poeticifi · 6 months
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poeticifi · 6 months
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poeticifi · 6 months
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poeticifi · 2 years
Blisters sting,
piercing deep into my luscious skin.
The wrinkles of this mountain
are beneath me,
the red liquid
snaking down both legs.
I recall those bitter night treks,
choked with deadly whispers
as I take a walk in the clouds.
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poeticifi · 3 years
Dazzle me with your aura
suspense weakens me.
my heart heats up in impatience by the minute.
the other day, when the flowers spoke about you, they expelled the fragrance of admiration.
the birds in a tweet assured me
that I shall be bamboozled at your wonder.
I am itching to meet your acquaintance.
save me from this flood of anxiousness
before it drowns my existence.
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poeticifi · 3 years
Stages of pregnancy
Pregnancy occurs gradually. It comprises of life developing in a woman’s body, assuming a host there and sharing everything with her from nutrients to food and even emotions, sometimes. I will explain this shortly. Pregnancy lasts for nine months, all things being equal. In the case where it lasts longer, then it is said to be delays. Nine months is also calculated to be 37 weeks. This means of…
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poeticifi · 3 years
What people tell you about pregnancy..🙀🙀🙀
During my first pregnancy, I had several worries. I wondered what labour would feel like. Would it be hitting, painful or easy? I wondered how my baby would pop out. During the antenatal clinic sessions, I got the answers I needed. Let me first point that there are several teachers in the sessions. I am talking of the nurses, physicians, dieticians, nutritionists and even the pregnant women…
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poeticifi · 3 years
How pregnancy reconditioned our bodies
You may be wondering why heading I used “our” instead of “my” in the heading. Well, this may come as a surprise to you but my husband experienced some symptoms of pregnancy🤭🤭🤭. I am trying hard not to laugh here. Back then, I felt sorry for him, though. We both stayed up at night feeling uncomfortable. He felt like vomiting often, just like me. This occurred during my first pregnancy. My body…
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poeticifi · 3 years
Here is what I did...#3
Here is what I did…#3
My appearance changed… In the course of pregnancy, a lot happened to my body. Hormones responsible for reproduction conditioned my body in preparation for the baby. I used to weight 55kg and I began to increase in weight. Each time I went for checkup, I noticed this. Within a short period, I began to weigh 65kg. When I have appetitete for a meal or snack, I eat it voraciously. 😋 Till I feel…
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poeticifi · 3 years
Here is what happened...
Here is what happened…
In the cause of pregnancy, one would realize a lot of things. You will realize how fragile you are. Do not take this the wrong way because I do not mean to scare you. Of a truth, an expectant mother should be handled with care. Many commandments might keep you out of trouble. When you wake up, drink lots of water. Do only pregnancy-friendly exercises. Others may be too vigorous for your…
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poeticifi · 3 years
It’s 2:45 am. You find yourself up. Tired and probably hungry yet you are not sure you will want to eat for fear of vomiting. You do not feel happy for some reason. Headache comes again. “Why does it have to be like this?” You wonder as you reach out for your pain reliever only to put your hand back to your side, recalling the doctor’s strict warning about popping pain relievers during the first…
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poeticifi · 3 years
Here is what happened...
Here is what happened…
Yesterday I said I will narrate my ordeal with canned foods during pregnancy. It is a story I will not forget. I had cravings for canned sardines and I purchased it. I cannot recall what I ate it with but I had been cautious in my selection because the pregnancy was in the first phase. I think I slept off as a result and somehow forgot to transfer the remnants of the canned food into another…
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poeticifi · 3 years
LADIES CAN YOU RELATE TO THIS? #2 in this series...
LADIES CAN YOU RELATE TO THIS? #2 in this series…
Upon realization that your body has evolved, you may need to take a pregnancy test to ascertain if you are expecting a child or not. You could take a test at home where you will need a strip or go to the hospital for a blood test. If you are using a pregnancy strip, there are indications on the strip to let you know if you are pregnant or not. First, you have to be sure that the strip is not…
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poeticifi · 3 years
It would be rude to start a story and not finish or should I have said, unfair? Many things occurred in the course of my pregnancy. As a mother of two, I had been preoccupied before the arrival of my third baby. To be honest, as much as I love exercising, I was not as frequent. At the initial stage of the pregnancy, I had my job. I commuted to and from work with my children. It took roughly…
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poeticifi · 3 years
Ignorance grew as trees irrigated by the blood of "outlaws"
who dared to ask questions.
who dared to grab time by her hands and tweak a bit, in a bid to hasten her.
Mother earth's mouth was forced widè open to be drunken in her children's blood while the crowd jeered on.
With bloodshot eyes, they could not see light disappear.
Those whose sight was as bright as a mole'.
Plucked these "outlaws" forcefully from the tree of life.
The tree stood barren, barren, barren of ideas and life.
Mother is intoxicated. The moles serve her more drinks, I wonder, will she ever get a hangover?
(To all the women who dared to dream and were executed for their ideas. To all the people who dared to dream and got cut short because of ignorance. Happy women equality day)
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poeticifi · 3 years
Ignorance grew as trees irrigated by the blood of "outlaws"
who dared to ask questions.
who dared to grab time by her hands and tweak a bit, in a bid to hasten her.
Mother earth's mouth was forced widè open to be drunken in her children's blood while the crowd jeered on.
With bloodshot eyes, they could not see light disappear.
Those whose sight was as bright as a mole'.
Plucked these "outlaws" forcefully from the tree of life.
The tree stood barren, barren, barren of ideas and life.
Mother is intoxicated. The moles serve her more drinks, I wonder, will she ever get a hangover?
(To all the women who dared to dream and were executed for their ideas. To all the people who dared to dream and got cut short because of ignorance. Happy women equality day)
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poeticifi · 3 years
It's a long way down for you and me
considering the numerous rungs on the ladder upon which we climbed.
Look how far we came amidst the cold and heat. Amidst the gains and storms
climates have transformed, life wears a new skin.
Now time is calling, waiting for hearts to respond
Now time is calling waiting for hearts to respond.
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