#smexy dae
behindabook2807 · 1 month
Chapter 3 is here! “Do it! Blake”
Big monsters coming out to play. Did Blake actually leave?
If you saw @dae-stuff WIP yesterday, here’s the finished piece! Thank you Dae for feeding us, these smoking hot Helsing bees🐝 Badass Yang! She’s was to hot in her fedora hat 🔥🔥💛 I could never get enough of how beautiful Blake looks 😻 Both are absolutely stunning 🖤💛
Follow her on Twitter: @dae_stuff
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jjungkookislife · 1 year
So I’m not sure how well I am going to answer this but I will try my best and I’ll answer them all cause why not 🤷‍♀️
1. Okay, now this is so difficult cause I love a lot of your work but if I REALLY HAVE TO CHOOSE SOME 🫢😂
• The Nanny - cause of dad!Jin and baby Dae-hyun 🥹 need I say more? Lol and it’s also the fic that led me to you so that’s that
• Butterfly Tattoo Studio - do I really need a reason? It’s the boys AS TATTOO ARTISTS. I love the whole idea of this story and its characters. The MC is also open-minded about the boys’ relationship which made me love her even more. I really loved this and am actually patiently waiting if and when you update it, no pressure though ☺️
•Ho-Ho-Home Series - cause what’s NOT to love? It’s Minnie as the cutest most amazing human and the bestest bf/husband 🥺
Whew 😮‍💨 that took me so much time cause it was so hard to choose only three 😣
2. • The Nanny - the last one cause everything’s good and fluffy and she’s finally moving in 😁
• Butterfly Tattoo Studio - can’t really choose, both were amazing plus, the texts were also fun to read
• HHH Series - well, it’s a one shot so that’s already my fav chap lol 😂 but I guess I’ll just pick my fav drabble and it’s between Birthday boy cause he had the best birthday ever 🥰 and Pain cause it just showed again how amazing he is as a bf 😩
3. I have to choose HHH Jimin cause I can’t help but fall in love with his entire being in the story🫣
4. I’m gonna go with Little Mouse💜Jk and Crybaby💜Joonie just cause both couples are adorable for me
5. None. I read them all 😉
6. When I read your work Shadow, I automatically thought of Shego and Dr. Drakken and found out that it was based on them. I really loved that. And I also could not get enough of that couple, they were chaotic and adorable together 😍
7. Tongue Like Candy, cause I didn’t know it was gonna end that way. I really thought it was gonna have a happy ending so I got blindsided with the ending. Don’t know if you still plan on writing a continuation of this in the future but I just want to say that I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you did 👀😂
8. That you have this ability to mix smexy scenes with fluffy ones, and I just can’t help but love the story and the couple in your work more and more 😌
9. I don’t really have anything specific. I always get excited when you post something new or update an ongoing fic. I literally am just thankful to anything you share with us despite being busy so thank you so much for that ☺️
10. I also don’t have an exact answer for this and I did enjoy it but I guess MC with Hobi along with the other boys. The whole Butterfly Tattoo Studio Series was really interesting when I first saw it. The whole idea behind it along with each of the characters shown was really refreshing. I didn’t know I would love it as much as I did after reading it.
11. Nothing in particular, I would honestly love anything you write so feel free to post and share anything you like when you want to 😊
12. I think I’ve re-read most of your work from time to time when I miss them but I always do it when you update an ongoing fic to refresh my memory on that story.
13. I mean I’m not really that active here in Tumblr but I have reblogged every fic of yours when I first read them and I think I recommended and told some of my friends your stories cause I really loved them.
14. I think I mentioned it above already but it’s Butterfly Tattoo Studio
15. Don’t really have anything with a specific work but can I ask what are your current wips? Like what stories are you planning to work on this year? No pressure by the way, just curious. You can choose not to answer this if you don’t want to disclose it or you’re not sure what to answer.
Anyways, I hope I answered them all correctly and that it didn’t get cut. This took me much longer that I thought it would but I hope it came out okay and complete ☺️
ah <33 this made me so happy! thank you! I'm so glad you enjoy the nanny and that's the fic you found me with <3 I've been working on it here and there so hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon <3
ah BTS I've also been working on the next chapter and i adore them all, especially Jimin's character lmao and HHH I've been thinking of them a lot! I reread it all recently and ugh he's just the sweetest. I have a drabble for them at JK's bar that I'm working on next <3
I'm glad you enjoy those chapters! <3 and the texts as well. i feel like they're so easy to write for in butterfly :)
Jimin in HHH is just the bestest boy! I swear he makes me delulu every now and again 'cause he's a sweetie!
i adore LM!JK so much, he was so shy and sweet! and then Joon in Crybaby! I think that's one of my top 3 Joons <3 I'm happy you like them! :) and thank you for reading all my fics too!
oof i have a lot of series i need to work on lol i just get so excited i post before they're done and then take ages to finish them (if i do) but yes Shadow, i adore them, there's some angst coming around but I've been working on their fic here and there and i have it plot(ted?) out but just writing it the way i want is hard lol
ah yes! it kind of ended abruptly but the OC definitely didn't want to hurt her brother and i have been working on a part 2/conclusion i just got stuck with it and then i hated what i wrote so i had to rewrite some and i got stuck again lmao I'll have to have a look at it soon.
i love writing fluff and smut the most, just couples being happy and in love and just all over each other. i try not to do too much angst especially without happy endings 'cause it hurts my heart :(
ahhh you're an angel, thank you <3
piercer!hobi just came out of nowhere tbh and it was just supposed to be a one shot but then i got an idea for the second chapter with jungkook and tae and of course Jimin !
<33 thank you! that means so much to me! and thank you for reblogging and recommending my fics <33
I'm working on The Nanny, TLC, my collab fic Bad Decisions will be out tomorrow, the last chapter of milk! should be out in February, i think i have a one shot called La Boda and a second/last part of Ah, Mr. Kim :)
thank you so much for taking the time to send this in and writing all that out! I was so happy to read this this morning! Thank you <3 I hope you stay safe and get lots of rest and I hope you enjoy bad decisions tomorrow <3
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How would the (poly) Ro’s react to Mc asking if she could have an intimate moment alone (smexy time 😏) with the other Ro in the poly? Like not in a ‘locking out the other ro forever’ but simply asking if they would be fine with ‘occasionally it being between the 2 instead of always 3 (not always the same who’s locked out)) Who would have difficulty with it/is fine with it/ simply refuses?
I’ve had a similar ask about Dae and Elly before! Here’s the answer for those too:
As for the MS poly, Morkai and Straasa don’t have a problem going one on one with the MC, and there would be no difficulty with it. Morkai might get a bit flustered at times and want to join, but he can restrain himself and wait for his own turn😂
And in the MD poly, the same would apply as in the DE poly. Dae is the one having the most difficulty with this. But as time passes and she gets more secure in the relationship and the love she shares with the other two, she won’t be so insecure about it.
Thanks for the ask!
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