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Jméno postavy: Kim Sunwoo Pozice: Student Ročník: 2. ročník magisterského studia ekonomické fakulty Národnost: Korea
Backstory: Jeho rodina vlastni niekolko fancy klubov po celej Korei a Japonsku. Vsetci to povazuju za ich main biznis, no skutocnost ma od toho daleko. V realite totizto obchoduju a niecim uplne inym nez aby slo o obycajne prevadzkovanie nocnych klubov a barov. Sunwoo studuje na ekonomickej fakulte, na skole, ktoru mu vybral otec aj preto, ze ma pod palcom vela investorov a sponzorov skoly. Skola ho v skutocnosti nebavi, ani nezaujima. Chodi tam len ked naozaj musi, spravit nejaku skusku, ale predovsetkym cez skusky prechadza za pomoci penazi a vplyvu jeho rodiny. Neda sa povedat, ze by bol Sunwoo hlupy, je inteligentny, ale skola ho vskutku nezaujima. Momentalne sa uz angazuje do rodinneho biznisu, ci uz toho na oko alebo skutocneho. Sunwoo inak ale vedie v podstate normalny zivot. Aspon sa to tak na prvy pohlad zda. Sice si ovela dovoluje k hocikomu, je viac mean nez aby bol mily ci slusny, ale nevidi v tom zmysel kedze nic z toho nepotrebuje aby sa dostal tam kam chce.
Facebook: スノ オ
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spin-formation · 3 years
SPINLEAK - M Slusny Edition by Mowl
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Mowlより、M Slusny Editionが近日リリース予定。
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naeana · 6 years
mozna je to hrozne moc ocividny a mozna to vsichni  vsichni vidi ani nevim, co citim, jestli něco vim, ze to ale neni sprane.  mam v sobe tri ibalginy, panaka tvrdyho a piju caj. posledni dobou nejsem nějak vůbec schopná. nějak ničeho. předvčírem jsem se rozbrečela, protože jsem si prohlížela fotky z tábora 2010 a jednoduse proste jsem stara a chci svy detsky ja zpatky. dopici osm let chapete to? to je silene hodne. zachvatila me chut na cigaretu a tebe. baterie téměř vybitá. zvažte připojení do zdroje. fajn. zvážím. včera jsem brečela u prohlížení archivace stories, že mi chybí depresivní období zimy a poslouchani xxxten a lil peepa ve smycce. a nezodpovednost a neprijimani zamilovanosti od nikoho a nepripousteni nikoho k telu. dal jsem brecela u filmu a potom usla na neuveritelnych 7 hodin. dneska sem se vysrala na vsechny srazy, na sebe i na dopisovani testu z latiny a jela domu. ve dve sem lehla do postele a vstala v pet. na nekoho, kdo nesnasi spanek slusny vykon. ztracim sama sebe 
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taka-yoyo · 5 years
https://youtu.be/vXAtN0_vinw   プレビューではフルバージョンだけど2回目のサマーソルト省略して教えてる(Yotricksと同じになる)。通常スピードでやってる初回の動きが基準になるかと。
目標があると練習しやすい!ということで #スピンガジェット をゲットした初〜中級者の皆さん向けにラダー式トリックリストを作ってみました。スピガジの性能だとちょっと難しい、でも無理ゲーではないレベル。クリアする頃には操作技術がワンランクアップしてるかも…?#スピンガジェットチャレンジ pic.twitter.com/T3ymZMUjYQ
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veronikatono · 5 years
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21.3.2019 DRUHE RANDE 👏
kto by nechcel tuto skvelu a uzasnu zenu vidiet znovu?
o par dni po prvom stretnuti mi zvoni v praci telefon: VERONIKA SERED.
zatial ma nikdy viac nepotesilo, ze mi niekto vola 🙂
,, ahoj, nepojdeme do filharmonie na orchester?......"
dalej som uz prestal pocuvat, nemusela hovorit kam sa ide a co sa ide odpoved bola urcite ano, 100%!
co je to sakra filharmonia, vie to niekto? a ako sa tam preboha mam obliect?!
poslal som fotku v monterkoch, ci mozem ist aj tak.vraj to mam dat dole!s cim som nemal najmensi problem a poslal fotku bez monteriek!
vraj potrebujem sako!doma nieco mam, ale urcite to nebude to cim by som Veronku ohuril.podme kupit take, z ktoreho sa urobim aj ja!
dva dni v praci som neriesil ine, nez kde sa dostanem k poriadnemu obleku za super cenu!
neskutocne som bol vzruseny ked som siel do obchodu s oblekmi, vyhradil som si 150euro na outfit ktory poblazni moju vysnenu krasku!
kupene, oblecene, skusime poslat veronke fotku, ci je vsetko ako ma byt!
po reakcii so srdieckami som pochopil, ze si asi zasukame znovu!
den D!
vyrazil som ovela skor, aby som sa dostal do bratislavy a necakali na mna s Nikou a Matusom.
na dialnici som spravil pribeh ako pocuvam pesnicku Bradley Cooper- Maybe its time.
bol to odkaz pre Veroniku, aby si uvedomila ze mozno je cas, nechat stare veci ist.
moje cakanie v BA som si skratil na prvej pumpe, kde som len tak z nudy sral asi 20 minut.
a podme ho do Ruzinova, kde prisla pre mna na parkovisko. nastupila do auta so slovami: Ahoj fesacik a kusla ma tak silno do pery, ze som si hned spomenul ako rada ma hryzie a skrabe!
zobrala ma do Matusovho bytu, zoznamila ma so sestru ktora vyzerala velmi podobne, az som skoro dal jazyk do krku aj jej!
Matus bol zatial na balkone s neznamym clovekom, po zoznameni s Matusom som sa uvolnil lebo som zistil ze tymto dalsim dvom ludom hrabe na rovnaku strunu ako mne a Veronke. Stale som dufal ze moc nekecam a nerozpravam hluposti, nech sa za mna Veronka nehanbi.
nikdy nezabudnem, ako som cakal v obyvacke kym sa baby chystali, Nika prisla do izby, naschval som sa na nu ani nepozrel nech si nemysli ze ma zaujima. neskor som zistil, ze to bolo cervenovlase a o nieco krajsie! ❤️
cesta do filharmonie bola velmi rychla, matusove bmw 320xd 135kw v automate islo celkom svizne! po ceste okrem robenia si srandy z Veroniky, ako jej vyhravaju pazuchy,som poucil Matusa ze v tejto motorizacii, su dve turba! HA, TUTO SOM FRAJER JA KAMOSKO.
po dlhom uspesnom zaparkovani, prichod do filharmonie. opat pre mna nove pocity, trosku som sa hanbil, vsetci boli slusni a nepotetovani!
ked sme sa usadili, uz bolo prijemne, veronka ma obcas chytila za rucku co mi neskutocne polichotilo, ako kazdy jej dotyk ci venovany usmev.
koncert sa mi velmi pacil. cely cas som sa snazil dat si do hlavicky, aby som sa do tej krasnej zeny nezamiloval, pokial to nespravi prva ona.
nieje zvlastne nad tym premyslat po tom ako ju vidim len druhy krat?co mi to dievca preboha robi?
po koncerte ma zobrali povozit sa po Bratiske, za co som bol naozaj velmi vdacny a odmenil som sa v podobe zaplatenia uctu u Divneho Janka,kde sme boli my a asi 150 policajtov. rozpravali sme sa o vselicom, najviac som asi zaujal ze som si koli dnesnemu veceru oholil rit. neviem si spomenut, ci Nika alebo Matus sa ma spytali na moju pracu. po prvy krat v zivote, som sa za svoju pracu hanbil, ale nedal som to najavo. vsetci traja mi totizto prisli na inej urovni, ako ja, sedliak z dubnice nad vahom s vyucakom.
prechadzka pri dunaji bola super, citil som sa neskutocne dobre v spolocnosti tychto troch ludi 🙂
po ceste spat k matusovi sme pri jeho parkovisku dostali pokutu ktoru ukecal na 10e 🙂
navrhol som veronke ze ju zaveziem do Serede, chcel som s nou este stravit nejaku tu chvilu o samote a samozrejme som dufal, ze ju ukecam na nejaku tu sialenu jazdu na zadnych sedackach!
po asi 20 minutovom cakani, kym pride od niky, som sa konecne dockal, sadla do auta a ja som opat nevedel ci ist dolava alebo doprava.ono to bolo uplne jedno, hlavne ze som mal pri sebe moju buducu zenu ktora sa ku mne hned pritulila a nepustila ma az kym sme neprisli do Serede.
po ceste sme opat vela srandovali, ale aj dohadovali kde vsade ma v Bratislave zoberie cez leto. velmi sa mi pacilo, ze uz teraz so mnou planuje opat byt
a to aj o par mesiacov!
vratil som sa domov neskoro, typujem to tak na 2:00 rano.
nepamatam si uplne podrobnosti, ale pamatam si ze som zaspaval ako zalubeny chlap
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jacobhinkley · 6 years
Crypto Company Sends Bitcoin Mining Into the Stratosphere
A crypto mining company has sent a balloon into the stratosphere to mine bitcoin on the edge of space, reaching over 35,000 meters in altitude. The company also shared the results of its survey on what the price of bitcoin would be this year.
Also read: Yahoo! Japan Confirms Entrance Into the Crypto Space
Space Launch PR Stunt
Miner One launched a “high-altitude balloon with bitcoin mining equipment” on Monday which it calls “Space Miner One (SMO).” The organization describes itself as neither a pool nor a cloud, but “a community of people who want to mine cryptocurrency profitability.” The group is “so bullish on bitcoin” that it hopes this PR stunt will be seen as “a symbol that [the price of] bitcoin will go to 35,000 and beyond.”
The large latex balloon filled with helium has a parachute attached. It carries ASIC mining equipment, including two ASIC USB Block Erupters, connected to “a Raspberry Pi 3 microcomputer, a battery, and a satellite phone” which “are all placed inside the carbon fibre SMO capsule … along with a souvenir metal ‘bitcoin’ for one lucky winner of the Miner One Sweepstakes,” the group detailed.
It also carries “navigation and tracking equipment with an independent power supply, thermoinsulation and a thermoregulator protecting it from temperature extremes,” Miner One explained and described the launch sequence as:
Space Miner One passes through the troposphere; the ASIC is activated and linked via satellite transmitter to the Internet…As Space Miner One enters the stratosphere, falling air pressure causes the balloon to expand from 2.2 m to 10+ m in diameter – large enough to be seen from the ground.
Prior to descending, “The Balloon is detonated, the parachute deployed, and Space Miner One begins its journey back to Earth,” the group explained, adding that the duration of the trip was roughly 2 hours and 30 minutes.
“After rising to more than 35,000 metres [~21.75 miles] while mining bitcoin, Space Miner One descends back to Earth and is successfully recovered in an open field in Lithuania,” the group posted on its Facebook page.
Space Miner One in the Stratosphere
As Space X and other spaceflight companies bring down the price of launching commercial satellites into space, the prospect of mining bitcoin from above the atmosphere grows more appealing to venture capitalists and mining companies.
Space X’s Falcon 9 project.
The abundant solar energy and freezing temperatures in space both offer major benefits to the mining process that may become commonly used one day. The third benefit of space mining, as Bitcoin developer Peter Todd pointed out in August of last year, is that it may be the only economically relevant way to use energy generated in orbit. It is “a lot cheaper to beam solar power collected in space back to Earth in the form of blocks than as electricity,” he claimed.
While Space Miner One’s mission did not include any solar panels, it could take advantage of the low temperatures in the stratosphere and communicate with the ground using the satellite phone during the mining process. Given the 2.5-hour mission time and the Block Erupter mining hashrate of only 330 Mh/s, Space Miner One was unlikely to have generated a whole satoshi. However, the mission could still be seen as a proof of concept for mining bitcoins in space.
Bullish on Bitcoin
The CEO of Miner One, Pranas Slusnys, elaborated:
We are bullish on bitcoin because it remains the world’s most popular and proven application of blockchain technology. And we see growing interest and adoption, despite recent market doldrums.
The company has also conducted a survey of more than 1,500 community members. “More than 31% believe bitcoin will go higher than $15,000 this year, 26% say higher than $25,000, and 10% – higher than $35,000,” Miner One shared.
What do you think of Miner One’s PR stunt and the concept of bitcoin mining in space? Let us know in the comments section below.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock and Miner One.
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The post Crypto Company Sends Bitcoin Mining Into the Stratosphere appeared first on Bitcoin News.
Crypto Company Sends Bitcoin Mining Into the Stratosphere published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 6 years
Bitcoin Mining Company Launches Miner into Stratosphere, Signaling Confidence in the Future of Bitcoin and Mining
The company, Miner One, is promising to “Take Bitcoin to 35,000+” – in meters, that is
As a show of confidence that bitcoin will rebound and come back as strong as ever in 2018, Miner One – a crowdfunded cryptocurrency mining company currently in the middle of its ICO – has outfitted a carbon fibre capsule and high-altitude balloon with equipment that will mine bitcoin in the Earth’s upper stratosphere.
The mission, playfully titled “Space Miner One,” is meant to remind the world that cryptocurrency and the revolutionary blockchain technology behind it represent the next major step in the evolution of the Internet.
“We are bullish on bitcoin because it remains the world’s most popular and proven application of blockchain technology. And we see growing interest and adoption, despite recent market doldrums,” said Miner One’s CEO Pranas Slusnys.
After bitcoin’s dramatic fall from 2017’s end-of-the-year highs near US $20,000, the world’s most popular cryptocurrency is finally showing signs of growth again, up more than 30% from the beginning of April.
Miner One’s CEO is not the only one optimistic about the prospects of a bitcoin bounce. According to Wall Street analyst Thomas Lee, head of research at Fundstrat Global Advisors, bitcoin will rebound and surpass US$20,000 by mid-year and Dan Morehead of Pantera Capital projects US$20,000 by year’s end.
Similarly, a Miner One survey of more than 1,500 community members shows investors are optimistic: more than 31% are convinced bitcoin will go higher than $15,000 this year, 26% believe it will go higher than $25,000, and 10% say it will reach $35,000 and beyond. Almost 9% believe it will go above $45,000.
Slusnys, a 20-year data center industry veteran, is just as optimistic about the future of mining, albeit when done with professional efficiency.
“Mining bitcoin is about supporting the decentralized global network that makes cryptocurrency possible. It’s really another word for providing data processing for the global blockchain infrastructure, which will have many applications in the future not limited to cryptocurrency,” explains Slusnys. “Short-term ups and downs notwithstanding, these networks will need efficient, professionally-managed data centers like the kind Miner One is building.”
According to industry experts, blockchain technology will fundamentally change the way data is processed and stored around the world. Transactions will be simpler, more affordable, and harder to disrupt. Blockchain has the potential to impact everything from real estate and automobiles to gemstones, produce…even space travel.
Mining centers like Miner One’s will take the technology to maximum efficiency. During its ICO, the company expects to raise at least US $10 million to build a cutting-edge mining center in Northern Sweden, where electricity prices are Europe’s lowest, energy is 100% green, and Arctic air keeps cooling costs to a minimum. Miner One plans to locate its mining center in the town of Luleå, which is best known as the home of Facebook’s largest European data centre.
Miner One is a cutting-edge, crowdfunded cryptocurrency mining operation being built and managed by a team of data center industry experts and professionals on behalf of the Miner One Community. Miner One MIO Tokens secure Community members a share in the output. Find out more: www.minerone.io.
The Space Miner One Factsheet 
The Miner: The beating heart of Space Miner One (SMO) is a specially-adapted ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) that will perform the data processing known as “mining bitcoin” at the edge of space
The Capsule: The ASIC, a Raspberry Pi 3 microcomputer, a battery, and a satellite phone are all placed inside the carbon fibre SMO Capsule … along with a souvenir metal “bitcoin” for one lucky winner of the Miner One Sweepstakes
The Equipment Module: The SMO Equipment Module carries navigation and tracking equipment with an independent power supply; thermoinsulation and a thermoregulator protect it from temperature extremes
The Parachute: A Parachute is attached to return Space Miner One safely back to Earth after its mission is completed
The Balloon: A large latex Balloon is filled with helium to carry Space Miner One into the upper stratosphere to complete its bitcoin mining mission
Lift-Off!: Space Miner One is on its way to 35,000 m … and beyond
Ascent: Space Miner One passes through the troposphere; the ASIC is activated and linked via satellite transmitter to the Internet
Stratosphere: As Space Miner One enters the stratosphere, falling air pressure causes the Balloon to expand from 2.2 m to 10+ m in diameter – large enough to be seen from the ground
Edge of Space: Space Miner One reaches the height of its journey and performs bitcoin mining operations at an altitude of more than 35,000
The Return: The Balloon is detonated, Parachute deployed, and Space Miner One begins its journey back to Earth
Landing: Three independent telemetry systems transmit data on Space Miner One’s position to the ground crew so it can retrieve the Capsule after landing
Anticipated Duration of Trip: ~2 hrs 30 min
Find out more: www.spaceminerone.com
  The post Bitcoin Mining Company Launches Miner into Stratosphere, Signaling Confidence in the Future of Bitcoin and Mining appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/2HEdQqu via IFTTT
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spin-formation · 3 years
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今回は、SurveillanceのInferno/Right Eye/Fade、M+/MのSLUSNY Edition、Vigilancia/NocturnalのFade、Surveilのラインナップが登場。
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brettzjacksonblog · 6 years
Bitcoin Mining Company Launches Miner into Stratosphere, Signaling Confidence in the Future of Bitcoin and Mining
The company, Miner One, is promising to “Take Bitcoin to 35,000+” – in meters, that is
As a show of confidence that bitcoin will rebound and come back as strong as ever in 2018, Miner One – a crowdfunded cryptocurrency mining company currently in the middle of its ICO – has outfitted a carbon fibre capsule and high-altitude balloon with equipment that will mine bitcoin in the Earth’s upper stratosphere.
The mission, playfully titled “Space Miner One,” is meant to remind the world that cryptocurrency and the revolutionary blockchain technology behind it represent the next major step in the evolution of the Internet.
“We are bullish on bitcoin because it remains the world’s most popular and proven application of blockchain technology. And we see growing interest and adoption, despite recent market doldrums,” said Miner One’s CEO Pranas Slusnys.
After bitcoin’s dramatic fall from 2017’s end-of-the-year highs near US $20,000, the world’s most popular cryptocurrency is finally showing signs of growth again, up more than 30% from the beginning of April.
Miner One’s CEO is not the only one optimistic about the prospects of a bitcoin bounce. According to Wall Street analyst Thomas Lee, head of research at Fundstrat Global Advisors, bitcoin will rebound and surpass US$20,000 by mid-year and Dan Morehead of Pantera Capital projects US$20,000 by year’s end.
Similarly, a Miner One survey of more than 1,500 community members shows investors are optimistic: more than 31% are convinced bitcoin will go higher than $15,000 this year, 26% believe it will go higher than $25,000, and 10% say it will reach $35,000 and beyond. Almost 9% believe it will go above $45,000.
Slusnys, a 20-year data center industry veteran, is just as optimistic about the future of mining, albeit when done with professional efficiency.
“Mining bitcoin is about supporting the decentralized global network that makes cryptocurrency possible. It’s really another word for providing data processing for the global blockchain infrastructure, which will have many applications in the future not limited to cryptocurrency,” explains Slusnys. “Short-term ups and downs notwithstanding, these networks will need efficient, professionally-managed data centers like the kind Miner One is building.”
According to industry experts, blockchain technology will fundamentally change the way data is processed and stored around the world. Transactions will be simpler, more affordable, and harder to disrupt. Blockchain has the potential to impact everything from real estate and automobiles to gemstones, produce…even space travel.
Mining centers like Miner One’s will take the technology to maximum efficiency. During its ICO, the company expects to raise at least US $10 million to build a cutting-edge mining center in Northern Sweden, where electricity prices are Europe’s lowest, energy is 100% green, and Arctic air keeps cooling costs to a minimum. Miner One plans to locate its mining center in the town of Luleå, which is best known as the home of Facebook’s largest European data centre.
Miner One is a cutting-edge, crowdfunded cryptocurrency mining operation being built and managed by a team of data center industry experts and professionals on behalf of the Miner One Community. Miner One MIO Tokens secure Community members a share in the output. Find out more: www.minerone.io.
The Space Miner One Factsheet 
The Miner: The beating heart of Space Miner One (SMO) is a specially-adapted ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) that will perform the data processing known as “mining bitcoin” at the edge of space
The Capsule: The ASIC, a Raspberry Pi 3 microcomputer, a battery, and a satellite phone are all placed inside the carbon fibre SMO Capsule … along with a souvenir metal “bitcoin” for one lucky winner of the Miner One Sweepstakes
The Equipment Module: The SMO Equipment Module carries navigation and tracking equipment with an independent power supply; thermoinsulation and a thermoregulator protect it from temperature extremes
The Parachute: A Parachute is attached to return Space Miner One safely back to Earth after its mission is completed
The Balloon: A large latex Balloon is filled with helium to carry Space Miner One into the upper stratosphere to complete its bitcoin mining mission
Lift-Off!: Space Miner One is on its way to 35,000 m … and beyond
Ascent: Space Miner One passes through the troposphere; the ASIC is activated and linked via satellite transmitter to the Internet
Stratosphere: As Space Miner One enters the stratosphere, falling air pressure causes the Balloon to expand from 2.2 m to 10+ m in diameter – large enough to be seen from the ground
Edge of Space: Space Miner One reaches the height of its journey and performs bitcoin mining operations at an altitude of more than 35,000
The Return: The Balloon is detonated, Parachute deployed, and Space Miner One begins its journey back to Earth
Landing: Three independent telemetry systems transmit data on Space Miner One’s position to the ground crew so it can retrieve the Capsule after landing
Anticipated Duration of Trip: ~2 hrs 30 min
Find out more: www.spaceminerone.com
  The post Bitcoin Mining Company Launches Miner into Stratosphere, Signaling Confidence in the Future of Bitcoin and Mining appeared first on NewsBTC.
from CryptoCracken SMFeed https://ift.tt/2HEdQqu via IFTTT
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Bitcoin Mining Company Launches Miner into Stratosphere, Signaling Confidence in the Future of Bitcoin and Mining
The company, Miner One, is promising to “Take Bitcoin to 35,000+” – in meters, that is
As a show of confidence that bitcoin will rebound and come back as strong as ever in 2018, Miner One – a crowdfunded cryptocurrency mining company currently in the middle of its ICO – has outfitted a carbon fibre capsule and high-altitude balloon with equipment that will mine bitcoin in the Earth’s upper stratosphere.
The mission, playfully titled “Space Miner One,” is meant to remind the world that cryptocurrency and the revolutionary blockchain technology behind it represent the next major step in the evolution of the Internet.
“We are bullish on bitcoin because it remains the world’s most popular and proven application of blockchain technology. And we see growing interest and adoption, despite recent market doldrums,” said Miner One’s CEO Pranas Slusnys.
After bitcoin’s dramatic fall from 2017’s end-of-the-year highs near US $20,000, the world’s most popular cryptocurrency is finally showing signs of growth again, up more than 30% from the beginning of April.
Miner One’s CEO is not the only one optimistic about the prospects of a bitcoin bounce. According to Wall Street analyst Thomas Lee, head of research at Fundstrat Global Advisors, bitcoin will rebound and surpass US$20,000 by mid-year and Dan Morehead of Pantera Capital projects US$20,000 by year’s end.
Similarly, a Miner One survey of more than 1,500 community members shows investors are optimistic: more than 31% are convinced bitcoin will go higher than $15,000 this year, 26% believe it will go higher than $25,000, and 10% say it will reach $35,000 and beyond. Almost 9% believe it will go above $45,000.
Slusnys, a 20-year data center industry veteran, is just as optimistic about the future of mining, albeit when done with professional efficiency.
“Mining bitcoin is about supporting the decentralized global network that makes cryptocurrency possible. It’s really another word for providing data processing for the global blockchain infrastructure, which will have many applications in the future not limited to cryptocurrency,” explains Slusnys. “Short-term ups and downs notwithstanding, these networks will need efficient, professionally-managed data centers like the kind Miner One is building.”
According to industry experts, blockchain technology will fundamentally change the way data is processed and stored around the world. Transactions will be simpler, more affordable, and harder to disrupt. Blockchain has the potential to impact everything from real estate and automobiles to gemstones, produce…even space travel.
Mining centers like Miner One’s will take the technology to maximum efficiency. During its ICO, the company expects to raise at least US $10 million to build a cutting-edge mining center in Northern Sweden, where electricity prices are Europe’s lowest, energy is 100% green, and Arctic air keeps cooling costs to a minimum. Miner One plans to locate its mining center in the town of Luleå, which is best known as the home of Facebook’s largest European data centre.
Miner One is a cutting-edge, crowdfunded cryptocurrency mining operation being built and managed by a team of data center industry experts and professionals on behalf of the Miner One Community. Miner One MIO Tokens secure Community members a share in the output. Find out more: www.minerone.io.
The Space Miner One Factsheet 
The Miner: The beating heart of Space Miner One (SMO) is a specially-adapted ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) that will perform the data processing known as “mining bitcoin” at the edge of space
The Capsule: The ASIC, a Raspberry Pi 3 microcomputer, a battery, and a satellite phone are all placed inside the carbon fibre SMO Capsule … along with a souvenir metal “bitcoin” for one lucky winner of the Miner One Sweepstakes
The Equipment Module: The SMO Equipment Module carries navigation and tracking equipment with an independent power supply; thermoinsulation and a thermoregulator protect it from temperature extremes
The Parachute: A Parachute is attached to return Space Miner One safely back to Earth after its mission is completed
The Balloon: A large latex Balloon is filled with helium to carry Space Miner One into the upper stratosphere to complete its bitcoin mining mission
Lift-Off!: Space Miner One is on its way to 35,000 m … and beyond
Ascent: Space Miner One passes through the troposphere; the ASIC is activated and linked via satellite transmitter to the Internet
Stratosphere: As Space Miner One enters the stratosphere, falling air pressure causes the Balloon to expand from 2.2 m to 10+ m in diameter – large enough to be seen from the ground
Edge of Space: Space Miner One reaches the height of its journey and performs bitcoin mining operations at an altitude of more than 35,000
The Return: The Balloon is detonated, Parachute deployed, and Space Miner One begins its journey back to Earth
Landing: Three independent telemetry systems transmit data on Space Miner One’s position to the ground crew so it can retrieve the Capsule after landing
Anticipated Duration of Trip: ~2 hrs 30 min
Find out more: www.spaceminerone.com
  The post Bitcoin Mining Company Launches Miner into Stratosphere, Signaling Confidence in the Future of Bitcoin and Mining appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken WP https://ift.tt/2HEdQqu via IFTTT
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seryhumano · 6 years
“Las fronteras del periodismo”: taller en la UCAB que será dictado por Marco Archetti dictará
“Las fronteras del periodismo”: taller en la UCAB que será dictado por Marco Archetti dictará
Marco Archetti, novelista y articulista acudirá al campus de Montalbán este 1 de noviembre, para ofrecer a estudiantes de Comunicación Social y al público amante de la literatura la charla gratuita “Las fronteras del periodismo”
  Marco Archetti
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jacobhinkley · 6 years
Bitcoin Mining Company Launches Miner into Stratosphere, Signaling Confidence in the Future of Bitcoin and Mining
The company, Miner One, is promising to “Take Bitcoin to 35,000+” – in meters, that is
As a show of confidence that bitcoin will rebound and come back as strong as ever in 2018, Miner One – a crowdfunded cryptocurrency mining company currently in the middle of its ICO – has outfitted a carbon fibre capsule and high-altitude balloon with equipment that will mine bitcoin in the Earth’s upper stratosphere.
The mission, playfully titled “Space Miner One,” is meant to remind the world that cryptocurrency and the revolutionary blockchain technology behind it represent the next major step in the evolution of the Internet.
“We are bullish on bitcoin because it remains the world’s most popular and proven application of blockchain technology. And we see growing interest and adoption, despite recent market doldrums,” said Miner One’s CEO Pranas Slusnys.
After bitcoin’s dramatic fall from 2017’s end-of-the-year highs near US $20,000, the world’s most popular cryptocurrency is finally showing signs of growth again, up more than 30% from the beginning of April.
Miner One’s CEO is not the only one optimistic about the prospects of a bitcoin bounce. According to Wall Street analyst Thomas Lee, head of research at Fundstrat Global Advisors, bitcoin will rebound and surpass US$20,000 by mid-year and Dan Morehead of Pantera Capital projects US$20,000 by year’s end.
Similarly, a Miner One survey of more than 1,500 community members shows investors are optimistic: more than 31% are convinced bitcoin will go higher than $15,000 this year, 26% believe it will go higher than $25,000, and 10% say it will reach $35,000 and beyond. Almost 9% believe it will go above $45,000.
Slusnys, a 20-year data center industry veteran, is just as optimistic about the future of mining, albeit when done with professional efficiency.
“Mining bitcoin is about supporting the decentralized global network that makes cryptocurrency possible. It’s really another word for providing data processing for the global blockchain infrastructure, which will have many applications in the future not limited to cryptocurrency,” explains Slusnys. “Short-term ups and downs notwithstanding, these networks will need efficient, professionally-managed data centers like the kind Miner One is building.”
According to industry experts, blockchain technology will fundamentally change the way data is processed and stored around the world. Transactions will be simpler, more affordable, and harder to disrupt. Blockchain has the potential to impact everything from real estate and automobiles to gemstones, produce…even space travel.
Mining centers like Miner One’s will take the technology to maximum efficiency. During its ICO, the company expects to raise at least US $10 million to build a cutting-edge mining center in Northern Sweden, where electricity prices are Europe’s lowest, energy is 100% green, and Arctic air keeps cooling costs to a minimum. Miner One plans to locate its mining center in the town of Luleå, which is best known as the home of Facebook’s largest European data centre.
Miner One is a cutting-edge, crowdfunded cryptocurrency mining operation being built and managed by a team of data center industry experts and professionals on behalf of the Miner One Community. Miner One MIO Tokens secure Community members a share in the output. Find out more: www.minerone.io.
The Space Miner One Factsheet 
The Miner: The beating heart of Space Miner One (SMO) is a specially-adapted ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) that will perform the data processing known as “mining bitcoin” at the edge of space
The Capsule: The ASIC, a Raspberry Pi 3 microcomputer, a battery, and a satellite phone are all placed inside the carbon fibre SMO Capsule … along with a souvenir metal “bitcoin” for one lucky winner of the Miner One Sweepstakes
The Equipment Module: The SMO Equipment Module carries navigation and tracking equipment with an independent power supply; thermoinsulation and a thermoregulator protect it from temperature extremes
The Parachute: A Parachute is attached to return Space Miner One safely back to Earth after its mission is completed
The Balloon: A large latex Balloon is filled with helium to carry Space Miner One into the upper stratosphere to complete its bitcoin mining mission
Lift-Off!: Space Miner One is on its way to 35,000 m … and beyond
Ascent: Space Miner One passes through the troposphere; the ASIC is activated and linked via satellite transmitter to the Internet
Stratosphere: As Space Miner One enters the stratosphere, falling air pressure causes the Balloon to expand from 2.2 m to 10+ m in diameter – large enough to be seen from the ground
Edge of Space: Space Miner One reaches the height of its journey and performs bitcoin mining operations at an altitude of more than 35,000
The Return: The Balloon is detonated, Parachute deployed, and Space Miner One begins its journey back to Earth
Landing: Three independent telemetry systems transmit data on Space Miner One’s position to the ground crew so it can retrieve the Capsule after landing
Anticipated Duration of Trip: ~2 hrs 30 min
Find out more: www.spaceminerone.com
  The post Bitcoin Mining Company Launches Miner into Stratosphere, Signaling Confidence in the Future of Bitcoin and Mining appeared first on NewsBTC.
Bitcoin Mining Company Launches Miner into Stratosphere, Signaling Confidence in the Future of Bitcoin and Mining published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
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