#slowpoke goes to the movies (eventually)
So. Quantumania.
I knew not to put much stock into the opinions of a fandom and press that have never liked or cared about these movies to begin with.
In short, I was delighted. In long? Below the cut.
- I thought the Quantum Realm and it’s denizens looked really cool. I saw someone describe the movie as the best Star Wars movie in years and I can definitely see the comparison on a visual level.
- Veb was a delight. Though I did not need to think about Scotty’s holes, since my brain immediately went to one place, because of course it did. Thanks, Internet.
- Paul Fucking Rudd. He has the range, darling. Seriously. One minute he’s making me cry by talking so softly and sweetly to comfort Cassie and the next he’s scaring the shit outta me with his Mama Bear Godzilla routine.
- “Fight with Captain America at the airport. I wouldn’t fight Captain America. I’m not insane.” And speaking of which...
- “You should’ve looked the other way.” “Yeah, well, never been great at that.” <333
- HAAAAAAAANK! I’m so happy I was wrong about him kicking the bucket. I love watching that old coot on his crazy ass road trip with his ant friends. It’s too bad he wasn’t as much of a dry asshole this time around, but his continued awe over the Quantum Realm and ants was a joy. I know I probably shouldn’t get attached to a Hank, but... argh, I can’t help it.
- “Cover me.” “Always.” Again, I know I shouldn’t, and yet...
- I loved Cassie. That attitude, man. She reminded me so much of my younger cousin. And she shrunk a cop car, how can you not love that?
- Still needs more Janet, but it was very satisfying to watch her be brilliant and kick asses.
- Also needs more Hope. Marvel continues to not let her reach her potential and that is very frustrating. The closest we’ve gotten so far is What If... Zombies?! Eh. If they could eventually do right by Jane maybe things will improve here. Fingers crossed.
- I’m glad we got confirmation that Maggie wasn’t fridged. I was ready to rampage if they had. I do wish we’d actually gotten to see her and Jim and the Wombats, though. Oh, well.
- I have mixed feelings on MODOK. Yeah, he looked goofy, but that Krang-meets-the-Face-of-Boe looking dude was likely always gonna look goofy in live action. My issue is more that it was Darren. He was the first (and, up until Gorr, the only) MCU villain to legitimately unnerve me, so I’m not sure what to make of... *gestures vaguely* this. The scenes did make me laugh and all, but it’s such a weird gear change, considering.
- And hey, Jimmy! I guess that explains why my one post about him and Scott gained so much traction again after this came out. lol.
I might think of more as it all sinks in, but these are just some initial impressions.
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awkwardtickleetoo · 1 year
Wake up brain strikes again, I'm thinking this playfulness would be Ler!Sapnap and lee!George. "If you can catch me, I'll tickle you" reverse chase! The lee chases the ler around and if the ler is caught then the lee gets any kind of tickles they want
okay, FIRST of all, I just wanna say that this has been sitting in my inbox since probably the last week of november/first week of december,,,,,, and for that, i am sorry, I really wish it didn't take this long to answer, BUT. better late than never, or whatever wise people say
second of all, I went... a liiiiiitle bit overboard with this one, but I feel like the length makes uo for the wait, possibly? that's for you to decide
im thinking is something along the lines of this:
george is in a pretty severe lee mood, but he flat out Refuses to admit it, so he finds sap in the movie room and starts provoking and bothering him to try and get him to retaliate and wreck him
sap catches on pretty quickly (it doesn't take long for him to figure out, he knows george's tells like the back of his own hand, plus hes not exactly subtle) and goes "okay. I know what you want, so I'm gonna make you a deal. I'm gonna run around the house, and if you can catch me, I'll tickle you in ANY way you want. deal?" pretty much exactly like you said!!
and obviously, george denies AGGRESSIVELY at first, and his cheeks turn pink at the PROSPECT of being lee and wanting tickles, because how DARE sapnap accuse him of something like that!! he is NOT lee, he does NOT want tickles, sapnap can shut his MOUTH, thank you very much—
.....but eventually, after sap is just Staring at him in silence waiting for him to crack, he giggles a little and goes "wh- uh... you- you said any kind I want?" and sap just goes "mhm :) anything you want. does that mean you're in?" and george just nods, very slowly, and sapnap goes "awesome! seeya, slowpoke!" and skitters his nails over George's tummy before SPRINTING out of the room and leaving George to squirm and sputter out a protest and scramble to run after him as he darts out of the movie room they were sitting in
and honestly I feel like George would like... kinda get lost in the game a tiny bit? not fully, he is still Extremely hooked on the idea of getting his tickles, but it would kinda slip his mind what exactly would happen when he catches sap, simply because he gets so lost in the act of actually chasing and catching him
so, when he manages to skip the top step of the staircase and grab sapnap's arm, successfully pushing him against the doorframe of george's own bedroom, he just giggles his heart out because he won!! he caught sap!! he did it!!!
until sapnap goes "okay!! you caught me, georgie, good job!!! how do you want your tickles?" and hes just like "oh 😳 right 😳 that's what's happening....."
and he would just keep giggling in that little flustered and squeaky way he always does as he squirms where he's standing, and he's like "I, uh... I didn't really– I haven't really thought about it yet..." and sap reaches forward and puts his hands on George's waist and goes "That's okay :) I can wait :) i have time"
and george's brain nearly short circuits, and he realizes he has to actually come up with something and then actually ASK for it out loud before sap does it, because sap can't read his mind!! but eventually he's able to get out "can you– do you think– can you maybe, like..." as he tries to ask for what he wants but gets caught up in his own brain
but, to take a break from the teasing and be a lil sweetheart for a bit, i feel like sap would hug him as he stutters through his words to encourage him as well :( he pulls George in by his waist, wraps his arms around him, presses his cheek to George's collarbone, holds him close and goes "anything you want, anything my gogy asks for, okay? whatever comes to mind"
and after some more whines and stutters and broken giggles and other noises, george works up the courage he needs to say “so, y-you know that... that claw thing you do to my– uh… like, my ribs? yeah i… i-id like that" and then he follows it up with "and- and maybe also, if you want, just like... some raspberries maybe? a few, or something like that"
and sapnap would pull back from the hug, smirk at george, and suddenly drop down to his knees and push george's shirt up to blow the BIGGEST raspberry on his tummy, and george is so caught off guard that he squeals and nearly crumbles right then and there
so sap does a few more until one well-placed raspberry right above his hipbone makes him go a little limp, and then suddenly sapnap lifts him up over his shoulder and brings him over to the bed, plops him on it, and straddles him to suddenly do little jellyfish and claws scratchies on his ribs :)
and george is just so giddy and giggly and happy and squirmy and wiggly the whole time!!! because!!! this is exactly what he asked for!!! sapnap KNOWS exactly what he likes!!! it's playful its fun it tickles its GOOD!!
and his little tickly hands are shaking around, going a mile a minute, and his smile is so big and he's already breathless from the running and the raspberries and the laughter and being thrown around so much and!!!!! he's just. so HAPPY!!! and sapnap thinks he's so god damn cute too, and he just can't stop tickling, and he knows george doesn't want it to stop either, so they're both just giggling together while george squirms underneath sap and glances up at him with the biggest, sweetest, tear-filled heart eyes sapnap has ever seen in his life when he's not squeezing them shut or shaking his head through his laughter :((( he's just the cutest little angel isn't he :(
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eyebeastposts · 4 years
Fan Fiction Road: Altar of EyeBeast Results
The votes have been cast and the winners have been decided. Let’s go over how things panned out and answer some of the questions given to me through the survey. To start, I’ll go over each scenario, the character picks for each, and some general thoughts about each one. I’ll be covering each scenario in the order of popularity.
Scenario C) Royal Reversal-49 votes
1.      Midna (Zelda)-17
2.      Wonder Woman (DC)-14
3.      Lucina (Fire Emblem)-11
4.      Jasmine (Disney)-10
5.      Satsuki (Kill La Kill) and Risky Boots (Shantae)-9
6.      Sonia (Danganronpa)-8
7.      Karin (Street Fighter) and Catarina (My Life as a Villainess)-6
8.      Emelia (Re:Zero)-3
-I’m honestly surprised this one got the top spot considering the subject matter. If I were to return to this scenario, I’d probably reverse the genders and ask for only male subjects to go through the transformation. As for the winner, Midna, you’ll find the results to which version was picked down below.
Scenario A) Couple’s Feast-48 votes
1.      Link + Zelda (Breath of the Wild)-28
2.      Male Reader + Doki Doki Literature Club Girl-13
3.      Joker + Persona 5 Girl-11
4.      Chris + Jill (Resident Evil) and Male Reader + Huniepop Girl-10
5.      Shuichi + Kaede (Danganronpa)-6
6.      Kimihito + Monster Musume Girl-5
7.      Inuyasha + Kagome (Inuyahsa)-4
8.      Ryu + Chun-li (Street Fighter) and Joey + Mai (Yu-Gi-Oh)-3
-Coming up close for second is the mutual weight gain couples. The winning pair is Link and Zelda, coincidentally the one couple I’ve seen the most fat art of together. I’m already considering doing this scenario again, this time focusing on Reader + Popular Vote Girl selections.
Scenario D) Pig Deity-43 votes
1.      Rosalina IMario)-23
2.      Palutena (Kid Icarus)-16
3.      Aqua (Konosuba)-15
4.      Venus (Huniepop)-11
5.      Sophitia (Soulcalibur)-9
6.      Panty (Panty and Stocking) and Holo (Spice and Wolf)-6
7.      Tiki (Fire Emblem)-4
8.      Hestia (Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)-3
9.      Crim (Interspecies Reviewers)-0
-In third place, we have the scenario that’s admittedly the safest of the 5. Rosalina came out on top, strange considering the various choices we had. To be honest, it will probably be a one and done with this scenario. I’ve done plenty of pig stories before and this scenario was the one with the least suggestions. Still, I’ll do my beset to turn the goddess of the cosmos into the goddess of the pig pen.
Scenario B) Princess Makeover-41 votes
1.      Ryuko (Kill La Kill)-20
2.      Korra (Avatar)-18
3.      Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)-15
4.      Chie (Persona 4)-11
5.      Ganondorf (Zelda)-8
6.      Asuka (Evangelion)-7
7.      Kazuma (Konosuba)-6
8.      R. Mika (Street Fighter)-4
9.      Sakura (Street Fighter) and Lady (DMC)-2
-For fourth place, we have the first scenario that doesn’t have any form of weight gain included. I’m kind of glad Ryuko won over Korra, considering Korra already had her time to shine in a previous Fan Fiction Road. I’m also surprised at how high the male options got in comparison, making me consider an all male selection if I do this scenario again.
Scenario E) Pokemon Fusion-29 votes
1.      Whitney/Miltank-29
2.      Roxie/Koffing-15
3.      Sabrina/Slowpoke and Lusamine/Buzzwole-12
4.      May/Slaking and Bea/Hariyama-8
5.      Hilda/Scolipede-4
6.      Cynthia/Garchomp-3
7.      Serena/Mega Charizard X-2
8.      Kiawe/Salazzle-0
-Finally we have Pokemon Fusion, with the somewhat predictable winner of Whitney and her Miltank. Considering how vague this one was in terms of what the final story would contain, I can see why so few people voted for it. That being said, I would consider doing a Fan Fiction Road just with this scenario alone since there are so many combinations to choose from.
Character Popularity Polls:
Persona 5 Girls
1.      Makoto-24
2.      Futaba-13
3.      Ann, Haru, and Kawakami-11
4.      Takemi-8
Monster Musume Girls
1.      Centorea-26
2.      Miia-19
3.      Suu-9
4.      Papi and Rachnera-8
5.      Mero-6
Doki Doki Literature Club Girls
1.      Yuri-31
2.      Monika-23
3.      Natsuki-20
4.      Sayori-8
Huniepop Girls
1.      Nikki-11
2.      Beli-9
3.      Lola-8
4.      Venus-7
5.      Tiffany, Aiko, and Momo-6
6.      Jessie-5
7.      Celeste and Audrey-3
8.      Kyu-2
9.      Kyanna-1
Character Version Polls:
Lara Croft
1. Classic-55
2. Reboot-31
1. True Form-59
2. Imp Form-31
-I see that shortstacks are a bit more niche for my audience than I thought.
Miscellaneous Polls:
Fan Fiction Road Version Select
1. New-66
2. Old-16
-While I wont’ say that I’ll never go back to the old method, I can promise that I will go back to these varied scenarios again. Perhaps I’ll do smaller selections occasionally to replace a prompt request session or two.
B-Movie Selection:
1. Tremors-41
2. Deep Blue Sea-20
3. Dollman vs Demonic Toys-12
4. From Hell it Came-6
Franchise Select:
1. Mass Effect-36
2. Final Fantasy 7 (Classic)-22
3. Nier Automata-18
4. Xenoblade Chronicles-13
-As much as I despise EA, I have been meaning to give the Mass Effect games a try. I’ll snatch up the first game when it goes on sale and see how it goes. Don’t worry about the other options, I’m going to try to get to each of them eventually.
Questions and Answers:
Q: “ I don’t know if this is required to be filled out, but I’ll fill it out anyway. I like reading your stories when you do release new ones. I thought I’d ask why you don’t put the full content warning at the start of the story, and instead in the description, never understood that. “
A: It’s mostly an aesthetic thing for me. I just think it looks a little gaudy to shove so much information at the start of the story. That being said, this is a Deviantart only issue and who knows how things might change if Eclipse keeps screwing things up.
Q: “Here’s a question, will you try using Mulan based stories or Inuyasha based ones in the future? Just curious. “
A: For Mulan, probably not, really not my style. Inuyasha on the other hand depends on how much people want to see stories based on the characters.
Q: “ 2020 may be a huge bitch but that ain't nothing masturbation and weed can't solve! “
A: True, just make sure to do it in moderation before you’re found stoned out of your mind in the middle of the street with no pants on.
As for the various people that gave me words of encouragement to get through the rest of the year, I can’t express how thankful I am for your support. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some writing to do.
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britesparc · 5 years
Weekend Top Ten #402
Top Ten Pokémon
Yesterday (as you’re reading this) saw the release of Pokémon Sword and Shield, the latest in the long-running game franchise, and the first developed specifically for the Nintendo Switch. This is a big deal, as new Pokémon generations are always a big deal, and one could argue these are the first ones developed primarily for a home console (if you consider the Switch a home console, which I guess is debatable). The release is also controversial, as some long-term fans complain of the gameworld being a bit emptier and less consequential than usual, and because not every one of the approximately nineteen million Pokémon have made it into this version’s Pokédex (prompting the frankly horrific hashtag “Dexit”).
I’ve not played the game yet. In fact, I’ve barely played any Pokémon. My brother had FireRed or LeafGreen on the GBA, back in the day, and I played a bit of that, but didn’t get very far. I’ve got Pokémon Go, which I rather enjoy, but likewise don’t really sink the time into it that it requires.
But I’ve seen a lot of the Pokémon anime. I reckon I must have made at least a dozen different Pokémon promos and videos; probably double that. Coupled with the fact that Brother Villmot watched the original series in the 1800s, and Daughter #1 rather likes Sun & Moon (even reading the manga!), and one can conclude that there’s been a lot of ancillary Poké-stuff in my life.
Also, Detective Pikachu – the movie – is great, despite having a rather woolly ending. Seriously, check it out; it’s one of a number of brilliant non-Disney kids’ films this year.
Anyway, to celebrate the release of Sword and Shield, I thought I’d list my favourite Pokémon. This list is based not on how useful they are, or on any meaningful relationships I’ve developed with them in the games; mostly it’s based on their characteristics in the anime, or their designs, or their silly names, or because they’ve pissed off Uri Geller.
So, have at it, Poké-Fans!
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Psyduck: he’s a duck with a headache so powerful it could lay waste to surrounding villages. He’s basically any parent of a toddler, and he’s brilliant.
Snorlax: overweight hairball that can sleep anywhere. Again, very reminiscent of a parent of small children. And Garfield.
Ditto: blob of pink phlegm that can morph, Robert Patrick-style, into anyone. In Detective Pikachu its mimicry gives characters terrifying button eyes, like some kind of Coraline-inspired nightmare. Properly Carpenter-esque creepery.
Slowpoke: he’s like a big pink sloth, and he has a great theme tune. Again: parent-inspired. Apart form the theme tune, maybe.
Mimikyu: a horrifying ball of spectral gas that just wants to be loved, so it fashioned a burlap sack into a costume of the most-loved Pokémon. There’s nothing about that sentence that isn’t simultaneously hilarious and heartbreaking.
Mr. Mime: basically Christian Bale’s Patrick Bateman face in Pokémon form. The single scariest character to grace a Nintendo game, and I include the time they somehow released Manhunt on the Wii.
Charmander: clearly – unarguably – the best one out of the original starting trio. He’s a teeny tiny adorable baby dragon, who eventually evolves into a massive kick-ass daddy dragon. There: game content. Have it.
Riachu: I’ve not included Pikachu because, despite being a cute little electro-mouse, he doesn’t float my boat; most of my affection for him is due to my daughters’ love of him, and also my deep, deep love of Ryan Reynolds. Instead, behold: older, grumpier, gruffer Pikachu. The Dad Bod Pokémon. He’s basically the same but closer to death. Listens to Planet Rock in the car.
Meowth: I quite like the design of Meowth in general, but really this vote goes to the Team Rocket character, all Noo Yoik vowels and grumpy sadness. Pokémon’s Joe Pesci. He’s top. Also, as an aside: why can’t we just have an entire spin-off series devoted to Team Rocket? They should become the Pokémon world’s version of The Riddler, back when he went sort-of-straight and became a borderline-corrupt private detective who just wanted to make a ton of cash. Jessie, James, and Meowth are the best thing about the anime, by far.
Kadabra: I’ve no idea what he does, but he made Uri Geller sad, and for that he’s sheer Pokémon GOAT material.
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primatechnosynthpop · 5 years
alright gamers here’s some #thoughts on a heroes/pokemon crossover (under a readmore because it’s a very long list. Like, you would not believe how much nonsense I have to say on this topic)
The voiceovers at the beginnings and endings of many episodes are about Pokémon evolution, how it differs from regular evolution, and so on
That being said, Mohinder is a Pokémon professor who specializes in studying evolution
Peter works in a Pokémon centre
Nathan is a member of the Unova Elite Four
Hiro and Ando work at Silph Co.
Instead of having a teddy bear collection, Claire has a Stufful she got from her father. It’s her favourite Pokémon
Whenever somebody uses their powers, it’s basically like a Pokémon move (“Peter used Mirror Move”, “Claire used Recover”, “Matt used Mind Reader”, etc.); they can run out of Power Points
“When destiny calls… you answer your Pokégear!”
The Company is actually a branch of Team Plasma (Plasma rather than any other evil team because Unova= America) and since “specials” can use Pokémon moves, the Company sees them as closer to Pokémon than humans and therefore want to “liberate” them from society
Arthur Petrelli’s power does extend to actual Pokémon moves as well; he used to have a job as a move deleter
The formula from volume three is basically a TM
When Peter jumps off the roof in season one, Nathan claims it was his Pidgoet that rescued him, not Nathan himself. However, Peter knows better because Nathan’s Pidgeot is currently at the Pokémon daycare
Actually, the way a lot of “specials” keep their powers a secret is by attributing their abilities to their Pokémon. For instance, Matt claims his Growlithe sniffed out Molly Walker when in fact he used Mind Reader
A surefire way to tell whether it’s Niki or Jessica: Niki has a Clefable; Jessica has a Gengar
The climax of season four takes place in Nimbasa City (since there’s a ferris wheel there)
Instead of fixing watches, Sylar used to work at a Pokéball factory
Rather than Mirror Move like Peter, Monica Dawson’s ability is more like Assist; she can only use moves that belong to the Pokémon on her team
Speaking of which, Peter can borrow moves from actual Pokémon as well. Sylar can’t, but on the upside, he isn’t limited by having only four move slots
*Paints Castelia City exploding* Isaac used Future Sight! Isaac foresaw an attack!
Since it doesn’t make as much sense for Daphne to call Hiro “Pikachu” if they’re in the Pokémon world, she instead calls him a twerp, a la Team Rocket from the anime
Matt’s turtle is a Tirtouga that he resurrected from a fossil which he found while wandering around in the desert
Mr. Muggles is a Lillipup; Sandra Bennet used to enter him in Pokémon contests 
The Company uses a special kind of Pokéball called a Company Ball that’s not actually any different from a regular Pokéball but is black with a gold “Godsend” kanji on the front. In season one, Hiro thought he had to catch a Pokémon using a Company Ball in order to access his powers
Claire goes to the trainers’ school in Striaton City
Instead of the cello, Emma plays the Pokéflute
Tracy started out running an Ice-type gym but after season three she changed it to a Water-type gym
When the Company locks away a special, they confiscate their Pokémon as well and have them stored indefinitely in PC boxes. After the breakout in volume three, a couple main characters end up with Pokémon formerly belonging to these individuals—Peter ends up putting Jesse’s Loudred on his team, although it’s rather uncooperative and he eventually releases it
In season one, when Claire recorded herself trying to hurt herself & healing, she used a VS Recorder to do it. Normally a VS Recorder only records Pokémon, but since she was using a move (Recover) the VS Recorder registered it as a battle taking place
On a related note, Noah was able to track Sylar using a modified version of the Pokéfinder
Rather than finding Nathan’s body, Peter finds out about the whole “Sythan” ordeal because he finds a Yamask whose mask resembles Nathan’s face
Rather than accidentally shooting her, Peter and Isaac get into a Pokémon battle and Simone gets caught between energy blasts like Ash in Pokémon: The First Movie (but without the magic tears of life)
When Hiro is in the Feudal Era, Adam and Yaeko are amazed by the fact Hiro has a Pokémon team—Pokéballs didn’t exist back then
Micah uses his power to instantly fill out his Pokédex. He uses this information so he’ll be prepared for any rivals he comes across
Instead of torturing Sylar with a tuning fork, Mohinder tells his Minccino to use Echoed Voice. It’s super effective!
Noah isn‘t a trainer, but he borrows Pokémon from the Company to battle with when necessary
Claire has a Secret Base where she keeps all the Pokédolls Noah gets her. In later seasons, she spends a lot more time hiding away in it
Nathan, being a Gym Leader, is very much a competitive battler; he’ll disregard any Pokémon with poor IVs
Linderman is the boss of Team Rocket; if Niki doesn’t fully repay him, he’ll steal all her and her family’s Pokémon
Matt’s dad was one of the developers of the Entralink (because dreams)
At one point or another Hiro definitely teleports to the Ilex Forest and catches a Celebi
Tracy works at Pokéstar Studios
The formula Mohinder concocts in season 3 has the same properties as the Dubious Disk. He tests it on his Porygon-2, which evolves into Porygon-Z, and he takes this as a good sign
Remember that one time in the anime when Ash got turned into a Pikachu? That’s what Arthur Petrelli does to Hiro instead of scrambling his brain
Noah wants to keep Claire from having Pokémon battles–“why can’t you be a coordinator like your mother?”–but this only encourages her to train her team harder
When Meredith shows up with her level 85 Rapidash and level 87 Flareon, it’s a bit of a wake-up call for Claire: even if she constantly uses healing items on her team, they’ll keep taking damage from a burn affliction
Instead of just a bunch of pigeons (or Pidove) on the Deveaux building, it’s the location of the Pokémon daycare. Even though they’re not affiliated with the Pokémon centre, Peter still loves going up there to play with the Pokémon
The wall in the episode The Wall is UB-Wall; the episode ends when Peter and Sylar can defeat it in a double battle
Niki has a Kangaskhan that she spends most of season 1 thinking she doesn’t have the power to Mega Evolve, but in the finale she succeeds and fights side-by-side with Micah, who commands the baby Kangaskhan
Peter has a Rockruff that eventually evolves into a Midday Lycanroc. However, in every “bad” future, it’s instead in the Midnight form
During the early days of the study of specials, scientists tried to do things like capture them in Pokéballs
That being said, the corrupt desert camp in the 60s was branded as a Safari Zone
Isaac thinks he can only use Future Sight when he’s holding a Toxic Orb
The Burnt Toast Cafe is a Malasada shop (I guess that means Hiro is basically Hau? Accurate tbh)
From season three onwards, Micah has a Cubone on his team
Molly uses her power to find where wild Pokémon are hiding in the tall grass and avoid walking there
People who work for the Company or are prisoners of them aren’t allowed to have Pokémon, but Elle trains an Electabuzz in secret. When she and Sylar get together, she trades it to him in exchange for a Jolteon, and it evolves into Electivire
A lot of the side characters and characters without powers aren’t trainers. Ando doesn’t have any Pokémon of his own until the end of volume three, when he catches a Plusle that he uses to aid Hiro in double battles
In the Five Years Gone future, Niki has a Phantump on her team. Make of that what you will…
Throughout season one, Claire is reluctant to let her Pokémon evolve. At the start of season two, we see that she has evolved her Stufful into a Bewear and her Buneary into Lopunny
The first Pokémon Hiro ever caught was an Abra, which he never evolves (although it is evolved in the Five Years Gone future). In volume five, when he goes back in time to three years ago he trades it to Charlie. When he sees her as an old woman at the end of the show, she still has it, now as a Kadabra. She trades it back to him and it evolves into Alakazam
When one character dies, another will generally adopt their Pokémon. Peter puts Isaac’s Smeargle on his team, and later Nathan’s Unfezant; Matt keeps Daphne’s Accelgor and Crobat on his team; Meredith gives Claire her Torchic before she explodes; etc.
Tracy’ team is mostly ice and/or water-type, but her oldest Pokémon is a Wigglytuff that she doesn’t use in battle much, only as a companion
Bonus: everyone’s Pokémon teams at the start of the show and by the end
Peter: Chansey, Eevee, Rockruff
Nathan: Pidgeot, Noctowl, Tailow, Staraptor, Braviary, Unfezant
Claire: Oricorio, Stufful, Buneary
Hiro: Pikachu, Abra
Matt: Growlithe, Turtwig, Slowpoke
Niki: Clefable, Gardevoir, Kangaskhan
DL: Haunter, Mismagius
Micah: Elekid
Mohinder: Porygon, Magnemite, Minchino
Angela: Persian, Gothorita, Munna
Sylar: Klink, Ditto
…And by the end:
Peter: Blissey, Sylveon, Lycanroc, Smeargle, Unfezant, Mew
Claire: Oricorio, Bewear, Lopunny, Ursaring, Blaziken, Delcatty
Hiro: Alolan Raichu, Alakazam, Celebi, Aegislash, Furret, Gyarados
Matt: Arcanine, Torterra, Grumpig, Tirtouga, Slowking, Hypno
Tracy: Wiggytuff, Frosslass, Lapras, Glaceon, Jellicent, Primarina
Micah: Electabuzz, Rotom, Marowak, Scrafty, Pancham
Mohinder: Porygon-Z, Magnezone, Minchino, Muk, Genesect
Angela: Persian, Gothitelle, Musharna, Xatu
Sylar: Klingklang, Ditto, Electivire, Umbreon, Zoroark, Mewtwo
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((And here’s the third one.))
After the second trial, things were looking down. Two good gijinkas had just been killed, and Zeke had been left alone. But fortunately the Third Zone opened up, a large cavernous area filled with many strange areas and hidden secrets, like a mirror cave which whispered prophecy before dumping you back at the start. Ayaka and 21 find the Odd Keystone embedded in a crystal cave, which allows them to summon and speak to the ghosts of their dead friends. Meanwhile, Sasha and Zeke nearly crash into a large locked door at the end of the cave in a minecart. Ayaka, Hanami and Lucy continue to develop their relationship. Sasha gets a mysterious radio from the Monomono Machine.
However, this free time is interrupted by a brand new motive. Monoursa summons everyone to the dining hall, ranting about how he’d love to shoot a horror movie, and that the park would be the perfect place if it weren’t for all the sunshine. So to counteract this, he shoots a Moongeist Beam at the barrier, plunging the park into perpetual midnight. This alarms Kyokubo, the only grass type, but Monoursa promises there will be one source of light. The group goes searching for the new area, revealing the second part of the Third Zone, an area with a massive lava pit.
Chika enters the mirror cave and receives some troubling messages about Nightmares and a Boogeyman. Juurou Yadokari (Slowbro) and Takehiko Saito (Absol) enter Nona’s room with the radio, and have a very cryptic conversation with something communicating through the radio. Sasha and Chika get into a fight due to the strange properties of the Arena and its “Fighting Spirit”.
However, noticing a lack of activity, Monoursa organizes an event, a sort of tower defense game around the fortress in the lava area. The defense team prevents the offense team from reaching the tower, and the winners each get a free hit on Monoursa. The offense team won, but the game was chaos and in the end, Lucy had another seizure. She was taken to her room, where 21 accidentally fired a gun he got from the armory. This led Lucy to hit Sasha with her Foul Play, which hurt his chest. The two rambled to eachother for awhile after that. But while that was going on, Chika accidentally cut through Juurou’s braid, cutting off their Shelder, Lil Bruh. This incapacitated Juurou for awhile.
However, that horrible night went away, revealing an even worse surprise. Two gijinkas were found dead, Chika Utsonomiya and Sango Suda (Slugma). However, that wasn’t the end, as Chika’s pet Lil Bruh was found shattered in the garbage. (I’m using a link instead of an image because of the eye/tongue horror.)
However, that wasn’t all, as Monoursa summoned the kids to the volcano, trying to fish something from the lava. Hanami managed to push him into the lava, but he managed to throw the mysterious stone inside him long enough for it to warp away, and a new one came back. Finally, they fished the thing in the lava, revealing it to be another corpse, the skeleton of John Yamada (4B 848). Then of course, the investigation began. 
Getting to the trial, it was difficult to figure out. At first people weren’t sure who killed who, and was split on the idea of one or multiple killers. It was eventually determined there was one killer. This is how they did it.
They fed off of Chika and Sango’s dreams, giving them nightmares. Then, when they slept together, they used yawn to put them to sleep and smother them both with a pillow. Lil Bruh attacked them, trying to latch back on, whereupon they smashed them to pieces with a helmet and dumped them in the garbage. Wanting to further hide their scheme, they found John on the tower, and pushed him off of it. John’s skeletal leg broke off, and they dragged his dead or dying body to the lava, broke the guard wall with weapons from the armory, and shoved him in. They then used Chika’s skates to frame her, and confuse those looking for them. With these clues, and the fact they could no longer say the name of their once-beloved pet anymore, the killer was revealed to be Juurou Hamasaki (Slowpoke). 
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The removal of Lil Bruh, which had been causing them to lose their intelligence and cruel cunning (a reverse of what usually happens when slowpokes evolve) reverted them back to their old self, The Boogeyman. They were insulting, angry, and rude when found out, however they accepted their death. They wanted to get out to kill their family for sticking Lil Bruh on them, but now that they were caught, that was the end of that. Thus they were correctly voted on and sent to their execution.
Their punishment was Devil in a Sunday Hat. Juurou sits at the top of a tower, handily fighting their way through hoards of protesters in Monoursa masks as they bust down their door. However, Juurou’s victory is short lived when they’re cornered by three protesters in a Slugma, Spinda and Poliwhirl hood. These protesters bring Juurou out into the street, and restrain them in a guillotine shaped like Lil Bruh. Juurou shouts and hurls insults, but can’t do anything to stop the blade from coming down and beheading them.
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Thus the third trial ended, with a horrible body count. But still, though the night had ended, the game continued onwards.
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 thoughts. Scattered because pain.
- I gotta say right off the bat, best trilogy in the MCU. It’s not even close. And I’m so relieved that they stuck the landing.
- I thought having a Guardians photo album for the end credits was cute. Though it didn’t escape my notice that IW and EG didn’t pop up much (and understandably so.) Hell, the Christmas special got more representation in it than EG did. But the shot of Rocket, Groot, and Thor landing in Wakanda is all they really needed from IW anyway. lol.
- Actually, side bar: Speaking of IW/EG, it just occurred to me after rewatching EG yesterday, where the hell was Kraglin during all that? He joined the team at the end of V2 and appeared to be living on their ship, so what happened? Sean Gunn does Rocket’s mocap, so it’s not like he couldn’t be on set. I guess it doesn’t really matter ultimately, but it’s something I noticed.
- Cosmo was delightful. I knew the “bad dog” gag would would pay off eventually. But still. How dare.
- That fight set to “No Sleep Till Brooklyn.” *chef’s kiss*
- D: “You think I’m stupid.” That cut deep.
- Mantis defending Drax from Nebula was great in context, but it also felt very pointed in a way. Or maybe I’m just projecting because of stuff I’ve seen from other folks in this fandom regarding him and Mantis.
- I know there are issues with Drax’ treatment of Mantis in V2, but their dynamic has become a surprising highlight. The way she freaked out when she thought he died and the way he cried when she left were so impactful.
- The squishy bits of the Orgoscope were unsettling.
- THEY LET PETER SAY “FUCK.” I had to back up the movie to make sure I didn’t mishear. It’s so funny to me that after all the hullabaloo in the fandom about who should/will say the first full, untranslated “fuck” that in the end it came out of Quill and in a pretty mundane moment as well.
- Starmora - I’m actually glad they went the direction they did for Peter and 2014!Gamora. It wouldn’t have made sense and frankly, would’ve been cheap if she’d just fallen for him instantly, because prime!Gamora didn’t either. They were a slow burn and came about, in part, due to the influence the team had on each other.
- I loved when the High Evolutionary’s subordinates turned on him, even if doing so didn’t work out for them.
- Blurp needs to go hang out with Morris from The Legend of the Ten Rings.
- Peter almost dying at the end had me close to raging out. I would’ve been so upset, for so many reasons. Mantis screaming for him and Groot trying to save him destroyed me.
- And since I’ve been putting it off *sighs* ...let’s talk about Rocket. First off, I’m very glad he survived. I’ve worried since V2 that he was a goner and was very glad to be proven wrong. Still, as worried for his fate as I was going into the film, the thing that concerned me the most was finally getting into the nitty gritty of his backstory. I knew from the bits of the comics I’ve seen that it was going to be highly upsetting and... yeah... that’s putting it mildly. Case in point, the fact that the first word out of his mouth was “Hurts.” And it just gets worse from there. Just pain all the way down.
- G: “I’m family!” N: “So is he.” Between that line and Nebula crying upon hearing Rocket’s voice again, the five year gap clearly made them very close. And it makes sense given all of their similarities, too. That Nebula thinks what happened to him is worse than what she endured speaks volumes about what was done to him.
- And finally, everything with Batch 89 was obviously heartbreaking, but oh my God, Floor. I don’t know why that character in particular tugged at my heart, but she did and... yeah. There’s that.
So, yeah, in short, this movie made me a mess, but all the Guardians films do and I’d be disappointed if it didn’t punch me in the face.
Metaphorically, of course.
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So, uh... Multiverse of Madness, huh?
That was... a lot.
I need a cookie.
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I just watched I Could Never Be Your Woman and... I dunno. It’s definitely “of its time” when it comes to some ooof-inducing mid-2000s jokes (to put it very, very lightly.)
Buuuut, the only thing I really wanted out of it to begin with was just for Paul Rudd and Michelle Pfeiffer to be adorable together and I got that in spades, so *shrug*
I mean, seriously:
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I finally watched Shang-Chi and my main takeaways:
- I adored Ying Nan from the jump and was terrified something would happen to her. And I can’t even breathe a sigh of relief now, cause, y’know, Marvel.
- The scene when Ying Li and Wenwu meet was breathtaking. I’d seen some folks gush about it, but I was not prepared.
- I love that post-credits scene. I really hope we don’t have to wait too long to find out what’s going on with Xialing.
- It’s too bad Razor Fist will never meet Taserface. There’s some dad joke in there somewhere, but I don’t know what.
- Xialing/Katy. That’s the tweet.
- I would die for Morris.
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Okay, but seriously, what’s with these movies and tossing women off cliffs?
Also, fuck Ik*ris.
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I finally watched Black Widow and now everything is pain.
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So I finally saw Infinity War.
Hooo, boy.
I am mad.
I am confused.
I am frustrated.
I am Bruce.
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“I am Groot.”
“I am Steve Rogers.”
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