#sm boxcutter
umbraticstickerz · 2 years
Honestly I'm enjoying making these Edits
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The character i edited in on the front row in the last one is my Online Sibling's, @unkn0wn4rt1st , oc Karl!!
Rick is probably the least recognizable in the first one since I had to age him down, with the others, to be in Ross' role.
Rick is Ross
Frank is Roy
Radford is Robert
Roy is Rick
Robert is Radford
Sad Guy is Dexter Doll
Boxcutter is Frank
Boxcutter is basically never acknowledged so ye lol. Hes neat honestly.
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articus-icecream · 6 months
Questions for Alexis from the ask game you reblogged :]
3) When is your OC’s birthday or what is their zodiac sign if you haven’t picked a date yet? Answer both if you wish.
6) Any flowers you associate with your OC? (also bonus I thought of: what do they mean? You could pick them because of their meaning or just see what they mean as a bonus! /nf I just like floriography lol)
8) Greatest strength and greatest flaw about your OC?
12) Favorite movie or tv show or musical or book for your OC? Or all? (Don’t worry I understand setting is important for this question so only answer what applies) (would she like the Boxcutter movies? (The horror movie in SM))
20) What hobbies does your OC have?
Sorry if that's a lot! I saw the ask game in your blog and was like "oh shit I didn't send any." I meant to I just forgot :( Anyways take your time, no rush/pressure, etc. etc.
Haaaaiii ty for asking!
3) it's on the 20th of october! And her sign is Libra!
6) There aren't really any flowers that I assosciate with Alexis, though daisies remind me of her because they're very cheerfull!
8) I feel like Alexis's greatest strength is her reassurance and affections. Her greatest flaw is definetly her clingyness. She's got abandoned by her parents on her bday so she has some abandonment issues. :(
12) Her favorite Movie is the little mermaid, and her favorite book is prolly the rainbow fish, simply because they have fish in it. :3 And she's completely afraid when she watches horror movies so she'd definetly be squirming and screaming at every jumpscare. (Bob finds it hilarious)
20) Whenever she's not doodling something, she tries to make simple italian and or greek dishes. She can only do a simple cheese pizza and garlic bread.
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hhhh all I am thinking abt is when I finally get my new blade in :C I wanna cvt so badly, and I miss having boxcutters :C but it doesn't even come in until the end of next week !! After that week, I'm def gonna need to cvt. It's the first week of school and I already have sm anxiety just getting to it so ofc I don't wanna go :/ should've really begged my mom to let me go online :/
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inkandpaintleopard · 8 months
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I keep mixing up my left and rights in fiction 😭
But yeah! I thought about Monster too, I just didn't want to grab an image for him, lmao
In BF's case the cracks are from him resisting and subsequently falling back under control, so we at least know the cause for that one
But yeah that'd mean in HBC, Skid would be the only one with a scar on his right eye, the others have left. It's interesting
...Also I did want to point it out but that's also kinda a thing in SM itself too? Dexter's left eye is fucked up, Liv has an eyepatch on her left eye (and her home series indicates that's a permanent injury), hell even the Boxcutter dude has the left eye crossed out on his box mask. It's probably all just one big coincidence but. What if I looked too much into it anyways
Completely random but what if Skid’s dad is the only other one with a right eye injury
because I don’t know, cult stuff or something. Because everyone else has it on their left eye. But Skid doesn’t. Because he is not everyone. He is everything.
Ooo theorizing aaaa
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emmapalova · 7 years
In between story circles, a story of transformation with excerpts
For the last week since June 20, I’ve been posting about the stories in Shifting Sands Short Stories collection that span more than two decades as part of the Storyteller 2017 book campaign.
Thematically and chronologically, I have divided the stories into three circles: early years of immigration with stories Danillo, Honey Azrael, & The Temptation of Martin Duggan.
Storyteller 2017 Emma
The second circle of stories from retail experience includes: Tonight on Main, Therese’s Mind, Boxcutter Amy, Orange Nights and the Death Song.
The third circle of stories is from the media business; both print and digital.
These stories include: In the Shadows, Iron Horse, Foxy, Riddleyville Clowns and Chatamal.
   Transformation during the crisis of mid-2000s
My husband Ludek left the state of Michigan to work in Wisconsin in 2008-2009. We were separated by Lake Michigan, and 500 miles deep into the Midwest America. Locals say that Wild West begins in Prairie-du-Chien on the Mississippi River, where Pere Marquette and Joliett arrived. On a few occasions, I took the Amtrak train “Empire Builder” to LaCrosse to visit with him.
At the time, I was writing for the local newspaper and for regional magazines in the Grand Rapids area. But, that wasn’t enough to make me forget the absurdity of the situation. This was the second time in life that we were separated.
I turned to more writing like a  Magnet. I got the idea to write the “Riddleyville Clowns,” a short story from a hometown parade featuring clowns to celebrate the town’s founding anniversary.
I wrote some of the copy aboard the “Empire Builder” train.
Here is an excerpt from the “Riddleyville Clowns”
The harvest moon has just started to light up the entire loft apartment on Main Street. The brick walls softened with blue shades, the pressed tin ceiling was illuminated, while the river was like a silver thread lined with black banks.
Still resisting to get up and go check out the old steamboat, Kip tossed in bed watching the ceiling. He looked up at one of the walls.
Flabby blue pants, a yellow camisole, wide red band and a big red plastic nose topped off with a wig were hanging in the corner. Down below were big red shoes with a tongue sticking out and large-fingered gloves.
Kip walked to the window. Below, a large flock of geese and ducks, had buried their heads deep to sleep. He could hear them fighting over bread thrown down from of the other lofts. Kip walked to the boat.
The old white steamboat known by the locals as the Showboat, all decked out for tomorrow, was swaying in the wind and the water. Swinging over the white railing, he checked out the shaft by the stairway leading all the way to the upper deck. It was dusty, but he could see the lid that opened up on the deck.
Kip quickly attached a rope to a rusty hook. He also had to cut out a plank at each deck level to make the shaft passable. He noticed on the walls of the shaft old posters of vaudeville acts that took place on the boat in the depression era.
Kip climbed up and opened the lid right behind the ship’s black chimney. In the moonlight, he could also spot a dilapidated amphitheater with grass growing over the sea walls and the island of cattails up the stream. Wind howled again through the river corridor. Kip wrapped his wind jacket tight around him and gazed toward Main Street. A tribune was set up right by the Riverwalk promenade for tomorrow’s parade.
For the book detail page on Amazon go to:
  To be continued tomorrow with Grand Finale
Copyright (c) 2017. Emma Blogs, LLC. All rights reserved.
Storyteller 2017 countdown to book release In between story circles, a story of transformation with excerpts For the last week since June 20, I’ve been posting about the stories in Shifting Sands Short Stories collection that span more than two decades as part of the Storyteller 2017 book campaign.
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umbraticstickerz · 2 years
The Swap Spooky Duo lol :3
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Also the background movie characters trio lmao. Boxcutter was the only one of them to have a name so had to give the other ones names. Both are related to Horror movies
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I know Actress(Clear) is kinda already based on another movie but I wanted to turn her into a reference to Final Destination(Clear is the name of one of the characters, Destino means Destination, and the accident mentioned). Idk if Actor(Norris) is based on anything relating to a horror movie already but here hes referencing The Thing(Norris is the name of one of the characters that was a thing, Ding is meant to translate to Thing in German, and the "hates cold" part). Wanted to explain so it isn't confusing lmao.
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emmapalova · 7 years
In between story circles, hit hard
For the last week, I’ve been posting about the short stories in Shifting Sands Short Stories collection that span more than two decades as part of the Storyteller 2017 book campaign.
Storyteller 2017 Emma
Thematically and chronologically, I have divided them into three circles: early years of immigration with stories Danillo, Honey Azrael, & The Temptation of Martin Duggan.
The second circle of stories from retail experience includes: Tonight on Main, Therese’s Mind, Boxcutter Amy, Orange Nights and the Death Song.
The third circle of stories is from the media business; both print and digital.
These stories include: In the Shadows, Iron Horse, Foxy, Riddleyville Clowns and Chatamal.
In the final countdown, I would like to touch on stories like “In the Shadows” that fall into a dark period of life. Husband Ludek lost his job in the mid-2000s due to crisis in the automotive and housing industry.
The story was inspired by us living apart, when Ludek had to take a job in Prairie-du-Chien, WI.
Ludek and I had to Cringe  confronting the reality of the crisis.
We didn’t want to lose the house, because of the unsure future, so I stayed in Michigan.
On several occasions, I took the Amtrak train 500 miles out west to visit with him on the Mississippi River, or we stayed in Milwaukee.
“In the Shadows” story is set in Milwaukee and in the botanical gardens. It was inspired by a wedding party in the gardens.
The characters lived in the state of impermanence Transient
Excerpts from “In the Shadows”
 With a shaking had speckled by age spots, Agnes Loire dressed in pink and white purchased three tickets to the Boehm Botanical Gardens near Bales Corners in Wisconsin. An elderly clerk taped a red band to her tiny wrinkly arthritic wrist refusing to give her a discount.
As Agnes reached into her pocket to feel an amulet with dried periwinkle in it, the clerk looked somewhat familiar.
“Do I know you from anywhere?” she asked the old man.
He shook his head and turned back to his business of taping red bands to people’s wrists standing in a long line in the glass atrium.
Just before Agnes entered the new modern building with a two-story atrium and a vaulted ceiling, she paused to watch a white limousine arrive. The morning sun illuminated the vehicle and the grounds. The internationally renowned gardens were a marrying haven for couples.
The flowering pink, white and maroon crabapples in the arboretum swayed in the southerly wind spraying the area with petals of blossoms.
Agnes breathed in the early spring scent, fresh with promises.
In the meantime, the photographers had eagerly gathered to take the first shots of the bridal party. Bridesmaids in bright green dresses and beige high heels stepped out of the limo.
The last girl was taller, her dress a tone lighter and she was wearing flat shoes with no heels.
 Finale countdown to be continued……..
Copyright © 2017. Emma Blogs, LLC. All rights reserved.
Storyteller 2017 in final countdown with excerpts In between story circles, hit hard For the last week, I’ve been posting about the short stories in Shifting Sands Short Stories collection that span more than two decades as part of the Storyteller 2017 book campaign.
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emmapalova · 7 years
The passion in the Shifting Sands Short Stories continued from June 23
 Book excerpts from Shifting Sands Short Story Therese’s Mind
 I have named my book campaign Storyteller2017 because I am so excited about this epic year full of big changes.
Storyteller 2017 Emma
Follow me on my journey from writer journalist to author of Shifting Sands Short Stories to be released on June 30 on Amazon.
This is the fifth part of the Storyteller 2017 series following the introduction last Tuesday on June 20, the Beginnings on June 21, the Impermanence of characters in the Shifting Sands Short Stories on June 22 and fueling the passion of the Storyteller on June 23, and now on June 26-the passion and commitment.
About commitment
The Storyteller 2017 series also fits the Daily Post prompt commit. The biggest part of the Shifting Sands Short Stories project that spans more than two decades of writing has been commitment.
<a href=”https://dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/commit/”>Commit</a&gt;
  The first circle of stories was inspired by the early years of immigration and includes: Danillo, Honey Azrael and the Temptation of Martin Duggan.
The second circle of stories includes: Tonight on Main, Therese’s Mind, Boxcutter Amy, Orange Nights and the Death Song.
 The second circle of stories draws on the years of working in a Midwest retail chain in the  mid 1990s and beyond. It was a time of assimilation into the American culture after tumultuous years of wanting to return back to the old country, former Czechoslovakia that still existed under that name.
I had packed and unpacked my luggage several times.
At the time, I was working the second shift in the store, writing and taking journalism classes at the Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) in the morning.
About inspiration
My stories are usually inspired by human struggle, whether physical or emotional, real or perceived.
Here is an excerpt from Therese’s Mind:
 The “Singing in the rain” rose was her favorite one. It was a hardy breed. Copper-like leaves stood defiantly against the onset of another fall. The ground was almost frozen now, yet the rose kept yielding new dark reddish leaves. From the depth of the reddish leaves, new buds unleashed a strange smell. It was the smell of a lost summer and the captured sun for one fleeting second. Therese could only imagine the smell from what she had known many years ago.
The thorns broke off easily, so she didn’t have to be careful anymore. They wouldn’t hurt her. Therese drew in deep breath inhaling all the secrets of a fragrance, and sat down on a bench. The bench was like her; all weather-worn and beaten down a thousand times with repeating rains, leaving and coming back again. She felt the constant drumming of the raindrops in her heart and bones. Coming and leaving, leaving and coming.
She was in her fifties. Therese was a grown-up woman with a child’s heart, longing to be held in someone’s arms. During her fifty-year long journey, she never learned the tricks of womanhood or adulthood for that matter.
Therese was pure as refined sugar that makes up a fine Bacardi. She was fine and fragile like the leaves of the roses in her garden in the first October frost.
“Therese, hurry up,” somebody hollered from the house.
“You have a phone call.”
Therese had trouble recollecting her thoughts due to severe brain damage over the years from non-malignant tumors. The doctors said that the tumors were not immediately deadly, but they spoke kindly of several options, all equally dangerous.
“You can’t have anything in our head,” they said at the nearby Heart of Blessed Hospital.
Storyteller 2017….part VI to be continued book excerpts
You can pre-order the Shifting Sands Short Stories on Amazon at:
[contact-form] Storyteller 2017-the passion The passion in the Shifting Sands Short Stories continued from June 23  Book excerpts from Shifting Sands Short Story Therese’s Mind…
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