#slugcat hcs
sage-the-unwise · 3 years
yknow i think the fact that a lot of people use he/him for canonically genderless characters like the knight/the pure vessel in hollow knight and the slugcats in rain world just goes to show that a lot of people really do view men/masculinity as the default setting, like none of these characters have even the remotest scrap of gender attached (except maybe hunter and the pure vessel but that's largely bc people are conditioned to think that being strong/being a warrior or fighter is inherently masculine) but lots of people still default to he/him pronouns! society sure is wild huh
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spotsupstuff · 3 years
I'd always just assumed that NSH and the Hunter were genuinely working together, tbh. probably because, as a slugcat, I always felt very inclined to assist friendly iterators, even at my own expense. but even without bias or optimism on my part, what could possibly compel an unwilling Hunter to go through all of That? especially going way out to assist Moon too. and the local iterators, they didn't seem to notice anything psychologically amiss like mind control or smth ... I highly Doubt
not exactly sure where this sprouted from but!! yeah!
theres a buncha theories surrounding hunter, nsh n their relationship and ill be honest, some of em make my head spin sjglksdgjg my personal hc for hunters origins is that nsh deadass just straight up raised hunter themself after findin them, sick, somewhere n havin their overseers bring them over when the strawbebby was still a pup. at first it was cause of boredom or to use them as distraction from newly offline moon, but the two ended up bondin quite a bit (plannin to write a fic bout this, honestly Cant Wait)
one of theories that ive seen pop up in the official rw discord quite a bit from a Big Lore person is that nsh placed a sort of karma tether on hunter to pull them back from ascension to judge if they are free to go reach the ascension or not. aka, if they havent saved moon, they cannot leave the cycles behind. this theory would kinda imply some... strange hijinks concerning the whole reincarnation deal n kinda time stream, honestly? so im not entirely sure (it is also allegedly kinda on the older side)
tho, honestly, it Couldve been mind control, in a way, bc lets look at the iterators at hand,,, moon is.... not in the best condition to be able to peer into a mind of a creature n pebbles wouldnt really give a fuck (love the man n i will die on my hill of “pebbles isnt a villain, hes just a generally big dumbass”, but he isnt the type to really... care bout things n go to great lengths to figure Most of things out)
but, genuinely, most of these make me sad so i Dont look at them that much n will believe in the “nsh is just an old cat lady” take till i die or the devs say otherwise
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zephyrtheslugcat · 10 months
Hello everyone, I am a Rain World player and also very much part of the lgbtq+ community, so that of course means giving the silly little sluggo's silly little gender and sexuality headcanons
Is this post going to get attention? Probably not lmao but here it is anyways!
I think I've never shared my pronouns and sexuality headcanons for the canon slugcats, so here they are! Along with alignments and why I think what I think
Survivor: they/he/she pronouns (they/them preferred usually)
Sexuality is not defined, but they wouldn't be opposed to a relationship with another sluggo
Survivor to me is neutral good, I think they are neutral good judging by them being open to adopting slugcats and taking them to the Tree, when they find them abandoned and they don't seem very lawful or chaotic to me, just a chill little guy
(Bonus: they are fine with being called gender neutral words, but along with the word "sibling", they like the word "brother" too and "mother" along with "parent")
Monk: he/him, gay and asexual, but he isn't interested in anyone yet, he is just happy he found his sib, his current job is being a fun uncle to his siblings kids
Monk is definitely lawful good, he doesn't want to hurt creatures unless he has to and it's implied he helps Moon by bringing her her cloak and neurons, so he's just a peaceful little lad
Hunter: A lot of people in the fandom ship Hunter and Arti as a lesbian couple, but to me, Hunter is a masculine sluggie, so um sorry guys, I don't ship Artihunter
To me, Hunter is a he/they and genderfluid, but they often use one set of pronouns at a time
At the start of the run mostly "he", around Pebbles, he preferred "they" and at the end of the run, back to "he"
He probably likes the ladies, but he never had time for a relationship because of the Rot cutting his life very, very short
Hunter to me... is also neutral good! I know a lot of people see Hunter as a fighting machine, who kills without remorse... me, not so much. Hunter is not an evil slugcat, he went out of his way to help Moon, he could have ignored her and just go down to the Depths after getting enough karma
But he didn't. He chose not to. That's what makes him a good slugcat in my eyes
I also think he isn't actually carnivorous by choice, but because of the Rot in his body, he's forced to eat more to sustain himself (and I'm a firm supporter of the "he has Rot on his back wear his spear sticks to" theory and the "he gains back tentacles in the last cycles of his life" theory)
Spearmaster: they/them (agender)
They're aromantic and asexual
They're lawful neutral, they do the tasks being given to them by iterators, because a mission is a mission, not necessarily because its the right thing to do (like Hunter who really went out of his way) They aren't interested in finding a partner, they are happy just being with SRS again
Artificer: she/her (but she doesn't mind being called a they to be honest, call her a he and she'll kill you), lesbian
I deduced she's a lesbian because she's a certified girlboss
Artificer starts as true neutral, then chaotic neutral and at the end she full on goes chaotic evil, if she embraces violence and forgets everything else, but she goes back to true neutral if the Echo got through to her and she decides to go to the Depths instead
Gourmand: he/him, straight
He's my cis/straight guy, he's an ally though, 100%!
Gourmand is chaotic good to me, he's a good, smart and kind leader, but he also is a chaotic little chonker and those things can coexist
Rivulet: he/she, mostly he, trans (was afab at birth), his sexuality is pansexual probably
Rivulet is chaotic neutral, he's all over the place and a bit odd, he does a lot of things just because he can, but she's neither good or evil, just chaos (she's got a soft spot for Moon though!)
Saint: they/them nonbinary/agender, aromantic and asexual
Saint is true neutral, they ascend others not out of desire to kill or a desire to cause good, it's because it has to happen and they have the power to do it. They aren't good, bad, lawful or chaotic, they just are
Inv: any pronouns, they don't care, just use whatever for table
Sexuality: pansexual and polyamorous
Pansexual because fish can fall in love with every gender of slugcat in the dating sim
Polyamorous because honestly chaos just wants to date them all and be loved by them
Inv is chaotic neutral, but like scratch out neutral for the most part
Teal (Survivors and Monks sibling)
She/her and bisexual!
Since most people don't even know she exists, I can give her whatever hc I want and be the first to claim her as my blorbo, so dibs on Teal!
To me, she's a bit of a tomboy and the middle child (huh that explains how she's mostly ignored by the community), she's smaller than even Monk and she reluctantly moved away from the Tree with her parents, because although she didn't want to lose hope that her brothers would come back, she had to go with her already grieving and stressed out parents
I hc she left a trail to their new location for her bro's too!
Bonus 2:
In my most recent survivor run, I adopted two pups, Crow and Lime, you can see them on my page as the big image above my profile pic
They're semi canon to me, so they get to be in the post too
Crow (the black one): Any pronouns, aromantic and sapphic (likes ladies)
Lime (the green one): They/he pronouns, gay
Crow is true neutral, she's sweet to me, but a real murderer of lizards and also she just stands around, waiting for me to carry them (hc them as autistic)
Lime is chaotic good, they're high energy and loyal, even when I jump into wormgrass, this kid followed me (Crow watched like: ain't doing that bye)
(They have adhd)
These two, summarised: middle child and youngest child (Survivor has eldest child energy tho)
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