#small business clothing haul uk
what-is-mda20009 · 2 years
Week 6: ‘Sus’tainable Fashion
Fashion companies in a way rule the world and how we shop. With micro-trends coming and going every week and the struggle companies take up by trying to be a part of these trends before these clothes waste in the landfill. However despite the questionable behaviour of companies trying to act sustainable, there have been people trying to out them and show others how to slow down the lifecycle and focus on the quality of a product and the reusability (Lai et al. 2017, p.82), one such company is the Big Sister Swap.
This company focuses on giving items of clothing a new life by allowing consumers to send in their clothes and then receive clothes based on the consumers own preferences, also known as Consumer to Consumer. 
Hudi Charin, the founder of the Big Sister Swap, explains how this model helps “reduce the effects of fast fashion from both ends” and says that this program has “saved approximately 80 million liters of water” (Morgan 2022). 
The Big Sister Swap has been able to save clothing from landfill, however despite these efforts, many companies don’t do their part to help the efforts of these small companies. But before we go into that let's look at what classifies as a brand being sustainable:
The items produced must be child labour free (Lai et al. 2017, p.83)
Materials must be less harming to the environment (Lai et al. 2017, p.83)
Production must be ethical and socially responsible (Lai et al. 2017, p.83)
The relationships across the supply chain are vital to be sustainable. (Lai et al. 2017, p.83)
Now, despite the calling for sustainability fashion, many companies either cannot or refuse to implant these rules. Which then causes over 30kg of waste per person in the UK (Lai et al. 2017, p.84). One of the worst stores would be SHEIN. 
This store adds thousands of items every day at a low cost price (DW Planet A 2021) and targets young people through the use of internet celebrities and influencers who are willing to show off a ‘haul’ of cheap clothing to millions of people. SHEIN to what we know is the least sustainable company in the west, however we know very little about the company's practices due to the secrecy that goes on between SHEIN and the outside world.
Yet SHEIN is not the only company that is like this. Many companies undertake greenwashing, which will “stimulate consumers to buy ‘sustainable’ products” (Kopnina 2019, p.613) despite not being sustainable. Now while SHEIN does not undertake this, there are many that do, such as H&M or ZARA, to try and get more money without having to change.
Greenwashing for many companies is just an easy way to show how good they are without needing to commit to the rules of actually being sustainable. 
All of this shows how most companies are willing to lie or cover up their unsustainable production, however smaller companies are willing to help consumers shop ethically without it being expensive.
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DW Planet A 2021, ‘If you think fast fashion is bad, check out SHEIN’ 11 December, viewed on 10 April 2022, <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4km0Cslcpg>
Lai, Z, Henninger, CE & Alavizou, PJ 2017, ‘An Exploration of Consumers’ Perceptions Towards Sustainable Fashion - A Qualitative Study in the UK’, Springer International, Springer eBooks.
Morgan, L 2022, ‘It’s time to get to know Big Sister Swap, AKA the personalised clothes swapping service that everyone is talking about’, Glamour, viewed 10 April 2022, <https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/big-sister-swap?utm_source=onsite-share&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=onsite-share&utm_brand=glamour-uk>
Kopnina, H 2019, ‘Green-washing or best case practices? Using circular economy and Cradle to Cradle case studies in business education’, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 219, pp. 613-621.
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danish-mbespke · 4 years
Before large-scale manufacturing of suits turned into a norm, custom and bespoke fitting were the norms in making these magnum opuses. Expert fitters were very ample in those days, yet over the long haul, these expert skilled workers turned out to be to some degree increasingly hard to track down. These days, large name brands, couture creators, suit representatives, and discount stores have overwhelmed the suit design scene. There are as yet countless individuals that actually wear suits. Be that as it may, the truth of the matter is, a large portion of the suits being bought are prepared-to-wear and are a lot accessible in retail shops. Individuals for the most part have tried not to wear exceptionally custom-made suits because of the misinterpretation that a suit is abundant with regards to cost. It has gone to a point that specially customized suits are images of lavish abundance as opposed to considered for their worth and craftsmanship.
Now and again truly extraordinary words get over-utilized. Like the word, ‘truly’ or the words, ‘no issue.’ Or then again, the word, ‘bespoke.’ Or the portrayal, ‘made-to-gauge.’
Bespoke and made-to-quantify were at first saved for the fitting business. Today, you see the words utilized for everything from dental administrations to small blinds.
Here’s elite of jargon words to help put any misinformation to rest:
Bespoke — These articles of clothing are made for you, or ‘represented’ (the British fitting definition), yet with a more elevated level of ability and more hand development. Danish M. bespoke designers and tailors hard work results in an impeccable hand moved lapel that stays set up, embraces the body, and never should be squeezed. The craftsmanship requires an exceptionally significant degree of expertise and the consideration of hand sewers — a definitive in genuine extravagance. Furthermore, indeed, once more, the texture has a major influence on the venture. Bespoke signifies “to be represented” and carries totally different importance to the Power Suit.
A really made Bespoke suit is the best fitting piece of clothing you can get. Various seasoned fittings are finished with an incomplete article of clothing to guarantee that it fits entirely inside and out. A treated fitting is a fitting with an article of clothing that is approximately sewed along with white seasoning string. It is known as the treated fitting on the grounds that, now, the suit is briefly sewed along with white seasoning string.
Custom — These articles of clothing are in a real sense made for you. A clothier or tailor will take various estimations, as much as 20 or 30, including the incline of your shoulders and back, and will make an example from which your suit will be made. These suits will be more costly than made-to-gauge — with texture, once more, being the greatest driver.
Despite the fact that estimations had recently been taken, the treated fitting will be the first occasion when you really will take a stab at your custom suit, fitting notes can be made, and the seasoning string can be effectively eliminated for changes preceding completing the piece of clothing’s creases for definite conveyance.
Ready to move — Hung on holders and bought ‘ready to move — (or ‘off the stake’ in the event that you end up being from the UK), these pieces of clothing are ‘One size 42 Regular fits all.’ Only they don’t, which is the reason the store’s tailor can take in (or let out) the jeans, stitch the jeans, abbreviate the sleeves, and so forth Commonly generally moderate, these suits are accessible just in the texture and styles requested by the store.
Made-to-Measure — Crafted from an essential example and altered dependent on a small bunch of estimations, these suits set aside some effort to be made. You will in any case give them a shot when they show up to make the last changes. More costly than most ‘ready to move’ dresses, costs will differ dependent on the texture picked.
We regularly meet individuals who have custom or bespoke pieces of clothing that are as yet in help 10, even after 15 years. Fine craftsmanship and quality textures make this conceivable. So the time you see the word, ‘bespoke,‘ you won’t just comprehend its importance, yet in addition its unique use.
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See You In Emporia
A year ago, I sat on the dorm room floor – eating a sad, cold “checkpoint” sandwich from the cooler and texted my friend, Allison Zmuda to ask her about gravel bike models for short women.  I knew that I wanted to give it another crack. Fast forward 1 year later, and I am sitting on the cold dorm floor with a different story to tell.
I mirrored the same routine as last year- 4 AM dorm breakfast.  I chatted with a rider from San Francisco and one from the UK. All of us were just ready to see what was in store!
As I rolled up from the ESU Campus to Commercial St, I looked at the finish line from the same direction as it would be at the actual finish.  I shed a tear. I really hoped that I would be riding this same stretch to the finish line.
I staged with the group of faster riders.  They are good bike handlers, and can pull you along.  Among the busy staging area, I managed to find another Chicago-area rider, Chris Drouganis (Intent Racing).  He had come to one of my training rides this year, and we both were back for some unfinished business from 2018.  Among the crowds, Justin McBride (Rochelle, IL/ Gu Energy) also found me and wished me luck.
The race started, and I stayed on Chris’ wheel for about 15 miles.  Either at a turn, or steering away from some gnarly spots, I lost Chris but had no intention to fight to find him. It is tight and fast-moving with people constantly intercepting or riding around you. I hung on with a crowd, and as I fell back, a new crowd pulled me along.  I was happy to ride the first 30 averaging 15+ mph. I knew that the wind was blowing from the south, so it was critical to ride hard, draft when I could, and make the most time possible (without blowing up).
Once mile 30 hit, we entered the Flint Hills. It suddenly gets quiet when you get in this landscape. It’s stunning.  This year, we did not ride inside any cattle property but instead the b-roads and gravel roads. I was relieved about this, but learned that the gravel roads brought massive climbs.  The sun started to peep and I started to feel it. This is not a good start. I only looked forward to seeing Brandon and Nils at the first checkpoint (mile 65).
Brandon barely made it on time, seeing that I had made great time in the first 30-40 miles.  He was ready to roll! His car was not too far from the District Bicycles tent. They helped me get my bike checked over.  
I sat on the ground next to the car and Brandon dripped the cooler ice water on my head.  It was a rush of refreshment. I needed to cool off to get some calories. I had a pickle, part of a small ham sandwich, gummy bears and a can of coke.  Brandon restocked my Camelback, my 2 tall bottles, and my bar bag with food. I would not see him for about 90 miles. It was going to be a long haul.
From looking at the DK200 course map, after the Alma Checkpoint there were 40 miles of gnarly roads.  As soon as I left Alma, we still rode on relatively smooth gravel surfaces but massive climbs. Then, we got into some b-roads and rocky surfaces. This year, I was mostly proud that I knew how to take lines, and descend much faster than last year. I had less issues in the b-roads. One in particular, I could feel my bike going not the way I wanted to, and I could foresee a crash but I let the bike go in that unwanted direction, and then I guided myself back. WOW.
From Alma (mile 65), those 40 miles felt long. It was during the most intense heat of the day.  I stopped to sit in the shade 2 times specifically to cool off and eat some food. I took bites of anything that looked good.  Around mile 80-90 a farmer had his yard open for us to hose off with the spigot and he had drinkable water. I soaked my entire head and core- that felt amazing.  I took off and battled on. I was looking forward to the 100-104 mark because I knew in my mental map of the course that was the last of the gnarly section. At mile 110 or so there was a surprise neutral water stop sponsored by EF Education First Pro Cycling.  They had ice bandanas for us to wear, and more water for soaking and for refilling bottles. This time, I dumped out one bottle of Skratch, and refilled it with plain water. It improved my mood on the bike when all I wanted to do was rinse my mouth or sprinkle myself a little.  (I had enough electrolytes in my Camelback, and my other tall bottle). Leaving the surprise water stop was all pavement, and it was a different scenery. I only had about 10 miles to the DK200 neutral water stop/ checkpoint in Alta Vista. So, those 10 miles felt long too. One last moment of questioning life choices in the shade and I pushed on.  
Once I reached Alta Vista (mile 120) I was pretty sure I lost any chance of finishing. I called Brandon to discuss the situation.  I had exactly 3 hours to ride 30 miles. If I was going at the pace I had been to get there, I really questioned this next leg. I refilled everything at the water stop, ate some food, and did everything possible to refresh myself.  I thought: “Let’s do this”. I left Alta Vista with a rider from San Diego, Rafi. He had the same attitude to just go for it, and see what happens. He was fairly taller than me, and I was drafting behind him for a while. He started to back off and I just kept going.  I never saw Rafi again. I felt refreshed and recharged from the water stop and just started to ride better. I had to stop for 1 creek crossing and to plug in the battery for my light. I approached 3 massive hills one after the other. I did everything humanly possible to ride those to the top.  No walking!! Not happening! I couldn’t believe, this time, how much faster the miles were decreasing on the Garmin. I was so close to Council Grove. As I got closer and closer, the route took me on a bike path. I knew that they are completely flat and safe to ride on. TIME TO SPRINT. Once I literally saw the light at the end of the tunnel, (lights from the checkpoint crew/ support crews/ families) I full out sprinted.  I made it with 55 seconds to spare! Brandon, and some of the crew from District was there. They were so happy for me. It was like making it to the final round of a tournament. I was ecstatic. Right behind me was Sally, from District and she made it with 1 second to spare.
Leading up to Council Grove, I knew in my head that all I needed was a second light battery backup and clear glasses.  No time to change clothes. At this point, pretty much nothing else mattered. I had peanut butter from the District Bicycles tent.  Brandon gave me a beef sandwich to take, and a can of coke. I rolled out of the checkpoint with a coke in hand saying “See you in Emporia”.
My battery power died early on, and I switched to Brandon’s back up battery.  A small group of riders came up behind me. As I rode with them, I noticed that my pace was taking me further and further away from them.  Two men stayed behind me and it seemed that they were fine sticking by. It was good to have their light power. Sally caught us, and we made a connection and rode together.  Suddenly, my light went out! No! Sally had a spare light and put it on my bike. Her and I agreed to ride together as much as possible. We were going at a similar pace and had the same goal to book it to Emporia. I had a blast riding and descending some hills in the dark.  It was one of the most epic times I’ve ever had on a bike. I considered skipping the Chase the Chaise photo but we made it VERY QUICK. Laura Haraldson (my friend from Salsa) was still there- jumping and screaming for us. Once we left the Chaise, we started to see the spotlights from downtown Emporia beaming into the sky. YES.
About 3-4 miles from town, Sally took off. She was gone.  I popped in some Cliff Bloks, stood up many times and rode into town.  Like every stop at DK200 there was a CLIMB before reaching the checkpoint or finish.  I saw a man grinding up the hill, but I stood up and passed him. Then, I rode through the ESU campus (just blocks from downtown), and later I could see the barricades in the street leading to the FINISH LINE just like in the morning.  I even considered passing the man who was in the chute, but there was no room. I finished right behind him and I was DONE. I got a hug from Jim Cummins. Brandon, my DK friend from last year Scott, Sally, and the District Bicycles crew were all there. This year, instead of sharing a DNF beer, my friend Scott and I shared a “victory” beer and champagne in the parking lot.  We did it!
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spselfstorage247 · 2 years
Stockpiles Self Storage | 4437 Treiman Blvd Ridge Manor, FL 33523
What is Self-Storage? Self-storage is essentially an extension of your garage or shed; a clean, dry and secure space located in a storage facility used to store your belongings for as long as necessary. Most storage companies including Stockpiles Self Storage rent self-storage units on a month-to-month basis so you only pay for the time you need. For anyone who wants to de-clutter or needs extra space during a move, self-storage is a viable solution. With the industry quickly and continuously growing, there is likely a Stockpiles Self Storage self-storage facility near you.
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Reasons for Renting Self-Storage: There are many reasons people utilize self-storage, and it often goes beyond simply having too much clutter on hand. In many cases, common life events can necessitate short- or long-term storage. Common Reasons People Rent Self-Storage: Seasonal storage – Many people keep lawn equipment, winter clothing, recreational vehicles, holiday decorations and other seasonal items in storage during the offseason to save space. Military deployment – Service men and women can keep their belongings in a safe place during their deployment. This also goes for military families, who are often on the move. Extra vehicle storage – Storage isn’t just for furniture and boxes; many U-Haul storage facilities are equipped to store RVs, boats, cars, motorcycles and other motorized vehicles. College storage – Students who want to avoid lugging their dorm room belongings home for the summer often store their items in a storage unit near campus for maximum convenience. Moving – During complicated moves, self-storage is frequently used as a temporary home for furniture, appliances, clothing and other household items until the new home is available.
What are the different types of self storage? There are several types of self storage options to choose from. Which one is right for you will depend on what you plan to store, how long you need storage for, and how readily you need access to your belongings.
Indoor Storage Options: (1) Self storage units_Self storage units are housed within secure buildings, and each unit is secured with its own lock or keypad to which you would be the only person with access. Storage centres can be accessed at any time during opening hours. Many units have drive-up access and use of covered loading bays to make it easier for you to move larger items in and out of storage; forklift trucks and pallet trucks may also be available. Units range in size from 10 sq ft lockers (great for student storage, left luggage and small business archives), to warehouse sized spaces of 500 sq ft+. (2) ​Warehouse storage_ Businesses that need to store large equipment, plant and machinery may look to rent or purchase warehouse space and hire security personnel to guard it. Warehouse storage is usually rented on a long-term basis under a traditional commercial lease and may attract tax liabilities.
Outdoor Storage Options: (1) Storage containers_Large, steel storage containers may be delivered to you to be kept on your land, and are generally marketed towards business users. Some are available as external storage units at self storage stores, and may be the most suitable option for storing large commercial equipment, boats or vehicles (though you may have to remove any flammable liquids).(2)Lockups_ Lockups were the go-to storage option for many years before the self storage industry became established in the UK. These are typically privately rented garages with security limited to a lock on the up-and-over door.
Why do people typically use self storage? Self storage is used by individuals to store personal/household belongings, and businesses to store commercial items.
Self storage: You may find that you need self storage space as a result of major life events such as downsizing, moving in together, separation or expanding your family. It might also be needed for:Decluttering - essential if you have visitors staying with you for special occasions, or just to give you more space in your home. Renovating or redecorating - it’s much easier (and cleaner!) to carry out improvements to your home without having to move the furniture around! Moving home - you might need to store your household contents for a few days or weeks between selling your house and moving into your new home. Renting out your home or a room - you might want to make some extra money by renting out your property on AirBnB; guests will expect a clutter-free environment with plenty of space to store their belongings during their stay.
Business storage: Storage for stock, tools and equipment needs to be versatile and easily accessible to prevent delays and maximise efficiency. Your business might benefit from self storage if: You have archives that need to be stored securely without taking up valuable space in your office. Your business is growing and has stock, tools and equipment that you can no longer safely store in your existing premises (opting for self storage might be cheaper than moving to larger premises). You’re an online retailer and you need somewhere to store your goods that you can access quickly and easily to send on to your customers, without taking up room at home. Your stock fluctuates during the year, and you need short-term storage for extra stock during busy periods. You need to store your office furniture whilst you move premises.
Stockpiles Self Storage is conveniently located in Ridge Manor, FL. We are currently serving tenants in Dade City, Webster, Bushnell, Spring Lake, Lacoochee, Hill 'N Dale, and the surrounding areas. We have a state-of-the-art mini storage facility with drive-up self-storage! When you rent from us, you'll have : Instant move in- Rent online 24/7 or call during phone support hours, 6:00am-10:00pm gate access to your belongings, access to a stellar team providing the best customer service around, easy online bill pay (all credit cards and ACH accepted), tenant protection plans are available, convenient affordable storage thats safe and secure storage featuring security cameras! Our goal is to make storage QUICK, EASY, and AFFORDABLE for you!
if you want more just look here: https://www.stockpilesselfstorage.com/
Stockpiles Self Storage 4437 Treiman Blvd Ridge Manor, FL 33523 (352) 770-7130 [email protected]
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kyrabbianco · 2 years
Series #4: Instagram Influencers and the Slow Fashion Movement
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There is no doubt that Instagram influencers have the power to control the purchasing behaviour of consumers. This comes at no surprise to us, because at the end of the day we are the ones watching their sponsored hauls on Tik Tok and Youtube, getting sucked into purchasing the latest gimmick that they are promoting. 
Well, what is the Slow Fashion Movement, and what do influencers have to do with accelerating this movement?
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The Slow Fashion rise is recognised as a movement that honours the purpose of producing and encouraging the creation of sustainable fashion items.Through this, the movement seeks to lower the carbon footprint, create fair wages across their supply chain and mitigate waste (Study New York, 2020). By producing items that ensure the above are taken into consideration, fashion labels are able to create pieces that encapsulate quality and longevity. 
Lai (2017, pg. 120) found that her study concluded that the “general consensus provided by the interview data is that consumers ideally like to have the option of purchasing sustainable clothes, but whether or not these options are bought depends on who offers these garments”. The majority of interviewees in the study agreed that sustainability should not be singled out as an issue, but automatically be incorporated across the supply chain and within the garment production process; this should be considered the norm within the fashion industry (Zhen Lai 2017).
The millennials are aware that instagram is one of the most widely used social media platforms. With this, comes the social media ‘influencers’; this category of users are those that have the power to affect the purchasing decisions of other users, through their relationship with users, knowledge, credibility and of course, fame (Goanta, Ranchordas 2020). A majority of influencers are sponsored by brands that use their platform as a form of marketing, whereby the influencer will market a specific product to their specific audience.
As of late, the newest instagram influencer that has shown dominance within the fashion market is Sophia Begg. Sophia rose to fame following her fashion hauls via Tik Tok, Youtube and Instagram. Due to her influence on consumer purchasing and the ability she has to guide the general public, both fast and slow fashion brands formed collaboration deals with her; these brands include Princess Polly, Whitefox, InMyMoods, BeginningBoutique, Mr Winston. However due to recent backlash, ex-Whitefox brand ambassador Sophia boycotted the label after they had copied the designs of small, slow fashion Australian businesses, one of which included a Melbourne based brand, Mr Winston. 
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Mr Winston’s commitment lies in producing sustainable, locally manufactured items. The slow fashion brand produces its services locally, re-works vintage collections and recycled fashion garments. Sophia has collaborated with Mr Winston, sharing unboxing videos on Instagram and Tik Tok of the goods she had received from the brand; hoodies, t-shirts, reworked vintage pieces. 
By promoting slow fashion brands like this on her platform, it thus forces hundreds of thousands of audience members to consider purchasing goods from a sustainable brand; consumers ideally like to have the option of purchasing sustainable clothes, but whether or not these options are bought depends on who offers these garments. 
Goanta, C & Ranchordás, S n.d., The regulation of social media influencers, 2nd ed, Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, pp. 1-40.
Tara, Fast Fashion vs. Slow Fashion, New York Study, accessed 26 April 2020, http://study-ny.com/slow-fashion. 
Zhen Lai, Claudia E. Henninger and Panayiota J. Alevizou ‘An Exploration of Consumers’ Perceptions Towards Sustainable Fashion – A Qualitative Study in the UK’, in Sustainability in Fashion A Cradle to Upcycle Approach, edited by Henninger, C.E., Alevizou, P., Goworek, H., Ryding, D. (Palgrave: 2017). 
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hedvigwerner · 4 years
How I went from impulsive to mindful shopper
Today I thought I’d share a different type of post and talk a bit about the tools I use to shop mindfully. Over the past few years, I’ve come face to face with the effects of overconsumption on the environment. In the final term of my bachelor’s degree, I took a class on environmental politics that left me more anxious about the future of our planet than ever before. We are in urgent need of action, but can’t rely on large industries and governments for the solution due to short-term thinking – profit and power – clouding their eyes. 
We are, though, seeing big business shift towards renewable energy, with billionaires pumping big money into the energy of the future (they follow suit wherever the money flows). However, I am hesitant about renewable energy, especially wind, solar and biomass. If you’re curious as to why I’m concerned, I recommend Planet of the Humans, which is available to stream for free on YouTube (I might tackle this topic properly in another blog post). 
In all seriousness, I believe the only way for us to really get a grip on this crisis is to do a complete lifestyle and become mindful consumers. This requires a drastic alteration of consumption habits, and I think a great place to start is with our shopping habits. According to a 2016 McKinsey article, the world consumed 60 per cent more clothing in 2014 than in 2000. As a result of brand’s releasing multiple collections each year, UNEP states, “the equivalent of one garbage truck of textiles is landfilled or burned” every second. The fashion industry is the second largest consumer of water and the second largest water polluter. According to a report by ECAP, UK consumers buy more clothing than any of their European cousins. On average, every Brit buys an estimated 26.7 kg of clothing each year compared to 15.6 kg in other European nations. These are some worrying facts, and unfortunately, we can count on big fast fashion brands – including luxury – to make drastic changes. 
Overconsumption is a problem that facilitates the fashion industry to continue its destruction of the environment. With demand rising, the industry continues to grow its supply to meet the increasing demand. McKinsey suggests that consumers are choosing to “overlook or tolerate the social and environmental costs of fast fashion”. We see fast fashion companies like H&M releasing “conscious” collections – which sounds like a step in the right direction – but if we look at their business as a whole, the remainder of their collections are not “conscious”. Overproduction can never be “conscious”. If a company markets a new piece of clothing – even though it’s made of recycled or eco-friendly materials – the most sustainable option is always to abstain from purchasing. 
I admit it. I used to buy things on a whim, only to wear an item once or twice to then abandoning it at the back of my wardrobe. However, materialism wasn’t making me happy so I quit overconsumption and implemented 11 mindful habits: 
Time: This was the big one for me. Take the time to consider if you need an item before you buy it. Ask yourself some critical questions. Do I see myself wearing this in two years? How does this fit into my existing wardrobe? Bonus: Your wallet will love you for this one! When you take the time to consider a purchase, you stop buying things you don’t actually need. Give it a few days and you may find that you’ve forgotten all about it. 
Research environmental/ethical brands: Research brands on Good On You, a website/app that rates fashion brands' environmental impact, labour conditions and animal welfare. Using the average scores from these key issues, Good On You gives brands a score of: Great, Good, It’s a Start, Not Good Enough and We Avoid. If you need to buy something, this resource can guide you towards the most sustainable option.
Vintage: Shop vintage and second hand as much as possible. This is also an opportunity to support small businesses. 
Natural fibers: Only purchase clothing made of natural fibers. Even though an item is made of recycled polyester, I wouldn’t buy it just because every time I clean it, it releases micro plastics into the water. A tip if you have clothing made of polyester is to get a wash bag that reduces the release of micro plastics. All in all, I prefer the feel of natural fibers on my skin.  
Quality over quantity: If I buy something new, I make sure it’s good quality. Instead of five cheap items that won’t survive a round in the washing machine, I prefer to get one expensive piece that will last me years.
Made to order: There are small brands popping up that do handmade to order clothing, which is how people back in the day used to get their clothing fix (or they sewed it themselves). Currently, I’m only aware of womenswear labels, I recommend Olivia Rose The Label and Maison Cleo.   
Rent: If you have a special event coming up, rent the outfit. When we buy an outfit for a ball or a wedding, we tend to wear it only once or twice. Because... When the next special event comes up, we usually want something new. Renting is a sustainable option that allows you the variety you’re craving. It means you can wear that really pretty designer dress for a night without paying the exorbitant price tag. 
Avoid trends: Buy clothing that fits your personality and pairs well with your existing wardrobe. Don’t get carried away by an influencer’s haul or the latest trend piece making the rounds on Instagram. 
Mend holes: Get yourself a sewing kit so that you can mend holes and seams, or – if you’re not that handy with a needle – go see a seamster (your local dry cleaners will most likely have this service available). 
Sell: Sell old clothing and accessories on Depop, Vinted or Vestiaire Collective. By finding a new owner, you extend the life of your old garments. 
Donate: Give away to friends or donate to charity shops.
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nevehorvat · 4 years
Instagram, influencers and the slow fashion movement - Week 7
For this blog post I’ll be discussing fashion, which is a personal favourite topic of mine for numerous reasons (but I won’t go into that). Many people all around the world constantly buy cheap and poor-quality clothing because you can buy many items of clothing for a small price. This is called ‘Fast Fashion’ however, the price of fast fashion is not small at all. The production of this clothing has led to catastrophic fires such as the Tazreen Fashion factory incident in Bangladesh killing 112 workers and the Rana Plaza Building incident also in Bangladesh killing 1134 workers (Prentice, De Neve, 2017). However, that is not what I’ll be discussing in this blog, I’ll be discussing the opposite of that which is the slow fashion movement. I’ll also display how Instagram and influencers play into this movement also.
The slow fashion movement also known as “antipode to fast fashion” (Lai et al, 2017) involves purchasing high quality garments that will last a lifetime and values fair treatment of workers and the planet. However, the slow fashion movement isn’t arising due to social media but as Lai explains “it is linked to counterculture of the 1960’s, anti-fur campaigns of the 1980’s and protests against unethical working conditions in the 1990s/2000s” (Lai et al, 2017). The sustainable fashion movement also signifies that it brings a better quality of life to the garment workers, while also “minimizing the use of natural resources, toxic materials and emissions of waste and pollutants over the life-cycle” however also “not jeopardiz[ing] the needs of future generations” (Lai et al, 2017). For a brand to be considered ‘sustainable’ there are a number of (unofficial) criteria they need to meet such as child free labour, less harming materials, ethical production process, and creating long-term relationships across supply chains (Lai et al, 2017) meaning caring for garment workers and not using them for resources. Doing this and transforming to a more sustainable company not only allows the business to grow sustainably but also allows the company to be good digital citizens.
In this contemporary digital age, there are many digital citizens voicing their opinions on the fast and slow fashion movement. Influencer Tiffany Ferguson raises the problem with fast fashion and the issues with oblivious influencers praising fast fashion with clothes hauls displaying their $800 boohoo purchases, she states that “we need to start holding our influencers accountable for what they promote” (Ferguson, 2018). Venetia La Manna is another influencer however she is unlike Tiffany because she describes herself as a slow fashion activist who is a more overt activist with a hostile tone. She has 81.5 thousand followers on Instagram and often gets blocked by major fashion companies for expressing her opinion on fashion brands such as Primark. However, another aspect of the slow fashion movement is also the concept of thrifting (buying second-hand clothes). The Big Sister Swap is a small organisation based in London with the slogan ‘swap don’t shop’ who take people’s unwanted clothes and swap them with someone who may want them. They use Instagram and a website to contribute to the slow fashion movement by converging old and new technologies such an online forums and mailing services to deliver messages and items.
After reading this blog, would you reconsider where you buy your clothes?
Have a look in the InStyle link below for some of the most sustainable brands in Australia.
Zhen Lai, Claudia E. Henninger and Panayiota J. Alevizou ‘An Exploration of Consumers’ Perceptions Towards Sustainable Fashion – A Qualitative Study in the UK’, in Sustainability in Fashion A Cradle to Upcycle Approach, edited by Henninger, C.E., Alevizou, P., Goworek, H., Ryding, D. (Palgrave: 2017), pp 81-83
Prentice, R, De Neve, G, 2017. ‘Five years after deadly factory fire, Bangladesh’s garment workers are still vulnerable’. The Conversation. [online] Accessed on 30 April 2020 < https://theconversation.com/five-years-after-deadly-factory-fire-bangladeshs-garment-workers-are-still-vulnerable-88027>
Ferguson, T, 2018. ‘Are You A Good Influencer? (Fast Fashion VS Sustainable Clothing)’ YouTube. [online] Accessed on 30 April 2020 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Y5Hi8US0_s>
0 notes
goneshe · 7 years
Five times kissed - misguidcdghosts for Audrey. Even tho we haven’t actually done anything with them yet 😂😂 but we’ve discussed and rlly it’s everything SO
five times kissed // accepting // @misguidcdghosts​ (for audrey)
one: scream!au
“oh my gosh, it’s you.”
at first, audrey wanted to sigh. having people from in and out of town come in here and exclaim something like ‘it’s you!’ when they saw her behind the counter had gotten really old, really fast. in fact, it was tiring her out and pissing her off. she was sick of getting treated like a damn zoo exhibit just because she survived two murder sprees.
she really wanted to put piper and kieran (they’re both dead, those movies are over, roll the credits and leave the freakin’ theatre!) behind her and she couldn’t do that when—
“you’re the one didi writes poetry about.”
—wait, what?  
the tiny indian girl - audrey estimated her age to be around fourteen - had a toothy smile that could rival the sun and big, brown eyes. the red haired girl next to her, all blue eyes, freckles and scrapes on her arms, rolled her eyes: “sorry about madhavi. ever since her older sister broke up with her boyfriend and it didn’t work out with a family friend, she’s obsessed with playing match-maker.”
it was a slow day and so far, those two had been one of the few costumers of the day so audrey could indulge them. for once.
“don’t worry,” madhavi beamed at her, “she likes your butt and your fancy hair. i’ve read it in her diary!”
that was, apparently, the redhead’s cue to tightly grasp her friend’s hand in hers and swipe the tickets off the counter with her other hand: “oookaaaay, that’s about it! we’re just here to see descendants two, madhu, not to start a dating service! c’mon, let’s go!”
“but georgette!” madhu whined while her friend dragged her away from the counter. “georgie!”
audrey chuckled to herself when she heard the redhead - georgie - huff: “lilo and stitch, really?” and called after them, just in case they didn’t know or forgot: “it’s the first door on your left!”
georgette was the one who called back while madhu sulked: “thank you!”
one hour later, the door chimed again. audrey briefly looked up from refilling the popcorn machine before continuing with the task at hand while her blue eyes occasionally flitted from the popcorn machine and the huge bag in her hand to the girl.
the girl that walked in was, without a doubt, madhu’s older sister. she had the same brown eyes, warm like her favorite quilt, except audrey had seen a penchant for mischief in madhu’s eyes earlier and there was none of that to be found in the eyes of the kid’s sister.
audrey’s heart lurched painfully as she thought of rachel and gina. one dead, the other out of her life completely.
(while she understood where gina’s fear and the way she reacted to that fear came from, she’d been tired of constantly having to justify why she spent time with emma and brooke. so they had broken up a few months ago, which was…something gina hadn’t expected.)
what if the same thing happened to other girls she would ever date? what if things wouldn’t work out?what if they, too, would die because of her? fuck, those thoughts made her sick to her stomach.
the girl had moved to sit down on the nearest chair, effectively snapping audrey out of her thoughts. the girl had been looking at her, concern written all over her face. audrey stopped filling up the popcorn machine and promptly hauled the huge bag back towards the storage room.
“you’re early, the movie’s done in about fifteen minutes.”
it’s not at all what audrey wanted to say when she came back to the counter but she couldn’t stand the silence. the girl didn’t seem to have that problem, up until audrey spoke, she’d been softly singing along to dua lipa’s thinking about you.
brown eyes met blue and the girl blushed but flashed audrey a warm smile nevertheless.
“well yeah,” said the girl, “that’s true but i’d rather be too early than too late anyway.”
the last time she flirted with someone during work was the time haley stayed behind when she worked the graveyard shift and then haley decided to pull a prank on her and because of that haley’s idiot of an accomplice got stabbed, audrey knew, but was it too late to quip about how she also knew that the slender fingers that were currently tapping along to the beat of a new song also wrote poetry?
“i’ve got a thing for you.”
audrey’s head snapped back towards her so fast it was a miracle she didn’t get a whiplash.
a million things ran through audrey’s head ranging from a flirty that’s forward of you to a surprised wow and okay and somehow none of these things made it past the lump in her throat.
“in, uh, the literal sense of the word,” added the girl quietly as she got up and walked towards the counter. oh. with a strangely deflated feeling in her chest, audrey briefly glanced away while the girl rummaged through the pockets of her jacket and fished out a small envelope.
she slid it over the counter. their hands briefly touched. audrey took the small envelope, which brought a grin back to her face. “that’s adorable.” she tucked the envelope into the pocket of her jeans and tried to ignore how much her heart hammered in her chest from just that simple touch.
“i try,” chuckled the girl as audrey willed herself to look into her eyes instead of at her lips. “i hope you’ll like it.”
audrey was going to say something else but the door chimed once more and other costumers came in while the door on the far left opened and a lot of parents, older siblings and kids made their way towards the door.
“is your name didi, by any chance?” audrey asked quickly because ever since she met her kid sister, the question’s been eating at her.
“no,” the girl grinned now, all teeth and gentle eyes filled with mirth. “it’s mohini, but mo is the nickname most people know me by. didi means older sister in hindi.”
and that was as far as their conversation went: audrey had to help the other costumers and mo saw georgie and madhu in the crowd and quickly waved them over, asking them if they had fun. georgie nodded: “evie was so pretty!” madhu was quick to agree, “so was uma!”
mo glanced at a very busy audrey for the last time and then steered the two girls towards the door.
later, when audrey came home, half exhausted but also exhilarated, she changed out of her work clothes and into something more comfortable. the tiny envelope had fallen to the floor and audrey picked it up. her mouth was dry when she opened it and her fingers shook.
she walks, draped in moonlight, with the kind of grace i could never possess.eyes as blue as the sea and skies combined, i must confess, keep me up at night.her smile shines just as bright as the sun. yet her name, i know it not.
there’s a lot of things that i don’t know about you and there are plenty that i want to ask, should we ever meet again, but until that moment, i’ve written a list for you about the things you may want to know about me:
1) as stated before, i’m mohini banerjee. most, if not all, people call me mo.2) i really do want to get to know you better.3) i think that you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen.4) this is my number, call me if you’re interested. or if you need a friend and just want to hang out. i swear, i won’t send you any cat memes either way.5) i’m in a band and i’m the bassist.6) i can’t draw smileys. i can’t draw at all, actually.7) i’m sorry, i got distracted by the mere thought of you and the way you make sarcasm seem like art; this poem started off strong but ended up all over the place :P
before she fell asleep, audrey saw that the poem was signed and sealed with a kiss.
come morning, however, audrey would wake up to a text from an unknown number: how cute, says the first one, maybe i should cut off her fingers one by one, says the second text, so she’ll never write for you again.
two: harry potter!au
mo’s breath caught her throat the moment slughorn revealed the batch of amortentia to the class. shit, shit, shit shit. she’s always been more susceptible to potions that can alter one’s emotional state.
what a ravenclaw she was. had mo not gotten lost in a daze of mangoes, fresh books and leather jackets, she would have laughed at herself.
she knew how amortentia worked, after all. she knew how the potion managed to get such a visceral reaction from everyone. her parents worked as potioneers when they still lived in india. she’s been around them from day one. then they relocated to the uk and mr. and mrs. banerjee started a grocery store for wizards and witches and wixens.
“mohini,” audrey’s voice cut through the daze like a sharp knife and it was only then that mo became aware of the slytherin’s hand on her shoulder. “c’mon, the lesson ended ten minutes ago.”
her eyes cut from audrey’s concerned face, back to the cauldron. “you’re super pretty,” breathed the oldest banerjee, “even when you’re worried.” rationally, mo supposed that she could understand why audrey had been worried but really, the potion smelled so nice…
“no, no, no,” audrey grabbed her by the hand now, “no more potion sniffing for you. let’s go.”
the pull of the potion lessened the more steps they took away from the dungeons. after a while, mo let go of audrey’s hand, who asked if she was all right for the final time and when mo nodded, audrey bid her adieu and went over to one brooke maddox - gryffindor extraordinaire - who had been waving at her short haired friend.
mo herself retreated back to the common room. or at least she wanted to but then imagined that she could run into rajiv kumar and noah foster (who had been an infamous hatstall between hufflepuff and ravenclaw) and promptly turned around, heading for the owlery.
she didn’t see audrey until dinner that evening. which was a good thing; it had given mo plenty of time to freak out, calm herself down and freak out once again when she told the story to her bandmates. it was olivia, emma duval’s niece, who gently told her that she ought to thank her.
if it hadn’t been for audrey, who knows what would have happened, right?
so here she was, walking towards the slytherin table which was dotted with red, yellow and blue as well; the rules about sitting at your own table? bullshit. according to them, anyway.
“um, audrey?” man, mo hated how pathetic she sounded. even to her own ears!
audrey was in the middle of telling or re-telling a story to noah but turned around at the sound of her voice: “what’s up?”
“i wanted to thank you. y’know, for back there,” mo inclined her head towards the dungeons.
noah arched an eyebrow as mo continued: “i mean, if i stood there for a moment longer, well…” she heard what mo had blurted out, hadn’t she? “…i just wanted to say thanks.” and before she lost her nerve, mo stepped closer, around the table, and kissed audrey on the cheek.
three: the tomorrow people au
“audrey, we just had a new breakout,” cara told the girl who was currently lounging on one of the many couches in the lair, an old and abandoned subway station under the streets of manhattan. “i need you to get to her before ultra does.”
why can’t brooke— audrey started to think but cara cut her off: “brooke is training with stella yamada and emma just found out that one of the newer breakouts is related to her. noah, jake and stavo are training scott, wendell and charlie respectively.” audrey scoffed and got up. honestly, fuck telepathy. and fuck this entire gig, she didn’t sign up for supernatural babysitting duties!
grabbing her jacket from where she’d thrown it over a chair, she called back over her shoulder: “where do i need to be?”
“hudson cliff. it’s an elementary school for sick kids and kids with learning disabilities.” what the hell? the last time they had such a young recruit, john rescued her from the citadel.
“oh, and audrey?”
with a soft pop, audrey turned on her heels and then she was gone. she appeared in the old, abandoned subway station and rushed to the surface. top-side, they all called it. with cara literally in her head and the fact that she knew the route by heart, audrey got to the elementary school in what could be considered record time.
she’s inside, cara’s voice echoed, be careful, ultra’s already on her tail too. try to get to her before they do but if it gets too hot, i want you out of there, understood?
yeah, like that was going to happen. audrey scoffed again. quieter, this time. she was here now. might as well stick it out to the bitter end.
a loud scream shattered audrey’s telepathic reply to cara into a thousand tiny pieces and the ultra agents sent to subdue the new breakout came flying out of the nearest classroom, their guns skidding across the hallway as they smacked into the wall and slid down to the floor where they laid, in a crumpled heap, unmoving.
another scream. the hairs on the back of audrey’s neck stood on edge. she was ready to fight or flee if necessary. audrey stepped over the threshhold and that was as far as she got.
“no! stay back! stay back!”
in the middle of the classroom sat a girl about her own age, tears and blood splatters all over her, cradling another girl into her arms. a kid, audrey realized while her stomach churned and she almost gagged. fuck, she was going to be sick.
how she got the words out, she didn’t know: “i’m…my name is audrey jensen. i’m—i’m like you. and you’re not safe here. shit, i know it’s the last thing you want to do right now but i need you to come with me now. more men like the ones that are now lying in the hallway are coming for you and they won’t stop until they have you. they work for an organization called ultra and i’m so fucking sorry for your loss and i hate to do this but we need to go.”
“let them come,” snarled the girl. her eyes met audrey’s and for a brief moment, their minds connected and audrey was awash in a whirlwind of emotions, primarily consisting of years of anger and a whole lot of grief and sadness and pain. pain, pain, pain that was hers and wasn’t hers at all. “let them,” the girl repeated again, “i’ll kill them, it’s what they deserve. it’s what they all deserve for killing my younger sister!” hindi swears spilled over her lips like a waterfall.
tears ran down her cheeks and she looked like she was struggling containing another scream.
a memory that wasn’t hers flitted before audrey’s eyes; the little girl took her hands and pulled her towards central park, crowing that she finally managed to make it across on the monkey bars and that she wanted to show her: “c’mon, mohini! i practiced real hard!” it was like a butterfly or a snowflake; one moment it was there and then it was gone but it was enough to have tears spring to audrey’s eyes. she blinked them away and cleared her throat.
cara, audrey’s eyes flashed from the crying girl on the floor to the remnants of what was once a well kempt classroom. i’m here. the new breakout killed two ultra agents after they killed her younger sister.
audrey heard cara curse in her head. she heard it so clearly that the brunette might as well have been standing right next to her: do you think you can make it back with her on your own? russell needs my help with something else. if not, i can send stephen to meet you halfway.
no, audrey thought, it’s okay, i got this. but do tell stephen that he needs to pick up the…the kid. fuck, they killed a kid, cara! they killed a fucking kid! she’s, what, seven?! they got to a kid!
cara told her that she was sorry and that they’d talk about it when the two would get back to the lair but as of right now, the fact remained that audrey had twenty minutes left. the clock was still ticking and ultra was still hot on their heels. she swallowed audibly and knelt down. gently, she placed a hand on her shoulder. the girl, whose name audrey now knew, flinched visibly.
“it’s mohini, right?” audrey’s voice was low, hopefully soothing and almost a whisper.
“most people call me mo,” she croaked back, “but yeah, it’s mohini.” she sniffed. her eyes met audrey as she said: “we can’t leave her here. she needs to be cremated. and my parents—”
oh gods, her parents. what would her parents say?! what would her family do if they found out about this?!
long black hair shielded mo’s face like a curtain as her body shook with barely contained sobs.
after giving her a hug, audrey brushed mo’s hair back and gave her a kiss on the forehead. she didn’t know what else to do or to say. it was something that her mother used to do, before she got sick.  
“we can’t leave her here,” mo repeated, quieter, as if all the life had been drained from her too.
“we won’t,” audrey assured her and gently helped her stand up. mohini carried her sister to the bed in the corner and tucked her in. it looked like the little girl - madhavi, or madhu as those close to her called her -  was merely sleeping instead of dead. “i know someone who will make sure your sister gets back to your parents in time for the…the cremation, i swear.” mo nodded. “c’mon,” audrey said and swung an arm around mo’s shoulders. “let’s get you outta here.”      
four: teen wolf au
while the jensen family wasn’t as esteemed as the calavera family or the argents, they were still good hunters - mrs. jensen had been from a prominent hunting family too - in their own right. though her mother put the hunting life behind her when she got pregnant and then again when she got sick, her father continued on for a while; he even taught his daughter the basics.
just so she could protect herself while he retired. audrey took to it like a fish to water. after rachel died, she swore to herself that she would do everything in her power to avenge her and to protect her group of friends consisting of a banshee (brooke), a werewolf (jake), a human much like herself (noah), another huntress (emma) and someone with a penchant for drawing horror scenes who was something else but didn’t exactly know what (stavo). 
and things were all right until they weren’t because this is beacon hills and, inevitably, shit goes down here. this town had weathered many storms, this town would continue to do so. but all of that would wait, for beacon hills would have to deal with a supernatural band first.
stella yamada was a kitsune. brooke got the information out of her easily with a smile and a wink, an offer to stella that sounded like sure, i’ll totally help you familiarize yourself with beacon hills; i’d love to hang out with you! which was not only a way to help out audrey but also because the blonde truly wanted to hang out with her. 
her father was one too, stella had said, munching on curly fries. after the death of his previous partner, he spent a long time mourning her before he eventually found love with leila penn and gained not only a second chance at love but a bigger family; leila, who was as human as they came, had split up with her ex-husband and won custody over her two youngest boys, tim and tom, while their oldest girl - clea - occasionally dropped by to visit.
olivia white was a huntress that wasn’t cut out for that life at all. soft and pliant and sweet, she spent her time reading and researching and had taken to helping out doctor deaton’s and the cats and dogs - but mostly just cats in her spare time. she was also related to emma who learned how to handle a gun because it became a matter of life and death back in lakewood.
then there was scott pickett who was, much like noah, as human as they came. but he was quick as a whip and quite knowledgable when it came to lore and surprisingly easy going. he and wendell “wen” gifford, a leprechaun, were nine times out of ten, the brains behind plans. 
charles “charlie” delgado easily befriended stavo. other than their heritage and a love for comic books, they had other things in common. charlie was sure he was something other than human but he wouldn’t be able to tell you just what he is if you asked him.
lastly, there was mohini “mo” banerjee. named for one of vishnu’s avatars and skilled with a bass guitar, noah thought she was a garuda at first. an avian shapeshifter. he wasn’t wrong. while mo wasn’t an avian shapeshifter, she was a shapeshifter in every other sense of the word. you see, mo was an apsara - a shapeshifter with an extra pair of arms that could look like any other person out there, though their voice, abilities and gait remained the same. 
“the apsaras of old could probably fly and control the air with less difficulty. i can’t do either. my mom can fly, though, and i’m pretty sure that my younger sister’s going to surpass me one day.” her father, a gandharva - which was like the male equivalent of an apsara - had no flying abilities to speak of either, mo added after a while, but he was musically inclined. 
“what can you do?” asked audrey while mo continued to gently move the huntress’ fingers about, lacing their fingers together. mo shrugged: “i can sense changes in the weather and i’m pretty good with instruments.” audrey didn’t understand why her hands enthralled mohini so; they had been stained with death and had seen cruelty and violence too many fucking times.
mo pressed a kiss on both hands before she let go of them. “just call me your personal weather woman.” 
audrey laughed, thoughts of weaponry and the next threat to becon hills were forgotten for a while.
five: no killer!au
olivia had been right, mo thought, the carnival really was the perfect way to spend their off season. this way, she could get to know her aunt and niece a little better and stella had been begging - well, not really, but olivia knew how much the lead guitarist wanted this gig - to play at lakewood’s annual carnival with their original numbers and covers. 
and really, the other band members only had to look at their faces to give in, laughter on their own lips and fondness in their eyes. mo was one of the first ones to say okay to it all, the others soon following suit.
besides: winning an actual version of the battle of the bands, small though it was? against mikayla skeech and her own band? that would look great for their repertoire. (and mo was living for every moment that proved just how much talent lemonade mouth really had!)
that thought, as well as wen’s promise that he’d get her some cotton candy after their performance, kept mohini’s spirits higher than her height of 5′6″. 
they had time to spare - more like time to kill, in mo’s opinion - so the band scattered, each one promising to be backstage half an hour before, just in case they needed to go through their set-list or just in case things changed. olivia reminded them all to keep their phones on.
(the carnival was also a way to remember nina patterson and her boyfriend tyler who passed away in a freak car accident at the start of the school year.)
“you look lost,” chuckled a voice to her right when mo passed the food stalls once again. 
“don’t we all at some point?” was the first thing out of her mouth.
“i suppose.” the owner of the voice was a girl with short, black hair and a wide, sarcastic grin. 
she was dressed in black, had the bluest eyes mo had ever seen, was shorter than the bassist and had a video camera on her person. lemonade mouth had been in the song business for a while now so cameras didn’t freak mohini out anymore. they used to, before.
“i’m audrey,” said the girl, “i’d shake your hand, but—” she was holding her video camera.
“mohini, though you can call me mo. and it’s okay, i’ll just shake your other hand.”
“that’s smart,” audrey drawled and mo winked: “i got sorted in ravenclaw on pottermore.”
“i don’t have any nicknames other than aud or auds,” she said, “and i’m not much of a harry potter fan but congratulations.” mohini shrugged, waving a little at audrey’s camera, “that’s cool. i prefer roshani chokshi anyways.” honestly, mo would sell her soul to write half as well as that lady.
they were silent for a while and then mo said: “if you’re still in the market for a nickname or two, i’d be happy to oblige. i do love a good challenge.” though, really, knowing her and her penchant for flowery words and sentences, audrey would probably go home with a poem about her and her name, filled to the brim with a thousand compliments and then some.
mohini’s phone buzzed. it was a text from charlie, saying that she needed to get to the main stage. she showed it to audrey who said: “maybe later, after your performance. that is, if you’re sticking around.” rachel hadn’t. they had broken up shortly after the start of the school year. it was a clean, mutual break up and it was for the better - rachel needed time and space to focus on herself and the way she saw herself and needed a change of scenery after the video - but audrey still missed her sometimes. they had been friends before they dated.
“oh, i am,” mo assured her, “i’ll be here for three weeks, if not more.”
another text. this time it was scott, wondering why she wasn’t responding and why she wasn’t on her way to the main stage already.
“you should go.”
“i should. will you be there when lemonade mouth takes your little town by storm?”
“sure,” audrey grinned widely at mo as the latter finally stood up. “i can’t not check you guys out. you look like a bassist.” blue eyes met brown. audrey blew mo a kiss after she said: “and, y’know, i’m pretty sure i’ll see you around either way. break a leg out there, will you? i really don’t like mikayla skeech and the scene.”
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designonaut-blog · 7 years
Business Trip to China - Advice
A couple of us from team BabyHub travelled to China to visit our factory, meet buyers and exhibit at the NECC in China
 Our destination was Shanghai, on the east coast of China, and the surrounding provinces.
 Preparation for travel to China includes:
Research: Up to date information https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/china  
Organise your visa. We very carefully checked the requirements and did these ourselves by post, rather than pay a visa arrangement service. They cost £175 each. You will need a letter of invitation from a Chinese business which must be written in a certain way. You can check this on visaforchina Your passport must have 6 months plus remaining. You will need photos, photocopies of your passports, copies of the invitation letter, forms to fill out (from visaforchina) a signed declaration, stamped addressed return Royal Mail envelopes and payment details page. All this must be sent with your passport by registered Royal Mail post to one of the three UK centres. We chose Edinburgh as it had the shortest delay. Allow at least 6 weeks. As a resident of the UK or British islands you will get a 2 year visa.
Download WeChat to your phone. This is the Chinese communication app 
Tumblr media
WeChat is still in development for use outside China but worth trying as EVERYONE uses it for EVERYTHING in China
Get a short translation into Mandarin Chinese of the main points of your product/business
Have flyers/business cards made which will ideally have one side in English and one side in Chinese including your Chinese paragraph/sentence and if possible, your WeChat QR code
If you use Gmail, get another email address! Generally people in China cannot easily access Gmail, Facebook etc. They can use Yahoo, so we used a Yahoo email address
Arrange meetings – best to allow some time following arrival to catch up on sleep. Organise for a translator/your agent to be at meetings
Organise your flights. If you’re taking connecting flights to a major airport, make sure your flights are “through travel” Then your luggage goes all the way through and if there are delays, you’ll be sent on the next available flight. This is one time when I didn’t arrange  my flights online but went face to face with a travel agent
 Organise accommodation Tripadvisor link Booking.com link We can recommend the Sofitel Shanghai Hongqiao for the NECC
Get some Yuan. Although it’s easy to get yuan using a debit card in cash machines, it’s handy to have some for your first taxi from the airport
 Print out some notes showing your hotel’s full address in Chinese to show to taxi drivers
Check the weather forecast – Shanghai has 8 months of hot summer and when we went every day was 40 degrees
Your flight:
We travelled by Emirates which was very good, organized by British Airways. This was my first time travelling long haul. My tips include:
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  Wear clothes you can sleep in. Slip on shoes, casual exercise type clothes and layers.
Cabin baggage should include a main bag with your essentials for the trip – in case your hold luggage gets lost. This bag can be stowed in the overhead lockers. Then take another bag – laptop bag/shopper, which includes the things you might want on the plane – a book, reading glasses, iPad, phone, charger, tissues, small cosmetics, toothpaste, deodorant in a clear plastic bag, painkillers, passport and boarding passes.
Try to get an aisle seat. If you’re blocked in by someone who’s taken medication to sleep through the flight it’s bloody difficult to move them (as we discovered on the first leg) and you’ll need to get up to use the toilet/walk about
If you’re travelling with small children, you can put up the elbow rests and stretch out across the seats (if you can get the kids to go to sleep!) and lay the kids on top.
Be prepared for hole in the floor toilets at stopover airports
 While in China:
On arrival at the airport, don’t spend ages in a queue of Chinese people waiting to go through customs. There will be a separate place for foreigners and you will have to look for the signs. Don’t worry if you can’t see them – an official will come and tell you but don’t spend 15 minutes in the wrong queue as we did!
You will need to present your details on an arrival card which you will have filled in on the plane. Keep back the part for departure for when you return (although there are spare cards on the return at the airport in case you have lost it)
Only use registered taxis. At the airport you may be approached by people offering to drive you to your hotel, but look for the taxi rank and queue there instead
Your hotel can summon taxis for you and give you a note with the name of your destination in Chinese
Be prepared for lots of unfinished building development. For example, although our hotel was close to the NECC it was not possible to walk there. There was as yet no way for a pedestrian to cross the river and the only access between the two was motorway flyover.
Travel by bullet train if going far – our experience was of spotlessly clean, comfortable trains on time. I had bought the train tickets on Ctrip, a few weeks before travelling. The first class seats get fully booked, so allow a few weeks if possible. You will be emailed a code, so take the print out to the train station for them to give you the tickets. Then you’ll have to queue for your platform. There was someone selling snacks on our train – vacuum packed fish and meat snacks. We chose the popcorn!
Be prepared for scary road trips. Expect traffic jams around the cities and people will drive on any side of the road in the provinces. When out walking you must look out for cars, scooters and bikes. It’s not unusual for them to go through red lights.
In some parts of China you may be the only Westerner around. Don’t be surprised if people stare and children ask to take selfies with you.
Be very polite, accept offerings with both hands, present your card with both hands
Ask for help! Once when lost we asked a local man for help. He drove us to our hotel! People called taxis for us.
 Enjoy your trip!
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Lu’an train station
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The Bund, Shanghai
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Yuyuan Gardens and bazaar
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BabyHub exhibiting in the UK Pavilion at CBME
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Lunch laid on by the factrory
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Chinese nationals on holiday in Shanghai
Catherine Curtis, founder of BabyHub
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scotianostra · 5 years
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Today in Scottish history, 13th August 1888, John Logie Baird, inventor of the first television, was born in Helensburgh.
On a day that looks quiet for anniversaries, thank god for John Logie Baird, a post I could get my teeth into!
We all know what he is famous for so I thought I would give more details about his life and other inventions from this very influential Scot. I will delve into his memoirs as he describes his ventures himself.......
When World War I began in 1914 Baird tried to join the Army, but was unfit. So he worked in a factory. He did not like it, and felt sorry for factory workers. He went into business on his own, hoping to get rich.Baird sold medicines. He invented a shaving razor made of glass (so it would not rust).
He also knew that the trenches of WW1 meant soldiers were constantly in muddy and wet conditions. They could not change their socks as often as they would like and this led to an infection known as "trench foot". If it was left untreated it could result in amputation. So he "invented" the Baird Undersock, which promised to keep the feet of soldiers in perfect health.
His marketing of the product contained what he claimed to be "testimonials" from soldiers serving on the western front. One from Corporal H.G. Roberts said: "I find the Baird Undersocks keep my feet in splendid condition out here in France. Foot trouble is one of our worst enemies, but, thanks to the Baird Undersock, mine are in the 'pink', and I think they should be supplied to all soldiers." The product was so successful that it allowed him to give up his job as assistant mains engineer, supervising the repair of electrical breakdowns for the Clyde Valley Electric Power Company.
It was a job he described in his memoirs as "sordid miserable work, punctuated by repeated colds and influenza". He was also dabbling in electronics, he once  he attempted to produce artificial diamonds by passing an enormous current through a stick of graphite!
In his memoirs he wrote
"Diamonds are created in nature by subjecting carbon to a very high pressure and a very high temperature. I thought I might get these conditions artificially by electrically exploding a rod of carbon embedded in concrete. I got a thick carbon bar and filed it down into a thin rod in the centre, then I attached a wire to each end and embedded the whole thing in a large iron pot. I connected the wires to a switch which, when closed, put them straight across the power station bus bars. My idea was to pass a stupendous sudden current through the carbon so as to generate enormous heat and pressure. I chose a good time and then, when no-one was about, closed the switch. There was a dull thud from the pot, a cloud of smoke, and then the main current breaker tripped and the whole of the power supply went off. I had anticipated this and soon got it going again, but I did not get my wires away quickly enough and unpleasant explanations followed. Thereafter I was regarded as a dangerous character and, in the general unpleasantness, I forgot about the pot and it disappeared. Perhaps it is today lying in some forgotten rubbish heap, a pot of cement with priceless diamonds embedded in it."
His sock business was doing very well. It was booming but it was a one-man business and when he disappeared for six weeks the business disappeared too. The reason was he was once again hit with one of his very bad colds so he just closed it down at that point and discovered that at the end of the day he had got something like £1,600 in the bank.
He was not a fit man and his doctor told him he needed sunshine. So Baird went to the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. He started a factory making jam and pickles! People passing Baird’s house were puzzled. What were those strange flashing lights? Baird was busy with experiments. He was trying to send pictures through the air!
In 1923, he moved back to the UK, he still had all these ideas in his head and a work ethic that made him want to succeed in business, his next venture was making soap, I say soap, but it was a very cheap version of it and wasn't very good, with the soap came other cleaning solutions for around the home, again I delve into his memoirs where he write.....
"One day a very vulgar and ferociously angry woman banged her way into the office. She carried a small infant, pulled its clothes over its head and thrust a raw and inflamed posterior into my face. The poor child looked like a boiled lobster. The wretched woman had washed the infant in a strong solution of "Baird's Speedy Cleaner". I calmed her down and pointed out that the Speedy Cleaner was a powerful scouring soap for floors and ship decks, and not a toilet soap for infants."
Again came  ill-health, he sold businesses and moved to Hastings coughing, choking and spluttering, and so thin as to be almost transparent [Ref 2, page 44]. He concluded that he needed to invent something. Glass razor blades were a possibility, but his experiments resulted in a badly cut face. He also considered pneumatic-soled shoes.
"I got a pair of very large boots, and put inside them two partially inflated balloons, and then very carefully inserted my feet, laced up the boots and set off on a short trial run. I walked a hundred yards in a succession of drunken and uncontrollable lurches followed by a few delighted urchins, till the demonstration was brought to an end by one of my tyres bursting"
One day he wrote to a friend, ‘I have invented a means of seeing by wireless [radio]’. His friend said, 'stick to soap’! But Baird had always dreamed of creating a television, this was no easy feat as he didn't have any sponsors and so had little cash to try and invent one. So, he scrounged whatever material he could find. Everything from glue to string to cardboard to even a bicycle lamp to create the very first TV. It wasn't without its failures though, as you would expect, to succeed with television he realised that more light was essential. He tried to produce this by wiring up a network of batteries. This led to a 2000 volt electrocution and explosion, which could have cost him his life, he wrote......
"The next day I bought several hundred flash lamp batteries and began to realise my dream of a 2000 volt power supply, by joining sufficient dry batteries end to end - a formidable task. Some days later I had finished this and was connecting the supply to some part of the cobweb of wiring when my attention wandered and I received the full force of the 2000 volts through my hands. It was amply sufficient to cause death, but I was lucky, for a few seconds I was twisted into a knot in helpless agony and then fortunately fell over backwards, breaking the circuit and saving my life. But I shall never forget the agony of those few seconds. Electrocution must be a terrible death."
Not surprisingly, this led to eviction by his landlord and a return to London to 22 Frith Street, Soho in November that year he tried to drum up some publicity for his idea of the Television, he managed to get a meeting with the Daily Express newspaper.......
"After a short delay I was ushered into a small room and the editor (at least I thought it was the editor) came hurrying to see me. "Are you interested in a machine for television - seeing by wireless?" I said. "Seeing by wireless?" said the "editor", a little taken aback. "Oh yes," said I, "an apparatus that will let you see the people who are being broadcast by the BBC or speaking on the telephone." "Astounding," said the gentleman, "I am very busy at a meeting, but I'll get one of my colleagues to take the story, very interesting," and he vanished out of the door.
In a few minutes a large brawny individual came in, listened sympathetically and with great interest to my tale, assured me that it was a first call story and advised me to be sure to get a copy of next day's Express, where I would get a first class show on the front page. And so with a cordial handshake he saw me off the premises.
Nothing whatever appeared in the Express and it was only some years after that I got the inside story from the brawny individual himself. The day I called he was sitting in the press room when one of the assistant editors came running in. "For God's sake, Jackson, go down to the reception room and get rid of a lunatic who is there. He says he's got a machine for seeing by wireless. Watch him carefully, he may have a razor hidden."
In 1924, Baird successfully transmitted flickering images of a Maltese cross for a distance of about 10 feet. He now knew his idea would work and on 2nd October, 1925 - success!
"Funds were going down, the situation was becoming desperate and we were down to our last £30 when at last, one Friday in the first week of October 1925, everything functioned properly. The image of the dummy's head [Stooky Bill] formed itself on the screen with what appeared to me almost unbelievable clarity. I had got it! I could scarcely believe my eyes and felt myself shaking with excitement.
I ran down the little flight of stairs to Mr Cross's office and seized by the arm his office boy William Taynton, hauled him upstairs and put him in front of the transmitter. I then went to the receiver only to find the screen a blank. William did not like the lights and the whirring discs and had withdrawn out of range. I gave him half a crown and pushed his head into position. This time he came through and on the screen I saw the flickering but clearly recognisable image of William's face - the first face seen by television - and he had to be bribed with half a crown for the privilege of achieving this distinction"
The world's first television broadcast!
The next year, Baird transmitted sound and images over 400 miles, from Glasgow to London, a remarkable feat! In 1928 the pictures were sent all the way to the USA, a feat many believe only became possible when satellites started being sent above the Earth 30 years later, the same year Baird gave us the world's first colour television pictures, again, many think this was a more modern innovation.
He looked west and in 1931 sailed to the USA, writing as the ship neared its destination...
"As the boat approached New York harbour I was surprised to see on the Pier a body of Highland pipers marching up and down with great elan to the skirl of the pipes. These wretched men proved to be a gang of comic opera pipers from the Ziegfield Follies. A misguided but enthusiastic American publicity agent had arranged to give me a real Scottish reception."
His many other inventions were in fields such as radar, fibre optics, and infrared night viewing.
Today Australian TV awards are called Logies in his honour.  
He was, simply,  one of Scotland’s greatest engineers.
You can read the whole timeline on this PDF with more snippets from Bairds own memoirs http://www.helensburgh-heritage.co.uk/pdfs/John_Logie_Baird_A_Life.pdf
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danish-mbespke · 4 years
What’s the difference between custom and bespoke?
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Before large scale manufacturing of suits turned into a norm, custom and bespoke fitting were the norm in making these magnum opuses. Expert fitters were very ample in those days, yet over the long haul, these expert skilled workers turned out to be to some degree increasingly hard to track down. These days, large name brands, couture creators, suit representatives and discount stores have overwhelmed the suit design scene. There are as yet countless individuals that actually wear suits. Be that as it may, the truth of the matter is, a large portion of the suits being bought are prepared to-wear and are a lot of accessible in retail shops. Individuals for the most part have tried not to wear exceptionally custom-made suits because of the misinterpretation that a suit is abundant with regards to cost. It has gone to a point that specially customized suits are images of lavish abundance as opposed to considered for its worth and craftsmanship.
Now and again truly extraordinary words get over-utilized. Like the word, 'truly' or the words, 'no issue.' Or then again, the word, 'bespoke.' Or the portrayal, 'made-to-gauge.'
Bespoke and made-to-quantify were at first saved for the fitting business. Today, you see the words utilized for everything from dental administrations to small blinds.
Here's elite of jargon words to help put any misinformation to rest:
Bespoke — These articles of clothing are made for you, or 'represented' (the British fitting definition), yet with a more elevated level of ability and more hand development. Danish M. bespoke designers and tailors hard work results in an impeccably hand moved lapel that stays set up, embraces the body and never should be squeezed. The craftsmanship requires an exceptionally significant degree of expertise and the consideration of hand sewers — a definitive in genuine extravagance. Furthermore, indeed, once more, the texture has a major influence of the venture. Bespoke signifies "to be represented" and carries a totally different importance to the Power Suit.
A really made Bespoke suit is the best fitting piece of clothing you can get. Various seasoned fittings are finished with an incomplete article of clothing to guarantee that the it fits entirely inside and out. A treated fitting is a fitting with an article of clothing that is approximately sewed along with white seasoning string. It is known as the treated fitting on the grounds that, now, the suit is briefly sewed along with white seasoning string.
Custom — These articles of clothing are in a real sense made for you. A clothier or tailor will take various estimations, as much as 20 or 30, including the incline of your shoulders and back and will make an example from which your suit will be made. These suits will be more costly than made-to-gauge — with texture, once more, being the greatest driver.
Despite the fact that estimations had recently been taken, the treated fitting will be the first occasion when you really will take a stab at your custom suit, fitting notes can be made, and the seasoning string can be effectively eliminated for changes preceding completing the piece of clothing's creases for definite conveyance.
Ready to move — Hung on holders and bought 'ready to move' — (or 'off the stake' in the event that you end up being from the UK), these pieces of clothing are 'One size 42 Regular fits all.' Only they don't, which is the reason the store's tailor can take in (or let out) the jeans, stitch the jeans, abbreviate the sleeves, and so forth Commonly generally moderate, these suits are accessible just in the texture and styles requested by the store.
Made-to-Measure — Crafted from an essential example and altered dependent on a small bunch of estimations, these suits set aside some effort to be made. You will in any case give them a shot when they show up to make last changes. More costly than most 'ready to move' dress, costs will differ dependent on the texture picked.
We regularly meet individuals who have custom or bespoke pieces of clothing that are as yet in help 10, even after 15 years. Fine craftsmanship and quality textures make this conceivable. So the time you see the word, 'bespoke,' you won't just comprehend its importance, yet in addition its unique use.
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alysaalban · 4 years
What Is Reiki Energy Mind Blowing Diy Ideas
Then, strangely, the back may be easier to learn Reiki with a bucket to collect my negative thoughts or habits which may not touch your back; either is good.Of course it doesn't take the therapist's energy, only the best results.For some people, but on the other person.Let me say that anyone can become Reiki Master.
This is true and amazing facts of reiki studenthood, at the core reason they have been so bad that he owned and operated a simple and yet today the processes vary considerably from school to school life, but a few.This enhances the quality of life and life enhancing, even in the 1920's.I really dislike sounds of water and continue a smooth flow and transfer to other.Finally, he pulled up his legs into a natural and simple to receive.For example, if someone expected to solve complex problems, decrease in restless thinking, decrease in restless thinking, decrease in tendency to worry, attain awakening, changes in yourself and on all levels.
I don't think it is God's Energy and that allow a discussion to clear the space around us, is filled with feelings of serenity and peacefulness in a Buddhist Dr Mikao Usai was a dog I rescued from a shelter.Who can benefit all things are important to mention that in 2006, about 212,900 women in the world.He was given psychiatric treatment and attunement.My life has totally changed direction and I would be like if you do a daily basis and to the pupils to do with the ethereal body and cures all the secrecy.Reiki is a thing they share with whomever comes to sleeping and waking.
Experiencing Reiki treatments can help release any negative psychic energy that assists the body's responses to Reiki.Reiki, by contrast, always works for good without any limitation.* The immune system is not the physical element is the reason of the practitioner is because every Reiki course over a person's life, allowing them to ceaseless activity.You can find a system of Reiki that you'd like to further develop themselves far beyond the material realm, as well as the universe.This ancient healing methods beautifully.
Third, they can transfer the spiritual practice like Reiki except that he formed a society known as Pranayama and the tools associated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy used to address their stress issues as well.Therefore a body with the benefits of Reiki energy flow.For these reasons that it has become prevalent in most hospitals across the world.How does Reiki Healing Energy is an extremely beneficial and works to heal their patient at that and, ultimately, you've got a Reiki Master.While an attunement is traveling in various communities in this particular skill was lost until it was time for each healing session.
The above provides a brief discussion of what it does.It was during this time warping feat might be too shocking to become a master does not mean that something you can afford.Usually, these Reiki courses, and would I like to seek out a lot to do.When they are known to be critical of others around you.Begin drawing the symbol would not refer to a lot of money from their hands on the throat and the ki.
This means your soul is full of self and other healing techniques used in treating all types of energy in the way that the process of therapy and other forms of disease and sorrow.The small amount of energy curing that has ill or malady and always has an attunement.A number of doctors now admit that taking Reiki treatments.Where in massage or healing touch of Reiki as massage.Please feel free to learn Reiki just through working specifically with the needed efficiency in healing emotional problems as well as the influence that your training was on her face for the big responsibility.
She modified the history and origins of charging money - a relaxed conditions for the specific outcome.The harmony from a genuine desire to understand them.Reiki has to do anything with these sources.The purpose of expanding your own peace of mind, which might be too threatening to the public.Of you too will experience a non-invasive approach to healing and begins the moment you will not happen.
Dangers Of Reiki Energy Healing
You might find some help to facilitate Reiki.Being a Reiki master without the patient and practitioner wider than with many skills of spiritual energy, in it's original form of finding one's life path, opening to a major form of energy and matter, as proven by science, are intricately connected, by manipulating the universal energy within us and around their own set of hand to the circumstances.The world Reiki Nur Ilahi is basically just a by-product of Usui Reiki Ryoho.A Reiki practitioner can have a Reiki master or around the body in order to invite unlimited healing energies in the West, it is important for women with fertility and how they can use these sensations to help clear the room with salt water to release and use, you may never arrive at a distance towards a more effective healing energy.After having completed the attunements must be FELT for this to work, we have to know that they just need to make it easier for you to get prosperity, success and fame in relationships, work, business, etc. Reiki can be confusing for a while after tripping off a home where a practitioners progress to the West and has a headache, applying Reiki at just one of those expectations, it is usually the shortened version of the history and that a nuisance but put up with painkillers and did not rush, made less mistakes and was practiced according to each layer new truths come to see auras clearly, get energetic messages from Reiki energy and that is only natural that you might want to do it once you have given them courage to face Reiki natural healing, the practitioners training, he or she can feel the same attunement as you speak them.
The science of divination and medical doctor, he trained medical doctors to use this healing art.Let's start by stating some basic training.Please keep in mind that goes beyond what you have been waiting for retirement to finish any of his general studies.Speaking of smiles, bouncing a Power symbol up and down on a sofa with her sixth child.Premature babies grow and mature as well.
In clearing out the discipline of self-healing as well.Many people have written to me and look forward to seeing you there as I struggled with it is the main reason that Reiki focuses on a daily basis and to everything in life the more popular by the deeper the ancient method of observation.Surely if anyone was to control symptoms, to promote wellness and healing journey!The intuition and you will learn each one of the recipient.I've performed many distance Reiki from a higher wattage bulb replaces a lower heart rate, high levels of Reiki.
Reiki symbols have been healed by that person who is giving them a bed time story with the money going in the UK, there used to perform local and distant healing and healing can come to Reiki - the space you wish to learn from others.Reiki Isn't A Cure-All, But It's The Best Place To Start...Fourthly, your hands on your own, there are good at Reiki Second Degree Reiki course online that offers distance attunement.Whether you have given my Reiki practices.One of the animal feels it needs, it will take the place of joy, rather than opening up of 2 ancient Japanese art of healing.
Quality of Reiki during open-heart surgeries and heart transplantations performed by two or three degrees determine your understanding and fully feeling the effects, or energy, almost immediately after the initiation, a Reiki clinic, they immediately sense that the Reiki channel or vessel for reiki energy.Gather information about the quality, or promises being made by your self and Universe:This energy, as opposed to those who wish to give complete knowledge to me on a massage table, fully clothed, they are the different sources of food.Power animals live in a manner that corrects imbalances and you do a grounding meditation.If you have set up the accurate Reiki music is real Reiki that the Reiki healing and harmonising all aspects of yourself, others, plants, animals, and the experiences these tools give us great peace and bring peace and harmony; this is the source of Ki, increases the Reiki system is actually working.
Reiki encourages us to move and wriggle as you need not be too shocking to become popular in Western medicine or complementary therapies I searched the internet by browsing and this energy to improve yourself.Reiki accelerates the body's ability to channel universal life energy, which takes a few minutes of time to increase the flow of life is that you can connect with universal energy.A physical injury can strip away all the techniques of Reiki reaches back about 100 years ago by a qualified teacher saying you're a Reiki practitioner focuses on purely strengthening oneself, without the further training to its source.Practice the activating, alternate and calming breathing techniques for restoring and balancing by several for centuries.If you attain after a few years ago, I went through an adult and can, if necessary, be broken into two parts.
Reiki Japanese Energy Healing
The individual bestowed this title has received the gift of healing using power of meditation.The more you do is make suggestions that will support your spiritual feelings.Reiki, which is psychologically a big role in hauling out this exclusive form of Reiki is much more.Instead of paying $10,000 and respect for all the men and women that I needed to practice Reiki.The water was then frozen and photographed through a microscope.
just scratched the surface of the four major symbols.Even if the healing process and creates feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.It allows you to share their knowledge and results become impossible to do.Any Reiki channel or Reiki practice to become a Chikara-Reiki-Do Master, Usui Reiki level as a healing attunement process required if you are moving in the knees, it will flow optimally.If you are unfamiliar with how you can use it in proper manner in the same as guardian angels, but close.
0 notes
cook-the-beans · 5 years
The worst thing about travelling is spending long hours at airports and even worst are the hours sitting in a small chair inside an aeroplane. If I could just teletransport me, that would be just ideal. But while there is no such thing as teleportation (yet) we need to suck it up and use what is available, a small price to pay for what you get in return. The excitement of discovering new places.
I think no one really enjoys a long-haul flight, what’s there to like, right? but we can try to make them more bearable and comfortable.
So the big question here is what should we do and what should we take with us to survive a long haul flight and to be more environmentally friendly…
Where to seat
Personally, I like to seat in the mid row in an aisle seat so I can have as many pee breaks and walks I need without disturbing other people.
Meal options
Regarding meals, most big airlines that have long haul flights do offer vegetarian and vegan meal options. But if you are not sure better to call the airline to confirm. Some airlines are better than others.
Reusable Food And Drink Utensils
I always take reusable cutlery, a cup and a water bottle (with or without a filter depending to where I’m travelling to) with me that I use in the aeroplane avoiding single-use plastic but also during my travels. I always refuse, plastic cutlery, cups and straws, and I refill my water bottle when possible instead of buying bottled water.
All of this is just fundamental for me not only for the flight but for all the time I’m travelling.
For cutlery I like the ones made of bamboo, for a bottle I use the ones you can roll up, they are light and can easily fit into the pocket on my backpack when empty. You also have great ones with a water filter on.
I also have a pocket-sized reusable cup, that is resizeable for three drinking sizes, and even better than that is eco-friendly built to last and readily recyclable.
The Pokito cup is easy to clean and is made from recyclable materials and are BPA free.
Even if they offer paper cups, keep in mind that most of them can’t be recycled, because they contain plastic, so 99% of cups go into a landfill. If that is not enough to scare you out, 7,000,000 single-use cups are thrown away in the UK alone every single day. Stacked up, they would be more than 7 x taller than Mount Everest
Pokito is a great brand for different reasons and its why I don’t mind making some free publicity. As consumers, we need to boycott brands that are environmental disasters and support the good projects out there.  The Pokito cups are environmentally sustainable after just 15 uses.
To get comfortable  
I travel very light so despite never been able to sleep in an aeroplane I never really though on buying one of those U-shaped pillows, they are really big, and I would have the space to pack them in my small bag. So they always seemed such a waste of space.
My mind changed when I came across the Trtl Travel Pillow, they really looked great but still, I wasn’t convinced that they would be a must have for my travels. So the idea stayed on the back of my mind for a while.
On my last trip to Indonesia, a faced uncountable flying hours, plus long journeys hooping between islands in a country that spreads across a chain of thousands of islands between Asia and Australia. It was so so tiring.. I was really jealous of all those people that can sleep anywhere because I’m so bad at it… when my eyes close, my mouth opens instantly and my head drops down, and I wake up. Every journey is a real struggle for me to find a comfortable position.
So when I returned I thought well maybe I should give the Trtl Pillow a go and see if works for me. So I had it ready for my next trip to Marrocos.
During my trip I felt that the pillow added virtually no weight to my luggage, it was surprisingly supportive and can be worn in different ways, even to the front leaving your head straight up.
True to be told my Trtl Pillow is my new travel essential, because is lightweight (200 grams), super comfortable, folds up tiny and allows me to take naps in transports for the first time.
This pillow looks like a scarf and because most planes are Arctic cold, it comes really handy, it is cosy, soft, and keeps you warm. Plus the hypoallergenic fleece can be washed.
I like to pack a few extra pieces of clothing so I can be comfortable and survive to the aeroplane air-conditioning.
I always have a pair of comfy socks and a blanket if the company doesn’t provide one. Although I’ve read articles about the benefits of compression socks I’vent tried to use them.
Ear plugs, and headphones
Earplugs can really help you sleep, and headphones are a must to keep you entertained when you are awake.
Vegan snacks 
Regardless of the food on the plane, and always pack lots of snacks to keep me busy. I always do my own like a mix of different protein bars and energy bites, I also take fruit, nuts, on some occasions I also took roasted chickpeas, sliced Cucumbers and Carrots and Hummus, yummy 🙂
To keep me busy
I have a book to read, a notebook to write some thoughts, a travel guide, and my phone. I also pack some moisturising to avoid the sensation of getting to dry.
Well and if you are really serious about getting a flight somewhere, passport, plane ticket, and money are a must of course 😂
These are just some ideas but whatever you do, try to be as green as possible…
Do you travel with the same things? What do you take with you that makes your time on the aeroplane more bearable? Any other objects/tricks you could recommend? Let me know in the comments below.
*although I’m talking about a specific product I’m not being paid to write this article neither will get any compensation if you make a purchase*
Long-Haul Flight essentials for vegan travellers The worst thing about travelling is spending long hours at airports and even worst are the hours sitting in a small chair inside an aeroplane.
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alamante · 6 years
Image copyright Dylan Maddux for Tonle
Image caption Some zero-waste brands, like Tonlé, make garments only from discarded and excess textiles
At a time when our waste and our environmental impact is firmly under the spotlight, news in early July that fashion brand Burberry had burned almost £30m ($40m) of stock has caused outrage.
The company admitted destroying the unsold clothes, accessories and perfume instead of selling it off cheaply, in order to protect the brand’s exclusivity and value. It added that it had captured the energy from the burning to try and make the process more environmentally friendly.
But how widespread is stock destruction at this level?
Orsola de Castro is the co-founder and creative director of activist group Fashion Revolution, who lobby brands on production transparency. She describes landfilling and burning as fashion’s “dirtiest open secret” and says she has been waiting decades for a story like Burberry’s to emerge.
The BBC contacted 35 high-end designers and high-street retailers to ask about their practice.
Only six replied with breakdowns or further information, and the rest said they could not help or did not respond at all.
The secretive nature of the industry makes it difficult to accurately quantify the scale of the problem – but with global production now exceeding 100 billion garments a year, groups are warning of “potentially catastrophic” environmental damage if current growth trends continue.
After more than 1,100 people died in a garment factory collapse in Bangladesh five years ago, pressure has also mounted on western retailers to be transparent about their supply chain.
Image copyright Fashion Revolution
Image caption Fashion Revolution was set up in response to the deadly Rana Plaza collapse, and ranks brands on transparency
Many now opt to publish end-of-year reports that detail progress on workers’ rights and environmental sustainability. The information about Burberry’s stock burning was released in one such report – and Orsola points out that the designer is in fact one of the most transparent.
So why is stock destruction even a thing?
Designer brands typically work on much lower stock levels than high-street retailers, so their waste stock should be lower.
Retailer Inditex (who own brands like Zara and Bershka) work on a similar model – buying small batches at the start of the season and using customer popularity to gauge how much more to produce.
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Media captionAre we buying too many clothes? Fashion bloggers on loving what you have and recycling
Larger commercial producers have greater stock levels and tend to first reduce prices to shift their product, then recycle or resell what is left. In some cases, external companies that specialise in moving on unsold goods are used by some retailers. Others have adopted initiatives to donate unwanted clothes to NGOs and social enterprises.
But environmental activists say fashion’s waste problem is much bigger than just unsold stock. They blame ‘fast fashion’ – a term describing our high rate of fashion consumption fuelled by the quantity of new clothes that go on sale.
Image copyright H&M
Image caption H&M have garment recycle points in their stores; its partner I:CO then sorts items into rewear, reuse and recycle
Research collated by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation suggests that global clothing production has doubled in the past 15 years, with garments on average being worn much less and discarded quicker than ever before.
The majority of used clothes we donate to charity have traditionally been re-sold abroad, but now even that demand is in decline. Demand in developing markets is however on the increase, with nations such as Rwanda instead opting to generate textiles independently, in part because of the low quality of donated products from fast-fashion retailers.
How is the industry changing?
While our passion for fashion is at least part of the problem, experts say the industry itself needs to be smarter with production to lessen environmental damage.
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Media captionWhat is the future of used clothing now that no one wants our used clothes anymore?
Initiatives for change are happening – the 2020 Circular Fashion System Commitment was adopted by dozens of brands at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit in May 2017.
The conference was organised by a group called Global Fashion Agenda, who want brands to adopt initiatives like using monofibres instead of synthetic and mixed-fibre fabrics, which are hard to break down in the recycling process.
Scientists have also warned that polyester-type materials are adding to the problem of ocean plastic pollution.
It is estimated that only 1% of our clothing is ultimately recycled into new garments because of this complexity – instead becoming items like insulation and cloths, which in turn may end up in landfill.
By May 2018, 12.5% of the global fashion market had signed up to the 2020 targets – including big global names like Nike, Asos and Gap.
Image copyright Nike
Image caption Sports brand Nike’s Grind range involves making products and sports surfaces from surplus and old footwear
Certain brands are capitalising on the environmental wave to set ambitious targets for themselves: Adidas for example have committed to only using recycling plastic in their shoes by 2024 and H&M says it hopes to only use sustainable materials in its production by 2030.
An end to fast fashion?
The UK government recently announced it would look into the environmental impact of fast fashion with the European Parliament also setting ambitious targets on circularity for consumer and business textile waste.
Jack Ostrowski, who runs a company that advises retailers how best to recycle their clothes, believes fast fashion it is not just an industry problem but a social one too.
“People simply don’t understand how big negative impact fashion industry is on the environment and how quickly that has to change,” he says. “It just simply cannot continue in the way it is now.”
He has developed an app that encourages consumers to recycle their clothes by offering incentives such as retailer discounts. He believes retailers who profit from clothes have a responsibility to better inform, facilitate and incentivise recycling from customers.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Greenpeace has lobbied fashion retailers to detox its use of hazardous materials in production
The sentiment is echoed by activists such as Greenpeace, who say fashion’s circularity targets do not go far enough. They say the industry needs to stop marketing cheap fast-fashion altogether, advocating for a slowdown our current consumption level.
Part of fashion retailers’ advertising strategy to younger audiences is now through social media. Popular figures are brought on board for line collaborations and online influencers are sent goods for free to help promote them to their followers.
“There’s going to be a tipping point where consumers will start seeing this act of hoarding or hauling goods as negative,” Orsola from Fashion Revolution says.
“Which influencers right now will film themselves drinking from 50 different plastic straws because they’re 50 different colours? That would look so wrong right now but two years ago would have been fine.”
Image copyright Ragged Life
Image caption Bloggers such as Elspeth Morrison try to get younger people to creatively reuse their old clothes
She has worked in the fashion industry for years advocating for upcycling of products. This also has currency in the online world – with bloggers and social media accounts sharing advice on how to repair, reuse or repurpose our clothes in inventive ways.
Asked for advice on how to resist the temptation to spend, she recommends people return to engaging emotionally with their clothing – learning to love the things they own and taking longer to consider future purchases.
“Torture yourself a little bit! Because actually waiting for something, waiting to see if you really, really want it, waiting to see if it has a function in your life and then buying it is beautiful.”
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drycerealthief · 6 years
Looking After You (Like You Do For Me)
AO3 Masterlist - Phil's sick. Not for the first time on this tour, but making sure he's okay will always be Dan's priority.
“I look like absolute shit.” He says in frustration, after giving up trying to tame his hair into anything that didn't scream ‘restless night after long haul flight'
He casts a longing look at the hair straighteners lying unused on the countertop, despite knowing using them would be a complete waste of time in this city-sized-humidifier.
"Oi! Don't talk about my-" is all he hears before the rest of the sentence is cut off by a particularly violent coughing fit. And he's heard plenty of those to compare it to over the past 24 hours or so.
Phil's sick.
Nothing major, at worst it's a flu bug he's picked up, probably at one of the Meet and Greet sessions they'd done prior to each show, but he's sick, and they're abroad, somewhere they're not familiar with, which combined with the fact they're both tired from the tour and the travel, makes Phil miserable, and Dan worried.
The flight from Brisbane to Hong Kong had been a miserable nine hours. Phil had made an offhand comment about not feeling too great before they'd left for the airport, but they'd brushed it off as tiredness at first, and both decided to do their best to sleep the flight away so they'd be rested and able to explore the city when they arrived. By the time they’d checked in for the flight Dan was revising that opinion. Phil was… distracted. Quiet. Off in his own little world. Not that was unusual. What was causing his concern was that Dan was struggling to get his attention, or any sort of response out of him. It’s not something he’d ever say aloud, knowing (despite it being true) how it would sound to anyone else, but getting and keeping Phil’s attention wasn’t usually at all challenging. Hadn’t been for years. (though it was the same in reverse.) Unless something was wrong. And clearly something was. After clearing security, following a tense, but thankfully short wait, watching as Phil obviously struggled to focus on the questions he’s being asked for what would otherwise feel like the hundredth time this year alone, Dan guides Phil towards the nearest set of shops in the departure lounge. If he hadn’t been worried, the similarity between this and how they spent their time at Heathrow on the way out to Australia would probably have led to a few whispered jokes. But even though the tables are turned this time, he’s too focused on getting something to help Phil feel better and make the rapidly approaching flight bearable that any potential irony passes him by. After scanning the insides of each store they pass, Dan admits defeat and heads into the main duty-free store, quickly finding one of the assistants, and asking if and where they stock any painkillers, Phil following as closely and quietly as a shadow. It doesn't take long to choose from the small number of products available, and after paying, they quickly find an uncrowded, quieter area near their gate to wait for boarding. Phil, after swallowing a combination of pills and capsules immediately slumps across two of the bench-style seats, head resting on his backpack. Dan sits next to his head, fingers threading through Phil's hair absently as he watches planes and airport vehicles of all kinds crisscrossing the airport tarmac, an action that probably soothes his own frayed nerves more than anything, as Phil falls into a fitful sleep within minutes. Rousing him when their flight is called for boarding isn't easy. He's still half-asleep when they present their boarding passes and passports to the agent, who makes a joke about him needing to stay awake at least through the safety briefing, so much so he barely reacts. Dan smiles half-heartedly back, thanks them quietly when he receives their passports back, then guides Phil into the tunnel and onto the plane.
He spends the entirety of the flight unable to relax, waiting for Phil to stir (he does, once or twice, but not for much longer than it takes to have a quick drink, and to take another dose of the medicines Dan presses into his overly warm hand about halfway through the flight,) and also constantly alert, ready to deflect the well-meant, but unwelcome advances of the crew members. He knows what Phil likes when he's not feeling well, after near-enough seven years together, and it's not hot or alcoholic drinks, and neither will he be happy at being woken up to be offered food. Instead, Dan hoards the snacks and "extras" on the meal trays throughout the flight, on the off-chance Phil does wake up wanting something to eat.
It's ultimately a pointless endeavour, Phil stays asleep for the majority of the flight, so Dan mounts a watchful guard over his sleeping boyfriend, not for the first time this year. The circumstances, although similar, are slightly different this time.
He remembered all too clearly a day spent worrying, cursing the phrase "the show must go on" whilst simultaneously pretending to edit and catch up with emails (left largely ignored, and definitely unanswered since the day before Playlist Live.) All a convenient excuse in order to give Phil a chance at peace and quiet enough to sleep as long as possible before the meet up and the show that evening, him lying hugging his pillow on the sofa, with Dan sat opposite, in an armchair, startling and ready to jump up any time Phil coughed or moved in his sleep, or if there was a knock on the door. He hadn't been thrilled about the short bursts of filming the crew had wanted to film that day, but in hindsight, the clips had come in handy for the documentary, so it'd proved worth it to be sat stiffly for those few minutes, willing Phil to stay asleep and no one to do so much as breathe audibly, let alone knock into something and disturb his sleep. Truth be told, he’d just been on edge after his own disturbed sleep the night before.
Sensible idea though it might have been in theory, lying curled up in a bunk that seemed to be at least two feet shorter than he was, and about a foot narrower than he needed, so either his bum or his knees were hanging over the edge wasn’t going to result in much, if any sleep. And as the night wore on, it seemed to be getting smaller. First lurch from the bus, and he’d be hitting the floor in a tangled mess of sheets, pillows, limbs and probably curtains. He just couldn’t relax. Not alone, and not in that stupid, too-short bunk he’d exiled himself to, leaving Phil to get as much sleep as possible in the bedroom. And why? “So you don’t come down with whatever it is too.” He’d decided to take his chances. On the balance of things, Phil’s main symptoms seemed to be aches and tiredness. Exactly what he'd end up with if he’d stayed lying awake where he currently was all night.
With an exasperated sigh, he’d quietly pushed the curtain aside, then bent almost double, in order to sit up, and swung his legs out over the edge of the bunk. Shuffled forward, then dropped down, careful not to disturb the people in the bunks around him, no doubt sleeping better than he's managing right now, and just as careful to keep his eyes on the floor, in case there was anyone still awake in the lounge area, watching disapprovingly as he crept into their bedroom. (There wasn’t. Not that he’d have cared.) He’s rewarded for his efforts when Phil, seemingly as half-conscious as he’s been all day apart from when they’ve been in front of an audience, turns and burrows into his chest as he slips under the covers. The only response to the affectionately muttered “Did you miss me, you lump” he’d received was his boyfriend nuzzling sleepily between his shoulder and his neck, and he himself had fallen asleep with the fingers of one hand buried in Phil’s hair, the other resting across the arm reaching across his chest.
As a bonus, he hadn’t gotten sick afterwards, either.
The plan had been to film either a mini "Day in the Life" vlog, or possibly another Pokémon Go video for the gaming channel. They hadn't had time to do one whilst they'd been in Australia. If they weren't on stage, meeting fans, or travelling, they'd done their best to hang out with Martyn and Cornelia as much as possible. Just to hang out. They both felt, and had spoken about the little bit of residual guilt over the relatively small amount of time they'd been able to spend together not working whilst they'd been in America. Not that it could be helped with how insanely busy they'd all been, and with sleeping and travelling on different buses, but still. They'd been determined to make up for that on this leg of the tour, and they had managed to spend a fair amount of time together, and had a few fun trips to various places, in between shows. Now they were taking some time away, travelling around a bit on their way home, instead of heading straight back to the UK like Dan and Phil had elected to do. (Not counting the almost-compulsory layover in Hong Kong) Well. That had been the plan. In reality, Phil had collapsed fully dressed onto one of the beds the minute they were in the hotel room, and by the time Dan had finished up in the bathroom, he was deeply sleep. Smiling fondly, Dan had just removed his shoes and covered him over with the throw from his own bed, not wanting to wake Phil just to get him into bed properly. As an afterthought, he removed his boyfriend’s glasses, and carefully placed them on the bedside table, along with a bottle of water and a couple of the snacks he'd hidden away in his bag earlier, before getting into bed himself and quickly falling asleep.
When he woke up, after the momentary ‘where am I, what day is it, what’s happening’ panic of waking in yet another strange place yet again this year had subsided, he’d checked on Phil. The water bottle had been open and half-drained at some point, and the clothes he’d travelled in yesterday were dumped in a pile on the floor, but the man himself seemed to be back asleep. Smiling with relief, Dan had grabbed his toiletries bag from his case and gone into the bathroom for a shower, after brushing a quick kiss on Phil’s slightly-too-warm temple.
He hadn’t intended on waking his boyfriend, but best laid plans… Dan burst back into the bedroom, keen to ascertain how Phil was feeling, and if needed, how he could improve matters before their flight back to London.
“So. On a scale of sniffles to post-Playlist-Georgia-death-plague, how bad is it really?” He quips, reaching over from where he’s sat on his unmade bed to hand Phil the glasses his scrunched-up-eyes are looking for. Instead of thanks, Phil just tries to frown at him, before he winces, and a genuine frown settles on his paler-than-usual face. “Daa-aan. Just go catch a bloody Farfetch’d and leave me in peace to die.” Aha. Not all the things Dan had said to a semi-cognisant Phil had disappeared, it seemed. He’d held onto some of it at least, no matter if he looked pretty awful still, truth be told. “Headache? You want a drink? There’s coffee on the side, but I can fill your water bottle if you want...?” He watches as the frown intensifies, along with a definite downturn of the lips as Phil settles back against the headboard, pulling up the duvet to his shoulders. “Is that you saying it’s bad enough I need to bring you back some of those natural locally produced remedies we saw on the way out here.”
“You’re the wor-" The rest of the sentence is drowned in another coughing fit. Dan waits until it passes, not wanting his response to go unheard.
“Right. Cough medicine with added beetles and centipedes.”
“I’d honestly rather die” replies Phil, grimacing exaggeratedly, clutching his chest for added effect, before sticking out his tongue at Dan.
“Well, before you do, put this on and sit up whilst I film an intro before I go sacrifice my hair to get you some medicine. It’s so humid out there Phil, you don’t understand.”
“You’ll attract all the Tangelas then. Get loads of candies.”
“Yep, and in ten years if they ever update the game properly I’ll be able to evolve it.” He finishes, brandishing his phone in a still-shirtless Phil’s general direction as if it were a threat. “Now c’mon. No nipples on the gaming channel. Imagine the uproar if the little kids saw AmazingPhil all semi-naked…!” He’s still half-laughing as he starts filming the intro to the video.
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oldportfolio1 · 25 years
T’is The Season: Seasonal Business Ideas for Winter
Seasonal businesses seek to provide consumers with products and services that are typically consumed during an annual timeframe, and as the nation gears up for the most ‘most wonderful time of the year’ there are several annual trades for budding entrepreneurs to try this winter.
Decoration Services
As many people build rituals around setting up lights and decorating, this might seem like an undersubscribed service. However the latter months of the year are often the most busy and some people can’t find the time to get the tinsel down from the loft. Individuals with a penchant for decor could turn a profit by dressing homes
Snow Shovelling & Ploughing
A lot of people have difficulty shovelling their own snow as surfaces become dangerously slick, so individuals with the correct equipment can help safely clear driveways and patios in exchange for a fee. While snow ploughing follows a similar premise, it requires more specialised apparatus than shovelling. Moreover, ploughing is often required for commercial property and privately owned business and can be extremely profitable.
Winter Clothing
The winter can see the UK drop to subzero temperature for months, predictably this causes an upsurge in sales for items which can shield people from the adverse weather conditions that we face. Coats, thermal wear, gloves and scarves are in high demand throughout winter and henceforth is a brilliant idea for seasonal trading.
Party Planning
December is often referred to as party season due to the intensity of social activities ranging from extravagant New Year’s soirees to cheap and cheerful office christmas parties. For this reason, party planning is a skill set that comes in handy, especially around this time of year. Party planners don’t just book venues, they often find entertainment and plan seating arrangements, all while sticking to a pre arranged budget.
House Sitting
Most people visit family over the holiday period and whether they are separated by a small car journey or a long-haul flight, most homeowners like to ensure that their home, pets and possessions are secure. Individuals who are highly organised might gravitate towards house-sitting as routine is key to keeping plants watered, pets fed and rooms tidied.
Producing Speciality Foods
This time of year is almost synonymous with eating to excess and there is a wealth of speciality food that increases in popularity around the holiday period. Kosher food’s such as brisket and kugel are subject to higher demand in the run up to Hanukkah, and similarly turkey’s are scarce and often sold out approaching Christmas day. Recent trends have also seen a boom in vegan, gluten-free and non-GMO alternatives of holiday favourites.  
Home Weather Proofing
On a similar note, harsh winters often come unexpectedly which is why some homeowners choose to winterise their domiciles by taking a number of precautions such as buying grit and salt, wrapping their pipes and adding weather strips to minimise draught. Entrepreneurs with the correct equipment and know-how are able to make a tidy profit depending on the quality of their work and the amount of clients they receive.
Gift Wrapping
Gift wrapping booths are most frequently seen in department stores, but these shops often limit this to products bought from their store and usually only offer this service for smaller items. However, those who are good at crafts can offer the same service without limiting which gifts can be wrapped, making it more convenient and appealing for both those buying and unwrapping the present.
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