#slug in ya noggin
fourtwentybuds · 11 months
🚨🍭🎁🌚slug in ya noggin 💙⚕️🧙‍♂️
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merbear25 · 9 months
A Close Encounter
Synopsis: Crocodile with gn!reader. An old flame starts rekindling as you duke it out with your former lover.
CW: toxic relationship, forceful kissing, mentions of killing reader, choking, gropping (but no specific anatomy is mentioned), established past hook-ups.
A/n: In no way do I support this type of relationship in real life. I just had this in my noggin the past few days and oh boy, let me tall ya'. I just think he's neat is all!
You'd had less than favorable run-ins with Crocodile in the past. You found everything about the man detestible. He brought out a side of you that you didn't even know exisited by turning a typically easy-going and caring person into one who was consumed by loathing and dread.
That familiar deep chuckle of his reached your ears, causing your body to tense and your fists to clench around your weapon. Despite being eager to lash out at him, you do your best to maintain your composure and observe this behemoth.
"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise?" grinning at you, his hands gestured upwards as if luring you in for a hug. He takes a few steps towards you trying to close the short distance. A couple of beads of sweat run down your temple and your eyes narrow.
"As if it's ever a pleasure to see you." Your snarky remark causes his faint grin to twist into a sadistic smile.
"Guess somethings never change," and with that he lunged at you quickly closing the gap. You swung your axe predicting that he was going to take a swing at you, however, he pivoted and you'd let yourself open to an attack. He gladly took that opportunity to kick you in your diaphram, sending you hurling against a wall.
The wind was knocked out of you and you stumbled a bit to catch yourself from collapsing. Before you had the chance to get away from the wall, Crocodile was already on top of you. A flash of gold caught your eye, which you instinctively motioned your head back to avoid. Unfortunately, you misjudged just how close you were to the wall and you'd unknowingly offered yourself up to him on a silver platter.
The tip of his hook, just grazing your neck, was plunged into the stone, leaving you in a choke hold. You tore at his arm as you struggled to break free, but the sight of seeing you start to panic, along with the fury burning in your eyes was simply too tempting. He put a tad more pressure on your throat, which caused a gasp to seep past your lips.
Getting closer to your face, his smile turned into a grimace. "I should've killed you by now," he sighed at his own slipup.
On reflex, you spit in his face, ignoring the fact that his hook was still firmly pinning you to the stone behind you.
Without batting an eye, he took his cigar and put it out against the exposed skin on your left hip.
Instead of yelping out in pain and anguish, it fueled the flames within you. You wanted now more than ever to slug him in his smug face.
Inching closer, he confesses, "Every fiber in my being wants to see you die at my own hands," his eyes narrowed and his head shook slightly, "yet, I find you so alluring."
He must have taken the bewilderment in your expression as an invitation. He roughly pressed his lips into yours, with each kiss deepening. Each one sending you into a tizzy, and as the fire within you continued to burn, it now showed itself as the flush on your cheeks.
You hesitantly open your mouth. Even though the slightest part was between your lips, he took full advantage of your body's response to him. Shoving his tongue past the delicate entrance, you let out a soft squeal of surprise. A low moan of his found its way into you, shaking you to your core.
His hand forced your legs apart and began caressing your crotch. You couldn't help it when a soft moan left you and you grabbed his right arm to brace yourself for the extremities which were about to unfold.
Taking a moment to admire the state of his ill-fated lover unraveling before him, a smile reappeared on his face and he began with, "I told you," licking the side of your neck and leaving a wet kiss on your temple, "somethings never change."
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