#slowly getting out of artblock lmao
chalkkskull · 1 year
Limbus school doodle dump
All the doodles I've done so far of limbus (and somewhat finished)
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Barely knew anything about limbus company at this point. Donqui and Dante were my favs (that was before gregor rot my brain, good times lol)
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Hell's chickennnnnnnnnnn the small ones look so scuffed lmao but i luvem also gregoorrr and vergggg
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These four are probably among my favorites (especially rodya and lapis <33) alsoalso aya needs to be given more love she's adorable
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Finally two of the new egos. furry moment. I might finish the chibis digitally, especially outis's because it came out really well.
That's all!! I'm slowly getting out of a huge artblock with limbus. It feels good to like my art again *thumbs up* Thanks for looking at me art lovelove
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phobia-sweets · 2 years
Request: "OKAY I JUST SAW YOu put arkhamverse jervis on your requests and omg- i'm sorry it's only been a few minutes since you did and now here's a req for him-
♡ 22 “Can I take a picture of you?” with arkhamverse jervis please? maybe reader likes taking pictures of people they find interesting, so they can draw them later on? have a great day/night!"
I was very,,, indecisive with this. I had a lot of ideas, and settling with something was hard and it turned into a mess lmao. I'm not very proud of this, but hey, i did my best and i had fun writing this!
Arkhamverse! Mad hatter x reader
Warnings / Notes: I CANNOT RHYME FOR THE LIFE OF ME, i didnt know how to end this properly so i hope this is good enough, this is my first time writing arkhamverse jervis so i hope its not ooc, not proofread
When artblock hits, what’s the best way to get rid of it? Well, there’s a lot of ways, but you decided traveling was the way to go. Not far, mind you, just the next city over - Gotham. Sure, Gotham might be dangerous and corrupt, but it was full of interesting people. You weren’t too familiar with the villains and their shticks, but you knew to be careful, just in case something did happen. What did your friend tell you to do? Ah, yes. “Don’t draw too much attention to yourself” and “Don’t make friends with strangers.”
And so, Here you were in the middle of amusement mile, alone, people watching in hopes of inspiration. So far, it had not been successful. Sure, some people had great outfits, the amusement park would've made for a great landscape but... it just didn't feel right. You needed something… more. Something that piqued your interest. Something unique.
That's when you spotted... is that a top hat? It was a man! Wearing something thay could've been described as something straight out of a story. Maybe not a fairytale - the colours were too dark for that, but a story nonetheless. Your eyes were practically glued to him as he walked past the colourful booths full of cotton candy and popcorn. Before you knew it, you were up from the bench with your bag, slowly walking towards him as he was stood outside a small confectionery.
Then you stopped. “What am I doing?”, you thought, gaze still glued to the man. If your friend saw you right now, they’d probably be dragging you out for even thinking of conversing with the man. But then again, They’re not here, are they? What is stopping you? Nothing. Except, well, the fact that when you saw his face, you swore you’d seen him somewhere. Maybe he was a vill-
You brushed off that thought, Because, well, what’s the chance of you running into a villain right now? Zero. Nada. You breathed in the cold autumn air, and walked towards the man. You lightly tapped his shoulder, making him turn around to face you. "Hey, can i take a picture of you?” You managed to ask, hand tightly gripping your phone. Before he managed to answer, you started explaining yourself. “I’m an artist and I… like drawing people that I find interesting. And you- well- you stood out, and wanted to draw you…” your hesitance quickly faded away as his hands clasped together and he practically beamed at you.
“Oh dear, How frabjous! It truly would be an honour to be your muse, Rabbit.” He slightly bowed, and you finally noticed the ‘10/6’ slip on his hat. Clever. The mad hatter.
The mad hatter.
You swore you’ve heard that name going around a few times the past few hours, and.. this is the guy they’ve been talking about? He didn’t seem all that dangerous. If anything, he seemed sweet.
“Ah, thank you, I suppose-- Let’s go somewhere with better lighting, yes? It’ll be easier to see the details of your clothes that way.” You suggested, walking towards the merry-go-round, which happened to be the place with the most… decent lighting in the place. You took your pictures, and he was very talkative. You noticed he spoke in rhymes a lot, which was sort of… precious, in a way. Your photo session was interrupted by your phone ringing loudly due to your friend calling. You excused yourself quickly with a “Sorry, I gotta take this. Thank you for helping me!” And walking away. Honestly, your friend would’ve probably punched you for the stuff you pulled, but hey, you got your inspiration. You stopped by the ferris wheel, talking with them. They were just worried about you – You were in Gotham, alone, after all. You somehow managed to convince them that, no, you had not been kidnapped into a riddle-filled death trap or had your back broken, momentarily easing their worries. Once done, you put your phone back in your pocket, Turning around and meeting the hatter’s gaze, making you jump.
“Oh my god, you scared me.” You sighed, holding your hand to your chest. This made his expression turn into one of worry, as he apologised,
“Apologies, apologies, dear rabbit! I just wish to know, Would you care to join me for tea?”
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dreadfully-cryptic · 4 years
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Someday I swear I’ll know how to draw him
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toastshark · 2 years
Artiblock used Block!
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…yeppp. It has finally hit once again. Please take this drawing as compensation.
Gimme a few turns until it wears off, but until then I‘m probably just gonna draw doodles for now. (The already requested drawings aren’t cancelled btw, just delayed until I fully get into it again. Or you’re fine with messy doodles, in that case I can probably still do them now)
But hey, drawing this was pretty fun, so it’s already getting better!
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davidjrpalos · 3 years
hi, i just found your art and i love it! may i ask a stupid question? did you go to art school or did you teach yourself?? if self taught, do you have any advice? im a self taught artist and i want to get better lmao. i just love how beautiful your work is, very inspiring!
Thank you!! and it’s not stupid! I didn’t go to art school or anything (I did take the elective art classes late in middle school and in early hs too but I’d been drawing since before then and I took those as a requirement to be able to take painting, which I never ended up doing though) so I’d consider myself self taught.
Ok this ended up being long so hopefully it’s not super overwhelming but I hope it helps!
so what has helped me a lot has been thinking about my subject in a 3D sense, I usually try to understand why whatever I’m drawing is structured the way it is. So usually w my portraits I’ll think about the skull underneath or I’ll think about parts you can’t see (like an ear or a nostril if they’re turned slightly etc) on the reference image and it helps me make sense of what I’m seeing.
also drawing parts in relation to another helps a Lot, so I’d line up like the edge of an eye to the corner of the mouth and draw a bunch of lines connecting parts like that to make sure everything is properly distanced and that helps a lot with keeping proper proportions! (you can still do this with non portraits though, looking at negative space is a game changer)
starting sketches w vague shapes and then slowly going more into detail also helps and it’s less daunting than thinking your first few marks need to already be accurate and defined.
for the mental part of it I think understanding every time you draw it doesn’t have to be a Piece will help put the pressure off and it allows u to not be worried about mistakes. (It also makes room for experimentation) Also I used to be very caught up in being upset how my art style isn’t as good as other people’s but realizing no one’s art will ever look like anyone else’s (even if they’re copying) helped me value my work and see it as it’s own entity that doesn’t need to be critically compared to anyone else’s, that’s also just not how it works anyway. that also allowed me to grow quicker when I was able to push mental barriers like that away and work on what I enjoy about making art.
Also artblock is a thing that happens to everyone, I either accept I’m gonna make stuff I don’t like for a while or if I straight up have no inspiration then I need to distract myself in the meantime. Getting into a new or revisiting an old medium does help let you think differently about your art and could help you get out of artblock too though. also drawing a lot of whatever you like does so much for improvement bc then it’s just lots of practice so don’t feel weird ab being obsessed w something or like going through a phase bc it all helps you improve anyway plus you’re spending time on stuff you enjoy too.
Ok ik this ended up being a lot lol but these are some things i feel like have been very important to me as an artist, a lot of these are things I actively use or have to remind myself of still. I also didn’t wanna just be vague like ‘keep going, practice a lot! Don’t compare urself!’ etc. so I hope this was useful & feel free to ask more if you have any questions later too!
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