#the glue incident
mechsconfessions · 2 months
very upsetting to me when people get defensive about their pronouns for Lyfrassir. they literally aint got none
No additions, you’re just right
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avnasace · 6 months
(spoilers for fontaine aqs and 4.2)
childe really experienced a bad breakup, went on a wild goosechase around inazuma, then tried to go on vacation, instead got falsely accused of serial murder he couldnt have committed, humbled by a divine machine, humbled by a dragon, got sent to prison, became part of an ancient prophecy, fought an abyssal narwhal for at least 45 days, and then met his teacher, who ignored him for like 10 years and immedietly yeeted him through a quantum abyss portal back to his homeland with (supposedly) no answers.
and after all that, instead of relaxing, like he shouldve on holiday , he is probably going to have to sail his way back to fontaine to drop neuvillette an abyssal message from his estranged teacher that couldve been an email...
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I love learning ASL it’s so good. Makes me happy to learn it. I’m so glad my university has classes for it with professors actually steeped in Deaf culture.
#blue chatter#am I good at ASL? hahahahahahaha. no.#ASL and English grammar are incredibly different and even when I remember my vocab I am easily clockable as hearing#but I do have some language capacity now. enough to communicate the basics.#and I just. genuinely really enjoy it. it’s fun to learn and engaging in a way most of my classes just aren’t.#and I can. yanno. communicate respectfully w Deaf ppl. and learn about their culture#which is incredibly important given that I want to go into a field where there is a higher incidence than typical of Deaf people#autistic? you’re more likely to be Deaf!#not to mention the fact that sign language can sometimes be a useful alternative to speech for nonspeaking/nonverbal people#depending on the person obvi; some nonspeaking/nonverbal autistics cannot use sign language and that’s okay#but surely at some point I will encounter either a Deaf client or a nonspeaking/nonverbal client who uses ASL#and when that time comes I should have some idea of how to communicate with them#I also rly like the Deaf church by my parents’ house#their community is really welcoming and their services are really interesting#I think it’s rly cool how they take intentions directly from the congregation#they’ll raise their hands and then sign what their intention is from their pew to the ambo#which is rly neat#it is funny bc every time I go the Deaf ppl I talk to will tell each other ‘go slow she’s hearing’#which is ENTIRELY fair bc. I am hearing. and I do need them to go slower.#but it also makes me laugh bc truly everyone knows within a few minutes.#oh hey the new person? they’re hearing. yeah they’re learning ASL at college. sign slowly for her.#which again makes sense bc a big Deaf culture thing is keeping ppl informed. it’s not gossip it’s getting everyone on the same page.#Deaf ppl do NOT beat around the bush that is like the height of rudeness to them. u say what u mean goshdangit. do not waste their time.#which I appreciate the heck out of bc i don’t have to try and phrase things delicately or w/e#it was also funny bc my mom came w me while I was home for Christmas and they asked her if I was her kid#and she said yes. and the lady running the kid’s craft corner thing was like ‘great you’re doing a craft now’#and I’m sitting there. visibly over 18 years old. amongst several seven year olds. trying desperately to figure out how to say hot glue gun#I made a v pretty pinecone tree it was a lot of fun ^-^
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parasocialdnp · 8 months
phil needs to do more videos in his glasses because they’re so underrated ! (and also because he looks so gorgeous in them)
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softpine · 1 year
please tell me rn theres not gonna be in-friend group dating bc if they break up who gets custody of asa!
as if asa isn’t the glue holding their crazy asses together... don’t worry about it fjkjsds
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7carpileup · 11 months
burned my. burned my fucking thumb
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
Soul eater au
The crew are basically cryptics
Each one is regarded as weirdos in there own right, but they are also all bad asses
There's a Crew for every generation in the school - Whitebeard's Gen was the crew, then Roger's, then Shanks, now Luffy's crew.
The thing is, this crew is slowly becoming the most infamous because they're just moving so quickly, within a single school year they've become so infamous they have a hate club amongst school security (Smoker), they've made the newspaper nearly every other week - the school newspaper is dedicated almost entirely to tracking the crew, and there is just So Much Drama
The thing is no normal student has the balls to ask any of the crew who the 'leader' is - it was clear in all the other generations, but this one everyone treats everyone like equals-ish. Some theorize it's Jimbe since he's got the most wise older brother vibes, some say it's Usopp because of the whispers they've heard in the underground, some think it's Zoro because he's the scariest.
Koby is the only one saying it's Luffy, no one believes him
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berryicet · 1 year
Oh gosh
Like. The glue trap drawings are funny as hell, but actually, glue traps are real dangerous if you have kittens that like to sneak in through walls and attics (if that's where you put the traps)
One time one of my kittens got caught in those glue traps, the poor thing couldn't move an inch, and it was so hard to get him off it because I was scared I'd rip off his skin.
Washing him thoroughly with sunflower cooking oil works amazingly for getting the glue off btw!!! Please don't try anything else, especially no weird chemicals ppl tell u to use, it might kill the kitten!! Just cooking oil and patience and it will get it off
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quirkle2 · 2 years
WAILS,,,,, IF UR SURE ,, i do indeed have so many Thoughts
small warning for minor slime rancher 2 spoilers, mainly areas of the map, but also some new slimes !
at first i thought of wars and ledge having a ranch alone (slime rancher 2 conservatory) and the others having their own little ranches close by and they visit each other often ! but then i thought abt them all just living ranch au style in one place,,, i'm leanin more toward them all living together on one ranch now honestly
whatever the case, i think legend would love the far far range. i think all of them would, but legend fuckin loves exploring every little nook and cranny, wild and hyrule too, and i think they'd all go on little adventures and scout missions, searching for anything new, mapping out new places they find. legend would think all of the areas in both games r just so so fuckign Pretty
two of legend's favorite places to hang out is the big tree in the conservatory, and the big blue and pink tree in the middle of starlight strand. both trees r big and beautiful and twisting and i think he'd Love to climb up there and draw in his maps and sketchbooks, watchin the slimes bounce around
wars' favorite place to hang out is ember valley, atop any of the large rock pillars that loom over everything else. he uses his jetpack to get up there when he needs a couple hours to himself, brings a book or two with him, and simply lies in the grass on top and reads. his quiet places r usually slime-free as well—even though he loves slimes and thinks they're adorable, even a rancher gets tired and wants to be completely alone from time to time—so he typically picks someplace that's high and out of the way, where he can't hear any slimes or can't get attacked by tarr
wars' Other favorite spot is actually directly next to slimes, but it's wars' second favorite of the little guys—puddle slimes :) once again in ember valley, in that little pond down at the south end that pours waterfalls down to the pond below. that spot is So quiet and nice, and wars actually Loves the sounds puddle slimes make, and the sounds of the waterfalls r calming to him. sometimes he reads there and even falls asleep
wars likes taking pictures. legend likes drawing. sometimes they play a silly little game where legend hands him a landscape he drew and he has to try and find that spot on the far far range and take a picture of that exact place and perspective. in exchange, wars gives him pictures he's taken and legend gets to draw more landscapes with the pics as references
wars and wind have given all their bee drones nicknames. they have also decorated them w fashion pods and wars' favorite one is barry the bastard, who wears big circular glasses and sometimes glitches out and flies directly into walls (wars pets him and coos at him and fixes his trajectory like he is an actual being w feelings and not a robot made to finish tasks. he loves him very much)
^ i like to think there is a way to manually pilot the bee drones somehow (phone app,,,) and wars likes to annoy legend while he's sitting up in the tree drawing maps n shit. buzzes around him and presses the button that makes the bee flip and make funny little noises. legend hates him (legend loves him and thinks it's funny) (wars sometimes brings him snacks w the bee drones randomly . there's text that replaces the drone's face that says "snack break <3")
legend's favorite slime is the ringtail. he thinks it's cute and loves when their faces get all mischievous. what r they up to...............
wars' favorite is the flutter slime :) he thinks they're Beautiful, especially when sunlight shines through them and brightens their colors. he loves those things (they have a few flutter slimes flying around the conservatory purely because wars likes watching them fly and imabout to cry over that)
wind's favorite is the boom slime; he thinks they're funny. four really likes the batty slimes. sky adores the mosaics. time rly likes mochi's quicksilver slimes. hyrule likes the honey ones. twi adores tabby and hunter slimes, thinks they're cute and have done nothing wrong ever in their lives. wild likes the cotton slimes, and also the fire ones cuz he thinks they're cool
AND ALSO........ wars' scars in that drawing. >:) (warning from here on out for a bit of graphic injury, being eaten alive just a little bit, and generally just,, me yanking the innocence out of this game w my teeth)
i like to think of tarr slimes as Actually Really Dangerous and instead of just calmly vaccing them against ur nozzle and launching them into the sea, they're a lot more difficult to deal with in this world. firstly, they seem to be .... Meltier than other slimes, so i think vaccing them up against ur nozzle and them Staying Together is nearly impossible. they'd simply melt to the ground or Around ur vacpack and if everything goes right for them, they could just grab ur vacpack away and Eat You.
rly the only surefire way to get rid of them is to splash them w water, of course, but if u Don't have a water source ? ur,, in trouble
in sr2, it's a Lot more difficult to find water sources, mostly because the slime sea is no longer a viable source to vac up. and at some point, wars had run out of water in his reserve tank, had witnessed a tarr outbreak right next to him and Well .
they'd grabbed at him, at his face, at his arm and side, and started eating at his flesh. the only reason he got away was because legend had been just a field over, heard the screams, and had water in his reserve. legend definitely saved his life
tarr actually eats u alive in this world. it clings to skin and dissolves muscle and bone, and of course, the more it eats, the more it multiplies. tarr had been crawling and clinging to wars' skin all over his right side and if legend hadn't had a few splashes left in his tank, it would've simply continued and eaten him whole
the effects of tarr made him very sick for a long time (to the point where the others feared they'd still lose him), and it took months to get back on his feet and recovery fully. he still has scars along the parts where he was grabbed and dissolved, black and inky, and if the light shines on them just right, u can see an array of rainbowy colors, much like the tarr look
after that, time doesn't let them leave the ranch without a full water reserve in their vacpacks.
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Reminder to traditional artists that, if you are, say, up an hour past your bedtime, and you decide that before you haul your ass off to bed, you're juuuust going to do a little something, and that little something is, for the sake of argument, cutting an empty sketchbook sort of in half to make a flipbook/analog idea generator/randomizer thing, of your very own, just remember to maybe check if said sketchbook really is empty, or if you, for some reason, decided skip the very first page and then do three experimental-yet-very-nice marker drawings, only find out that the paper doesn't handle markers very well, and then, for reasons you no longer comprehend, toss it back into the unused sketchbook drawer, and forget about it until a year later when you suddenly get the urge to act on a late-night whim.
So you don't end up slicing your old art in half.
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ask-chef-teruteru · 1 year
Why do you only have one set of eyelashes?
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“One… Set of eyelashes?
I dunno whatcha mean, hon. I got eyelashes on both o’ my eyes. Course the bottom ones ain’t as long as the top, but that’s pretty standard fare.”
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crowcryptid · 1 year
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Did you know that cats have 2 special abilities? The first one is the ability to leave hair everywhere. The second is the ability to detect the weak spot of any object and to automatically target that spot. Pretty crazy stuff
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paeinovis · 1 year
Actually I've got so many scars kdndjdn
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tatsuma-forever · 1 month
the made in abyss kpop incident is still so fucking stupid. kpop stans treated it like they had discovered an underground sex ring or some shit. ‘this dude watched an episode an decided it wasn’t for him, pedo alert!’ ‘I analyzed pictures of this guys bedroom and he had a copy of the manga. he’s the freak, not me!’ what is this buffoonery??
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secrettreestuffidk · 5 months
todays omens:
1: every seeming catastrophe will turn out to be not as bad as you fear. Just calm down, breathe, and take a second look
2: remember to temper your excitement with caution, but remember to be excited
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rae-writes · 7 months
the things we [didn't] forget about
om boys x reader
wc : 2.k
warnings : angst, hurt-comfort, depictions of lesson 16, non-detailed panic attack+ptsd
synopsis : Even things locked away and forgotten can be remembered by the body that experienced it
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It all happened so sudden. But terror can do that to a person. 
Terror is cold and dark and it curls around someone like a viper; encasing their ankles so they can’t run, slithering up their legs to squeeze at their abdomen so hard it feels like they’re going to be sick, winding around and around their chest so tight they can’t breathe, and even tighter around their neck so every cry for help is lodged inside. 
Terror doesn’t end there, either. It festers inside of them, flowing through their veins and arteries— ice cold so they begin to shiver, though their bodies are confused when they begin to sweat from the panic. 
And suddenly, that viper unravels, bringing every feeling rushing back to that person all at once- so fast it sends their mind crashing to figure out exactly what is happening and what they’re really feeling and what’s actually real and are they even safe— 
It was only a couple seconds. Only a couple seconds where the body freezes up and this domino effect of emotions lines up before tipping into a hysterical reaction.  It’s overwhelming; and that’s when the sound comes out.
Mephisto had simply thrown a tape measure over your head from behind, swiftly and casually pulling it taut around your neck to get your measurements for the choker that would be going with your festival outfit. 
Yet no matter how gentle his actions were, no matter how non-restricting the tape measure was, the feeling hurdled you right back to that night. 
The night of your death. The night Belphie killed you. 
And you let out a blood curdling scream. 
The common room around you melted into the attic, the thin measuring tape being replaced by Belphie’s tail slyly sliding around your neck from behind before tightening and crushing your windpipe. 
You knew it wasn’t real. You’d moved past that night, forgiven Belphie, made amends. The nightmares ended, the anxiety of being close to the sloth demon became none— you had overcome the incident. 
But as you tripped backwards over your own two feet, screaming and crying and scrambling even further back, you think that maybe you hadn’t forgotten. Maybe you’d just buried it deep, deep down, not wanting to ever think of it again; the memory was still there, however. Still in full color with full intensity. 
For a moment, the others might’ve been confused. Scared, worried, startled. But when your hands shot up to check over your throat, fingers poking and prodding at the skin to make sure everything was still as it should be, they knew.
Lucifer, for the first time, doesn’t think about his actions as he moves, covering your body with his own as his wings shield you from your surroundings. His feet moved on their own, body driven by the sole instinct- the need- to just protect you. Even if there was nothing to physically protect you from, even if he couldn’t reach into your mind and just erase the bad memories, he shields you with his body because he wants you to know he’s there. He’s there and he’s not going to let anything past him until you’re ready because you are all that’s on his mind right now, all that’s at the forefront of his heart right now, and so he’ll stay right there on the floor with you pressed against him like glue for as long as you want; even when your cries stop and you relax in his hold, he won’t move until you’re ready to get up. His fingers brush away hair from your face, cradling your cheeks as he keeps you hidden away in his wings, feathers brushing over your skin softly every time exhales. He’s not going anywhere, this, he can promise.
Mammon was by your side in an instant, arms winding around you comfortingly to pull you into his lap, cradling you so gently and so softly. He forces his scent to envelop you, for his voice to be the only one you hear, for his warmth to seep into your skin until you’re able to look up at him with swollen eyes. He’s drying all your tears, cooing sweet nothings because dammit, he couldn’t protect you when it actually happened, so he’s sure as hell going to protect you now. His fingers caress your neck, soothing over the red lines you caused, tapping almost playfully over your pulse point; his voice comes out unusually soft and sweet as he pours out his heart in hopes that it’ll drown out the darkness you’re facing. He loves you so fucking much, you know? He’d do anything for you. Anything and everything, and he’s never going to leave your side, and he’s always going to try and protect you. He swears. 
Levi has the immediate instinct to run and hide, but as he listens to your cries and watches you frantically make sure your neck isn't broken, the instinct changes to wanting to run and hide with you wrapped safely in his arms. His tail curls around you, replacing the discomfort of terror, and instead making you feel protected— he might not be confident in himself, especially when he couldn’t do anything to help you last time, but he’s confident in his love for you and that makes his eyes flare in determination. Swiftly, he’ll lift you with his tail and pull you into his arms and just take you away to the safety of his bathtub-bed; here, he can protect you. Here, you can feel safe with just him and the porcelain tub wall pressed against you. Here, he can hide you away and not let anyone come through that door until you’re ready. Here- right now- he can protect you, and until you’re ready, he won’t move an inch. 
Satan is startled, as he’s used to you being the calm one while he has outbursts— he has no idea what to do at first when you begin crying, and that makes him so angry because he should know how to comfort you. But how does someone comfort a person who’s having flashbacks from when they died? With careful steps and raised hands, like he’s trying not to spook a cat, he approaches you and whispers your name as a question, scrambling to wrap you in his arms once you reach out for him. He still doesn’t know what to do, doesn’t know what to say- what to even think- so almost absentmindedly, he’ll begin reading you his favorite book aloud from just memory alone. He doesn’t know how many chapters in he gets, but he does know that once you begin to relax in his arms, he’s relaxing himself because this, now, is familiar territory but even when it’s not, he’s never going to leave you alone. Ever. 
Asmo immediately begins fretting over your poor swollen eyes and blotchy red cheeks, trying to hide away his panic so he can focus on you instead. He gently dabs at your face with his silk handkerchief, citing off as many positive uses for it before he’s at a loss when the small squared fabric is completely soaked and you’re still crying. He’ll get unusually quiet after that, clamoring his way into your lap so he can wrap as much of his body around you as he can; this is his way of protecting you. Of letting you know that no one is going to hurt you again if he’s here- they’ll have to go right through him first…you shouldn’t cry, you know? But if it’ll make you feel better when you’re done, just let it out, and he’ll be happy to pamper you afterwards! He might not know exactly what to do right now, but he’ll be here anyway. Just for you, always for you. 
Beel is frozen, unable to move as he just stares at the sight of you breaking down with wide eyes; he was there. He remembers vividly what happened, but he also knew that everyone had moved past it in some way— but seeing you like this after so long? …Slowly, maybe as to not startle you- or maybe because he’s scared himself- he lowers himself to the floor beside you and ushers you in his lap. He might not know what to say or do, but he knows how to silently comfort, and that’s exactly what he does as he absentmindedly rocks you back and forth, quietly offering you bites of his snack as you start calming down. He might not be as vocal as some of his other brothers, but his love speaks volumes through the silence, and he just loves you so much. He rests his head on top of yours and promises he’ll always be there for you. . .and, quietly so no one else can hear, he apologizes for not being there that night. Apologizes for not being quick enough, for not knowing something was wrong, for letting his twin spiral so much out of control that he snapped…he’s so sorry. But he’ll be there for the rest of time— because he loves you. 
Belphie is backing away himself, completely mortified by your reaction; he did this to you and he already made it a point of making sure you knew he’d never forgive himself, but seeing you be dragged back forcefully into that experience felt like his heart was getting ripped out of his chest. His vision was getting blurry, chest heaving with stuttering breaths as he spiraled and not even Beel could pull him out of it— the only thing that saved him from breaking down was you. You crying out for him, you reaching out for him as your sobs quieted down into soft whimpers of his name. You wanted him to comfort you, even if he was the reason you were having such a bad flashback in the first place. And so he cries loudly, dropping to his knees and shakily crawling over to you, wrapping you in his arms as he utters apology after apology. He loves you so much and he’s sorry, he’s sorry- so sorry- so, so sorry. He loves you, he loves you, he loves you. 
Diavolo is a bit frazzled at first, molten hues wide in surprise before the feeling of guilt creeps over him. He’d been the one who ordered you to go back in time- he’d been so curious as to how the door opened that he hadn’t thought about the possibility of Belphegor hurting you…he also takes a slow approach, making sure you see him in your line of sight before he lowers himself to the ground. He doesn’t touch you, instead waiting for you to come to him first, but for some reason the first words that manage to come out of his mouth are ‘I’m sorry’. It almost brings tears to his own eyes when you scramble to him and try to bury yourself in his embrace, sobbing harshly against his chest; he doesn’t let you go. And he won’t, not until he knows you’re in a better state of mind. He failed you that day…but he won’t make the same mistake twice.
Barbatos was even more frazzled than Diavolo, even more guilty— because he was the one who sent you back. This is one of the rare times everyone sees him lose his composure because, truly, he doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know what to do and that scares him because you’re on the ground crying and he doesn’t know how to help you. For the first time in a really long time, he resorts to relying on his instincts rather than his head; he pulls you up in his arms, moving to settle down in a chair with you on his lap rather than being on the floor, and his fingers begin making soothing circles along the skin of your neck. He smoothes over where you accidentally scratched yourself, quietly reassuring you that he’ll be by your side and help you through it all— this, anything, and everything.
Simeon isn’t quite sure why you’re in such distress, but when he sees the look Lucifer has, he knows there’s a serious reason behind it. He forces his way past everyone without bothering to keep his polite smile on his face— his eyebrows are furrowed, his lips are tugged into a distressed frown, and there’s a slight shake to his hand as he softly caresses your cheek. He sends a wave of tranquility washing over you and pulls you into his arms when you slump in a sudden spell of exhaustion from his magic. There’s a searing surge of possessiveness that causes him to hold you tight and give the glare to anyone who tries to come closer; he knows it must be something to do with one of the demons because of how they’re looking at each other, so he’ll whisper assurances and promises to you as he sways you back and forth. He’s your guardian angel, remember? He’ll give everything he has to keep you safe, he promises. 
[platonic] Luke jumps when he hears you scream, eyes going wide and teary when he watches you start crying— he doesn’t know what happened and what is happening, all he knows is that you’re upset and that’s enough for him to practically fly across the room. He’s at your side in seconds, small frame latching onto you as he attempts to to fire off a million questions, but he’s starting to cry with you, so a lot of his words are jumbled. He’s so frustrated because all the demons- and even Solomon- are sharing a knowing expression, but he just doesn’t know why. It makes him cry harder but he ignores the fact that he’s doing it in front of everyone else and wobbly exclaims that he’s going to protect you! No matter what, no matter what it’s against— he’s your guardian angel! So he’s gonna be by your side against anything!
Solomon can’t help the grim expression that crosses his face, eyes stormy as he stands back and watches everyone fret over you. A strong possessive urge to protect you flares up suddenly and he also can’t help his snappy tone as he demands everyone get out of his way. He’s bringing you to your feet with magic, wrapping his arms gingerly around your waist as he turns your back to all the others in the room, making you see just him. He doesn’t try to hide the worry plastered over his face as he examines you, verifying there’s nothing physically wrong with you before focusing on reassuring you. He’s firm in the way he promises he’ll make sure nothing bad will happen to you again, swearing that he’ll protect you with every ounce of his being. He was livid when he found out what happened- and he’s livid even now knowing that you still have mental scars from it- but the only thing he can do is be there for you. And he’s going to. No one can stop him. 
Mephisto is horrified, thinking he hurt you somehow even though he’s certain he didn’t accidentally scratch you or pull the tape measure too tight. The knowing glance- and reassuring ‘you didn’t do this’ shake of the head from his lord- made him feel no less panicked, though he at least knew you weren't hurt— physically. With a quiet, almost hesitant voice, he’ll call out for you and get on his knees to softly apologize.  He’s completely out of his element when you crawl into his lap and bury your face in his neck, and yet he pulls you impossibly closer; whatever you want, whatever you need, he’ll be at your beck and call. His time, his attention, his money, his affection- it’s always been all yours and he’ll do anything to make you happy, you know that?
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