thesmelllabberlin · 7 years
Smell Lab
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tomluyten · 7 years
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Inspiring night @spektrum_berlin during the smell lab Meetup. Thanks for having us! #smell #sweat #berlin #meetup #smelllab http://ift.tt/2ACP6He
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smelllab-blog · 7 years
New Adventures
Dear friends & colleagues,
It is with heavy heart that I must share with you my decision to leave the smell lab community Spektrum Berlin.
It is hard to believe that 2 years ago I founded and started this wonderful project with a bunch of enthusiasm and passion. I have loved curating and organizing many of the meet ups and projects such as collected smells, connected smells, and the fabulous last community showcase, the Smell Games night.
I would like to thank Spektrum and my former colleagues for the time and space we shared and I wish them all the best with the future of the lab.
Now, it is time for a new adventure! I am heading off to begin my next chapter! Lots of new scented projects and collaborations are warm in the oven!  Such as the Aroma Lab, in collaboration with Mediamatic, and the Experimental Scent Summit, in collaboration with The Institute for Art and Olfaction.
I will continue with my independent Smell Lab (olfactory) activities like workshops, talks, presentations and exhibitions.
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I am open and looking forward to new sensory and scented collaborations & collaborators!
Let’s keep in touch and maybe we work together in a near future?
Best regards,
Klara Ravat
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smelllab-blog · 8 years
Smell Lab #14
11 / October / 2016
Session dedicated to the design students of the university of Postdam.
The students showed the projects they were bussy with during their introduction week at the school and also took part of a sound & smell experiment by Klara Ravat.
Organized by Klara Ravat in cooperation with Spektrum. With support by the Senatskanzlei - Kulturelle Angelegenheiten / Spartenübergreifende Förderung künstlerischer und kultureller Projekte.
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smelllab-blog · 8 years
Smell Lab #13
During the Smell Lab #13 Ramina Puzhicha made an introduction to her project per se and DIALOGUES.
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The evening started with a short meditation in order to prepare our senses, we where then ready to Smell and experience Ramina’s creams. These creams are super detailed compositions about the 4 elements present in nature: earth, water, fire and air.
Her formulations were specially produced to be used together with a sound piece by the artists Tatsumi Ryusui.
She ask us to write down our associations when applying the creams to our skin.
Results extracted from her blog:
#1 – dark blue/green, dense forest, overgrown garden, late summer in an abandoned town
#2 – purple/lilac, fresh/cold, winter garden, sleepy, night, snow
#3 – rotten fruit, dark, soil, geraniums, grandmothers garden, daylight
#4 – birthday cake, warm, cofee, cream, pink, exuberance, orange
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Thank you so much Ramina for the lovely and deep experience you brought to the Smel Lab!
Klara Ravat
Organized by Klara Ravat in cooperation with Spektrum. With support by the Senatskanzlei - Kulturelle Angelegenheiten / Spartenübergreifende Förderung künstlerischer und kultureller Projekte.
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smelllab-blog · 8 years
Connected Smells show video documentation!
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