain right now but when I switch with you, you move to the brain and I take over the body,’ Sukuna explains. 
“Right, okay, cool. I’m guessing you’re responsible for the videos with the tattoos then?” 
‘Also correct. We look good, huh?’ 
Itadori pauses to pick up his phone and unlock it, watching the two videos that he’s made 
“Yeah, we do, actually. I’m getting famous, you know.” 
‘Well, kudos, kid.’ 
“Do you, uh, think you could do this again?”
‘What, make videos for you?’
“Yeah. You like making them, right? I’m sure you like to have control over my body for a while too.”
‘Hm, you got a point.’
“So, will you do it, Sukuna?”
‘Hmm, I don’t know.’ 
“You don’t know?” 
‘I want longer control over your body.’
“Um, okay. How do I do that?”
‘Well, now that you know I’m here, you’ll be more conscious about ‘where’ I’m at. So, if given your permission, I can take over your body for as long as I want.’
“That doesn’t sound too bad...”
‘Great! We have a deal then.’
“I guess so.”
and that, my friends, is how Itadori because famously known as one of the hottest tiktok boys 
More with Itadori
Tag List: @nojammsss03​, @katsuhera​ ✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask. Also, remember to tell me if you ever change your username so I can continue to tag you :)
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soniabigcheese · 3 years
Fluffember - Day Four, Safe and the Glue Incident
"But, Daddy," Penelope protested, "you said it would be safe."
Lord Hugh Creighton Ward pinched the bridge of his narrow nose and wrinkled his brow in frustration, before taking a long slow breath and letting it out.
"Penelope, my dear," his hands rested on her small shoulders and he looked into her defiant little face, "we have a very elaborate and highly technical security system in place."
He paused, letting that sink in, but she still glared at him.
"There's no need to get the super glue out and ... wait ... where on earth did you find it?"
She flushed a little before folding her arms.
"A lady NEVER spills the beans or gives out important information. You should know that Daddy, you were the one who was always telling me this."
She wagged her finger at him, before standing pondering for a little bit. Then her face lit up.
"Maybe we should get Parker to break into it. I heard you saying that he is good with locks and safes!"
He shook his head. Gosh, she was a fast learner. AND, he had to be very careful on how to conduct himself when she was home from boarding school.
He tried to twist the dial, but it was stuck fast.
"I seriously doubt it."
He scratched his chin, thinking and pondering.
"Exactly what were you trying to keep safe?"
"Does it matter?"
"As a matter of fact, yes, yes it does."
"Oh ... nothing."
She skipped off, satisfied for a job well done. Her father looked around.
"Speaking of Parker," he thought aloud, "I wonder where he's gotten to?"
A faint tapping could only just be heard from inside the safe, along with ...
"'Elp .... h'anyone h'out there?"
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azeez-unv · 9 months
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To put misconceptions to rest, slow learning is not a learning disability. It is used to describe a learner with the ability to acquire all academic skills at a rate below than that of the average learner.
No learner is weak or bright by birth; it’s the way we feed the knowledge and how they imbibe it which makes them so.
A slow learner needs more time, more repetition and more resources, like visual aids from educators to be successful. These learners do not have intellectual disability, but it takes them longer to understand and grasp concepts.
Not every child can learn at a fast pace or same pace. Therefore, it is very paramount for educator to recognize the uniqueness of each student quickly, so as to make learning more effective for each child.
Educators and parents play pivotal roles in a slow learner’s life. Their support and motivation go a long way to help such children overcome their hurdles. This duly signifies that educators and parents have added responsibility from schools and society toward them.
Also, school owners should ensure they get the best hands on deck for their students. The best of educators should be employed so as not to leave any child behind on the learning course and living up to the standard.
Creating a healthy and conducive environment for a slow learner is of utmost importance to improve their pace. Often, educators who have a slow learner in their class face grave problems: keeping up with the term syllabus, fear of losing empathy toward such students, and many others. Here are few motivation tips for educators to help them cope with at least the basic issues.
1. Be patient with slow learners.
The foremost aspect of teaching a slow learner is that the educator should be patient and consistent throughout the entire process. The core problem of slow learners’ education is their weak cognitive skills coupled with the slow speed learning. An educatorr has to be understanding and patient toward their ability to get distracted easily and have a low attention span. Moreover, educators must find creative ways to cope with this situation so that the entire class is not affected. One of them is patient repetition. Try repeating every basic instruction, keyword and concept time and again without being boring. Do not over speak, but over teach.
Recognize this tip and ensure measures are put in place to ensure the benchmark of credible institution.
2. Introduce Innovative Tools and Takeaways.
A very thoughtful tool to help slow learners at school and home is to introduce innovative and exciting methods of learning. A major factor with slow learners is their concentration and focus.
As educators and parents, you can propose board games, interactive books, STEM toys, worksheets, activities, and more. Hand out special cheat sheets, mini dictionaries, or visually graphic information sheets. One good idea is to give lesson pamphlets for pinning them to their soft boards so that they are surrounded by constant reminders of lessons.
3. Engage fellow classmates in your efforts.
Teach the other learners to empathize with the special students. Especially ask them not to bully or tease slow learners. Inform them about their condition and how they could make a difference. Ensure you have these timely sessions in the slow learner absence.
4. Provide minimum homework.
We all agree that homework although with its benefits is more of a burden for a child and her parent. Slow learners, in particular, find it difficult to be attentive throughout the school day, let alone coming home and completing assignments. For such children, quality matters over quantity. Having minimum assignment would help them understand learning and reduce their anxiety. This, in turn, would maintain their enthusiasm toward school. An educator can assign and alter homework personally and leave out small details that may be of little importance. For example, an assignment of writing an essay on an English chapter could be modified to reading the chapter twice, and telling the summary to the educator, would be a better idea.
5. Peer slow learners with active learners .
When their educators are of the same age, they get encouraged. Let them select 1 or 2 of their friends to form a study group. Assign the study group the task of reiterating the new teachings of the day and assisting with assignment.
6. Encourage and Teach the right things.
Invite them to come forward during art classes, school activities, or volunteering. Recognize and reward their participation. This would do wonders for their self-confidence. Teach special skills rather than unnecessary skills. This may include following the correct instruction words (count, color, circle, etc.) or listening and focusing on keywords. Remember the main goal is to make them self-sufficient.
7. Praise and raise them
It is necessary that you encourage kids at school and home. A little pat on the back and appreciation goes a long way, trust me. Encouragement and admiration in front of their fellow classmates will definitely boost their confidence and instill a sense of victory and achievement.
8.Encourage Constant Parent- Educator Association.
Work very closely with their parents. Ensure the assignment and tasks assigned are successfully completed on a daily basis. Be accessible and open to communication. Make sure to listen out to parents’ problems and help to solve them. Conduct special meetings for their parents apart from the general PTA meetings.
Lastly, a few DONT’S:
Do not reprimand in front of the class. You may do that in private.
Do not emphasize writing, concentrate on reading. Oral education is more beneficial for them.
Do not let them quit trying. Encourage them to continue their hard work to complete their tasks even if it means postponing it.
Do not be overprotective. Let their slow learning not become their introduction.
Practicing math worksheets can help in improving skill. This target at a specific skill like addition, time, division and many more. Along with these worksheets, great practice comes with playing social math games that are holistic in nature.
Provide a platform for children to imbibe a culture of academic distinction, standing tall and making a positive mark on everyone they come in contact with.
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Name: Sam Jackson Species: Human Occupation: Tourism Board Member Age: 31 Years Old Played by: Joe Face Claim: Dev Patel
“If I had a nickel every time someone called some pale goth kid a bloodsucking vampire, I'd be rich, and I wouldn't still be here.”
TW: Domestic abuse, sibling death, self harm, attempted suicide, head trauma, memory loss, parental death
Sam Peters was just a kid when his vindictive and hateful father, the late former Mayor of White Crest, Jackson Peters, forced him to learn how to shoot a gun. His old man also made him learn a variety of martial arts like judo and krav maga. Unfortunately for Sam, he was a slow learner, so aside from getting bruises from training, he also received additional ones from his father. At this point, Jackson has been reduced to an alcoholic after losing successive bids for mayor over the years, leaving him embittered and angry at the town, even though it was his own fault: No one really wants a mayor who was caught on video punching his daughter in the head.
Throughout their difficult childhood, Sam and his twin sister Desiree only had each other to turn to, as their own mother decided to remain ignorant of their father’s obvious maltreatment of them. On the surface, at least prior to that video, the family of four was a picture perfect modern American family. Beyond that, however, was a nightmarish life that Sam hated, especially after the “accidental” demise of his sibling. Their father had tried to pit them against each other, and when they barely reacted the way he wanted them to, he became angry and unleashed all that anger on Desiree until she “accidentally” fell down a flight of stairs. She was buried later that week, and Sam was sent to boarding school, turned into a scapegoat by the true perpetrator. Kids, am I right?
It wasn’t until he graduated from university that Sam was once again forced to return home. His parents reintroduced him as the perfect son, a perfect academic, and a perfect bachelor. Swept under the rug were his three attempts to end his life while in school, especially the scars on his arms. No one can ever know that time he made a pact with an ex-girlfriend who turned out to be a member of this harmless cult, especially when she tried to run off with his money after sleeping with another cult member. For his part, Sam played his role really well, and soon, he was on his way to reclaiming a place in the town’s political arena, a dream his father wanted fulfilled, never mind the fact that David hated the entire thing.
Unfortunately for Jackson, he would not see that dream fulfilled himself, however, as a hunting “accident” led to his demise. Sam was there, with his father, when it all happened, but he could not remember much of it. He was, in fact, found unconscious, his head red, against a tree. All he could remember was a hazy memory of something big and hairy, his father screaming against it, and then he was knocked out. At least that’s what he told everyone. No use crying over spilled milk, right?
That was three years ago. Sam has since become a Tourism Board Member for White Crest, Maine, having started as a dutiful assistant of the Mayor. He’s come to terms with the truth festering within this town, like an invisible goo of disgusting madness and cruelty, but also the fact that for the town to survive, certain truths must be swept under the rug. Was he turning into his father? No. Never. He’ll be much better.
Character Facts:
Personality: Amoral, charismatic, confident, devious, dignified, eloquent, insightful, secretive, sly, treacherous
Sam keeps a handgun close to him at all times. His vindictive father forced him to learn shooting when he was just 9 but he has not fired it for years after his death. Sam also trained in some martial arts like judo and krav maga. 
Sam is well aware of the existence of some of the supernatural denizens of White Crest, but he is also well aware that revealing the truth of them will not help him or the town's income. As long as they stay where they're supposed to, limit themselves to the stragglers, it should be fine. Right? 
When Sam drinks too much, he gets stomach problems. When Sam thinks too much, he gets irritable. 
Sam has only slept with two girls: One was his best friend during their first year of college, who is married now, and the other was an ex-girlfriend he later found out was part of a harmless cult. The latter also tried to run off with some of his money after sleeping with another cultist. 
Although the death of Sam’s hateful father was ruled out as a hunting accident, it was actually due to a supernatural event that Dave will never share. It is implied that Sam may have had a hand in that outcome, whether consciously or subconsciously.
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