peachesgarden · 6 months
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that one mario all-stars ad where peach wears this glamorous dress
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alexturne · 1 year
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my heart melted in the heat
The cold winds of winter rush through the old college town. Miles drags himself through another shift at the dingy coffee shop, Rich's Beans, and he wishes for summer, for the day he is out of here. But when he gets a new coworker, a young guy named Alex, with pretty dark hair and even prettier dark eyes, life suddenly seems a little brighter.
Will Miles be able to keep his bubbling feelings under control or will his silly crush keep him warm during this season's freak thunderstorms?
Hello everyone!
We finally made it to posting day, and here is my contribution to the Big Bang!
Thank you to the amazing @xeorio for the incredible piece of artwork! I truly love it! It completely captures the Miles and Alex of this story, and I'm honoured that we got to work together on this!
Also, thank you to @coffeeandgays for the cute prompt! I hope I did it justice 😘
And a final thank you to my fellow organizers @elorianna @yellowloid and @coffeeandgays it's been a blast making this happen with you! 💖
I hope you'll enjoy this little story!
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Just checking in!
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Just a quick reminder that on Sunday 6th November there will be one last check point before the final deadline.
On Sunday we will ask all of you to share a little update as to how your writing and artistic creations are going.
So this is a call to reach out to your collaborators if you haven't already! Check in with each other. Remember that this is a wonderful community based collaborative effort, and we can't wait to see all the amazing creations!
As the final deadline and Big Bang posting day will be Sunday 11th of December and we will publish further instructions nearer the time – make sure you follow this blog for updates!
As always, don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Love, the BigBang team!
@elorianna @coffeeandgays @yellowloid and @alexturne
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aandriskobold · 1 year
Welcome to WEST-13: Session 0
A new MOTW campaign, set in a small and isolated mining community on Syn, a planet in the Dis-37 system in the far away WEST-13 galaxy, where the VHS (Vivid Holographic System) technology became obsolete long before the inhabitants of Syn could send the first shipment of prismatic glass which was their mission purpose.
Now the people of Syn live a simple life in which everyone knows everyone else. They fish, they farm, and on the weekends they explore the system and/or go to church, either by sitting in on Cinema Reformist VHS showings or taking a rocketship up to attend the Avant-Catholic Satellite Mass.
Join us for session 0, in which we get the gang together, receive some unexpected letters, go on a non-hostile hike and become the VOAT (victims of all time?). Let's just ignore what that little goth kid said about "survival rate of 1."
DISCOVERY SOLIS (they/he/any): The Flake
FLEETWOOD NOX (they/them): The Jury-Rigger
KUROSAWA CLAXON (they/them): The Professional (that's me!)
BLUES-JAZZ DANGO (he/they): The Spooky
SISTER MARY BLESS BOWIE (she/her): The Expert
And a variety of delightful NPCs played by our dear Keeper @saequis, who also drew some of the PCs so far!!
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[ID: pencil sketches of the characters. On the left Kurosawa looks down at a document. They're wearing a bomber jacket and a spiked choker, with their hair in messy space buns. On the right are busts of Sister Mary, a dark skinned old woman in a habit with an eyepatch, looking serious, and Fleetwood, who looks up inquisitively. They have light skin and a lean build and are wearing a vest and gloves, and their long hair is shaved on one side, with headphones over it. In the middle are full body sketches of Sister Mary, standing in her habit and holding a huge laser gun. Next to her Fleetwood squats, elbows on their knees, holding a massive wrench. End ID.]
Phew! This is a long one! A lot of setting up to get through. Please enjoy at your leisure.
DISCOVERY SOLIS (they/he/any): The Flake.
On Monday we meet Disco, a grandparent in their 60s with dark skin and long, braided grey hair, usually under a yellow sunhat or a headscarf while they work in the garden. Today they're taking care of their gaggle of grandkids and two dogs, Bao and Pierogi, when the phone rings. His wife Hartley is on the other end and says that he has a letter from the House of Accords:
Congratulations on your successful application to the Venture Office. You have been selected from a pool of literally dozens of similarly unknowing individuals to be a part of the new Venture Office Away Team. Bang! Please report to Rashomon Noa at the VO on Saturday next at wanetide for your mandatory induction. In the event that this telegram reaches you after Saturday next, please report to the VO last Saturday. Yours by mandate, Rashomon Noa, Venture Office Administrator
Disco is somewhat suprised as they never applied for this new position. But later in the week, at the Yesterwhile Museum where they work as an archivist, their colleague Gravity Song admits that she signed him up, since it's such an important job, but one she can't do herself as she's "frail as fuck." Disco, although upset that Gravity didn't ask, agrees to go along so long as Gravity takes on more responsibilities around the museum, particularly the training of Aldrin Rasputin, the new apprentice.
FLEETWOOD NOX (they/them): The Jury-Rigger
On Tuesday we meet Fleetwood Nox at their work at the rocketyard. They have long neon-green hair that's shaved on one side, and wear a white vest top, blue cargo pants, fingerless gloves - and headphones. All the time. After an uneventful day (except for their colleague, Rover, sticking a rivet through his hand), they head home to find the postwoman, Clancey Feng, sitting on their step with 63 "i-fucking-dentical" messages, which all came in yesterday. When they open them, they find each one the same: a successful application to the Venture Office. Except they didn't apply either. They fling the letters down on their workbench.
Later we learn that it was Fin Leppek, their supervisor, who applied on their behalf, among other colleagues, since Fleetwood has a reputation for the things around them exploding. It's never their fault, apparently, but it does make them a little bit of a liability when you're working in a rocketyard.
KUROSAWA CLAXON (they/them): The Professional
On Wednesday, Kurosawa Claxon walks home from their work as a location scout for the Syn Dramatic Society. They have long black hair in twin ponytails, and wear all black t-shirts, cargo pants and gun and knife holsters (it's a dangerous business) - but their bomber jacket and heart shaped sunglasses are pink. Their dads are playing ping-pong with the neighbours and their little sibling Cuaron is playing Pong in their room. Kurosawa convinces them to come out for lemonade and they point out the letter for Kurosawa: an invitation to the VO away team on Saturday night. Funny, because Kurosawa's been applying for a lot of stuff, all in the Dramatic Society, but not this. They assume it's another bid from their dads to get their life together, and decide to go along since maybe they'll spot some good spots for shooting on the way.
The next day, they meet their boss, the location manager Bruce Man, outside the foley studio where they're recording for a cyborg vampire romance. Bruce gives them a script for Snake Apocalypse 2 [a bare-faced reference to our old D&D campaign], tells them they can't read it but need to find 40 locations by next Tuesday. Kurosawa tries to play off the concern by saying they could use the weekend gig with the VO to find locations. Bruce reveals that he signed them up, because the VO have a spaceship - one that they can use for the benefit of the Dramatic Society.
BLUES-JAZZ DANGO (he/they): The Spooky
On Thursday evening, Blues-Jazz sits in their house in the middle of nowhere, making his daily broadcast which, today, is about gardening. They have hunched shoulders, shadowed eyes, bitten nails, long and tangled hair, and they wear cloaks and loose, patched clothes. After he finishes recording, he hears a yelp outside and gets a terrible premonition: something awful is going to happen. They hide under the bed.
There's a knock at the door and eventually Blues-Jazz opens the half a dozen locks to Clancey, the postwoman, who checks their identity before handing them a telegram just like the others. Clancey asks what he's doing all the way out here and tells them their family was asking after them. Blues-Jazz shuts the door.
Later, while he walks around the house and garden watering plants, he hears a voice. Jeeves, a man with a bushy mustache, appears sitting in the windowsill, at a kitchen chair, lying on the ceiling, and asks if he's going. Blues-Jazz says no, it's dangerous, they got a premonition and they don't know who signed them up for this, and throws the letter into the fire.
SISTER MARY BLESS BOWIE (she/her): The Expert
On Saturday morning, Sister Mary wakes up to the call to prayer of the Avant-Catholic church. She claims to be 42 but looks extremely elderly, and dresses in a full velvet black habit and a sequinned eyepatch. She's well renowned in the community for her actions during the UFO incident 30 years ago. She and her unwitting host, Ghibli Keller, eat breakfast before heading up to the satellite church.
The service is held in part of an old spaceship which orbits the planet of Syn, with fortified-stained-glass windows and a wall of amps for the band and choir. After the ceremony the Other Superior (Janet) approaches to exchange passive-aggressive insults and give Sister Mary a lettter, like the ones the others received, and one Sister Mary herself has gotten more than once over the years. Janet has signed her up to let her see more of the world and do more good in the community.
On Saturday at wanetide, Disco, Fleetwood, Kurosawa and SMBB meet at the Venture Office - all of them are late. When Disco raises his hand to knock, several miles away, Blues-Jazz gets a horrible feeling, another premonition of something awful [aka Bats got a snake-eyes on the first roll of the campaign].
Rashomon Noa, a tall lanky guy with a ginger combover, invites the four of them into a room full of precarious metal cabinets creakingly full of paperwork. This is where people file forms when they explore on the weekend, so that they can be rescued if necessary. This search-and-rescue is our new side gig, since we're the "most competent, most available people on the planet!" according to our colleagues. Rashomon says we have access to the Moondog, a small spaceship, strictly for emergencies only but open to modifications, with a look at Fleetwood. Kurosawa implores them not to blow up the ship, to which Fleetwood says "People don't really die on these things, none of us are going to die."
[I, X, want it on record that they said that in session 0 when it all inevitably goes south.]
Rashomon also mentions that a letter was sent to Blues-Jazz Dango, who none of the rest of the party know - unusal in a town of this size. They head out to track them down and get them onboard too, the more the merrier.
Speaking of Blues-Jazz, he's panicking about this intuitive bad feeling and calls home. Their mum picks up and reveals that she sent the application: "It needed someone who's willing to be a good person, who's thoughtful and considerate." They reply, "I don't want to hurt anyone again... this might lead to more of that." His mum says, "Bluejay, you never meant to hurt anyone." [half of the players are crying at this point.] Blues-Jazz hangs up, but not before agreeing when his mum asks if she can call again.
Meanwhile, the rest of the new VO Away Team take the tram out and trek through the forest to find Blues-Jazz's house/radio station, out in the boondocks where Fleetwood often scavenges and experiments.
When the team calls out, Beejee panics, looking for an escape route. Jeeves says he'd help, but he's "about as useful as a figment of your imagination." Beejee insists they aren't interested, but eventually the team talks them around, with the idea that they can at least make some fun mistakes in this line of work.
As Beejee steps out of the house, a young person with a red mohawk mullet, goth clothes, huge clompy-stompies and a bajillion piercings jumps from the roof: Oddity Ng, the field journalist of Black Body Radio, the pirate radio station, asks for an interview: "how do you feel about starting a job which has a survival rate of one person, ever?"
The Venture Office Away Team are finally united in trying to discredit this dipshit.
That's all for this time! Bonus dogs as a thank you for reading this far:
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[ID: a pencil sketch of two dogs. Bao stands, he is short and round with skinny legs and long ears, and a big bushy tail. Next to him Pierogi sits, he is tall with a long nose and ears and looks up haughtily. End ID.]
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fizhingtrawl · 10 months
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SMBB doodles
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embervoices · 4 months
WIP Tag Game
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder[s]. let people send you an Ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
* = Part of a fic/series posted either here or AO3 (EmberLeo)
~ = Co-written
A Mother's Love
GO Many Gods
*SS - Now What?
SMBB Outline (probably defunct)
Neverwhere Dreaming
*CoD - Din'an Hanin
*CoD - Fadewalkers' Journals
*Solas PoV Metric Fic
~CoD AU - The Forgotten Canticle
LessaLynn Outline
FUKH Outline
Confusingly, I KNOW I have more actual WiPs that aren't here. Where did the GO/SM Library AU go!?!
I suspect most of the writers I follow are already tagged by more prominent players than me, but in case I'm wrong, please join in if you see this!
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kris-the-yan · 7 months
Someday I'll unlock p-yanyan in smbb
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huasunsolar · 1 year
HJT Solar Cell
Extremely low temperature coefficient, No LID & PID.
Huasun HJT solar cell was made of ultra-thin N-type silicon wafer which employs SMBB and μc-Si technology. The maximum efficiency has reached 25.61% in mass prodution, and there is a clear path of efficiency improvement with huge potential.
Himalaya HJT Solar Cell
M6-12BB HJT Solar Cell
Thickness: 130土14μm
Max. Power of Single Piece: 6.80W
Max. Efficiency: 24.8%
G12-15BB HJT Solar Cell
Thickness: 130土20μm
Max. Power of Full Piece: 11.28W
Max. Efficiency: 25.6%
Characteristics of Huasun HJT Solar Cell
Higher Cell Efficiency
HJT cell uses α-Si thin-film as passivation materials to reduce the loss caused by the migration, which increases the open circuit voltage to 750mV.
Natural Symmertrical Bifacial Structure
Up to 95% bifaciality faciliates more sunlight to be captured and converted into power on the backside.
Superior Temperature Coefficient
The temperature coefficient of Huasun HJT himalaya cell is -0.26%/℃, which ensures more power output in high temperature environment.
SMBB Technology
Minimize the path of flowing current and lower resistance-related power losses, further improving cell efficiency.
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0 notes
luxcoenergy · 1 year
Jinko Solar Tiger Neo N-Type 440W Black Frame 108 Half-Cut Cells Mono (JKM440N-54HL4-V)
✅SMBB Technology ✅PID Resistance ✅Durability Against Extreme Environmental Conditions ✅Hot 2.0 Technology ✅Enhanced Mechanical Load ✅25* Year Product Warranty ✅30 Year Linear Power Warranty
Contact your account manager or give us a 📞 ring on 1300 859 938 to book your stock now 📦. 📧 Email us at [email protected] 💻 Visit: www.luxcoenergy.com.au
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pakjobscareer · 2 years
SMBB Institute of Trauma Karachi FCPS / MCPS Postgraduate Training 2022 October / November Apply Online Latest
SMBB Institute of Trauma Karachi FCPS / MCPS Postgraduate Training 2022 October / November Apply Online Latest
SMBB Institute of Trauma Karachi FCPS / MCPS Postgraduate Training 2022 October / November Apply Online Latest Positions: === FCPS-II Training === Anesthesiology Orthopedic Surgery Radiology Thoracic Surgery Emergency Medicine Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery === MCPS Training === Anesthesiology Radiology City / Location: Jobs in Karachi, Sindh SMBB Institute of Trauma Karachi FCPS / MCPS…
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noorwalibaz · 2 years
ogdcl jobs 2022 - ogdcl jobs 2022 karachi
ogdcl jobs 2022 – ogdcl jobs 2022 karachi
ogdcl jobs 2022 – ogdcl jobs 2022 karachi. Ogdcl jobs 2022. Aissitant engineer jobs. Technician jobs. Technical jobs. Karachi jobs. jobs in karachi trauma center karachi jobs 2022 – smbb trauma center karachi jobs 2022 ogdcl jobs 2022 – ogdcl jobs 2022 karachi Jang classified sunday 9 october Driver jobs Jang classified sunday 9 october jobs – security jobs Jang classified sunday jobs 9 october…
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alexturne · 2 years
Shadow Monkeys Big Bang 2022 Update
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Hello everyone!
As many of you have noticed, trickztr has sadly deactivated her account and has withdrawn from the BigBang project. Of course we are so sad to see her go, but mental health comes first, and we only want her to be happy and healthy. We wish her all the best ❤️
To help keep this amazing fandom project going, @elorianna, @coffeeandgays, @yellowloid and I (@alexturne) have offered to step in and take over the organizing of this event, and we will soon be able to make a more official announcement with further instructions.
For now, two announcements:
The BigBang is still very much happening! Keep writing, keep going, and in short time we will return with more info.
To make up for the time lost to this transitional period, and to make sure everyone has enough time to finish everything, the final deadline will be pushed back a couple of weeks. We will announce the new date soon, so stay tuned for more info!
Also, please don't hesitate to ask any one of us if you've got questions.
We hope you're all still as excited and invested in this as we are, and we can't wait to see all of your amazing creations!
We will return shortly with more info!
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Artist picks update!
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Hello everyone! 💖
The deadline for artists to submit their priorities has ended, and we are here to bring you a little update!
Thank you so much to everyone who submitted their picks. We've got your choices, and are currently working to assign all writers with artists/mixers/vidders, and ensuring every writer has at least one collaborator.
We will return shortly with more info, so stay tuned and keep an eye out for this blog where we will be posting the next update. Also make sure to check the email you provided on the forms, as this is where we will be sending the info on your collaborators, so you can start working together as a team.
As always, please don't hesitate to reach out here on the blog, or to any one of the organizers if you've got questions! ✨
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jobustad · 2 years
Latest Jobs in SMBB Institute October 2022 - Shaheed Mohterma BB Institute Jobs
Latest Jobs in SMBB Institute October 2022 – Shaheed Mohterma BB Institute Jobs
Jobs Description Latest Jobs in SMBB Institute October 2022 has been announced through the latest advertisement and looking for Interested, Dynamic, Experience, Brilliant Candidate to Full fill these Positions with a Handsome salary Package and Allowances According to Department Policies. Candidates who are interested and prepared to enroll for these available opportunities are encouraged to…
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Go read a SMBB
A…Super Magical Birthday Book?
0 notes
supermassivebigbang · 2 years
The prompts are in, the pressure is on... Anyway, here's all you need to know, and if there's something that isn't here, feel free to ask away!
Monday 28th - Domesticity
Tuesday 29th - Striptease
Wednesday 30th - Insecurities
Thursday 31st - Venomous
Friday 1st - Hands
Saturday 2nd - Tradition
Sunday 3rd - Spa
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On submitting fanfiction: If you’re posting via Tumblr - include #hoathemeweek in your tags, as well as the prompt, followed by the day of the week and the date (e.g. #DomesticityMonday28th). You can also include the latter in the title or the body of your post, if you like. If you’re posting via AO3 - essentially the same as above in regards to the tags. Including the prompt in the title or the notes would also be appreciated (but not required). Additionally, you can submit your fic to the official HoA Theme Week collection here. On submitting fanart: Exactly the same as for fanfiction when posting via Tumblr, with the added note that if you’re submitting nsfw material you 1)tag appropriately (you don’t need to tag it #nsfw as that will essentially hide it from all tumblr searches, but do make sure viewers know what they’re in for) 2) hide the fullview under the readmore line, or alternatively, post the full art on another platform and link the fullview in your tumblr post. On submitting other types of fanworks (music videos, collages, playlists, etc.): Pretty much the same thing, honestly, tag it as #hoathemeweek and the corresponding prompt & day, either embed it directly into your tumblr post or link to it from wherever you put it up and voilá! On all of these: Once you’ve done the previously described steps for the type of fanwork you’re posting, use the submit function on this blog to send it to us! I recommend posting it on your own tumblr and submitting to us a post with a link, so we can reblog the original. However, if you’ve only posted on AO3 (or another platform), you don’t need to create a dedicated tumblr post (or even a dedicated tumblr) to submit, you can simply link to it in your submission (just don’t forget to tick the appropriate tags). However, if you’re submitting as a non-tumblr user, remember to include a working email and, preferably, a username on whatever platform you’re using to submit your creation so you can be credited appropriately. When to submit: Ideally, on the day of the prompt. But if you do it later in the week, don’t worry, that’s still ok. Just tag it with the corresponding prompt + day. What NOT to submit: I’m going to make an assumption that most of the lovely people in this fandom have common sense and just want to have fun. In case there are those who don’t, here is a simple guideline:
Don’t submit anything that is offensive just for the sake of offending (content with adult/dark themes is fine, just tag it appropriately).
Don’t spam the submission box (by spamming I mean sending the same thing over and over again. If you’ve got several fanworks, by all means, send them as separate submissions).
Don’t submit things that have nothing to do with the topic at hand (aka. House of Ashes Theme Week, its prompts, the House of Ashes fandom).
If that’s all good with you, good luck and have fun!
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What exactly is a theme week?
It’s an event where artists and writers make creations based on prompts, and post/submit them on the days that correspond to said prompts.
Do I have to register to participate?
No registration will be necessary, anyone who wants to participate can do so.
Do I have to commit to the entire week?
Absolutely not! You can post as many submissions as you like, for as many of the days of Theme Week as you like.
How will I be able to submit my creation?
Use the submit function to: either submit a post or send us a link to your own tumblr post so we can reblog. Don’t forget to tag your post #hoathemeweek so it’s easier to find!
What kind of fanwork will I be able to submit?
Any genre (fics, digital art, traditional, vids, collages, etc) is good, as long as it’s something that can be posted.
How many fanworks can I submit for this event?
As many as your heart desires, for any/all of the prompts involved.
Are NSFW submissions accepted?
Honestly, being the happy bunch of horny feral rats that we are, we’re looking forward to any kind of smut/erotica/porn. We only ask that 1) you tag responsibly 2) if your art is nsfw, post it with a preview, and hide the full view under the cut/read more. Alternatively, you can put it up on a different platform and simply link it in your Tumblr post.
What are you going to do with all the fanworks submitted for this event?
Reblog them, tag them, and link to them in a single post so they can be displayed for everyone’s viewing/reading/listening pleasure.
(art by the talented @thewolfmanny)
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